Janani Hamed PD
Janani Hamed PD
Janani Hamed PD
Hamed Janani
Design, development, and testing of a comprehensive and automated classification system for sin-
gle and multiple partial discharge (PD) source identification based on the relationship between the
variation of phase resolved partial discharge (PRPD) patterns and the sources of PD is proposed.
The proposed system consists of feature extraction methods and classifier algorithms that are
implemented for recognition of partial discharge patterns. Once the PRPD patterns are recorded,
features generation algorithms are applied on the collected data. For single PD source identification,
twelve high performance, applicable feature extraction techniques on PRPD patterns are employed
rithms for the classification of PD sources have then been used. To evaluate the performance of
the classification system, three laboratory test setups are designed and built to simulate various
types of PD activities. The first test setup includes test cells which are designed to model common
sources of PD in air, oil, and SF6 . Using this setup, the application of automated classification
system on different sources of PD in different HV insulation media is investigated. The second and
third test setups are designed to test the classification system on identification of different sources of
PD in oil-immersed insulation and power transformer cellulose insulation under both electrical and
thermal stresses, respectively. In many practical situations, the interest lies in the identification of
partially overlapped patterns, which makes them hard to be identified by single source identification
techniques. To further enhance the proposed classification system, a novel algorithm to identify
Multi-source PDs is developed and appended to the system. To evaluate the performance of this
Partial Discharge Classification
algorithm, a number of multi-source PD models have been designed. The overall results show that
the classification system is well able to identify the single and multi-source of partial discharges.
More importantly, this identification system is able to assign a “degree of membership” to each
PRPD pattern, besides assigning a class label to it. This enables probabilistic interpretation of a
new PRPD pattern that is being classified and results in safer decision making based on the risk
associated with different sources of PD. The results of this research is beneficial for the design of a
solid basis for an automated, continuous 24/7 monitoring of equipment, which facilitates PD source
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Partial Discharge Classification ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
I would like to extend my utmost gratitude to the many people who have helped along the way to
make this research project possible and to bring it to its completion. First, I would like to express
my sincerest appreciation to Dr. Behzad Kordi for providing me the opportunity to take part in his
research work. I am so deeply grateful for his help, invaluable guidance, and support throughout
I would like to thank the committee members Dr. Mohammad Jafari Jozani, Dr. David Swa-
tek and Dr. Shesha H. Jayaram for their advice, guidance, and support through the completion of
the project. Without their participation and input, the project could not have reached the level of
Furthermore, many thanks to Nathan Jacob who assisted with the lab experiments at Manitoba
Hydro High Voltage Test Facility and accompanied me when running some tests and conducting
I must also express my very profound gratitude to my parents; my dear mother Razieh, who
always brightens my day with her positive energy, and for my reassuring father Ali, for making me
find the strength to continue my research, and to the rest of my family for the many thoughts and
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Partial Discharge Classification
Lastly, I want to thank my friends for their unfailing encouragement and support throughout
my years of study, researching, and writing this thesis. Thank you all for all the wise words, your
efforts and everything you did for me, I could not have done it without you.
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Partial Discharge Classification TABLE OF CONTENTS
Table of Contents
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3.1 Pre-Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Partial Discharge Classification
3.3.11 AdaBoost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
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Partial Discharge Classification
4.1.2 Finite Element Simulation of the Electric Field and Voltage in Test Cells . . 45
4.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
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Partial Discharge Classification
References 116
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Partial Discharge Classification TABLE OF CONTENTS
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Partial Discharge Classification LIST OF FIGURES
List of Figures
PC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.2 Initial design of a test cell for GIS modeling, the perspex tube between aluminum top
and end cap has been clamped by nylon screws prepare a pressurized vessel capable
4.3 SF6 test cells; (a) floating electrode; (b) free particle; (c) point-plane electrodes. Each
cell consists of a Perspex tube clamped by nylon screws between top and bottom
4.4 Oil test cells; (a) free particle; (b) point-plane electrodes where the tip of the needle
is 20 µm in diameter and the ground plane is covered with insulation paper to avoid
breakdown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Partial Discharge Classification LIST OF FIGURES
4.6 Moving particle in SF6 (a) General geometry in COMSOL, (b) Electric Potential
(V), (c) Electric field norm (V/m), and (d) Arrow surface: Electric field . . . . . . . 47
4.7 Floating electrode in SF6 (a) General geometry in COMSOL, (b) Electric Potential
(V), (c) Electric field norm (V/m), and (d) Arrow surface: Electric field . . . . . . . 48
4.8 Point-plane electrodes in SF6 (a) General geometry in COMSOL, (b) Electric Po-
tential (V), (c) Electric field norm (V/m), and (d) Arrow surface: Electric field . . . 49
4.9 PRPD patterns of, (a) floating electrode in SF6 ; (b) free particle in SF6 ; (c) point-
plane electrodes in SF6 ; (d) free particle in oil; (e) point-plane electrodes in oil; (f)
4.10 3 dimensional PRPD patterns of, (a) floating electrode in SF6 ; (b) free particle
in SF6 ; (c) point-plane electrodes in SF6 ; (d) free particle in oil; (e) point-plane
4.11 The geometry of the test cell electrodes with bubble wrap (diameter of each bubble
is 7 mm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.12 The geometry of the test cell electrodes with floating metal particles (shavings). . . . 62
4.13 PRPD pattern of air bubbles simulated by bubble wraps, (a) 1 bubble; (b) 2 bubbles;
25◦ C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
110◦ C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
- xi -
Partial Discharge Classification LIST OF FIGURES
5.1 Experimental setup of multi-source PDs (moving particle, fixed protrusion in SF6
5.2 SF6 test cells; (a) floating electrode; (b) free particle; (c) point-plane electrodes. Each
cell consists of a Perspex tube clamped by nylon screws between top and bottom
5.3 Typical 3D “φ−q −n” PD patterns of different individual cells and cells combination
models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
5.4 Flowchart of the proposed algorithm- P ∗ s are the output of first LR model which
are passed through a PCA algorithm to make them uncorrelated (independent) and
appropriate as the input variables of the second LR model. g is equal to the number
- xii -
Partial Discharge Classification LIST OF TABLES
List of Tables
4.1 FSVM classification posterior probability rate for 7 PD test samples on data output
of KPCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.2 Bayesian classification posterior probability rate for 7 PD test samples on data
output of PCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.3 FkNN classification posterior probability rate for 7 PD test samples on data output
of LPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.1 Classification rate of proposed algorithm on data output of two different feature
distributions of peak discharge, average discharge, and discharge rate; new feature
generation approach: Four highest quantiles of 200-quantiles plus peak discharge. 100
5.2 Classification rates for 16 test samples using the proposed algorithm . . . . . . . . . 102
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Partial Discharge Classification LIST OF TABLES
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Partial Discharge Classification
Chapter 1
1.1 Motivation
Safe, stable, and reliable electric power systems rely on solid, liquid, and gaseous insulation ma-
terials to isolate energized components from other components and the ground. These insulation
materials experience large electrical stresses during operation, especially in high voltage (HV) en-
vironments where the stress causes nanoscale molecular defects (ageing). These defects, in turn,
become concentration points for the electrical stress gradually resulting in a proliferation of defects
and the creation of micron-scale defects in the material. Once the defect achieves a critical size, the
electric field can cause small, local breakdowns known as partial discharges (PD) to occur within
the defect. This threshold also marks the beginning of a much faster deterioration of the material
condition during which PD activity is associated with increasing rates of degradation leading to
the reliability of HV insulation. Early detection of PD activities prevents costly failures of electrical
equipment. The techniques employed for PD detection are based on chemical, acoustic, optical,
electrical, and Ultra High Frequency (UHF) measurements. The electrical measurement of PD in
Partial Discharge Classification 1.1 Motivation
high voltage AC systems are widely used and are the focus of this thesis. In general, the motivation
of this PhD thesis is the need of electric power system industry to diagnose defective insulation
systems and also to classify the type of defects in early stages. Such measurement and classification
must have the capability to be performed in both online or off line modes in order to prevent costly
Partial discharge can be used to perform online condition assessment monitoring of HV insulators
and evaluate the reliability of HV insulation systems [4]. In AC systems, the phase-resolved partial
discharge (PRPD) pattern, which visualizes the occurrence of PD activities in reference to the
phase of AC voltage, has been a valuable diagnosis tool. In a PRPD pattern, two important
parameters, both in reference to phase angles, are the discharge magnitude and discharge rate.
They form a bivariate distribution where each of the discharge magnitude and discharge rate can
be separately analyzed with reference to each other and to the phase angle of the AC source [5].
Each type of insulation defect has its own discharge mechanism and features, and as such, it leads
to the generation of a unique discharge pattern. Visual inspection of PRPD patterns by human
experts has been one of the major partial discharge analysis approaches. However, in recent years,
due to the availability of high-speed data processors and well-developed statistical techniques in
machine learning, automated identification of PD sources seems to be more achievable [4]. Reliable,
automated, classification of PD sources enables online monitoring of high voltage (HV) apparatus
more accurately and efficiently. In this way, the ability to identify defects in early stages can
lead to safety augmentation of HV apparatus, such as transformers, electric machines, cables, and
Existence of a correlation between the nature of PD sources and their PRPD patterns, has been
the motivation of designing a thorough automated feature extractor and pattern classifier system
The terms identification and classification can be used interchangeably, however it is worth to mention based on
their exact meaning, identification is the process of recognizing an unknown object and name it, and classification is
the statistical analysis to assign an unknown object into a category of objects [2, 3].
Partial Discharge Classification 1.2 Objectives
1.2 Objectives
The main objective of this PhD thesis is to study the correlation which exists between the nature of
partial discharge sources in different HV insulation media and their corresponding PRPD patterns.
Based on this correlation, in this research, I designed and developed a comprehensive identification
system exploring and including almost all applicable machine learning algorithms which work with
high performance in this area of study and fit very well in the main, relevant parts of a thorough
identification system, such as PRPD data pre-processing and feature generation, PRPD feature
extraction, and PRPD pattern classification parts. This system aims at identifying multiple, simul-
occur in HV insulation systems and identification of them is very practical. To perform classifica-
tion, a novel algorithm was developed in addition to the algorithms which were implemented for
PDs, similar to the algorithms which are available in the identification system and operate con-
siderably successful on single PD source classification. This novel algorithm was appended to the
To test the performance of the system for identification of PD sources, different test setups
to model various artificial single source and multi-source of PDs in different insulation media were
designed. Obtaining accurate and reliable measurements and using them in the proposed system
was one of the most important properties of this research. To start analyzing the measured data,
PRPD patterns were recorded for single and multi-source of PDs, then different parts of classifi-
cation system were optimized using the generated dataset as the input of the system. In general,
the proposed classification system was designed to conduct prosperous automated identification of
PD sources based on the availability of high-speed data processors and well-developed statistical
techniques in machine learning. Availability of this reliable, automated, identification system for
Partial Discharge Classification 1.3 Methodology and Contributions
single and multiple PD sources enables online condition assessment monitoring of high voltage (HV)
apparatus more accurately and efficiently. In this way, the ability to identify defects in early stages
is possible that would enhance safety of HV apparatus, such as transformers, electric machines,
This PhD thesis presents an automated classification system2 for both single and multiple, si-
multaneously activated PD source identification that will investigate the relationship between the
variation of PRPD patterns and the sources of PD. Such system consists of feature extraction
methods and classifier algorithms that are implemented for the recognition of the source of partial
discharge. Once the phase resolved PD patterns are recorded, features are generated. Due to the
“curse of dimensionality” [2] and to increase the processing speed, and to reduce the required mem-
ory, different methods of dimensionality reduction to extract features that represent the fingerprints
of the PD source are employed. This removes redundant and ineffective information and decreases
the number of features while still capturing high portion of information [2, 3].
pattern data for dimensionality reduction (including the traditional statistical operators)
which are chosen exploring almost all available well-developed feature extraction techniques,
as well as 10 well-known algorithms for classification have been explored. The classification
success rate of their application on the PD patterns of the discharge activities in different
• Some of the classifier algorithms developed in this work, such as fuzzy classifiers, are not
only capable to show high classification accuracy rate, but they also calculate the “degree of
The codes have been developed in Matlab
Partial Discharge Classification 1.3 Methodology and Contributions
• The availability of this degree of membership for future PRPD samples would allow safer
decision making based on the risk associated with different sources of PD in HV apparatus.
• Test sets are designed to study PRPD patterns and show the performance of proposed classi-
under electrical stress and the power transformer cellulose insulation samples under both elec-
trical and thermal stresses. This capability enables online monitoring of high voltage cellulose
insulation more accurately and efficiently which helps to prevent most transformer failures.
• To generate a dataset, two commonly-used feature generation approaches which have been
used in the past [4] are modified in this work to considerably increase their discriminatory
• A new approach for feature generation is proposed with strong discrimination power to dif-
ferentiate between PRPD patterns of different sources. The efficiency of this approach will
vated PD sources using PRPD patterns that are widely used in power industry and are easier
to analyze compared to PD pulse waveforms analysis. The multi-source PRPD pattern clas-
sification is developed using training and test databases that are generated from fingerprints
Partial Discharge Classification 1.3 Methodology and Contributions
which are:
∗ Considering the effects of different parameters such as the increase trend of work temperature
The outcomes of this research have been published in three conference papers and three IEEE
Transaction journal papers on DEIS and Power Delivery have been submitted [7–11].
charge Sources Based on Probabilistic Interpretation Using a Two step Logistic Regression
Algorithm,” IEEE Transactions on Dielectric and Electrical Insulation, Accepted for publi-
1. Janani, H.; Jacob, N.D.; Kordi, B., “Partial Discharge Pattern Recognition for Thermally-
Partial Discharge Classification 1.3 Methodology and Contributions
2. Janani, H.; Jacob, N.D.; Kordi, B., “Automated recognition of partial discharge in oil-
immersed insulation,” 2015 IEEE in Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC), vol., no., pp.467-
3. Janani, H.; Kordi, B., “Remote Detection and Statistical Classification of Partial Discharge,”
Cage Club Student Conference (CCSC) on High Voltage Engineering and Applied Electrostat-
Partial Discharge Classification
Chapter 2
According to the IEC60270 standard, “partial discharge is a localized electrical discharge that only
partially bridges the insulation between conductors and which can or cannot occur adjacent to a
conductor. Partial discharges are in general a consequence of local electrical stress concentrations
in the insulation or on the surface of the insulation. Generally, such discharges appear as pulses
having a duration of much less than 1 µs. More continuous forms can, however, occur, such as the
so-called pulseless discharges in gaseous dielectrics. Partial discharges are often accompanied by
emission of sound, light, heat, and chemical reactions.” [12]. Partial discharges can lead to both
physical and chemical deterioration of insulation materials and if are not detected for a long time,
they might eventually cause electrical breakdown of the HV equipment. Partial discharges may
occur in different forms of internal discharge, surface discharge, and corona. Internal discharge
refers to the discharges in cavities within solid insulation or at the edges of conductors in solid or
liquid insulation. Surface discharges are a type of discharge may occur on the surface of insulation
material. Corona refers to partial discharge in gasses around conductors that are remote from
solid or liquid insulation. According to [13], “Corona (in air) is a luminous discharge due to
Partial Discharge Classification 2.1 Partial Discharge (PD)
ionization of the air surrounding a conductor caused by a voltage gradient exceeding a certain
critical value”. Partial discharges is a complex physical process with stochastic properties [14].
These discharges are accompanied by many phenomena such as, acoustic and electromagnetic waves,
charge displacement, and light, which might be used for the detection of their sources. Therefore,
techniques employed for PD detection are based on chemical, acoustic, optical, electrical, and UHF
in high voltage AC systems are widely used and is the focus of this PhD thesis. The measurement
procedure and system calibration has been performed according to the IEC60270 standard by
injecting a calibration pulse into the device under test. Before more details are discussed some
• Apparent charge q: “Apparent charge q of a PD pulse is that charge which, if injected within
a very short time between the terminals of the test object in a specified test circuit, would give
the same reading on the measuring instrument as the PD current pulse itself. The apparent
charge is usually expressed in pico-coulombs (pC). The apparent charge is not equal to the
amount of charge locally involved at the site of the discharge, which cannot be measured
directly” [12].
• Discharge inception voltage: “In practice, the inception voltage Ui is the lowest applied voltage
at which the magnitude of a PD pulse quantity becomes equal to or exceeds a specified low
value” [12].
• Discharge extinction voltage: “In practice, the extinction voltage Ue is the lowest applied
voltage at which the magnitude of a chosen PD pulse quantity becomes equal to, or less than,
Partial Discharge Classification 2.2 PD Source Identification
Once partial discharges are detected and measured, the practical interest is to identify the source
of the discharge and differentiate its pattern from that of any existing interference. In general,
for identification of partial discharge, two different types of PD patterns, namely phase resolved
and time resolved data set have been mainly analyzed [5]. In the phase resolved PD pattern, two
important parameters both in reference to phase angles are discharge magnitude, and number count
of discharges. Time resolved data sets consist of discharge magnitudes in reference to the time. To
identify different sources of PD based on their patterns, signal processing and pattern recognition
techniques are required to be employed. In the next two subsections, a review on application of
some pattern recognition and signal processing techniques which have been used mostly in the last
two couples of decades for identification of single and multi-sources of PDs is presented.
Partial discharge (PD) measurements were first carried out almost 80 years ago [15, 16], but were
not considered seriously for the reliability assessment of HV insulations until 1980s-1990s [17]. In
the last three decades, automated recognition of single source PD patterns has been progressively
investigated and several signal processing methods and classification algorithms have been employed
for the analysis of single source discharge patterns, such as, the relative identification factor [18],
time-series analysis [19, 20], artificial neural networks (ANN) [5, 17, 20–28], fuzzy algorithm [29, 30],
support vector machine (SVM) [31,32], hidden Markov models [33], statistical tools [4,34], inductive
learning approach [35], Bayesian [31], and K means [36]. Okamoto and Tanaka were among the first
experts who started to work in this area. With a simple computer-aided measurement system in
that time, they tried to analyze statistical characteristics of PD pulses represented against phase-
angle of the AC applied voltage. Based on this, they showed that some simple characteristics
of φ − q distribution profile may be used to predict a treeing breakdown in solid insulation [37].
In [4], Krivda used Fisher Discriminant Analysis (FDA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
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Partial Discharge Classification 2.2 PD Source Identification
for feature extraction. Application of wavelet transforms has also been shown to be useful for
PD source recognition [25, 31, 38]. To improve the performance of ANN in the classification of
discharge patterns, knowledge-based preprocessing method and time series approach have been
presented [19, 21]. Classification of different sources of PD requires a database for training the
classifier and testing. In almost all previous studies, such database is generated based on the
measurements conducted on artificial defects that are implemented in controlled laboratory test
As already mentioned, in the last three decades, automated recognition of PD patterns has been pro-
gressively studied and several PD classification algorithms have been applied to analyze discharge
patterns [4, 5, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29–32, 34–37]. However, there are many practical situations
where the interest lies in the identification of multiple, simultaneously activated PD sources in
insulation [39]. Recently, identification of these types of defects is receiving more attention [39–43].
