Pe Degradation
Pe Degradation
Pe Degradation
A Review of Degradation and Life Prediction of Polyethylene
Yang Wang 1 , Guowei Feng 1 , Nan Lin 2, *, Huiqing Lan 3 , Qiang Li 4 , Dichang Yao 5 and Jing Tang 6
Abstract: After around 50 years of development, the key substance known as polyethylene has been
extremely influential in a variety of industries. This paper investigates how polyethylene materials have
been used in the domains of water, packaging, and medicine to advance contemporary society in order
to comprehend the physical and chemical alterations that polyethylene undergoes after being subjected
to long-term environmental variables (e.g., temperature, light, pressure, microbiological factors, etc.).
For the safe operation of polyethylene materials, it has always been of the utmost importance to evaluate
polyethylene’s service life effectively. This paper reviews some of the most common literature journals
on the influence of environmental factors on the degradation process of polyethylene materials and
describes methods for predicting the lifetime of degradable polyethylene materials using accelerated
aging tests. The Arrhenius equation, the Ozawa–Flynn–Wall (OFW) method, the Friedman method, the
Coats–Redfern method, the Kissinger method and Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose (KAS) method, Augis
and Bennett’s method, and Advanced Isoconversional methods are all discussed, as well as the future
development of polyethylene.
with time [27–30]. In general, three frequent and significant occurrences are bound to
happen when polyethylene is present in a gaseous or liquid environment for an extended
period of time. The first phenomenon demonstrates that the mobility of polyethylene
molecules is altered by the diffusion of gas or liquid molecules, just as it is by changes in
temperature, pressure, or time, which also have an impact on the material’s mechanical
properties. The second phenomenon relates to the fact that, due to the extremely adhesive
nature of the amorphous phase attached to the crystalline skeleton, the physical aging of
polyethylene materials is destined to occur over extended periods in glassy amorphous
polymers or semi-crystalline polymers [31,32]. The third phenomenon demonstrates that
polyethylene is subject to aging and degradation processes when exposed to chemically
active gases or liquids for extended periods. As a result, brittleness [33], fracture [34],
bending [35], and other phenomena may occur, which may shorten the service life of
polyethylene products.
In general, it’s critical to comprehend the mechanisms of degradation in addition to
the elements that influence how polyethylene materials deteriorate over time. Researchers
must investigate polyethylene’s deterioration behavior and offer theoretical backing to
enhance the material’s performance and service life. However, there has not been a study
conducted yet that completely explains the degradation mechanism of polyethylene.
The aging degradation process of polymeric materials is described in this work as being
influenced by several common external environmental conditions. First, it enumerates the
common ways that polyethylene degrades in the environment and describes the effects
that these different elements have on the process. Second, illustrations of the fundamental
hypotheses and technical approaches employed in the experimental research carried out
thus far are provided. Finally, some thoughts and views are shared along with predictions
about polyethylene’s future trends.
2.2.1. Biodegradation
The process of biodegradation happens when microbial populations, other decomposing
organisms, or abiotic forces work together to break down biodegradable materials into
minute parts [44]. Three primary processes make up the biodegradation of polyethylene:
(1) biodegradation, which occurs when microorganisms grow on the polyethylene’s surface or
within it, altering its mechanical, physical, and chemical qualities; (2) biodegradation, which is
the process of having microorganisms break down a polymer into oligomers and monomers;
(3) assimilation, which is the process by which microbes acquire the requisite carbon, energy,
and nutrients from the breakdown of polymers and transform the carbon in the material into
carbon dioxide, water, and biologically necessary chemicals [45]. The chemical composition,
molecular weight, and crystallinity of the polymer, as well as other physical, chemical, and
biological aspects, all affect how effectively a substance degrades [46].
