Jul-03 Ramananda Samvada 96
Jul-03 Ramananda Samvada 96
Jul-03 Ramananda Samvada 96
Swamiji has ordered me to help, so I have only come for this. I have not arranged
anything, he hasarranged for me to come to all Western countries. I have nothing, I
don't have a single paise, today Ihave no paisa, no farthing, no nothing, but Krsna
is managing everything. So really, if I am likeHanuman then I could show my heart,
but I cannot do. But you can have faith in me that I havenever come for all these
You can give so much help to ISKCON, if they need money. I want to strengthen
ISKCON, realISKCON, and to help. If I can I will serve ISKCON. I feel so much
fortunate to help Swamiji, serveSwamiji in his life from 1946. I never wanted
anything in return from him. Without worldly gain.
But I wanted something. What The love of Divine Couple, only that. And I think that
They are somerciful to give some sprinkles on my heart of this pure devotion. So I
don't want any worldlydesire, nothing. I only want to serve Srimati Radhikas lotus
feet. This is my goal, the aim of mylife. I have decided what my goal of life is.
Anyone cannot take that away.
Krsna came, and there were so many problems from Kamsa, Jarasandha, Duryodhana, and
all, butHe went direct to His goal. Dharma sams [Sanskrit]
To give his real divine love to all. Even totrees also. So my mission is this.
There is nothing to fear from me. I am not like tigers and all other things. Im
very, very simple. Idon't know politics, I have not gone to colleges to learn
politics, anything, not ever diplomacy andduplicity. Never, never I can do. So what
I have learned, what I have received from my disciplicguru acarya, from Caitanya
Mahaprabhu, Rupa Gosvami.
I want to give you what I have realized, and to help you like Swamiji. Swamiji was
an ocean ofknowledge, ocean of bhakti, ocean of all these endless. I am standing on
that shore, and onlypeering. I am not like so. So something I will take from that
ocean, I will try to give you, likepostman.
Now, Im feeling so glad to meet you all. All are helping me. Coming to hear me.
This is help.
Once Prabhupada, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati thakura told to all his disciples,
so manythousands who had gathered to hear him. He did pranama to all: vanca kalpa.
You are all myguru. My siksa-guru. If you aren't here, I could not have told any
hari-katha to you, any pastimesof Krsna. I am glad that you are assisting me, and
giving me help, an inspiring me to tell hari-katha,so you are all my guru. They all
bowed to the lotus feet of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati thakura.
Then he has not known Krsna, hes enemy of Krsna and Krsna-bhakti. But one thing. It
is the door.
> He has thus enjoined that we should not perform religious or irreligious
activities asprescribed in the Vedas. The best course is to engage always in the
service of Lord Krsna andRadharani. That is the perfection of everything in this
life. Similarly in the Srimad-Bhagavatam[4.29.46]
it is said by Narada Muni: yada yasyanugrhnati bhagavan atma-bhavitah sa jahati
matimloke vede ca parinisthitam. "When one actually takes to the loving service of
the Lord he gives upall duties in the material world, as well as all duties
prescribed in the Vedic literatures. In this wayone is fixed in the service of the
Lord. "[Madhya 8.63] Srila Gurudeva: Then he told that jnana-misra-bhakti is
sadhya-sa, mixed with bhakti and jnana,this is the sadhya. What is this salvation
What is that salvation Mixing with brahma. Ahambrahmasmi. This. But we will have to
give this also. So brahma-bhutah prasannatma na socati nakanksati samah sarvesu
bhutesu mad-bhaktim labhate param [B-g 18.54 & Madhya 8.65] First youshould read
the purport of this sloka, and then I will explain.
*Devotee*:In Bhagavad-gita it is said that a person who accepts the theory of
monism-being always engagedin empiric philosophical discussions about spiritual
life becomes joyful and is relieved from all material lamentation and hankering. At
that stage one is equipoised. He sees all living entities asspiritual beings. After
attaining this elevated stage one can attain pure devotional service. Theconclusion
is that devotional service mixed with ritualistic fruitive activity is inferior to
spiritualservice based on empiric philosophic discussion.
Srila Gurudeva: Here Caitanya Mahaprabhu has told that in this jnana-misra-bhakti,
mixed bhaktiwith jnana, jnana (knowledge) is prominent. When it comes no worldly
desires. No soka moyabhaya not to fear. And he thinks equal everywhere. Sama-darsi
he becomes. And after that, if hehas a bona fide son of Vaisnava, then he can reach
to para-bhakti. Para-bhakti, prema-bhakti.