However, PRPD patterns associated with multiple simultaneously activated PD sources are of-
ten partially overlapped [39, 44] that makes them very hard to be appropriately classified using
available methods in the literature. A few studies have been conducted in this regard, which are
mainly based on analyzing the PD pulse waveforms in several exploration ways (signal processing
techniques) attempting to separate individual concurrent pulse sources [9, 39–43]. Classification of
these types of multi-source PDs is subsequently performed on each selected single-source PD using
its corresponding PRPD sub-patterns. This is usually done under the assumption that there exists
a relationship between the nature of PD sources and their generated pulse waveforms, which helps
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Partial Discharge Classification 2.3 Pattern Recognition–A Review
Pattern recognition is “the scientific discipline whose goal is the classification of objects into a
number of categories or classes. Depending on the application, these objects can be images or
signal waveforms or any type of measurements that need to be classified” [2]. A pattern classification
algorithm consists of three main steps as shown in Figure 2.1 [2, 3]:
1. Data pre-processing
2.3.1 Pre-Processing
Pre-processing stage includes feature generation which is important in any pattern recognition work.
The goal of this stage is to discover informative representations of the obtained data which has
been recorded. After that, processing should be performed on the features prior to their utilization.
The first major problem in building a classifier is the curse of dimensionality [2] which should be re-
method. Another reason for reducing the features is the need for less computational complexity,
high speed of classification, and less required memory. A large number of features and a limited
number of observations can also lead the learning algorithm to over-fit to noise [2]. In addition,
more features will make training a classifier more difficult [2]. Moreover, implementation of feature
extraction techniques leads to the removal of multi-collinearity which improves the performance of
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Partial Discharge Classification 2.3 Pattern Recognition–A Review
more variables in a regression model are highly correlated. To address these problems, one needs
to select as many potentially-useful features as possible, and then reduce the number of features
for classification. A limited number of dimensionality reduction techniques have been applied in
classification of PDs in the past [4, 31], however during the last couple of decades, new linear and
nonlinear algorithms for dimensionality reduction have been presented in the area of machine learn-
ing. These techniques attempt to extract and identify data resting on a low dimensional manifold
of dimension K (K < W ), from a high dimensional space RW that the manifold is embedded in
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Partial Discharge Classification 2.4 Summary
(W is equal to dimension of original space). “K” is typically referred to as the intrinsic dimension
Following the feature extraction step and construction of a set of training data from each of the
PD sources, a classifier algorithm is required to find decision boundaries between classes in the low
dimensional space. The classification stage comprises of performing two tasks; training (learning)
and testing (classifying) [45]. Training task aims at partitioning the new low dimensional feature
space, whereas the testing task is to assign the input pattern to one of the classes. Performance
evaluation is then carried out based on the errors which might have happened in these assignments.
The objective of designing a classification system is to predict and then assign future unknown
samples that are probably different than the training data to one of the existing classes (and
reject the marginal samples). The trained system should be efficiently optimized to show the
desired performance in prediction of the test data. A highly-optimized classifier (to get maximum
the test set. Another problem that may occur during classification of test set is due to the large
number of unknown parameters related to the classifier, such as the number of parameters in a
large neural network [45]. Moreover, the ratio of the number of training samples to the number
of features is an important factor. If this ratio is too small, it would influence the performance
powerful classifier for accurate PD source identification in different insulation media, using various
algorithms for extracting features from PRPD patterns and building a number of classifiers.
2.4 Summary
In this chapter, a brief review of partial discharge definition and identification history of single
source and multiple simultaneously activated PD sources in HV insulation was presented. Also
- 14 -
Partial Discharge Classification 2.4 Summary
description of pattern recognition as the scientific discipline whose goal is the classification of
objects into a number of categories or classes was explained. At the end of the chapter, three main
steps of a pattern classification algorithm in addition to their role in the algorithm were briefly
discussed. In the next chapter, application of pattern recognition with the implementation details
of its different steps for identification of single PD sources in HV insulation based on using PRPD
patterns is presented.
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Partial Discharge Classification
Chapter 3
In AC systems, the phase resolved partial discharge (PRPD) pattern, which visualizes the occur-
rence of PD activities in reference to the phase of AC voltage, has been a valuable diagnosis tool
(see Figure 3.1 for an example of a PRPD pattern). In a PRPD pattern, two important param-
eters, both in reference to phase angles, are the discharge magnitude and discharge rate. They
form a bivariate distribution where each of the discharge magnitude and discharge rate can be
separately analyzed with reference to each other and to the phase angle of the AC source. Below is
a description of the pattern recognition steps presented in Chapter 2 when applied to a PD source
Measuring the PRPD patterns provides a bivariate distribution Hn (ϕ, q) that shows the correlation
between discharge rate (n) , discharge magnitude (q) , and power frequency phase angle (ϕ) of
the PD pulses. To generate a dataset from this bivariate distribution, the 2π phase angle window
is divided into M phase windows and fingerprints are extracted from the PRPD pattern [4, 46].
Pre-processing stage includes feature generation which is important in any pattern recognition
work. To generate one data point of the dataset, the PRPD pattern is recorded for T seconds
- 16 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.1 PRPD Data Pre-Processing and Feature Generation
500 pC
-500 pC
and then the specific univariate distributions (will be explained in the following subsections) are
evaluated. To generate a dataset of P points we have to repeat this process P times. Finally,
the data points are formed in to a matrix whose dimension is XM × P . In this work, typical
values for these parameters are, M = 100, P = 300, X depends on the type of feature generation
approach which is implemented (presented in follows), and T = 3 s (or 180 cycles) for each type of
the defects used for training and evaluating the classifiers. We normally allow 2 s between every
two consequence data points. Optimum value for M is set equal to 100 based on a tradeoff between
computational complexity and sufficient discriminatory information which will occur by lower and
higher number of windows, respectively. After the generation of feature samples, some processing
should be performed on those feature samples to make them ready for utilization. Such processing
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Partial Discharge Classification 3.1 PRPD Data Pre-Processing and Feature Generation
In each 2π/M -wide phase window, parameters such as the average of discharge magnitudes, the
maximum value of discharge magnitude, and the number of discharges are calculated. Consider-
ing these parameters in reference to the phase angle results in 3 univariate distributions of peak
discharge Hqmax (ϕ) , average discharge Hqmean (ϕ) , and discharge rate Hn (ϕ) , respectively. As a
In this thesis, a novel approach is proposed with strong discrimination power to differentiate between
PRPD patterns of different sources. This approach is based on the application of q-quantiles on
PRPD pattern windows would be strong discriminators in separating different PD classes and help
to better represent the shape of the PRPD pattern compare to the other two approaches (Results
are shown in Chapter 5). This is because the number of PDs and their associated mean discharges
are strongly influenced by the noises that are available in PRPD patterns. To make a powerful
feature set, in addition to the application of quantiles, peak discharge, Hqmax (ϕ) is also used. In
this work, assuming q = 200, the PD magnitude observations in each phase window are divided
into 201 groups with equal numbers of PD observations. Four highest quantiles (200th , 199th , 198th ,
197th ), H200th−q (ϕ), H199th−q (ϕ) , H198th−q (ϕ) , H197th−q (ϕ) plus pick discharge, Hqmax (ϕ) , are
the five features generated from each phase window. In this approach, X will be equal to 5. The
reason why this proposed method works with considerable high performance will be explained in
- 18 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.2 PRPD Feature Extraction Techniques
For datasets like PD dataset with a large number of features and a limited number of observations,
the feature extraction stage is very much needed [2, 3]. Having more information about a PRPD
pattern seems to be useful, however, having many features compared to the number of observations
is not efficient for producing a desired learning performance. Feature extraction techniques (in-
terchangeably called dimensionality reduction) remove redundant and ineffective information and
decrease the number of features while still the geometry of the data manifold is retained.
A feature extraction technique is a transformation method that transforms the data from the high-
dimensional feature space to a new informative space with lower dimensionality [47]. In other
words, such transformation transforms the matrix X3M ×N P to a matrix YK×N P where K is the
number of features in the reduced (new) space, M is the number of windows in phase, and N is
the number of classes. In this thesis, the implementation of 11 high performance dimensionality
reduction techniques has been carried out. These techniques are applicable to PRPD datasets and
are chosen exploring almost all available well-developed dimension reduction techniques as well as
statistical operators. These techniques are divided into two main groups: 1) linear techniques that
include Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [48], Fisher Discriminant Analysis (FDA) [49], and, 2)
nonlinear techniques such as Kernel PCA [50], Kernel FDA (KFDA) [51], Metric Multidimensional
Scaling (MDS) [52], Stochastic Proximity Embedding (SPE) [53], Isomap [54], Stochastic Neighbour
A third group can also be identified under the linear group that are linear algorithms derived
based on the linear approximation of some of the nonlinear algorithms. These algorithms include
Linearity Preserving Projection (LPP) [57], and Neighborhood Preserving Embedding (NPE) [58].
A summary of the dimensionality reduction techniques is shown in Figure 3.2. In general, time
and memory which are required for execution of the linear algorithms are less than the nonlinear
- 19 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.2 PRPD Feature Extraction Techniques
algorithms, however execution time of all proposed algorithms could be considered in the same
range (less than 1 minute in this research) except SPE and SNE which are iterative algorithms and
they take longer time to generate lower dimensions of data (less than 5 minutes in this research).
Linear techniques for dimensionality reduction have been used in statistics for over a century.
This type of techniques will map the data onto a low-dimensional feature space with a linear
transformation which preserves some information of interest. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
[48], and Fisher Discriminant Analysis (FDA) [49] are the two famous algorithms of this group which
are successfully implemented on PD type data in this research. A review of these two techniques
Non-linear techniques for dimensionality reduction have been developed in the last two decades.
Data transformation procedure by these techniques is more complicated than the one with linear
techniques. However, they work very well dealing with non-linear data manifolds. This type of
techniques will map the data onto a low-dimensional feature space through different non-linear
procedures based on their algorithms. This group of techniques is generally divided in two sub-
groups, namely global group techniques which try to preserve global properties and local group
techniques which try to preserve local properties (information) of data when they are mapped in
the low dimensional feature space. Notably, local preserving techniques claim that by preserving
properties of small neighborhoods around each data samples, the global properties of the data
manifold will be also preserved. Non-linear group includes techniques such as Kernel PCA [50],
Kernel FDA (KFDA) [51], Metric Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) [52], Stochastic Proximity Em-
bedding (SPE) [53], Isomap [54], Stochastic Neighbour Embedding (SNE) [55], and Local Linear
Embedding (LLE) [56] which are prosperously implemented on PD type data in this research. A
- 20 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.2 PRPD Feature Extraction Techniques
This group can be identified under the linear group that are linear algorithms derived based on the
linear approximation to some of the local nonlinear algorithms. These algorithms include Linearity
Preserving Projection (LPP) [57], and Neighborhood Preserving Embedding (NPE) [58] which are
also prosperously implemented on PD type data in this research. A review of these techniques has
One approach to generate features with discrimination power to differentiate between the discharge
patterns of different PD sources is the use of several statistical parameters which can be applied on
the univariate distributions. Both statistical operators that have been widely used in the literature
(e.g. [5, 22]) for PRPD classification, and q − quantiles approach, which is introduced and applied
in this thesis, to considerably increase the discriminatory power of statistical operators, have been
used in this research. Some of these statistical operators, such as mean and variance, should be
computed for both halves of the power cycle. Skewness and Kurtosis, on the other hand, are
operators that should be computed with respect to a reference normal distribution [2]. One other
feature is the number of local peaks in the univariate distributions in both positive and negative
half cycles. Some operators have been used to evaluate the differences between the distributions in
the half cycles of the power frequency. Discharge asymmetry, phase asymmetry, cross-correlation
The q-quantiles have been used in this work as a novel approach with discriminatory capability
to separate different PD classes. In this work, assuming q = 3, we divide the data set into four
groups with equal numbers of data points (i.e. 0-25% , 25-50%, 50-75% and 75-100% of the total
number of data points). Applying the 5 operators of mean, variance, skewness, Kurtosis, and the
- 21 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.3 PRPD Pattern Classification Algorithms
number of peaks to both positive and negative cycles of Hqmax (ϕ) ,Hqmean (ϕ) , and Hn (ϕ) results in
30 features for each PRPD pattern. Further, applying additional operators of discharge asymmetry,
phase asymmetry, cross-correlation factor, and modified cross-correlation factors will generate extra
7 features [4]. In addition, application of 3-quantiles on both cycles leads to the generation of 18
more features. In total, a feature vector with 55 = (30+7+18) entries is constructed for each PRPD
pattern. This vector can be used as the fingerprint of each discharge pattern for discrimination of
different patterns.
The results of classifiers using statistical operators as selected features which has been mostly
used in the past [4, 22, 31] will be compared with classifiers that use dimension reduction tech-
niques. Comparison of the overall classification success rate related to the specific feature extrac-
tion/classification algorithms will help finding more efficient combination of algorithms in different
insulation media.
So far in this research, 10 well-known algorithms for the classification of PD sources have been stud-
ied. These algorithms are Support Vector Machine (SVM) [59], Kernel SVM [2], Fuzzy SVM [60],
Fuzzy kNN [61], Multi-Layer Perceptron [62], Radial Bases Function Network [3, 62], Probabilistic
Neural Networks [2, 63], Bayesian [2, 3], Naı̈ve Bayes [2], and AdaBoost [64]. Some of these algo-
rithms including fuzzy classifiers are not only capable to show high classification accuracy rate, but
also calculate the degree of membership of a sample to a class of data beside assigning a class label.
This enables probabilistic interpretation of a new PRPD pattern that is being classified. The avail-
ability of this degree of membership for future PRPD samples would allow safer decision making
based on the risk associated with different sources of PD in HV apparatus. The fuzzy algorithms
which have been used in this paper are Fuzzy kNN [61] and Fuzzy SVM [60]. A summary of the
classifier algorithms is shown in Figure 3.2. The performance evaluation of all classifier algorithms
- 22 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.3 PRPD Pattern Classification Algorithms
the following chapters. A review of classifiers which are implemented in this thesis and appended
in the proposed classification system have been presented in the following subsections.
- 23 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.3 PRPD Pattern Classification Algorithms
Feature Extraction
Techniques for PRPD
- 24 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.3 PRPD Pattern Classification Algorithms
Support Vector Machine (SVM) [59] is a powerful algorithms for data classification. This algorithm
aims at designing a hyperplane to classify different classes meanwhile maximizing the margin from
classes. Such a hyperplane is more trustworthy when assigning new data to its belonged class. In
general, SVM is an algorithm which tries to make the margin as large as possible and also tries to
keep the number of points which are misclassified or located within the margin as small as possible.
- 25 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.3 PRPD Pattern Classification Algorithms
Nonlinear SVM is a kernelized version of SVM [2]. This algorithm starts with mapping the dataset
(xi ) onto a higher dimensional feature space in which the classes can be classified by a hyperplane.
KSVM begins by mapping the data with a feature map φ to a Hilbert space (H). However, if
a kernel function K(x, xi ) satisfies the Mercer’s conditions [2], there would be a space in which
K(x, xi ) defines an inner product < φ(x), φ(xi ) >. Mercer’s theorem doesn’t mention how to
construct φ (or even what H is), which is not actually an important issue. This is because K needs
to be used in the nonlinear SVM algorithm, and we dont explicitly need φ. Finding an appropriate
kernel implicitly defines a mapping onto a space with higher unknown dimensions. The curse of
dimensionality in this way would be bypassed, as computational complexity does not depend on
the dimensionality of the mapped space. This algorithm minimizes the cost function,
1 X
J(ω, ω0 , ξ) = kωk2 + C ξi (3.1)
subject to
where ω and ω0 define the optimal hyperplane, in which they are a normal vector to the hy-
perplane and a bias, respectively. C is the regularization parameter, which decides the smoothness
to balance misclassification and the margin maximization. The slack variables ξ(> 0) are the er-
ror terms due to the misclassification. The above quadratic programming (QP) problem can be
transformed into its dual form by the Wolfe dual optimization task, which results in
X 1X
M aximize ( λi − λi λj yi yj K(xi , xj )) (3.2)
λ 2
i=1 i,j
subject to
0 6 λi 6 C, i = 1, 2, ..., N with λi yi = 0.
- 26 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.3 PRPD Pattern Classification Algorithms
The Lagrange multipliers λi are related to the data points that are located within the margin
or misclassified. Finally, the linear classifier in the mapped space assigns the class of each new data
by calculating
g(x) = sgn[ω T φ(x) + ω0 ] = sgn[ λi yi K(xi , x) + ω0 )], (3.3)
where sgn() is the sign function. This classifier is a nonlinear one in the original space due to
nonlinearity of the kernel function and so, it is suitable for application on overlapping clusters of
Kernel SVM and in general SVM are powerful classifiers, however based on the formulations dis-
cussed above, each training point is considered belonging to one of the available classes and for
each class of data, all data samples are treated uniformly. This is sometimes a drawback when
dealing with noisy data, and when the effects of the training points are different. Many research
have shown that the SVM is very sensitive to noises and outliers [60]. Also, sometimes, in a class
of data, some training samples are more important than others and it should be considered in the
classification. In that case, meaningful data samples must be classified correctly and not much care
is required to be taken to some meaningless training samples such as, noises or outliers to whether
or not classifying them correctly. The FSVM could be applied to reduce the effects of noises and
outliers by setting the fuzzy membership to each data sample to emphasize the effects of more
meaningful samples. As a simple example, this fuzzy membership could be a function of distance
The algorithm starts by applying a fuzzy membership to each data sample and reformulating
kernel SVM into fuzzy SVM. In this way, different data samples can make different contributions
in the learning of decision hyperplane. These fuzzy memberships are the weights wi s which are
appended to each input data samples of xi which belongs to the class of Cj . In general, for each
- 27 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.3 PRPD Pattern Classification Algorithms
sample we would have {xi , Cj , wi }, where 0 < wi ≤ 1 describe the degree of membership which the
point xi belongs to the class Cj . FSVM like KSVM, begins by mapping the data with a feature
map φ to a Hilbert space (H) in which the classes can be classified by a hyperplane. To find an
1 X
J(ω, ω0 , ξ) = ( ω T ω + C wi ξ i )
and ξi ≥ 0, i = 1, ..., N,
where ω and ω0 define the optimal hyperplane, in which they are a normal vector to the
hyperplane and a bias, respectively. Constant C is the regularization parameter, which decides the
smoothness to balance misclassification and the margin maximization. Since the slack variables
ξ(≥ 0) are the error terms due to the misclassification, the term wi ξi is a measure of error with
different weighting. The smaller wi reduces the effect of the ξi such that the corresponding sample
xi would be treated as less important. The above quadratic programming (QP) problem can be
transformed into its dual form by the Wolfe dual optimization task, which results in
X 1X
M aximize ( λi − λi λj yi yj K(xi , xj ))
i=1 ij
subject to λi yi = 0 (3.5)
and 0 ≤ λi ≤ wi C.