Biological factors that may cause the biodegradation of polyethylene include bacteria,
fungi, and microorganisms. Over the past few decades, numerous bacterial strains have
been found to interact with polyethylene, and research studies have shown that there are
already several genera of bacteria and a small number of genera of fungus that are able
to degrade polyethylene. Some of the categories are shown in Table 1. In reality, enzymes
choose particular functional groups. Generally, shorter chains, more amorphous parts,
and less complicated structures in polymers make them more susceptible to microbial
biodegradation [47].
2.2.2. Non-Biodegradable
The abiotic degradation of polyethylene is influenced by environmental and molecular
factors. The breakdown of polyethylene is promoted and accelerated by environmental ele-
ments such as sunlight’s UV radiation, oxygen, heat, water, certain animals, and contaminants.
The combined action of these factors may have a synergistic effect on the degradation rate of
polyethylene [49]. Photoreactions and thermal oxidation reactions, which result in the creation
of new products during chain breakage, hydrogen atom detachment, or cage effects, are the
main environmental drivers of polymer degradation [50].
The interaction between oxygen and UV light causes polyethylene to begin to photode-
grade. While photodegradation is the process by which molecules produce free radicals,
photooxidation is the process by which polymers are destroyed by absorbing photons of visible,
degradation rate
degradation rate ofof polyethylene
polyethylene [49]. [49]. Photoreactions
Photoreactions and and thermal
thermal oxidation
oxidation reactions,
which result
which result in in the
the creation
creation of of new
new products
products during
during chain
chain breakage,
breakage, hydrogen
hydrogen atom atom de-de-
tachment, or
tachment, or cage
cage effects,
effects, are
are the
the main
main environmental
environmental drivers drivers of of polymer
polymer degradation
degradation [50]. [50].
The interaction
The interaction between
between oxygen
oxygen and and UVUV light
light causes
causes polyethylene
polyethylene to to begin
begin to to photo-
degrade. While
degrade. While photodegradation
photodegradation is is the
the process
process by by which
which molecules
molecules produce
produce free free radi-
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 3045 4 of 18
cals, photooxidation
cals, photooxidation is is the
the process
process by by which
which polymers
polymers are are destroyed
destroyed by by absorbing
absorbing pho- pho-
tons of
tons of visible,
visible, ultraviolet,
ultraviolet, or or infrared
infrared light
light in
in the
the presence
presence of of oxygen
oxygen [51].
[51]. Random
Random chain chain
breakage and
breakage and photooxidation
photooxidation are are the
the primary
primary outcomes
outcomes of of photodegradation,
photodegradation, and and these
processes in
processes orturn
in infrared
turn cause
causelight in the presence
secondary of oxygen
crystallization [51].
and the
creation breakage
of several
of several and pho-
products, are the primary
products, including
including outcomes
carboxylic of photodegradation,
acids, ketones, and
ketones, and thesewhich
and aldehydes,
aldehydes, processes
which areincollectively
are turn cause
known as
known crystallization
as carbonyl
carbonyl compounds and the creation
compounds [52,53]. of
[52,53]. The several
The Norrish degradation
Norrish reaction products,
reaction can can result including
result inin the carboxylic
the synthesis
synthesis of
vinyl ketones,
vinyl groups
groups (suchand aldehydes,
(such as as unsaturatedwhich
unsaturated bonds are collectively
bonds and and conjugatedknown as
conjugated systems), carbonyl
systems), and compounds
and it it is
is crucial
crucial [52,53].
to re-
to re-
alize that reaction can result
that hydroperoxides
hydroperoxides are in the synthesis
are byproducts
byproducts of the
of theoffree
free groups
radical (such as process
formation unsaturated [54].bonds
process [54]. In ad-
In ad-
and conjugated
dition to the systems),
breakdown and
of it is
hydrogen crucial to
peroxide,realize that
Norrish hydroperoxides
dition to the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide, Norrish types I and II processes involving I and II are
involving of
the free groups
ketone radical
groups formation
can also
can process
also start
start [54]. In additionof
the photooxidation
the photooxidation oftopolyethylene
the breakdown
polyethylene ofas
[55], hydrogen
as shown in
shown peroxide,
in Figures
Norrish types I and II processes involving ketone groups can also start the photooxidation
11 and
and 2.2. Chain
Chain breakage
breakage and and cross-linking
cross-linking are are the
the primary
primary and and secondary
secondary outcomes
outcomes of of
of polyethylene [55], as shown in Figures 1 and 2. Chain breakage and cross-linking are the
these three
these three starting
starting processes,
processes, respectively.
primary and secondary outcomes of these three starting processes, respectively.