If a person thinks him bona fide Vaisnava, but hes not honoring Vaisnavas of any
form, if they aredishonoring anyone, they are making offenses. If they will chant
harinama abisanta, abisantameaning "without stopping day and night", "continuously,
then they cant wash their heart and
Otherwise not. They cannot have pure bhakti. So we should try to realize all these
Caitanya Mahaprabhu at once told, "Oh, this is also external. Go on. " Why He told
Because norelation of Krsna, no Krsna consciousness is here. But if Vaisnava sanga
is there, bona fideVaisnava sanga, who does not make any offense to any Vaisnava,
Ramanuja, Visnuswami,Madhvacarya, what to tell of our Gaudiya Vaisnava. Even a
person who is not a bona fideVaisnava, and only chanting harinama, having first
initiation, even if he has not been initiated andis only chanting Hare Krsna, Hare
Krsna sometimes, he should be honored. If hes initiated thengive honor by doing
pranama, and also by mind. And if hes pure Vaisnava, if he does not haveego, does
not make offenses, no ill-doing to anyone, not ill-speaking of anyone,
alwaysremembering Krsnas pastimes here and chanting Hare Krsna, then you must serve
by mind, byheart, by all senses, like prana bandhu. Prana bandhu means dear
beloved, and we can be ready togive our head for his service, everything. So give
respect to these three, to kanistha, madhyama, anduttama.
So if anyone is not initiated at all, and hes also doing something nonsense.
Worldly path, scene, butyet he should be honored.Api cet su-duracaro, bhajate mam
ananya-bhak, sadhur eva samantavyah, samyag vyavasito hi sah" [B-g. 9.30 & Bhag.
2.9.26] Even she can be a prostitute, evena lusty person, but if shes chanting
Krsnas name, she should be honored, don't hate. You shouldnot mix with her, don't
mix, don't take any hari-katha, but you should honor from her, that, "Oh,shes
coming in our line. "Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura has. I think that Swamiji has
done so good purport for this sloka:api cet su-duracaro. You can read in his books.
So here hes telling that if jnana is mixed with bhakti we should give up all these
things. If bhakti ismixed with karma, yoga, tapasya, anything, we should give up
all these things. It is not good. Whatis called mixed There are three kinds of
bhakti. Pure bhakti, that is svarupa-siddha bhakti. You cannote in your heart. And
then sanga-siddha bhakti. What is the English meaning..
Srila Gurudeva: Sanga-siddha means, really not bhakti. But if these qualifications
are with bhaktithen it is sanga-siddha bhakti. Like to be trnad api sunicena.
Understand A man is trnad apisunicena, he has so many qualities, he never speaks
lies, he never cheats anyone, hes so sweetnature, all these things. Very tolerable.
He does not want any pratistha, honor for himself, andgiving all respect to others.
All qualities are there. But if there is no bhakti then all qualities are likezero.
And if there is bhakti, then these qualities are called sanga-siddha bhakti.
And then aropa-siddha bhakti. What is aropa-siddha bhakti If karma or jnana are
prominent, andbhakti is there like servant, and no sravanam, kirtanam, smaranam,
vandana, then it is calledaropa-siddha. Lets give an example. Swamiji told that you
should distribute my books, you shouldmake a gosala for protecting cows and serving
cows, and make a school, English school foranything. Really they aren't bhakti.
These aren't bhakti. It is not written anywhere that these arebhakti. But they may
be bhakti. When When it will be connected with bhakti. Like we aresupporting so
many cows. And all the milk is coming is coming for Krsna and devotees, and used
inservice in Krsna and devotees, then that cow-keeping is connected with bhakti,
then it will havesome fruit. Otherwise you are supporting so many cows, lakhs and
lakhs cows, but not connectedwith Krsna, and devotees, and devotion, so it is like
zero. You will have to be cow in the next birth.
If a man is selling and distributing lakhs and lakhs of books, but hes not going
inside the book,what is there, and hes not tasting anything, and hes not realizing
what is in this book, then it willbe.