The Lagrange multipliers λi are related to the data points that are located within the margin
or misclassified. The sample xi with the corresponding λi > 0 is called a supprort vector. There
are two types of support vectors, one with corresponding 0 < λi < wi C lies on the margin of the
hyperplane and the other one with corresponding λ = wi C is misclassifed. The difference between
- 28 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.3 PRPD Pattern Classification Algorithms
FSVM and KSVM (or SVM) is that the samples with the same value of Lagrange multiplier may
indicate the different type of support vectors in FSVM due to the weight parameter wi . Finally,
the linear classifier in the mapped space assigns the class of each new data by calculating
g(x) = sgn[ω T φ(x) + ω0 ] = sgn[ λi yi K(xi , x) + ω0 )], (3.6)
where sgn() is the sign function. However, this classifier is a nonlinear one in the original space
In this research, the sample weights are considered an exponentially decaying function [65]
given by
wi = , (3.7)
1 + exp(βdsi )
where dsi = kxi − ccj k1/2 is the Euclidean distance between the data point xi and its corre-
sponding class center ccj (geometrical mean of the data samples which belongs to the same class).
β determines the steepness of decay. Kernel function which is used in this research is Gaussian
kernel K(xi , xj ) = exp(− kxi − xj k2 /2σ 2 ), where σ is called the standard deviation.
k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) [2] is a non-parametric algorithm which is among the simplest classi-
fication algorithms. kNN classifies a new data point based on majority vote of the data points
which are its neighbors. Various types of distances can be used for finding the k-nearest neighbors
of a data point including Euclidean and Mahalanobis distances [2]. Finding the nearest neighbors
among the entire dataset is an important problem regarding to this algorithm. In general, kNN
shows better performance when the ratio of training samples compared to the dimensions of the
- 29 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.3 PRPD Pattern Classification Algorithms
kNN classifier normally treats all the data samples equally important in the assignment of the
class label to the unknown sample. This makes difficulty in classification when the classes of
data overlap. In kNN, all samples are used in classification are given the same values of weights.
Another drawback of kNN algorithm is its inability to estimate the degree of membership of an
unknown sample to its assigned class. The fuzzy sets theory is introduced to the kNN technique to
develop the fuzzy kNN algorithm and to solve the drawbacks which are associated with the kNN
algorithm. This fuzzy kNN outperforms kNN not only by indication of lower error rate, but also
the result of classier give a confidence measure in the classification of new sample by producing
these membership values in addition to the label. This advantage could be emphasized in case the
new data sample is not member of available classes. In general, fuzzy kNN implies to what degree
This algorithm starts by assigning class membership (weights) to all samples available in classes
of data by different techniques. Then like kNN, this algorithm searches for the k labeled samples of
nearest neighbors and assign the degree of membership for a new sample x belonging to all classes
of data ui (x) by
Pk 1
j=1 uij ( 2 )
kx−xj k (m−1)
ui (x) = Pk 1
, (3.8)
j=1 ( 2 )
kx−xj k (m−1)
ui (x) is the degree of membership of a new sample x to class i. The degree of membership of
selected k nearest samples is shown by uij which is degree of membership of sample j belonging
to class i. The variable m determines how heavily the distance is weighted when calculating each
- 30 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.3 PRPD Pattern Classification Algorithms
The Multi-Layer Perceptron [62] as displayed in Figure 3.4 is another algorithm which can be used
for classification of discharge patterns. MLP is constructed of different layers, namely, input, hidden
and output layers. The hidden layer and output layers consist of a number of neurons. In this
network, equation can be written considering one layer of hidden layer, d input nodes, M hidden
(1) (1)
aj = wji xi + wj0 (3.9)
aj is the output of the jth hidden unit and it is formed by a weighted linear combination of the
(1) (1)
d input values which is added to a bias wj0 . wji represents a weight in the first layer from input
- 31 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.3 PRPD Pattern Classification Algorithms
i to hidden unit j. The activation of each output of the units is carried out by sigmoidal functions
given by
Zj = (3.10)
1 + exp(−aj ).
Subsequently, the output of the network is derived by a linear combination of the outputs of hidden
units as
ak = wkj Zj + wk0 (3.11)
The activation of the kth output neuron is performed by a softmax activation function to give
e(ak )
yk = PM (3.12)
(ak ) .
k=1 e
This algorithm also can be extended by considering a network with extra hidden layers; however
the two layers perceptron can cover almost all types of recognition with good performance. The
network used in this work is trained with scaled conjugate gradient backpropagation [62].
In this algorithm, the output is found as the summation of weighted output of radial basis functions
[3, 62]. In fact, each basis function works like a hidden neuron so the output is made from the
yk (x) = wkj φj (x) + wk0 (3.13)
φj is based on the Euclidean distance of the input vector x from a center which justifies the name
radial basis function. The data in each class is modeled by a single kernel function as p(x | Ck ) which
Ck is the label of different classes. The goal of classification is to find the posterior probabilities
P (Ck | x) for all classes. This algorithm is designed such that the outputs of the network represent
- 32 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.3 PRPD Pattern Classification Algorithms
p(x | Ck ) = p(x | j)P (j | Ck ) (3.14)
Using Bayes formula, the result would be equal to posterior probability in which the normalized
basis functions and the second layer weights are given by φj (x) = P (j | x) and wkj = P (Ck | j),
respectively. In the training of this algorithm, first, basis functions should be selected by an unsu-
pervised training technique using the training data. Subsequently, when the radial basis functions
become fixed, the second layer weights are found by minimizing the sum of squares error function.
Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) is a form of neural network which can calculate nonlinear
decision boundaries approaching the Bayes optimal decision surface [2, 66]. The structure of this
utilized rather than the sigmoid activation function. The PNN is trying to make an efficient
structure for implementing Parzen estimate of an unknown pdf and Bayesian rule of the posteriori
probabilities (p(wi )p(x | wi )) which should be the biggest for class wi to be selected. To do so,
all the feature vectors have been normalized to unit norm and then utilized in the network. The
number of hidden layer nodes and the number of training data N are set to be equal. The training
of this network is performed based on the usage of the training data. The inputs of activation
γk = xk,j xj = xTk x. (3.15)
Using the activation function (the Gaussian kernel), the output of the Kth node would be
γk − 1
Zk = exp( ). (3.16)
- 33 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.3 PRPD Pattern Classification Algorithms
Subsequently, the number of output neurons (C) which are used is equal to the number of classes
available in the training data. Each one of the output nodes acts like the linear combiners of the
c N
P (wc ) X
yc = Zi (3.17)
where Nc is the number of training data in the Cth class. According to the Bayesian classification,
the new data is assigned to the class with the highest output. It is shown that back propagation
Bayesian Classifier [2,3] is another algorithm which classifies data x based on using the C conditional
probabilities (or posteriori probabilities) P (wi | x), where w1 , w2 , ..., wC are the C available classes.
This algorithm tries to compute and then compare these conditional probabilities. The computation
of posteriori probabilities can be carried out using the likelihood function of wi with respect to x
p(x | wj )P (wj )
P (wj | x) = (3.18)
where p(x) is the pdf of x and it is calculated by p(x) = i=1 p(x | wi )P (wi ). Therefore, posteriori
probabilities can be achieved by calculating the second side of ( 3.18). Comparing the posteriori
probabilities of different classes, the biggest one would be selected as the class which x belongs to
Another simple algorithm based on Bayes theorem is called Naı̈ve Bayes [2]. The basics behind
this algorithm is to assume that different features xk , k = 1, 2, ..., l, are statistically independent.
- 34 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.3 PRPD Pattern Classification Algorithms
p(x | wj ) = p(xk | wj ), j = 1, 2, ..., C (3.19)
Based on the training set, features should be described by their distributions and different param-
eters should be estimated for those distributions. In this thesis, Gaussian Naı̈ve Bayes has been
applied on the dataset. The classification of new data x = [x1 , x2 , ..., xl ]T to the class w0 has been
w0 = arg max p(wj ) p(xk | wj ), j = 1, 2, ..., C (3.20)
This algorithm somehow is robust to the independence assumption of the features; however decision
on different method of pdf estimation is based on the expected accuracy. Another simplification
method based on Bayes theorem is used based on the assumption of equiprobable classes with
normal probability density functions and with the same nondiagonal covariance matrix [2, 3]. The
Bayes rule for this case is equivalent to minimizing the Mahalanobis distance.
3.3.11 AdaBoost
The AdaBoost (adaptive boosting) algorithm [64] is one of the boosting algorithms which resolved
plenty of practical problems concerning the boosting algorithms. AdaBoost uses a weak learning
algorithm in a number of steps to boost it into a strong algorithm with good performance in
classification. This algorithm uses a distribution or set of weights over all the training samples.
These weights would be updated in each step and increased for samples which are incorrectly
classified. This causes the weak learner to concentrate on the hard training data points. After
defining the base classifier (ht ) which returns a binary class label, its accuracy can be measured by
the error and the weights in each step are updated such that the weight of the examples which are
misclassified would be increased and the weight of classified data would be decreased. At the end
- 35 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.3 PRPD Pattern Classification Algorithms
Multinomial logistic regression (MLR) [6] is a linear multiclass probabilistic classification algorithm
which is well-known in the field of Statistic. MLR trains a model to find posterior probabilities of
available classes in the training set based on a linear function of all input variables. In this model,
summation of these posterior probabilities for all classes would be equal to 1. In the training set,
C classes, P (Cd |x) is considered as the posterior probability that sample x belongs to class wd by
considering the posterior probability of class C as the base class (optional between classes). MLR
model would be estimated in the form of (C − 1) linear discriminant functions or logit stochastic
models as
P (wi |x)
log( ) = βi h(x) = β0i + β1i x1 + ... + βki xk , (3.21)
P (wC |x)
for i = 1, . . . , C − 1, where h(x) = [1, X], X = (x1 , . . . , xk ) and k is equal to the number of
independent variables and C is equal to the number of classes. A single functional form of each
[β0j , β1j , . . . , βkj ] will be estimated by training set samples using the Maximum Likelihood Estima-
tion (MLE) and Iteratively Re-weighted Least Squares (IRLS) methods [6]. The class label of a
new sample xnew can be assigned by the Bayes classification rule given by
- 36 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.3 PRPD Pattern Classification Algorithms
Kernel logistic regression (KLR) [6] algorithm is a kernelized version of the linear logistic regression
which performs nonlinear probabilistic classification. This algorithm, like KSVM, applies its linear
model on the data which are mapped with a feature map φ in the higher dimensional feature space
via the so called “kernel trick”. Mapping is implicitly performed by specifying the inner product
between pairs of data through a kernel function. Linear model in the mapped space would be
a nonlinear one back into original space. This would be beneficial for classification of data in a
training set containing classes which are linearly non-separable [6, 67, 68]. Logit models in this
P (wj |x)
fj (x) = log( ) = βj φ(X) (3.24)
P (wC |x)
The weight parameters would be estimated using a convex optimization problem [69]. β could
also be written as
βj = αij φ(xi ). (3.25)
Therefore, the final form of the model for KLR would be equal to
P (wj |x) X X
fj (x) = log( )= αij φT (x)φ(xi ) = α0j + αij K(x, xi ), (3.26)
P (wC |x)
i=1 i=1
where using the kernel trick, the inner product has been substituted by a kernel function which
satisfies Mercers conditions [6]. KLR like LR, generates the single functional form of each individual
- 37 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.4 Summary
exp(fj (x))
P (wj |x) = PC−1 ,
j=1,...,C−1 1 + j=1 exp(fj (x))
P (wC |x) = PC−1 .
1+ j=1 exp(fj (x))
The class label of a new sample xnew can be assigned by the Bayes classification rule, which is
given by
3.4 Summary
In this chapter, the application of pattern recognition techniques for the identification of PD sources
in HV insulation using PRPD patterns was elaborated. The implementation of each step of PRPD
pattern recognition algorithm was explained and the applicable techniques which are used in this
thesis to make a powerful PD source classification system were elaborated. These steps are namely,
PRPD data pre-processing and feature generation, PRPD feature extraction techniques, and PRPD
The feature generation step in this research includes two approaches namely, 1) available fea-
ture generation approach, and 2) proposed feature generation approach. The proposed feature
generation approach was developed and presented in this research for the first time. PRPD feature
extraction step is divided in to two main groups with several sub-groups. These two main groups
are divided into dimension reduction algorithms and statistical operators. Each one of these groups
consists of different techniques which were explained in different subsections of this chapter. At the
end, the final step in PRPD pattern recognition which is application of PRPD pattern classifica-
tion algorithms was explained. Different classifier algorithms which are implementable on PRPD
pattern data and used in this research were briefly elaborated. In the next chapter, the application
- 38 -
Partial Discharge Classification 3.4 Summary
procedure and the performance evaluation of the designed PD source identification system using
PRPD patterns of different single-sources of PD are presented. These sources includes different
artificial PD sources designed and built to model PD sources in a variety of insulation media and
- 39 -
Partial Discharge Classification
Chapter 4
To test the designed, automated classification system in single PD source identification, various
artificial laboratory test setups are designed and built to model different PD sources in a variety
of insulation media and conditions. The first test setup includes test cells which are designed to
model common sources of PD in air, oil, and SF6 . These test cells include 3 sources of partial
discharge in SF6 (floating electrode, moving particle, and fixed protrusion), 2 sources of PD in
transformer oil (free particle and needle electrode), and corona in air. The second test setup is
designed to test the classification system in the identification of partial discharge sources in oil-
immersed insulation. These sources of partial discharge are simulated to model common PD sources
in HV transformer which includes bubble wraps to model small air bubbles1 , needle electrode in oil
to simulate point-plane discharge, and floating metal particles (shavings) in oil. The third test setup
is designed to show the performance of proposed classification system on the power transformer
cellulose insulation samples under both electrical and thermal stresses. This capability enables
online monitoring of high voltage cellulose insulation more accurately and efficiently which helps
Application of bubble wrap makes us capable to have more control over this source of PD.
- 40 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
The results show that the proposed classification system is well able to successfully identify
the sources of partial discharge in different insulation media under different working temperatures.
Availability of this classification system enables continuous 24/7 monitoring of equipment and helps
to identify PD sources in early stages which leads to safe operation of HV apparatus. Providing
the probabilistic interpretation based on the risk associated with different PD sources, a marginal
classified PRPD sample by the proposed classification system will be referred to an expert operator
to do a visual inspection and make a proper decision; otherwise, decision will be made by the
classification system.
Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition of Single PD Source in Different Insulation Media
Classification of different sources of PD requires a database for training the classifier and
testing. Such database is generated based on the measurements conducted on artificial defects that
are implemented in small laboratory test cells. The measurement procedure and system calibration
Figure 4.1 shows the experimental setup that consists of a high voltage transformer energizing
the test cell, a coupling capacitor, the quadruple impedance, and commercial PD measuring equip-
ment (Omicron MPD600). Voltage levels of 20% and 50% above the inception voltage have been
applied to different test cells and PRPD patterns have been recorded for each test sample.
- 41 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
HV Source
PD Capacitor
PD Source
Fig. 4.1: Experimental setup of single-source PDs consists of an HV source, a coupling capacitor,
a capacitive divider, a PD source cell, a PD measurement system, and a PC.
The first set of test cells designed in this research (see Fig. 4.2) was originally proposed by Hampton
and Meats [70] and are shown in Figs. 4.3–4.5. These test cells are built to model different types of
PD activities with different discharge mechanisms in air, oil, or SF6 . SF6 test cells are designed to
model common defects of GIS in small scale and be able to withstand a pressure of up to 500 kPa,
consistent with gas pressure in gas-insulated switchgear (GIS). Sparking from a floating electrode,
moving particles, and fixed protrusion are some of the major sources of PD in GIS [71] whose
- 42 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
laboratory models are shown in Figs. 4.3.a, 4.3.b, and 4.3.c, respectively. The test cells that can
generate PD due to free particle in oil and needle electrode in oil are shown in Figs. 4.4.a, 4.4.b,
respectively. Finally, Fig. 4.5 shows the test cell consisting of a needle and plane employed to
Fig. 4.2: Initial design of a test cell for GIS modeling, the perspex tube between aluminum top and
end cap has been clamped by nylon screws prepare a pressurized vessel capable to withstand high
pressure of up to 500 kPa.
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Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
Fig. 4.3: SF6 test cells; (a) floating electrode; (b) free particle; (c) point-plane electrodes. Each
cell consists of a Perspex tube clamped by nylon screws between top and bottom aluminum caps
that can withstand a pressure of up to 500 kPa.
(a) (b)
Fig. 4.4: Oil test cells; (a) free particle; (b) point-plane electrodes where the tip of the needle is
20 µm in diameter and the ground plane is covered with insulation paper to avoid breakdown.
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Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
4.1.2 Finite Element Simulation of the Electric Field and Voltage in Test Cells
One parameter which plays an important role in start and continuation of PD, is electric field and its
configuration around the energized electrodes and ground. A commercial finite element software2
is used to simulate the electric field and potential neighboring the electrodes in the cells. In the test
cell for moving particle, high strength electric field is generated between the HV spherical electrode
and grounded concave dish as shown in Fig. 4.6. A small 3 mm diameter aluminum bearing is
located on the grounded dish. Once the test cell is energized, the small bearing starts moving and
swinging on the dish. This movement leads to the generation of PDs. Basically, a free particle
located in an electrostatic field stores electric charges and due to the Coulombs law, this electrically
charged particle starts to move. This movement leads to discharge energy when particle contacts
with the concave dish. These discharges would be the source of PDs. The floating electrode which
Comsol Multiphysics
- 45 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
is not connected to HV electrode is going to be the source of corona. The simulated electric field
distribution around the electrodes of this cell is shown in Fig. 4.7. Spacer inserts and corona shields
are two the most common floating components in GIS [71–73]. To model another source of PD in
GIS, a point-plane PD cell can be used to represent a fixed protrusion. Tip radius of the HV needle
in this cell is about 10µm which leads to a high electric field around it as depicted in Fig. 4.8. Other
group of PD cells covers the mechanism of discharge in oil insulation materials and air. However,
as electric field and voltage distributions are independent of the insulation material around the
electrodes, these distributions for other insulation media of oil and air are only dependent on the
electrode configurations and are similar to those of the same cell configurations in gas.
- 46 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 4.6: Moving particle in SF6 (a) General geometry in COMSOL, (b) Electric Potential (V), (c)
Electric field norm (V/m), and (d) Arrow surface: Electric field
- 47 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 4.7: Floating electrode in SF6 (a) General geometry in COMSOL, (b) Electric Potential (V),
(c) Electric field norm (V/m), and (d) Arrow surface: Electric field
- 48 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 4.8: Point-plane electrodes in SF6 (a) General geometry in COMSOL, (b) Electric Potential
(V), (c) Electric field norm (V/m), and (d) Arrow surface: Electric field
The PRPD patterns of the six PD test cells are shown in Fig. 4.9 (3 dimensional PRPD patterns
are shown in Fig. 4.10 ). For the floating electrode in SF6 (see Figs. 4.3.a and 4.9.a), an inception
voltage of approximately 15 kV was measured at 400 kPa. It was observed that the inception
voltage and discharge magnitudes both increased with an increase in SF6 pressure. It was also
observed that both the inception voltage and PD magnitudes are strongly related to the gap size
- 49 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
between the energized electrode and the floating electrode, but not much sensitivity to the distance
between the sphere and the ground electrode (5 mm in this experiment) was noticed.
