Rope Manual
Rope Manual
Rope Manual
Guide to Specified Rope Products Used
Aboard ChevronTexaco Vessels
The first section of the following manual is a presentation of technical data and application information to assist in the working
knowledge of products being utilized.
Since the Dyneema® HMPE synthetic INDEX
fiber primary mooring lines represent
such a large and visible portion of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ............................................ 5
Samson/ChevronTexaco Shipping
Glossary ........................................................................................ 9
alliance - we have included a special
Q&A section. This section is designed Section I – Technical Data
to answer the majority of basic Fiber Characteristics ................................................................................. 11
Fiber Strength Retention After Chemical Immersion ............................. 11
questions concerning AmSteel -Blue
Rope Construction .................................................................................... 11
and other Dyneema mooring lines. Elongation ................................................................................................. 12
Sheave Diameter & Bending Radius ........................................................ 13
The second and third sections Winding Rope on Drum ........................................................................... 14
deal with rope handling, factors of Knots ......................................................................................................... 15
End-for-Ending......................................................................................... 15
rope selection, guidelines for rope
inspection and rope retirement. Section II – Splicing Instructions
AmSteel-Blue Eye Splice .......................................................................... 17
The fourth section of the manual AmSteel-Blue End for End Splice ............................................................ 19
Proton 8 Eye Splice .................................................................................. 21
identifies and describes the
Proton 8 End for End Splice .................................................................... 23
synthetic ropes approved for specific Force 8 Eye Splice..................................................................................... 25
applications by ChevronTexaco Force 8 End for end Splice ....................................................................... 27
Shipping. This manual does not 12-Strand Round Plait Eye Splice ............................................................ 29
cover all ropes and applications 3-Strand Eye Splice................................................................................... 31
DPX/EPX Splice....................................................................................... 33
currently in use but the intent will
Jacketed Mooring Line Cover Repair Instructions .................................. 37
be to periodically add information to
include the majority of rope products Section III – Rope Handling
Proper Handling of Rope ......................................................................... 39
being utilized in the Fleet.
Section IV – Rope Inspection & Retirement
The fifth section of the manual Standards for Strength and Determination .............................................. 41
is for insertion of additional Rope Inspection and Damage Assessment ............................................... 43
information as it becomes available. Section V – Product Descriptions
For example, residual strength data Products by Applications:
is being compiled in a joint effort Primary Mooring Lines
by Samson Rope Technologies and 12-Strand AmSteel-Blue .................................................................. 49
8x3 Strand Force-8 ........................................................................... 50
ChevronTexaco Shipping. As data
DPX/EPX Jacketed Mooring Lines ................................................ 51
becomes available or is updated, this
information will be supplied as an Secondary Mooring Lines
Addendum to this manual. RP-12 SSR-1200 .............................................................................. 52
RP-12 Ultra Blue PNX .................................................................... 53
Proton 8 ............................................................................................ 54
Mooring Line Comparison ............................................................. 55-56
Mooring Line Pendants
Mooring Master P-7 ........................................................................ 57
Mooring line Stopper
12-Strand Tenex ............................................................................... 58
Deck Handy Lines
3-Strand Premium Polyester............................................................ 59
Testing Information ..................................................................... 61
Section VI – Addenda
Question: How will AmSteel-Blue synthetic line wear compared to wire line?
Answer: The Dyneema SK-75 fiber used in AmSteel-Blue is also utilized for bulletproof vests, military helmets and
cut -resistant gloves. It is pretty tough material. It should be noted, though, that all synthetic fiber can be cut and care
and review should be taken to protect the mooring line from sharp and rough surfaces that it could be worked against
or over.
All of the AmSteel-Blue mooring lines come equipped with an 8-foot rubberized chafe sleeve that should be
placed in the ship’s chock during the mooring sequence. This is very important when converting from wire
rope mooring lines. Wire rope has a tendency to create grooves with sharp, cutting edges. During mooring,
the AmSteel-Blue will firm and stiffen into a round configuration. In a relaxed state, the braid construction will
loosen and be very flexible. Under the compression loading on the winch drum, the rope will develop a flatter
configuration. As the rope is used, it will develop surface wear on the outer fibers. This individual fiber filament
abrasion will give the line a fuzzy appearance. Due to the normal external wear from use, the line will also
gradually begin to lose its original royal blue color.
If taken care of, AmSteel-Blue should yield 2-1/2 to 3 times the normal life of wire rope mooring lines. For
additional information on inspection and wear guidelines, please refer to pages 43 through 47 of the ChevronTexaco
Rope Manual.
2. On the storage half of the split drum winch, the first two or three layers
of Amsteel-Blue should be reeled on under some tension to create a solid,
smooth base layer. After these layers, the rope on the storage side can be laid
on in layers with some “crossovers.” These “crossovers” should prevent the
Amsteel-Blue from “diving” in-between the layers and getting stuck during
Line installed on
storage side of LEFT: Line installed
winch drum incorrectly on working
Cross-overs prevent side of winch drum!
AmSteel-Blue from On working side of winch,
diving between only wrap a single layer of line
layers and getting stuck during deployment. (8 wraps). Working part of line
should come off end of wraps,
not from the middle as shown
3. On the “working half” of
the split drum winch, it is
recommended that only one
RIGHT: Line installed
layer of rope, 8 “wraps” be
correctly on working side
used—enough rope to grip the of winch drum. Single
drum, Amsteel-Blue is a slick layer of wraps on working
rope!—but no over-layers which side of drum. Working part
of line comes off one side of
can “dive” and abrade. wraps as shown above.
Question: Since Dyneema is a polyethylene with a relative low melting point (297° F),
is Amsteel-Blue going to melt during friction-heat (i.e. when rubbing in chocks)?
Answer: It could. Obviously metal heated by friction in contact with Dyneema for extended lengths of time, is
a problem. Because of this we always recommend the use of chafing gear in chocks between the metal and the
Dyneema. If you notice an area, which looks melted, the easiest test is to flex the “melted, or compressed” area.
This will tell you if the strands and fibers have been melted together. (Once again, please refer to pages 43-47 of
the ChevronTexaco Rope Manual for instructions).
Question: How often should I inspect my Amsteel-Blue mooring lines and how do I know
when they should be retired?
Answer: Crew members should check the general condition of the lines each time they are deployed or
re-reeled. Areas of melted or cut fiber should alert the crew to further inspection. Please refer to pages 43-47 of
the ChevronTexaco Rope Manual for additional visual and verbal instructions.
