19 PTX SiO2
19 PTX SiO2
19 PTX SiO2
Journal of Nanomaterials
Volume 2014, Article ID 853967, 8 pages
Research Article
An Alcohol-Free SiO2 Sol-Gel Matrix
Functionalized with Acetic Acid as Drug Reservoir for
the Controlled Release of Pentoxifylline
Received 14 March 2014; Revised 22 May 2014; Accepted 22 May 2014; Published 6 July 2014
Copyright © 2014 Mayra Angélica Alvarez Lemus et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Pentoxifylline (PTX) is a xanthine derivative, with hemorrheologic properties, that has been useful in the treatment of several
diseases. However, a conventional route of administration implies high doses, what is unnecessary to the organism, seriously
increasing the risk of toxicity because of side effects. Because of the facility to modify their surface, sol-gel materials have proved
to be suitable reservoirs for a variety of molecules for biological applications. In this work we prepared alcohol-free SiO2 material
by the sol-gel process using acetic acid as surface modifier and hydrolysis catalyst, the alkoxide/water ratio (Rw) used was 1/16,
and tetraethylorthosilicate was used as SiO2 precursor. Spectroscopic characterization was carried out by means of FTIR-ATR and
UV-Visible spectroscopies; the results confirmed the presence of the drug and interactions between sol-gel matrix and PTX. BET
specific surface area values of the sol-gel materials were 365 and 462 m2 /g for SiO2 and PTX-SiO2 , respectively. Synthesized SiO2
nanoparticles showed efficient entrapment of PTX since a controlled release of 83% of drug content was reached.
has been explored during the last years; however this type stirring until gel formation. The sols were maintained under
of formulations shows low encapsulation efficiencies with continuous stirring at room temperature until the gel was
release percentages varying from 50 to 90%. One of the main formed; then the samples were dried and milled for further
successful trends in this field is local application of thera- analysis.
peutics using nanoparticles since it represents an alternative
to increasing drug concentrations in target organs or tissues 2.2. Sample Characterization
[14]. Obtaining of drug-loaded nanomaterials has gained
attention in nanomedicine, and their design represents a 2.2.1. Infrared ATR Spectroscopy. The powders were mixed
challenge in order to find the most suitable host nanomaterial with KBr (95%) and pressed into a CARNER pellet mill.
for specific drug properties. The wafers were analyzed in an IR Affinity-1 (Shimadzu)
Surface modification of materials allows enhancing or spectrometer in Absorbance mode.
improving adsorption of molecules of interest like drugs,
2.2.2. UV-Visible Spectroscopy. For diffuse reflectance mea-
enzymes, or antibodies just to mention a few. For controlled
surements an UV–Vis spectrophotometer (Varian, Cary-100)
release purposes, the main goal is to entrap inside a nanos-
with integrating sphere attachment DRA-CA-30I was used.
tructured reservoir, lower drug doses than those used by sys-
The equipment was calibrated using Spectralon standard
temic administration, to prevent adverse side effects, whereas
(Labsphere SRS-99-010, 99% reflectance). The optical absorp-
nanomaterial acts as reservoir and shield protecting the drug
tion was measured in the 200–800 nm range.
from physiological conditions increasing therapeutic effect
in target sites. Currently, there are several ways to modify 2.2.3. Scanning Electron Microscopy and Electron Dispersive
nanomaterials surface as well as a variety of anchorable Spectroscopy. SEM micrographs were taken with a JEOL
functional groups. Among most commonly used, hydroxyl JSM-6010LV microscope; microanalysis was carried out with
groups through different precursors have gained interest. It a EDS Bruker equipment (QUANTAX system).
