Assignment 2 - Event Management
Assignment 2 - Event Management
Assignment 2 - Event Management
Student ID S3802817
Number of pages 10
Table of Contents
I. Introduction..........................................................3
II. Initiations.............................................................3
III. Planning.............................................................4
IV. Implementation..................................................6
V. Main event...........................................................7
VI. Closure...............................................................8
VII. Recommendation...............................................8
VIII. Conclusion..........................................................8
IX. References..........................................................8
I. Introduction
II. Initiations
The initiations will start by using the concept of five Ws, which are where, who,
when, what and why. These are the steps for planners to determine foundation of planning
process and they should be the starting point (Schiraldi 2012). This anniversary will be held
at a local restaurant so guests would not travel far and ensure time accuracy. The target
attendees are friends and relatives in the family. As mentioned before, this celebration aims to
be celebrated at the end of 2020, specifically is Sunday, August 9 th at 4:00 pm in the
afternoon for the main event. Therefore, this anniversary will have plenty of time to prepare
and make sure attendees could participate. The main event is the party with relatives and
friends to make this day become special. Regarding stakeholders, this includes restaurant
service, music bands, audio and equipment provider. The objectives are planning a
memorable day for my parents and attendees and bring back great memories of their
marriage. Regarding risk management, it is essential to come up with specific scenarios and
find the best solution for them. This includes any condition that might affect the results of an
event or event activities and might lead an event organization to loss measured in terms of
probability and consequences (Reid & Ritchie 2011). Therefore, the wedding anniversary is
not an exception and it requires a list of major probabilities that could occur and how to
handle them. More detail about risk management will be delivered in planning process. Since
this is a private event with the attendance of not too many people and the main event will be
mostly executed indoor, it is not necessary to have insurance or licensing.
III. Planning
Chart 2: Risks management table
The schedule for preparation is also another important element to decide the success
of the event. It allows us to perform what-if exercises, develop contingency plans, determine
the risks in the schedule, perform trade-offs, and minimize paperwork (Kerzner 2017). Gantt
chart is a simple tool that allows to get an idea of the duration of each activity and the entire
project just by looking, appeal to persons who do not have a technical background and the
capability to roll up or roll down a schedule including basis or specific activity code
(Mubarak 2010). Therefore, a Gantt chart will be provided in order to illustrate in the most
efficient way that event will be prepared and organized.
Chart 3: Gantt chart of anniversary preparation schedule
IV. Implementation
Once the planning is ready, it is time to turn them into actions. As mentioned before,
supports in human resource comes from friends and relatives who volunteer to participate in
this event. Regarding restaurant choices, it is suggested that when choosing restaurant for an
event, people should make a list of potential restaurants, decide size of groups of guests
coming, find a balance of food and atmosphere, check the appropriateness of the restaurant
for everyone and make the plan early (Julington Creek Fish Camp 2015). Base on this, the
person who choosing restaurant venue should consider a place formal for wedding
anniversary. The place is not required to be big, but it should have a spacious area for kids to
play and attendees can dance. The menu aims to have various dishes and suitable for both
children and adults. It is crucial to investigate restaurant’s food safety, reviews and their
experience in holding events. Considering audio equipment and band hiring, the individual
who in charge must be someone who has knowledge in this field with abilities to assess
quality of equipment. Besides, the knowledge in audio can support them with dealing
technical problems. They will go and work with band’s needs for audio quality and help them
in installment their instruments if necessary. In decoration, this section is the art of converting
a venue into a place that was only imagined. Event decoration is a little related to event
planning, since it involves directing aspect of an event to gain an intended ambience (Lewis
2008). The event decoration aims to be simple and formal. Furthermore, the decorators
should consider about using eco-friendly materials and easy to take down in closer phases.
For example, instead of using cut flowers, people can use live plants. If not, the cut flowers
should be reused as compost for garden. About plastic decorations, it is wise to carefully
stored to use them in another event (America Recycle Day 2011). Invitation is required to be
formal, provide all the information in terms of venue, time and event structure. The design
does not need to be colorful, mostly concentrate on its capability to deliver vital information.