The Samson Rope/ChevronTexaco Shipping Alliance team is actively pursuing a testing program on these
mooring lines to attempt to gather data on loss of breaking strength over service life. This data will be available to
Chevron vessels once the testing program has been implemented. See page 61 for more information.
Question: Will AmSteel-Blue mooring lines allow more vessel movement than wire rope
lines once the vessel is secured?
Answer: At 50% of AmSteel-Blue’s breaking strength it will allow 0.94% elastic elongation. Therefore, the
working stretch is less than 1% once the vessel is secured. For definitions of elongation see page 12 and for
further detail on elastic elongation of AmSteel-Blue see pages 49 and 55 of the ChevronTexaco Rope Manual.
Question: Are there bending radius considerations for AmSteel-Blue when working the line
on bitts, chocks or leads?
Answer: Yes. It is important to maintain bending radius recommendations to insure the best performance of the
line. Please refer to page 13 of the ChevronTexaco Rope Manual. It is important that all bending radius contacts
with the line are smooth and free of abrasive and/or cutting edges.
Question: Does direct or residual contact with Citri Solv or Rustaway (two agents commonly
used aboard Chevron vessels) cause degradation to AmSteel-Blue mooring lines?
Answer: DSM, the manufacturer of Dyneema SK-75 fiber used in AmSteel-Blue mooring lines has reviewed the
MSDS information for the products named and finds these agents to be relatively innocuous. In the case of Citri
Solv, it would only affect fiber tenacity in a high temperature environment (above 140° F). In the case of Rustaway,
it would affect fiber tenacity only in the presence of strong oxidizing agents (i.e. potassium permanganate). For
a comparative listing of the effects of other chemical agents on HMPE fiber please refer to Fiber Strength
Retention After Chemical Immersion on page 11 of the ChevronTexaco Rope Manual.
Generic Fiber Type Nylon Polyester Polypropylene HMPE* Vectran Technora® PBO
Bulk Strength1 1.0 1.05 0.6 3.1 - 3.75 2.9 2.6 4.0 RETENTION AFTER
Weight 1.0 1.21 .80 .85 1.23 1.22 1.35
(HMPE fiber strength retention
Working Elastic after 6-months immersion)
1.0 .60 .55 .24 .2 .22 .15
Agent HMPE
Coefficient of
Friction3 .10 - .12 .12 - .15 .15 - .22 .08 .12 - .15 .12 - .15 .18 Sea Water 100
chars at:
Hydraulic Fluid 100
Melting Point 460° F 480° F 330° F 297° F 625° F 900° F 1200° F Kerosene 100
Gasoline 100
Temperature4 350° F 350° F 250° F 150° F 300° F 450° F 480° F Toluene 100
Glacial Acetic Acid 100
Specific Gravity 1.14 1.38 .91 .97 1.4 1.39 1.56 1 M Hydrochloric Acid 100
5 M Sodium Hydroxide 100
Cold-Flow (Creep)5 Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible
Ammonium Hydroxiide (29%) 100
In Mooring Line Use to high to high
Hypophosphite Solution (5%) 100
1 Bulk Strength is defined as strength per circumference squared. Perchloroethylene 100
2 Working is defined as rope actually in use under a cycling load. 10% Detergent Solution 100
3 Coefficient of Friction is based on reluctance to slip or slide.
Clorox™ 91
4 Critical Temperature is defined as the point at which degradation is caused by temperature alone.
5 Cold Flow (Creep) is defined as fiber deformation (elongation) due to molecular slippage under a constant static loading situation.
Fibers that have this inherent characteristic will display extremely low or negligible creep if minor fluctuations occur in the rate
and/or frequency of load levels. In rope form, this would apply to polypropylene, polyethylene and HMPE fibers such as Dyneema®
Both Class I and Class II ropes can be produced
8x3-Strand in various rope constructions such as: 3-strand,
8-strand, 8x3 strand, 12-strand, double braids,
or core dependent braids.
Note: All values are shown to indicate components of total stretch and do not represent actual relationships.
As load increases, the portion of of PE extension will increase.
GROOVE • Many tugboats using eight and nine-inch circumference headlines in ship-
DIAMETER handling work have fair size bitts (eighteen-inch diameter, etc.) which is an
adequate bending radius. However,
• The ratio of the length of an eye splice to the diameter of the object
over which the eye is to be placed (bollard, bitt, cleat, etc.) should be a
minimum three-to-one relationship and preferably five-to-one. In other
words, if you have a bollard two feet in diameter the eye splice should be
six or ten feet in length. By using this ratio the angle of the two legs of
the eye splice at its throat will not be so severe as to cause a parting or
tearing action at this point (thimbles are normally designed with a three-
to-one ratio).
In connecting the rope to the winch drum flange, it is suggested that the end of the rope either be back spliced or whipped to
ceate better rope firmness for the flange connection bracket to compress upon.
Length = (A(B - C )) 2 2
Step 1...Measurement
Tape end of line to be spliced and measure 1 tubular fid length (or 2 wire fid lengths because
wire fids are half the length of tubular fids)
from taped end of line and make Mark
From Mark 1 measure 2 tubular fid
lengths (or 4 wire fid lengths) and
make Mark 2.
Now form size of eye desired and make Mark 3.
Tapered end will now have only 6 strands remaining. Tape tapered tail tightly to keep from unbraiding.
*Larger rope diameters may have pairs of strands in right and left direction. In this case, treat the pairs of strands as a single
strand, marking and cutting both in each direction as described above.
Step 1 Step 4
Pass stitching After completing Step 3,
through spliced rotate spliced part of rope
area near throat 90° and reinsert end A
of eye as shown. into spliced area in the
same area and in the
same fashion as in Steps
1, 2 and 3. The splice will
Step 2 now be stitched on two planes
Reinsert as perpendicular to each other.
shown pulling
snug but not
Step 5
After stitching at least three complete stitches as in
Step 3 Step 3, extract both ends A and B together through the
Continue to reinsert as same opening in the braid. Tie them together with a
shown until square knot
you have at and reinsert
least back into
3 complete braid.
Tape ends of line to be spliced. Lay two ropes to be spliced side-by-side and measure one
tubular fid length, (two wire fid lengths because wire fids are half size) from taped end of
each line and make a mark—Mark 1.
From Mark 1 measure two tubular fid lengths (four wire fid lengths) and make Mark 2 on both lines.
From Mark 2 measure three and one-half tubular fid lengths (seven wire fid lengths) and make Mark 3 on both lines.
Cut every
strand and
pull out of
line (tape
at end can
cause resis-
tance and
may have to be removed in order to pull out cut strands).