has been reported that oxygen-containing functional groups
are very good applicants to bind to the silicon surface, because 2.2.4. Transmission Electron Microscopy. Powder samples
of the strong Si–O bond [15]. Sol-gel materials have highly were mixed in ethanol and dispersed in an ultrasonic bath,
hydroxylated surface, also this method is suitable for in situ after that a drop of this suspension was deposited in a carbon
surface modification, by adding functionalizing agents either covered copper grid and then observed in the microscope
at the first stage or once the gel was obtained. to further analysis. Transmission electron microscopy was
In the development of more efficient biomaterials, surface performed in a Philips (FEI) Tecnai 10 at accelerating voltage
modification is currently one of the most useful techniques of 80 kV attached to MegaView III camera (SIS).
since this improves their properties. For this purpose, several
chemicals are under current investigation,–COOH, –SH, and 2.2.5. Thermal Analysis. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)
–NH2 being the most popular [16]. In our work we used and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) graphics were
acetic acid which possesses a –COOH functional group and obtained in a STA i-1000 thermal analyzer, 10 cm3 /min with
is a weak acid with particular behavior at physiological pH; N2 flux from room temperature to 800∘ C.
moreover acetic acid has showed antibacterial and antifungal
properties. Its biological role discovered by biochemist Kon- 2.2.6. N2 Adsorption. Samples were degassed at 50∘ C during
rad Emil Bloch as the primary precursor in the production of 48 hours in a Bellprep II station, and then the samples were
body cholesterol and its antimicrobial properties [17] make it analyzed in a Bellsorp II equipment, at 77 K using N2 as
adsorptive. Surface area was calculated by the Brunauer-
suitable for biological applications.
Emmet-Teller (BET) method and pore size distributions were
In this research, we incorporated PTX in an alcohol-free
obtained from desorption isotherms using Barret, Joyner, and
SiO2 nanostructured matrix for controlled release purposes;
Halenda (BJH) method.
together with SiO2 as reference, the samples were character-
ized by several physical techniques. Drug release profiles were 2.3. In Vitro Pentoxifylline Release. 100 mg of PTX-SiO2 was
recorded by UV-Vis spectroscopy and kinetic analysis was pressed to obtain thin disks with diameter of 1 cm. Each wafer
carried out by fitting data to zero and first order mathematical was placed into a flask containing distilled water (100 ml).
models. Samples of supernatant (ca. 3 mL) were collected to obtain
UV-Vis spectra at regular intervals of time and returned to
2. Materials and Methods the flask to keep constant volume. Drug release profiles were
obtained by following the main absorption band of PTX
2.1. Synthesis. 5 g of SiO2 and PTX-SiO2 were prepared by (274 nm). A calibration curve was made and concentration
the sol-gel process. Tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS, SIGMA- of the samples at time 𝑡 was obtained applying Beer-Lambert
ALDRICH 98%) was used as silicon oxide precursor. law.
Alkoxide-water molar ratio was 1 : 16. In order to functional-
ize materials surface, acetic acid (REASOL, 99.7%) was used 3. Results
by adding 3 mL of a 0.1 M acetic acid solution to distilled
water until pH 3 was reached. For PTX-SiO2 material, same 3.1. Sample Characterization. Collected infrared spectra are
procedure was used with addition of 200 mg of PTX. TEOS shown in Figure 1. In the 4000–2750 cm−1 region, we
was added slowly and the mixture was kept under continuous observed a broad band for PTX-SiO2 and SiO2 materials that
Journal of Nanomaterials 3
Absorbance (a.u.)
Absorbance (a.u.)
0.8 0.6
0.6 0.5
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300
Wavenumber (cm−1 ) Wavenumber (cm−1 )
SiO2 SiO2
(a) (b)
Figure 1: ATR-FTIR spectra of the materials. (a) Full range and (b) mid-energy region.
Table 1: Elemental analysis by electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) of the sample PTX-SiO2 .
