Ramanand Brochure
Ramanand Brochure
Ramanand Brochure
NaTIoNal E
NEw HoRIzoNs IN MulTIdIscIplINaRy
acadEMIc REsEaRcH
Date:- 7th July 2024
Time- 10.00 am
Organized by
Affiliated to
Kota University, Kota
Kota, Rajasthan
dR. R. K. duBEy (pREsIdENT)
International e-Conference on “New Horizons in Multidisciplinary Academic Research ”
MaHavEER coloNy, RaNgpuR Road, KoTa
Organizing Committee
Dr. R. K. Dubey, President, Ramanand Teacher Training College, Kota President
Shri Prashant Dubey, Secretary, Ramanand Teacher Training College, Kota Secretary
Dr. Sunita Sharma, Principal, Ramanand Teacher Training College, Kota Convener
Dr. Neeraj Sharma, Associate Professor, Singhania University, Rajasthan Organizer
Dr. Shatrughan Bhardwaj, ERP, MGNCRE, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India Organizing Secretary
Dr. Mayank Dubey, Ramanand Teacher Training College, Kota Member
Dr. Anil Kumari, Ramanand Teacher Training College, Kota Member
Dr. Chandra Dixit, Director, Florida USA Member
Dr. Priyanka Dixit, Florida USA Member
Dr. Brajendra Singh, Director, Kund Kund Kahan Digambar Jain College, Kota Member
International Conference Speaker :Dr. Asketil Getachew, Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology,
Owner and College Dean, Global Brigde College, Wolaita ,Ethiopia
Dr. Zakhele Dennis Nzuza, Independent Researcher & Principal, Newton Pre-vocational School, South Africa
International Conference Speaker: Dr. Yashodham Tripathi, Principal, City Education Foundation,
Koteshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal
International Conference Speaker : Dr. John Michael Sasan, Research Co-ordinator, Department of
Education, PAU Excellencia Global Academy Foundation, Inc., Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines- 6038
National Speaker :Dr. Agnibha Das Majumdar, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Madanapalle
Institute of Technology and Science, Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh, India
Dr. Shatrughan Bhardwaj, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
International Conference Speaker: Dr. Yashodham Tripathi, Principal, City Education Foundation,
Koteshwar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Advisory Board
Dr. Hiroko ONO, Dr. Ritambhara Singh Dr. Praveen Kumar
Professor, University of the Associate Professor, School of Assistant Professor
Ryukyus, Agribusiness and Rural Department of English, Janki Devi
Okinawa, Japan Management, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Memorial PG College, University of
Central Agricultural University, Delhi
Pusa, Samsatipur, Bihar Karol Bagh, Delhi
Rashmi Sinha Assistant Professor, Fr. Baiju Thomas, Ramakrishna Dr. Parul Verma
School of Agribusiness and Rural Mission Vivekananda Educational Assistant Professor, School of
Management, Dr. Rajendra Prasad and Research Institute, Faculty of Business, Lovely Professional
Central Agricultural University, Disability Management and Special University
Pusa, Samsatipur, Bihar Education, Vidyalaya Campus, SRKV
Post, Coimbatore
Dr. Girendra Sharma, Designation- Dr. Sumitha.K., Madhubanti Mitra,
Academicians, Research Scholars, Students, Social Scientists, Industry Experts ,Environmentalists .
“New Horizons in Multidisciplinary Academic Research”
AdultEducation/Continuing Commerce
Education/Andragogy/Non-Formal Comparative Literature
Education Comparative Study of Religions
Anthropology Computer Science and Applications
Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Criminology
Archaeology Defence and Strategic Studies
Buddhist, Jaina, Gandhian, and Peace Economics/Rural Economics/Co-
Studies operation/Demography/Development
Fee for Paper Presentation Individual Presenter : 1000 Rs.
Fee for presentation with publication : 2000 Rs.
Date of Conference : 7th July 2024
Abstract Submission last date : 5th July 2024
Word Limit : 2500-3000 Words
Page Limit : 7-8 pages
Email for submitting research papers : heseminar@gmail.com
Authors are invited to submit original papers (not being considered for publication elsewhere) in
standard format describing new theoretical and/or experimental research.
Kindly submit your research article/manuscript in .DOC/.DOCX file format to us by mail in English,
Hindi, and any other Language. at poonamshodh@gmail.com
Our reviewer team will evaluate the submitted research paper and give notification of research
paper Acceptance or rejection. Plagiarism will be checked only after Conference Paper Presentation.
Only after you receive our E-mail about Acceptance of Paper, you are required to make the
necessary payment. Authors will receive hard copy of the Journal by post on the authors’ address.
For English
Full paper should be typed in Microsoft Word. The font should be “Times New Roman” with “12” size
for matter,16 size in bold for title, 14 size in bold for main headings & 12 size in bold for sub-
headings, having line spacing of 1.5 inch and 1 inch custom margin on all sides & A4 Size Paper.
Full paper should be typed in Microsoft Word in "Unicode"Krutidev 10with font size- 14 for content, 16 bold
for title & 14 bold for headings, having line spacing of 1.5 inch and 1 inch custom margin on all sides.
1. Title of the paper with Author’s details 4. Objectives 7. Research Methodology 10. Recommendation
Use the following link to register for Presentation and Publication.
After registration follow this link to join WhatsApp Group
Send Research Papers on following Email ID: heseminar@gmail.com
Visit www.seminars.in.net for more details.