The invitation necessitated to be printed in time base on Gantt schedule and sent at the due
date. Regarding photo studio, similar as restaurant, it is important to check their reviews
before contacting. Last but not least, a contacting network needed to be established that can
connect general manager to other organizers, organizers to stakeholders. This allows
everyone to have clear expectations of their tasks and update latest information in their
V. Main event.
In the role of general manager, the duty is to stand behind the curtain and direct everyone
else. One week before the main event, the confirmation from the organizers from all sectors
must be made and ask them to contact the stakeholders to confirm about the date to deliver
their service. The manager should go to the places to check the latest preparation and
conditions of venues to make sure nothing is fall out of plan. All the decoration needed to be
provided with Gaffer tape. It is also important to check for the well-being of participants who
will directly serve at the event such as technicians and managing supporters so that the
general manager could replace their spot with someone else. Before the event, manager needs
to keep the eye on the delivery of all facilities. Honest mistakes and errors can easily occur,
especially when a vendor is providing large number of goods (Silvers 2013). During the
event, all the guests must be welcomed with hospitable emotions and arranged in tables. The
manager is required to prepare every risk may happen and tackle them immediately. Not only
with organizers, stakeholders such as music band and photographer needed to be directed to
perform at their best to maximize their service. The manager should also keep eyes on
equipment and decoration to make sure they are not damaged or stolen.
VI. Closure
After the main event, all the audio equipment need to be returned back to the provider. Any
missing items will become another unnecessary loss in the budget, it is the manager’s duty to
carefully gather all the components. All the volunteers will be engaging in taking down
decoration for future usage as mentioned above. This include balloons, banners, backdrop
and plants and preserve them for another time. At this phase, communication is still vital
since manager need to be updated and reported about the conditions, any damage occurred to
the goods.
VII. Recommendation
The wedding anniversary still have several drawbacks that could be improved. One of them is
the mood of audience. During the event, despite the efforts of music band to heat up the
atmosphere with catchy tunes, the guests seem to not really enjoy. It is suggested that
avoiding electronic, compositions with dramatic escalation or a driving beat. Instead,
classical, folk, fusion, jazz, reggae, world or any music that is not excited or unpleasant will
works (Social Tables n.d.). The usage of energetic music is a mistake and what type of music
played during the event should be negotiated with the band more careful. Another drawback
of the event is the decoration is too simple. All the plants, banners and balloons in the
restaurant are faded by the lightings and bright colors of walls. This makes all efforts of
decorating team become unrecognizable. The last disadvantage is the lack of diversity in
event activities. Although all main components for a wedding anniversary are included, the
event still need more entertainment, not just only music and dancing. There are many choices
such as memory video, party games or gifts from relatives. These suggestions allow more
interactions with attendees and main characters of anniversary.
VIII. Conclusion
Private wedding anniversary is an important event for my parents and the attendees as well.
This event is managed followed EMBOK framework which offers clear structure for the plan.
The organizers have done well in setting objectives for the event, estimating the required
budget, fund raising through relatives, contacting necessary stakeholders for various services,
invitation arrangement and decoration. The role of general manager is to set up plan,
directing other volunteers, maintain the communication line and giving instructions to handle
sudden issues during the main event. Risk and time management are essential for event
planning, so Gantt chart and risk table are built to support in this field. Overall, the event has
taken place smoothly and mistakes made throughout the event have been minimized as much
as possible. This success is the efforts of all individuals who working in many parts of
preparation for the event and contributing their ideas to the planning and their skills in
running phase.
IX. References
America Recycle Day 2011, ‘Green Event Planning Guide’, America Recycle Day, viewed
May 3, 2020,
Julington Creek Fish Camp 2015, ‘5 Steps to Choosing A Restaurant for Your Event’,
Julington Creek Fish Camp, October 5, viewed May 3, 2020,
Kerzner, H 2017, ‘Project Management Case Studies’, 5th edition, part 8, pp. 201-209, viewed
May 4, 2020, John Wiley & Sons database.
Lewis, D 2008, ‘A Training Manual on Events Decoration’, Rise Network, viewed May 4,
Mubarak, S 2010, ‘Bar (Gantt)Charts’, Research Gate, May 1, viewed May 3, 2020,
Reid, S & Ritchie, B 2011, ‘Risk Management: Event Managers' Attitudes, Beliefs, and
Perceived Constraints’, Research Gate, December 1, viewed May 2, 2020,
EVENT’, Engage TU, May 17, viewed May 2, 2020,
Seaman, M 2014, ‘The Importance of Remembering Anniversaries’, Town of Caledon,
viewed May 2, 2020,
Silvers, J 2013, ‘The Phases of Event Management’, Julia Silvers, November 27, viewed
May 4, 2020,
Social Tables n.d., ‘Wisdom Wednesday: 4 Ways to Pick the Best Event Background Music’,
Social Tables, viewed May 5, 2020,
Taylor, E 2019, ‘Stuck for a Gift? Take Inspiration from These Traditional Wedding
Anniversary Names’, Popsugar, January 18, viewed May 2, 2020,