The PRPD pattern shown in Fig. 4.9.b is related to a free particle in SF6 at 400kPa. This setup
includes a small bearing with a diameter of 3.17 mm located on a concave dish ground electrode.
The HV electrode is a 25.4mm diameter sphere fixed at ∼ 10mm from the ground electrode. As the
voltage is increased to 10.5 kV, the small bearing starts to move across the plate toward the edge
and back. This movement generates PDs between the bearing and the ground dish. PDs occur
because of the charges that are transferred from the bearing to the ground electrode [71]. This
experiment was repeated for different sizes of the bearing. When the size of bearing increases, the
inception voltage decreases and the PD magnitude increases. However, if the size of the bearing
increases to almost half of the gap distance, the movement will be a mix of swinging and bouncing
when the bearing reaches the point right under the HV electrode. This is observable in the PRPD
pattern too.
The PRPD pattern of a point-plane electrode in SF6 at 300 kPa is shown in Fig. 4.9.c. To
generate PD in this setup a tungsten needle with a tip radius of 10 µm located at a distance of the
15mm from the ground plate has been used. This corona pattern is in fact the PRPD pattern of the
namely positive corona in SF6 , i.e. it happens as the applied voltage increases somewhat higher than
the negative corona inception voltage in SF6 [74]. The typical PD magnitude of negative corona
in SF6 is in the range of −3 pC to −1 pC which happens in the negative half cycle of the applied
voltage. Because of the low level of discharge of negative corona, in this work, we have considered
positive corona only. Positive corona inception voltage was measured to be approximately 15 kV
for this setup. However, discharge magnitude remains almost the same in the range between the
inception voltage and approximately twice the inception voltage. Once the applied voltage is more
than twice the inception voltage, the PRPD pattern and PD magnitudes start to show changes.
There is no significant variation of PRPD pattern features with a variation in the SF6 pressure.
The PRPD pattern of a free particle in oil is shown in Fig. 4.9.d. This setup and the electrodes
- 50 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
and the distances are the same as the setup of Fig. 4.3.b (except for the diameter of the bearing
that is 2.77 mm. At a voltage of about 12.5 kV, the bearing is held right under the HV electrode
with (almost) visible PD activities between bearing and the ground plane. The PD leads to the
release of gas bubbles which move from the PD location toward the HV electrode. Sometimes the
bearing starts to bounce for a short period of time that is visible to naked eyes. PD magnitude will
increase as the size of bearing increases. In addition to the electric field enhancement due to the
spacing changes, larger bearing can also store and transfer more charge to the ground electrode so
PD magnitude becomes higher. Bouncing of a free particle under HV electrode will also get to be
more pronounced for bigger bearings. Comparing this pattern to the same source of PD in SF6 , the
spread of discharge in SF6 can be explained by the movement of bearing on the ground electrode
electrode configuration is used (Fig. 4.4.b). The high voltage is connected to the needle with its
tip located 10 mm away from the grounded electrode. To avoid breakdown, grounded electrode is
covered with a piece of insulating paper. The PRPD pattern of the needle electrode is shown in
Fig. 4.9.e. Inception voltage of this test cell was 20kV. It is observed that PD effects in this pattern
are more vigorous in the positive half cycle with a large dispersion. The last PRPD pattern shown
in Fig. 4.9.f is related to the corona in air. This setup is similar to that used for the generation of
corona in SF6 but this experiment is done in air at 100 kPa. The inception voltage of this test cell
was 6 kV.
- 51 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
50 nC
350 pC
38 nC
263 pC
25 nC
175 pC
13 nC
0C 88 pC
-12 nC 0C
-25 nC -87 pC
-38 nC
(a) -175 pC
-50 nC
500 pC
-262 pC (c)
-350 pC
375 pC
50 nC
250 pC
38 nC
125 pC
25 nC
13 nC
-125 pC
-250 pC -12 nC
-375 pC
(b) -25 nC
-500 pC
-38 nC
80 pC (e)
-50 nC
60 pC 500 pC
40 pC
375 pC
20 pC
250 pC
125 pC
-20 pC 0C
-40 pC -125 pC
-60 pC
(c) -250 pC
-80 pC
-375 pC
-500 pC
Fig. 4.9: PRPD patterns of, (a) floating electrode in SF6 ; (b) free particle in SF6 ; (c) point-plane
electrodes in SF6 ; (d) free particle in oil; (e) point-plane electrodes in oil; (f) point-plane electrodes
in air.
- 52 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
50nC 150pC
(a) (b)
0.7836 events/s 0.0839 events/s
150pC 150pC
(c) (d)
0.0021 events/s 4.0704 events/s
50nC 150pC
(e) (f)
Fig. 4.10: 3 dimensional PRPD patterns of, (a) floating electrode in SF6 ; (b) free particle in
SF6 ; (c) point-plane electrodes in SF6 ; (d) free particle in oil; (e) point-plane electrodes in oil; (f)
point-plane electrodes in air.
- 53 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
Using the experimental setups, a total of 300 data points are generated for each of the 6 different
classes of PD sources 3 . For each type of the defects, the data points form the dataset matrix
X3M ×N P whose dimension is 300 × 1800 (i.e. M = 100, P = 300, N = 6). Application of
the dimension reduction algorithms listed in section. 3.2.1 (except for FDA and kernel FDA) on
matrix X results in a dimension reduction from 300 in the original space to 9 in the new informative
space, i.e. K = 9. The new dimension K = 9 is the appropriate dimensionality of the reduced
feature space that corresponds to the intrinsic dimensionality of the data determined by maximum
likelihood estimation [2]. However, for FDA and kernel FDA, the new dimension is equal to K = 5.
This number is selected based on FDA and kernel FDA algorithms which require the dimension
be (at most) one less than the number of classes. In summary, the dimension reduction techniques
(other than FDA and kernel FDA), FDA (including kernel FDA), and statistical operators reduce
the dimension of the original datasets from 300 to 9, 5, and 55 = (30 + 7 + 18), respectively.
algorithms for both training and testing purposes. To do performance evaluation of each classifier
algorithm, the classification error rate needs to be calculated. The classifier at first should be
trained using training samples. Then, it has to be evaluated based on its classification performance
on the test samples. The percentage of misclassified test samples is considered as an estimate of
the error rate. To do so, and to also optimize the different classifier parameters, first the data in
Y is split into two subsets; 80% for training and 20% for testing. The 80/20 ratio for testing and
training is selected as a tradeoff; if the training set becomes small, classifier will not be very robust
and if the test subset becomes small then the confidence in the estimated error rate will be low [45].
To run the optimization procedure for different classifier parameters, a 10−fold cross validation
(Rotation Method) is applied on the 80% training set [45]. An n−fold cross validation algorithm
has been selected over leave-one-out or holdout methods because of its higher efficiency and better
The partial discharge data recorded for 3 seconds (180 cycles of the applied voltage) generate one data point.
- 54 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
performance on the PD subset [45]. This method divides the training set into n subsets of equal
size, uses n − 1 subsets for training and one for testing. This procedure is repeated n times until
all the training samples have been used for the training and exactly once for testing. In this work,
this cross validation process has been repeated 10 times and 10 error rates have been averaged to
produce a single classification accuracy rate of the algorithms on the training set. The optimal
values for different parameters of classifiers will be found based on this classification accuracy.
After optimization, the classifier is trained using the whole training subset with the optimal
value of parameters. At the end, to measure the performance evaluation of each classifier algorithm,
the classification error rate is calculated by assigning a class label to the testing samples (i.e. the
20% that did not contribute in training and optimization process). To calculate a more accurate
error rate for each classifier, the training/testing procedure of data splitting, cross validation, and
testing has been repeated 5 times. Classification accuracy is averaged over the 5 trials and represents
Data samples for the 6 different classes of PD sources are captured under 2 levels of voltage
equal to 20% and 50% higher than the inception voltage [4] 4 and two different noise levels5 . The
classification accuracy rate evaluated for the combination of each classifier integrated with different
feature extraction algorithms are demonstrated in Tables B.1– B.12 in the Appendix . Each table
presents the classification success rate related to the specific pair of feature extraction/classification
algorithms for each individual source of PD. The last column of each table shows the overall
The results show that not only the nonlinear feature extraction algorithms work properly when
applied on PD datasets, but also some of them outperform the classification results by linear
These two levels of voltage are applied to make sure about the reliability of insulating materials for long time
application and to analyze insulation performance during over-voltages which might happen due to Ferranti effect [75],
short circuits and switching transients.
Two noise levels are 4 pC and 8 pC.
- 55 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
algorithms and statistical operators. This advantage is because the nonlinear feature extraction
algorithms are capable of dealing with complex nonlinear data manifold and work better with higher
discrimination that leads to better performance of the classifier. Since different data samples from
different sources are somehow mixed up with each other, a better performance from nonlinear
algorithms is expected.
As it is displayed in Tables B.1– B.12, almost all algorithms result in a desirable classification
accuracy, however FSVM, KSVM and AdaBoost classifier algorithms integrated with most of the
feature extraction algorithms outperform the other 7 algorithms. Among these classifiers, Naı̈ve
Bayes shows less accuracy that is due to the basic assumption in this algorithm which is to assume
that different features are statistically independent [2]. Also SVM attains lower classification accu-
racy compared to KSVM and FSVM because it is a linear classification algorithm and may not be
able to deal with the nonlinearity of the data samples. Despite its simple architecture, kNN shows
a good performance along with different feature extraction algorithms. These tables show that
classifier algorithms work with high accuracy when integrated with MDS, KPCA, Isomap, SNE,
and LPP.
The results also show FSVM and KSVM integrated with MDS outperform other feature
FSVM and KSVM start with mapping the dataset onto a higher dimensional feature space where
in that space the classes can be classified by a hyperplane [2, 60]. The advantage of FSVM over
KSVM is that the importance of some training points can be considered in the training process.
This leads to make the classifier less sensitive to the effects of noise and outliers [60]. Classifier
algorithms integrated with PCA and FDA from the linear group work with higher classification
accuracy compared to statistical operators. However, classification using SPE as the feature extrac-
tion method does not show any desirable accuracy compared to other feature extraction algorithms.
- 56 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
Tables B.1– B.12 only show the overall classification accuracy rate of different algorithms. However,
sample to a class of data would be beneficial rather than just a class label. Such knowledge enables
Of the algorithms implemented so far, Fuzzy kNN [61], Fuzzy SVM [60], and Bayesian [2, 3]
have the capability to calculate posterior probability of a test sample belonging to each class of data.
Besides, as shown in Tables B.1– B.12, these algorithms also have a higher classification accuracy
rate. To demonstrate the posterior probability calculated by these algorithms, 7 data samples were
randomly selected. The first 6 samples were from the samples that were correctly classified. The
7th sample was from those that were misclassified. The probabilistic classification results for these
7 samples are shown in Tables 4.1– 4.3 where we have used the classifiers of Fuzzy kNN, Fuzzy
SVM, and Bayesian. In Table 4.1, for example, FSVM/KPCA has been employed. Each of the
7 samples has a different posterior probability that shows its degree of membership to different
sources of PD. In this table, sample one, which is originally from class 1, is determined to belong to
classes 1 to 6 with probabilities of 84.2%, 2.4%, 0.4%, 0.1%, 12.9%, and 0.0%, respectively. Sample
7 that originally belongs to class 3, however, is misclassified to class 2 with a posterior probability
Determination of “degree of membership” for PRPD test samples would allow safer decision
making considering the risk associated with different sources of PD in HV apparatus. Posterior
probability level of a sample belonging to a class of data has some other advantages. One of these
advantages is mostly important for the class prediction of a new unknown PRPD sample which
is generated form the same type of defect but does not originally belong to the original dataset.
This probability shows how similar a sample is to the class that it has been classified into, and
also how much the probability of this sample belonging to other classes of data is. Based on this
probability, it is even possible to reject a sample from classification by setting a threshold for an
- 57 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.1 Experimental Procedure for Pattern Recognition
acceptable “degree of membership.” This also allows taking the risk of different PD sources into
account. Such ability will, for example, require a marginal classification to be referred to an expert
operator. The threshold for different classes of PD would be defined based on the risk imposed by
Table 4.1: FSVM classification posterior probability rate for 7 PD test samples on data output of
Sample Classified (C), and Misclassified (M). Class 1. Floating electrode in SF6 ; Class 2.
Point-plane electrodes in SF6 ; Class 3. Free aluminum particle in SF6 ; Class 4. Free aluminum
particle in oil; Class 5. Point-plane electrodes in oil; Class 6. Point-plane electrodes in air.
Table 4.2: Bayesian classification posterior probability rate for 7 PD test samples on data output
of PCA
- 58 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.2 Experimental Procedure of Automated Recognition of PD Source
Table 4.3: FkNN classification posterior probability rate for 7 PD test samples on data output of
To test our PRPD classification system, its application on identification of partial discharge sources
in oil-immersed insulation has been investigated [7]. Three sources of partial discharge are simulated
to generate artificial partial discharge data; bubble wrap to simulate air bubbles, needle to simulate
corona discharge, and metal particles. Fingerprints from phase resolved partial discharge patterns
are extracted. Dimension reduction techniques are employed to reduce the size of the collected
data. Classifiers are developed for partial discharge source identification. A test cell is built to
model three different types of PD activities with different mechanisms in oil insulating media.
The results of this subsection show promising possibility to conduct PD monitoring of power
transformers which are important pieces of equipment in power systems. Because of this impor-
tance, their reliability and desirable electrical condition are required to be maintained and to this
end PD detection could be an important diagnostic technique for the assessment of their liquid (oil)
insulation results in online monitoring of power transformers more accurately and efficiently.
- 59 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.2 Experimental Procedure of Automated Recognition of PD Source
In this part, we investigate the relationship between the variation of PRPD patterns and the type
of oil-immersed PD sources. Laboratory measurement tests are done on a test cell which is built
to model PD activities with different mechanisms in oil. These different PD sources are briefly
discussed. Artificial air bubbles are generated using bubble wraps to model small air bubbles, as a
common source of PD in oil insulation. Air bubbles strongly decrease the reliability of insulation
[78]. The correlation between the number of air bubbles and PRPD patterns are analyzed and are
compared to the patterns which have been presented for air bubbles in the literature [76–78]. It will
be shown that the number of air bubbles influences the PRPD patterns. Further to air bubbles,
floating metal particles, as another common source of PD in oil-insulated HV apparatus, are studied.
Moreover, in order to model point-plane discharges in oil, a needle electrode configuration is also
sources of PD in oil requires a thorough database for training and testing. Because of costly
nature of data collection in a high voltage transformer and that it requires lots of efforts, such
database is generated based on the measurements conducted on small size artificial defects that are
implemented in a small laboratory test cell. This test cell is built to model three different types
of PD activities with different mechanisms in oil insulating media. These different PD sources are
briefly discussed.
Gas bubbles as a common source of PD in oil insulation decrease the reliability of insulation because
of their deleterious effect on dielectric strength of insulation. In this research, in order to model PD
due to bubbles, a test cell with two electrodes with a gap of 7 mm is used. To model air bubbles in
oil, bubble wraps with different number of bubbles are employed on the ground electrode. A photo
of this test cell is shown in Fig. 4.11. To investigate the effects of number of bubbles on PRPD
- 60 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.2 Experimental Procedure of Automated Recognition of PD Source
Fig. 4.11: The geometry of the test cell electrodes with bubble wrap (diameter of each bubble is
7 mm.
The sources of external metal particles in oil might be transformer walls or the oil circulation
system. These particles are small (with a typical length of 2 mm) and light enough to drift due to
the electric filed strength or circulation of the oil. In this experiment, the electrodes have a gap of
10 mm and a holder is placed horizontally between them to keep metal shavings in between them.
To avoid breakdown, both electrodes where covered by two pieces of paper. A photo of this test
- 61 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.2 Experimental Procedure of Automated Recognition of PD Source
Fig. 4.12: The geometry of the test cell electrodes with floating metal particles (shavings).
electrode configuration is used. The high voltage is connected to the needle with its tip located
10 mm away from the grounded electrode. Like previous tests, to avoid breakdown, grounded
The PRPD patterns of the bubble wraps (small air bubbles) with different number of bubbles are
shown in Fig. 4.13. A control experiment where all the bubbles were burst was also performed.
No PD was observed for about 10 minutes running the experiment with the voltage increased to
24 kV. The patterns are almost symmetrical in each half cycle. Comparison of these PD patterns
with those found in [76–78] shows a good agreement. The inception voltage for one bubble was
about 11 kV but for 2 bubbles and more it increased to 16 kV. All the PRPD patterns in Fig. 4.13
- 62 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.2 Experimental Procedure of Automated Recognition of PD Source
are captured at a voltage of 20% above the inception voltage (at this level of voltage, PD patterns
The PRPD pattern of the floating metal particles (shavings) is shown in Fig. 4.14. Before
energization of the test cell, all the particles were located randomly and far apart from each other.
However, after energization of the test cell, the particles started to line up in the direction of the
electric field. The partial discharges started at an inception voltage of 2.8 kV. The applied voltage
The PRPD pattern of the needle electrode in oil is shown in Fig. 4.15. Inception voltage of this
test cell was 20 kV. The PRPD pattern is captured at a voltage of 20% higher than the inception
voltage. Consistent with the results of [78], it is observed that PD effects in this pattern are more
The measurement procedure and system calibration has been performed according to the
cial measuring equipment (Omicron MPD600) are parts of this setup which have been used for the
- 63 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.2 Experimental Procedure of Automated Recognition of PD Source
10 nC
7.5 nC
5 nC
2.5 nC
0 nC
-2.5 nC
-5 nC
-7.5 nC
-10 nC
7.5 nC
5 nC
2.5 nC
0 nC
-2.5 nC
-5 nC (b)
-7.5 nC
7.5 nC
5 nC
2.5 nC
0 nC
-2.5 nC
-5 nC
-7.5 nC
7.5 nC
5 nC
2.5 nC
0 nC
-2.5 nC
-5 nC
-7.5 nC
Fig. 4.13: PRPD pattern of air bubbles simulated by bubble wraps, (a) 1 bubble; (b) 2 bubbles;
(c) 4 bubbles; and (d) 7 bubbles.
- 64 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.2 Experimental Procedure of Automated Recognition of PD Source
10 nC
7.5 nC
5 nC
2.5 nC
0 nC
-2.5 nC
-5 nC
-7.5 nC
-10 nC
20 nC
15 nC
10 nC
5 nC
0 nC
-5 nC
-10 nC
-15 nC
-20 nC
- 65 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.2 Experimental Procedure of Automated Recognition of PD Source
Training of the classifiers is performed based on 130 data samples which were collected for each one
of the PD sources to make a dataset. This dataset is used to find the classifier parameters. For
testing the classifiers and for increasing the reliability of performance evaluation, each test sample
is captured from the experiment which was re-performed on the same test set after several hours.
