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BIS-how AI Is Transforming Finance

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BIS Working Papers

No 1194

Intelligent financial
system: how AI is
transforming finance
by Iñaki Aldasoro, Leonardo Gambacorta, Anton Korinek,
Vatsala Shreeti and Merlin Stein

Monetary and Economic Department

June 2024

JEL classification: E31, J24, O33, O40

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Generative AI, AI

Agents, Financial System, Financial Institutions
BIS Working Papers are written by members of the Monetary and Economic
Department of the Bank for International Settlements, and from time to time by other
economists, and are published by the Bank. The papers are on subjects of topical
interest and are technical in character. The views expressed in them are those of their
authors and not necessarily the views of the BIS.

This publication is available on the BIS website (www.bis.org).

© Bank for International Settlements 2024. All rights reserved. Brief excerpts may be
reproduced or translated provided the source is stated.

ISSN 1020-0959 (print)

ISSN 1682-7678 (online)
Intelligent financial system:
how AI is transforming finance

I Aldasoro L Gambacorta A Korinek

BIS BIS & CEPR Univ. of Virginia & GovAI

V Shreeti M Stein
BIS Univ. of Oxford


At the core of the financial s ystem i s t he p rocessing a nd a ggregation o f vast

amounts of information into price signals that coordinate participants in the
economy. Throughout history, advances in information processing, from sim-
ple book-keeping to artificial intelligence (AI), have transformed the financial
sector. We use this framing to analyse how generative AI (GenAI) and emerg-
ing AI agents as well as, more speculatively, artificial general intelligence will
impact finance. We f ocus o n f our f unctions o f t he fi nancial sy stem: financial
intermediation, insurance, asset management, and payments. We also assess
the implications of advances in AI for financial stability and prudential policy.
Moreover, we investigate potential spillover effects of AI on the real economy,
examining both an optimistic and a disruptive AI scenario. To address the
transformative impact of advances in AI on the financial system, we propose
a framework for upgrading financial regulation based on well-established gen-
eral principles for AI governance.

JEL Codes: E31, J24, O33, O40.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, generative AI, financial system, financial institu-

We thank seminar participants at ECB and GovAI seminars and Douglas Araujo,
Fernando Perez-Cruz, Fabiana Sabatini, David Stankiewicz and Andrew Sutton for help-
ful comments and suggestions, and Ellen Yang for research assistance. Contact: Al-
dasoro ([email protected]), Gambacorta ([email protected]), Korinek (an-
[email protected]), Shreeti ([email protected]) and Stein ([email protected]). The
views expressed here are those of the authors only and not necessarily those of the Bank for In-
ternational Settlements.
1 Introduction

Like the brain of a living organism, the financial system processes vast amounts
of dispersed information and aggregates it into price signals that facilitate the co-
ordination of all the players of the economy and guide the allocation of scarce
resources. It not only enables the efficient flow of capital but also contributes to the
economic system’s overall health by managing risk, maintaining liquidity and sup-
porting stability. Financial markets and intermediaries, when they function well,
are a fundamental source of progress and welfare. Conversely, the role of financial
policy and regulation is to correct instances of “brain malfunction” and to instead
harness the intelligence of the financial system to enhance social welfare.

Processing all the necessary information and coordinating the actions of numer-
ous participants in the economy is a notably complex problem. As the brain of the
economy, financial markets and intermediaries have played this role for a long time.
At any given point in time, their capacity to do so was shaped in large part by the
information processing technology available. For example, over the years, techno-
logical advancements like telecommunications and the internet have continuously
enhanced the capacity of financial markets to solve economic problems: a brain that
can process more information more efficiently is better suited to solving increasingly
complex tasks. It is then no surprise that financial markets have been a magnet for
both cutting-edge information processing technology and for sophisticated human
talent. Most recently, the information processing capabilities of the financial system
have been enhanced by fast-paced advancements in artificial intelligence (AI).

In this paper, we describe the evolution of the financial sector through the prism
of advancements in information processing, with a special focus on AI. We evaluate
the opportunities and challenges created for the financial sector from different gen-
erations of AI, including machine learning (ML), generative AI (GenAI), and the
emergence of AI agents. We also provide a discussion of the effects of AI on finan-
cial stability and the risk of real sector disruptions caused by AI. In light of these
insights and increasing AI adoption we discuss the implications for the regulation
of the financial sector.

Over the course of human history, the trajectory of methods for information
processing – of which AI is part – has been closely linked with developments in
commerce, trade and finance. In section 2 we describe this trajectory in detail.
History is replete with examples of the financial system either sparking a change

in the arc of technological development, or itself being an early adopter of technol-
ogy. From the abacus of the ancient Sumerians to double-entry book-keeping, the
evolution of information processing technology and finance has often gone hand in
hand. Over the last century, the most significant advance in the realm of infor-
mation processing was the invention of computers in the 1950s. This allowed for
the automation of many analytic and accounting functions that were very useful
for the functioning of the financial system. As computational power increased over
time, more sophisticated technologies emerged that allowed for the processing of
non-traditional data, like machine learning models and, most recently, GenAI.

Each generation of information processing technology has had a large footprint

on the financial system, and has opened new doors for efficiency and innovation.
We discuss some of these in Section 3. In general, AI has enhanced the ability
of the financial system to process information, analyse data, identify patterns and
make predictions. Early rule-based systems were already deployed for automated
trading and fraud detection. As technology advanced, the use cases of AI in the
financial sector became more complex. Machine learning and deep learning mod-
els are used extensively in asset pricing, credit scoring, and risk analysis. While
GenAI is nascent, the financial system is already adopting it to enhance back-end
processing, customer support and regulatory compliance.

At the same time, as technology has grown more complex, so have the risks
and challenges for the financial system. Challenges include lack of transparency of
complex machine learning models, dependence on large volumes of data, threats
to consumer privacy, cybersecurity and algorithmic bias. GenAI has exacerbated
some of these challenges and increased the dependence on data and computing
power. There are additional concerns about market concentration and competition
as GenAI models are produced by a few dominant companies.

There are other, potentially more serious risks to financial stability associated
with the use of AI in the financial system. Even early rule-based computer trading
systems were associated with cascade effects and herding, for example, in the 1987
US stock market crash. With machine learning models, the risks of uniformity,
model herding and network connectedness have only compounded. Additionally,
from the point of view of regulators, the use of advanced AI techniques poses a
further challenge: the proliferation of complex interactions and the inherent lack of
explainability makes it difficult to spot market manipulation or financial stability
risks in time. With GenAI, co-pilots and robo-advising can mean that decisions

become more homogeneous, potentially adding to systemic risk.

In Section 4 of the paper, we highlight another important aspect of AI use for

the financial system: the risk of financial spillovers from disruptions in the real
economy. We portray two scenarios, one in which widespread use of AI leads to
productivity gains with largely benign effects, and a more disruptive scenario with
significant labour market displacement. We describe the potential impact on the
economy and discuss the policy implications of both these scenarios.

In light of these scenarios, in Section 5 we discuss how AI should be regulated

going forward. First, we provide general principles for AI regulation based on social
well-being, transparency, accountability, fairness, privacy protection, safety, extent
of human oversight and robustness of AI systems. We also provide a compara-
tive discussion of different regulatory models based on experiences in the US, EU
and China, and highlight the urgent need for international coordination on how to
regulate the integration of AI into the global financial system.

Finally, in section 6 we conclude and discuss some avenues for further research.

2 Decoding artificial intelligence

The evolution of the financial system has gone hand in hand with the evolution
of information processing technology. To understand the implications of AI for fi-
nance it is therefore helpful to examine the historical development of computational
methods in tandem with concurrent developments in money and finance. Advances
in computational hardware and software have enabled the evolution of advanced
analytics, machine learning, and generative AI. At each technological turn in the
past, the financial system has either been a catalyser of change or an early adopter
of technology.

