College news EDITION #46
Today marks 3 years since our Hi Marineh. We know that you are one What did you do in the last year to improve your
of the students of Tumo. Would you like knowledge?
college cooperated with "Tumo to tell us about being and studying The extra time on my plate really allowed me to
get introspective around where I want to take
Yerevan" One of our literature there?
my career. I read a lot of journals to keep abreast
specialists, Mrs. Pitch, visited the I just cannot describe the way I feel
of the latest ideas in my field, and sharpened my
about Tumo. I’ve been studying here for skills by taking some online courses, such as IUS
teens studying there, prepared a already 4 years and this mean Italian and so on.
small question and answer to make everything to me. I learned a lot of
things from here, from my classes and Describe yourself in three words
the relationship with them more Resilient – I love rising to challenges and facing
mentors. Here I wrote my very first
warm and close. As you remember book, here I made my very first music tasks which push me out of my comfort zone. I
and here I met people who are the had one particularly tough module at university,
their works won the award for best but I was determined to do well in it – from
biggest part of my life. Could you tell us
teen proose . about yourself and describe your
putting in the extra hours and working hard, I
achieved the first in the exam.
background in brief? Adaptable – I enjoy learning new skills and
I come from a small town, where
I enjoy working with children, that's working in different environments. Whether I'm
opportunities were limited. Since good writing a Geography essay or dealing with
why I chose this profession. It is schools were a rarity, I started studying customers at my part-time job I know how to
more fun to work with children who in Tumo. That’s where I learned to write. tackle different situations with positivity and
After I got my first job as an assistant I enthusiasm.
have unique, different thinking, continued to invest time in mastering in Approachable – I work with a welcoming and
approachable manner, listening carefully to
sometimes they can convey more both Armenian and English languages.
what others have to say.
to us than many of us try to How do you deal with pressure or
stressful situations about your work? Where do you see yourself in five years?
understand. Our cooperation with I realize stressful situation are always Probably I’ll be a student, but also want to be
children gives them a great going to come up, and I definitely have making successful contributions in my role, with
had to learn how to navigate them the responsibility of managing my own clients
opportunity to convey their own and generating substantial revenue.
throughout my career. I think I get
emotions and knowledge to a wider better at it with every new experience.
What are your main strengths.
horizon. While working on a new project, for
My main strengths are my ability to think on my
example, things were not going
The few hours I spent with these according to plan with my team. Instead
feet in challenging situations, and come up with
creative solutions when needed.
children brought me only positive of pointing fingers, my first reaction was
charges and pleasure. Their to take a step back and figure out some How do you incorporate feedback into your
strategies around how we could we work?
reaction was especially funny when solve the problem at hand. Previously, I No one knows everything, and I welcome the
the questions were asked not may have defaulted to panicking in that opportunity to learn from others and improve
my writing. I’m a firm believer in always having a
situation, so being calm and collected
about work, but about themselves. second—or a third—set of eyes on a piece of
was definitely a step forward and
work before it goes out into the world. While I’ll
helped me approach the situation with stand by content choices that I believe in, I’m
more clarity very receptive to feedback. In fact, I always have
a peer copy edit my essays before I turn them in.