In total, 30 test samples were collected for each one of the PD sources. The test confusion matrices
evaluated by kNN (for k = 4) and SVM classifiers on the PCA and FDA results are demonstrated
in Tables 4.4– 4.7. Each table presents the overall classification success rate related to the specific
The dimension of the new dataset by PCA is equal to 7 (which corresponds to the intrinsic
dimensionality of the data determined by maximum likelihood estimation) and is equal to 5 for
FDA. This number is one less than the number of classes. The first three components of data from
FDA and the first three principal scores of data from PCA are ploted in Fig. 4.16 and Fig. 4.17,
respectively. Comparing these figures, one can see that the transformed data points with PCA
which belong to different sources of PD are more scattered than those transformed using the FDA.
As expected, this is due to the nature of FDA algorithm described in Chapter 3. Using both PCA
and FDA, all classes of data except the classes of 2, 4, and 7 bubbles, are well separated compared to
each other. This could be due to the fact that classes of 2, 4, and 7 bubbles have more similar PRPD
patterns compared to that of the 1-bubble class. The misclassification of bubble PDs observed in
Tables 4.4– 4.7 is consistent with the similraity of the PRPD patterns shown in Fig. 4.13. Overall,
the application of SVM integrated with PCA algorithm on PD classification outperforms other
- 66 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.2 Experimental Procedure of Automated Recognition of PD Source
- 67 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.2 Experimental Procedure of Automated Recognition of PD Source
7B 4B 2B 1B Needle Floating
7B 16 0 14 0 0 0
4B 0 30 0 0 0 0
2B 0 0 30 0 0 0
1B 0 0 0 30 0 0
Needle 0 0 0 0 30 0
Floating 0 0 0 0 0 30
7B 4B 2B 1B Needle Floating
7B 23 0 7 0 0 0
4B 0 30 0 0 0 0
2B 0 0 30 0 0 0
1B 0 0 0 30 0 0
Needle 0 0 0 0 30 0
Floating 0 0 0 0 0 30
7B 4B 2B 1B Needle Floating
7B 29 0 1 0 0 0
4B 0 30 0 0 0 0
2B 0 11 19 0 0 0
1B 0 0 0 30 0 0
Needle 0 0 0 0 30 0
Floating 0 0 0 0 5 25
- 68 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.3 PD Recognition in Thermally-degraded Cellulose-oil Insulation
7B 4B 2B 1B Needle Floating
7B 30 0 0 0 0 0
4B 0 30 0 0 0 0
2B 0 3 27 0 0 0
1B 0 0 0 30 0 0
Needle 1 0 0 0 29 0
Floating 0 0 0 2 5 23
The third test setup is designed to show the performance of the proposed classification system on
identification of PD sources in power transformer cellulose insulation samples while they are under
both electrical and thermal stresses [8]. In this part, to collect necessary information for making a
thorough dataset, laboratory measurement tests are performed on a test cell which is built to model
which are one of the major causes for the failure of transformer insulation [79].
The importance of this part of the research is due to the fact that, the reliability of transformers
mainly depends on proper insulation design [80] and existence of cellulose materials6 as part of the
insulation system of transformers is to prevent the emission of electronic charge that will occur
from conducting surfaces. However, these materials age due to the heat generated by the core and
windings during normal operation. Over time, aging of the cellulose insulation causes the loss of
tensile strength. If this deterioration continues, the cellulose materials become more brittle which
in case of system disturbances, such as a through fault or load rejection, results in most transformer
failures. Aging of the cellulosic insulation will also be accelerated by water. Moisture inside the solid
insulation decreases their reliability. Moisture is harmful for cellulose insulation. It can accelerate
Cellulose insulation used in pressboard is a light, fibrous, and porous material.
- 69 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.3 PD Recognition in Thermally-degraded Cellulose-oil Insulation
the cellulose rate of aging and reduce both dielectric and mechanical strength of cellulose insulation.
Reliable, automated analysis of PD sources in different level of temperature proves the effects of
temperature on phase resolved partial discharge patterns. We have also tried to use the proposed
classification system to investigate the correlation between the variation of specific features in
PRPD patterns and the level of working temperature. To perform that, laboratory measurement
tests are performed on cellulose-oil insulation under simultaneous thermal and electrical stresses.
The samples are energized in an oven at different levels of temperature to show the dependency of
Based on the results which are shown in follows, it is concluded that the presence of the moisture
also is important because it affects strongly the moisture transition from pressboard to oil or
vice versa. Based on this, we speculated that PRPD pattern differences that exists are due to
the changes in moisture level and physical structure of the samples when they are simultaneously
heated and electrically energized. This might be due to the dependency of distribution of moisture
in oil and pressboard to temperature. The recognition results show successful performance in this
area of studies and to some extent indicate the promising possibility of online and offline automatic
enables online monitoring of high voltage cellulose insulation more accurately and efficiently which
with 1 mm thickness was used. Each of pressboard samples were approximately 100 mm by 80 mm.
A stainless steel needle with a 20 µm tip radius was used for the high voltage (HV) electrode which
aluminum bar (10 mm×10 mm×80 mm) for the ground electrode which is placed on the surface of
- 70 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.3 PD Recognition in Thermally-degraded Cellulose-oil Insulation
the pressboard [81]. Electrodes and pressboard are immersed in mineral oil and the whole setup
is placed in an oven (see Fig. 4.18). Placing the needle in the acute angle is useful to direct the
charge from needle to ground bar along the surface of the pressboard [81]. A test transformer was
used to energize this arrangement and an oven is used to generate three levels of temperature which
were 25◦ C, 90◦ C, and 110◦ C. Partial discharges measured using a 1 nF coupling capacitor along
with an Omicron MPD600 partial discharge measuring system. The applied voltage was increased
was sufficient to produce regular discharges with pulse magnitudes greater than 1 nC. The samples
Ground bar
Needle at 30º
30° 30°
Fig. 4.18: Needle-bar electrode test arrangement used to produce surface PD.
- 71 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.3 PD Recognition in Thermally-degraded Cellulose-oil Insulation
Phase-resolved PD diagram for the samples were captured while under simultaneous stresses. These
samples are energized at normal room temperature 25◦ C, 90◦ C and 110◦ C. The samples in different
temperature levels of 25◦ C, 90◦ C, and 110◦ C had similar inception voltages around 19−20kV. The
AC test voltage was increased to a level of 25 kV in order to produce surface discharges exceeding
1 nC in magnitude. At room temperature (25◦ C), the PD pulse magnitudes were typically between
1 − 2 nC. When temperature was increased to 90◦ C, the PD pulse magnitudes increased slightly to
about 1 − 2.5 nC and at the 110◦ C PD pulse magnitudes were typically increased to 1 − 8.5 nC. The
occurrence of discharges was increased from 25◦ C to 110◦ C. All PD patterns were asymmetrical
with larger discharge pulses on the positive half-cycle than the negative half-cycle that is common
for surface discharges [79]. In Fig. 4.19 and Fig. 4.20, the PD patterns of surface discharges for two
After capturing the PRPD patterns, the results of automated recognition system based on
application of two feature extraction algorithms which are PCA and FDA are demonstrated. These
two algorithm are applied on the resulting patterns to reduce the dimensionality of the data and
- 72 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.3 PD Recognition in Thermally-degraded Cellulose-oil Insulation
Fig. 4.19: PRPD pattern of surface discharges on the interface of pressboard-oil insulation in 25◦ C.
Fig. 4.20: PRPD pattern of surface discharges on the interface of pressboard-oil insulation in
110◦ C.
- 73 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.3 PD Recognition in Thermally-degraded Cellulose-oil Insulation
At room temperature, active surface discharges on the pressboard resulted in a small carbon tracks
near the needle tip and gas channels and white marks in the pressboard which branch out in a tree-
like fashion. Formation of white marks at the pressboard surface had occurred during the testing.
These white marks were not permanent (see Fig. 4.21) and after the system was de-energized the
white marks were gone with oil leaving no visual indication that discharges had occurred in these
regions. However, at 90◦ C, these white marks in the pressboard were smaller but carbon tracks near
the needle tip got bigger. The system was energized for two hours at 25◦ C and 90◦ C and no fault
(surface flashover) happened. At 110◦ C, there was no sign of white marks in the pressboard while
carbon tracks were bigger and directed toward the ground bar. After 11 minutes a fault (surface
flashover) happened. When fault happened, ground bar moved toward the needle and under ground
bar, some big carbon spots could be easily seen (Fig. 4.22). Surface PD data shows clear correlation
to the level of temperature. Partial discharge inception occurred at the same voltage level (19.5kV),
but the magnitude of the PD was much larger at 110◦ C than for other samples and the flashover
happened at this temperature. A large carbon spot formed near the needle tip, and carbon spots
also formed near the ground electrode. These differences could be attributed to the increase of
moisture in the oil with the increase of temperature because as distribution of moisture in oil and
- 74 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.3 PD Recognition in Thermally-degraded Cellulose-oil Insulation
White marks
Carbon spot
Fig. 4.21: Carbon tracks and white marks on the pressboard at 25◦ C.
Fig. 4.22: Carbon tracks on the pressboard at 110◦ C after fault occurred.
- 75 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.3 PD Recognition in Thermally-degraded Cellulose-oil Insulation
The justification for these behavioral differences in higher temperatures could be explained
by the point that when the temperature increases, moisture is generated in the pressboard and
released. Part of it even remains in the pressboard and moves to and stays mostly in pressboard
surface. As a result, the water contents in insulating oil and surface of the pressboard increases.
Also, the chemical reactions of pressboard degradation and oil oxidation provide water as a by-
product [83]. Water generally has low solubility in transformer oil. With an increase in temperature,
the water solubility in oil can be significantly increased [84] . On the other hand, free water can
be formed in oil. So moisture also enters from the environment and heated oil can absorb that
water and contain some amount of water. The results of the investigations in the past have also
confirmed the reduction of breakdown voltage in transformer oil during moisture transition from
pressboard to oil or vice versa [82]. In the literature, it has also been shown that the electrical
strength depends mainly on the water content in pressboard and the gradient of temperature [82].
As the moisture increases in oil and pressboard surface by temperature, experimental results makes
it clear that the total charge transfer, due to the surface discharges, is increased. Another theory
which is worth to be mentioned is the relation of the total charge transfer, due to the partial
discharges, by temperature. This happens because of the effects of temperature on the conductivity
of the dielectrics. The experiment shows that partial discharges depend on the temperature. To
understand these differences between surface discharge pulses in different temperatures and at the
same time showing the promising probability of automated recognition of such PD sources, captured
The partial discharge data recorded for 3 seconds (180 cycles of the applied voltage) generate
one data sample with a dimension of 300 (explained in Chapter 3). In each experiment, 120
data samples have been saved. The dimension of the new dataset by PCA is equal to intrinsic
dimensionality of the data determined by maximum likelihood estimation, however, for visualization
the first three dimensions have been plotted which captures most percentage of the variance. The
visualized dimensions by FDA is equal to 2, that is one less than the number of classes (25◦ C,
- 76 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.3 PD Recognition in Thermally-degraded Cellulose-oil Insulation
90◦ C, and 110◦ C). The first two components of data from FDA and the first three principal scores
of data from PCA are plotted in Figs. 4.23 and 4.24, respectively. Comparing these figures, one
can see that the transformed data points with PCA which belong to the PD sources at different
temperature levels are more scattered than those transformed using the FDA. As expected, this is
due to the nature of FDA algorithm described in Chapter 3. Using both PCA and FDA, all classes
- 77 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.4 Summary
4.4 Summary
In this chapter, the implementation and performance evaluation of the designed PD source identi-
fication system using PRPD patterns of different single sources of PDs were presented. Different
artificial laboratory test subsets are designed and built to model PD sources in a variety of insulation
The first test setup includes test cells which are designed to model common sources of PD in
air, oil, and SF6 . In this part of my PhD thesis, the application of automated classification system
measurement tests were performed on test cells that are built to model PD activities with different
mechanisms in air, oil, or SF6 . These test cells include 3 sources of partial discharge in SF6
(floating electrode, moving particles, and fixed protrusion), 2 sources of PD in transformer oil
(free particle and needle electrode), and corona in air. Eventually, high classification accuracy rate
- 78 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.4 Summary
extraction and classification algorithms were demonstrated. The results showed that FSVM and
KSVM integrated with MDS outperform other feature extraction-classification algorithms with a
classification rates of 99.4% and 99.1%, respectively. However, application of classifier algorithms on
MDS, KPCA, Isomap, SNE, and LPP show high accuracy classification rate. From these results,
it could be concluded that not only the nonlinear feature extraction algorithms work properly
when applied on PD datasets, but also some of them outperform the classification results by linear
algorithms and statistical operators. Classification using SPE does not show any desirable accuracy
compared to other feature extraction algorithms. Classifier algorithms integrated with PCA and
FDA from the traditional linear group show acceptable performance and they even work with
unknown PRPD pattern that is to be classified was presented using some of the applied classifier
algorithms. These classifier algorithms, including Fuzzy classifiers (FSVM, FkNN) and Bayesian,
are able to show a high accuracy rate of classification further to providing a knowledge of the “degree
of membership” of a test sample to a class of data. This could be more beneficial rather than a
class label assignment. Such knowledge enables probabilistic interpretation of an unknown PRPD
pattern that is being classified. Overall, these classification results and availability of posterior
probability show prosperous performance in this area of studies and to some extent indicate the
Second test setup is designed to test the classification system on the identification of different
sources of PD in oil-immersed insulation. These sources of partial discharge are simulated to model
common PD sources in HV transformer which includes, bubble wrap to model small air bubbles,
needle electrode in oil to simulate point-plane discharge, and floating metal particles (shavings) in
oil. The laboratory experiments were performed on the test sets which are built to model PD activi-
ties with different mechanisms in oil. The results of automated classification system on oil-immersed
insulation PD sources based on two integrated feature extraction and classification algorithms were
- 79 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.4 Summary
demonstrated. These results show prosperous performance of the proposed automatic classification
ment could help in the area of monitoring and automatic classification of PD sources in power
The third test setup is designed to show the performance of proposed classification system on
the power transformer cellulose insulation samples under both electrical and thermal stresses. The
insulation was investigated. The laboratory measurement tests are performed on the test sets which
are built to model surface PD activities in different temperatures on the interface of cellulose-oil
insulation. The effects of temperature on the development of surface discharges in the interface
of the cellulose-oil insulation also was reported. It is concluded that the presence of the moisture
also is important because it affects strongly the moisture transition from pressboard to oil or vice
versa. The results of this part proves the existence of a correlation between the variation of specific
features in surface discharge patterns and the level of working temperature. These results imply
how successful the proposed automatic classification system is on the identification of different
surface discharges in high voltage cellulose insulation occurring in different temperatures. This
achievement similar to the results achieved from the second test setup could be helpful in the area
The results show that the proposed classification system is well able to successfully identify
the sources of partial discharge in different insulation media under different working temperatures.
Availability of this classification system enables continuous 24/7 monitoring of equipment and helps
to identify PD sources in early stages which leads to safe operation of HV apparatus. Also providing
Application of the proposed automatic classification system on artificial laboratory setups shows prosperous
performance in this area of studies. However, the proposed automated system needs to be validated on prototype
system components, like model transformers, to make it ready for application in grid monitoring.
- 80 -
Partial Discharge Classification 4.4 Summary
the probabilistic interpretation based on the risk associated with different PD sources, a marginal
classified PRPD sample by the proposed classification system will be referred to an expert operator
to do a visual inspection and make a proper decision; Otherwise, decision will be made by the
classification system.
In online condition assessment monitoring of high voltage (HV) insulators, beside single PD
discharge (PD) sources that happen in the insulation of the HV apparatus. To further enhance the
proposed classification system, in the next chapter, identification of PRPD patterns that are a mix
to identify multiple, simultaneously activated PD sources using PRPD patterns that are widely
used in power industry and are easier to analyze compared to time-consuming PD pulse waveforms
- 81 -
Partial Discharge Classification
Chapter 5
In previous chapters, a powerful comprehensive classification system for single-source PDs using
their corresponding PRPD patterns has been proposed. However, there are many practical situa-
tions where the interest lies in the identification of multiple, simultaneously activated PD sources in
insulation [39]. Recently, identification of these types of defects is receiving more attention [39–43].
To enhance our PD classification system, these multi-source PDs need to be successfully classified.
However, PRPD patterns associated with multiple simultaneously activated PD sources are often
partially overlapped [39, 44] and this makes them very hard to be appropriately classified using
available methods presented in Chapter 4. A few studies have been conducted in this regard, which
are mainly based on analyzing the PD pulse waveforms attempting to separate individual con-
current pulse sources [9, 39–43]. Classification of these types of multi-source PDs is subsequently
performed on each selected single-source PD using its related PRPD sub-patterns. This is usually
done under the assumption that there exists a relationship between the nature of PD sources and
their generated pulse waveforms, which helps distinguishing different pulse waveforms originated
- 82 -
Partial Discharge Classification
sources using PRPD patterns that are widely used in power industry and are easier to analyze com-
pared to PD pulse waveform analysis. The multi-source PRPD pattern classification is developed
using training and test databases that are generated from fingerprints of single-source PD patterns
and probabilistic interpretation is performed following a novel two-step Logistic Regression (LR)
algorithm [6]. This two-step LR algorithm is trained on the database derived from single-source
patterns. The algorithm is then tested on samples that are generated with multi-source PRPD
patterns. Classification of new samples is performed after passing them through a one-class kernel
support vector machine (KSVM) classification algorithm [85] to distinguish those with multi-source
PDs from those with single sources. Notably, the feature spaces associated with training and testing
datasets are made by generating suitable features (fingerprints) from PRPD patterns. This is then
followed by the application of PCA which is a linear feature extraction (dimensionality reduction)
To evaluate the performance of our proposed algorithm for classification of multi-source pat-
terns, PD measurements on a number of multi-source models are conducted. These artificial models
are built to simulate common defects of GIS in small-scale laboratory test cells with realistic SF6 gas
condition. Comprehensive performance evaluation of this algorithm is conducted and the develop-
ment of analytical equations is presented. This would help to perform classification in future using
“degrees of membership” to multi-source PRPD patterns associated with each class label. This
enables probabilistic interpretation of a new multi-source sample that is being classified. The avail-
ability of this degree of membership for future PRPD samples would allow safer decision-making
by considering the risk associated with different sources of PDs in HV apparatus. The results of
this work show capability to design a solid basis for an automated multi-source classification sys-
tem and facilitate PD source identification in early stages. This could be of a great help in safety
- 83 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.1 Experimental Procedure for Multiple PD Sources Identification
To construct the necessary models in our proposed multi-source classification algorithm, different
sources of PDs are required to generate data samples that are essential for training and testing
the classifier. To this end, we generate databases using PD measurements that are conducted on
artificial defects and implemented in small laboratory test cells. The measurement procedure and
Figure. 5.1 shows the experimental setup that consists of an HV transformer for simultaneously
energizing the multiple test cells, a capacitive voltage divider, a coupling capacitor, the quadruple
impedance, the commercial PD measuring equipment (Omicron MPD600), and a PC. By changing
the distance between electrodes in each test cell, PD inception voltage of that cell is adjusted.
