MIS Past Question Papers
MIS Past Question Papers
MIS Past Question Papers
7. Mention the information inputs and two examples for each of the following:
(a) Transaction Processing System
(b) Office Automation System
(c) Executive Information System 4x3=12
6. State the characteristics of the bus, star, ring, mesh network topologies. 3x3=12
a) Define ‘system’.
b) What are the fundamental components of a system?
c) What do you mean by quality of information?
d) Define ‘Human Resource Information System (HRIS)’.
e) Give an example of a closed system.
f) What is office automation?
g) What purpose do modems serve?
h) What is meant by ‘end user computing’?
i) How do you define a database?
j) What is meant by EDI?
k) What is extranet?
l) What is ERP system?
m) Mention the categories of e-commerce.
n) Define DBMS.
o) What is Internet Protocol?
8. a) Briefly explain the concept of ERP system. What do you mean by ERP
b) How does ERP improve the business performance of a company?