MIS Past Question Papers

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Management Information System


1. Answer any ten questions: 2x10=20

(a) Define information system.

(b) State the names of any two information systems applicable at the
strategic level of an organization.
(c) Write the full forms of EDI and ESS.
(d) State any two characteristics of Human Resource Information System.
(e) Give any two examples of conversion from data to information.
(f) Write any two characteristics of Financial Information System.
(g) Write any two functions of MIS.
(h) Write two characteristics of Manufacturing Information System.
(i) Write any two advantages of DBMS.
(j) What is foreign key?
(k) Name different types of file systems.
(l) Give any two examples of system software.
(m) Give any two examples of embedded software.
(n) Name any two functions of Internet Protocol.
(o) Write any two practical examples of Transaction Processing System.

2. State the differences among the following: 3x4=12

(a) C2B and B2C
(b) WAN and MAN
(c) Primary key and Secondary key
(d) MIS and DSS

3. (a) Describe the various basic modules of an ERP package.

(b) List out the benefits of ERP.
(c) Mention various factors responsible for successful installation of an ERP
package. 4+4+4=12
4. (a) What are the components of data communication?
(b) Describe the different channels of communication. 6+6=12

5. (a) Briefly describe different network topologies.

(b) State two characteristics for each of LAN, MAN and WAN. 6+6=12

6. State the characteristics of the following international networks: 3x4=12

(a) Internet
(c) ISDN

7. Mention the information inputs and two examples for each of the following:
(a) Transaction Processing System
(b) Office Automation System
(c) Executive Information System 4x3=12

8. (a) How does Internet work?

(b) What are the various ways to connect to Internet? 6+6=12

9. (a) Give examples of B2B, B2C, C2B and C2C businesses.

(b) List out the benefits and limitations of E-Commerce. 4+8=12

10. Write short notes on any three of the following: 4x3=12

(a) Electronic Payment System
(b) E-Governance
(c) E-CRM
(d) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Management Information System

1. Answer any ten of the following questions: 2x10=20

(a) State the difference between data and information.

(b) What is ERP?
(c) Write the full forms of TPS and DSS.
(d) State any two characteristics of Marketing Information System.
(e) What is the difference between open and closed system?
(f) What is information system?
(g) Write any two functions of MIS.
(h) Write two characteristics of HRIS.
(i) Write any two disadvantages of DBMS.
(j) What is candidate key?
(k) Name different types of file systems.
(I) What is RDBMS?
(m) What are the full forms of WAN and MAN?
(n) Name any two network protocols.
(o) What is E-Commerce?

2. State the differences between the following: 3x4=12

(a) B2B and B2C
(b) LAN and MAN
(c) Primary key and candidate key
(d) FIS and HRIS
3. State the input and outputs of the following information systems. 4x3=12
(a) ESS
(b) TPS
(c) DSS

4. (a) State the characteristics of Manufacturing Information System.

(b) Write a short note on System Software. 6+6=12

5. (a) Briefly describe the problems with traditional file system.

(b) Briefly describe the types of databases. 6+6=12

6. State the characteristics of the bus, star, ring, mesh network topologies. 3x3=12

7. State the characteristics of the following transmission media: 3x3=12

(a) Coaxial cable
(b) Twisted pair cable
(c) Fibre optic cable
(d) Radio transmission

8. (a) State the benefits of installing ERP system.

(b) Briefly describe MIS triangle. 5+7=12

9. (a) Mention various elements of E-Commerce.

(b) Describe the characteristics of any four modules of ERP. 4+8=12

10. Write short notes on the following: 4x3=12

(a) E-CRM
(b) EDI
(c) Electronic Payment System
Management Information System

1. Answer any ten questions: 2x10=20

a) Define information system.

b) Give an example of open system.
c) What is EDI?
d) What is database?
e) What is TCP / IP?
f) What is World Wide Web (WWW)?
g) What is the function of a modem?
h) What is e-commerce?
i) What is the difference between data and information?
j) Define ‘Marketing Information System’.
k) What do you mean by ‘decision under risk’?
l) What is ERP system?
m) Name any two type of information system.
n) What is extract?
o) Name any two DBMS Software.