Applied voltage level ,however, was set higher than the highest inception voltage of test cells in a
specific combination of cells when they were simultaneously activated. This voltage varied in the
range of 10% to 50% above the biggest inception voltage when PD data acquisition was carried
- 84 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.2 GIS Laboratory PD Test Cell Models
HV Source
Coupling Capacitor
PD Cell 1 PD Cell 2 PD Cell 3
PD Measurement
ê To PC
Fig. 5.1: Experimental setup of multi-source PDs (moving particle, fixed protrusion in SF6 and
fixed protrusion in air).
5.2 GIS Laboratory PD Test Cell Models and Their PRPD Pat-
To evaluate the performance of our proposed algorithm, following Hampton and Meats [70], we
simulate common defects of GIS and model their corresponding PD source types in small-scale
laboratory test cells as shown in Fig. 5.2. These tests cells are designed to tolerate the realistic SF6
- 85 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.2 GIS Laboratory PD Test Cell Models
1 mm gap
25 mm diameter
2.4 mm diameter
20 μm diameter
Fig. 5.2: SF6 test cells; (a) floating electrode; (b) free particle; (c) point-plane electrodes. Each
cell consists of a Perspex tube clamped by nylon screws between top and bottom aluminum caps
that can withstand a pressure of up to 500 kPa.
Sparking from a floating electrode, moving particles, and fixed protrusion are some of the major
sources of PDs in a GIS [71, 87] whose laboratory models are shown in Figs. 5.2.a, 5.2.b, and 5.2.c,
respectively. Similar to the test setups in the previous chapter, the same setup as fixed protrusion
in SF6 , however filled with air at 100 kPa is also employed to generate PD due to corona in air.
- 86 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.2 GIS Laboratory PD Test Cell Models
These four artificial PD models corresponding to common defects in GIS, namely, moving particle,
fixed protrusion, floating electrode as well as fixed protrusion in air are labeled as M, P, F and
We observed that both the inception voltage and PD magnitudes are strongly dependent on the
gap size between the energized electrode and the floating electrode, but not much sensitive to the
distance between the sphere and the ground electrode (5 mm in this experiment).
Source M includes a small bearing with a diameter of 2.40 mm located on a concave dish
ground electrode. The HV electrode is a 25.4 mm diameter sphere fixed at 10 mm from the ground
electrode. SF6 pressure in this model is also set to 400 kPa and the inception voltage is equal to
15.5kV. Source P is energized at 400kPa and to generate PD, a tungsten needle with a tip diameter
of 20 µm located at a distance of 15 mm from the ground plate was used. Inception voltage for
this model is measured approximately 14.5 kV. Model C is related to corona in air. This setup
is similar to the one used for the generation of corona in SF6 but with different distance between
needle and ground plate (50 mm). This experiment is done in air at 100 kPa. The inception voltage
of this test cell was 14 kV. The inception voltages of all test cells remain approximately the same
Three two-test-cell combinations and a three-test-cell combination were used to generate multi-
source PRPD patterns and conduct the necessary measurements. Since the applied voltage was set
higher than the inception voltages of all cells in each combination, PRPD patterns are mixed of
all defects. Three-dimensional φ − q − n PD pattern of individual and combined cells are shown in
Fig. 5.3.
- 87 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.2 GIS Laboratory PD Test Cell Models
150pC 150pC
150pC 50nC
150pC 150pC
Free bearing plus needle in SF6 Free bearing in SF6 plus corona in air
(C1&2) (C1&3)
1.9664 events/s 3.3291 events/s
150pC 150pC
Needle in SF6 plus corona in air Free bearing and needle in SF6 plus
(C2&3) corona in air (C1&2&3)
Fig. 5.3: Typical 3D “φ − q − n” PD patterns of different individual cells and cells combination
- 88 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.3 The Proposed Algorithm for Multiple PD Sources Classification
In this section, we present our proposed algorithm for multi-source PD classification that may
simultaneously occur in HV equipment. This algorithm is mainly composed of two parts; training
and testing. Each of these two parts includes different components, whose functions were separately
elaborated in Chapter 3, except for One-class SVM that will be explained in subsection 5.3.1.
To construct the training part of the algorithm, PRPD patterns of single and multi-source PDs
have been recorded. To generate the training samples, a novel feature generation step (which
was explained in Chapter 3) is applied on each recorded PRPD pattern to represent it by its well-
discriminative fingerprints. These fingerprints are generated based on the application of q-quantiles
of the magnitudes of PDs in a typical PRPD pattern. This step forms data samples that are
generated from three models M, P, and C. These samples are categorized in three single source
classes C1 , C2 , and C3 , respectively, and later used for the training part. In addition, different
combinations of single-source PD models are used to generate samples for multi-source classes
C1&2 , C1&3 , C2&3 , and C1&2&3 , which C1&2 , e.g. consists of single sources of C1 and C2 when they
Following the feature generation step, a feature extraction step using the PCA algorithm [48]
is applied on single-source dataset to transform it from its high dimensional feature space to a new
low dimensional space. To this end, single-source data samples are passed through a linear mapping
which is performed by projecting data onto a new low dimensional space using a mapping matrix
U that is constructed by eigenvectors associated with leading eigenvalues of the covariance matrix
of the single source data. This is performed (linearly) by a simple multiplication of samples and U .
Now the purpose is to optimize regression coefficients of the first step LR model that is ap-
plied on single-source dataset. This optimization results in simple analytical formula for posterior
probabilities by which the data samples belong to individual single source classes. These analytical
- 89 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.3 The Proposed Algorithm for Multiple PD Sources Classification
formulas are formed on the basis of all variables in the mapped space (eigenvectors that formed U ).
The second step LR model is developed to find the regression function that exists over the posterior
probabilities associated with single-source PDs in the first LR model. The regression coefficients
of this function are optimized upon the application of a limited number of available multi-source
samples in the training set. In fact, the second LR model is employed to estimate the posterior
probabilities of the same sample belonging to single source classes. This is performed by adding
a small number of multi-source samples in the algorithm, as the input to the first LR model, to
find the posterior probabilities that they belong to single-source classes. These probabilities, after
passing them through a PCA algorithm, are used as the input to the second LR model to optimize
its regression coefficients. Only a limited number of multi-source training samples are required for
the optimization process of the second LR model. This is because the second LR model is applied
to posterior probabilities derived by the first LR model. The number of these variables is small
and it is indeed equal to the number of single source classes available in training set. Hence, one
only needs to estimate a small number of coefficients that require a limited number of multi-source
samples. This is particularly important, as in practice access to training data associated with
The testing part of the algorithm aims to classify an unknown multi-source pattern (with
samples from C1&2 , C1&3 , C2&3 , and C1&2&3 ) based on the LR models established by the single
source patterns template (samples of C1 , C2 , and C3 ). To provide samples for testing the algorithm,
same features as those used in the training set are generated from multi-source PRPD patterns.
These multi-source samples are projected on the low dimensional space using the mapping matrix
U (derived in the training part). To make sure that test samples belong to one of the multi-
source classes, single-source classes C1 , C2 , and C3 are considered as a unit class and a one-
class KSVM algorithm [85] is developed to distinguish the multi-source test samples from single-
source samples that are available in the training set. This stage aims to recognize whether the
- 90 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.3 The Proposed Algorithm for Multiple PD Sources Classification
unknown test sample belongs to one or none of the C1 , C2 , or C3 classes. If the unknown sample
belongs to one of the single-source classes then it will be passed to the traditional multiclass
to our two-step LR algorithm. Unknown multi-source samples are entered to the probabilistic
analytical equations, and then posterior probabilities of samples belonging to single-source classes
are calculated. These probabilities, after implementing a PCA on them, are passed to the second
set of probabilistic analytical equations to estimate posterior probabilities of the unknown samples
belonging to different multi-source classes. The main advantage of this approach is the availability
of analytical equations that are derived in the training part of the algorithm. Different blocks of
the proposed algorithm are explained in the following subsections. The flowchart of the algorithm
that was presented in this section is shown in Fig. 5.4. Performance evaluation of the algorithm
shows that it works very well in identifying multi-source PD patterns based on the probabilistic
- 91 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.3 The Proposed Algorithm for Multiple PD Sources Classification
Training Testing
Training Set Testing Set
Multiple Sources PRPD
Single PRPD Multiple PRPD
Single PD
SVM Classification
Is pattern single
First or LR
to Find
Pi (C│
j x)
Pi * [ P* (C│
1 x ), P (C│
2 x ), P (C│
3 x )]
j 1,..., g
P1* [ PC*1 , PC*2 , PC*3 ]
to Find
Pr (C1&2│Pi * ) P2 [ PC1&2 , PC1&3 , PC2&3 , PC1&2&3 ]
Pr (C1&3│Pi ) *
Pr (C2&3│Pi * )
Cˆ ( xn ) arg max Pr (C│P P2 )
Pr (C1&2&3│Pi * ) C{(1&2),(1&3),(2&3),(1& 2&3)}
Fig. 5.4: Flowchart of the proposed algorithm- P ∗ s are the output of first LR model which are
passed through a PCA algorithm to make them uncorrelated (independent) and appropriate as the
input variables of the second LR model. g is equal to the number of single PD source classes.
- 92 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.3 The Proposed Algorithm for Multiple PD Sources Classification
The One-Class SVM algorithm is an extension of the support vector machine algorithm [85]. This
algorithm starts with mapping the data points with a feature map φ(x) into a feature space H
corresponding to the kernel function, K, and then separating them from the origin with maximum
margin. The quadratic programming which needs to be solved is slightly different than the main
1 2 1 X
min ( kωk + ξi − ρ) (5.1)
ω,ξi ,ρ 2 υN
subject to
where ω defines the optimal hyperplane, in which it is a normal vector to the hyperplane.
The slack variables ξ(> 0) are the error terms due to the misclassification. The specified apriori
parameter υ in (0, 1], also known as the margin of the one-class SVM, corresponds to the probability
of finding a new observation outside the separating boundary. Small values of υ result in less support
vectors and smooth boundaries. However, large values of υ result in more support vectors and curvy,
flexible boundaries. The optimal value of υ needs to be obtained to capture the complexity of the
min λi λj K(xi , xj ) (5.2)
λ 2
subject to
1 X
0 ≤ λi ≤ , i = 1, 2, ..., N with λi = 1.
If ω and ρ solve this problem to find an optimal hyperplane, then the decision function would
- 93 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.4 Validation Results and Discussions
f (x) = sgn[ω.φ(x) − ρ] = sgn[ λi K(xi , x) − ρ]. (5.3)
This function will be positive for most of the samples xi in the training set based on a given
assessment confidence. In general, this algorithm trains a hyperplane characterized by the pair
(ω, ρ) which has maximal distance from the origin in the feature space H and separates all the data
points from the origin. In original space, this algorithm trains a close boundary around the training
samples so that, new samples which lay inside the boundary would be considered from the same
population of training samples. If they lay outside, they would be considered abnormal with a given
confidence in the assessment. This algorithm requires the choice of a kernel and a scalar parameter
to define the boundary. Radial basis function (RBF) K(xi , xj ) = exp(− kxi − xj k2 /(2σ 2 )), where
σ is a tuning parameter) [2] is usually selected and it is chosen in this research as well.
The experimental models, which are used in the proposed algorithm for performing classification
and optimization, are models M , P , and C corresponding to data classes of type C1 , C2 , and C3 ,
respectively. The range of PD discharge magnitudes of these three single sources are more similar
to each other and different from model F , therefore combinations which are composed of first three
models generate multi-source PRPD patterns with more overlap levels. These partially overlapped
patterns are more suitable to show performance potency and traceability of the proposed algorithm.
However, model F (floating electrode) could be used in single-source PD classification block. The
datasets, which are generated from experimental setups and used in this research, include a total of
300 data points for each of the 3 different single-source and each of the 4 different multi-source PD
classes. For single-source defects, the data points form a dataset matrix XN J×5L whose dimension
- 94 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.4 Validation Results and Discussions
is 900 × 500 (i.e. L = 100, J = 300, N = 3), and for multi-source of defects, we obtain a dataset
matrix ZN 0 J×5L with L = 100, J = 300, and N 0 = 4. Application of the PCA algorithm on matrix
X results in a dimension reduction from 500 in the original space to 7 in the new informative space.
The new dimension k = 7 is the appropriate dimensionality which corresponds to the intrinsic
dimensionality of the data determined by the maximum likelihood estimation [2]. Application of
PCA on single source data matrix X results in a mapping matrix U5L×k and the projected single
source data, which forms dataset matrix Y5L×k . The U matrix is then used to project multi-source
samples on the same new low dimensional space by a simple multiplication (i.e. T4J×k = ZU).
In the proposed classification system, both linear and nonlinear1 versions of LR could be
employed separately. However, highly satisfying performance results of the algorithm with linear
LR model are presented and analytical equations for linear LR models have been explained in
this part. Regression coefficients of the first linear LR model are optimized by the application of
LR model on the single source data samples (matrix Y). The optimized coefficients have been
recorded in matrix β1 . This helps to form analytical formula for logit stochastic models and
posterior probabilities of all single source classes on the basis of all new low dimensional space
variables. The regression function could be derived using the second LR model, which is applied
on the posterior probabilities of single-source PDs. The coefficients of this regression function are
optimized upon the application of multi-source samples available in the training set then those
coefficients are recorded in matrix β2 . As mentioned before, only a limited number of multi-source
samples in training part are enough for optimization of second LR model with only a few variables
which would be equal to the number of available single source classes in training set. Using matrices
β1 and β2 , the analytical equations for logit stochastic models could be written as
Nonlinear LR is more complex than linear LR and it could be employed to deal with highly nonlinear data
- 95 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.4 Validation Results and Discussions
Pi (C1 |X = x)
V = log = −1.4727 − 0.2579x1 − 0.4866x2 + 0.8487x3 −
Pi (C3 |X = x)
C1 -C3 are derived using P osterior1 = (PC1 , PC2 , PC3 ) with [6]
exp(V )
PC1 = Pi (C1 |X = x) = ,
1 + exp(V ) + exp(S)
P C2 = Pi (C2 |X = x) = , (5.5)
1 + exp(V ) + exp(S)
P C3 = Pi (C3 |X = x) = .
1 + exp(V ) + exp(S)
Also, the posterior probability of the samples belonging to multiple source classes are derived
Pr (C1&2 |P = Pi∗ )
Z 0 = log = 19.8769 − 29.0721PC∗1 − 41.2888PC∗2 + 7.9180PC∗3 ,
Pr (C1&2&3 |P = Pi∗ )
Pr (C1&3 |P = Pi∗ )
S 0 = log = 2.2570 − 1.3767PC∗1 − 5.9847PC∗2 + 19.5209PC∗3 , (5.6)
Pr (C1&2&3 |P = Pi∗ )
Pr (C2&3 |P = Pi∗ )
V 0 = log = 3.0636 − 4.0931PC∗1 − 10.5777PC∗2 − 16.8282PC∗3
Pr (C1&2&3 |P = Pi∗ )
where (PC∗1 , PC∗2 , PC∗3 ) are obtained after implementing a PCA on (PC1 , PC2 , PC3 ) to make them
uncorrelated and suitable for fitting the second LR model. The functional forms of posterior prob-
abilities of multi-source classes for an unknown multisource sample would be equal to P osterior2 =
- 96 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.4 Validation Results and Discussions
exp(Z 0 )
PC1&2 = Pr (C1&2 |P = Pi∗ ) = ,
1 + exp(Z 0 ) + exp(S 0 ) + exp(V 0 )
exp(S 0 )
PC1&3 = Pr (C1&3 |P = Pi∗ ) = ,
1 + exp(Z 0 ) + exp(S 0 ) + exp(V 0 )
exp(V 0 )
PC2&3 = Pr (C2&3 |P = Pi∗ ) = ,
1 + exp(Z 0 ) + exp(S 0 ) + exp(V 0 )
PC1&2&3 = Pr (C1&2&3 |P = Pi∗ ) = .
1 + exp(Z ) + exp(S 0 ) + exp(V 0 )
To test the proposed algorithm and classify a new unknown multi-source sample, at first it is
required to project it to the same space of single source training set using matrix U, and then pass
it through the one-class SVM. If this sample doesnt belong to one of the single source classes then
it should be entered into the traceable analytical equations derived in the training part. To summa-
rize, entering the projected unknown sample into the first set of analytical equations ( 5.5) would
generate posterior probabilities that the sample belongs to single source classes. Then passing these
probabilities through a PCA algorithm and entering the resulting values into the analytical formu-
las of the second LR model ( 5.7) would estimate posterior probabilities that this sample belongs
to different multi-source classes. At the end of the algorithm, class labeling would be performed by
the Bayes classification rule which assigns the new sample to one of the multi-source classes C1&2 ,
C1&3 , C2&3 , and C1&2&3 corresponding to the one with the highest posterior probability. As a sim-
ple test, classification of 400 multi-source test samples is performed using analytical equations( 5.5)
and ( 5.7). This test subset contains 100 samples from each of the classes of C1&2 , C1&3 , C2&3 ,
and C1&2&3 (400 = 100 + 100 + 100 + 100). Classification rate for this subset was 99.0%. The test
- 97 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.4 Validation Results and Discussions
100 0 0 0
2 97 0 1
CM =
0 1 99 0
0 0 0 100
source dataset Y and multi-source dataset T are fed into the algorithm for both training and
testing purposes. For efficiency verification, performance of the algorithm is evaluated based on
the classification error rate. The algorithm at first is trained using training samples and then, it is
tested on multi-source samples. The misclassified rate of test samples is considered as an estimate
of the error rate. The single source dataset Y is used to optimize first LR model coefficients. To
properly evaluate the prediction ability of the algorithm (including both linear and nonlinear LR)
and also to tune the kernel parameters of LR models (in nonlinear cases), a 10−fold cross validation
The 10−fold cross validation algorithm has been selected over leave-one-out or holdout methods
because of its less computational complexity, higher efficiency, and better performance on the PD
subset [9, 45]. This method divides the multi-source dataset matrix T into 10 subsets of equal size,
uses 9 subsets in training for the second LR model coefficients optimization and one for testing.
This procedure is repeated 10 times until all training samples have been used for the training
(second LR coefficients optimization) and exactly once for testing. Finally, the average error rates
are reported to evaluate the accuracy of the classification performed by the proposed algorithm.
This classification accuracy rates would be reported for algorithms with linear LR models. If one
or both of the LR models in the algorithm is nonlinear, the value of kernel parameters for both or
either of LR models needs to be tuned. The tuning process is performed by repeating the cross
validation procedure until the average error rate reaches its minimum. Then optimum values of
- 98 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.4 Validation Results and Discussions
kernel parameters and this minimum value of classification error rate will be reported. Finally, for
the future prediction of unknown multi-source PDs using PRPD patterns, the algorithm will be
trained using Y and the entire T matrix for the coefficients optimization of the first and second
LR models, respectively.