The origins of computation can be traced back to ancient Sumerians and the
abacus, the first known computing device. This was one of the earliest instances
of numerical systems being crafted to address financial needs. Laws have also been
driven by the changing needs of commerce and finance: the Code of Hammurabi,
one of the earliest legal edicts, laid out laws to govern financial transactions as
early as the 18th century BCE. Similarly, medieval Italian city-states pioneered
double-entry book-keeping, a seminal development in accounting that opened the

door to an unprecedented expansion of commerce and finance. In fact, double-
entry book-keeping underpins regulation, taxation, governance, contract law, and
financial regulation to this day.

Computation Over time, analytic tools saw tremendous advances at an increas-

ing pace. One of the most significant of these advances occurred in the last century:
the invention of computers. Unsurprisingly, the financial sector was among the first
to adopt and use computers. For example, the IBM 650, introduced in 1954, be-
came popular partly because of the efficiency improvements it brought in finance. In
the early days of modern computing, capabilities were limited to basic arithmetic,
logical and symbolic operations (for example, following “if-then” rules) to solve
problems. With more computing power, analytic capabilities evolved and allowed
AI to emerge from basic computer systems.

Artificial Intelligence AI broadly refers to computer systems that perform tasks

that typically require human intelligence (Russell and Norvig, 2010).1 Alan Turing
and John von Neumann laid the theoretical groundwork, delineating principles that
would become the cornerstone for subsequent computational and AI advancements
(Turing (1950), von Neumann et al. (1945), von Neumann (1966)). For much of the
20th century, AI was dominated by GOFAI and expert systems that were developed
in the wake of these seminal contributions.2 GOFAI emerged in the late 1950s and
continued to be the dominant paradigm through the 1980s. During this period,
AI researchers focused on developing rule-based systems to emulate human intelli-
gence, based on logical rules and symbolic representations. While highly useful for
basic financial functions (e.g. risk management, basic algorithmic trading rules and
credit scoring, fraud detection), they were far from human-level abilities in pattern
recognition, handling uncertainty and complex reasoning. Hardware advances en-
abled small desktop computers, such as the personal computer in the 1980s and
1990s. The ability to store data and perform basic analytics using spreadsheets
and other computer programs led to wide adoption and efficiency improvements in
finance (Ceruzzi, 2003).

The term artificial intelligence was first coined by the mathematician John McCarthy in a
now mythical workshop at Dartmouth College in 1956.
GOFAI stands for “Good Old Fashioned AI”, a term coined by philosopher John Haugeland
to refer to classic symbolic AI, based on the idea of encoding human knowledge and reasoning
processes into a set of rules and symbols (Haugeland, 1985).

Machine Learning The next wave of progress came with machine learning (ML),
a sub-field of AI (Figure 1). ML algorithms can autonomously learn and perform
tasks, for example classification and prediction, without explicitly spelling out the
underlying rules. Like earlier advances in information processing, ML was quick to
be adopted in finance, even though in the early days, its usefulness was limited by
computing power. Early examples of ML relied on large quantities of structured
and labelled data.3

Figure 1: Decoding AI
Source: Authors’ illustration.

The most advanced ML systems are based on deep neural networks, which are
algorithms that operate in a manner inspired by the human brain.4 Deep neural
networks are universal function approximators that can learn systematic relation-
ships in any set of training data, including increasingly in complex, unstructured
Structured data refers to organised, quantitative information that is stored in relational
databases and is easily searchable. It typically includes well-organised text and numeric infor-
mation. Unstructured data is information that is not organised based on pre-defined models. It
can include information in text and numeric formats but also audio and video. Some examples
of unstructured data include text files like emails and presentations, social media content, sensor
data, satellite images, digital audio, video, etc.
In such systems, the input layer of artificial neurons receives information from the environ-
ment, and the output layer communicates the response; between these layers are “hidden” layers
(hence the “deep” in deep learning) where most of the information processing takes place through
weighted connections to previous layers.

datasets (Hornik et al. (1989), Goodfellow et al. (2016) Broby (2022), Huang et al.
(2020)). These developments enabled financial institutions to analyse terabytes of
signals including news streams and social media sentiment. At an aggregate level,
this led to increasingly fast-paced and dynamic markets, with optimised pricing and
valuation. However, as these models dynamically adapt to new data, often without
human intervention, they are somewhat opaque in their decision-making processes
(Gensler and Bailey (2020), Cao (2020)).

Figure 2: Training compute times of major machine learning systems

Notes: The fitted line indicates the time needed for the doubling of compute requirements.
Source: Epoch (2022).

Generative AI For the past 15 years, i.e., since the beginning of the deep-learning
era, the computing power used for training the most cutting-edge AI models has
doubled every six months – much faster than Moore’s law would suggest (Figure
2). These advances have given rise to rapid progress in artificial intelligence and are
behind the advent of the recent generation of GenAI systems, which are capable of
generating data. The most important type of GenAI are Large Language Models
(LLMs), best exemplified by systems like ChatGPT, that specialise in processing
and generating human language.

LLMs are trained on enormous amounts of data to predict the continuation of

text based on its beginning, for example, to predict the next word in a sentence.
During their training process, they learn how different words and concepts relate to
each other, allowing them to statistically associate concepts and developing what

many interpret as a rudimentary form of understanding. Drawing from this simple
but powerful principle, LLM-based chatbots can generate text based on a starting
point or a “prompt”. A leading explanation for the capacity of modern LLMs to
produce reasonable content across a wide range of domains is that the training
process leads such models to generate an internal representation of the world (or
“world model”) based on which they can respond to a wide variety of prompts (Li
et al., 2023).

The use cases of LLMs have blossomed across many sectors. LLMs can generate,
analyse and categorise text, edit and summarise, code, translate, provide customer
service, and generate synthetic data. In the financial sector, they can be used for
robo-advising, fraud detection, back-end processing, enhancing end-customer expe-
rience, and internal software and code development and harmonisation. Regulators
around the world are also exploring applications of GenAI and LLMs in the areas
of regulatory and supervisory technologies (Cao, 2022).5

The different iterations of AI described above can be seen as a continuous process

of increasing both the speed of information processing in finance and the ability to
include more types of information in decision-making. At present, AI has an advan-
tage over humans in areas with fast feedback cycles (“reward loops”) to calibrate its
decision-making, high degrees of digitisation of relevant data and large quantities
of data. For these reasons, autonomous computer systems are currently deployed
mainly in areas that fit these characteristics, for example, high-frequency trading.
With increasing capabilities, over time, autonomous computer systems might also
be at an advantage in medium-term and long-term markets (e.g. short term deriva-
tives and bonds respectively), as well as in other applications.

AI Agents The next frontier on which leading AI labs are currently working are
AI Agents, i.e., AI systems that build on advanced LLMs such as GPT-4 or Claude 3
and are endowed with planning capabilities, long-term memory and, typically, access
to external tools such as the ability to execute computer code, use the internet, or
perform market trades.6 Autonomous trading agents have been deployed in specific
To be sure, current generative AI systems also have clear limitations. For example, they have
been shown to fail at elementary reasoning tasks (Berglund et al., 2023; Perez-Cruz and Shin,
The term “AI Agents” reflects AI systems that increasingly take on agency of their own.
Chan et al. (2024) define agency as “the degree to which an AI system acts directly in the world
to achieve long-horizon goals, with little human intervention or specification of how to do so. An
(AI) agent is a system with a relatively high degree of agency; we consider systems that mainly

parts of financial markets for a long time, for example, in high-frequency trading.
What distinguishes the emerging generation of AI agents is that they have the
intelligence and planning capabilities of cutting-edge LLMs. They can, for example,
autonomously analyze data, write code to create other agents, trial-run it, update it
as they see fit, and so on.7 AI agents thus have the potential to revolutionise many
different functions of financial institutions–just like autonomous trading agents have
already transformed trading in financial markets.