Tapered end will now have only 6 strands remaining. Tape tapered tail tightly to keep from unbraiding.
*Larger rope diameters may have pairs of strands in right and left direction. In this case, treat the pairs of strands as a single
strand, marking and cutting both in each direction as described above.
Give a final smoothing, away from crossover, stroking rope firmly. Tails should bury inside cover.
Getting Started
Plaited rope is no more difficult to splice than 3-strand. It is made of 8-strands grouped in 4 pairs. 2 of these pairs
turn to the left and 2 to the right. The illustrations show the 2 pairs turning to the left in white and the 2 pairs
turning to the right in gray. They will be referred to as the “white” and “gray” pairs. Note: The gray pairs are dia-
metrically opposite one another but at a 90-degree angle to the white pairs and vice-versa.
Tools Required:
A splicing fid or marlinspike, sharp knife or scissors, plastic or masking tape, marking pen, 10-inches of twine.
Eye Size:
The size of the eye is determined by bending the bitter end of the rope back over itself for a distance equal to the
desired length of the eye plus a length of 30 pics (crowns).
If the rope which you are about to splice is
all of one color, mark those pairs which turn
to the right so that they will conform with
the gray pairs in the illustrations. Count back
a distance of 30 pics from the end and tie a string securely around the rope so it passes directly over the
center of both pairs of gray strands. Place the knot so that it is directly on top of one of these pairs. It
is important that this be tied securely to prevent slipping. Now, unlay the pairs of strands back to the
string. Making sure not to mix, or twist them, tape the ends of the pairs together as shown in fig. A.
Step 1
Hold of lay the rope so that the pairs of white strands are on top and bottom with
a knot to the right as you look toward the end.
Step 2
Bend the rope over to the desired eye in such a way as to keep the knot inside the loop as shown
in fig. A.
Step 3
Using the fid to make clearance and starting with the gray pairs, tuck
them under the diametrically opposite white pairs as shown in fig. A.
Make sure you do not disturb the lay of the pairs. Do not twist them so
that the individual strands cross over one another in the pair.
Step 4
Now turn eye over, tuck the white pairs under the diametrically opposite gray pairs as shown in fig.
B. Note that in fig. B the splice is turned over from fig. A. The white pairs to be tucked should follow
the white pairs of the standing part and the gray to be tucked should follow the gray pairs of the standing part. The
ends in the drawing have been numbered to help show their position as the tucks progress.
Step 6
Now starting with the gray pairs, make four more full tucks with each pair of strands.
Step 7
Having completed 6 full tucks for each pair of stands, separate each pair of strands and
remove approximately one-third the volume from each strand (count the number of yarns
in order to divide appropriately). Re-tape the remaining portion (two-thirds volume) of
each strand. Tape and cut the removed por-
tion (one-third volume) of each strand. The
splice should now appear as shown in fig. D.
Step 8
Re-tape the strands to form pairs as in Step 1. Now splice the remaining pairs just as
before for another three full tucks. The splice should now appear as shown in fig. E.
Step 9
The tapering process continues by repeating Step 7 with the exception that now approxi-
mately half of each strand will be re-
moved. Count the yarns and divide as
evenly as possible. When complete,
this section should have an appearance
similiar that of fig. D.
Step 10
Re-tape the strands to form pairs as in Step 8. With the remaining four pairs, perform three full tucks. When com-
plete, tape and cut the strands as in the previous steps. The finished splice should appear as shown in fig. F.
Step 5
After the initial step has been completed, you should have something that looks like the drawing at left.
String Tied
Step 6
Keep the ropes together snuggly. Tie a piece of string tightly
around the splicing point as shown at right.
Step 7
Complete splicing in both directions so that each side is finished off as per strand reduction
sequence (steps 7-10) of the 8-Strand - Class II - Eye Splice procedure.
Getting Started
8 x 3 rope is no more difficult to splice than 3-strand. It is an 8-strand plaited rope where the strands are made from
3-strand ropes. The 8-strands are grouped into 4 pairs. 2 of these pairs are left-lay and 2 are right-lay. The illustra-
tions show the 2 pairs turning to the left in white and the 2 pairs turning to the right in gray. They will be referred to
as the “white” and “gray” pairs. Note: The gray pairs are diametrically opposite one another but at a 90-degree angle
to the white pairs and vice-versa.
Tools Required: A splicing fid or marlinspike, sharp knife or scissors, plastic or masking tape, marking pen, 10-
inches of twine.
Eye Size: The size of the eye is deter-
mined by bending the bitter end of the
rope back over itself for a distance equal
to the desired length of the eye plus a
length of 30 picks (crowns).
Preparation: If the rope which you are
about to splice is all of one color, mark those pairs which turn to the right so that they will conform with the gray
pairs in the illustrations. Count back a distance of 30 picks from the end and tie a string securely around the rope so
it passes directly over the center of both pairs of gray strands. Place the knot so that it is directly on top
of one of these pairs. It is important that this be tied securely to prevent slipping. Now, unlay the
pairs of strands back to the string. Making sure not to mix, or twist them, tape the ends of the
pairs together as shown in fig. A.
Step 1
Hold of lay the rope so that the pairs of white strands are on top and
bottom with a knot to the right as you look toward the end.
Step 2
Bend the rope over to the desired eye in such a way as to keep the knot inside
the loop as shown in fig. A.
Step 3
Using the fid to make clearance and starting with the gray pairs, tuck them under the dia-
metrically opposite white pairs as shown in fig. A. Make sure you do not disturb the lay of
the pairs. Do not twist them so that the individual strands cross over one another
in the pair.
Step 4
Now turn eye over, tuck the white pairs under the diametrically
opposite gray pairs as shown in fig. B. Note that in fig. B the
splice is turned over from fig. A. The white pairs to be tucked
should follow the white pairs of the standing part and the gray to
be tucked should follow the gray pairs of the standing part. The ends in the draw-
ing have been numbered to help show their position as the tucks progress.
Step 6
Now starting with the gray pairs, make four more full tucks with each pair of strands.
Step 7
Having completed 6 full tucks for each pair of stands
you will need to reduce the strand volume by one-
third before continuing the next set of tucks. To do
this, cut one of the three strands out of each strand
pair as shown in fig. D.
Step 8
Now splice the remaining strands just as before for another three full tucks.
The splice should now appear as shown in fig. E, which will lay on the opposite side as
shown in fig. D. Each strand should now have three full tucks.
Step 9
The tapering process continues by reducing the volume of the remaining strands by half (by unlaying
both strand-pairs and then removing one of the two unlaid strands in each strand-pair, as in Step 6)).
