CHAPTER 1 - The Teaching Profession
CHAPTER 1 - The Teaching Profession
CHAPTER 1 - The Teaching Profession
The teaching
01 Objectives 04 Generalization
02 Preparatory Activity: Read and Analyze 05 Post Activity: Acrostic
03 Discussion 06 References
Lesson 1: Teaching as a Profession
Alvarez, Sheena Belyn
Asuncion, Shiela Marie
Dasig, Franchesca
Professional Development
Professional Societies
Professionals see themselves as part of a community of like-minded
individuals who put their professional standards above their
individual self-interest or their employer’s self-interest. These
professional societies are dedicated to the public interest and
commitment to moral and ethical values. Professional societies define
certification criteria, manage certification programs, establish
accreditation standards, and define a code of ethics and disciplinary
action for violations of that code.
a. teaching as a profession
The Other elements of a profession are:
Code of Ethics
Each profession has a code of ethics to ensure that its practitioners
behave responsibly. The code states what professionals should do.
Professionals can be ejected from their professional societies or lose
their licenses to practice for violating the code of ethics.
a. teaching as a profession
Teaching is a profession. It requires:
No established formal Schooling
No formal preparation for teachers
Parents or tribal leaders serve as teachers
Aim: Life Skills
b. The historical development of teaching as a
profession in the philippines
Life skills
Security and Survival
Adherence to the moral code of the
Preservation and Transmission of
b. The historical development of teaching as a
profession in the philippines
There was one school for girls and for boys in every
american regime
American soldiers served as the first teachers
The philippine commission enacted into law Act 74 wich created the
department of public instruction
The philippine commission authorized the secretary of public instruction
to bring to the philippines 600 teachers from USA
The american gave bright young students opportunity to take up higher
education in american colleges and universities
b. The historical development of teaching as a
profession in the philippines
Act 74 of 1901
Provided establishment of phillippine normal school (PNS)
September 1901 philippine normal school formally opened an institution for
the training of teachers
PNS offered a two-year general secondaryeducation program
In 1928 it became a junior college offering a two-year program to graduates
of secondary schools
In 1949 the philippine normal school renamed philippine normal college
Teacher preparation became four years only in 1949 and thereafter
teaching as a
lesson 2: teaching as a vocation
VOCATION comes from latin word "VOCARE"
which means “TO CALL”
Most often when people use the word "Vocation" they refer to a
RELIGIOUS VOCATION, but it can also refer to
a call to do something like,