Artificial General Intelligence For several of the leading AI labs, the ultimate
goal is the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), which is defined as
AI systems that can essentially perform all cognitive tasks that humans can perform
(Morris et al., 2024). Unlike current narrow AI systems, which are designed to
perform specific tasks with a pre-defined range of abilities, AGI would be capable of
reasoning, problem-solving, abstract thinking across a wide variety of domains, and
transferring knowledge and skills across different fields, just like humans. Relatedly,
some AI researchers and AI lab leaders speak of Transformative AI (TAI), which is
defined as AI that is sufficiently capable so as to radically transform the way our
economy and our society operate, for example, because they can autonomously push
forward scientific progress, including AI progress, at a pace that is much faster than
what humans are used to, or because they significantly speed up economic growth
(Suleyman and Bhaskar, 2023). There is an active debate on whether and how fast
concepts such as AGI or TAI may be reached, with strong views on both sides of
the debate. As economists, we view it as prudent to give some credence to a wide
range of potential scenarios for the future (Korinek, 2023b).

3 AI transforming finance

3.1 Opportunities and challenges of AI for finance

The integration of the rapidly evolving capabilities of AI is transforming the finan-

cial system. But as we have seen in Section 2, AI is just the latest information

predict without acting in the world, such as image classifiers, to have relatively low degrees of
Prototypes of such AI agents currently exist mainly in the realm of coding, where Devin,
an autonomous coding agent developed by startup Cognition Labs, or SWE-agent, developed by
researchers at Princeton (Yang et al., 2024), can autonomously take on entire software projects.

processing technology to do so. Table 1 summarises the impact of the technologies
we described earlier, from traditional analytics to AI Agents, on four key financial
functions: financial intermediation, insurance, asset management and payments.

Traditional Analytics Early rule-based systems were adopted in financial in-

termediation and insurance markets to automate risk analysis (Quinn (2023)). In
asset management, they allowed for automated trading and the emergence of new
products like index funds. In payments, they automated a significant part of the
infrastructure and were also useful for fraud detection. While these models were
generally easy to interpret, they were also rigid and required significant human su-
pervision. They typically had a small number of parameters – a key limitation in
their effectiveness.

Moreover, the automation of information processing requires large volumes of

data, which comes with its own challenges. For example, in the financial sector
this is often sensitive, personal data. Ensuring that data are collected, stored, and
processed in compliance with privacy laws (such as GDPR) is a complex challenge.

Other challenges relate to cybersecurity and the risk of adversarial attacks. Shar-
ing data with third-party vendors (e.g., AI service providers) can expose sensitive
information. Moreover, IT systems can be targets of attacks. This requires the im-
plementation of robust encryption and authentication protocols whenever data and
algorithms are shared. All of these challenges carry over to the context of modern

Machine Learning Advances in ML unlocked a new range of applications of AI in

finance. Whereas earlier generations of computational advances relied on processing
numbers, ML can process a wide range of data formats. Kelly et al. (2023) identify
three factors intrinsic to finance that make the use of ML particularly relevant.
First, expected prices or predictions of prices are central to the analysis of financial
markets. Second, the set of relevant information for prediction analysis is typically
very large and can be challenging to incorporate in traditional models. Third, the
analysis of financial markets can critically depend on underlying assumptions of
functional forms, over which agreement is often lacking. Machine learning models
can be powerful in this context, as they can incorporate vast amounts of data
(and thus, information sets) and are based on flexible, non-parametric functional
forms. Owing to these benefits, ML models have been widely applied in finance and

economics (Athey (2018)).

Machine learning has a range of use cases across the four economic functions we
consider. In financial intermediation, the use of ML models can reduce credit un-
derwriting costs and expand access to credit for those previously excluded, although
few financial institutions have taken advantage of the full range of these opportu-
nities. ML models can also streamline client onboarding and claims processing in
several industries, particularly in insurance. Across industries, but especially in
insurance and payments, ML models are used to detect fraud and identify security

ML is also heavily used in asset pricing, in particular to predict returns, to

evaluate risk return trade-offs, and for optimal portfolio allocation. Thanks to
their ability to analyse large volumes of data relatively quickly, ML models also
facilitate algorithmic trading (OECD, 2021). In payments, ML models can provide
new tools for better liquidity management. Finally, not only the private financial
sector benefits from ML: these models are also increasingly used by regulators to
detect market manipulation and money laundering.

The opportunities created by ML models also come with risks and challenges.
The flip side of flexible, highly non-linear machine learning models is that they
often function like black boxes. The decision process of these models – for example
whether or not to grant credit – can be opaque and hard to decipher.

Generative AI mostly in the form of LLMs, is part of the new frontier and
comes with its own set of opportunities. Two key aspects of GenAI are particularly
useful for the financial sector. First, whereas earlier computational advances have
made the processing of traditional financial data more efficient, GenAI allows for
increased legibility of new types of (often unstructured) data, which can enhance
risk analysis, credit scoring, prediction and asset management. Second, GenAI
provides machines the ability to converse like humans, which can improve back-end
processing, customer support, robo-advising and regulatory compliance. Moreover,
it also allows for the the automation of tasks that were until recently considered
uniquely human, for example, advising customers and persuading them to buy
financial products and services (Matz et al., 2024).

Table 1: Opportunities, challenges and financial stability implications of computational advances

Financial Insurance Asset management Payments

Risk management, portfolio
Opportunities Rule-based risk analysis, greater competition Fraud detection
optimisation, automated and HF trading

Rigid, requires human supervision, small number of parameters, Zero-sum arms races Technical vulnerabilities
Traditional Challenges flash crashes
threats to consumer privacy, emergence of data silos

Financial Stability Herding, cascade effects and flash crashes, such as the US stock market crash of 1987

Credit risk analysis, lower underwriting Insurance risk analysis, lower Analysis of new data sources, New liquidity management tools,
costs, financial inclusion processing costs, fraud detection high frequency trading fraud detection and AML

Machine Zero-sum arms races, model herding, New liquidity crises,

Challenges Black box mechanisms, algorithmic discrimination
Learning algorithmic coordination increased cyber risks

Financial Stability Herding, network interconnectedness, lack of explainability, single point of failure, concentrated dependence on third party providers

Credit scoring (unstructured data),

Better risk analysis with Robo-advising, asset embedding, Enhanced KYC,
Opportunities easier back-end processing,
newly legible data, easier compliance new products, virtual assistants AML processes
better customer support

Generative Challenges Hallucinations, increased market concentration, consumer privacy concerns, algorithmic collusion

Financial Stability Herding, uniformity, incorrect decisions based on alternative data, macroeconomic effects of potential labour displacement

Automated design, marketing and sale of new financial Increase in speed of information processing Faster payment flows, fraud prevention
products without human intervention

New risks to consumer protection, cybersecurity, Cybersecurity, fraud, unforeseen risk Sudden liquidity crises, fraud
AI Challenges
potential overreliance, fraud and unforeseen risks concentration with AI agent interactions with deception and unforeseen risks

Financial Stability Misalignment risks, inherent unsuitability of AI agents for aspects of macroprudential policies
The financial industry has already started adopting GenAI. OECD (2023) pro-
vides several recent examples: Bloomberg recently launched a financial assistant
based on a finance specific LLM, and the investment banking division of Goldman
Sachs uses LLMs to provide coding support for in-house software development. Sev-
eral other companies use GenAI to provide financial advice to customers and help
with expense management, as well as through co-pilot applications.

