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Renting in Australia - Notes Foruni Student

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Renting a home in Western Australia A tenant’s guide A guide that explains

your rights

Applying for a rental If you are refused as a tenant Under the Act the
lessor/agent cannot refuse a tenancy because you intend to have a child
living on the premises. The Equal Opportunity Act 1984 prevents
discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, age, impairment, marital
status, pregnancy, family responsibility or family status, religious or
political beliefs, spent convictions, sexual orientation or gender history, or
the publication of details on the Fines Enforcement Registrar’s website.
Minors (a person who is over 16 but under 18 years of age) may apply for a
residential tenancy. A tenancy agreement may be enforced in accordance
with the Act against a minor, however, there are protections in the
Magistrates Court as a litigation guardian can be appointed. Sorting out
the paperwork There are a number of required forms to protect the rights
of tenants and lessors. These forms include the tenancy agreement,
property condition report, bond lodgement notices and those required for
taking matters to court. These forms are available on the department’s
website. Keep copies of all documents provided in a safe place.
Application forms Some lessors/agents will ask you to complete an
application form so they can decide whether or not to accept you as a
tenant. The form may ask you for details of any previous rental history and
references from a previous lessor/agent, your employer, or a teacher or
minister etc. Information about Tenancy Databases If an agent or lessor
ordinarily uses a tenancy database, they must give each applicant written
notice at the time an application to rent is made stating the name of the
database, the contact details of the database operator and explain that
the reason the database is used is for checking the applicant’s tenancy
history. If you are listed on a database the lessor/agent must provide you
with a written notice within seven days after discovering you are listed on
a database stating: • the name of the database; • that personal
information about you that is in the database; • the name of each person
who listed the personal information (if identified in the database); and •
how and in what circumstances you can have the personal information
removed or amended

Part Two: Developing the marketing strategy

This, the main part of this book, covers the various elements of marketing
strategy. I have been careful to separate marketing strategy from
marketing tactics and have concentrated on the critical influence of the
market on the organisation’s activity

The SCORPIO model of marketing strategy has been many years in the
making, working with real practitioners in real businesses facing real
problems. Many of the headings in this part will be familiar to you although
how they fit together may not. Nobody wants to play the role of guinea pig
when dealing with strategic issues, practitioners want solutions that work;
that have worked before, that will produce the results. As a testimonial for
the approach, I can quote the case of a recent client who sent the
SCORPIO model that we had been working with for six months to an
academic friend for his opinion. The blistering email reply was ‘ But is all
the stuff we’ve seen before, there’s nothing new here at all ’ . Exactly. I
couldn’t have put it better myself.

Now that you have all the elements of your marketing strategy in place,
what are you going to do with them? You will need to organise the
components into: ● The minimum (backbone) strategy that allows you to
compete in your chosen market ● The defensive strategy so that, when you
win all the new business, you don’t lose it all just as easily ● The offensive
strategy so that you (and everyone else in the organisation) knows exactly
how to win the right (not just any) business.

The final section deals with the subject area that is probably most familiar
to day-to-day practitioners. I shall not deal with the area of marketing
tactics in any depth – this job has been very successfully accomplished in
a number of other publications and you, like me, probably have your
favourites. The main aim of this part is to demonstrate the relationship
between marketing strategy and tactics. More importantly, we will look at
the whole area of strategic implementation, an area far too often ignored
by strategic writing. This section will look at sometimes invisible barriers
to the implementation of marketing strategy and what can be done about
them. It will also look at using ‘ the system ’to help support and implement
sometimes radical ideas that marketing strategy represents

Getting started
Just before we jump into the detail, there are one or two ‘ definitions ’
that we need to agree. This is important, not to be pedantic but to make
sure that we are all talking about the same thing later on. The key
questions we need to answer are: ● What is marketing? ● What is strategy?
● What is marketing strategy?

