A Machine Learning-Based Prediction Model of LCCO2 For Building Envelope Renovation in Taiwan
A Machine Learning-Based Prediction Model of LCCO2 For Building Envelope Renovation in Taiwan
A Machine Learning-Based Prediction Model of LCCO2 For Building Envelope Renovation in Taiwan
in Taiwan
2021 NCKU
Objective: create the model for LCCO2 and annual energy consumption prediction
Data: Building envelope renovation project 744 cases in Tainan
- Original design: Typical row house in Taiwan
- Construction methods: 11 of roofs, 6 of exterior walls, 15 of glass materials
o U-value (sum of heat transmitted from warm space to cold space, lower is better
o Solar heat gain coefficient of glass, SHGC: set as 0 – 1 (lower is better blocking
o Visible transmittance of glass, VT (sensitivity of human eyes to light, higher VT
transmits more visible light)
o Under the premise that the original design of the building remains unchanged, we replaced the
building materials, with the exception of the main structure, according to the common structure of
Taiwan’s existing row houses as mentioned in Section 2.1. Among them, the short side of the
exterior wall is the street-facing facade, and the simulation was set to be affected by airflow and
sunlight. Meanwhile, the wall connected to the neighboring house (the long side of the exterior
wall) was set as an insulating wall during simulation. Indoor floors, doors, and walls were not
affected by airflow and sunlight.
ii. The annual energy consumption is given by the simulation result of air conditioning
energy consumption with EnergyPlus and is then converted into the carbon emissions of
the use phase over 20 years (life cycle of a renovation building project). The simulation
settings of EnergyPlus are explained in Section 2.2.2.