Despite these potential benefits and growing adoption, LLMs also create new
risks for the financial sector. They are prone to “hallucinations”, i.e., to generate
false information as if it were true. This can be especially problematic for customer-
facing applications.8 Moreover, as algorithms become more standardised and are
uniformly used, the risk of herding behaviour and procyclicality grows.

There are also concerns about market concentration and competition. GenAI
is fed by vast amounts of data and is very hungry for computing power, and this
leads to a risk that it will be provided by a few, dominant companies (Korinek
and Vipra, 2024). Notably, big tech companies with deep pockets and unparalleled
access to compute and data are well positioned to reinforce their competitive ad-
vantage in new markets. Regulators, especially competition authorities, have also
started highlighting intentional and unintentional algorithmic collusion, especially
with algorithms based on reinforcement learning (Assad et al. (2024), Calvano et
al. (2020), OECD (2021)), with potential implications for algorithmic trading in
financial markets.

The data intensive nature of GenAI, combined with the reliance on a few (big
tech) providers also exacerbates consumer privacy and cybersecurity concerns (Al-
dasoro et al., 2024a).

AI agents are AI systems that act directly in the world to achieve mid- and long-
term goals, with little human intervention or specification of how to do so. While
current AI agents (like those supporting software engineering (Scott, 2024)) might
be limited in their planning ability, the pace of advancements might lead to more
capable agents in the near future. Such AI agents come with opportunities to pro-
cess novel types of information more quickly than humans and to act autonomously,
e.g., for designing software or performing data analysis. AI agents could expand
high-frequency information processing and autonomous action from trading to other
A recent example of this risk, outside of finance, is Air Canada being held liable for the false
information that its LLM-powered chatbot provided a customer.

parts of finance. For example, they could soon autonomously design, market, and
sell financial products and services.

Challenges can arise in a world with an increasing adoption of AI agents in

finance and in sectors affecting finance, without oversight and security measures.
In the short-term, this might include cybersecurity, fraud and unequal access due to
hyper-personalised digital financial assistants; in the mid-term, potential liquidity
crisis, or a structural over-reliance on AI agents.

The case of algorithmic trading might illustrate challenges with mid-term plan-
ning AI agents in other environments. Correlated failures, in the form of flash
crashes due to correlated autonomous actions might happen in a different form in
financial intermediation, asset management, insurance and payments. While for
algorithmic trading, there is a clear digitised environment with precise short-term
rewards, AI agents in other environments require more sophisticated reinforcement
loops (Cohen et al. (2024)). These action-reward loops might be created over time,
as AI agents will be more and more capable to act in unstructured, open-ended en-
vironments. Contingent upon the configuration of action-reward loops, novel risks
might emerge., including the challenge of aligning them with human goals over
longer-time horizons (Christian (2021)).

AI agents could also pose significant systemic risks if their behaviour is highly
correlated, their actions difficult to explain and missing oversight or behaviors are
not transparent or misaligned. Appendix A discusses the hypothetical influence
of AI agents on a financial crisis. For example, an AI designed for efficient asset
allocation might start exploiting market inefficiencies in ways that lead to increased
volatility or systemic imbalances.

3.2 AI and financial stability

Even with limited capabilities, computational advances already had important im-
plications for financial stability. The US stock market crash of 1987 is an illustrative
example. In October 1987, stock prices in the United States declined significantly
– the biggest ever one-day price drop in percentage terms. This was attributed
in large part to the dynamics created by so-called portfolio insurance strategies,
which relied on rule-based computer models that placed automatic sell orders when
security prices fell below a pre-determined level. Initial rule-based selling by many

institutions using this strategy led to cascade effects and further selling, and even-
tually the crash of October 1987 (Shiller (1988), United States presidential task
force on market mechanisms (1988)).

Machine learning added new dimensions to financial stability concerns, mostly

due to increased data uniformity, model herding and network interconnectedness.
The first dimension is the reliance of ML models on similar data. Due to economies
of scale and scope in data collection, often there are only a few producers (for exam-
ple, big techs) of large datasets critical to train these models. If most ML applica-
tions are based on the same underlying datasets, there is a higher risk of uniformity
and procyclicality arising from standardised ML models. The second dimension is
“model herding”: the inadvertent use of similar optimisation algorithms. The use
of similar algorithms can contribute to flash crashes, increase market volatility and
contribute to illiquidity during times of stress (OECD, 2021).9 Algorithms that re-
act simultaneously to market signals may increase volatility and market disruptions
(Svetlova, 2022). This problem is exacerbated when financial firms rely on the same
third party providers, which is pervasive in the AI space. A third dimension is that
of network interconnectedness, which may create new failure modes (Gensler and
Bailey (2020), OECD (2017), Georges and Pereira (2021)).

There are also other characteristics inherent to ML models that have implica-
tions for financial stability. In particular, the black-box nature of ML models that
arises due to their complexity and non-linearity makes it often hard to understand
how and why such models reach a particular prediction. This lack of explainability
might make it difficult for regulators to spot market manipulation or systemic risks
in time.

Like other ML models, the pervasive use of GenAI will present new challenges
(Anwar et al., 2024) and will likely also have consequences for financial stability.
As noted earlier, one of the most powerful tools made possible by language models
is the increased legibility of alternative forms of data. Compared to traditional
data sources, alternative data can have shorter time series or sample sizes. Rec-
ommendations or decisions based on alternative data may therefore be biased and
not generalisable (the so-called fat tail problem, Gensler and Bailey (2020)). Fi-
nancial or regulatory decision making based on alternative data would need to be
very mindful of this limitation.

Khandani and Lo (2008) argue that model herding was one of the main reasons behind the
2007 hedge fund crisis.

The risks arising from the use of homogeneous models highlighted above also
apply to GenAI. A key application of GenAI in the financial sector is the use of
LLMs for customer interactions and robo-advising. Since many of these applications
are likely to rely on the same foundational models, there is a risk that the advice
provided by them becomes more homogenised (Bommasani and Others, 2022). This
may by extension exacerbate herding and systemic risk.

Financial stability concerns that derive from the uniformity of datasets, model
herding, and network interconnectedness are further exacerbated by specific charac-
teristics of GenAI: increased automaticity, speed and ubiquity. Automaticity refers
to GenAI’s ability to operate and make decisions independently, increasingly with-
out human intervention. Speed pertains to AI’s capability to process and analyse
vast amounts of data at rates far beyond human capacity, enabling decisions to be
made in fractions of a second. Ubiquity highlights GenAI’s potentially widespread
application across various sectors of the economy, and its integration into everyday

A number of systemic risks could arise from the use of AI agents. These agents
are characterised by direct actions with no human intervention and a potential for
misalignment with regards to long-term goals (Chan et al., 2024). The fundamental
nature of the resulting risks is well-known from both the literature on financial
regulation and the literature on AI alignment and control (Korinek and Balwit,
2024): if highly capable agents are given a single narrow goal – such as profit
maximisation – they blindly pursue the specified goal without paying attention
to side goals that have not been explicitly spelled out but that an ethical human
actor would naturally consider, such as avoiding risk shifting or preserving financial
stability. Moreover, even when constraints such as satisfying the requisite financial
regulations are specified, AI agents may develop a super-human ability to pursue
the letter rather than the spirit of the regulations and engage in circumvention. As
an early example, an LLM that was asked to maximise profits as a stock trader in
a simulation engaged in insider trading even when knowing it is illegal. Moreover,
when caught, the LLM lied about it (Scheurer et al., 2023). We discuss some of the
broader risks in Appendix A in a thought experiment looking at how such agents
could have interacted with known causes of the great financial crisis of 2008/09. As
AI Agents advance towards AGI, the resulting risks would be greatly amplified.