Step 10
With the remaining strands, perform three full tucks. Tape the strands after they have been tucked and cut them off
as done with previous strands.
Step 5
Marry the ropes as shown in Step 6. This part is preferably a two-person job. Cut the string
that you previously tied at the splicing points of both ropes.
Step 7
Complete splicing in both directions so that each side is finished off as per strand reduc-
tion sequence (steps 7-10) of the 8x3 Strand - Class II - Eye Splice procedure.
Step 1...Measurement
Lay out the rope and measure down from the end
of the rope a length that is equal to 7 times the rope
circumference. At this point put one loose wrap of tape Step 4...Insert Strand-Pairs into
around the rope. Body of Rope
Lay out the rope to form
an eye taking care there
are no twists in the
rope (4a). The
Step 2...Marking Eye Size black line run-
ning along the 4a
Individually tape each of the 12 strand ends at the end
axis of the rope
of the rope. After the ends are taped, unbraid the rope
illustrates how
back to the point wrapped with tape in Step 1. Form
the strand-pairs
the desired eye size using the tape wrapped around the
are separated for
rope as a reference mark. Mark the body of the rope at
the splice. The
the point coinciding with the tape.
3 strand-pairs on
one side of the line
adjacent to the stand-
ing part of the rope will
be passed directly through
the body of the rope. 3 of
the strand-pairs must be
passed directly through
the middle of the rope
to the other side (4b).
Step 9...Finishing
the Splice
After completing the second set of
3 tucks, untape the 3 strand-
Step 7...Complete pairs used to make these
Tucking Procedure tucks. Drop one strand from
each pair and do at least 2
Do 3 complete tucks with all
more tucks with the remain-
6 strand-pairs. Each strand-pair is
ing single strand of each pair.
always tucked under the same line Once you have completed the
of the braid so that the tucks progress last tucks, cut off the excess
staight down the body of the rope. material and tape or whip the
ends. Leave enough of an end
protruding so that the end does
not slip back into the rope when
the rope is loaded.
3 4
Step 1... From the end of the rope, measure a length that is equal to 64
times the rope diameter and make a mark on the jacket. This is Mark 1.
Step 2... Using Mark 1 for reference, form the desired eye size and
make Mark 2. Securely tape the jacket just beyond Mark 1 and just
ahead of Mark 2.
Step 3 a... Keeping Marks 1 and 2 aligned, measure in the direction shown, a distance of 15 times the rope diameter, and
mark the jacket on both legs.
These are Marks 1a and 2a. From 2a measure down standing
part 25 times rope diameter and make Mark 2b. From 2b mea-
sure down standing part an additional 20 times rope diameter
and make Mark 2c.
Step 3 b... Slide length of cover down the rope, beyond Mark 2C. Cover only should be long enough to cover splice area plus
an additional 4 times the rope diameter.
Step 4... At Marks 1a and 2a, working around the rope circum-
ferencially, carefully cut away all cover strands, so that the cover
can be un-braided to expose the core. The cover material from
Mark 1a to the end of the rope may be discarded, while the un-
braided cover material from Mark 1a to Mark 1 must be retained,
as this will be used to incorporate the cover into the splice.
Likewise, the cover material between marks 2a and 2b may be
discarded, while the material un-braided from mark 2a to Mark 2, and from Mark 2b to mark 2c must be retained.
Tape the un-braided cover material at each of the three locations. This will help keep it out of the way as you proceed.
Step 5... Carefully remove all of the tape - wrap from the
exposed sections of core. You are now ready to begin splicing
the core.
Step 6... From Mark 2, find the 1st fully exposed strand
on the standing part of the core, facing the core tail. Make
a mark where this strand intersects with a strand going the
opposite direction, also facing the core tail. This is the entry
point or “throat” of the splice.
Now, keeping Marks 1 and 2 aligned, make a mark on the core tail, directly op-
posite the entry point. This is the reference point.
Step 8... At the end of the core tail, tape the end of
each of the twelve strands, then un-braid the core back to
the tape wrapped around it in Step 7.
Step 10... From the “entry point” mark on the standing part of the core, count 6 strands and mark the 6th strand.
This will be the exit point.
Now, working your way around circumference of the core, mark
an additional 5 strands in the
pattern shown.
Step 11... Carefully open up the braid at the entry point. Each of the
six strand pairs will be inserted into the center of the braid at this point,
and brought out behind its corresponding marked strand. Starting with
the strand pair most nearly facing the standing part, use a tubular fid or
similar device to insert the strand pair between strands at the entry point
and bring it out behind the marked strand on the opposite side of the
standing part.
Next, insert the
adjacent strand pair
and bring it out behind the
adjacent marked strand.
Continuing in this fashion, work your way around the rope,
inserting each strand pair, and bringing it out behind its correspond-
ing marked strand. When inserting the strand pairs, be careful
not to entangle them with previously inserted pairs. When all
six pairs have been inserted, they should have a common entry
point, and run parallel through the center of the rope.
Step 12... Alternately pull on each of the six strand pairs until the tape
wrapped around the core tail approaches the entry point. Continue to
gently pull on the strand pairs until the tape passes inside of the standing
part, and the reference point is aligned with the entry point.
Step 13... Begin the tuck procedure by selecting any strand pair and
passing it over the strand fol-
lowing the marked exit point, and under the next two strands. Following this
procedure, make 1 tuck with each of the remaining strand pairs.
A tuck is defined as
passing over 1
strand and un-
der 2 strands,
and succes-
sive tucks should
always progress in a
straight line down the body of the rope. After one tuck has
been completed with each strand pair, continue the procedure until a total of 5 tucks has been made with each pair.
Step 14... Once 5 tucks have been made with all 6 strand pairs, split each strand pair into 2 single strands. Make 2 more tucks
with one single strand from each pair. Leave the un-tucked single strands where they are. These will eventually be trimmed back.
Step 17... Divide the unbraided cover material at the base of the splice into six
equal groups and tape the end of each group.
Step 18... Select one of the six groups and pass it back and forth underneath two
adjacent tucked core strands as
A minimum of four passes should be made.
Step 19... Now select the adjcent group and pass it back and
forth in the opposite direction under the same two tucked core
strands so that the two groups cross underneath the tucked core
Pull the two groups snug.
Step 20... Roll the rope over slightly and repeat steps 18 and 19 using the next two adjacent groups of cover material, passing
them back and forth under the next two adjacent tucked core strands. Then repeat again using the final two adjacent cover
groups and the final two adjacent tucked core strands.
