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A Laboratory Manual for

Industrial Measurements


Semester– (IV)

(EE, EP, EU, IE)

Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
(Autonomous) (ISO 9001:2015) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
(Printed on November 2018)
Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr. / Ms…………………………………………
Roll No……………………….of Fourth Semester of Diploma in
…………………………………………………………. of Institute
(Code………………..) has completed the term work satisfactorily in
course Industrial Measurements (22420) for the Academic Year
20…….to 20…..... as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place : ………………. Enrollment No. :……………………

Date : …..................... Exam Seat No. :……………….........

Course Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Seal of
Industrial Measurements (22420)

The primary focus of any engineering laboratory/ field work in the technical education
system is to develop the much needed industry relevant competencies and skills. With this in
view, MSBTE embarked on this innovative ‘I’ Scheme curricula for engineering diploma
programmes with outcome-base education as the focus and accordingly, relatively large
amount of time is allotted for the practical work. This displays the great importance of
laboratory work making each teacher; instructor and student to realize that every minute of
the laboratory time need to be effectively utilized to develop these outcomes, rather than
doing other mundane activities. Therefore, for the successful implementation of this
outcome-based curriculum, every practical has been designed to serve as a ‘vehicle’ to
develop this industry identified competency in every student. The practical skills are difficult
to develop through ‘chalk and duster’ activity in the classroom situation. Accordingly, the ‘I’
scheme laboratory manual development team designed the practical to focus on the
outcomes, rather than the traditional age old practice of conducting practical to ‘verify the
theory’ (which may become a byproduct along the way).
This laboratory manual is designed to help all stakeholders, especially the students, teachers
and instructors to develop in the student the pre-determined outcomes. It is expected from
each student that at least a day in advance, they have to thoroughly read through the
concerned practical procedure that they will do the next day and understand the minimum
theoretical background associated with the practical. Every practical in this manual begins by
identifying the competency, industry relevant skills, course outcomes and practical outcomes
which serve as a key focal point for doing the practical. The students will then become aware
about the skills they will achieve through procedure shown there and necessary precautions to
be taken, which will help them to apply in solving real-world problems in their professional
This manual also provides guidelines to teachers and instructors to effectively facilitate
student-centered lab activities through each practical exercise by arranging and managing
necessary resources in order that the students follow the procedures and precautions
systematically ensuring the achievement of outcomes in the students.
The electrical diploma holder has to work in industry as technical person in middle level
management. He has to work as production, maintenance, testing engineer in various
industries like power generation, transmission, distribution, traction etc. and has to deal with
different electrical measurement. He/she also has to deal with advanced, automated and
sophisticated equipment that are used in modern techniques. While performing above task he
has to measure different electrical and electronic parameters with testing, therefore he/she
must require the skills for these measurements and broad idea of different meters and
equipment. Equipment may contain digital and microcontroller based embedded systems, for
which the basic knowledge of this subjects is required.
Although all care has been taken to check for mistakes in this laboratory manual, yet it is
impossible to claim perfection especially as this is the first edition. Any such errors and
suggestions for improvement can be brought to our notice and are highly welcome.

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

Programme Outcomes (POs) to be achieved through Practical of this

Following programme outcomes are expected to be achieved out of the ten programme
outcomes and Electrical Engineering/ Industrial Electronics programme specific outcomes
through the practical of the course on Industrial Measurement
PO1. Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and basic
engineering to solve the broad-based Electrical Engineering/ Industrial Electronics
PO2. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electrical Engineering/ Industrial Electronics
knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/ Industrial Electronics related
PO3. Experiments and practice: Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments
and practices to use the results to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/ Industrial
Electronics problems.
PO4. Engineering tools: Apply relevant Electrical Engineering/ Industrial Electronics
technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations
PO5. The Engineer and Society: Assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues
and the consequent responsibilities relevant to practice in field of Electrical
Engineering/ Industrial Electronics.
PO6. Environment and Sustainability: Apply Electrical Engineering/ Industrial
Electronics solutions also for sustainable development practices in societal and
environmental contexts.
PO7. Ethics: Apply ethical principles for commitment to professional ethics,
responsibilities and norms of the practice also in the field of Electrical Engineering/
Industrial Electronics.
PO8. Individual and team work: Function effectively as a leader and team member in
diverse/ multidisciplinary teams.
PO9. Communication: Communicate effectively in oral and written form.
PO10. Life-long learning: Engage in independent and life-long learning activities in the
context of technological changes also in the Electrical Engineering/ Industrial
Electronics and allied industry.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO) (What s/he will be able to do in the Electrical
Engineering/ Industrial Electronics specific industry soon after the diploma
PSO1. Electrical Engineering/ Industrial Electronics System: Maintain various types of
Electrical Engineering/ Industrial Electronics systems.
PSO2. Transducer Application and Calibration: Use Transducer for Electrical Engineering/
Industrial Electronics related System.

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

Practical- Course Outcome matrix

Course Outcomes (COs):-
a) Select the relevant transducers for measuring various parameters.
b) Maintain the different types of pressure transducers.
c) Maintain the different types of flow transducers.
d) Maintain the different types of level transducers.
e) Maintain the different types of temperature transducers.
Practical Outcome
a. b. c. d. e.
Linear Displacement Measurement Using
1  - - - -
Angular Displacement Measurement Using
2  - - - -

3 Displacement Measurement Using LVDT  -  - -

4 Weights Measurement Using Strain Gauge   - - -

5 Pressure Measurement Using Bourdon Tube   - - -

Pressure Gauge Calibration Using Dead

6   - - -
Weight Tester
Assemble / Dismantle Digital Pressure
7   - - -
Measurement System

8 Flow Measurement Using Orifice Plate  -  - -

9 Flow Measurement Using Venturi Tube  -  - -

10 Flow Measurement Using Rotameter  -  - -

Level Measurement Using Capacitance Type

11  - -  -

12 Level Measurement Using Air Purge Method  - -  -

13 Measurement Of Temperature Using RTD  - - - 

Measurement Of Temperature Using

14  - - - 

15 Calibration Of RTD  - - - 

16 Calibration Of Thermocouple  - - - 

Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education iii

Industrial Measurements (22420)

List of Industry Relevant Skills

The following industry relevant skills of the competency ‘Maintain electronic automated
system in process and manufacturing industries’ are expected to be developed in students
by undertaking the practical of this laboratory manual.
1. Identify various transducers.
2. Use transducer to measure various physical quantities.
3. Measure the displacement using different transducers.
4. Measure the flow using different transducers
5. Measure the pressure using different transducers
6. Measure the temperature using different transducers
7. Measure the Level using different transducers
8. Use venture tube to measure flow of fluid
9. Calibrate the thermocouple
10. Calibrate RTD based temperature measuring system.

Guidelines to Teachers
1. Teacher need to ensure that a dated log book for the whole semester, apart from the
laboratory manual is maintained by every student which s/he has to submit for assessment
to the teacher in the next practical session.
2. There will be two sheets of blank pages after every practical for the student to report other
matters (if any), which is not mentioned in the printed practical.
3. For difficult practical if required, teacher could provide the demonstration of the practical
emphasizing of the skills which the student should achieve.
4. Teachers should give opportunity to students for hands-on after the demonstration.
5. Assess the skill achievement of the students and COs of each unit.
6. One or two questions ought to be added in each practical for different batches. For this
teachers can maintain various practical related question banks for each course.
7. If some repetitive information like data sheet, use of software tools etc. has to be provided
for effective attainment of practical outcomes, they can be incorporated in Appendix.
8. For effective implementation and attainment of practical outcomes, teacher ought to
ensure that in the beginning itself of each practical, students must read through the
complete write-up of that practical sheet.
9. During practical, ensure that each student gets chance and takes active part in taking
observations/ readings and performing practical.
10. Teacher ought to assess the performance of students continuously according to the
MSBTE guidelines.

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

Instructions for Students

1. For incidental writing on the day of each practical session every student should maintain a
dated log book for the whole semester, apart from this laboratory manual which s/he has
to submit for assessment to the teacher in the next practical session.

2. For effective implementation and attainment of practical outcomes, in the beginning itself
of each practical, students need to read through the complete write-up including the
practical related questions and assessment scheme of that practical sheet.

3. Student ought to refer the data books, safety norms, technical manuals, etc.

4. Student should not hesitate to ask any difficulties they face during the conduct of

5. Select the proper ICs, power supply as per the specifications/ratings given.

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

Content Page
List of Practical and Progressive Assessment Sheet

Dated Remar
Page Date of Date of Assessment
S. No. Title of the practical performance submission marks(25)
sign. of ks (if
No. Teacher any)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Linear Displacement
1. Measurement Using 1
Angular Displacement
2. Measurement Using 8
Displacement Measurement
3. 15
Using LVDT
Weights Measurement
4. 23
Using Strain Gauge
Pressure Measurement
5. 30
Using Bourdon Tube
Pressure Gauge Calibration
6. 38
Using Dead Weight Tester
Assemble / Dismantle
7. Digital Pressure 46
Measurement System
Flow Measurement Using
8. 53
Orifice Plate
Flow Measurement Using
9. 61
Venturi Tube
Flow Measurement Using
10. 69
Level Measurement Using
11. Capacitance Type 76
Level Measurement Using
12. 83
Air Purge Method
Measurement of
13. 89
Temperature Using RTD
Measurement of
14. Temperature Using 97
15. Calibration of RTD 104
Calibration of
16. 111
 Column 6th to be transferred to pro-forma of CIAAN-2017

Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education vi

Industrial Measurements (22420)

Practical No. 1: Linear displacement measurement using potentiometer

I Practical Significance
Potentiometers are rarely used to directly control significant amounts of power (more
than a watt or so). Instead they are used to adjust the level of analog signals (for
example volume controls on audio equipment), and as control inputs for electronic
circuits. User-actuated potentiometers are widely used as user controls, and may
control a very wide variety of equipment functions. Potentiometers are widely use in
consumer electronics. This practical help you to measure the linear displacement
using potentiometer.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
related problems.
2. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics

III Relevant Course Outcome

a) Select the relevant transducers for measuring various parameters.

