BCG 1.0A Standard Implementation - ISO 13443 & ISO 6976
BCG 1.0A Standard Implementation - ISO 13443 & ISO 6976
BCG 1.0A Standard Implementation - ISO 13443 & ISO 6976
Implementation -
ISO 13443 & ISO
Implementation & configuration
for natural gas conversions
including property calculations
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Notes: .......................................................................................................................... 2
Contents ...................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction.................................................................................................................. 4
1. Installation ............................................................................................................... 5
5. Installation Test.......................................................................................................15
Standard ISO 6976 Second edition 1995-12-01, corrected and reprinted 1996-02-01
(Natural gas – Calculation of calorific values, density, relative density and Wobbe index from
The solution is part of the product Bulk Calculations Gas Version 1.0A (BCG 10A).
The solution runs only in an SAP ABAP environment in which IS-Oil has been implemented.
The solution can be accessed by the SAP Quantity Conversion Interface (QCI) and is controlled
by the Conversion Groups provided within this configuration implementation.
The technical implementation is provided as a part of a CSP package for BCG 10A.
Please follow the standard SAP instructions for importing service packages into your system via
transaction SPAM, or the implementation on installation packages via transaction SAINT.
Customizing settings, which are needed in every client in which this standard will be used, are
included in the delivery package.
On releases based upon SAP 4.72 and below, the related customizing transport must be
imported into all necessary clients, or distributed to them from client 000.
On releases based upon SAP ERP 2005 (ECC 6.00) or newer, BC Set /QTYW/BCG_10A must
be activated in the relevant clients.
Please refer to the QuantityWare BCG 10A Installation Guide for more information.
WARNING: If you import the customizing template into a pre-existing client, any
pre-existing entries listed within the template (transport or BC-Set) will be
Besides serving as basic feedstock for the chemical industry, natural gas is predominantly used
for heat production as a fuel in large industry sites and millions of households worldwide.
In order to define a trading value for natural gas and to ensure natural gas interchangeability,
certain quantities that characterize natural gas must be defined and recorded in business
transactions for various processes e.g. inventory management, quality assurance, pricing and
excise duty payments. For a comprehensive list of such quantities we recommend ISO standard
ISO 6976 as a reference.
With BCG 1.0A QuantityWare delivers conversion groups that are designed for all globally
known standard reference conditions for natural gas in the gas phase (high and low pressure
regime (CNG), as well as conversion groups for NGL (Natural Gas Liquids). With the release of
BCG 1.0A, LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) support is also in scope.
In order to aid the comprehension of this documentation, we cite the most important definitions
from standard ISO 6976 & ISO 6578.
Common definitions:
The amount of heat which would be released by the complete combustion in air of a specified
quantity of gas, in such a way that the pressure p1 at which the reaction takes place remains
constant, and all the products of combustion are returned to the same specified temperature t 1
as that of the reactants, all of these products being in the gaseous state except for water formed
by combustion, which is condensed to the liquid state at t1.
A synonym for calorific value is the term heating value. Calorific values can be
specified on a molar or mass basis. Then the calorific value depends on the
combustion reference conditions t1 and p1. More commonly, calorific values are
determined based upon a volumetric basis ;in this instance, the calorific value
needs to be specified with the combustion reference conditions t1 and p1 as well
as the volumetric reference conditions t2 and p2.
The density is the mass of a gas sample divided by its volume at specified conditions of
pressure and temperature.
Relative density:
The density of a gas divided by the density of dry air of standard composition (see Annex B ISO
6976:1995 for a definition of dry air) at the same specified conditions of pressure and
Wobbe index:
The superior calorific value on a volumetric basis at specified reference conditions, divided by
the square root of the relative density at the same specified metering reference conditions.
The Wobbe index is an important quality designation for natural gas, which is
commonly used to determine trade prices and the interchangeability of natural
The SAP QCI does not calculate the Wobbe index for natural gas. BCG
contains functions to perform these calculations within the delivered global
Gas interchangeability:
An important business requirement when trading natural gas is that natural gas combustion is
kept at a defined quality levels that are e.g. required by burners. The Wobbe index (sometimes
also referred to as Wobbe number) can serve as one important quality number to ensure
interchangeability of natural gas batches with e.g. an apparent different composition.
No real gas obeys this law. For real gases, equation (1) must be rewritten as
p . Vm = Z(T,p) . R . T …(2)
where Z(T,p) is a variable often close to unity, and is known as the compression factor.
Compression factor:
The actual (real) volume of a given mass of a gas at specified pressure and temperature divided
by its volume, under the same conditions, as calculated by the ideal gas law.