3.5 Si
2.5 5
Cps (eV)
Cps (eV)
2.0 4
1.5 3
1.0 2 O
0.5 1
0.0 0
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
(keV) (keV)
(a) (b)
Cps (eV)
20 C N O Si
0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80
Figure 3: Electron dispersive spectroscopy of (a) bare PTX and (b) PTX-acetic acid-SiO2 and (c) SiO2 . Elemental composition of particles
surface is provided where carbon, nitrogen silicon, and oxygen can be detected.
concentrations of carbon and detected nitrogen and oxygen other and single particles are clearly observed, but none
in the PTX analysis (Figure 3(a)). PTX-SiO2 and SiO2 are exceeded 100 nm. Sol-gel process is an efficient technique to
shown in Figures 3(b) and 3(c), respectively, where we obtaining nanoparticles, with particular morphology influ-
observed the presence of the drug in SiO2 . Elemental analysis enced by the addition of the drug.
of the sample PTX-SiO2 is shown in Table 1. Regarding Figure 6 shows corresponding thermal analysis curves for
morphological analysis scanning electron microscopy images all the samples. Anhydrous nature of PTX is evident in the
showed PTX-SiO2 smaller aggregates than those observed in lack of noticeable weight loss when the compound was heated
SiO2 (Figure 4). as high as 211∘ C (inset). Beyond 250∘ C and up to 345∘ C an
Particle size of the samples is around 100 nm in pure silica; extensive weight loss was observed, which corresponds to
however formation of clumps made of nanoparticles can be exothermic decomposition of the drug. DSC endothermic
observed from TEM (Figure 5). When PTX is incorporated peak at 111∘ C can be identified as melting transition of PTX
into SiO2 , nanoparticles seemed to be less attached to each [22]. We observed that SiO2 has an endothermic weight loss
Journal of Nanomaterials 5
Figure 4: Scanning electron microscopy images of the samples. Particles bigger than 20 𝜇m correspond to pentoxifylline (a), while inclusion
of the drug in the functionalized SiO2 modifies the surface morphology and size (b). For SiO2 aggregates of different sizes were observed (c).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 5: Transmission electron microscopy images of acetic acid-SiO2 (a), (b) and PTX-acetic acid-SiO2 (c), (d).
of ca. 16% in the temperature range from 25∘ C to 110∘ C, which With the aim of determining BET surface area and
is mainly associated with thermal removal of adsorbed water BJH pore distribution we used N2 adsorption desorption
and acetic acid. This signal is followed by a broad region of isotherms (Figure 7). We observed that when 𝑝/𝑝0 < 0.2,
weight loss that corresponds with dehydroxylation process both materials SiO2 and PTX-SiO2 adsorbed almost the same
of silica. It is important to note that no exothermic peaks volume; however above this value SiO2 isotherm takes the
were observed in the 120–800∘ C range, which indicates that form of reversible Type I isotherm (Langmuir isotherm),
the sample does not crystallize. Nevertheless, this thermal which is concave to the 𝑝/𝑝0 axis and approaches to a
behavior is different from that observed in PTX-SiO2 sample, limiting value as 𝑝/𝑝0 → 1. This type of isotherms is
where we observed a higher weight loss than in SiO2 in the given by microporous solids with relatively small external
118–380∘ C region (about 3%), and is associated with a small surfaces; when PTX is incorporated to silica, adsorption
exothermic peak centered at 334∘ C that is in agreement with behavior is completely different, since PTX-SiO2 correspond-
reported thermal decomposition of PTX and close to the ing isotherm is Type II according to IUPAC, which is
nominal concentration of the drug. the normal form of isotherm observed in a nonporous or
6 Journal of Nanomaterials
100 100
PTX 0.14
Weight (%)
80 0.12
dp /drp
95 0.08
20 0.02
90 250 0.00
0 −0.02
0 200 400 600 800 1 10 100
200 rp (nm)
SiO2 150
80 PTX-SiO2 100
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Temperature (%)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(a) Relative pressure (p/p0 )
5 PTX-SiO2
SiO2 1.4
Heat flow (mw)
0 1.2
−20 PTX
Cumulative release (mg/mL)
−25 −30 1.0
−30 −50 0.8
Exo 0 50 100 150 200 250
−35 0.6
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 y = (a ∗ b ∗ x(1−c) )/(1
Equation + b ∗ x(1−c) )
Temperature (∘ C) 0.4 Adj. R-square 0.97048
Value Standard error
(b) Cummulativerelea a 1.22715 0.01888
0.2 Cummulativerelea b 0.77402 0.06117
Cummulativerelea c −0.09263 0.11835
Figure 6: (a) Thermogravimetric analysis and (b) differential scan-
ning calorimetry curves of nanoparticles acetic acid-functionalized 0 50100 150 200 250
nanomaterials SiO2 and PTX-SiO2 . The inset shows thermogravi-
Time (h)
metric profile of bare PTX. Cumulative release
LangmuirEXT1 fit
macroporous adsorbent. However, in our sample, this is asso- Figure 8: Cumulative release profile of PTX. The drug dissolutions
were carried out in distilled water and analyzed by ultraviolet
ciated with the coverage of silica by PTX molecules; hysteresis
spectroscopy. Langmuir extended mathematical model was used.