IV Practical Outcome
a) Use the potentiometer to measure the linear displacement

V Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry Maintain
different transducers used for measurement of various parameters.
a) Use multimeters
b) Connection skills

VI Relevant Affective domain

a) Follow safety practices.
b) Maintain cleanliness of transducer setup.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Linear Potentiometer: The potentiometer is an electrical device comprising a resistor
with a sliding third contact, often termed a wiper, which allows the voltage to be
varied depending upon where the slider is positioned along the length of the resistor.
Potentiometer are found in many electrical and electronic applications and in many
different forms, sizes and power ratings. For instance, in a relatively high power
application a wire wound potentiometer may be used to provide a variable D.C. (or
A.C.) power supply delivering many amperes at some voltage less than the supply
voltage. In an electronic system a low power rated carbon track potentiometer may be

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

used to preset the voltage on a circuit board to achieve the desired level of response.
Manual adjustment of the wiper along the length of the fixed resistance produces a
variable voltage at the wiper. The magnitude of this output voltage is directly
proportional to its relative position along the length of the resistor. If the
potentiometer wiper is appropriately connected to a moving system then any
movement in that system will cause the wiper to move and so change the output
voltage. This signal provides a direct measurement of position or change in position.

VIII Experimental Set-up

Figure: Linear Potentiometer experimental setup

The output voltage is governed by the position of the wiper (C) which may lie
anywhere between the two ends, A and B, of the resistance. For the general case the
output voltage is given by the expression,

Where: CB is the linear distance from B to C;

AB is the maximum linear distance from B to A.
Hence when the potentiometer wiper is in position B the output voltage will be zero
and when in position A will be maximum, the full supply voltage (Vin).
In any intermediate position the voltage at the wiper will be some value between 0 and
Vin as given by the above potentiometer equation.

IX Resources required
Particulars Specification Quantity Remark
1 Displacement range 0-400cm 01
2 Power supply DC regulated power supply 0-30V DC 01
3 DMM 0-200V DC 01

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X Procedure
1. Identify the component of given setup.
2. Connect potentiometer setup as in diagram.
3. Switch on the power supply
4. Manually displace the wiper of potentiometer by 50 cm
5. Record the output resistance using DMM.
6. Record the output voltage Vout using DMM in observation table.
7. Repeat the steps 4 to 6 for 5 times with an interval of 50 cm displacement.
8. Plot the graph of displacement Vs output voltage

XI Precautions to be followed
1. Ensure that proper connections are made as per the setup.
2. Ensure proper setting of devices used.
3. Ensure the power switch is in off condition initially.

XII Actual procedure followed (Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIII Resources used

Sr. Name of Broad Specifications
Quantity Remark
No. Resource Make Details

XIV Precautions followed


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XV Observations and Calculations(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Sr. Displacement (cm) Output Voltage (Volt)


XVI Results
1. Name of identified transducer a) …………
2. Names of identified parts a) ………… b) ………… c) ………… d) …………

XVII Interpretation of results(Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions (if any) (Actions/decisions to be taken based interpretation of results)


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. Write answers
of minimum three questions.
1. State the output voltage when the wiper is at 0 cm.
2. State the maximum linear range of potentiometer.
3. State the input voltage applied to potentiometer.
4. State the output voltage obtained at 200 cm.
[Space to Write Answers]

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

XX References / Suggestions for further Reading

Sr. Title of Book Author Publication
Electrical and Electronic Sawhney, A.K. DhanpatRai and Sons, N. Delhi
1 Measurements and 201; ISBN:9788177001006
Industrial Instrumentation Singh, S.K. McGraw Hill Publishing; N.
2 and Control Delhi 2010;

XXI Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage (%)
Process related:15 Marks 60%
1 Identify the practical setup of potentiometer 10%
2 Connection of complete measurement system. 20%
3 Applying input (linear displacement) to potentiometer 10%
4 Observation of output voltages. 10%
5 Working in team. 10%
Product related:10 Marks 40%
1 Answers to practical related questions. 30%
2 Submission of report in time. 10%
Total: 25 Marks 100%

Name of Student Team Members


Dated sign of
Marks Obtained
Process Related Product Related Total
(15) (10) (25)

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

Practical No. 2: Angular displacement measurement using potentiometer

I Practical Significance
In the industry environment Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics diploma
graduate are expected to handle various transducers for measurement of process
parameters such as temperature, pressure, level, flow, displacement etc. The angular
displacement is one of important physical quantity has to measure in various
application. Therefore this practical will help to measure angular displacement using

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial
Electronics related problems.
2. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to
use the results to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial
Electronics problems.

III Relevant Course Outcomes

a) Select the relevant transducers for measuring various parameters.

IV Practical Outcome
a) Use the potentiometer to measure the angular displacement

V Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry
Maintain different transducers used for measurement of various parameters.
a) Use multimeters
b) Connection skills

VI Relevant Affective domain

a) Follow safety practices.
b) Maintain cleanliness of transducer setup.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Angular Potentiometer :
The most commonly used of all the “Position Sensors”, is the potentiometer because it
is an inexpensive and easy to use position sensor. It has a wiper contact linked to a
mechanical shaft that can be either angular (rotational) in its movement, and which
causes the resistance value between the wiper/slider and the two end connections to
change giving an electrical signal output that has a proportional relationship between
the actual wiper position on the resistive track and its resistance value. In other words,
resistance is proportional to position.
Potentiometers come in a wide range of designs and sizes such as the commonly
available round rotational type. When used as a position sensor the moveable object is
connected directly to the rotational shaft of the potentiometer.

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

A DC reference voltage is applied across the two outer fixed connections forming the
resistive element. The output voltage signal is taken from the wiper terminal of the
sliding contact as shown below.
This configuration produces a potential or voltage divider type circuit output which is
proportional to the shaft position. Then for example, if you apply a voltage of say 10v
across the resistive element of the potentiometer the maximum output voltage would
be equal to the supply voltage at 10 volts, with the minimum output voltage equal to 0
volts. Then the potentiometer wiper will vary the output signal from 0 to 10 volts,
with 5 volts indicating that the wiper or slider is at its half-way or center position
The output signal (Vout) from the potentiometer is taken from the center wiper
connection as it moves along the resistive track, and is proportional to the angular
position of the shaft.

VIII Experimental Set-up

Figure: Angular Potentiometer experimental setup

IX Resources required
Sr. No. Particulars Specification Quantity Remark
1 Displacement range 0-3000, single turn 01
2 Power supply DC regulated power supply 0-30 V DC 01
3 DMM 0-200V DC 01

X Procedure
1. Identify the component of given setup.
2. Connect potentiometer setup as in diagram.
3. Switch on the power supply
4. Manually displace the wiper of potentiometer by 300 displacement.
5. Record the output resistance using DMM.
6. Record the output voltage Vout using DMM in observation table.
7. Repeat the steps 4 to 6 for 5 times with an interval of 300 displacement.
8. Plot the graph of displacement Vs output voltage

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XI Precautions to be followed
1. Ensure that proper connections are made as per the setup.
2. Ensure proper setting of devices used.
3. Ensure the power switch is in off condition initially.

XII Actual procedure followed (To be written by students) (Use blank sheet provided
if space not sufficient)

XIII Resources used

Sr. Name of Broad Specifications
Quantity Remark
No. Resource Make Details

XIV Precautions followed


XV Observations and Calculations(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Sr. Displacement
Output Voltage (Volt)
No. (Angle in degrees)

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XVI Results
1. Name of identified transducer a) …………
2. Names of identified parts a) ………… b) ………… c) ………… d) …………

XVII Interpretation of results(Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions (if any) ( (Actions/decisions to be taken based on the interpretation of


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. Write answers
of minimum three questions.
1. State the output voltage when the wiper is at 00
2. State the maximum angular range of potentiometer.
3. State the input voltage applied to potentiometer
4. State the output voltage obtained at 3000
[Space to Write Answers]

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

XX References / Suggestions for further Reading

Sr. No. Title of Book Author Publication
Electrical and Electronic Sawhney, A.K. Dhanpat Rai and Sons, N.
1 Measurements and Delhi 201;
Instrumentation ISBN:9788177001006
Industrial Singh, S.K. McGraw Hill Publishing; N.
2 Instrumentation and Delhi 2010;
Control ISBN:9780070678200

XXI Suggested Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage (%)
Process related:15 Marks 60%
1 Identify the practical setup potentiometer 10%
Connection of complete measurement
2 20%
Applying input (angular displacement) to
3 10%
4 Observation of output voltages. 10%
5 Working in team. 10%
Product related:10 Marks 40%
1 Answers to practical related questions. 30%
2 Submission of report in time. 10%
Total: 25 Marks 100%

Name of Student Team Members


Dated sign of
Marks Obtained
Product Related Total
(10) (25)

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

Practical No. 3: Displacement measurement using LVDT

I Practical Significance
LVDT is passive transducer based on mutual inductance principle. It is used to
measure linear displacement. It is used as secondary transducer for measurement
pressure using bourdon tube. This practical help you to measure displacement using

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial
Electronics related problems.
2. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics

III Relevant Course Outcomes

a) Select the relevant transducers for measuring various parameters.

IV Practical Outcome
a) Use LVDT to measure displacement.

V Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry
Maintain different transducers used for measurement of various parameters.
a) Use C.R.O
b) Use multimeters
c) Connection skills

VI Relevant Affective domain

a) Follow safety practices.
b) Maintain cleanliness of transducer setup.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

LVDT “Linear Variable Differential Transformer” is most widely used inductive
transducer to translate linear motion into electrical signals.

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Construction of LVDT : LVDT consists of a cylindrical former where it is surrounded by

one primary winding in centre of the former and the two secondary windings connected in
series opposition. The number of turns in both the secondary winding are equal, but are series
opposite to each other.