Swamiji has written in his books, you can see there. It is better, it will give
some sukrti, but its notreally bhakti. So lakhs and lakhs sukrti, then after some
births you will have sadhu-sanga. And insadhu-sanga we will go to bhakti. So
Swamiji told that they are very expert in these things, let themdo, and sukrti will
come, and then somehow they will see what is there. Then they will taste
thesethings, and they will also distribute books, doing all the services, milking
cows, everything, andeverything will aid their bhakti, and all these will go to
real bhakti.
But if anyone after seeing all these things. I know so many devotees in India, and
out of India,that were very famous, very learned, very expert, doing so many sevas,
service to their Gurudevas,and everyone by these external affairs, and external
things. But I don't see them now. Where theyhave gone They are alive, but no
connection with Krsna consciousness.
So we must follow Swamijis orders and his teachings, that go inside. What He saw
that he wasdistributing, and he saw 'sadhu-sanga sadhu-sanga'-sarva sastre kaya,
lava-matra sadhu-sangesarva-siddhi haya [Madhya 22.54] What is the meaning You can
tell what the meaning is.
*Devotee*: All the sastras say that the most important aspect for advancing in
bhakti is sadhu-sanga,advanced sadhu-sanga.
Srila Gurudeva: Or a moment sadhu-sanga will be sarva-siddhi, Krsna-prema also will
be given.
Like Valmiki, like others, like Jagai, Madhai. So hes telling, Mahaprabhu told eho
bahya. "This isalso externally, go on, go on. Quickly go on. " We don't want to
waste our time. So RayaRamananda told
> This is a very good sloka. Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Yes, yes, yes. But not in
so happy mood.
*Srila Gurudeva*: Dont cut, but it has been written. You should give so much heavy,
strong argument that his tongue should be cut, and he will stop doing it. Like
Hanuman, he was powerful.
He saw that, "Oh, Ravana has stolen by istadevi, Ramas wife. " He went there, and
took fire andburnt the golden Lanka, everything. But yet he is bona fide Vaisnava,
trnad api sunicena. We knowthat Vyasa of Sri Caitanya-lila, Vrndavana dasa Thakura,
also he has said. Eto pari hari gunja papi. [Sanskrit-I couldnt catch the verse or
find it on folio]
. You should tell what I told.
Pundarika: Here Vrndavana dasa Thakura is saying if such a person commits a offense
like this,then I should kick his head with my feet.
Srila Gurudeva: So, here in this sloka, very deep meaning. Visvanatha Cakravarti
telling, and JivaGosvami, Sanatana Gosvami have explained so much. I am giving only
something. If I will explainthis sloka, I think that the whole five days will be
spent hearing and explaining, so Im only givingoutline. Very deep meanings.
Jnane prayasam udapasya. We know that if anyone tells that I am Brahma, aham
brahmasmi. Soham, so 'ham. Sarva ko Brahman, everything is brahma. We are also
brahma, you are alsobrahma. This is against bhakti principles. We should not do.
These are offenses. But here it has not,enough has been told for that jnana
nivesasa, nirakara, not this.
Here it has been told that jnani, tattva-jnana, Krsna is Supreme Personality of
Krsna. Hes God ofGods, Hes the master of masters of those who create this world
[Brahmas] , and who demolish[Siva] , and who supports and nourishes [Visnu] He has
six opulence. Hes and all kinds ofknowledge in Him, and Hes supreme. He has
vairagya, detachment for all the things. Vijnana,vijnana means realized knowledge,
everything comes from Him. He is the root, and He is the rootcause of all these
things. Hes so beautiful. He can also attract Narayana, and Rama, and Laksmana,and
Sita, and everyone if they will see Krsna. So attractive. Especially four
sweetness. What Venumadhurya, lila-madhurya, prema-madhurya, rupa-madhurya. Vamsi
so Appearance, His eyescorners looking [looking from the corners of His eyes] His
friends, associates and His pastimes.
Even Rama, even Laksmi, even Sita, all can be attracted to his attraction. It will
not be found inRama, Nrsimha, Kalki, Vamana, Dvarakadhisa Krsna, Mathuresa Krsna.
Especially when Krsna iscalled Radha-Krsna. Gopinatha, Radha-Ramana, Madhana-
mohana, syamasundara. Only with thenames of Srimati Radhika, then Hes manmata-
manmata, extremely high.
So we should tell, we should not do any effort that Krsna has so much opulence.
