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Sizing ID LODLELFBCG Date 6/6/2024

Version 1

Project data
Date 6/6/2024

Your inputs




Stroke length 100 mm

Block distance D1 70 mm
Bearing of drive axis yA 0 mm
Bearing of drive axis zA 0 mm

Angle A 90 °

Angle B 0 °

Centre of gravity of the moved mass

Mass [kg] xm [mm] ym [mm] zm [mm]

1 Mass 1 2.5 -330 97 4

External forces Force initiation point

FX [N] FY [N] FZ [N] xF [mm] yF [mm] zF [mm]

1 Force 1 0 1 0 526 126 27

Sizing ID: LODLELFBCG Seite 1/5

Sizing ID LODLELFBCG Date 6/6/2024
Version 1

Driving profile
Travel distance tpos [s] ta [s] tPause [s] Acting Acting Description of single
v [m/s] a [m/s²]
[mm] mass forces travel run
Travel run
100 0.5 10 0.25 0.05 Mass 1 Force 1
Travel run
-100 -0.5 -10 0.25 0.05 Mass 1 Force 1
v = Speed · a = Acceleration · tpos = Positioning time · ta = Acceleration time · tPause = Pause · Acting mass = Moving masses on this journey · Acting
forces = External forces at work on this journey

Speed per time Position per time


mm ni noitisoP
s/m ni deep S

0.0 60

−0.2 40

−0.4 20
−0.6 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Time in ms

Operating data
Number of cycles/hour 600 Number of hours/day 24 Number of days/year 365

Load factor 3

Sizing ID: LODLELFBCG Seite 2/5

Sizing ID LODLELFBCG Date 6/6/2024
Version 1

Selected block HGL15CA

Series: HG
Type: L
Size: 15
Load type: C
Block mounting: A
Preload: Z0

Data of block

Total height H 24 mm

Block width W 34 mm

Block length L 61 mm
Dynamic load rating Cdyn 14,700 N

Static load rating C0 23,470 N

Application data

Service life 60,740 km

Service life in years >10 yr

Static structural safety 16.05

Load ratio Cdyn /P (P/Cdyn) 10.67 (0.09)

Lubrication interval 3,000 km

Short block distance Yes – the load factor was increased

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Sizing ID LODLELFBCG Date 6/6/2024
Version 1

Maximum loads in all phases per block

Eqv. dyn. load P [N] Static structural safety Max. stat. Belastung [N] Load ratio Cdyn /P (P/Cdyn)

Block 1 1,375 16.07 1,460 10.69 (0.09)

Block 2 1,378 16.05 1,463 10.67 (0.09)

Nominal service life

Path [km] Duration [yr]

Block 1 61,055 >10

Block 2 60,740 >10

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Sizing ID LODLELFBCG Date 6/6/2024
Version 1

General notes

Calculation results are based on the technical information you entered; for missing information, values were assumed by us.

Please note that the calculated service life is a theoretical value.

The service life calculation is based on the assumption of an ideally rigid adjacent construction and presupposes that all the specifications
in our assembly instructions for profile rail guides are complied with (in particular the specifications on lubrication).

Please note that the calculated service life is a theoretical value.

The screw strength consideration is not a component of the service life calculation (more information in the assembly instructions for profile
rail guides).

In addition, the effects of vibrations, impacts, dirt or temperature fluctuations can only be introduced into the service life calculation by
artificially increasing the equivalent load.

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