Figure 1.Polyethylene
1. Polyethylenebreakdown
Polyethylene breakdownproducts
breakdown productsare
products aredepicted
are depictedschematically
depicted schematically[56].
schematically [56].
Figure 2.Two
2. Twotypes
Two typesof
types ofNorrish
of Norrishreaction
Norrish reaction[57].
reaction [57].
The processby
process bywhich
by whichheat
which heatoror
heat orhigh
high temperatures
temperatures are
areare applied
applied atomaterial,
to to aa material,
material, product,
product, or
or component
or component andandwhere
and thethe
where outcome
the outcome
outcome is is
ais loss
aa loss
of physical,chemical,
physical, chemical,or
chemical, orelectrical
or electricalqualities
electrical qualities
is referred
is referred totoas
to as"thermal
as “thermal
"thermal degradation”
degradation" [58].
[58]. [58].
Free Free
Free radical
chains that are
that arethat are engaged
engaged in
in thermal
in thermal
and and photodegradation
and photodegradation
photodegradation have have fundamentally
have fundamentally
fundamentally identical identical
identical processes.processes.
processes. Typically,Typically,
Typically, degreethe
the degree
the to
which the
which to which
the reaction the reaction
reaction with
with oxygenwith
oxygen takes oxygen
takes place takes
place has place has
has aa significant a significant
significant impact
impact on impact
on the on
the mechanism
mechanism the
and rate
and rate of and rate of degradation.
of degradation.
degradation. molecularThe
The molecular
The molecular reactions
amplification amplification
reactions reactions
are mostly
are mostly are mostly
reactions whenreactions
reactions when oxygen iswhen
oxygen is present
[47]. is present [47].
[47]. Depending
Depending on the
on Depending
the physical and
physical on chemical
and the physical
chemical and
chemical makeup of the polymer, for which many thermal degradation mechanisms exist,
thermal degradation may cause molecular deterioration. The most frequent is the polymer’s
intermolecular links being broken or unchained, releasing oligomers and monomer units.
Some polymer backbone and side chain reactions will also contribute to the polymer’s final
decomposition [59].
One of the crucial components of abiotic degradation’s parameters is chemical degra-
dation. The characteristics of polyethylene macromolecules may change as a result of
reactions with atmospheric contaminants and some agrochemicals. Many materials must
come into contact with air when used in daily life, making reactions with oxygen in the air
simple. Free radicals are created when the covalent bonds in polyethylene react with the
oxygen molecules in the air. The covalent bonds of polyethylene are subject to oxidative
degradation, which is dependent on the chain structure of polyethylene and works in
conjunction with photodegradation to form free radicals. Peroxyl radicals from oxidative
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 3045 5 of 18
degradation can also act on polyethylene and cause cross-linking or chain breakage, just
like the byproducts of the Norrish reaction stated above. Another process that might lead to
the chemical breakdown of polymers is hydrolysis reaction [60–62]. It is significant to note
that because polyethylene molecules are entirely composed of alkyl groups and lack any
radical energy groups that could interact with water molecules, they cannot be hydrolyzed.
As the name suggests, catalytic degradation refers to the use of catalysts to break
down polyethylene. Typically, catalytic degradation is employed in scientific research or to
degrade polyethylene materials. The use of an appropriate catalyst and optimal processing
conditions might result in the development of the intended, more precise product, and, in
some situations, prevent the formation of inferior products, giving catalytic degradation
some advantages over the other degrading methods previously discussed [63]. The ability
to shorten experiment durations and lower reaction temperatures during studies is a more
significant benefit of catalytic degradation.
