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By Khadija Batool (M.phl Pharmacognosy)

A Multicellular organism which is undesirable and compete with
Human for food and shelter Either directly or indirectly and
cause discomfort to human is called pest.
Insect , Mites , rats , Donkey, mice
Technically pest is any organism that has negative effect on
human health and economics.
According to USAAC (United States of America
agriculture council)
P = Physiological / Health loss
E = Economic Loss
S = Synthetic loss
T = Temporary loss
As united states of America was most affect country by
attack of pest in 1998.
Pest control is major problem in cultivation of plant
throughout the world.
Any toxic substance that used to kill animal or plant that
cause economic damage to crop or ornamental plant or
hazardous to health of domestic Animal And human.
Examples of pest
1. Rodent
That cause damage to stored food
2. Weeds
Interfere with normal growth of plant (crop & ornamental
3. Fungi
Fungus can grow on plant , food and cause damage to
Pesticides interfere with normal metabolic process of pest
organism and are often classified according to type of pest
organism that they intended to control
Fungicide ,Rodenticide, Herbicides, Insecticides, Molluscacides,
Nematocides, Fumigants

While manufacturing Pesticides Manufacturer provide safety

towards human being , live stock , wild life and general
1. Animal pest
Rodents and Arthropods
2. Plant Pest
Weeds and fungi
3. Miscellaneous
Bacteria , virus

Rodent ;
Rodents are mammals like rat , mouse, rabbit and
They have sharp gnawing incisor teeth
They contaminated food by their fecal pallet and
hair fur ( mice and rat)
They are responsible for transmitting disease
from which they are suffering
Biting of rats cause “Rat bite fever” which is an
infectious disease caused by micro organism.
A large number of lice infected rodent cause typhus
fever , Bubonic plague, and rat leprosy.
Rats carry ticks and mites which carry tularemia
and rocky mountain fever
Arthropods are insect , ticks, mites, spider, and lice
Some these cause discomfort only while other cause serious
infection or fatal disease .The insect that represent class of
phylum Arthropods and according their mouth parts they are
classified into two Morphological groups.
I. Biting and chewing insect
II. Piercing and sucking insect.
I. Biting And Sucking Insect;
They suck the juice of leaves and stem of plants.
e.g i )grasshopper locusts destroy plant at
developmental stage.
ii) some insect suck juice of soft tissue like aphid,
san jose scale chinch bugs, squash bugs, cabbage
bugs and leaf hoppers
iii) Cockroaches, termites, silver fishs, bedbug
flea, mosquito are household insect may cause
malaria, sleeping sickness disease dengue fever and
other infectious.
I. Piercing and sucking Insect
Piercing and sucking mouth present in lice fleas and mites.
Rocky mountain fever is spread by wood ticks,
The hairy spider bites can kill bird and mammals.
Any undesirable plant known as weeds. Undesirable
plant interfere with growth of cultivated plant by
consuming most of available water content and
minerals of soil. If weeds are allowed to grow soon
they acquire possession of garden and gradually
destroy the more delicate cultivated plant
Similarly quality of weeds crops specially grains becomes
poor due presence of weeds seeds.
A considerable numbers of weeds are toxic in nature.
Agostemma gigthago contains cynophore type of glycosides
and its seeds cause death when these are present in
excessive quantity in wheat flour.
A large number of weeds are cause of allergic reaction.
Allergies are commonly asthma dermatitis e.g ragweed ,
timothy, cocks foot , plantain
 Fungi

There are also some fungi that growing on plants and

produce disease such as wheat rust, white pine blister rust
orange leaf rust of black berries.
Some of poisonous fungi when Taken orally produce
Examples are amanita
psilocybe, conocybe
There are many disease caused by fungus like
psychomycete cause Damping of fungus, downy mildew of
grapes and late blight of potato
Bacteria are responsible for disease like
I. carrot rot
II. Fire blight of apple and pear,
III. wilt of cucumber , squash and melon.
Viral disease are tobacco mosaic and bean mosiac
1. Mechanical method
2. Biological method
3. Agricultural method
4. Environmental method
5. Chemical method
Mechanical method is done by variety of ways
Hand picking
In this method large insect are removed by hand picking.
Large caterpillar
Large green tomato horns worm larvae removed by hand
Weeds are removed by hands
Tent caterpillars
Pruning and cutting
In this method cutting is done those branches of trees where
tent of caterpillars is located. If the tent is located near the
trunk of tree where cutting is difficult then it may be
removed by applying a torch of burning oil soaked rages
at the end of long pole.
The material obtained by hand picking and cutting can be
removed by burning.
Its affective against rats and mites. In order to determine the
spread of flying insects throughout an infected area, they
are trapped by pleasantly flavored attractant oil placed in
funnel shaped container.
This Method is also very affective and cheap . In this method
sticky material is applied to stem of the plant and the
climbing rodents and insects get attached to that sticky
material and die. Thus pest are controlled by this method.
This method depends upon consideration.
Animal and insect that feed upon smaller forms.
Introduction of Rabbit into Australia in 1864 specially to destroy
certain types of weeds. These Rabbit use the weeds as source of
Insect Having a short life cycle Which Parasitize Large insect
Certain flies and wasp lay egg in or on the bodies of large
destructive insect, usually on slow moving larvae. These complete
their life cycle by using larvae Where they live and ultimately
destroy it.
In this method pest are controlled by changing the condition
surrounding the pest by either
By Removing food supply
By hindering completion of life cycle
Example Mosquito larvae killed by spreading layer of oil in
In this method different technique are applied to control pest
Genetic Engineering
Through this technique crop which is resistant to insects , fungus Bacteria is
Crop Rotation
If chief source of food of particular insect with held for more or one season ,will
lead to elimination of insect.
Deep Plowing
It will unearth the Grub Stage of some Insect ,Providing natural means of
Different Chemicals are designed to kil different insect
Rodenticides; Used Against rat , mice , moles etc
Insecticides: Used Against various insect
Herbicides: Used Against weeds and undesirable plant
Fungicides: Used Against All types of fungi
Acaricides: Used Against ticks and mites
Bactericides Used Against bacteria

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