Step 25... Make sure that each group has been pulled snug. Then
pass adjacent groups back and forth underneath two adjacent pairs of
tucked core strands in the manner described in steps 18-20.
A minimum of two passes should be made with each group.
Step 26... After all six groups have been secured in this fashion and
the protruding cover and core material is wrapped down.
Finish the splice by milking “cover only” length up to the tape applied at Mark #1 & 2.
Secure cover only section by whipping each end, then applying heavy duty two part urethane.
* For field splicing - replace “cover only” with whipping twine.
Materials Required:
size 84-96 twine, masking tape, netting needle, 2-part urethane.
Damaged Cover
Step 1
Attach twine to netting needle.
Step 2
Measure 3 inches to the left of the damaged
area. Pass free end of twine through the cover
under the intersection of the cover strands at
this point (make sure the twine does not pass
under or through the core strands).
Step 3
Tape the free end of the twine to the opposite
side of the damaged area.
Step 4
Start whipping. Wrap the needle around the circumference of the rope 1 complete
turn. Pass the netting needle under the complete wrap left to right.
Cut taped
Step 5 end free
Continue with this procedure until twelve
wraps are completed, then cut the taped
free end near the last wrap.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Continue whipping past damage
Step 6
Continue to whip the entire length of the damaged cover. Using some spare twine, tape a loop 2 inches past the last
complete whipping, letting the two free ends of the looped twine pass over the completed whipping. Tape the free
ends past the already whipped area.
Step 7
Continue whipping for 3 inches over the top of the looped twine. After whipping is complete, cut less than 1
inch of the exposed whipping twine. Remove the tape on the looped twine and pass the exposed whipping twine
through the loop.
Step 8
Remove the tape from the two free ends of the looped twine and use them to pull loop through the whipped
area. This should place the remaining whipping twine under the whipped area.
Step 9
Mix the urethane per the manufacturer’s instructions.
Step 10
Apply urethane liberally to the whipped area by hand using a latex glove. Also apply the urethane 3” beyond the
whipped area on either side. Cure times vary; consult manufacturer’s instructions.
Testing Standards
All Standard Organizations have a set procedure (standard) agreed upon by the specific committee members at the time of
publication. Since many of these organizations initially were regionalized, many of today’s competing standards have different
test procedures that met that regions needs. Since there are many different ways to report similar information, confusion
proliferates when comparing and contrasting the information using competing standards. Neither specification is incorrect; JUST
This international standard requires the rope’s strength to be reported without the effects of the termination. For most scenarios,
the rope’s strength will be 10% higher than the actual breaking strength of a spliced rope. This reporting technique gives an
accurate measure of the rope’s properties, but additional computation is needed when terminations are required.
Working Loads
Working loads are for rope in good condition with appropriate splices, in noncritical applications and under normal service
conditions. Working loads are based on a percentage of the approximate breaking strength of new and unused rope of current
manufacture. For the three-strand, eight strand, twelve-strand and double braid rope products depicted in this manual, when
used under normal conditions, the working load percentage is 20% of published strengths. Normal working loads do not cover
these cases a lower working load must be used. A higher working load may be selected only with expert knowledge of conditions
subject to dynamic loading (such as sudden drops, snubs or pickups), excessive use, elevated temperatures, or extended periods
under load.
Dynamic Loading
For dynamic loading applications involving severe exposure conditions, or for recommendations on special applications, consult
the manufacturer.
Danger to Personnel
Persons should be warned against the serious danger of standing in line with a rope under tension. Should the rope part, it may
or the condition of use, the working load should be substantially reduced and the rope properly inspected before every use.
Rope Inspection
Avoid using rope that shows signs of aging and wear. If in doubt, destroy the used rope. No type of visual inspection can be guar-
anteed to accurately and precisely determine the actual residual strength. When the fibers show wear in any given area, the rope
be �
rope fibers contribute to the strength of the rope. When either is worn, the rope is naturally weakened. Open the strands of the
rope and look for powdered fiber, which is one sign of internal wear. A heavily used rope will often become compacted or hard
which indicates reduced strength. The rope should be discarded if this condition exists.
Avoid Overheating
Heat can seriously affect the strength of synthetic ropes. The temperatures at which 50% strength loss can occur are: Polypro-
pylene 250° F, Nylon 350° F, Polyester 350° F. When using rope where the temperature exceeds these levels (or if it is too hot to
hold), consult the manufacturer for recommendations as to the size and –type of rope for the proposed continuous heat exposure
conditions. When using ropes on a capstan or winch, care should be exercised to avoid surging while the capstan or winch head
is rotating. The friction from the slippage causes localized overheating which can melt or fuse synthetic fibers, resulting in severe
loss of tensile strength.
All rope should be stored in a clean, dry, out of direct sunlight, and away from extreme heat. It should be kept off the floor on
racks to provide ventilation underneath. Never store on a concrete or dirt floor, and under no circumstances should cordage and
acid or alkalis be kept in the same vicinity. Some synthetic rope (in particular polypropylene and polyethylene) may be severely
weakened by prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays unless specifically stabilized and/or pigmented to increase UV resis-
tance. UV degradation is indicated by discoloration and the presence of splinters and slivers on the surface of the rope.
ROPE LIFE FACTORS: highest possible strength. Twisted rope has lower
strength and more stretch. Braided rope has
There are basically three steps to consider in higher strength and lower stretch.
providing the longest possible service life, the
safest conditions and long range economy for FIRMNESS: Select ropes that are firm and round
ropes: Selection, Usage, and Retirement. and hold their shape during use. Soft or mushy
ropes will snag easily and abrade quickly causing
1. SELECTION accelerated strength loss. A loose or mushy rope
will almost always have higher break strengths
Select the right rope for the job in the first place. than a similar rope that is firm and holds its shape
because the fibers are in a straighter line which
Selecting a rope involves evaluating a combination
improves strength but compromises durability.
of factors. Some of these factors are straight
forward like comparing rope specifications. CONSTRUCTION AND ABRASION:
Others are less qualitative like a preference for a Rope construction plays an important role in
specific color or how a rope feels in your hand. resistance to normal wear and abrasion. Braided
Cutting corners, reducing application factors, ropes have a basically round, smooth construction
sizes or strengths on an initial purchase creates that tends to flatten out somewhat on a bearing
unnecessary replacements, potentially dangerous surface. This distributes the wear over a much
conditions and increases long term costs. Fiber and greater area, as opposed to the crowns of a three-
construction being equal, a larger rope will out-last strand or, to a lesser degree, on an eight-strand rope.
a smaller rope because of the greater surface wear
All ropes should be protected against sharp and
distribution. By the same token, a stronger rope
abrasive surfaces. Wire ropes tend to score and
will out-last a weaker one because it will be used at
gouge chocks and bitts creating cutting edges
a lower percentage of its break strength with less
that can damage synthetic ropes. Weld beads
chance of over stressing.
on repaired capstans, fairleads, etc. are equally
STRENGTH: When given a choice between damaging unless dressed down smoothly.
ropes, select the strongest of any given size. A load
of 200 pounds represents 2% of the strength of a 2. USAGE
rope with a breaking strength of 10,000 pounds. Use rope properly; do not abuse or shock load it,
The same load represents 4% of the strength of a observe recommended usage factors for bending
rope that has a breaking strength of 5,000 pounds. and work loads. Keep ropes clean and eliminate
The weaker rope is having to work harder and as a abrasion whenever possible.
result will have to be retired sooner.
