Modum Chem Ps
Modum Chem Ps
Modum Chem Ps
Reduce chemical costs while maintaining optimal injection to maintain flow assurance
Onshore and offshore surface applications using chemical treatments
to reduce or inhibit corrosion and manage crude oil flow assurance
chemical costs and environmental footprint unnecessarily. Conventional chemical injection systems are unable to deliver at a constant rate,
but Modum Chem system enables operators to automatically vary the rate in
How it works response to changing well conditions. The result: significant reduction in both
Modum Chem system integrates an ultrasonic flowmeter, a flow flow assurance risks and expensive chemical waste.
controller, a needle valve, and an LCD. The ultrasonic flowmeter measures
the rate of injected fluid by sending a signal between two transducers
in both the direction of fluid flow and in the opposing direction. The flow
measurement is achieved by determining the difference in the time taken Chemical
for the signals to travel with and against flow. This is known as time-of- tank Backpressure valve
flight measurement and is calculated by the flow controller.
Injection point
The LCD on the valve shows real-time flow rate, valve position, Pump Flowmeter
cumulative flow, voltage, and current.
Needle sizes can be optimized to suit the application up to a maximum of 158 galUS/h [600 L/h].
Valves can be qualified to 103 MPa [15,000 psi] on request.
Modum Chem
■ In automatic flow control mode, the operator selects an optimal flow reservoir and pump to inject chemicals into a multiwell system, with
rate and an allowable drift range. If the rate falls outside of the drift smart valves regulating injection into each well.
range, the system modulates the integrated needle valve to maintain
the programmed optimal flow rate target. If power is lost, the system Additional information
maintains the valve position at the time of power loss, so chemicals The system’s flow controller can be connected to existing customer
continue to be injected until power is restored. SCADA system or a Schlumberger AgoraGateway* ruggedized edge
computing device to enable remote monitoring. Standard modules use
In all modes, if the system detects no flow—for example because of MODBUS® protocol.
a failed pump or empty chemical tank—an alarm alerts the customer
with a message on the LCD and sends a signal to the operator SCADA, The compact design facilitates integration into skid packages or wellsite
if installed, enabling rapid remediation. infrastructure without significant modifications to the existing chemical
injection system.
What it replaces
Conventional chemical injection applications typically require a chemical System design is based on field-proven subsea chemical injection
reservoir, pump, control device, and flowmeter for each injection metering valve technology.
point. Modum Chem system replaces both the control device and the The technology requires no filtration and thus no filter-related maintenance.
flowmeter. The accurate control means operators can use a single
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners.
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