Polyethylene experiences mechanical degradation most frequently as a result of the
influence of various stresses on the material. These forces can occur for a variety of
reasons. For example, buried polyethylene pipes may experience operational issues during
installation, and wild animals may unintentionally harm them as a result of the pressure that
the soil and carried material exert on them [45]. This also applies to polyethylene products
used outside, such as mulch film and protective jackets used on some cables, which may
experience multiple mechanical degradations under unforeseen outdoor conditions [64–66].
In general, damage to polyethylene materials caused by macroscale factors, including soil
or water pressure, may not be immediately noticeable but may start to have an impact at the
microscopic molecule level. Even though mechanical causes are not the primary cause of
degradation, once a material has been mechanically traumatized, it may be more susceptible
to the effects of biodegradation [59]. Under field circumstances, mechanical forces and other
abiotic parameters (such as humidity, radiation, and contaminating substances) interact
with polyethylene material.
R· + O2 → ROO· (2)
OH + RH → R· + H2 O (6)
Taking over a hydrogen atom or another atom on a carbon atom next to a radical from
another chain is known as a “termination reaction”. The following is the reaction sequence:
R· + R · → R − R (7)
ωo − ωt ∆ω
α= = (12)
ωo − ω∞ ∆ωo
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 3045 8 of 18
where ωo , ωt , and ω∞ stand for the initial mass, the mass at temperature t, and the final
mass, which is the mass at which the mass loss is practically constant, respectively. The
product of two functions, one of which is dependent on temperature T and the other on
the rate of the reaction, is typically used to indicate the conversion rate of a kinetic process.
The general kinetic model of degradation is defined by Equation (13) [101]:
= K ( T ) f (α) (13)
where f (α) is the transformation function, and K(T) is the temperature-dependent function
given by the Arrhenius Equation (14) [102].
− Ea /RT
K ( T ) = Ae (14)
where A is the pre-exponential factor, Ea is the activation energy, and R is the gas constant.
The reaction model has various forms, some of which are shown in Table 2.
presented the Arrhenius equation (Equation (14)) in 1889. It is an empirical chemical kinetic
equation that describes the rate of reaction as a function of temperature [103]. The depen-
dence of the kinetics of some simple chemicals’ chemical reactions on the critical element of
temperature is extremely well described by the Arrhenius equation. The material produces
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 20
a very modest reaction rate at very low temperatures, according to the Arrhenius equation,
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
the minimum value will not be zero. The following conditions must be met to
10 of 20
use the
Arrhenius equation: (1) There must be only one main chemical reaction that causes thermal
chemical reaction
deterioration should
within serve astemperature
a specific the test's starting
and[104–107]. (2) First-order
this significant chemical or other
fixed-order kinetics govern the process of degradation [105,108]. (3)
should serve as the test’s starting point [104–107]. (2) First-order or other fixed-order The degradation does
not reaction
appreciably should
alter atofservezero.
time as the(4)
test's starting
There point no
has been [104–107].
phase (2) First-order
change or other
[106,107]. (5) The
ics govern the process degradation [105,108]. (3) The degradation
fixed-order kinetics govern the process of degradation [105,108]. (3) The degradation does
does not appreciably
alter study's(4)
at time zero. temperature range wasphase
somewhat constrained to(5)
prevent the accu-
not appreciably alter at There has (4)
time zero. been no
There has beenchange
no phase [106,107].