Data samples for all classes of PD sources are captured under 2 levels of voltage equal to 20%
and 50% higher than the inception voltage and two different noise levels. The classification accuracy
rate evaluated for the proposed algorithm with linear LR models is given in Table . This table
presents the classification success rate of our proposed algorithm with two types of dataset which
are generated using an existing feature generation approach ( 3 univariate distributions of peak
discharge, average discharge, and discharge rate) and the new feature generation approach which
includes four highest quantiles of 200-quantiles plus peak discharge. These rates are presented for
each individual multi-source classes of PD and the overall multi-source classes. As it is shown in
Table 5.1, the proposed algorithm integrated with the new approach of feature generation shows
a high accuracy rate of classification equal to 97.2%. This is a considerable accuracy rate for
classification of a multi-source PD associated with PRPD patterns that are partially overlapped.
Application of the proposed algorithm on the dataset generated by new feature generation algorithm
outperforms its application on dataset made by the existing feature generation approach.
The purpose of this part of my thesis is the identification of multi-source PDs which may simultane-
ously occur in HV apparatus. Identification of this type of PD sources is more practical and at the
same time more complicated than identification of single sources of PD. To investigate this issue,
one trivial approach, like the algorithms explained in Chapter 4 for single PD source identification,
is to treat multi-source classes like single sources and generate a dataset composed of all classes. In
this case, combination of matrices X and Z would form a seven-class dataset. After preprocessing,
a traditional classification method has to be trained on the entire dataset and then tested. Despite
- 99 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.4 Validation Results and Discussions
Table 5.1: Classification rate of proposed algorithm on data output of two different feature gen-
eration approaches. Existing feature generation approach. 3 univariate distributions of peak
discharge, average discharge, and discharge rate; new feature generation approach: Four highest
quantiles of 200-quantiles plus peak discharge.
the simplicity of this approach, data samples of multisources of PD would sometimes end up to
partially overlap with single source data. This would show up in the form of data points belonging
to multi-source classes which have been scattered in data space and mix up with data points of
single source classes [31]. This issue becomes more severe as the number of classes increases and
this is because, during the application of feature extraction, samples from classes with more simi-
larity would be scattered with more overlapping clusters in the low dimensional feature space. This
causes single source data and multi-source data from different classes which are more similar to
get closer and overlap more. All these challenges make it more complex to perform PRPD based
However, our proposed algorithm tackles these issues and considerably improves classification
performance of the multi-source samples. In order to fulfil this we first separate single source and
multi-source dataset and apply PCA only on the single-source dataset. Multi-source dataset for
the test procedure of the algorithm are then projected onto the same space given by PCA. This
separation of single source and multi-source classes decreases the overlapping level of classes so they
In general, the proposed algorithm performs classification based on the probability estimation.
- 100 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.4 Validation Results and Discussions
Probability of multi-source samples would be estimated with respect to all individual single-source
classes available in training set (output of first LR model). However, the values of these prob-
abilities, in general, will not imply which one of the individual sources contributed in making a
multi-source sample. This happens sometimes because geometric configuration of the multi-source
data points might be scattered close to the single source classes which may have not contributed
to the generation of those samples. Relying just on the estimated values of these probabilities for
classifying multi-source samples would be contradictory to their true constitutive single sources.
This fact will causes ambiguity which leads to difficulties in classification. To overcome this issue,
application of another regression function on these derived probabilities would be extremely benefi-
cial. This regression function (second LR model) is aimed to truly model the relationship between
the first step LR probabilities to exactly identify the constitutive single-sources which contribute
to the formation of a multi-source sample. Handling these issues by the proposed algorithm implies
Table 5.1 presents the classification accuracy rates. These accuracy rates are reported based on the
class labels which are assigned to the unknown multi-source test samples. The proposed algorithm
not only shows high classification accuracy rates, but it also calculates the posterior probabilities
of multi-source classes. This is one of the advantages of this algorithm which is accomplished due
to the application of LR models. To demonstrate the posterior probabilities which are calculated
by the proposed algorithm, 16 classified data samples were randomly selected. The probabilistic
classification results for these samples are shown in Table 5.2. Each of these 16 samples leads to a
different posterior probability that shows its “degree of membership” to a specific multi-source class.
In this table, sample three, which is originally from class C1&2 , is determined to belong to classes
C1&2 , C1&3 , C2&3 , and C1&2&3 with probabilities of 82.2%, 10.4%, 0.2%, 7.2%, respectively. This
probabilistic interpretation would allow safer decision making and has the following advantages:
- 101 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.4 Validation Results and Discussions
Table 5.2: Classification rates for 16 test samples using the proposed algorithm
- 102 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.5 Summary
4. Similarity level of a sample to the classes of data would be possible. This is mostly important
Notably, for advantages 1 − 3, the threshold for different classes would be defined based on the
risk imposed by a specific multi-source PD for the safe operation of HV apparatus under test.
5.5 Summary
In this chapter of my thesis, a new algorithm has been developed for the identification of multi-
source PDs which may simultaneously occur in HV insulation. Multi-source PDs sometimes result in
partially overlapped patterns. This increases difficulties of identification of these types of patterns.
To tackle this issue and conduct probabilistic identification of such sources, this chapter presented
a comprehensive algorithm mainly constructed based on a novel two-step logistic regression model.
composed of single-source PDs. Then, multi-source samples are mapped on a low dimensional space
derived by PCA algorithm. To differentiate multi-source test samples from single-source classes,
one-class KSVM has been adopted on the data in that low dimensional space. Classification based
on the probability estimation following two rounds of LR model is then executed. Initially, probabil-
ity of multi-source samples are estimated using all individual single-source classes that are available
in training set. A regression function is then employed to truly model the relationship between
the first step LR probabilities to exactly identify a multi-source PRPD pattern. To evaluate the
performance of the proposed algorithm for classification of the multi-source patterns, PD measure-
ments on a number of multi-source setups have been conducted to simulate common defects of GIS
- 103 -
Partial Discharge Classification 5.5 Summary
in small-scale laboratory test cells with realistic SF6 gas condition. All datasets are made using
fingerprints that are extracted by a novel approach from recorded PRPD patterns. Performance
evaluation shows that the method works very well in identifying multi-source PRPD patterns based
on their probabilistic relationship with individual single-source PRPD patterns. Further to its suc-
cessful performance, this algorithm presents some sets of analytical equations which help to develop
There are a few studies pertinent to the classification of multi-source PRPD that are mainly
based on analyzing the PD pulse waveforms to separate individual concurrent pulse sources from
the multi-source ones. Our proposed method has several advantages over the so-called separa-
tion/classification methods. The separation of individual pulse sources is possible due to the as-
sumption of existing a correlation between the nature of PD sources and their generated pulse
waveforms. This correlation is essential to properly distinguish different pulse waveforms origi-
nated from different sources. However, correlation assumption might not be completely true as
PD pulse shape depends on the PD location in insulation and measurement system which is used.
suming and dealing with noise-shape signals is also a challenge. Our proposed approach does not
need to do separation of different pulse sources to identify them and it is based on PRPD pattern
Another important aspect of our proposed method is its capability of calculating a “degree of
membership” to each multi-source class. This helps to take the risk associated with different PD
sources that are activated in HV apparatus into account. The results of this research can be used to
design a solid basis for an automated multi-source classification system and facilitate multi-source
identification in early stages that would enhance the safety of HV apparatus, such as transformers,
- 104 -
Partial Discharge Classification
Chapter 6
6.1 Conclusions
In this thesis, design, development, and testing of a comprehensive and automated classification
system for single and multiple simultaneously activated PD sources identification based on the
relationship between the variation of PRPD patterns and the source of PD was proposed. This
automated classification system consists of two main parts; feature generation methods, and feature
extraction and classifier algorithms that are implemented for the recognition of phase resolved
To test the designed automated classification system on single PD source identification, different
artificial laboratory test setups were designed and built to model different PD sources in a variety
of insulation media and conditions. The first set includes test cells which are designed to model
common sources of PD in air, oil, and SF6 . These test cells include 3 sources of partial discharge
in SF6 (floating electrode, moving particles, and fixed protrusion), 2 sources of PD in transformer
oil (free particle and needle electrode), and corona in air. The second set is designed to test the
These sources of partial discharge are simulated to model common PD sources in HV transformer
- 105 -
Partial Discharge Classification 6.1 Conclusions
which include, bubble wrap to model small air bubbles, needle electrode in oil to simulate corona
discharge, and floating metal particles (shavings) in oil. The third set is designed to show the
samples under both electrical and thermal stresses. This capability enables online monitoring
of high voltage cellulose insulation more accurately and efficiently which helps to prevent most
transformer failures.
Using the proposed system, probabilistic interpretation of an unknown PRPD pattern that is to
be classified was presented using some of the known classifier algorithms. These classifier algorithms,
including Fuzzy classifiers (FSVM, FkNN) and Bayesian, are able to show a high accuracy rate of
class of data. This could be more beneficial rather than a class label assignment. Such knowledge
enables probabilistic interpretation of an unknown PRPD pattern that is being classified. Overall,
these classification results and availability of posterior probability show prosperous performance
in this area of studies and to some extent indicate the promising possibility of online and offline
In online condition assessment monitoring of high voltage (HV) insulators, beside single PD
discharge (PD) sources that happen in the insulation of the HV apparatus. Multi-source PDs
To tackle this issue and conduct probabilistic identification of such sources and to further
enhance the proposed classification system, a novel algorithm for identification of the PRPD pattern
that is a mix of multiple, simultaneous PD sources has been developed and appended to the proposed
- 106 -
Partial Discharge Classification 6.1 Conclusions
sources using PRPD patterns that are widely used in power industry and are easier to analyze
compared to time-consuming PD pulse waveforms analysis which has been used by other researchers.
The multi-source PRPD pattern classification, developed using training and test databases that
performed following a novel two-step Logistic Regression (LR) algorithm [6]. This two-step LR
algorithm is trained on the database derived from single-source patterns. The algorithm is then
To evaluate the performance of our proposed algorithm for classification of multi-source pat-
terns, PD measurements on a number of multi-source models are conducted. These artificial models
are built to simulate common defects of GIS in small-scale laboratory test cells with realistic SF6
gas condition.
Several studies have been performed by other researchers for classification of multi-source PDs.
These are mainly based on analyzing the PD pulses to firstly separate individual pulse sources,
then classifying them into their belonged classes. The separation of individual pulse sources, in
these researches, are mainly conducted based on the correlation which is assumed to exist between
the nature of PD sources and their generated pulse waveforms. The existence of this correlation
is the base of this classification method in the area of multi-source PD identification and it is
essential to conduct proper discrimination between different sources using their pulse waveforms.
However, this correlation assumption might not be always true as PD pulse shape also depends
it requires to analyze all individual pulses which is a time consuming procedure. Also dealing
with noise shape signals is another challenge in this technique. Our proposed method in this
research has several advantages compare to this separation/classification method. The proposed
method does not require to do separation of different pulse sources to be able to identify them.
This method works using PRPD pattern that is still a commonly used tool in the electric power
- 107 -
Partial Discharge Classification 6.1 Conclusions
industry. Besides the prosperous performance of this proposed algorithm, it presents some sets of
analytical equations which help to conduct classification procedure of multi-source PDs with an
easy processing. Availability of these analytical equations would be significant achievements for
identification of unknown data arising from HV insulation system in future. Further, an important
patterns besides assigning a class label to them. This enables to pwerform probabilistic classification
of a new, unknown multi-source sample. The availability of this degree of membership for future
PRPD samples would allow safer decision-making by taking the risk of various sources of PDs in
HV insulation system into account. The results of this work show capability to design a solid basis
for an automated multi-source classification system and facilitate PD source identification in early
stages. This could help to increase safety of HV apparatus, such as transformers, electric machines,
cables, and GIS. This achievement assists in detection and identification of multiple PD sources in
on different feature extraction and classification algorithms were presented. The results show
that the proposed classification system is well able to successfully identify the single and multiple
sources of partial discharge in different insulation media under different working temperatures.
Availability of this classification system enables continuous 24/7 monitoring of equipments and
helps to identify PD sources in early stages which leads to safe operation of HV apparatus. Also
providing the probabilistic interpretation based on the risk associated with different PD sources, a
marginal classified PRPD sample by the proposed classification system will be referred to an expert
operator to do a visual inspection and make a proper decision; otherwise, decision will be made by
To further enhance the classification system, a thorough dataset is required that must encom-
pass all types of PD sources. This is to avoid rejection and reduce misclassification rate for PDs
from all possible single source and multi-sources and construct more powerful classification system.
- 108 -
Partial Discharge Classification 6.2 Main Contributions
The approach used in this research has the ability at append PRPD data generated from other
types of single and multiple PD sources to construct more powerful classification system.
In this PhD thesis, an automated classification system for both single and multiple PD source
identification was proposed. This system investigated the relationship between the sources of PD
and the variation of specific features of PRPD patterns that were acquired from those sources of
PD. Based on this correlation, this system was trained and optimized to predict class label and
probability of a sample belonging to the known sources of PD. Proposed system consists of feature
generation, feature extraction and classifier algorithms that would be implemented on the PRPD
pattern data for dimensionality reduction (including the traditional statistical operators)
which are chosen exploring almost all available well-developed feature extraction techniques,
as well as 10 well-known algorithms for classification have been explored. The classification
success rate of their application on the PD patterns of the discharge activities in different
• Some of the classifier algorithms developed in this work, such as fuzzy classifiers, are not
only capable to show high classification accuracy rate, but they also calculate the “degree of
• The availability of this degree of membership for future PRPD samples would allow safer
decision making based on the risk associated with different sources of PD in HV apparatus.
- 109 -
Partial Discharge Classification 6.2 Main Contributions
• Test sets are designed to study PRPD patterns and show the performance of proposed classi-
under electrical stress and the power transformer cellulose insulation samples under both elec-
trical and thermal stresses. This capability enables online monitoring of high voltage cellulose
insulation more accurately and efficiently which helps to prevent most transformer failures.
• To generate a dataset, two old approaches which have been used in past [4] are modified in
• A new approach for feature generation is proposed with strong discrimination power to dif-
ferentiate between PRPD patterns of different sources. The efficiency of this approach will
• Classification of the PRPD pattern that is a mix of multiple, simultaneous PD sources was
activated PD sources using PRPD patterns that are widely used in power industry and are
easier to analyze compared to PD pulse waveforms analysis. The multi-source PRPD pattern
classification is developed using training and test databases that are generated from finger-
which are:
- 110 -
Partial Discharge Classification 6.3 Future Work
∗ Considering the effects of different parameters such as the increase trend of work temperature
Proposed classification system described in this thesis is tested based on PD measurements recorded
in a controlled lab environment. The next steps for continuing this work involve testing the proposed
system on data which is acquired from real HV apparatus working online or offline in the electric
power systems.
ples is one of the advantages of this proposed classification system; however, different types of fault
will have different costs and consequences which are also dependent on the HV equipment which
are occurring in, therefore taking all these factors into account via a cost model might be useful to
define the appropriate threshold level for accepting the classification of PD samples. This would be
beneficial method for an automated and online monitoring system which worth to be considered as
setups and exploring the application of high performance algorithms of machine learning for clas-
sification of PD pulse sources. Some efforts need to be taken to reduce the costs of this type of
analysis method (discussed in the previous chapter) and increase its reliability and success rate.
This can be done using Wavelet Transform and Orthogonal Polynomial Expansions which will be
- 111 -
Partial Discharge Classification 6.3 Future Work
exerted on the entire PD waveforms to employ their important and well-discriminative features.
Finally, accuracy estimation rate of the application of this method on different PD pulse waveform
arose from designed insulation setups in this research could be evaluated and compared to the
Another important task which could be continued in future, would be based on the use of
orthogonal polynomial expansion (especially, Hermite polynomial, and Laguerre polynomial) and
These suggestions for future work are explained in details in the following subsections.
A set of discharges from a specific PD source approximately have similar waveforms. However,
these waveforms are assumed to be different than the waveforms from another PD sources. In the
proposed classification system in this thesis, the apparent charge amplitude (plotted in PRPD pat-
terns) has been used and the detection system has been calibrated based on this charge amplitude.
All the phase resolved PD patterns and time resolve PD patterns generated only based on the
PD charge amplitude. However, PD signals arise from different sources of PD, have other specific
features which might be of help in achieving better classification results. Using PD waveforms
will be applied on the entire PD waveforms. These algorithms take the entire waveform as the input
and based on its shape, they would generate informative data at the output. This data will be
used as the new input for the classification algorithms. Using this method, multiple, simultaneous
PD source classification could also be performed. However, as mentioned in the previous chapter,
there are some challenges associated with this PD waveform analysis technique which need to be
considered and tackled. If these challenges are resolved, it is speculated that, prosperous multi-
This seems to be promising if the drawbacks of this method could be resolved.
- 112 -
Partial Discharge Classification 6.3 Future Work
ple, simultaneous PD sources classification could be possible using PD waveforms originated from
different types of PD sources. At the end, the accuracy estimation rate of the application of this
method on different insulation media including air, oil, SF6 could be evaluated and compared to
the available classification system results. Another important achievement of the use of Orthogonal
Polynomial Expansion could be the potential of performing system identification. The potential of
system identification as another future work suggestion will be explained in the last subsection of
this chapter.
A powerful method which can be implemented for analyzing a PD signal and extracting some
specific features, is Wavelet Transform [5, 25, 30, 38]. An efficient, equivalent way to implement
discrete wavelet transform is through the use of a filtering algorithm. The output of this algorithm
is wavelet coefficients which are derived after passing the signal through a set of low pass and high
pass filters. The output of low pass filter then again is filtered for constructing the next level.
The output of low pass and high pass filters at each scale builds approximation coefficients (CAs )
and detail coefficients (CDs ), respectively. These coefficients contain the signal’s characteristics
which can be utilized to rebuild the signal in the reconstruction process. Two methods could be
implemented on these coefficients in the M levels of decomposition to make feature vectors that
will characterize PDs. One approach is the implementation of the first four orders of moments
(mean, variance, Skewness, and Kurtosis) on the probability distribution of coefficients in each
M decomposition levels. Therefore, a features vector for each PD signal would be formed with
a dimension equal to 4M . These vectors could be used as the input of the classification stage.
The second approach is the application of linear and nonlinear feature extraction algorithms (e.g.
PCA and FDA) on the histograms of these coefficients. Using the histogram of the coefficients at
each level (with N bins) forms a vector of 9N elements for each PD signal. Subsequently, different
feature extraction algorithms could be utilized for dimension reduction of the data. This would
- 113 -
Partial Discharge Classification 6.3 Future Work
make the feature vector being more proper for conducting an accurate classification. Multiple,
simultaneous PD sources classification could also be possible using PD waveforms and applying
As mentioned before, a set of discharges from a specific PD source approximately have similar wave-
forms. Orthogonal polynomials are classes of polynomial functions defined over a specific range
and obey an orthogonality relation. These polynomials have useful properties which make them
powerful in dealing with mathematical and physical problems. Some common orthogonal polyno-
mials are, Chebyshev polynomial, Gegenbauer polynomial, Hermite polynomial, Jacobi polynomial,
Laguerre polynomial, and Legendre polynomial. Each one of these orthogonal polynomials has spe-
cific features which make them powerful in dealing with specific problems. Orthogonal polynomials
in general work as a powerful algorithm and take the entire waveform which has a finite time as
the input and decompose it into a series expansion. This approach would be very promising for
classification of PD because of its capability for information compression. In the last few years,
considerable attention has been given to the use of the orthogonal polynomials; however most of
the applications have been on image processing rather than on mono-dimensional signals.
