Chapter I

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Background of the study

Sustainable vegetable production faces numerous challenges, including declining soil

fertility due to intensive cultivation practices (Solis, 2023). This exhaustion, coupled with limited

land availability caused by urbanization (Solis, 2023), necessitates exploring alternative growing

media. Furthermore, climate change poses additional threats with rising temperatures, erratic

rainfall patterns, and water scarcity (Solis, 2023). These factors necessitate innovative solutions

for sustainable vegetable production.

Pechay (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis), also known as bok choy, is a popular leafy green

vegetable in the Philippines prized for its nutritional value and short growing cycle (30–45 days)

(Gonzaga et al., 2017). It thrives in well-draining, organically rich loamy soil with a temperature

range of 18–22 °C (Agricultural Training Institute). It's exactly the reason why the researcher

will use pechay as one of the variables in this research. While traditional soil is commonly used,

its fertility can decline over time, hindering optimal pechay growth.

Understanding different soil types is crucial for successful plant cultivation. Loamy soil,

a balanced blend of sand, silt, and clay, offers ideal drainage, nutrient retention, and workability

for pechay (Jamie, 2023). In contrast, sandy soil drains well but dries out quickly and may lack

nutrients (Jamie, 2023). Clay soil retains moisture well but becomes compacted when wet,

impeding drainage and root growth (Jamie, 2023). While various studies explore suitable soil

types for pechay, Jimenez et al. (n.d.). It is stated that pechay can grow from mid- to low

elevations throughout the year; good production is held in cool conditions. But, during the dry

season, it can be grown with good irrigation in a sandy to clay loam type of soil with a

pH ranging from 5.5 to 6.5. Sandy loam and clay loam types of soil are good for pechay growth

but also present challenges: sandy loam requires frequent watering and fertilization (Tigard Sand

and Gravel, 2023), while clay loam can be heavy, slow-draining, and prone to compaction (Dirt

Connections, 2023).

A promising approach to addressing these challenges involves utilizing locally sourced

organic amendments. Research shows that cow manure, a readily available organic fertilizer, can

improve soil quality and promote plant growth by providing essential nutrients like nitrogen,

phosphorus, and potassium (Zhang et al., 2020). While rice husk ash benefits plants beyond just

affecting soil pH, potentially contributing macro- and micronutrients (Teutscherová et al., 2023),

With this information, researchers came up with a new type of soil called "BioNutriSoil," a

mixture of cow manure, rice husk ash, and traditional soil.

While also a project at Enrico T. Prado National High School showcases the need for

improved soil quality. As they held a project called "DepEd 236,000 Trees: A Christmas Gift for

the Children" that involves planting various tree species. In this tree planting project, a total of

39 seedlings with different tree species have been planted. However, data collected in the senior

high school area shows that five trees have died, and eight others are in critical condition.

Researchers noted that most of the planted trees appeared malnourished, with only a few

growing. The existing soil in ETPNHS, especially at the senior high area, is compacted and does

not retain moisture well. This type of soil can make it difficult for plants to grow, which then

highlights the limitations of the current soil conditions. This situation at ETPNHS has prompted

the researchers to conduct a study that aims to address the limitations of the existing compacted

and dry soil at the school. The poor survival rate of trees planted during the previous tree

planting project has further emphasized the need to improve the soil quality to support healthy

plant growth.

The study intends to find solutions to enhance the soil conditions at ETPNHS, which

have contributed to the challenges faced in the past tree planting efforts. By addressing the

limitations of the compacted and dry soil, the researchers hope to create an environment more

conducive to the successful establishment and thriving of new plantings, ultimately improving

the overall green cover and landscape at the school. To conclude, this study aims to analyze the

growth performance of pechay plants in BioNutriSoil at Enrico T. Prado National High School

Senior High School.

Statement of the problem

Generally, the study aims to assess the growth performance of Pechay in traditional soil

compared to BioNutriSoil, specifically the study aims to address the following:

1. What is the growth performance of Pechay in traditional and in BioNutriSoil in terms of:

1.1 numbers of leaves

1.2 leaf length (cm)

1.3 leaf width (cm)

1.4 leaf area (cm²)

2. What is the difference in average weight(kg) after harvest of Pechay plants grown in

BioNutriSoil compared to traditional soil?