Today, too many organisations (and marketers themselves) think that

marketing is about producing the advertising, the website and the
brochures. We need to be clear here, ‘ marketing ’ is not the same thing as
‘ marketing communications and services ’ . However, this
misapprehension is so widespread that the word ‘ marketing ’ has
effectively been hijacked to mean communications – often the business
development function has grown to take over the more important aspects
of marketing. Marketing is about much more than marketing
communications. ● Marketing and sales are different things Sales is about
ensuring the customer buys what the company happens to make –
everything starts with the product or service. Marketing is about ensuring
that the company makes what the customer wants to buy – everything
starts with the customer. ● Marketing is an ‘ attitude of mind ’that should
permeate the entire organisation. It states quite categorically that we
recognise that our existence, and future survival and growth, depends on
our ability to give our customers what they want. Internal considerations
must be subservient to the wider needs of the marketplace. In other
words, ‘ the customer is king ’ . ● Marketing is a way of organising the
business so that the customer gets treated like a king. If we accept that
the organisation exists and will continue to exist only as long as it
continues to satisfy the needs of its customers, we must ensure that the
organisation has a structure that will enable it to deliver. If an
organisation is to survive in today’s ever more fast-changing environment,
it must make itself more responsive to its customers

It is in the area of profit that we meet what is probably the most critical
role of marketing. In almost every organisation there is likely to be conflict
between the customer’s need for value and the organisation’s need for
profit and efficiency. It is the role of marketing to search for and strike the
elusive (and changing) balance between these two demands. We also need
to ask ourselves: ● Given that there is more than one way of satisfying
customer demand, which route is the most efficient from the
organisation’s cost point of view? ● How can we best balance customer
need for value against the organisation’s need for profits?

What is strategy?
The word ‘ strategy ’has become one of the most common and badly used
words in business writing. Everywhere we look we see terms such as: ●
Business strategy ● Corporate strategy ● Marketing strategy ● Strategic
marketing ● Product strategy ● Pricing strategy ● Advertising strategy ●
Internet/Online strategy and even ● Discount strategy. The word strategy
is almost synonymous with ‘ important ’ . Overworking the word in this way
helps nobody. It simply serves to confuse.

The marketing strategy ‘ headlines ’ are: ● Process: Marketing strategy is a

management process. In other words it is ‘ A set of actions or steps
towards achieving a particular end ’ (Oxford.com). It is not (and should not
be confused with) a good idea, a great idea, a plan or a wish. Marketing
strategy involves understanding what we are trying to do, more about
marketing objectives later, and then identifying all the little steps and
activities that together will make it happen – and then, making sure it
happens. Yes, it is a surprise to a lot of

people! ● Organisation: Means everyone in the organisation. It doesn’t

mean just marketing, or sales, or even operations, let alone accounts – it
means all of them working together. ● Align: Alignment is the key word in
the sentence. The organisation only exists (let alone flourishes) as long as
it delivers what customers want. It is difficult enough to work out what
customers want now and might want in the future – when they often don’t
know themselves. You can at least reduce the odds by aligning yourself to
your customers (rather than to your products, technology or industry) so
that you are well placed to pick up the slightest cue. And remember
customers need different things at different times, for different reasons
and will change their mind – for no reason at all. ● Market: So exactly
which customers do you wish to align to? Everyone is not a good answer. ●
Serve: Yes, serve – you are not in the driving seat

A practical book for a practitioner audience needs to be driven by

considered action, not just thinking. To that end, I have structured the
entire book around a series of 100 questions that you will need to answer
if you hope to create a workable marketing strategy for your organisation.
The questions drive all of the chapters and sections of the book and are
also included in their own section in the appendix, where they can be used
as a checklist. All the questions must be asked, although not every
question will need to be answered – different organisations will have
different priorities. To make the approach of this book as practical and as
accessible as possible for everybody, whether from a traditional
educational route or completely ignorant of the popular ‘ theories ’ that
dominate today’s marketing teaching, the book will follow the four-step
approach to strategy: ● Part One: Preparing for the market strategy Before
you can hope to develop even the most rudimentary strategic decisions, a
degree of analysis is required.

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