ELONGATION: It is well accepted that ropes WORKING LOADS: Working loads are the
with lower elongation under load will give you loads that a rope is subjected to in everyday
better load control, a big help at complicated activity. They are normally expressed as a
job sites. However, a rope with lower elongation percentage of new rope strength and should not
that is shock loaded can fail without warning exceed 20%. A point to remember is that a rope
even though it appears to be in good shape. Low may be severely overloaded or shock loaded in use
elongating ropes should be selected with the without breaking. However, damage and strength
ROPE STORAGE: Keep your ropes as clean and DETERMINING THE AVERAGE
dry as possible and store them in a coil away from CONDITION OF THE ROPE:
heat sources. The average condition of a rope can be an
important factor in determining the rope’s
SHOCK LOADS: Shock loads are simply a retirement. To determine the average condition,
sudden change in tension from a state of relaxation walk the entire length of the rope and document
or low load to one of high load. Any sudden load its overall condition. Many ropes can be classified
that exceeds the work load by more than 10% is by the total amount of overall wear and cleanliness.
considered a shock load. The further an object Below are three different rope conditions
falls, the greater the impact. Synthetic fibers have a depicting a new rope (fig. 1), a used rope (fig. 2),
fig. 4
fig. 2
fig. 5
fig. 3
typically occurs when the rope is wound on the Polypropylene 250° F 330° F
winch drum, around bits, or through chocks or HMPE 150° F 297° F
staples. This form of glossing can be determined Technora 450° F 900° F *
on 8 and 12 strand products by compressing the Nylon 350° F 460° F
rope length wise forming a “bird cage” (fig. 7) Polyester 350° F 480° F
DISCOLORATION: With use, all ropes The strength of a used rope can be determined
get dirty. Be on the lookout for areas of by testing but the rope is destroyed in the process
discoloration which could be caused by chemical so the ability to determine the retirement point
contamination. Determine the cause of the before it fails in service is essential. That ability is
discoloration and replace the rope if it is brittle based on a combination of education in rope use
or stiff. and construction along with good judgment and
STIFFNESS: Can indicate excessive dirt or grit
Rope displays two adjacent cut strands. This
rope should either be retired or the cut sec-
tion should be removed and the remaining
rope re-spliced.
Rope exhibits fiber-set from compression. A slight sheen is visible. This is
not a permanent characteristic and can be eliminated by flexing the rope.
This condition should not be confused with glazed or melted fiber (see
Melting below).
Damage depicted at left caused by excessive heat which melted and fused the fibers.
This area will be extremely stiff. Unlike fiber compression, melting damage cannot
be mitigated by flexing the rope. Melted areas must be cut out and rope respliced or
the rope must be retired.
AmSteel -Blue
SRT PART NUMBER Dia. Circ. Vessel per 100 Ft. Lbs Metric Tonnes (Put-Up) Drawing Number Number
WITH 8 FOR BLUE 1-1/8” 3-1/2” 35 to 60 MDWT 31.9 Lbs 133,000 Lbs 60.4 MT 1,000 Ft OAL A 727501 872072X10029
1-5/16” 4” 35 to 60 MDWT 41.8 Lbs 166,000 Lbs 75.2 MT 700 Ft OAL A 727690 872084X07029
1-5/16” 4” 35 to 60 MDWT 41.8 Lbs 166,000 Lbs 75.1 MT 1,000 Ft OAL A 727509 872084X10029
1-1/2” 4-1/2” 60 to 150 MDWT 51.7 Lbs 205,000 Lbs 93.1 MT 900 Ft OAL B 727510 872096X09021
1-1/2” 4-1/2” 60 to 150 MDWT 51.7 Lbs 205,000 Lbs 93.1 MT 610 Ft OAL C 727691 872096X06120
1-5/8” 5” 150 MDWT 65.2 lbs 255,000 Lbs 115.5 MT 1,000 Ft OAL A 727692 872104X10029
SPECIFIC GRAVITY: .98 (floats)
Lines are spliced with 6-foot Cordura nylon covered eyes each end and
ELASTIC 8-feet of grommeted rubber reinforced chafe sleeve. See Addendum 1 for detailed drawing.
at % of Break Strength B ➤ 900-ft. ➤
10% 20% 30% ➤ 6-ft. ➤
0.46% 0.70% 0.96%
Dia. Circ. Vessel per 100 Ft. Lbs Metric Tonnes (Put-Up)
1-1/8” 3-1/2” Application Specific 29.2 Lbs 113,000 Lbs 51.3 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-1/4” 3-3/4” Application Specific 33.4 Lbs 127,000 Lbs 57.7 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-5/16” 4” Application Specific 37.9 Lbs 143,000 Lbs 64.7 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-3/8” 4-1/8” Application Specific 41.0 Lbs 152,000 Lbs 68.9 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-1/2” 4-1/2” Application Specific 47.6 Lbs 176,000 Lbs 80.0 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-5/8” 5” Application Specific 58.5 lbs 213,000 Lbs 96.7 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-3/4” 5-1/2” Application Specific 70.4 lbs 253,000 lbs 115.0 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
at % of Break Strength
Refer to the 8x3 Strand Class II splicing insructions provided in Section II - SPLICING INSTRUCTIONS (pp 25-28) of this Manual.