loop corresponds to type H3, which does not exhibit any
limiting adsorption at high 𝑝/𝑝0 , commonly observed with
aggregates of plate-like particles giving rise to slit-shaped been used to use low doses and minimize adverse side
pores. Regarding surface area and pore size distribution, we effects. We observed that, after several weeks, PTX remained
observed that PTX-SiO2 exhibited a 𝑆BET = 462 m2 /g while unmodified, since no changes were observed in UV-Visible
bare SiO2 was 365 m2 /g. Although both samples showed the spectrum. When PTX release was monitored in vitro, cumu-
same value for mean pore diameter (2.4 nm) for PTX-SiO2 lative drug amount versus time was plotted (Figure 8), and
we observed the presence of a considerable amount of pores discharge of the drug takes place in two steps, where the
between 4 and 8 nm. initial takes place from 𝑡 = 0 up to 𝑡 = 3 h, with a
24% released of the drug. In the following hours a slower
3.2. Drug Release Profile. Controlled release of active prin- profile was observed reaching the 83% after 250 h, which
ciples has been one of the most investigated areas in phar- means that encapsulation yield was about 98% regarding the
macology. In order to increase therapeutic effect, strategies initial amount of PTX placed. We observed that obtained data
like encapsulation or entrapment of a variety of drugs have showed a better fit when Langmuir extended model is applied
Journal of Nanomaterials 7
(𝑟2 = 0.97) (1), whereas first order kinetics had 𝑟2 = 0.92 and porous SiO2 ; however drug size and microporosity of SiO2
estimated constants for these two-step release profiles were favor higher concentration of the drug on the external surface
2.44 and 1.25, respectively (see Supplementary Material, avail- of SiO2 than inside porous. This is related to the two-step
able online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/853967). These release observed in the in vitro profile, since at the beginning
results showed the efficiency and usefulness of sol-gel silica the system delivered around 24% of entrapped drug whereas
as drug-reservoir. Consider the remainder drug was released slower, and corresponds to
the drug entrapped inside SiO2 framework. This fact allowed
𝑎𝑏𝑡1−𝑐 a desirable progressive release, in order to avoid undesirable
𝐶= , (1)
1 + 𝑏𝑡1−𝑐 side effects caused by high local concentrations of PTX.