change [106,107].The (5)
study’s of the test results
temperature from being impacted
range was somewhat by further
constrained degradation
to prevent mechanisms
the accuracy [109]. (6) test
of the
experimental study's temperature range was somewhat constrained to prevent the accu-
results the test's deterioration range, the activation energy should remain constant
racy offrom being
the test resultsimpacted
from being byimpacted
further degradation mechanisms
by further degradation [109]. (6)
mechanisms Throughout
[109]. (6)
the The non-exponential
test’s deterioration
form of Equation
range, therange,
the test's deterioration activation (16) can be used
energy energy
the activation
remain the
[110]. The
[110]. Themaking
non-exponential it simpler
non-exponential to use
form of and
of Equation allowing
Equation can(16) for
be can
be to tointerpretation
used [111]: equation,
the Arrhenius
represent the Arrhenius
equation, making it simpler to use and allowing for graphical
making it simpler to use and allowing for graphical𝐸interpretation [111]: interpretation [111]:
ln 𝐾(𝑇) = ln 𝐴 − (16)
K ( T )==lnln
𝐴− −
A 𝑅𝑇 (16) (16)
However, it is not accurate enough to detect the aging process of the material with a
single experiment,
However, it so
it isisnot is necessary
accurate enough totolearn
enough more
detect about
the aging
to detect the the change
aging curve
of theofmaterial
of the material
process material
with a with
single versus
experiment, time
so itunder
is several
necessary experimental
to learn more conditions,
about the as
a single experiment, so it is necessary to learn more about the change curve of materialin Figure
of 3,
use it as a versus timefor
foundation under several
material experimental
life speculation. conditions, as shown in Figure 3, and
properties versus time under several experimental conditions, as shown in Figure 3, and
use it as a foundation for material life speculation.
use it as a foundation for material life speculation.
Figure 3.3.Variation
Figure3. Variation in
Variation in material
in material characteristics
materialcharacteristics asasaas
characteristics afunction
ofof temperature
a function of andand time
temperature and [112].
time [112].
By plotting
plotting the
Byplotting therelationship
the relationship
relationship between
between lnK(T)
lnK(T) and
lnK(T) 1/T
in in
1/Tthethe equation's
the linear
equation’s relation-
linear relation-
ship, the
the least
least squares
squares method
method can
can be
be used
used totobest fit
best the
fit data.
the data.It is
It possible
is to
ship, the least squares method can be used to best fit the data. It is possible to calculate calculate
to for for for
EEEa aand
and AAthe
the slope
the slope and
slope andintercept
interceptof the
the line
fitted asasshown
line shown
as in in
shown Figure
Figure4. 4. 4.
in Figure
AEa Ea
ln β = ln − 5.331 − 1.052 (19)
Rg(α) RTp
where β is the heating rate, Ea is the activation energy, R is the gas constant, and Tp is the
peak temperature. The experimental thermal spectra captured at the heating rate can be
used to derive a linear regression of ln β = f (1/T ), and the slope of the straight line can be
used to calculate the activation energy Ea at a constant conversion rate α [126].
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 3045 11 of 18
The Ozawa–Flynn–Wall (OFW) method can be used in reaction systems where the
activation energy changes over time; however, it may not work when various reaction types
with various activation energies coexist. Additionally, competitive responses involving
a range of different products cannot be studied using the Ozawa–Flynn–Wall (OFW)
Method [128].
dα Ea
ln = ln A + ln f (α) − (20)
dt RT
Equation (20) can be further expressed as follows when several runs with various
constant heating rates are taken into account and given values for [131]:
dα Ea
ln β = ln A + ln f (α) − (21)
dt RT
According to the experimental thermal spectrum captured at the heating rate, the
graph of ln( βdα /dt ) vs. 1/T should be a straight line for the conversion α = constant [100].
α is constant when ln A + ln f (α) is constant, despite the fact that the heating rate β is
varied [132]. By taking fixed readings of the conversion rate α, temperature T, and reaction
rate dα /dt , the activation energy Ea may be estimated from the slope denoted by ln(dα /dt )
for tests carried out at various heating rates [131].