2. Briefly describe MIS triangle. 12

3. Describe the following: 3x4=12

a) Application Software
b) System Software
c) Embedded Software
d) Utility software
4. Describe different types of decisions and decision-making process. 12

5. a) Mention any 4 modules of ERP systems.

b) Describe the characteristics of an ERP system.
c) Write the benefits of using ERP. 2+6+4=12

6. Describe the characteristics of the following:

a) Office Automation System
b) Executive Information System 6+6=12

7. Describe the characteristics and elements of DSS. 12

8. a) Describe different types of computer networks.

b) Briefly describe different types of network topology. 8+4=12

9. a) List out the disadvantages of DBMS.

b) List out the disadvantages of traditional file system.
c) Mention various elements of e-commerce. 4+4+4=12

10. Write short notes on any two: 6x2=12

a) Decision Support System
b) Accounting Information System
c) Human Resource Information System
Management Information System

1. Answer any ten questions: 2x10=20

a) Define ‘system’.
b) What are the fundamental components of a system?
c) What do you mean by quality of information?
d) Define ‘Human Resource Information System (HRIS)’.
e) Give an example of a closed system.
f) What is office automation?
g) What purpose do modems serve?
h) What is meant by ‘end user computing’?
i) How do you define a database?
j) What is meant by EDI?
k) What is extranet?
l) What is ERP system?
m) Mention the categories of e-commerce.
n) Define DBMS.
o) What is Internet Protocol?

2. Briefly describe the important characteristics of Management Information

System (MIS). 12

3. a) Define MIS and explain its role at various levels of management.

b) In the context of a system, define the following terms with suitable
i) Synergy
ii) Interface 8+4=12
4. Define Decision Support System (DSS). Describe the characteristics and
capabilities of DSS. 12

5. a) Define ‘Accounting Information System (AIS)’.

b) State the relevance of AIS.
c) Briefly enumerate the applications and benefits of AIS. 2+4+6=12

6. a) Explain the drawbacks of the traditional file processing system. What is

the alternative to the files approach?
b) Identify and explain the disadvantages of a database. 8+4=12

7. a) What do you mean by computer network? Explain the advantages and

limitations of computer networks.
b) Briefly discuss the major features of Internet. 6+6=12

8. a) Briefly explain the concept of ERP system. What do you mean by ERP
b) How does ERP improve the business performance of a company?

9. a) Define E-Commerce. What are the main categories of E-Commerce?

b) Differentiate between E-Commerce and E-Business.
c) Discuss on the major threats to E-Commerce. 4+3+5=12

10. Write short notes on the following (any two): 6x2=12

a) Dimensions of information
b) Data transmission modes
c) Advantages of E-mail
Management Information System

1. Answer any ten questions: 2x10=20

a) Write down the full form of CBIS.

b) Define MIS.
c) Differentiate between data and information.
d) What is meant by data processing?
e) What do you mean by ‘Desktop Publishing (DTP)’?
f) Give an example of an open system.
g) What is ‘Office Automation (OA)’?
h) Define ‘Marketing Information System (MKIS)’.
i) What is intranet?
j) Define ‘Decision Support System (DSS)’.
k) What is browser?
l) What do you mean by network protocol?
m) What is e-governance?
n) What do you understand by a relational DBMS?
o) What is an ‘Electronic Wallet’?

2. a) Briefly explain MIS as a tool for management process.

b) Elucidate the pyramid structure of MIS. 6+6=12

3. a) Briefly discuss the various activities performed by MIS in an

b)With the help of a suitable illustration, briefly narrate the concept of TPS.
Differentiate between TPS and MIS. 5+7=12
4. a) With a diagram exemplify a DSS model.
b) Briefly examine the role of DSS and MIS.
c) State the need for computerised DSS. 4+4+4=12

5. Briefly explain the following terms: 2x6=12

a) Physical system
b) Interface
c) Integrated system
d) System boundary
e) Central database
f) Distributed database

6. a) Discuss the advantages of database over traditional file processing.

b) Describe the applications of DBMS in MIS. 6+6=12

7. a) Briefly illustrate the common network topologies.

b) What are the general tips you should follow to maintain Internet
privacy? 8+4=12

8. a) What is ERP system? What are its benefits?

b) Prepare a write-up on the challenges faced by ERP. 6+6=12

9. What is e-business? Describe, in detail, any two models of e-business.

2+(5+5) = 12

10.Write short notes on any two: 6x2=12

a) Group DSS
b) Major threats to e-commerce
c) Impact of LAN

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