Dia. Circ. Vessel per 100 Ft. Lbs Metric Tonnes (Put-Up)
1-1/8” 3-1/2” Application Specific 33.0 Lbs 113,000 Lbs 51.3 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-1/4” 3-3/4” Application Specific 36.0 Lbs 135,000 Lbs 61.2 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-5/16” 4” Application Specific 42.0 Lbs 149,000 Lbs 67.6 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-3/8” 4-1/8” Application Specific 45.0 Lbs 167,000 Lbs 75.7 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-1/2” 4-1/2” Application Specific 51.5 Lbs 189,000 Lbs 85.7 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-5/8” 5” Application Specific 58.0 lbs 225,000 Lbs 102.0 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-3/4” 5-1/2” Application Specific 69.5 lbs 275,000 lbs 125.0 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
creates a hard, round torque-free rope much like wire but with better resistance to flex-fatique and tension
fatigue. The rope will perform on the drum like wire but is lighter, more flexible, easier to handle, and it
won’t rust or fishhook. Due to the bond between cover and core, there is no cover to core slippage. This
construction exhibits less of a tendency to dive or jam on drums and minimal flattening under load.
Dia. Circ. Vessel per 100 Ft. Lbs Metric Tonnes (Put-Up)
1-1/8” 3-1/2” Application Specific 33.0 Lbs 113,000 Lbs 51.3 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-1/4” 3-3/4” Application Specific 37.0 Lbs 135,000 Lbs 61.2 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-5/16” 4” Application Specific 43.0 Lbs 149,000 Lbs 67.6 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-3/8” 4-1/8” Application Specific 46.0 Lbs 167,000 Lbs 75.7 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-1/2” 4-1/2” Application Specific 54.0 Lbs 189,000 Lbs 85.7 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-5/8” 5” Application Specific 60.0 Lbs 225,000 Lbs 102.0 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-11/16” 5-1/4” Application Specific 66.0 lbs 252,000 Lbs 114.0 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
1-3/4” 5-1/2” Application Specific 71.0 lbs 275,000 lbs 125.0 MT 1,000 Ft OAL
A firm, balanced twelve-strand rope construction with each strand comprised of a compound
yarn design of high tenacity polyester fiber plied over Ultra Blue™ fiber. Each strand has
Pro-Gard marine finish applied to enhance wet wear resistance. The flexibility and low
handling weight make this product an excellent replacement for ropes made from 100%
Round Plait 12-Strand (RP-12) ropes tend to have better “service life” than 8-strand plaited
ropes due to the more rounded configuration of the construction’s cross-section versus the
more square cross-section of an 8-strand construction. The rounded configuration distributes
wear more evenly across a larger surface area of fiber. RP-12 SSR-1200 was developed by
Samson Rope Technologies to provide the strength, stretch and durability characteristics
of an all-polyester rope but with lower handling weight. The lower handling weight is a
result of using Ultra Blue olefin fiber which has a lower weight than polyester and does
not absorb water.
Dia. Circ. Vessel per 100’ Lbs Metric Tonnes (Put-Up) Number Number
2-1/2” 7-1/2” Application Specific 150.0 143,000 Lbs 64.9 MT 720 Ft OAL 727760 416160007202
2-5/8” 8” Application Specific 176.0 158,000 Lbs 71.4 MT 720 Ft OAL 727694 416168007202
2-3/4” 8-1/2” Apllication Specific 199.0 184,000 Lbs 83.3 MT 720 Ft OAL 727695 416176007202
3” 9” Application Specific 231.0 198,000 Lbs 89.8 MT 720 Ft OAL N/A 416192007202
3-1/4” 10” Application Specific 286.0 243,000 Lbs 110.0 MT 720 Ft OAL N/A 416208007202
3-5/8” 11” Application Specific 342.0 306,000 Lbs 139.0 MT 720 Ft OAL N/A 416232007202
4” 12” Application Specific 413.0 369,000 Ls 167.0 MT 720 Ft OAL N/A 416296007202
➤ 6-ft. ➤ ➤ 6-ft. ➤
ELONGATION % Refer to the Round Plait Class I splicing
at % of Break Strength insructions provided in Section II - SPLICING
INSTRUCTIONS (pp 29-30) of this Manual.
10% 20% 30%
1.46% 2.58% 4.04%
RP12 Ultra Blue PNX was designed as a superior wearing and handling, floating Sec-
ondary Mooring Line. A firm, Round Plait construction of alternating yarns of high
tenacity polyester and Ultra Blue™ fiber in each of the twelve-strands. Ultra Blue fiber
floats, does not absorb water, is more durable than standard polypropylene and is resis-
tant to ultraviolet degradation. The polyester used in this construction provides added
durability and strength. RP-12 Ultra Blue PNX is a distinctive sky-blue and white rope
with a red and green ID tracer.
Dia. Circ. Vessel per 100 Ft. Lbs Metric Tonnes (Put-Up) Number Number
3” 9” Application Specific 178 Lbs 162,000 Lbs 73.5 MT 720 Ft OAL 727697 415192007202
➤ 6-ft. ➤ ➤ 6-ft. ➤
at % of Break Strength
10% 20% 30% Refer to the Round Plait Class I splicing insructions provided in
Section II - SPLICING INSTRUCTIONS (pp 29-30) of this Manual.