3.3 AI use for prudential policy

As the private sector increasingly embraces AI, policymakers may find it increas-
ingly useful to employ AI for both micro- and macroprudential regulation. In fact,
they may have no choice but to resort to AI to process the large resulting quanti-
ties of data produced by regulated financial institutions.10 Microprudential policy
concentrates on the supervision of individual financial institutions, whereas macro-
prudential policy concerns itself with the supervision of the financial system as a
whole. AI can be leveraged for both types of prudential policies but comes with a
different set of risks in each domain.

For microprudential policy, AI might enable more sophisticated risk assessment

models and improve the prediction of institutional failures or spot market manipula-
tion. However, the routine use of such methods is still far away. As AI is particularly
adept at recognising patterns in large volumes of data, it could be a powerful tool
for supervisors to predict emerging risks for financial institutions. Moreover, GenAI
in particular can be powerful for regulatory reporting and compliance by allowing
automation of repetitive tasks.

Some of the implications of AI for microprudential policy are already discussed in

the previous section. The main limitations include exacerbated threats to consumer
privacy, challenges arising from the black-box nature of algorithms, the risk of
algorithms magnifying biases that exist in input data and exposure to sophisticated
cyber attacks.

The use of AI in for macroprudential policy carries a different set of difficulties.

Danielsson and Uthemann (2023) identify five main challenges for traditional ML: i)
data availability, ii) uniqueness of financial crises, iii) Lucas critique (Lucas (1976)),
iv) lack of clearly defined objectives, and v) challenges of aligning regulatory and AI
objectives. Financial crises are very disruptive but, fortunately, rather rare events.
Since the usefulness of ML is directly linked to the amount of data fed into models,
applications in macroprudential policy may be limited and extrapolating from a few
data points may lead to incorrect outcomes.

A related challenge is the uniqueness of each financial crisis. Just as this makes
it difficult for humans to predict financial crises, it also makes it difficult for AI:
although crises have some commonalities, each has its own specific risk factors which

See for example Araujo et al. (2024) for an overview of applications in central banking.

– while rationalisable ex post – are nearly impossible to understand ex-ante. The
reason is their “unknown-unknowns” characteristic (Knight (1921), Danı́elsson et
al. (2022)). Accordingly, even if AI were able to learn from past crises, the lessons
might have limited applicability for predicting the next one. Moreover, even in the
cases where AI is able to generate insights from a specific crisis episode, the policy
insights themselves will change the environment of decision making – the so-called
Lucas critique (Lucas, 1976).

Due to constraints of data and the uniqueness of financial crises, it is often

challenging even for regulators to have clearly defined objectives for macroprudential
policy (Danielsson and Uthemann, 2023). Objectives may be fairly broad, such as
“maintaining financial stability,” which may be difficult to parse for AI.

Finally, there is a risk of misalignment, which is made worse by incomplete

information on the objectives of macroprudential policy. AI and humans may have
very different ways of reaching the same objective, and there is a risk that AI adopts
ways that are detrimental to social welfare or out of touch with ethical or moral

However, just like humans have found ways of dealing with these challenges,
future advances in AI may open up new possibilities for macroprudential regulation
that go beyond the limitations of traditional ML. As AI systems become more
advanced, they may be able to better deal with the limited data on financial crises
by learning from a much broader set of data sources, including granular data on
financial transactions, news and sentiment analysis, and simulations of hypothetical
crisis scenarios. They may also be able to identify more generalisable patterns of
systemic risk that are robust across different types of crises. Moreover, future AI
systems that can engage in counterfactual reasoning and causal inference could
help regulators better understand the potential consequences of different policy
interventions, even in a world where the Lucas critique applies. And as AI alignment
techniques improve, it may become possible to specify clear objectives for AI systems
to optimise, while ensuring they do so in a way that is consistent with human values
and regulatory intent. By leveraging these advances, future AI could become a
powerful tool for enhancing the speed, scope, and precision of macroprudential
regulation, helping to build a more resilient and stable financial system.

4 Risk of AI disruption

While the financial sector is good at smoothing small shocks in the real economy
and at helping the economy adjust, large shocks to the economy run the risk of
disrupting the financial sector and thus being amplified. Advances in AI pose a
risk of disrupting many sectors of the economy and their workforce. Depending on
the extent of the disruption, this may lead to financial stability risks. This is not
just a theoretical possibility, as there are precedents of significant disruptions in the
real economy spilling over to the financial sector. For example, in the 1920s the
mechanisation of agriculture displaced more than 10% of the US workforce from
the agricultural sector and led to widespread mortgage defaults, which played an
important role in the financial crisis of 1929 and the ensuing Great Depression. A
growing view among technology experts and business leaders is that advances in AI
may be even more transformative in coming years (see, e.g., Korinek, 2023b). To be
sure, recent data do not show signs of any such large-scale disruption yet. However,
policymakers are well-advised to have contingency plans in case transformative AI
scenarios materialise.

To span the range of possible outcomes, we lay out two scenarios. The first is
an optimistic scenario in which advances in AI are more likely to benefit financial
stability. The second is a downside scenario in which the real effects of AI disrupt
financial stability. Of course, there are many realistic scenarios in between these
two extremes that are worth preparing for.

Optimistic AI scenario. In the most benign scenario, AI will lead to a marked

increase in productivity without having significant disruptive effects. So far, the use
of AI tools in companies has increased worker productivity, from customer support
(Brynjolfsson et al. (2023)) and programmers (Peng et al. (2023)) to a variety of
other business professionals (Noy and Zhang (2023)), and even economists (Korinek,
2023a). Recent evidence points to a positive correlation between AI adoption and
firms’ productivity (Yang (2022), Czarnitzki et al. (2023)), although this likely
differs across occupations and sectors (Felten et al., 2023).11

Under this scenario, one can think of AI as a positive (and moderate) produc-
tivity shock with a differential effect across sectors. Calibrating a macroeconomic

See Autor (2022) for a broader overview of the labour market implications of technological
change, with a focus on artificial intelligence.

multi-sector model using an index of exposure to AI across sectors based on Felten
et al. (2021), Aldasoro et al. (2024b) find that AI can significantly raise output,
consumption and investment in the short and long run. The supply shock may be
disinflationary in the short run if households and firms do not fully anticipate the
effects of AI in the economy. But irrespective of how agents form expectations, the
long run effect is inflationary.

This scenario could lead to a goldilocks situation for monetary policy. Greater
use of AI could ease inflationary pressures in the near-term, thereby supporting
central banks in their task of bringing inflation back to target. In the medium to
longer term, inflation could rise because of greater AI-induced demand, but central
banks could dampen demand by tightening policy. AI’s positive contribution to
growth could offset some of the detrimental secular developments that threaten to
depress growth going forward, including population aging, re-shoring and changes
in global supply chains, as well as geopolitical tensions and political fragmentation.
The positive effects on output could enhance the capacity of economies to service
debts, with positive effects on debt sustainability. The revaluation of financial assets
that would come from higher productivity could also support this process, provided
rising borrowing costs do not overshadow growth effects.

For the financial sector more broadly this scenario would come with challenges,
although not insurmountable ones. The likely job turnover that may come from
AI automating some tasks could affect spending patterns by consumers as well as
the ability to repay loans by both consumers and corporations. Knock-on effects
through defaults could in turn affect the financial sector, which itself would need
to support the resource reallocation arising from such displacements in the first
place. This challenge will of course be tougher the higher the exposure of financial
institutions to the most affected sectors.

Disruptive AI scenario. Alternative scenarios could be vastly more disruptive.