Then He will belike Vaikuntha-desa. We should not see that He is brahman, He has
six opulence, He is creator ofthe creators, we should not think these things, then
prema-bhakti will not come. Afterwards he willexplain this. So this is called
aisvarya. So you will have to cross the aisvarya, and you will onlyhave to simply
think that Krsna is Yasoda-nandana, Nanda-nandana, Radha-kanta. He Krsnakaruna-
sindho dina-bandho jagat-pate, gopesa gopika-kanta radha-kanta namo 'stu te. He-
Krsna,You are very attractive, but You cannot attract me, Im helpless, Im so
wretched, so next namecomes, He-Krsna karuna-sindho, You are ocean of mercy. So You
can see towards me, and Youcan take me, and give Your shelter and mercy. Krsna will
not do, but you are merciful Krsna,karuna-sindho, you can do. But Prabhu, Im not
qualified to have your mercy, Im so wretchedperson, especially fallen person, so
stupid and nonsense. So how can I have your mercy. You givemercy to those who are
surrendered to you, so you are karuna-sindhu. [break in tape] yours and Im like an
insect, like a scorpion, if anyone saves him he will bite. So Im of this nature.
Caitanya Mahaprabhu has come to give these things [this mood] So Hes telling, "Oh,
go on, go on,not this. " So don't see Krsna in aisvarya. Dont exercise, and don't
read, and don't do practice thatKrsna is God. If you are doing. You will go to
Vaikuntha. You cannot cross Vaikuntha Sowhat to do Then, Hes telling. Dont do
prayasa, effort that Krsna is God of gods. He has so muchopulence, don't think like
this. You should have Krsna like your human friend, human son, andhuman like gopis.
[Sanskrit] Only hear the pastimes of Krsna. He is not trying to know that Krsna is
God of gods, isvara ofisvara. Only hearing pastimes. Hearing what katha On one day
Krsna took some earth in hismouth, all the boys were playing with Krsna. They told
to mother Yasoda that Krsna has takensome earth in his mouth, and hes eating.
Hearing this, she came at once, having a stick in herhands, and she asked, "Have
you taken earth in your mouth.
"No, no, no, no Ma. I have not done so. I have never taken.
"Oh, today you gave me some butter, and I could notdistribute it to all, and I took
all, so they are angry, so they are telling like so.
"Well, I want to see yourmouth. " She took like this, and saw whole visvadeya,
whole world, whole universe. She sawVaikuntha, and all things there, including
herself. She saw that she was in Krsnas mouth. Then sheclosed her eyes. "I think
that some magician has seen Krsna, anything. My baby is so little and notknowing
anything. So what Ive seen. I must be dreaming. "She never prayed that "Oh, Krsna
you are God. " If it will come then her vatsalya bhava, that Hesmy son, and Im his
mother, everything would be ruined. The vatsalya-bhava.
[tape now goes funny. Two recordings on top of each other] The vatsalya-bhava,
anyone does not do pranama to Krsna. She is thinking "Hes my son, and Imhis mother.
"Any brahmana.
sridama, subala. Oh, you are sleeping, come one, come one. Sometimes they will take
This prema will not come. So we should go above these things. So we will hear hari-
katha like this.
All the tattva-jnana, everything in this. You should do pranama to the places where
hari-katha isgoing on. Who is telling, you should do pranama to them, you should do
pranama to all theaudience, and to this place. Then you can conquer even Krsna, who
cannot be conquered byanyone-jnanis, yogis, tapasvis, brahma. Ordinary, but to this
place. Like Narada, Krsna will notbe controlled by Narada. But anyone like sakhas,
all sakhis, or like mother Yasoda and NandaBaba. If anyone ordinary, but have so
much affection to Krsna thinking him a human boy, thenKrsna can be controlled at
*Devotee*: understanding that Caitanya Mahaprabhu keeps saying to Ramananda Raya,
keep goinghigher, keep going deeper. How does a neophyte devotee understanding the
highest things stillremain.
Swamiji has not come by your imagination. He comes mercifully, to fulfill the wish
of his holymaster, and Krsna, and Mahaprabhu. You have not arranged anything that
he should come. You didnot invite him to come. He came himself, mercifully his
came. So we should depend on the sadhusanga, sadhu sanga. No other. And if that
sadhu is more superior than us, then, otherwise.
You should think that the books are also sadhu. The books written by Swamiji about