Due to the different applications of PTX in several
where 𝑎, 𝑏, and 𝑐 are coefficients of the equation, 𝐶 is the diseases, some attempts have been made to encapsulate this
cumulative release (mg/mL), and 𝑡 time (h). drug in diverse matrices; however, until now, silica matrices
have not been reported yet. Rahman and coworkers [20]
4. Discussion found that when PTX is encapsulated in matrices of cellulose,
the release was governed by the presence of microcrystals
It is well known that hydroxyl groups of sol-gel materials in cellulose; they obtained matrices with a 50–60% of
bring special features to its surface. For drug release purposes, encapsulation efficiency 65% released after 8 hours. Another
these groups provide major interaction between material
research group who investigated se of scaffolds to avoid
surface and loaded drug. Also, the hydrogen bonds have
fibrous formation in biomedical implants reported similar
enormous effect on uptake guest molecules. On the other
efficiencies with releases of 60 to 90% in 1.5 hours when
hand, carboxylic groups have been demonstrated to be good
enhancers for biocompatible and bioactive surfaces [23]. In alginate-chitosan scaffolds are used [3]. Depending on the
this research we include in a sol-gel matrix of silicon dioxide final destination of the drug-vehicle, different rates of release
both a drug and a surface modifier. FTIR spectroscopy are required. In our work, we used the solid network of
characterization gave us evidence about interactions between silica to entrap PTX to be used as slow-release vehicle with
PTX and surface OH groups from sol-gel SiO2 . Also, mod- promising results.
ifying surface of the SiO2 nanoparticles was well observed.
One of the most useful properties of sol-gel process is the 5. Conclusions
facility for incorporation of a broad variety of molecules
during the first stages of the process; additionally using low Pentoxifylline is a drug with novel applications in therapeu-
temperatures represents a suitable feature for entrapment of tics; however its side effects and low effect after repeated
pharmacologically active compounds. doses limit its potential. The use of different vehicles in
Acetic acid modified UV-Vis spectra of SiO2 shifting its order to improve therapeutic effect of drugs represents one
main absorption band toward higher energy are related to of the most important fields of research in medicine. In
interactions between carbonyl group and hydrogen bonds this sense, nanoparticles of inorganic oxides can be easily
formed with silica surface. Incorporation of PTX on silicon fabricated with a wide variety of additives to enhance their
dioxide can be inferred due to the presence of an additional surface properties, and particularly the sol-gel chemistry
and intense band centered at 274 nm, which is not exhibited shows relative facility to control the synthesis variables, which
by SiO2 material. The band corresponding to SiO2 is shifted allows designing materials for very specific applications, such
toward lower energy due to strong interactions between as controlled release of drugs. Addition of acetic acid did
PTX, acetate group, and SiO2 . This can be supposed since not influence chemical structure of the drug since PTX
acetate ions have the possibility to coordinate with silicon was released without chemical modifications. In this work,
atoms through carboxylate group in three different ways: addition of acetic acid has two different intentions: (1) to
monodentate or bidentate or with acid-base pair sites [24]. act as a functionalizing of SiO2 surface and (2) as hydrolysis
It is well known that properties of pure silicon dioxide catalyst.
strongly depend on the chemical activity of its surface, This PTX-SiO2 functionalized system was characterized
determined by the concentration and distribution of OH and evidences of drug-silica interaction were confirmed.
groups, and the porous structure of the matrix [25]. Several Important features in this type of devices are porosity and
studies on SiO2 surface have been carried out and have surface area, since internal and external areas participate in
proved that different types of amorphous SiO2 contain not adsorption of the drug, depending on its size and chemical
only OH groups on its surface, but also structurally bounded structure. The obtained material exhibited large surface area
water within the matrix and even inside micropores of the with a well-defined pore size distribution, allowing entrap-
sample. Thus, porosity plays an important role on SiO2 ment of PTX molecules in two different ways: first by filling
surface behavior. Besides high concentrations of surface and micropores and then adsorbing over the external surface. The
structural OH groups, sol-gel materials commonly possess drug release profile showed that silica particles represent a
high surface area and microporosity. good alternative to entrap efficiently the desired amount of
As Figure 4(b) showed, incorporation of the drug in SiO2 drug, with sustained and slow liberation during 25 h. Such a
modified its surface which clearly differs from bare oxide. drug release profile at the active site can make the carrier a
Water solubility of the drug facilitates its entrapment into viable candidate for clinical application in wounds because
8 Journal of Nanomaterials
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