Some AI experts predict that highly capable autonomous AI agents may reach the
level of AGI within the decade and may be able to automate virtually all tasks per-
formed by humans. Even if new tasks are invented, such machines might be equally
good at the new tasks as humans, giving rise to massive job market disruption.
Unconstrained by the scarcity of labour, output would take off exponentially un-
der such circumstances. This would result in very large disruptions for corporations
and, especially, the workforce as labor would be severely devalued. Korinek (2023b)

considers two such scenarios where AGI is reached within five or alternatively 20
years. For simplicity and in order to highlight the key implications of such a shift,
here we consider the move to AI agents without pinning down a specific timeline.
Korinek and Suh (2024) consider these scenarios within a macroeconomic model of
automation, highlighting the wide dispersion of outcomes as a function of the speed
of automation.

Rapid scenarios of AI growth, for example, AI take-off scenarios, could trigger

massive redistributions of income and wealth in a short amount of time. To make
this tangible, let us describe how transformative advances in AI may affect factor
and goods prices in further detail. To be sure, the slower the advent of transforma-
tive AI and the associated structural transformation and the better any supporting
policy measures are, the less we would have to be concerned about the described
adverse consequences.

First, rapid advances in AI may significantly devalue labor compared to capital,

risking widespread consumer defaults, unless countervailing policy actions are taken.
In recent decades, there are already some indications that the labor share of income
has declined somewhat, and there were large categories of workers who have seen
their income stagnate (Autor, 2022). More recently, early studies of generative
AI’s impact on the workforce indicate that the skill premium that highly educated
workers are earning is deflating (Noy and Zhang, 2023). By contrast, the value
of the hardware underpinning the “digital brains” behind generative AI systems is
rising rapidly.

Second, rapid advances in AI may undermine traditional businesses and reallo-

cate corporate revenue to new companies that are built around AI. This transition
may occur much faster than the regular churning of businesses, risking corporate
defaults. For example, Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, has recently suggested
that he expects we will soon see trillion-dollar companies with no (human) workforce
that may rapidly take over certain business sectors. The winner-takes-all effects of
digital technologies may reinforce such dynamics.

Third, if rapid advances in AI significantly accelerate economic growth and

prices, interest rates may go up by an order of magnitude (Chow and andJ Z Ma-
zlish, 2023). This surge could lead to a severe deterioration in credit quality and
widespread defaults, potentially placing the balance sheet of financial institutions
under serious stress.

Fourth, governments may experience a significant reduction in tax revenues if
labor markets – their primary revenue source – are undermined, thereby questioning
their debt sustainability.

Fifth, while rapid advances in AI may boost growth in countries at the forefront
of technological development, they might also lead to a new form of “intelligence
divide”. This divide could leave other countries behind, resulting in severe terms-
of-trade losses (Korinek and Stiglitz, 2021).

Table 2: Potential disruptions and effects on financial stability in a disruptive AI


Potential disruption Effect on financial stability

Labor devaluation Widespread consumer defaults, unless coun-
tervailing policy actions are taken
Corporate revenue reallocation Undermining of traditional businesses, risk of
corporate defaults
Accelerated growth & prices Significant increase in interest rates, deterio-
ration in credit quality, potential stress on fi-
nancial institution balance sheets
Reduced tax revenues Questioning of government debt sustainability
“Intelligence divide” across coun- Severe terms-of-trade losses for countries left
tries behind
Political discontent & instability Further undermining of financial stability

Finally, all these disruptions to the real economy may also give rise to political
discontent and instability, which could further undermine financial stability (Bell
and Korinek, 2023). Table 2 provides a summary.

In summary, the financial stability implications of AI disruption in the real

economy could vary widely depending on the pace and extent of AI adoption. In
optimistic scenarios, AI could boost productivity and growth without severe disrup-
tions, easing inflationary pressures and debt burdens, albeit with some challenges
for the financial sector in managing the associated labor market shifts. However,
more disruptive scenarios in which highly capable AI systems rapidly automate hu-
man tasks could lead to severe economic dislocations, such as sudden income and
wealth redistributions, corporate and consumer defaults, surging interest rates, re-
duced government revenues, and political instability, all of which could significantly
undermine financial stability.

5 Upgrading financial regulation for AI

5.1 Principles for AI regulation

The risks posed by AI expand the focus of financial regulation beyond traditional
policy objectives. In addition to policy concerns such as financial stability, mar-
ket integrity, efficiency, and competition, questions of consumer rights like privacy
and algorithmic discrimination also take centre stage. Moreover, AI introduces new
geopolitical risks, most notably those from the geographical concentration of the
production of microchips and advanced semiconductors. Striking the right balance
between harnessing the benefits of AI and managing its risks is thus crucial for eco-
nomic policy-making. This in turn requires a careful yet comprehensive regulatory
response that incorporates technological, societal and ethical considerations.

As advances in AI are accelerating, regulation must be proactive, anticipat-

ing potential issues that future AI systems may create. A preventive approach
that tackles such issues before escalation can prove more effective from a societal
standpoint. This could include for example evaluating AI models against systemic,
national security and societal risks.

Yet not all risks associated with AI necessitate regulatory intervention. Regula-
tory measures should target risks that manifest as externalities that impact specific
policy objectives (broader financial stability, market integrity, competition, data
privacy, and consumer protection). At the same time, risks that do not generate
externalities or do not directly influence these intermediate objectives (for exam-
ple customer experience and service risks, technology adoption risks, etc) can be
managed effectively through market mechanisms. Striking the right balance is key
to avoid stifling innovation while minimising adverse externalities on the financial
system and its participants.

The complexity of GenAI and foundation models as well as current advances

towards AI agents makes it challenging to predict their impact, potentially leading
to unforeseen risks. This limits the ability of regulation to develop effective rules
quickly. Thus, it is crucial to establish and operationalise regulatory principles that
pre-emptively mitigate future risks.

Both national and international standard-setters have defined general principles

for regulating and managing AI systems that can be applied throughout the value

chain from development to deployment of AI. For example, the EU defined an As-
sessment List for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (EU ALTAI; see Ala-Pietilä et
al., 2020; EU, 2024); in the US, NIST defined characteristics for trustworthiness
as part of its AI Risk Management Framework (NIST, 2023), and China defined
responsible AI principles (China Technology Ministry, 2019). The ISO standard
ISO/IEC 23894:2023 provides guidance on risk management for AI systems. These
frameworks form the cornerstone of many AI regulatory initiatives. Although some
of the details vary, there are commonalities among them. The following is a sum-
mary list of principles:

• Societal and environmental well-being. The development and use of AI should

be done in ways that benefit society at large, including environmental sus-
tainability. This principle involves considering the long-term impact of AI on
social structures, democracy and the planet.

• Transparency. AI systems should be open and understandable, requiring clear

explanations of how AI systems work, the logic behind decisions and the data

• Accountability. Entities developing or deploying AI are responsible for the

outcomes of their systems, ensuring mechanisms are in place to address any
negative impacts or errors.

• Fairness. AI systems should not perpetuate biases or discrimination, ensuring

equitable treatment across diverse populations.

• Privacy protection. AI systems should safeguard personal data, adhering to

data protection laws and principles.

• Safety and security. AI systems should operate reliably and safely under
all conditions, implementing safeguards against failures, misuse, or malicious

• Human oversight. Human judgment should be involved in critical decision-

making processes, emphasising the importance of human expertise and ethics
in guiding AI actions.

• Robustness and reliability. AI systems should perform consistently under var-

ious conditions without failure, ensuring accuracy and reliability over time.

5.2 Regulatory models

Bradford (2023) identifies three primary regulatory models, adopted in the US,
China and the EU. The “market-driven” regulatory model in the US is characterised
by a market-based approach that emphasises innovation, self-regulation and scep-
ticism of government intervention. The “state-driven” regulatory model in China
utilises technology for political objectives, and aims to grow the industry while
exporting technology infrastructure. The “rights-driven” regulatory model of the
EU is focused on protecting individual and societal rights and the equitable dis-
tribution of digital transformation gains. These regulatory models, while distinct,
are not mutually exclusive and show a tendency to converge towards the principles
highlighted above, as well as towards rather similar operationalisations.