Country t1 p1 t2 p2
Argentina - 101,325 kPa 15 °C 101,325 kPa
Australia 15 °C 101,325 kPa 0 °C 101,325 kPa
Austria 25 °C 101,325 kPa 0 °C 101,325 kPa
Belgium 25 °C 101,325 kPa 0 °C 101,325 kPa
Brazil - 101,325 kPa 0 °C 101,325 kPa
Canada 15 °C 101,325 kPa 15 °C 101,325 kPa
China 20 °C 101,325 kPa 20 °C 101,325 kPa
Czechoslovakia 25 °C 101,325 kPa 20 °C and 0 °C 101,325 kPa
Denmark 25 °C 101,325 kPa 0 °C 101,325 kPa
Egypt - 101,325 kPa 15 °C 101,325 kPa
Finland - 101,325 kPa 15 °C 101,325 kPa
France 0 °C 101,325 kPa 0 °C 101,325 kPa
Germany 25 °C 101,325 kPa 0 °C 101,325 kPa
Hong Kong - 101,325 kPa 15 °C 101,325 kPa
Hungary - 101,325 kPa 0 °C 101,325 kPa
India - 101,325 kPa 0 °C 101,325 kPa
Indonesia - 101,325 kPa 0 °C 101,325 kPa
Iran - 101,325 kPa 15 °C 101,325 kPa
Ireland 15 °C 101,325 kPa 15 °C 101,325 kPa
Italy 25 °C 101,325 kPa 0 °C 101,325 kPa
Japan 0 °C 101,325 kPa 0 °C 101,325 kPa
Netherlands 25 °C 101,325 kPa 0 °C 101,325 kPa
New Zealand - 101,325 kPa 15 °C 101,325 kPa
Norway - 101,325 kPa 15 °C 101,325 kPa
Pakistan - 101,325 kPa 15 °C 101,325 kPa
Romania 25 °C 101,325 kPa 15 °C and 0 °C 101,325 kPa
Russia 25 °C 101,325 kPa 20 °C and 0 °C 101,325 kPa
Spain 0 °C 101,325 kPa 0 °C 101,325 kPa
Sweden - 101,325 kPa 0 °C 101,325 kPa
United Kingdom 15 °C 101,325 kPa 15 °C 101,325 kPa
USA* 15 °C 101,325 kPa 15 °C 101,325 kPa
Yugoslavia 0 °C 101,325 kPa 0 °C 101,325 kPa
Within this implementation, we provide conversion groups and reading groups together with
formula implementations that calculate the base density, base heating value and the Wobbe
Index as well as quantity values (energies, masses, volumes at any desired reference condition
set) for natural gas (LOW PRESSURE) at IDEAL GAS CONDITIONS (SAP QCI &
QuantityWare MQCI) and REAL GAS CONDITIONS (QuantityWare MQCI only).
Customizing data:
The conversion groups QVF0 to QVFN are provided for the MQCI implementations, conversion
groups QVB0 to QVC5 are provided for SAP QCI implementations.
Conversion groups defined with U.S. customary and SI units and all known
reference conditions are available.
BAdI Implementations:
Move additional natural gas parameters to appl
This BAdI provides exactly one method which has to be implemented as defined in this
METHOD if_ex_oib_qci_cust_param~move_cust_par_to_result .
*/ calling application
i_ddic_reference = '/QTYW/NATURALGAS_EXPORT'
e_structure = ls_naturalgas_export
t_oib_a10 = it_param
structure_not_exists = 1
field_type_not_valid = 2
inconsistent_customizing = 3
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
RAISING calculation_failure.
Implemented formula
The formulas utilized by the conversion groups described in this document are implemented
within the SAP QCI and QuantityWare BCG 10A functions. Together they allow conversions
between different sets of standard (base) reference conditions. Although ISO 13443 defines a
temperature value of 15 °C (288,15 K) and a pressure value of 101,325 kPa as standard
reference conditions for measurements and calculations for real dry gas (natural gases, natural-
gas substitutes, similar fluids in the gaseous state), it is recognized that in certain circumstances
it may be impracticable or even forbidden to use these ISO standard reference conditions (e.g.
forced by national legislation or contractual obligations). Thus, conversion formulas are provided
in ISO 13443 which enable values of properties (relating to any known other reference
conditions) to be converted to values for the ISO standard reference conditions.
In addition to the formulas provided within ISO 13443, calculation formulas based on ISO
6976:1995 (E) are utilized by the SAP QCI.
In order to use the SAP QCI conversion groups delivered with this package, you have to
activate the SAP basic natural gas conversion routines in customizing: If not already activated,
go to:
Here, you can activate the SAP natural gas routines. Afterwards, run the validation and test
report. If no errors are reported, productive usage of the SAP QCI with BCG 10A for natural gas
is possible.
Included in the BCG 1.0A package are test & validation programs that can be used to test and
also validate the installation of this conversion group set. You can easily access the tests via the
Gas Measurement Cockpit:
This configuration implementation (global template) is fully integrated into the QCI and thus into
all logistics processes such as the SAP Trader’s & Schedulers Workbench (TSW). The desktop
calculator (transaction O3QCITEST) can be accessed from the Gas Measurement Cockpit and
used to calculate natural gas quantities for all of the above defined conversion groups: