A Physical Simulation of Longitudinal Seam Weld 2014 Journal of Materials PR
A Physical Simulation of Longitudinal Seam Weld 2014 Journal of Materials PR
A Physical Simulation of Longitudinal Seam Weld 2014 Journal of Materials PR
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Micro channel tube is a newly developed type of aluminum profiles with sub-millimeter-diameter ports
Received 4 April 2013 in the cross-section designed for heat transfer enhancement. Micro channel tube is formed with porthole
Received in revised form 17 April 2014 extrusion die, and the longitudinal seam welding problem is the key issue related to both the design
Accepted 4 June 2014
of the delicate mandrel in the extrusion die and the pressure bearing capacity of the tube. This paper
Available online 12 June 2014
proposes a novel method to evaluate the seam welding strength of the micro channel tube at the stage of
extrusion die design. First, a finite element (FE) simulation of the tube extrusion process is performed for
the seam welding conditions in the die chamber and effect of the welding chamber height on hydrostatic
Micro channel tube
pressure. Then, a thermo-mechanical experiment is carried out for a quantitative relationship between
Seam welding the welding strength and the weld condition parameters. Combining this relationship to the numerical
results, the welding strength under different die design can be evaluated. Pressure bearing tests on the
tube prove the reliability of this evaluation method. This study quantitatively connects the seam welding
strength of the profile to the extrusion die parameters, which is helpful for optimizing the design of the
extrusion process.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0924-0136/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2778 D. Tang et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (2014) 2777–2783
Table 1
Processing parameters of the extrusion process.
Parameters Values
Fig. 5. The three metal flow stages during the extrusion of the micro channel tube.
Fig. 6. Illustration of the seam welding process used to create the channel walls.
The height of the welding chamber in the FE model is varied hydrostatic pressure is realized for welded specimens. Secondly,
to examine the influence of the die structure on the welding con- welded specimens are tested for welding strength.
ditions. According to the length of the mandrel teeth used in this Physical simulation experiments of the solid-welding process
study, the height range of the welding chamber is between 2 and by done by pressing two aluminum cylindrical specimens under
4 mm. Fig. 7 shows that as the welding chamber height increases, pre-defined temperature and speed according to previous study of
the hydrostatic pressure increases from 96 MPa to 203 MPa. Edwards et al. (2009). A Gleeble 3500 thermo-mechanical simulator
Fig. 9. Stress–strain curves during the welding process under different pressing
velocity. Fig. 10. Stress–strain curves during the welding process under different strain.
consideration the same way it does with the necking in the tensile
is used to provide a vacuum environment and precise controlling of test. The contact pressure is expressed with non-dimensionalized
temperature, pressure and strain rate. The installation of the spec- form p/ s , in which P is the contact press and s is the yield stress
imen and the schematic drawing of the experiment are shown in of the billet material.
Fig. 8. The specimen dimensions are 10 mm in diameter and 45 mm The aim of the thermo-mechanical simulation is to provide
in length. specimen under different hydro pressure according to Fig. 7. This
During the test, the halves of the specimen are axially aligned pressing process is taken as free upsetting on cylinder, so the mid-
and contact each other. Then, the platform is depressurized to dle part of the welding plane can be taken as under the triaxial
10−1 Torr, and the specimen is heated at a rate of 2.5 ◦ C/s by the compression stress state. The stress at the welding plane is approx-
direct resistance heating system. When the desired temperature is imately treated as hydrostatic pressure.
reached, the conditions are held constant for 30 s, after which the In this study, strain (displacement of the clamp) and velocity
specimens are pressed against each other at a pre-defined speed. are varied to generate different hydrostatic pressure at the welding
The stress and strain are recorded during the test. plane. Stress–strain curves with specimens under different press-
In the test, the cross-sectional area and length of the specimen ing velocity and strain is shown Figs. 9 and 10, respectively. It is
changed substantially, so the true stain is used toexpress the short-
clear that velocity (strain rate) has more obvious effect on pressure
ened displacement and is calculated from ε = ln L0 − L/L0 , in of the welding plane. The pressure stress at the strain of 0.2 is taken
which L0 and L are the initial working length and the shortened as the hydrostatic pressure. With the velocity growth from 1 mm/s
distance, respectively. True stress and strain measures account for to 500 mm/s, the pressure increased from 65.2 Mpa to 121.5 Mpa.
changes in cross-sectional area by using the instantaneous values The tensile tests on the bonded specimens are carried out
for area. Therefore, it partly takes the bulge neat contact surface into using Zwick tensile testing machine. The weld strength is
2782 D. Tang et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (2014) 2777–2783
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