3. Is there a significance difference in growth performance of Pechay in BioNutriSoil and

traditional soil?


There is no significant difference in the growth performance of pechay plants in

bionutrisoil compared to traditional soil at Enrico T. Prado National High School Senior High


Significance of the study

The result of this study will be beneficial to the following aspects as it will provide a more

vivid view in analyzing the growth of pechay in Bionutrisoil at Enrico T. Prado National High


Teachers. This study will help teachers by enhancing their understanding of agricultural

practices and providing valuable insights into the growth performance of pechay plants in a


Students. This study offers benefits to students by broadening their understanding of agriculture

Farmers. This research can benefit farmers by equipping them with valuable information to

improve their farming techniques, increase productivity, and promote sustainable agriculture


Agriculture. This research can benefit agriculture by providing practical insights that can lead to

improved crop management, increased productivity, and the promotion of sustainable farming


Future Researcher. This study is beneficial to the future researcher it will serve as a guide for

anyone interested in investigating the same topic.. It could help them understand how well

Bionutrisoil works as a growing medium for pechay plants, and how to improve it for even better

results. This research could also lead to more sustainable agriculture practices in the future.

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of the study on analyzing the growth performance of pechay plants in

bionutrisoil at Enrico T. Prado National High School Senior High School will involve examining

the growth behavior, and yield of pechay plants cultivated in bionutrisoil. This includes

evaluating factors such as numbers of leaf, leaf width, leaf length, leaf area, weight of the

pechay, and overall plant health within the specified environment. The study may also explore

the effects of bionutrisoil on the growth and quality of pechay plants.

This study will focus solely on analyzing the growth performance of pechay plants in

bionutrisoil at Enrico T. Prado National High School Senior High School. It will not extend to

other plant species or soil types outside of this specific context. The research will be limited to

assessing the growth and development of pechay plants, excluding other variables or factors that

may influence plant growth. Additionally, the study will not include comparisons with other

schools or locations, focusing exclusively on the growth performance of pechay plants within the

specified school environment.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

BioNutriSoil (Experimental This experiment aims to

Preparation:Permission will be obtained from
Enrico T. Prado National High School.
identify whether
This group will use a mixture of BioNutriSoil promotes
dried cow manure, rice husk ash, Planting:BioNutriSoil will be prepared by superior growth
and traditional soil. drying cow manure and burning rice husks,
then mixing them with traditional soil. Both
performance in pechay
Traditional Soil (Control
BioNutriSoil and traditional soil will be placed plants compared to
in separate containers with designated
group): measurements. A total of 10 pechay seedlings
traditional soil. If
This group will use only will be randomly assigned, with 5 planted in BioNutriSoil has a
traditional soil obtained from BioNutriSoil and 5 in traditional soil
positive effect, the plants
Enrico T. Prado National High grown in it are expected
Monitoring and Data Collection: Plant
School (ETPNHS) senior high growth will be monitored regularly, focusing to exhibit:
area. on leaf length, leaf width, and number of
leaves. These growth parameters will be
measured and recorded at consistent intervals Greater leaf length
Pechay Seedling Variety (all
plants will be the same variety)
(e.g., Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays).
Higher number of leaves
Consistent watering and sunlight exposure will
Initial Plant Size (measured be ensured for all plants throughout the Higher overall weight
before planting) experiment.

Amount of Water (standardized

Harvesting and Final Measurements: After a
watering for all plants) designated growth period, the pechay plants
Sunlight Exposure (consistent will be harvested. The final weight of each
exposure for all plants) plant will be measured and recorded.

Container (used absolute bottle

Analysis: The growth parameters (leaf length,
number of leaves, and weight) of plants grown
in BioNutriSoil will be compared to those
grown in traditional soil. A t-test will be
conducted to determine if the observed
differences in growth performance are
statistically significant.

Figure 1. Paradigm of the study

This conceptual framework outlined in this study presents a well-designed experiment to assess
the effects of BioNutriSoil on the growth performance of pechay plants, using a control group for
comparison and appropriate statistical analysis to de

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