Another important achievement of the use of orthogonal polynomial expansion could be the ability
of performing system identification. This would be achieved by the important feature of Hermite
polynomial and Laguerre polynomial related to the simple equation for convolution of each pair
of their basis functions. This feature in fact enables us to analytically de-convolve the expanded
PD signals by expanded impulse response of the system and get the actual PD signal which is
happening in the exact location of the test cell. In this way, the actual PD waveform with no effect
of the system on it could be detected. Besides, it will become possible to analyze the effect of the
- 114 -
Partial Discharge Classification 6.3 Future Work
system on the PD signal by comparing the input and output signals. It is worth mentioning the
issue with the effect of the system on the PD pulse shape which was explained as a drawback of PD
pulse waveform analysis method (separation/classification method) and that it can be addressed
using the system identification. Another important achievement of performing system identification
would be the possibility of running the classification on real unaffected PD pulses. This makes all
the classification procedure independent of the system. In other words, data bank collected in a
- 115 -
Partial Discharge Classification REFERENCES
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Partial Discharge Classification
Appendix A
Principal Component Analysis [48] is one of the most well-known unsupervised methods for di-
by projection of data onto a space with lower dimensionality based on capturing as much of the
variance in the data as possible [2]. PCA searches for linear mapping U that would maximize
U T cov(X)U , which cov(X) is the covariance matrix of the data. The data mapping which cap-
tures more percentage of variance after projection of the data can be derived by solving the Eigen-
Cov .u − λu = 0 (A.1)
under the constraint of ||uj || = 1. The eigenvectors of the covariance matrix form the columns of
the linear mapping matrix U . It is worth noting that the covariance matrix of the mapped dataset
will be diagonal which means that PCA suppresses cross-dimensional co-activity of variables and
- 123 -
Partial Discharge Classification A.2 Non-Linear Techniques
Fisher Discriminant Analysis (FDA) algorithm [74] is a supervised algorithm that attempts to find
directions for data projection that are efficient for discrimination of different classes in the low-
dimensional representation [49]. FDA works based on the concept that means of different classes
after projection get separated as far as possible while data points around their means having a
small variance in there classes. Considering between-class scatter(Sb ) and within-class scatter (Sw )
matrices, optimal weight vectors (w) can be derived when maximizing the Fisher criterion
w T Sb w
F DR(w) = (A.2)
wT Sw w
with respect to w. It is known that this maximization leads to the following Eigen-problem
Sb w = λSw w (A.3)
where λs are the largest eigenvalues of Sw−1 Sb and the eigenvectors w form the linear mapping
matrix W .
Kernel PCA (KPCA) [50] is a nonlinear form of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). In other
word, KPCA is a kernelized version of PCA which performs nonlinear feature extraction based
on the use of the kernel approach. KPCA algorithm starts with making an implicit mapping of
data set onto a new space with higher dimensions typically via a nonlinear function φ(x). Then it
performs standard PCA in the mapped space which is often very high dimensional. In order to do
this, the kernel function is used to construct the matrix K with entries equal to K(i, j) = k(xi , xj )
for all N data points. As it is shown in [50], after doing centering operation of kernel matrix, the
- 124 -
Partial Discharge Classification A.2 Non-Linear Techniques
d dominant eigenvectors of K can represent eigenvectors of the covariance matrix in that mapped
space. The low dimensional data Y , based on the normalized eigenvectors of matrix K(named, am )
X j X j X j
Y =( a1 k(xj , x), a2 k(xj , x), ..., ad k(xj , x)) (A.4)
j j j
KPCA is greatly dependent on the type of kernel function which is applied. The usual applicable
kernel functions are linear, the Gaussian and Polynomial kernels. Linear kernel leads the KPCA
Generalized Discriminant Analysis (GDA) [51] is a nonlinear dimension reduction algorithm based
on extension of FDA. GDA is a linear algebraic formula in the transformed space which could be
achieved using kernel operators. In fact, GDA performs FDA on the data after the input space
has been mapped into a high dimensional space that maximizes seperability of the classes. This
algorithm, similar to KPCA, starts by mapping the data into a Hilbert space using a nonlinear
mapping function (φ(x)). It is shown in [51], with the help of kernel operator, nonlinear computation
in the original space changes to linear computation in the mapped space. Subsequently, maximizing
the below Rayleigh quotient is equal to maximizing the fisher criterion in the mapped space as
αT KW Kα
λ= (A.5)
αT KKα
βT U T W U β
λ= (A.6)
βT U T U β
- 125 -
Partial Discharge Classification A.2 Non-Linear Techniques
corresponds to the d classical eigenvectors of the matrix U T W U which after finding them, αi can
αi = q (A.7)
αiT Kαi
at the end, projections of data points onto the normalized eigenvectors in the mapped space is
Metric Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) is another classical technique for dimensionality reduction.
MDS tries to perform dimension reduction while preserving pairwise distances between data points
as much as conceivable [52]. Technically, metric MDS tries to form new representation of data Y
in space with lower dimensions by minimizing pairwise distances between data points in original
(X) (Y )
D= (dij − dij )2 (A.8)
i=1 j=1
(X) (Y )
where dij and dij are the pairwise Euclidean distance between the data points in original space
and in low dimensional space, respectively. The solution of this equation has been derived by
eigenvectors ofX T X corresponding to the d leading eigenvalues, and Λ is the d leading eigenvalues
of X T X. In general, the distances between the pairs of data samples don’t necessarily need to be
Euclidean distances. It can also be many types of dissimilarities between samples such as preserving
- 126 -
Partial Discharge Classification A.2 Non-Linear Techniques
lower dimensions by minimizing the MDS raw stress function based on proximity data [53]. The
transformation of data in lower dimensions with SPE is performed retaining the similarities between
a set of related data points. SPE differs from MDS mainly because of the method it uses to update
the low dimensional representation of data. SPE can also be utilized to preserve the distances in
the neighborhood graph like the one comparable to ISOMAP. This algorithm iteratively minimizes
S= (dij − rij )2 (A.9)
where rij and dij are the proximity between the high dimensional data points and the Euclidean dis-
tance between their low dimensional images, respectively [53]. Minimization is done in an iterative
1. The initialization of the points in the low dimensional subspace is performed randomly. Learn-
2. An update procedure of the data points is carried out based on the random selection of s
pairs of points in the low dimensional subspace and then computing their Euclidean distances
1 rij − dij
xi = xi + λ (xi − xj ) (A.10)
2 dij + ε
1 rij − dij
xj = xj + λ (xj − xi ) (A.11)
2 dij + ε
- 127 -
Partial Discharge Classification A.2 Non-Linear Techniques
4. Repeating steps 2−3 for a number of iterations, which is to update the embedded coordinates.
SPE has several advantages such as capability of dealing with dataset with large number of data
points, no need to have the complete proximity matrix (rij ), and quadratic scaling in memory and
time which leads to the possibility of doing high number of iterations with a low computational
used to map a high dimensional data representation onto a low dimensional representation based
on preserving neighbor identities [55]. It means that in SNE, cost function is highly dependent
on the similarities of nearby sample points. This is derived by centering a Gaussian on each high
dimensional data point and calculating probability pij which represents the probability of data
exp(−d2ij ))
pij = P 2 (A.12)
k6=i exp(−dik )
kxi −xj k2
where d2ij = 2σi2
and σ 2 is a user-defined parameter that the locality behavior of SNE strongly
depends on it. This calculation should be performed for all pairwise data points which form
matrix P . Then, the low dimensional representation of data should be initialized randomly to the
values very close to the origin and dimensionality of low dimensional subspace needs to be chosen
much less than the number of data samples. The same as pij , probabilities qij for images after
computation are stored in matrix Q. Difference between two probability distributions is measured
using Kullback-Leibler divergences. Therefore, it can be used to minimize the difference between
the two probability distributions of P and Q. In other word, SNE tries to minimize the natural
- 128 -
Partial Discharge Classification A.2 Non-Linear Techniques
XX pij X
CF = pij log = KL(Pi || Qi ). (A.13)
i j i
Minimizing this cost function using gradient decent method, local distances are emphasized so
as similar data points placed close and dissimilar data points stay far apart in the low dimensional
Local Linear Embedding (LLE) is a nonlinear dimensionality reduction algorithm which works
based on retaining the local properties of the data manifold. This has been carried out by an
assumption that each data sample and its k-nearest points locate on or lie adjacent to a locally
linear patch of data manifold [56]. After searching for k-nearest neighbors of each data sample,
linear coefficients Wij which reconstruct each data point from its k-nearest points (fitting a hyper
plane through the data points) is found by using reconstruction errors in Eq. A.14 subject to
j Wij = 1 and Wij = 0 if xi and xj are not in the same set of neighbors
arg min EW = xi − wij xij , (A.14)
i j
where xij is the jth neighbor of the ith data point. These constrained coefficients of the data point
xi are invariant to rescaling, translation, and rotation. Due to these invariabilities, to preserve the
local geometry after the linear mapping, these coefficients Wi can be used to reconstruct data point
yi in the lower dimensional subspace with the help of its neighbors. This is carried out via the
arg min EY = yi − wij yj (A.15)
i j
- 129 -
Partial Discharge Classification A.2 Non-Linear Techniques
according to the unknown points yi . Solving Eq. A.15, the coordinates of the representation of low-
Local Tangent Space Alignment (LTSA) [88] is a nonlinear algorithm for dimensionality reduction
based on describing the local data properties. In LTSA, due to presenting the local geometry of
the manifold, local tangent space in the vicinity of each sample point is constructed. The local
tangent spaces afterward are aligned to form the internal global coordinates for the nonlinear data
manifold which LTSA assumes the local linearity of it. Based on this, a linear mapping of a data
point in original space to its local tangent space and another one from its low-d image to the same
local tangent space exist. Therefore, this algorithm tries to find this representation of data in low
dimensions and the linear mappings of the low-d data samples onto the local tangent space. LTSA
uses PCA on the k number of data samples (xij ) which are neighbors of xi . This is performed
in order to make bases of the local tangent spaces at the same point xi . This leads to mapping
onto the local tangent space Θi from the neighborhood of xi . Indeed existence of a linear mapping
(Li ) is a property of Θi . This mapping is from the local tangent space coordinates (θij ) onto the
which Jk would be the k sized centering matrix [47]. It is shown that using iterative summation
for all Vi matrices would form the entries of an alignment matrix B, which begin from bij = 0 for
∀ij as
- 130 -
Partial Discharge Classification A.2 Non-Linear Techniques
where Ni is a selection matrix. This matrix contains the indices of the data samples xij . The
eigenvectors of an alignment matrix B relating to the least d nonzero eigenvalues forms the solution
of Eq. A.16. Moreover, using the symmetric matrix 21 (B + B T ) helps to find the low dimensional
representation of data (Y ).
MDS is successful in many applications in pattern recognition, however it has a problem dealing with
high-dimensional nonlinear manifolds. This problem emerges because it works using the Euclidean
distance and doesn’t take the distribution of neighboring data points in to account. ISOMAP as a
nonlinear variant of the MDS algorithm is a nonlinear algorithm which tries doing dimensionality
reduction based on the structure of manifold [54]. In fact, ISOMAP searches for an optimal subspace
which highly retains the geodesic distances between data samples along the nonlinear manifold. The
geodesic (or curvilinear) distances between two points along the manifold are the shortest paths.
The algorithm aims to keep the pairwise geodesic distance between the sample points in original
space close to the Euclidean distance between their low-dimensional images. According to the J.B
Tenenbaum et al [54], the complete ISOMAP algorithm can be performed in three steps,
In this algorithm, every high dimensional data points should connect to its k nearest neighbors on
the manifold constructing a neighborhood graph G. Then to form pairwise geodesic distance matrix
DG , the shortest path distance between all pairs of points in G can be calculate using Dijkstras
algorithm [89] and Floyds algorithm [90]. At last, MDS is applied on DG matrix to derive the
low-dimensional coordinates yi s of Y that retains the estimated intrinsic geometry of the manifold
in a d-dimensional space.
- 131 -
Partial Discharge Classification A.2 Non-Linear Techniques
Laplacian Eigenmaps (LE) is another algorithm which tries to conduct dimensionality reduction so
that preserving local neighborhood information in the manifold [91]. This algorithm assumes that
the data points lie on a smooth hyper plane. Then it computes the low dimensional representation
of data using the intrinsic geometric structure of the manifold. Actually, LE tries to minimize the
distance between each data and its nearest neighbor points. This is performed using a cost function
containing the weighted distances between the higher dimensional data points so that the closer the
points the bigger the weights. Like ISOMP in LE algorithm, every high dimensional data points
are connected to its k nearest neighbors constructing a neighborhood graph G. For each edge , eij ,
that connects two points of the graph, a weight W (i, j) is allocated which is a closeness-measure of
exp(− kxi −x2 j k ) if two points are neigbors
W (i, j) = (A.18)
0 otherwise
where σ 2 is a user defined parameter. Calculation of all the weights forms matrix W . Minimizing
the cost function by satisfying the closeness in low dimensional representation leads to
E = arg min (yi − yj )2 W (i, j) (A.19)
i=1 j=1
Based on this function, small distance between two points in high dimensional representation of data
leads to the large weights. Thus to minimize the cost function, the corresponding distance between
their low dimensional images should stay small too. Finally, the low dimensional representation of
data (Y) are generated solving eigenequation Lv = λDv, where L = D − W and D is a diagonal
matrix with elements Dii = j W (i, j).
- 132 -
Partial Discharge Classification A.2 Non-Linear Techniques
The Hessian LLE (HLLE) [92] is another nonlinear technique for dimensionality reduction. HLLE
would be carried out while minimizing the manifolds curviness constraining the low dimensional
representation of data being locally isometric. The manifold curviness is calculated by the local
Hessian at each sample point (xi ). Indeed, the local Hessian in the local tangent space at the
data point is tried to be represented. Then dimensionality reduction with HLLE is performed
based on the eigenanalysis of Hessian matrix H [47]. In general, HLLE algorithm bears substantial
resemblance to the LLE procedure and, similar it, at first identifies k-nearest neighbors (xij ) of
each data point xi assuming the manifold is locally linear. By applying PCA on the neighborhood
of k-nearest neighbors of xi , and computing the d principal components from the covariance matrix
Cov xij and constructing U with them, a basis for the local tangent space is achieved. Then in
order to compute an Hessian estimator of the manifold at the xi , a matrix Zi with elements equal to
cross product of U up to the dth order is formed. Subsequently, this matrix Zi is orthonormalized
with the use of Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization technique. After that, using the transpose of
the last d(d + 1)/2 columns of Zi indeed can estimate the tangent Hessian (Hi ). Then using Zi , a
Hlm = ((Hi )jl × (Hi )jm ) (A.20)
i j
The curviness of the manifold has been shown by this matrix H. At the end, Eigen-analysis of the
H would result to the eigenvectors corresponding to the least d nonzero eigenvalues which form the
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Partial Discharge Classification A.3 Linear Techniques (Modified Nonlinear Techniques)
Locality Preserving Projections (LPP) is an algorithm for dimensionality reduction using a linear
projective map. LPP works based on solving a variational problem like Laplacian Eigenmaps
(LE) [56] which retains the local neighborhood information in the manifold [57]. LPP in fact is a
linear approximation to LE and attempts to form a transformation matrix for projecting the data
points into a space with lower dimensions. Unlike LE which simply works on training data and
it is not clear in dealing with the images of test data points, LPP can be easily applied to new
test data in order to map the points onto the low dimensional space. Moreover, LPP minimizes
the cost function of a nonlinear algorithm (LE) which is different than the procedure in traditional
its locality preserving properties. Although LPP is a linear technique, the nonlinear structure of
the manifold can be unraveled by it so that bypassing nonlinear expensive computations. Due to
these advantages, when a linear technique is required for an accurate out of sample extension or
de-embedding the data into original space, LPP can be utilized which is linear and solves the cost
function of a local non-linear technique(LE). LPP aims at finding a transformation matrix A which
helps to project the high dimensional points xi to low dimensional yi , as yi = AT xi . Similar to LE,
LPP constructs a neighborhood graph and matrix W , however the equation it uses is
where L and D are the same as those in LE algorithm and xi is the ith column of matrix X. The
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Partial Discharge Classification A.3 Linear Techniques (Modified Nonlinear Techniques)
In result, the embedded data would be yi = AT xi , which A = (a0 , ..., ad−1 ), and it is a n × d
mapping matrix with column vectors of a0 , ..., ad−1 . These vectors are the eigenvectors of Eq. A.22
Neighborhood Preserving Embedding (NPE) [58] is another technique for dimensionality reduction
which in fact is a linear approximation to the LLE algorithm [56]. Like LLE, NPE tries to preserve
the local structure of manifold while doing data embedding. The most important advantage of
NPE over LEE is its capability to naturally map the new testing samples as fast as training points
using the transformation matrix A. In addition, comparing to classical linear techniques like PCA
and FDA which work based on global structure, NPE is linear as well and it has neighborhood
preserving properties. This feature allows it to discover nonlinear manifold bypassing nonlinear
expensive computations. The algorithm starts like LLE, defining a neighborhood graph on high
dimensional space and thereafter computing the reconstruction weights Wi . Each sample point
embedding which preserves the neighborhood structure would be performed in a lower dimensional
space. This is done by optimizing the cost function of LLE and solving the following generalized
the identity matrix. The column vectors a0 , . . . , ad−1 are the eigenvectors corresponding to the d
least eigenvalues derived by this equation and form mapping matrix A. Thus, low dimensional data
Linear Local Tangent Space Alignment (LLTSA) [93], similar to the linearization techniques in
NPE and LPP, is a linear approximation of the nonlinear LTSA algorithm. This algorithm tries to
preserve the local geometric structure in the vicinity of the data points with respect to the tangent
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Partial Discharge Classification A.3 Linear Techniques (Modified Nonlinear Techniques)
space. In fact, this algorithm defines a neighborhood graph on the data and the tangent space
would be estimated in the vicinity of a data point xi due to represent the local geometry of the
manifold. Afterward the local tangent spaces are aligned and the alignment matrix , B, is formed.
At the end, LLTSA attempts to form a matrix (A) for mapping X as dataset in high dimensions
to their images in low dimensional space Y , such that Y = (X − X̄)T A. The mapping matrix,
A, is constructed by minimizing the LTSA cost function with a linear solution of the generalized
eigenequation of (X − X̄)T B(X − X̄)a = λ(X − X̄)T (X − X̄)a. The d eigenvectors corresponding
to the d least, nonzero eigenvalues forms the columns of this linear mapping matrix.
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Partial Discharge Classification
Appendix B
Tables B.1 - B.12 present the classification success rate for various pairs of feature extrac-
tion/classification algorithms for each individual source of PD. The last column of each table shows
Class 1. Floating electrode in SF6 ; Class 2. Point-plane electrodes in SF6 ; Class 3. Free
aluminum particle in SF6 ; Class 4. Free aluminum particle in oil; Class 5. Point-plane electrodes
in oil; Class 6. Point-plane electrodes in air.
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