In the United States, the regulation of AI has evolved from voluntary guidance
to executive actions. Initially, the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights in October 2022
laid foundational ethical considerations. This was followed by voluntary commit-
ments from leading AI firms in July 2023, signalling industry readiness to address
AI’s societal impacts. The shift towards regulatory oversight was marked by the
Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy AI in November 2023, which
mandated over 25 agencies to address AI-related harms, including security, privacy,
and discrimination. These agencies are now tasked with establishing rules, funding
research, assessing risks, and enforcing transparency through safety tests and re-
porting by AI developers. However, there has not been significant legislative action
on AI regulation.

China’s AI regulation has evolved from a state-driven approach to more sector-

specific guidance. The 2018 Guiding Opinions for financial institutions mandated
algorithm filing, risk disclosure, and manual intervention to mitigate pro-cyclicality
risk in financial markets, highlighting a cautious approach to AI’s systemic impacts.
The 2022 Deep Synthesis Provisions and the 2023 Generative AI Provisions set the
stage for regulatory oversight, emphasising the adherence to socialist values, content
reliability, and discrimination prevention. An AI Law is underway, proposing a
framework for public-facing generative AI systems, including content standards,
privacy respect, and a mandatory filing to the algorithm registry.

The European Union’s AI Act, approved in February 2024, aims to ensure that
AI technologies are safe and respect fundamental rights while fostering innovation
and economic growth. This regulatory framework introduces a risk-based approach

that categorises AI systems according to the risk they pose to users. For example,
the act identifies specific applications of AI that pose unacceptable risks and are
therefore prohibited. These include social scoring, manipulation or exploitation of
vulnerabilities and certain uses of biometric identification. The EU AI Act also
introduces governance rules for AI applications that might pose risks to health,
safety, fundamental rights, the environment, democracy and the rule of law. For
these high-risk categories, stringent regulatory requirements are set.

5.3 Operationalising regulatory principles for AI

To operationalise the principles above for GenAI, policymakers and stakeholder pro-
cesses have brought forward specific considerations across the value chain. These
are embodied in the EU AI Act (EU, 2024), in NIST’s AI Risk Management Frame-
work for GenAI (Barrett et al., 2023) and China’s Generative AI provisions, as well
as UN’s recent March 2024 adoption of a resolution on AI safety. These regulatory
initiatives apply to GenAI and partly also to AI agents, especially when based on
foundation models or used in high-risk systems. Chan et al. (2024) and Janjeva et
al. (2023) propose dedicated measures to apply these principles to AI agents and
to ensure greater systemic resilience. Building upon these operationalisations could
be a useful step for regulating emerging AI agents in finance.

Table 3 presents a summary of the principal considerations for regulating GenAI

and AI agents in finance, based on current regulatory and oversight proposals. The
rows in Table 3 correspond to the four categories of the US NIST RMF: govern,
map, measure and manage. These correspond closely to the EU AI Act’s best
practices through the AI Act’s code of practice and standard development, visibility
measures, requirements for evaluations for high-risk systems and GPAI models with
systemic risks and connected regulatory incentives as well as China’s recent GenAI

The columns correspond to the three main stages of the AI value chain: (i) de-
sign and training, (ii) deployment end usage, and (iii) longer-term diffusion. Most
considerations are specifically mentioned in the regulations and guidelines above –
or put forward in proposals – across regions. As shown in the table, the key aspects
span the entire life cycle of GenAI systems and AI agents, from the initial design,
training, and evaluation stages, through their deployment and ongoing usage, and
ultimately to the longer-term diffusion and impact assessment. Appendix B illus-

trates how these considerations could be specified in the case of an Advanced AI
chatbot for loan applications.

Table 3: Considerations for regulating AI

Stages of AI value chain
Design, training & evaluation Deployment and usage Longer-term diffusion

1. Govern / Promote best practices

Governance and developer guidelines Pre-deployment checklists Develop skills and capacity of both
regulators and industry
Operational design domains Stepwise roll-out processes Understand public perception
2. Map /Create visibility
Technical documentation Identify foreseeable impacts Coordinated labelling
Information access Visibility into AI agents Monitor global AI adoption
3. Measure/ Evaluate risks & capabilities
Evaluate capabilities Incident sharing Measuring economic impacts
Third-party audits Adversarial and stress testing Evaluate sectoral transformation
War-gaming of AI risks
4. Manage/ Establish incentives
AI assurance ecosystem Specifying “red-lines” Redistributive economic policies
Registering high-risk use-case Clarity on liability Ensure competition and substi-

In the design, training, and evaluation phase, main considerations cover gov-
ernance and developer guidelines, the need to create visibility through technical
documentation and information access, as well as evaluating the inherent risks and
capabilities of the AI systems.

Moving to the deployment and usage stage, commonly mentioned considera-

tions include pre-deployment checklists, step-wise roll-out processes to minimise
risks, and the importance of coordinated labeling and monitoring of the AI agents’
activities and impacts.

Finally, governing longer-term diffusion includes developing regulators’ skills

and public engagement to specify oversight and guidelines, while also measuring
the economic, sectoral and redistributive implications as AI technologies become
more widely adopted in the financial sector. However, it is important to note that
much remains to be empirically tested and validated, and concerted international
cooperation to establish more robust standards and build greater regulatory capac-
ity will be crucial going forward.

5.4 Need for international cooperation

The preceding discussion underscores the need for global cooperation on AI regu-
lation. Indeed, authorities are increasingly collaborating to harmonise regulatory

standards and enhance cooperation, recognising that AI transcends national bor-

Common regulatory standards are needed in particular on AI governance rules

and risk assessment methodologies. Standardising AI governance rules internation-
ally is crucial to ensure consistent ethical and safety standards, prevent regulatory
arbitrage, and foster global cooperation. Uniform guidelines can enhance trust,
facilitate cross-border AI applications, and address global challenges like privacy,
security and equitable access effectively. There is also a need for standardised risk
assessment methodologies of AI models that take into account the unique attributes
of AI, such as adaptability and learning over time. These methodologies should con-
sider the potential for AI systems to develop unforeseen behaviours or outcomes,
necessitating continuous oversight and the ability to adjust regulatory measures as
the technology matures and integrates more deeply into societal infrastructures.

Global collaboration on AI focuses on ensuring safety and transferring knowl-

edge and best practices to ensure that all regions of the world can benefit from
AI advancements responsibly. Initiatives like the G7 Hiroshima Process and the
Transatlantic Trade and Technology Council underscore the importance of interna-
tional collaboration in establishing standards for the safe and ethical use of AI.12
The integrity and smooth functioning of the financial system is paramount to the
stability and prosperity of modern society. As AI becomes increasingly integrated
into financial operations, it is crucial that these initiatives pay close attention to
the potential challenges that AI poses to financial markets. Maintaining financial
stability is an important pillar of AI safety, as any disruption or instability in the fi-
nancial system can have far-reaching consequences, affecting individuals, businesses
and entire nations.

6 Conclusion

This study underscores the crucial role of artificial intelligence in shaping the dy-
namics of the financial system, conceived of as the “brain” of the economy. By

Meanwhile, the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) and the UN AI Advi-
sory Body emphasise aligning AI development with global goals such as sustainability and equity.
China’s Global AI Governance Initiative represents a significant move towards creating a coop-
erative framework for AI governance, focusing on people-centred development and sustainable

studying the evolutionary path from rule-based systems to GenAI, we highlight how
AI technologies have progressively augmented information processing, risk man-
agement, and customer service within the financial sector, enhancing its cognitive
capacity. But while AI presents significant opportunities for efficiency gains and
innovation, it also introduces complex challenges, including model opacity, data
dependency, and systemic stability concerns. Thus, effective regulation and gov-
ernance frameworks are important to harness the benefits of AI while mitigating
associated risks, emphasising transparency, fairness and global collaboration. At
the same time, authorities should be mindful that not all risks need regulation –
regulation should target risks that manifest as externalities, leaving market mech-
anisms to address those that do not.