The Friedman approach is more precise than the integral method while not using
mathematical approximations such as other integration methods. However, given the
potential variability of the reaction rate, the Friedman approach necessitates a high base of
thermal analysis equipment [120,133]. Any test, including dynamic and isothermal tests,
can be subjected to the Friedman model. Due to experimental flaws or the inherent uncer-
tainty of the differential approach, this method’s sensitivity to noise makes it potentially
less reliable for kinetic data acquired by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) [131].
where the finger front factor A can be calculated from the intercept of the straight
line, the
activation energy Ea can be calculated from the slope of the line drawn between ln g(α)/T 2
and 1/T, and g(α) can vary depending on the model and mechanism of the reaction.
β AR Ea
ln( 2
) = ln( )− (23)
Tp Ea RTp
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 3045 12 of 18
where Tp is the peak temperature, and the activation energy Ea can be obtained from the
slope of the line ln( β/Tp2 ) to 1/Tp .
According to the Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose (KAS) technique, the activation energy is
assumed to be constant for a specific conversion rate [136,137]. The method is based on
Equation (24) [138,139]:
β AR Ea
ln( 2 ) = ln − (24)
Tp Ea f ( α ) RTp
where the ln( β/Tp2 ) versus 1/Tp curve is a straight line, and the slope and intercept can be
used to calculate the activation energy Ea and the value of pre-exponential factor A for a
given type.
The Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose (KAS) method corrects some biases in the Ozawa–Flynn–Wall
(OFW) method by using the Coats–Redfern approximation, and the Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose
(KAS) method provides a more accurate estimate of the activation energy [133,134].
where β is the heating rate, Ea is the activation energy, R is the gas constant, Tp is the
temperature corresponding to the peak of the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) or
differential thermal analysis (DTA) curve, and T0 is the starting temperature.
The accuracy of the DTA or DSC curve plotting and the heating rate β influence the
evaluation of Augis and Bennett’s method for the onset temperature T0 . Augis and Bennett
recommend using a single T0 value for all heating rates, i.e., one that is lower than the
lowest starting temperature corresponding to the lowest heating rate [141].
− Eα
J [ Eα , T (tα )] = exp [ ] (27)
RT (t)
tα −∆α
where Ea is the effective activation energy and the value of Ea is the value that minimizes
the function Φ( Eα ). This nonlinear kinetic approach (NLN) deals with a set of n experi-
ments performed at different temperatures Ti (t), which can be numerically integrated over
time using the trapezoidal method. Exact interpolation using the Lagrangian algorithm
determines the time tα,i and temperature Tα,i associated with the selected value of α for
each ith temperature program [145].
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 3045 13 of 18
6. Conclusions
In modern society, polyethylene materials are utilized in a variety of applications, but
as their use increases, their initial performance qualities tend to change. Temperature, light,
pressure, chemical attack, mechanical stress, microorganisms, and other factors can all
affect the degradation of polyethylene materials. This influence is frequently synergistic,
making polyethylene degradation extremely complex. Many researchers have developed
various kinetic methods for predicting the lifetime of polyethylene materials, and this paper
describes the most common and widely used kinetic methods.
The isoconversion method derives from the Ozawa–Flynn–Wall (OFW) method and
the Friedman method, both of which do not require a mathematical model and instead
use several curves at different heating rates to calculate the kinetic parameters at the same
conversion rate and obtain the activation energy. The multi-curve method is another name
for the equal conversion rate method. With the introduction of the Kissinger–Akahira–
Sunose (KAS) method, the accuracy of the equal conversion rate method has improved.
Kissinger and OFW are model-free analyses, which means that the activation energy is
calculated without taking into account the kinetic model of the reaction process. Friedman’s
method has the advantage of not being limited to linear changes in heating rate and
exhibiting simplicity, adequacy, and accuracy. The advanced isotransformation rate method
is now widely acknowledged as one of the most precise methods for estimating activation
energies from TGA experiments.
Due to the numerous applications of polyethylene materials in people’s lives, the
extensive use of polyethylene materials can lead to environmental pollution. Extending
the service life of polyethylene can promote the development of the 5Rs [146] for reducing
environmental pollution, therefore, the life prediction of polyethylene and other polymeric
materials is critical.
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