Working of LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer): The Linear Variable

Differential Transformer works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. When we give
supply to the primary winding of the LVDT, a current starts flowing through the primary
winding. Due to magnetic property of current, the magnetic lines of force starts flowing
around the primary coil, thus a magnetic field is set up around the primary winding. As in
general transformers, due to magnetic effect of primary winding, an e.m.f. is also set up in
secondary winding when the magnetic lines of force of primary winding cuts (come across
contact) the iron rod and secondary winding. This e.m.f. causes a current to flow in secondary
winding and this whole process is known as mutual inductance.
Case 1 (When the rod is placed in Center i.e. Area of contact of iron rod is same with both
secondary coils):
When the iron rod is placed in center of both secondary coils then the area of contact of iron
rod between two secondary windings is equal, then the equal amount of e.m.f. is developed in
the both coils.
Case 2(When the Rod is moved towards the right to the coil S2): When the rod is moves to
the right side towards the secondary coil 2 then the area of contact of rod is larger with
secondary coil S2 as compared to coil S1. Therefore, more amount of magnetic field cuts the
coil S2 and thus more e.m.f. will be induced in the secondary coil S2.
Case 3(When Iron Rod is moved towards the left, to coil S1): When the iron rod is moved
towards the coil S1 that is to left side then the contact area of secondary coil S1 will be larger
than coil S2. Thus more e.m.f. will be induced in secondary coil S2.
Characteristics of LVDT

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VIII Experimental Set-up

Figure: LVDT experimental setup

IX Resources required
Sr. No. Particulars Specification Quantity Remark
Displacement range +/- 20 mm.
LVDT Accuracy of +/- 2% Primary Excitation
1 01
trainer kit- 4 KHZ and 1 Volt, RMS Output :
Digital display of +/- 20mm

X Procedure
1. Identify the component of given setup diagram.
2. Connect LVDT setup as in diagram.
3. Switch on the power supply.
4. Manually displace the core of LVDT by 1mm.
5. Record the digital display indication w.r.t displacement.
6. Record the output voltage V1 using DMM in observation table.
7. Cross check output voltage V1 using C.R.O.
8. Repeat the steps 4 to 7 for 5 times with an interval of 1mm placement on both side
of center position of core.
9. Plot the graph of displacement vs output voltage.

XI Precautions to be followed
1. Ensure that proper connections are made as per the setup.
2. Ensure proper setting of devices used.
3. Ensure the power switch is in off condition initially.

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XII Actual procedure followed ((Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIII Resources used

Sr. Name of Broad Specifications

Quantity Remark
No. Resource Make Details

XIV Precautions followed


XV Observations and Calculations(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Sr. No. Displacement Indication on digital Output voltage


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XVI Results
1. Name of identified transducer a) …………
2. Names of identified parts a) ………… b) ………… c) ………… d) …………

XVII Interpretation of results(Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions (if any) ( (Actions/decisions to be taken based on the interpretation of


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. Write answers
of minimum three questions.
1. State the output voltage when the core is at center position
2. State the maximum linear range of LVDT.
3. State the input voltage is applied to primary winding of LVDT.
4. State the output voltage is obtained at secondary winding of LVDT.

[Space to Write Answers]


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Industrial Measurements (22420)

XX References / Suggestions for further Reading

Title of Book Author Publication
Electrical and Sawhney, A.K. Dhanpat Rai and Sons, N. Delhi
Electronic 201; ISBN:9788177001006
Measurements and
Industrial Singh, S.K. McGraw Hill Publishing; N. Delhi
2 Instrumentation and 2010; ISBN:9780070678200

XXI Suggested Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage (%)

Process related:15 Marks 60%
1 Identify the practical setup of LVDT. 10%
2 Connection of complete measurement system. 20%
3 Applying input (displacement) to LVDT. 10%
4 Observation of output voltages. 10%
5 Working in team. 10%
Product related:10 Marks 40%
1 Answers to practical related questions. 30%
2 Submission of report in time. 10%
Total: 25 Marks 100%

Name of Student Team Members






Dated sign of
Marks Obtained
Process Related Product Related Total
(15) (10) (25)

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

Practical No. 4: Weights measurement using strain gauge

I Practical Significance
A Strain Gauge is passive transducer which resistance change as per applied pressure.
The strain gauge is used as Load Cell in weighing machine. In this practical student
will able measure the pressure (weight) applied on strain gauge.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
related problems.

2. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics problems.
III Relevant Course Outcomes
a) Select the relevant transducers for measuring various parameters.

IV Practical Outcome
a) Use the strain gauge to measure weights.

V Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry
Maintain different transducers used for measurement of various parameters.
a) Use multimeters
b) Connection skills

VI Relevant Affective domain

a) Follow safety practices.
b) Maintain cleanliness of transducer setup.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Strain gauge is a resistive transducer whose resistance changes when subjected to
stress (due to change in length, area and resistivity).When gauge is subjected to
positive stress its length increases while its area cross section decreases since
resistance of conductor is directly proportional to length and inversely proportional to
area of cross section, resistance to gauge increases this change in resistance is
measured by wheat stone bridge.
Gauge factor: Sensitivity or gauge factor is defined as ratio of unit change in
resistance to unit change in length

G.F = R/R

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Types of strain gauges

a. Unbonded

b. Bonded

VIII Experimental Set-up

Figure: Strain Gauge experimental setup

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IX Resources required
Particulars Specification Quantity Remark
Strain gages of 350 ohms, Accuracy:
Strain gauge +/- 1% Power Supply 230 Vac,
1 01
trainer kit maximum of 5-kg load, Digital

X Procedure
1. Identify the component of given setup diagram
2. Connect stain gauge setup as in diagram.
3. Switch on the power supply
4. Provide weight of 1kg on strain gauge platform
5. Increase the weights in steps of 1kg
6. Record the output on digital display
7. Record the output voltage V1 using DMM in observation table.
8. Repeat the steps 5 to 6 for 5 times with an interval
9. Plot the graph of weights Vs output voltage

XI Precautions to be followed
1. Ensure that proper connections are made as per the setup.
2. Ensure proper setting of devices used.
3. Ensure the power switch is in off condition initially.

XII Actual procedure followed (Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIII Resources used

Sr. Broad Specifications
Name of Resource Quantity Remark
No. Make Details

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XIV Precautions followed


XV Observations and Calculations (Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)
Indication on Digital
Sr. No. Weights kg Output voltage V1

XVI Results
1. Name of identified transducer a) …………
2. Names of identified parts a) ………… b) ………… c) ………… d) …………

XVII Interpretation of results(Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions (if any) ( (Actions/decisions to be taken based on the interpretation of


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XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. Write answers
of minimum three questions.
1. State the output voltage when no weight is applied on the platform.
2. State the maximum range of strain gauge.
3. State the type of strain gauge used in practical.
4. State the type of material used in strain gauge in practical setup.

[Space to Write Answers]


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XX References / Suggestions for further Reading

Sr. Title of Book Author Publication
Electrical and Electronic Sawhney, DhanpatRai and Sons, N. Delhi 2010;
1 Measurements and A.K. ISBN:9788177001006
Industrial Instrumentation and Singh, S.K. McGraw Hill Publishing; N. Delhi
Control 2010; ISBN:9780070678200
XXI Suggested Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators
Process related:15 Marks 60%
1 Identify the practical setup of strain gauge. 10%
2 Connection of complete measurement system. 20%
3 Applying input (weights) to strain gauge . 10%
4 Observation of output voltages. 10%
5 Working in team. 10%
Product related:10 Marks 40%
1 Answers to practical related questions. 30%
2 Submission of report in time. 10%
Total: 25 Marks 100%

Name of Student Team Members


Marks Obtained Dated sign of Teacher

Process Related Product Related Total

(15) (10) (25)

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

Practical No. 5: Pressure measurement using bourdon tube

I Practical Significance
In the industry environment Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics diploma
graduate are expected to handle various transducers for measurement of process
parameters such as temperature, pressure, level, flow, displacement etc. The pressure
measurement can be done directly or indirectly. The bourdon tube is one of the
transducer is used to measure pressure Therefore this practical will help you to
measure the pressure using bourdon tube.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
related problems.
2. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics

III Relevant Course Outcomes

a) Select the relevant transducers for measuring various parameters.

IV Practical Outcome
a) Use Bourdon tube pressure gauge to measure pressure.

V Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry
Maintain different transducers used for measurement of various parameters.
a) Use multimeters
b) Connection skills

VI Relevant Affective domain

a) Follow safety practices.
b) Maintain cleanliness of transducer setup.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Bourdon Tube is known for its very high range of differential pressure
measurement in the range of almost 100,000 psi (700 MPa). It is an elastic type
pressure transducer. A C type bourdon tube consist of long thin wall cylinder of non-
circular cross section, sealed at one end and made up of material such as phosphorous
bronze, steel, beryllium copper, and attach by light line mechanism which operates
the pointer. The other end of the tube is fixed and is open for application of pressure
which is to be measured. The tube is soldered to a socket at the base through which
pressure connection is to be made.

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As the fluid pressure enters the bourdon tube, it tries to be reformed and because of a
free tip available, this action causes the tip to travel in free space and the tube
unwinds. The simultaneous actions of bending and tension due to the internal pressure
make a non-linear movement of the free tip. This travel is suitable guided and
amplified for the measurement of the internal pressure. But the main requirement of
the device is that whenever the same pressure is applied, the movement of the tip
should be the same and on withdrawal of the pressure the tip should return to the
initial point.

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VIII Experimental Set-up

Inlet Bourdon Outlet Bourdon

Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge

Air Supply
Compressor Pipe

Pressure Conditioning
Transducer Circuits


Digital Digital
Multimeter Pressure

Figure: Pressure measurement setup

IX Resources required
Particulars Specification Quantity Remark
Input pressure range 0 – 50 psi. Accuracy of
1 +/- 2%. Dial gauge indication in the range 0 01
to 50 psi and Digital display.

X Procedure
1. Identify the component of given setup diagram
2. Connect pressure measurement setup as in diagram.
3. Switch on the power supply
4. Provide pressure of 5 psi with compressor.
5. Increase the pressure in steps of 5 psi
6. Record the output pressure on dial gauge
7. Record the output pressure on digital display
8. Repeat the steps 4 to 7 for 5 times.

XI Precautions to be followed
1. Ensure that proper connections are made as per the setup.
2. Ensure proper setting of devices used.
3. Ensure the power switch is in off condition initially.

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XII Actual procedure followed (Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIII Resources used

Sr. Name of Broad Specifications
Quantity Remark
No Sr.Resource
No. Make Details

XIV Precautions followed


XV Observations and Calculations(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Sr. No. Pressure on dial gauge Pressure Indication on Digital


XVI Results
1. Name of identified transducer a) …………
2. Names of identified parts a) ………… b) ………… c) ………… d) …………

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XVII Interpretation of results(Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions (if any) ((Actions/decisions to be taken based on the interpretation of


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. Write answers
of minimum three questions.
1. State the output pressure when no pressure is applied from compressor.
2. State the maximum range of pressure measurement.
3. State the type of bourdon tube used in practical.
4. State the type of material used in bourdon tube.

[Space to Write Answers]


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XX References / Suggestions for further Reading

Title of Book Author Publication
Electrical and Sawhney, A.K. DhanpatRai and Sons, N. Delhi 201;
Electronic ISBN:9788177001006
Measurements and
Industrial Singh, S.K. McGraw Hill Publishing; N. Delhi
2 Instrumentation and 2010; ISBN:9780070678200

XXI Suggested Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage (%)

Process related:15 Marks 60%
Identify the practical setup of pressure
1 10%
2 Connection of complete measurement system. 20%
3 Applying input (pressure) to bourdontube. 10%
4 Observation of output pressure. 10%
5 Working in team. 10%
Product related:10 Marks 40%
1 Answers to practical related questions. 30%
2 Submission of report in time. 10%
Total: 25 Marks 100%

Name of Student Team Members


Marks Obtained Dated sign of Teacher

Product Related Total
(10) (25)

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Practical No. 6: Pressure gauge calibration using dead weight tester

I Practical Significance
In the industry environment Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics diploma
graduate are expected to handle various transducers for measurement of process
parameters such as temperature, pressure, level, flow, displacement etc. The dead
weight tester apparatus is used for measurement of high steady pressure as well as
calibration purpose for known pressure quantity. Therefore this practical will help you
to calibrate given pressure using dead weight tester.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
related problems.
2. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics

III Relevant Course Outcomes

a) Maintain the different types of pressure transducers

IV Practical Outcome
a) Calibrate the bourdon tube pressure gauge using dead weight tester.

V Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry
Maintain different transducers used for measurement of various parameters.
a) Use Deadweight tester
b) Pressure Gauge
c) Connection skills
VI Relevant Affective domain
a) Follow safety practices.
b) Maintain cleanliness of transducer setup.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Dead Weight Tester is used for measurement of high steady pressure, and for
checking bourdon type of gauge. In the practical form, it is often used as a standard of
pressure measurement. In this type of instrument the force produce on the piston on
known area is measured directly by weight it will support

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The dead weight tester is basically a pressure producing and pressure measuring
device. It is used to calibrate pressure gauges. The following procedure is adopted for
calibrating pressure gauges. Calibration of pressure gauge means introducing an
accurately known sample of pressure to the gauge under test and then observing the
response of the gauge. In order to create this accurately known pressure, the following
steps are followed. The valve of the apparatus is closed.
A known weight is placed on the platform. Now by operating the plunger, fluid
pressure is applied to the other side of the piston until enough force is developed to
lift the piston-weight combination. When this happens, the piston weight combination
floats freely within the cylinder between limit stops.
In this condition of equilibrium, the pressure force of fluid is balanced against the
gravitational force of the weights plus the friction drag.
Therefore, PA = Mg + F
Hence: P = Mg + F / A
where, P = pressure
M = Mass; Kg
g = Acceleration due to gravity ; m/s²
F = Friction drag; N
A = Equivalent area of piston – cylinder combination; m²
Thus the pressure P which is caused due to the weights placed on the platform is
calculated. After calculating P, the plunger is released.
Now the pressure gauge to be calibrated is fitted at an appropriate place on the dead
weight tester. The same known weight which was used to calculate P is placed on the
platform. Due to the weight, the piston moves downwards and exerts a pressure P on
the fluid. Now the valve in the apparatus is opened so that the fluid pressure P is
transmitted to the gauge, which makes the gauge indicate a pressure value. This
pressure value shown by the gauge should be equal to the known input pressure P. If
the gauge indicates some other value other than P the gauge is adjusted so that it reads
a value equal to P. Thus the gauge is calibrated.

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VIII Experimental Set-up

Figure: Dead Weight Tester experimental setup

IX Resources required
Particulars Specification Quantity Remark
Dead weight Input range 0-10 kg, Output on dial gauge 0 –
1 01
tester 10kg/cm2

X Procedure
1. Identify the component of given setup diagram
2. Check the oil level in the reservoir.
3. Open check valve.
4. Rotate displacement pump clockwise and anti-clockwise two to three times for
removing air bubbles.
5. Close check valve.
6. Place the standard weights 0.5kg/cm2 on weighing platform
7. Observe the output pressure in gauge.
8. Record the pressure in observation table.
9. Increase the weights in range 0.5kg/cm2
10. Repeat the steps 6 to 9 for 5 times.

XI Precautions to be followed
1. Ensure proper connections are made as per the setup.
2. Ensure tight fitting of bourdon gauge.

XII Actual procedure followed (To be written by students)(Use blank sheet provided
if space not sufficient)

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XIII Resources used

Broad Specifications
Name of Resource Quantity Remark
Make Details

XIV Precautions followed


XV Observations and Calculations(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Pressure gauge indication
Sr. No. Standard Weights kg/cm2

XVI Results
1. Name of identified transducer a) …………
2. Names of identified parts a) ………… b) ………… c) ………… d) …………

XVII Interpretation of results(Give meaning of the above obtained results)


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XVIII Conclusions (if any) ((Actions/decisions to be taken based on the interpretation of


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. Write answers
of minimum three questions.
1. State the output pressure when no weight is applied on the platform.
2. State the maximum pressure range of deadweight tester.
3. State the error observed.
4. State the purpose of check valve.

[Space to Write Answers]


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XX References / Suggestions for further Reading

Title of Book Author Publication
Electrical and Electronic Sawhney, A.K. DhanpatRai and Sons, N.
1 Measurements and Delhi 201;
Instrumentation ISBN:9788177001006
Industrial Instrumentation and Singh, S.K. McGraw Hill Publishing;
2 Control N. Delhi 2010;

XXI Suggested Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage (%)

Process related:15 Marks 60%
1 Identify the practical setup of dead weight tester. 10%
2 Connection of complete measurement system. 20%
3 Applying input (weights) to dead weight tester. 10%
4 Observation of output pressures. 10%
5 Working in team. 10%
Product related:10 Marks 40%
1 Answers to practical related questions. 30%
2 Submission of report in time. 10%
Total: 25 Marks 100%

Name of Student Team Members






Dated sign of
Marks Obtained
Process Related Product Related Total
(15) (10) (25)

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Practical No. 7: Assemble / dismantle digital pressure measurement system

I Practical Significance
In the industry environment Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics diploma
graduate are expected to handle various systems. They maintain those systems as well
as calibrate. While maintaining system they may dismantle and assemble the system.
Therefore this practical will help you to assemble / dismantle digital pressure
measurement system

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
related problems.
2. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics

III Relevant Course Outcomes

a) Maintain the different types of pressure transducers.

IV Practical Outcome
a) Assemble/dismantle digital pressure measurement system

V Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry
Maintain different transducers used for measurement of various parameters.
a) Dismantle skill
b) Use multimeters
c) Connection skills
VI Relevant Affective domain
a) Follow safety practices.
b) Maintain cleanliness of transducer setup.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Many of the processes in the modern world involve the measurement and control of
pressurized liquid and gas systems. This monitoring reflects certain performance
criteria that must be controlled to produce the desirable results of the process
and insure its safe operation. Boilers, refineries, water systems, and compressed gas
systems are but a few of the many applications for pressure gauges.
The mechanical pressure indicating instrument, or gauge, consists of an elastic
pressure element; a threaded connection means called the "socket"; a sector
and pinion gear mechanism called the "movement"; and the protective case, dial, and
viewing lens assembly. The elastic pressure element is the member that actually
displaces or moves due to the influence of pressure. When properly designed, this
pressure element is both highly accurate and repeatable. The pressure element is
connected to the geared "movement" mechanism, which in turn rotates a pointer

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throughout a graduated dial. It is the pointer's position relative to the graduations that
the viewer uses to determine the pressure indication.

VIII Experimental Set-up

Inlet Bourdon Outlet Bourdon

Pressure Gauge Pressure Gauge

Air Supply
from Pipe
Pressure Conditioning
Transducer Circuits


Digital Digital
Multimeter Pressure
Figure: Pressure measurement setup

IX Resources required
Sr. No. Particulars Specification Quantity Remark
Input pressure range 0 – 50 psi.
Bourdon tube
Accuracy of +/- 2%. Dial gauge
1 pressure 01
indication in the range 0 to 50 psi. and
digital display

X Procedure
1. Identify the component of given setup diagram
2. Switch off the power supply of compressor
3. Close manual valve at outlet
4. Switch off power supply of setup
5. Disconnect all pipes in line
6. Clean all pipe, pressure gauge, pressure regulator.
7. Disconnect power wires, signal wires
1. Identify the component of given setup diagram
2. Connect all signal wires
3. Place pressure gauge and pressure regulator in setup
4. Connect all pipes in line as in the setup
5. Ensure all connection as per setup arrangement
6. Switch on the power supply of setup

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7. Switch on the compressor supply

8. Open manual valve for operation purpose
9. Observe 2 to 3 readings.

XI Precautions to be followed
1. Observe the parts carefully.
2. Maintain the parts till they are assembled.
XII Actual procedure followed (Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIII Resources used

Sr. Name of Broad Specifications

Quantity Remark
No Sr.Resource
No. Make Details

XIV Precautions followed


XV Observations and Calculations(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XVI Results
1. Name of identified transducer a) …………
2. Names of identified parts a) ………… b) ………… c) ………… d) …………

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XVII Interpretation of results (Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions (if any) (Actions/decisions to be taken based on the interpretation of


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. Write answers
of minimum three questions.
1. Name the different tools used for dismantle
2. Name the different components dismantle in the setup.
3. State the min and max output pressure after assemble

[Space to Write Answers]


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Industrial Measurements (22420)

XX References / Suggestions for further Reading

Title of Book Author Publication
Electrical and Sawhney, A.K. Dhanpat Rai and Sons, N. Delhi 201;
Electronic ISBN:9788177001006
Measurements and
Industrial Singh, S.K. McGraw Hill Publishing; N. Delhi
2 Instrumentation and 2010; ISBN:9780070678200

XXI Suggested Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage (%)

Process related:15 Marks 60%
1 Identify the practical setup of pressure measurement. 10%
2 Dismantle of complete measurement system. 20%
3 Assemble of complete measurement system 10%
4 Observation of output voltages. 10%
5 Working in team. 10%
Product related:10 Marks 40%
1 Answers to practical related questions. 30%
2 Submission of report in time. 10%
Total: 25 Marks 100%

Name of Student Team Members






Dated sign of
Marks Obtained
Process Related Product Related Total
(15) (10) (25)

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Practical No. 8: Flow measurement using orifice plate

I Practical Significance
Flow measurement is one of important process in industry. Orifice meter have been in
use for fluid flow measurement. It is essentially a cylindrical tube that contains a plate
with a thin hole in the middle of it. The thin hole essentially forces the fluid to flow faster
through the hole in order to maintain flow rate. Therefore this practical will help you to
measure flow using the Orifice plate.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
related problems.
2. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics

III Relevant Course Outcomes

a) Maintain the different types of flow transducers.