By bringing attention to the interconnectedness between AI advancements and

the broader economy, we also highlight the potential spillover and spillback effects
between the real economic and the financial system. As AI permeates business
operations and decision-making processes, there is a need to carefully consider its
implications for employment, productivity, income distribution and the broader
economy. Policy responses must account for diverse scenarios, ranging from pro-
ductivity gains to significant labor market disruptions, to ensure inclusive economic
growth and stability.

Looking ahead, continued vigilance and adaptive regulatory approaches are war-
ranted. By fostering dialogue among stakeholders and promoting interdisciplinary
collaboration, policymakers can develop robust frameworks that harness innovation
to promote societal welfare. Ongoing research and empirical analyses are essential
to deepen our understanding of AI’s impact on the financial system and to guide
informed policy decisions in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. Ultimately,
by leveraging the transformative potential of AI while safeguarding against its risks,
we can foster a more resilient and equitable financial ecosystem for the benefit of
society as a whole.

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A Systemic risk from AI agents

Systemic risks could also increase due to a widespread use of AI agents. These agents
are characterised by direct actions with no human intervention and a potential for
misalignments with regards to long-term goals (Chan et al. (2024)). As a simple
exercise, Table 4 describes the hypothetical influence of AI agents in a specific
scenario: Would the 2008 financial crisis have been more severe if AI agents had
been integrated in 2008’s economy?

The first column reports some of the core reasons for the 2008 financial cri-
sis according to the literature (Helleiner (2011), Acharya and Richardson (2009)):
1) shortcomings in financial practices (inadequate risk assessment and securitisa-
tion), 2) regulation (belief-based oversight, limited oversight of rating agencies)
and 3) global industry structure (Interconnectedness of financial institutions, in-
centive misalignment) - economic policies like housing ownership programs are very
context-specific and thus excluded here.

The table suggests that the extensive deployment of AI agents in finance could
exacerbate the risk of a financial crisis. This risk stems from automated risk assess-
ments, complex automated oversight, increased interconnectedness, and incentive
misalignment. These risks depend on the extent to which different AI agents are
correlated and interact, the visibility into AI agents, effectiveness of oversight mech-
anisms and deployment restrictions and the alignment of AI agents. As the use of
AI agents with open goals and limited human intervention is still minimal, there
is an opportunity to deploy them responsibly. This responsible deployment would
involve implementing specific oversight and visibility mechanisms, with initial ex-
amples outlined by Chan et al. (2024).

Table 4: Hypothetical influence of AI agents on a financial crisis

Contributors to 2008 financial crisis Hypothetical influence of AI agents

Potential impact of AI agents Depends on (condition) Current progress on condition

Inadequate risk as- Automated risk assessments might The extent to which different AI Not much: Highly concentrated AI
sessment parse more information but be cor- agents are correlated and interact ecosystem built on similar data,
Financial related, biased, or manipulated in undesirable ways with similar training and biases
Inadequate risk- Limited - potentially more complex - -
sharing AI-driven securitisation
Complexity compli- Increasing complexity, but poten- Visibility into AI agents’ operations Mostly “black-box” AI, visibility
cates oversight tial AI use by regulators and explainability lagging (Chan et
al. (2024), Hassija et al. (2024))
Limited oversight Limited - potentially easier to scale - -
of rating agencies oversight with AI agents

Interconnectedness Interdependent agents with Effective oversight or implementa- Regulations since 2008 on inter-
of financial institu- opaque, global interactions or tion of “circuit breakers” connectedness (e.g., Basel accords),
tions non-correlated agents identifying limited on AI in finance (Consulich
interconnections beforehand et al. (2023), Chia (2019))
Incentive misalign- AI agents’ alignment could be bet- Alignment of AI agents AI Alignment mostly unsolved
ment ter or worse with public vs. finan- problem (Christian (2021))
cial professionals’ interests
B Operationalising oversight principles: Consid-
eration for an AI chatbot for loan applications

The responsible development and deployment of GenAI and AI agents, is important

for ensuring the stability and integrity of the financial sector. As AI becomes
increasingly integrated into financial operations, specific measures must be taken
to address the challenges and risks posed.

As an example for specifying principles and general measures mentioned in Sec-

tion 5, consider the case of an AI chatbot designed to assist with loan applications.
Suppose the AI chatbot can a) answer questions on loan applications, b) assess
customers’ identity and credit-worthiness with connected tools, and c) send per-
sonalised loan offers via e-mail. Governing the design, training, deployment, and
long-term use of such a powerful AI system requires a comprehensive framework
that aligns with established regulatory principles and best practices.

The following figure outlines a comprehensive framework for the design, train-
ing, testing, deployment, and long-term management of chatbots in the financial
sector. The figure shows what measures need to be adopted so that the chatbot
satisfies the discussed principles. As shown in the figure, the framework highlights
key considerations across the chatbot lifecycle, emphasising the importance of coor-
dinated governance, technical documentation, and post-deployment monitoring to
ensure compliance, mitigate risks, and track the evolving adoption and implications
of GenAI and AI agents within the financial services industry.


Figure 3: Example – Oversight considerations for Advanced AI chatbot for loan applications
Previous volumes in this series
1193 Aging gracefully: steering the banking sector Patrick A Imam and Christian
June 2024 through demographic shifts Schmieder

1192 Sectoral heterogeneity in the wage-price Miguel Ampudia, Marco Lombardi

May 2024 pass-through: Evidence from Euro area and Théodore Renault

1191 The impact of macroprudential policies on Carlos Madeira

May 2024 industrial growth

1190 CEO turnover risk and firm environmental Giulio Cornelli, Magdalena Erdem
May 2024 performance and Egon Zakrajsek

1189 Sixty years of global inflation: a post GFC Raphael Auer, Mathieu Pedemonte
May 2024 update and Raphael Schoenle

1188 Finding a needle in a haystack: a machine Ajit Desai, Anneke Kosse and
May 2024 learning framework for anomaly detection in Jacob Sharples
payment systems

1187 Nothing to hide? Gender and age differences Olivier Armantier, Sebastian Doerr,
May 2024 in willingness to share data Jon Frost, Andreas Fuster and
Kelly Shue

1186 Unconditional convergence in the Mexican Alex Rivadeneira

May 2024 manufacturing sector (1988-2018)

1185 Allocative efficiency and the productivity Lin Shao and Rongsheng Tang
May 2024 slowdown

1184 Determinants of currency choice in cross- Lorenz Emter, Peter McQuade,

May 2024 border bank loans Swapan-Kumar Pradhan and
Martin Schmitz

1183 Why DeFi lending? Evidence from Aave V2 Giulio Cornelli, Leonardo
May 2024 Gambacorta, Rodney Garratt and
Alessio Reghezza

1182 Reserve requirements as a financial stability Carlos Cantú, Rocio Gondo and
April 2024 instrument Berenice Martinez

1181 Synthetic controls with machine learning: Douglas K G Araujo

April 2024 application on the effect of labour
deregulation on worker productivity in Brazil

1180 Incentive-Compatible Unemployment Alexander Karaivanov,

April 2024 Reinsurance for the Euro Area Benoit Mojon, Luiz Pereira da Silva,
Albert Pierres Tejada and
Robert M Townsend

All volumes are available on our website www.bis.org.

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