2.3% 3.1% 5.0%
Dia. Circ. Vessel per 100 Ft. Lbs Metric Tonnes (Put-Up)
1-1/8” 3-1/2” Application Specific 30.5 Lbs 68,900 Lbs 31.3 MT 720 Ft OAL
1-1/4” 3-3/4” Application Specific 38.5 Lbs 86,900 Lbs 39.4 MT 720 Ft OAL
1-5/16” 4” Application Specific 41.5 Lbs 104,000 Lbs 47.2 MT 720 Ft OAL
1-3/8” 4-1/8” Application Specific 46.0 Lbs 108,000 Lbs 48.8 MT 720 Ft OAL
1-1/2” 4-1/2” Application Specific 55.4 Lbs 125,000 Lbs 56.7 MT 720 Ft OAL
1-5/8” 5” Application Specific 68.0 Lbs 140,000 Lbs 63.5 MT 720 Ft OAL
1-3/4” 5-1/2” Application Specific 74.8 Lbs 190,000 Lbs 86.0 MT 720 Ft OAL
2” 6” Application Specific 99.0 Lbs 238,000 Lbs 108.0 MT 720 Ft OAL
2-1/8” 6-1/2” Application Specific 112.0 Lbs 277,000 Lbs 126 MT 720 Ft OAL
2-1/4” 7” Application Specific 125.0 Lbs 316,000 Lbs 143 MT 720 Ft OAL
2-1/2” 7-1/2” Application Specific 149.0 Lbs 396,000 Lbs 180 MT 720 Ft OAL
at % of Break Strength
1-1/8” 3-1/2” 35 to 60 MDWT 133,000 Lbs 31.9 Lbs Yes 0.70% 0.08
1-1/2” 4-1/2” 60 to 100 MDWT 205,000 Lbs 51.7 Lbs Yes 0.70% 0.08
1-5/8” 5” 130 MDWT 255,000 Lbs 65.2 lbs Yes 0.70% 0.08
12-Strand Dyneema
& Over
SK-75 fiber
1-1/8” 3-1/2” Application Specific 113,000 Lbs 29.2 Lbs Yes 0.70% 0.08
1-5/16” 4” Application Specific 143,000 Lbs 37.9 Lbs Yes 0.70% 0.08
1-1/2” 4-1/2” Application Specific 176,000 Lbs 47.6 Lbs Yes 0.70% 0.08
8X3-Strand Dyneema
1-5/8” 5” Application Specific 213,000 Lbs 58.5 Lbs Yes 0.70% 0.08
SK-75 fiber
1-1/8” 3-1/2” Application Specific 113,000 Lbs 33.0 Lbs Yes 0.33% 0.11
1-5/16” 4” Application Specific 149,000 Lbs 42.0 Lbs Yes 0.33% 0.11
1-1/2” 4-1/2” Application Specific 189,000 Lbs 51.5 Lbs Yes 0.33% 0.11
Jacketed Core Dependant
1-5/8” 5” Application Specific 225,000 Lbs 58.0 Lbs Yes 0.33% 0.11
SK-75 fiber
1-1/8” 3-1/2” Application Specific 113,000 Lbs 33.0 Lbs Yes 0.33% 0.11
1-5/16” 4” Application Specific 149,000 Lbs 43.0 Lbs Yes 0.33% 0.11
1-1/2” 4-1/2” Application Specific 189,000 Lbs 54.0 Lbs Yes 0.33% 0.11
12-strand Dyneema
1-5/8” 5” Application Specific 225,000 Lbs 60.0 Lbs Yes 0.33% 0.11
SK-75 fiber core
2-1/2” 7-1/2” Application Specific 143,000 Lbs 150 Lbs No 4.04% 0.12 - 0.15
1-5/16” 4” Application Specific 158,000 Lbs 176 Lbs No 4.04% 0.12 - .015
RP-12 SSR-1200 1-1/2” 4-1/2” Application Specific 184,000 Lbs 199 Lbs No 4.04% 0.12 - 0.15
Braided Ultra Blue and
polyester fiber
Dia. Circ. For Class Strength per100 FT. Yes/No Strength OF FRICTION
3” 9” Application Specific 162,000 Lbs 178 Lbs Yes 5.0% 0.14 - 0.17
Ultra Blue PNX
Braided Ultra Blue and
polyester fiber
Dia. Circ. For Class Strength per100 FT. Yes/No Strength OF FRICTION
1-1/2” 4-1/2” Application Specific 125,000 Lbs 55.4 Lbs No 0.96% .15 - .22
1-5/8” 5” Application Specific 140,000 Lbs 68.0 Lbs No 0.96% .15 - .22
1-3/4” 5-1/2” Application Specific 190,000 Lbs 74.8 Lbs No 0.96% .15 - .22
2” 6” Application Specific 238,000 Lbs 99.0 Lbs No 0.96% .15 - .22
8-Strand 2-1/8” 6-1/2” Application Specific 277,000 Lbs 112 Lbs No 0.96% .15 - .22
Dyneema & Polyester 2-1/4” 7” Application Specific 316,000 Lbs 125 Lbs No 0.96% .15 - .22
2-1/2” 7-1/2” Application Specific 396,000 Lbs 149 Lbs No 0.96% .15 - .22
This high strength, 100% polyester fiber rope has excellent surge mitigation and superior
resistance flex-fatigue. Produced from high tenacity polyester fiber for the seven parallel
braided strength cores and a non-load-bearing braided chafe protection cover. The efficiency of
this construction provides a very high strength-to-weight ratio. P-7 enables the use of smaller
diameters to replace standard polyester rope constructions, thereby minimizing weight.
Mooring Master P-7 pendants have Cordura chafe sleeve covered eyes and the splice area
below the eye is covered with orange Samthane. Though not as flexible as 8-strand plaited
polyester pendants, P-7 pendants are very durable.
Mooring Master P-7 ➤ ➤
at % of Break Strength
Tenex ™
A twelve-strand single braid construction of high tenacity polyester fiber coated with green
Samthane urethane. Tenex provides very high strength and low stretch. Use will enhance
the grip on this rope. The urethane coating adds and added abrasion resistance. This non-
torquing rope is very easy to splice.
Mooring line stoppers are only for use on synthetic fiber secondary mooring lines, or mooring
lines not on winches. This stopper should not be used on AmSteel-Blue primary mooring
lines. Tenex stoppers can be used with Proton 8.
Tenex Stoppers are to be inspected regularly per the Selection, Inspection and Retirement
Guidelines detailed in this manual. ChevronTexaco Shipping requires retirement of all Stop-
pers after five (5) years of service regardless of their physical appearance (this is required to insure
the proper residual break strength requirements of the Stoppers).
➤ 30-ft. ➤
10% 20% 30% ➤ 18” ➤ ➤ 18” ➤
1.8% 3.5% 4.1%
12-inch eye spliced each end
• Buoy Hang-Off Lines • Cargo Hose Slip Line
3-3/4” circumference x 150-feet
Refer to the 3-Strand splicing insructions provided in Section II - SPLICING INSTRUCTIONS, (p. 31-32) of this Manual.
Retirement Criteria for synthetic fiber ropes must be made based on the usage of the lines in
conjunction with frequent visual inspections. In this study we are removing the AmSteel-Blue and
Mooring Master P7 pendants based on years of service and testing the rope’s residual strength. The
lines’ residual strengths are then reported with the amount of mooring/lightering hours that the
lines had performed to the date of removal, which, over the duration of the testing program, should
result in a characteristic data set for each class of vessel tested.
The tests are taking place on the Altair Voyager, Neptune Voyager, Washington Voyager, and the
Cygnus Voyager. For more details on the testing program and the results to date, please contact
your vessel’s Marine Superintendent.
Ref. A Ref. A
3-Inches 6-Inches 6-Inches 3-Inches
Ref. A
1 Orange Samthane Coating Type C Size Whipping Length
Circ. Inches/# Fids
2 Cordura Nylon Chafe Sleeve
6-1/2" 45" / 3
3 Whipping, see Ref. A 7" 47" / 3
7-1/2" 53" / 3
8" 55" / 3
9" 63" / 3