IV Practical Outcome
a) Use orifice meter for flow measurement.

V Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry
Maintain the different types of flow transducers.
a) Use U tube manometer
b) Connection skills

VI Relevant Affective domain

a) Follow safety practices.
b) Maintain cleanliness of transducer setup.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Orifice plate is the simplest and cheapest form of primary elements and used more
frequently than all others types. An orifice plate is inserted in the line and the
differential pressure across it is measured.
There are different types of orifice plates used as per applications.
a. Concentric Orifice plate: It is most widely used. It is usually made up of material
such as stainless steel, nickel, monel, phosphor bronze etc. to withstand corrosive
effects of the fluid .Its thickness varies from1/8” to ½” depending upon pipeline
size and flow velocity. It has circular hole in the middle and is installed in the pipe
line with the hole concentric to pipe line.
b. Eccentric Orifice Plate: Is orifice which bore position is offset from center line
of the pipe. It is used in service if there is secondary fluid phase (gas contains
liquid or liquid contains gas) in which the application of vent hole or drain hole
on the concentric orifice plate may adversely affect the accuracy in case the vent

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

or drain hole size requires large area to cater the secondary phase. Eccentric
Orifice Plate is also used in service where severe entrainment may occur such as
in dirty gas or liquid, which in this case the solid or slurries could plug the vent or
drain hole.
c. Segmental Orifice plate: It has a hole that is not circular but rather a segment of a
concentric circle. It is used to measure the flow of light slurries and fluids with
high concentration of solids. It eliminates the hold back foreign matter and
provides more complete drainage than the eccentric orifice plates. It is more
expensive and has slightly greater uncertainty.
d. Quadrant Orifice plate: The upstream side of the bore is shaped like a flow
nozzle while the downstream side acts as a sharp edge orifice plate. They are
recommended for measurement of viscous fluids which have pipe Reynolds
numbers bellow 10000.

VIII Experimental Set-up

Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education 54

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Flow rate Calculation Equation

IX Resources required
Particulars Specification Quantity Remark
Orifice meter 1’’line size, concentric type, MOC-SS, U
1 measurement tube manometer 400 mm height, Range 01
setup 0-1000LPH

X Procedure
1. Identify the component of given setup diagram
2. Connect Orifice meter measurement setup as in diagram.
3. Fill the sump tank with water.
4. Switch on the power supply.
5. Start the pump and ensure flow rate through pipe line
6. Measure differential pressure across the orifice using U tube manometer.
7. Calculate flow rate for obtained differential pressure.
8. Change valve position for increasing flow rate in pipe line.
9. Record the differential pressure, flow rate in observation table.
10. Repeat the steps 6 to 9 for 5 to 6 readings.
11. Plot the graph of differential pressure vs. flow rate.

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XI Precautions to be followed
1. Ensure that proper connections are made as per the setup.
2. Ensure proper setting of devices used.
3. Ensure the power switch is in off condition initially.

XII Actual procedure followed (Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIII Resources used

Sr. Name of Broad Specifications
Quantity Remark
No. Resource Make Details

XIV Precautions followed


XV Observations and Calculations(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Sr. No. Flow rate indicated Calculated flow rate


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XVI Results
1. Name of identified transducer a) …………
a. Names of identified parts a) ………… b) ………… c) ………… d) …………

XVII Interpretation of results(Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions (if any) (Actions/decisions to be taken based on the interpretation of


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. Write answers
of minimum three questions.
1. Name the device used for differential pressure measurement.
2. State the maximum range of flow rate measurement.
3. State the type of orifice plate used in practical.
4. State the type of material used in orifice plate in practical setup.

[Space to Write Answers]


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Industrial Measurements (22420)

XX References / Suggestions for further Reading

Title of Book Author Publication
Electrical and Sawhney, A.K. DhanpatRai and Sons, N. Delhi
Electronic 201; ISBN:9788177001006
Measurements and
Industrial Singh, S.K. McGraw Hill Publishing; N.
2 Instrumentation and Delhi 2010;
Control ISBN:9780070678200

XXI Suggested Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage (%)

Process related:15 Marks 60%
1 Identify the practical setup of orifice plate 10%
2 Connection of complete measurement system. 20%
3 Applying flow rate to orifice plate 10%
4 Observation of output differential pressure 10%
5 Working in team. 10%
Product related:10 Marks 40%
1 Answers to practical related questions. 30%
2 Submission of report in time. 10%
Total: 25 Marks 100%

Name of Student Team Members






Dated sign of
Marks Obtained
Process Related Product Related Total
(15) (10) (25)

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

Practical No. 9: Flow measurement using venturi tube

I Practical Significance
In the industry environment Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics diploma
graduate are expected to handle various transducers for measurement of process
parameters such as temperature, pressure, level, flow, displacement etc. The flow
measurement is one of the important processes in industry. Different transducers are
used in industry for flow measurement venturi tube one of it. Therefore this practical
will help you to measure the flow using venturi tube.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
related problems.
2. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics

III Relevant Course Outcomes

a) Maintain the different types of flow transducers.

IV Practical Outcome
a) Use venturi meter for flow measurement.

V Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry
Maintain the different types of flow transducers.
a) Use U tube manometer
b) Connection skills

VI Relevant Affective domain

a) Follow safety practices.
b) Maintain cleanliness of transducer setup.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Venturi Tubes: It is used where permanent pressure loss is of prime importance and
good pressure recovery and maximum accuracy is desired in the measurement of high
viscous fluids. It can handle slurry and dirty liquids that build up around other
primary elements if the pressure taps are protected from plugging. They are usually
made up of material such as cast iron and steel. They are available in the sizes from
100mm to 800mm
They are build in several form such as
1. Long form
2. Short form where venture outlet cone is shorten.
3. Eccentric form
4. Rectangular form

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

A venturimeter is a device used for measuring the rate of flow of a fluid flowing
through a pipe.
The main parts of a venturimeter are:
1. A short converging part: It is that portion of the venturi where the fluid gets
2. Throat: It is the portion that lies in between the converging and diverging part of
the venturi. The cross section of the throat is much less than the cross section of
the converging and diverging parts. As the fluid enters in the throat, its velocity
increases and pressure decreases.
3. Diverging part: It is the portion of the venturimeter (venturi) where the fluid gets
The venturimeter is used to measure the rate of flow of a fluid flowing through the
 As the water enters at the inlet section i.e. in the converging part it converges and
reaches to the throat.
 The throat has the uniform cross section area and least cross section area in the
venturimeter. As the water enters in the throat its velocity gets increases and due
to increase in the velocity the pressure drops to the minimum.
 Now there is a pressure difference of the fluid at the two sections. At the section
1(i.e. at the inlet) the pressure of the fluid is maximum and the velocity is
minimum. And at the section 2 (at the throat) the velocity of the fluid is maximum
and the pressure is minimum.
 The pressure difference at the two section can be seen in the manometer attached
at both the section.
 This pressure difference is used to calculate the rate flow of a fluid flowing
through a pipe.

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VIII Experimental Set-up

Flow rate Calculation Equation

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

IX Resources required
Particulars Specification Quantity Remark
1’’line size, MOC-SS, U tube
Venturi flow
1 manometer 400 mm height, Range 01
measurement setup:

X Procedure
1. Identify the component of given setup diagram
2. Connect Venturi meter measurement setup as in diagram.
3. Fill the sump tank with water.
4. Switch on the power supply.
5. Start the pump and ensure flow rate through pipe line
6. Measure differential pressure across the venturi using U tube manometer.
7. Calculate flow rate for obtained differential pressure.
8. Change valve position for increasing flow rate in pipe line.
9. Record the differential pressure, flow rate in observation table.
10. Repeat the steps 6 to 9 for 5 to 6 readings.
11. Plot the graph of differential pressure vs. flow rate.
XI Precautions to be followed
1. Ensure that proper connections are made as per the setup.
2. Ensure proper setting of devices used.
3. Ensure the power switch is in off condition initially.
XII Actual procedure followed (Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIII Resources used

Sr. Name of Broad Specifications

Quantity Remark
No Sr.Resource
No. Make Details

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

XIV Precautions followed


XV Observations and Calculations(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Sr. No. Flow rate on indicator Calculated Flow rate

XVI Results
1. Name of identified transducer a) …………
2. Names of identified parts a) ………… b) ………… c) ………… d) …………

XVII Interpretation of results(Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions (if any) (Actions/decisions to be taken based on the interpretation of


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XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. Write answers
of minimum three questions.
1. Name the device used for differential pressure measurement.
2. State the maximum range of flow rate measurement.
3. State the type of Venturi used in practical.
4. State the type of material used in Venturi in practical setup.
[Space to Write Answers]

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XX References / Suggestions for further Reading

Title of Book Author Publication
Electrical and Electronic Sawhney, A.K. DhanpatRai and Sons, N.
1 Measurements and Delhi 201;
Instrumentation ISBN:9788177001006
Industrial Instrumentation Singh, S.K. McGraw Hill Publishing;
2 and Control N. Delhi 2010;

XXI Suggested Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage (%)

Process related:15 Marks 60%
1 Identify the practical setup of venturi setup 10%
2 Connection of complete measurement system. 20%
3 Applying input flow rate to venturi 10%
4 Observation of output differential pressure 10%
5 Working in team. 10%
Product related:10 Marks 40%
1 Answers to practical related questions. 30%
2 Submission of report in time. 10%
Total: 25 Marks 100%

Name of Student Team Members






Dated sign of
Marks Obtained
Process Related Product Related Total
(15) (10) (25)

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

Practical No. 10: Flow measurement using rotameter

I Practical Significance
Rotameter is one of important instrument used by industry. The Rotameter have been
in use for fluid flow measurement. It belongs to a class of variable area flow meters.
This variable area principle consists of three basic elements: A uniformly tapered flow
tube, a float, and a measurement scale. Therefore this practical will help you to
measure the flow using Rotameter.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
related problems.
2. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics

III Relevant Course Outcomes

a) Maintain the different types of flow transducers.

IV Practical Outcome
a) Use Rotameter for flow measurement.

V Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry
Maintain the different types of flow transducers.
a) Connection skills

VI Relevant Affective domain

a) Follow safety practices.
b) Maintain cleanliness of transducer setup.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Rotameter: It is a variable area flow meter used for flow measurement. It consist of
vertical tapered tube with a float which is free to move up and down within the tube.
The free area between float and inside wall of the tube forms an annular orifice. The
tube is mounted vertically with the small end at the bottom. The fluid to be measured
enters the tube from the bottom and passes upwards around the float and exit at the

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Operating Principle
Its operating principle is based on a float of given density's establishing an equilibrium
position where, with a given flow rate, the upward force of the flowing fluid equals
the downward force of gravity.
Rotameters are the most widely used type of variable-area (VA) flow meter. In these
devices, the falling and rising action of a float in a tapered tube provides a measure of
flow rate as shown in Figure. Rotameter are known as gravity-type flow meters
because they are based on the opposition between the downward force of gravity and
the upward force of the flowing fluid. When the flow is constant, the float stays in one
position that can be related to the volumetric flow rate. That position is indicated on a
graduated scale. It can be used to measure the flow rates of most liquids, gases, and
steam. The materials of construction include stainless steel, glass, metal, and plastic.
The tapered tube's gradually increasing diameter provides a related increase in the
annular area around the float, and is designed in accordance with the basic equation
for volumetric flow rate:

 Q  = volumetric flow rate, e.g., gallons per minute

 k  = a constant

 A  = annular area between the float and the tube wall

 g  = force of gravity

 h  = pressure drop (head) across the float

With h being constant in a VA meter, we have A as a direct function of flow rate Q.

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VIII Experimental Set-up

Fig. 1. Flow Measurement Setup

IX Resources required
Sr. No. Particulars Specification Quantity Remark
Range 0-1000 LPH, Glass tube
Rotameter flow
body, Bob Material-SS,
1 measurement 01
connection 1’’, Mounting inlet
bottom top outlet.

X Procedure
1. Identify the component of given setup diagram
2. Connect Rotameter measurement setup as in diagram.
3. Fill the sump tank with water.
4. Switch on the power supply.
5. Start the pump and ensure flow rate through pipe line
6. Measure flow rate indication on the Rotameter.
7. Change valve position for increasing flow rate in pipe line.
8. Record flow rate in observation table.
9. Repeat the steps 6 to 8 for 5 to 6 readings.

XI Precautions to be followed
1. Ensure that proper connections are made as per the setup.
2. Ensure proper setting of devices used.
3. Ensure the power switch is in off condition initially.

XII Actual procedure followed (Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

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XIII Resources used

Name of Broad Specifications
Sr. Quantity Remark
Resource Make Details

XIV Precautions followed


XV Observations and Calculations(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Sr. No. Flow rate on indicator Calculated flow rate

XVI Results
1. Name of identified transducer a) …………
2. Names of identified parts a) ………… b) ………… c) ………… d) …………

XVII Interpretation of results(Give meaning of the above obtained results)


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XVIII Conclusions (if any) ((Actions/decisions to be taken based on the interpretation of


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. Write answers
of minimum three questions.
1. State mounting position of Rotameter device used for flow measurement.
2. State the maximum range of flow rate measurement.
3. State the type of flow measurement used in practical.
4. State the type of material used in Rotameter in practical setup.

[Space to Write Answers]


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XX References / Suggestions for further Reading

Sr. No. Title of Book Author Publication
Electrical and Electronic Sawhney, DhanpatRai and Sons, N. Delhi
1 Measurements and A.K. 201; ISBN:9788177001006

2 Industrial Instrumentation Singh, S.K. McGraw Hill Publishing; N. Delhi

and Control 2010; ISBN:9780070678200

XXI Suggested Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage (%)

Process related:15 Marks 60%
1 Identify the practical setup of rotameter setup 10%
2 Connection of complete measurement system. 20%
3 Applying input flow rate to rotameter 10%
4 Observation of output differential pressure 10%
5 Working in team. 10%
Product related:10 Marks 40%
1 Answers to practical related questions. 30%
2 Submission of report in time. 10%
Total: 25 Marks 100%
Name of Student Team Members

Dated sign of
Marks Obtained
Product Related Total
(10) (25)

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

Practical No. 11: Level measurement using capacitance type transducer

I Practical Significance
In the industry environment Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics diploma
graduate are expected to handle various transducers for measurement of process
parameters such as temperature, pressure, level, flow, displacement etc. Level
measurement is one of the important processes in industry. Level can be measure
using different transducer, Capacitance transducer is one of them. Therefore this
practical will help you to measure the level using capacitance transducer.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
related problems.
2. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics

III Relevant Course Outcomes

a) Maintain the different types of level transducers.
IV Practical Outcome
a) Use capacitance transducer to measure level
V Competency and Practical Skills
This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry
Maintain the different types of level transducers.
b) Connection skills
VI Relevant Affective domain
a) Follow safety practices.
b) Maintain cleanliness of transducer setup.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Capacitance Level Measurement: It is an example of indirect measurement of level.
Capacitance level sensors are used for wide variety of solids, aqueous and organic
liquids, and slurries .The sensors can be designed to sense material with dielectric
constants as low as 1.1 (coke and fly ash) and as high as 88 (water) or more. Sludges
and slurries such as dehydrated cake and sewage slurry (dielectric constant approx.
50) and liquid chemicals such as quicklime (dielectric constant approx. 90) can also
be sensed. Dual probe capacitance level sensors can also be used to sense the interface
between two immiscible liquids with substantially different dielectric constants.
Working Principle: The principle of capacitive level measurement is based on
change of capacitance. An insulated electrode acts as one plate of capacitor and the
tank wall (or reference electrode in a non-metallic vessel) acts as the other plate. The
capacitance depends on the fluid level. An empty tank has a lower capacitance while a
filled tank has a higher capacitance. A simple capacitor consists of two electrode plate
separated by a small thickness of an insulator such as solid, liquid, gas, or vacuum.

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This insulator is also called as dielectric. Value of C depends on dielectric used, area
of the plate and also distance between the plates.

C = capacitance in pico farads (pF)
E = a constant known as the absolute permittivity of free space
K = relative dielectric constant of the insulating material
A = effective area of the conductors
d = distance between the conductors
This change in capacitance can be measured using AC bridge.

VIII Experimental Set-up

Fig. Level Measurement Setup

IX Resources required
Particulars Specification Quantity Remark
Capacitance Input range 0-500 mm, power supply 230 V
1 level ac , 2 wire capacitance type, top mounted, 01
measurement Digital display indication of 0 – 500mm.

X Procedure
1. Identify the component of given set up diagram.
2. Connect level measurement setup as in diagram.
3. Switch on the power supply.
4. Measure the output when the tank is empty
5. Fill the tank in the range of 20% of maximum range.
6. Note down the level of the tank in mm. with the help of scale.
7. Record input and output for level measurement in observation table.
8. Repeat the steps 5 to 7 for 5 readings.

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XI Precautions to be followed
1. Ensure that proper connections are made as per the setup.
2. Ensure proper setting of devices used.
3. Ensure the power switch is in off condition initially.
XII Actual procedure followed(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIII Resources used

Name of Broad Specifications
Sr. No. Quantity Remark
Resource Make Details

XIV Precautions followed


XV Observations and Calculations(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Sr. No. Level on scale Level on indicator

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XVI Results
1. Name of identified transducer a) …………
2. Names of identified partsa) ………… b) ………… c) ………… d) …………

XVII Interpretation of results(Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions (if any) (Actions/decisions to be taken based on the interpretation of


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. Write answers
of minimum three questions.
1. State the output of level in terms of capacitance when tank is empty and filled.
2. State the maximum range of level measurement.
3. State the type of capacitance level measurement used in practical.
4. State the type of material used in capacitance level measurement in practical setup.

[Space to Write Answers]


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Industrial Measurements (22420)

XX References / Suggestions for further Reading

Title of Book Author Publication
Electrical and Electronic Sawhney, A.K. DhanpatRai and Sons, N.
1 Measurements and Delhi 201;
Instrumentation ISBN:9788177001006
Industrial Instrumentation Singh, S.K. McGraw Hill Publishing; N.
2 and Control Delhi 2010;

XXI Suggested Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage (%)

Process related:15 Marks 60%
1 Identify the practical setup capacitance level meas. 10%
2 Connection of complete measurement system. 20%
Applying input change to capacitance level
3 10%
4 Observation of output voltage. 10%
5 Working in team. 10%
Product related:10 Marks 40%
1 Answers to practical related questions. 30%
2 Submission of report in time. 10%
Total: 25 Marks 100%

Name of Student Team Members






Dated sign of
Marks Obtained
Process Related Product Related Total
(15) (10) (25)

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

Practical No. 12: Level measurement using air purge method

I Practical Significance
In the industry environment Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics diploma
graduate are expected to handle various transducers for measurement of process
parameters such as temperature, pressure, level, flow, displacement etc. Level
measurement is one of the important processes in industry. Level can be measure
using different transducer, Air purge method is one of them. Therefore this practical
will help you to measure the level using Air purge method.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
related problems.
2. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics

III Relevant Course Outcomes

a) Maintain the different types of level transducers.
IV Practical Outcome
a) Use air purge method to measure level
V Competency and Practical Skills
This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry
Maintain the different types of level transducers.
a) Use of pressure indicator
b) Connection skills
VI Relevant Affective domain
a) Follow safety practices.
b) Maintain cleanliness of transducer setup.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Air purge (bubbler tube) is one of the most popular hydrostatic pressure types of
liquid measuring system which is suitable for any liquid. An air purge system consists
of a hollow tube inserted in the liquid of the tank. Two connections are made with the
bubbler tube, one to the regulated air supply and the other to a pressure gauge,
calibrated in terms of liquid level. A bubbler is connected in the air supply line which
serves simply as a visual check to the flow of the supply air. A level recorder may be
connected with the pressure gauge to keep the continuous record of liquid level. When
there is no liquid in the tank or the liquid in the tank is below the bottom end of the
bubbler tube and the pressure gauge indicates zero. In other words, if there is no back
pressure because the air escapes to the atmosphere. As the liquid level in the tank
increases, the air flow is restricted by the depth of liquid and the air pressure acting
against liquid head appears as back pressure to the pressure gauge. This back pressure

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causes the pointer to move on a scale, calibrated in terms of liquid level. The full
range of head pressure can be registered as level by keeping the air pressure fed to the
tube, slightly above the maximum head in the tank. The range of the device is
determined by the length of the tube. Because air is continuously bubbling from the
bottom of the tube, the tank liquid does not enter the bubbler tube and hence the tube
is said to be purging. The common purging fluid is air, but, if air reacts with the tank
fluid or is absorbed, different gases (N2) are chosen depending on the liquid

VIII Experimental Set-up

Fig. Level Measurement Setup

IX Resources required
Particulars Specification Quantity Remark
Air purge level measurement: Level tank,
Air purge height 0-500mm ,air pressure regulator ¼”
1 level valve ,air compressor with ¼” connection 01
measurement: and pressure gauge power supply 230 Vac,
Level indication.

X Procedure
1. Identify the component of given setup diagram.
2. Connect set up level measurement as in diagram.
3. Switch on the power supply.
4. Measure the output pressure when the tank is empty
5. Fill the tank in the range of 20% of maximum range.
6. Note down the level of the tank in mm. with the help of scale.
7. Record input and output for level measurement in observation table.
8. Repeat the steps 5 to 7 for 5 readings.

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XI Precautions to be followed
1. Ensure that proper connections are made as per the setup.
2. Ensure proper setting of devices used.
3. Ensure the power switch is in off condition initially.

XII Actual procedure followed (Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIII Resources used

Broad Specifications
Sr. No. Name of Resource Quantity Remark
Make Details

XIV Precautions followed


XV Observations and Calculations(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Sr. No. Level on scale Back Pressure Level on indicator

Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education 85

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XVI Results
1. Name of identified transducer a) …………
2. Names of identified parts a) ………… b) ………… c) ………… d) …………

XVII Interpretation of results(Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions (if any) ((Actions/decisions to be taken based on the interpretation of


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. Write answers
of minimum three questions.
1. State the need of bubbler in practical setup.
2. State the maximum range of level measurement.
3. State the pressure indication when tank is empty.
4. State the different purging fluids used for level measurement.

[Space to Write Answers]


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Industrial Measurements (22420)

XX References / Suggestions for further Reading

Title of Book Author Publication
Electrical and Sawhney, A.K. DhanpatRai and Sons, N. Delhi 201;
Electronic ISBN:9788177001006
Measurements and
Industrial Singh, S.K. McGraw Hill Publishing; N. Delhi
2 Instrumentation and 2010; ISBN:9780070678200

XXI Suggested Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage (%)

Process related:15 Marks 60%
1 Identify the practical setup of Air purge level 10%
2 Connection of complete measurement system. 20%
3 Applying input change to air purge system 10%
4 Observation of output pressure indication. 10%
5 Working in team. 10%
Product related:10 Marks 40%
1 Answers to practical related questions. 30%
2 Submission of report in time. 10%
Total: 25 Marks 100%

Name of Student Team Members






Dated sign of
Marks Obtained
Process Related Product Related Total
(15) (10) (25)

Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education 88

Industrial Measurements (22420)

Practical No. 13: Measurement of temperature using RTD

I Practical Significance
In the industry environment Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics diploma
graduate are expected to handle various transducers for measurement of process
parameters such as temperature, pressure, level, flow, displacement etc. RTD
(Resistance Temperature Detector) is most linear passive temperature transducer. Pt-
100 is most common low cost RTD. It is made up of platinum and it have 100 Ohm
resistance at 0o temperature. This practical will help you to use to measure the
temperature using RTD for given liquid

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
related problems.
2. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics

III Relevant Course Outcomes

a) Maintain the different types of temperature transducers.
IV Practical Outcome
a) Use RTD to measure temperature
V Competency and Practical Skills
This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry
Maintain the different types of temperature transducers.
a) Use of multimeter
b) Connection skills
VI Relevant Affective domain
a) Follow safety practices.
b) Maintain cleanliness of transducer setup.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD): The resistance of certain metals changes
with a temperature change. With the increase of temperature electrical resistance of
certain metal increase in direct proportion to the rise of temperature.

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VIII Experimental Set-up

Fig.1. Temperature Measurement Setup

IX Resources required
Particulars Specification Quantity Remark
1 RTD Pt100 01
2 Temp Bath 2 KW, 230V AC 01
Digital 01
00C to 2000C, accuracy of +/-
3 Temperature
Mercury 01
4 0 to 3000C
5 Digital Multimeter 0-200Ω 01

X Procedure
1. Identify the component of given setup diagram.
2. Connect set up for temperature measurement with RTD.
3. Place the RTD, thermometer, immersion heater in temperature bath.
4. Record the room temp. with mercury thermometer
5. Record the output resistance with multimeter for room temperature.
6. Switch on the power supply of heater.
7. Note down the temperature for every 5 degree temperature rise.
8. Record the temperature using mercury thermometer.
9. Record the output resistance using multimeter.
10. Complete the observation table.
11. Repeat the steps 7 to 10 for 10 readings.
12. Plot the temperature Vs resistance grap

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XI Precautions to be followed
1. Ensure that proper connections are made as per the setup.
2. Ensure proper setting of devices used.
3. Ensure the power switch is in off condition initially.

XII Actual procedure followed (Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIII Resources used

Name of Broad Specifications
Sr. No. Quantity Remark
Resource Make Details

XIV Precautions followed


XV Observations and Calculations(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Sr. No. Temperature0C Resistance (Ω)

Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education 92

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XVI Results
1. Name of identified transducer a) …………
2. Names of identified parts a) ………… b) ………… c) ………… d) …………

XVII Interpretation of results(Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions (if any) (Actions/decisions to be taken based on the interpretation of


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. Write answers
of minimum three questions.
1. State the output resistance when two terminals are short of RTD.
2. State the output when the element become open of RTD.
3. State the output resistance at room temperature.
4. State the different materials used for RTD
5. State the meaning of pt100.

[Space to Write Answers]


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Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education 94

Industrial Measurements (22420)

XX References / Suggestions for further Reading

Title of Book Author Publication
Electrical and Electronic Sawhney, A.K. DhanpatRai and Sons, N. Delhi
1 Measurements and 201; ISBN:9788177001006
Industrial Instrumentation Singh, S.K. McGraw Hill Publishing; N.
2 and Control Delhi 2010;

XXI Suggested Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage (%)

Process related:15 Marks 60%
1 Identify the practical setup of RTD 10%
2 Connection of complete measurement system. 20%
3 Apply increase intemperature to RTD 10%
4 Observation of output Resistance 10%
5 Working in team. 10%
Product related:10 Marks 40%
1 Answers to practical related questions. 30%
2 Submission of report in time. 10%
Total: 25 Marks 100%

Name of Student Team Members






Dated sign of
Marks Obtained
Process Related Product Related Total
(15) (10) (25)

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education 96

Industrial Measurements (22420)

Practical No. 14: Measurement of temperature using thermocouple

I Practical Significance
In the industry environment Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics diploma
graduate are expected to handle various transducers for measurement of process
parameters such as temperature, pressure, level, flow, displacement etc.
Thermocouple is most useful active temperature transducer. It work based on See
beck and Peltier effect. Since it is active transducer designing of signal conditioner is
easy. This is mostly used to measure the temperature above 300o C. This practical will
help you to use to measure temperature using thermocouple for given liquid.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
related problems.
2. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics

III Relevant Course Outcomes

a) Maintain the different types of temperature transducers.

IV Practical Outcome
a) Use Thermocouple to measure temperature

V Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry
Maintain the different types of temperature transducers.
a) Use of multimeter
b) Connection skills
VI Relevant Affective domain
a) Follow safety practices.
b) Maintain cleanliness of transducer setup.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Thermocouple: A thermocouple is a device made by two different wires joined at
one end, called junction end or measuring end. The two wires are called thermo
elements or legs of the thermocouple: the two thermo elements are distinguished as
positive and negative ones. The other end of the thermocouple is called reference
end The junction end is immersed in the environment whose temperature T2 has to be
measured, which can be for instance the temperature of a furnace at about 500°C,
while the reference end is held at a different temperature T1, e.g. at ambient
Thermocouples will cause an electric current to flow in the attached circuit
when subjected to changes in temperature. The amount of current that will be
produced is dependent on the temperature difference between the measurement and

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

reference junction; the characteristics of the two metals used; and the characteristics
of the attached circuit.

Heating the measuring as shown in above figure Simple Thermocouple Circuit junction
on the thermocouple produces a voltage which is greater than the voltage across the
reference junction. The difference between the two voltages is proportional to t h e d
Difference in temperature and can be measured on the voltmeter(in milli volts).

VIII Experimental Set-up

Fig. 1. Temperature Measurement Setup

IX Resources required
Sr. No. Particulars Specification Quantity Remark
Thermocouple K Type: Temp
1 Thermocouple 01
range 0-2000C
2 Temp Bath 2 KW, 230V AC 01
Digital Temperature 00C to 2000C, accuracy of +/- 01
indication 1%

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4 Digital Multimeter 0-200mV 01

Mercury 01
5 0 to 3000C
6 Compensating cable 2 wire, 0.5mm2 01

X Procedure
1. Identify the component of given setup diagram.
2. Connect set up for temperature measurement with thermocouple.
3. Place the thermocouple, thermometer, immersion heater in temperature bath.
4. Record the room temp. with mercury thermometer
5. Record the output voltage with multimeter for room temperature.
6. Switch on the power supply of heater.
7. Note down the temperature for every 10 degree temperature rise.
8. Record the temperature using mercury thermometer.
9. Record the output voltage using multimeter.
10. Complete the observation table.
11. Repeat the steps 7 to 10 for 10 readings.
12. Plot the temperature Vs voltage graph
XI Precautions to be followed
1. Ensure that proper connections are made as per the setup.
2. Ensure proper setting of devices used.
3. Ensure the power switch is in off condition initially.
XII Actual procedure followed (To be written by students)(Use blank sheet provided
if space not sufficient)
XIII Resources used
Name of Broad Specifications
Sr. No. Quantity Remark
Resource Make Details

XIV Precautions followed


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XV Observations and Calculations(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Sr. No. Temperature0C Voltage (mV)

XVI Results
1. Name of identified transducer a) …………
2. Names of identified parts a) ………… b) ………… c) ………… d) …………

XVII Interpretation of results(Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions (if any) ((Actions/decisions to be taken based on the interpretation of


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. Write answers
of minimum three questions.
1. State the output voltage when two terminals are short of thermocouple.
2. State the output when one of the elements becomes open.
3. State the output voltage at room temperature.
4. State the different types of thermocouple.

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[Space to Write Answers]


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Industrial Measurements (22420)

XX References / Suggestions for further Reading

Title of Book Author Publication
Electrical and Electronic Sawhney, A.K. DhanpatRai and Sons, N. Delhi
1 Measurements and 201; ISBN:9788177001006
Industrial Singh, S.K. McGraw Hill Publishing; N. Delhi
2 Instrumentation and 2010; ISBN:9780070678200

XXI Suggested Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators Weightage (%)

Process related:15 Marks 60%
Identify the practical setup of thermocouple
1 10%
2 Connection of complete measurement system. 20%
3 Apply increase in temperature to thermocouple 10%
4 Observation of output voltage 10%
5 Working in team. 10%
Product related:10 Marks 40%
1 Answers to practical related questions. 30%
2 Submission of report in time. 10%
Total: 25 Marks 100%

Name of Student Team Members






Dated sign of
Marks Obtained
Process Related Product Related Total
(15) (10) (25)

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

Practical No. 15: Calibration of RTD

I Practical Significance
In the industry environment Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics diploma
graduate are expected to handle various transducers for measurement of process
parameters such as temperature, pressure, level, flow, displacement etc. Calibration is
one of important process in measuring instrument. Calibration of transducer as well as
system is essential. Calibration of RTD with standard temperature measurement
system can be done. Therefore this practical will help you to calibrate the given RTD
temperature measuring instrument.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
related problems.
2. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics

III Relevant Course Outcomes

a) Maintain the different types of temperature transducers.

IV Practical Outcome
a) Calibrate RTD temperature measuring instruments

V Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry
Maintain the different types of temperature transducers.
a) Use of multimeter
b) Connection skills

VI Relevant Affective domain

a) Follow safety practices.
b) Maintain cleanliness of transducer setup.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Calibration: It is the comparison of specific values of input and output of the system
corresponding to reference standard. It offers guarantee that instrument works as per
specification of manufacturer. It removes errors in measurement system and gives
accuracy of instrument as per specification

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VIII Experimental Set-up

0 to 10V /
Digital 4 to 20mA Digital
Power Temperatur
Supply e Display
(24V DC) 00C to
Decade Box
1Ω to 10KΩ

Fig. 1. Calibration of Temperature measurement system

IX Resources required
Sr. No. Particulars Specification Quantity Remark
1 RTD PT 100 01
2 Temp Bath 2 KW, 230V AC 01
Digital Temperature 00C to 2000C, accuracy of +/- 01
indication 1%
Mercury 01
4 0 to 3000C
5 Digital Multimeter 0-200Ω 01
6 Decade Box 1Ω to 10KΩ 01

X Procedure
1. Identify the component of given setup diagram.
2. Connect temperature calibration setup for RTD.
3. Switch on the power supply.
4. Provide 100Ω resistance from decade box to temperature indicator.
5. Record the temperature indication and output voltage.
6. If any deviation from 00C adjust zero of temperature indicator
7. Provide maximum 175Ω resistance from decade box to temperature
indicator(175Ω corresponding to 2000C from std RTD(Pt 100) chart)
8. Record the temperature indication and output voltage.
9. If any deviation from 2000C adjust span of temperature indicator
10. Repeat step 7 to 9 for every 25%, 50% and 75% temperature rise with respect to
max temp (2000C).

XI Precautions to be followed
1. Ensure that proper connections are made as per the setup.
2. Ensure proper setting of devices used.
3. Ensure the power switch is in off condition initially.

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XII Actual procedure followed(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIII Resources used

Name of Broad Specifications
Sr. No. Quantity Remark
Resource Make Details

XIV Precautions followed


XV Observations and Calculations(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Sr. Temperature Resistance Temperature Output Deviation in
No. Indicator voltage temperature

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XVI Results
1. Name of identified transducer a) …………
2. Names of identified parts a) ………… b) ………… c) ………… d) …………

XVII Interpretation of results(Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions (if any) (Actions/decisions to be taken based on the interpretation of


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. Write answers
of minimum three questions.
1. State the need for zero adjustment.
2. State the need for span adjustment
3. State the output resistance at 2000C.
4. State the output resistance values at temperature 00C, 500C, 1000C, 1500C from
Std Pt 100 chart.

[Space to Write Answers]


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Industrial Measurements (22420)

XX References / Suggestions for further Reading

Title of Book Author Publication
Electrical and Sawhney, A.K. Dhanpat Rai and Sons, N. Delhi 201;
Electronic ISBN:9788177001006
1 Measurements
Industrial Singh, S.K. McGraw Hill Publishing; N. Delhi 2010;
2 Instrumentation ISBN:9780070678200
and Control

XXI Suggested Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators
Process related:15 Marks 60%
1 Identify the practical setup of RTD 10%
2 Connection of complete measurement system. 20%
3 Apply increase in resistance to temperature indicator 10%
4 Observation of output temperature and voltage. 10%
5 Working in team. 10%
Product related:10 Marks 40%
1 Answers to practical related questions. 30%
2 Submission of report in time. 10%
Total: 25 Marks 100%

Name of Student Team Members






Dated sign of
Marks Obtained
Process Related Product Related Total
(15) (10) (25)

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

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Industrial Measurements (22420)

Practical No. 16: Calibration of thermocouple

I Practical Significance
In the industry environment Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics diploma
graduate are expected to handle various transducers for measurement of process
parameters such as temperature, pressure, level, flow, displacement etc. Calibration is
one of important process in measuring instrument. Calibration of transducer as well as
system is essential. Calibration of thermocouple with standard temperature
measurement system can be done. Therefore this practical will help you to calibrate
the given thermocouple.

II Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

PO 2. Discipline knowledge: Apply Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics
knowledge to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics related
PO 3. Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use
the results to solve broad-based Electrical Engineering/Industrial Electronics

III Relevant Course Outcomes

a) Maintain the different types of temperature transducers.

IV Practical Outcome
a) Calibrate Thermocouple temperature measuring instruments

V Competency and Practical Skills

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry
Maintain the different types of temperature transducers.
a) Use of multimeter
b) Use of milli volt source
c) Connection skills
VI Relevant Affective domain
a) Follow safety practices.
b) Maintain tools and equipment.

VII Minimum Theoretical Background

Calibration: It is the comparison of specific values of input and output of the system
corresponding to reference standard. It offers guarantee that instrument works as per
specification of manufacturer. It removes errors in measurement system and gives
accuracy of instrument as per specification

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VIII Experimental Set-up

0 to 10V /
Digital 4 to 20mA Digital
Power Temperature Multimeter
Supply Display
(24V DC) 00C to 2000C

Milli Volt

IX Resources required
Particulars Specification Quantity Remark
1 Thermocouple K type 01
2 Temp Bath 2 KW, 230V AC 01
Digital 01
3 Temperature 00C to 2000C, accuracy of +/- 1%
Mercury 01
4 0 to 3000C
Digital 01
5 0-200mV
Milli volt 01
6 0-100mV

X Procedure
1. Identify the component of given setup diagram.
2. Connect temperature calibration setup for thermocouple.
3. Switch on the power supply.
4. Provide 0 mV voltage from milli volt source to temperature indicator.
5. Record the temperature indication and output voltage.
6. If any deviation from 00C adjust zero of temperature indicator
7. Provide maximum 10.78mV from milli volt source to temperature
indicator(10.78mV corresponding to 2000C from Std thermocouple chart)
8. Record the temperature indication and output voltage.
9. If any deviation from 2000C adjust span of temperature indicator
10. Repeat step 7 to 9 for every 25%, 50% and 75% temperature rise with respect to
max temp (2000C).

XI Precautions to be followed
1. Ensure that proper connections are made as per the setup.
2. Ensure proper setting of devices used.
3. Ensure the power switch is in off condition initially.

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XII Actual procedure followed(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

XIII Resources used

Sr. Name of Broad Specifications Quanti
No. Resource Make Details ty


XIV Precautions followed


XV Observations and Calculations(Use blank sheet provided if space not sufficient)

Sr. Temperature Output Deviation in
Temperature Milli volt
No. Indicator voltage temperature

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XVI Results
1. Name of identified transducer a) …………
2. Names of identified parts a) ………… b) ………… c) ………… d) …………

XVII Interpretation of results(Give meaning of the above obtained results)


XVIII Conclusions (if any) (Actions/decisions to be taken based on the interpretation of


XIX Practical Related Questions

Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design
more such questions so as to ensure the achievement of identified CO. Write answers
of minimum three questions.
1. State the need for zero adjustment.
2. State the need for span adjustment
3. State the output milli volt at 2000C.
4. State the output milli volt values at temperature 00C,500C,1000C,1500C from Std
thermocouple (type used in practical setup)chart.

[Space to Write Answers]


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XX References / Suggestions for further Reading

Sr.No. Title of Book Author Publication
Electrical and Sawhney, A.K. DhanpatRai and Sons, N. Delhi 201;
Electronic ISBN:9788177001006
1 Measurements
Industrial Singh, S.K. McGraw Hill Publishing; N. Delhi 2010;
2 Instrumentation ISBN:9780070678200
and Control

XXI Suggested Assessment Scheme

Performance Indicators
Process related:15 Marks 60%
1 Identify the practical setup of Thermocouple 10%
2 Connection of complete measurement system. 20%
3 Apply increase milli volt inputs to temperature indicator 10%
4 Observation of output temperature and voltage 10%
5 Working in team. 10%
Product related:10 Marks 40%
1 Answers to practical related questions. 30%
2 Submission of report in time. 10%
Total: 25 Marks 100%

Name of Student Team Members






Dated sign of
Marks Obtained
Process Related Product Related Total
(15) (10) (25)

Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education 116


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