Wipro 3

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Wipro Limited is a multinational corporation based in India,

specializing in information technology, consulting, and business
process services. Founded in 1945 by Mohamed Premji, Wipro has
grown to become one of the largest IT companies in India and is listed
on the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange of
India. It operates in over 60 countries and provides a wide range of
services including IT consulting, system integration, outsourcing, and
software application development. Wipro is known for its expertise in
digital transformation, cloud services, and cybersecurity solutions,
catering to clients across various industries globally.
Financial analysis is the process of identifying the financial strengths and
weakness of the firm. It is done by establishing relationships between the items
of financial statements viz., balance sheet and profit and loss account. Financial
analysis can be undertaken by management of the firm, viz., owners, creditors,
investors and others.
Objectives of the financial analysis
Analysis of financial statements may be made for a particular purpose in view:
1. To find out the financial stability and soundness of the business enterprise.
2. To assess and evaluate the earning capacity of the business
3. To estimate and evaluate the fixed assets, stock etc., of the concern.
4. To estimate and determine the possibilities of future growth of business.
5. To assess and evaluate the firm's capacity and ability to repay short and long
term loans.

Parties interested in financial analysis:

The users of financial analysis can be divided into two broad groups

Internal users:
1. Financial executives
2. Top management

External users:
1. Investors
2. Creditor.
3. Workers
4. Customers
5. Government
6. Public
7. Researchers

Significance of financial analysis

Financial analysis serves the following purpose:

To know the operational efficiency of the business: The financial analysin
enables the management to find out the overall efficiency of the firm. This will
enable the management to locate the weak steps of the business and take
necessary remedial action.
Helpful in measuring the solvency of the firm: The financial analysis helps the
decision makers in taking appropriate decisions for strengthening the short-
term as well as king-term solvency of the firm.
Comparison of past and present results: Financial statements of the previous
years can be compared and the trend regarding various expenses. purchases,
sales, gross profit and net profit can be ascertained.
Helps in measuring the profitability: Financial statements show the gross profit,
& net profit.
Interfiem comparison: The financial analysis makes it easy to make inter- firm
comparison. This comparison can also be made for various time periods.
Bankruptcy and Failure: Financial statement analysis is significant tool in
predicting the bankruptcy and the failure of the business enterprise. Financial
statement analysis accomplishes this through the evaluation of the solvency
Helps in forecasting: The financial analysis will help in assessing future
development by making forecasts and preparing budgets.

The easiest way to evaluate the performance of a firm is to compare its present
ratios with past ratios. When financial ratios over a period of time are
compared, it is known as the time series analysis or trend analysis. It gives an
indication of the direction of change and reflects whether the firm's financial
performance has improved, deteriorated or remind constant over time.


Another way to comparison is to compare ratios of one firm with some
selected firms in the industry at the same point in time. This kind of
comparison is known as the cross-sectional analysis. It is more useful to
compare the firm's ratios with ratios of a few carefully selected competitors,
who have similar operations.

To determine the financial conditions and performance of a firm. Its ratio may
be compared with average ratios of the industry of which the firm is a member.
This type of analysis is known as industry analysis and also it helps to ascertain
the financial standing and capability of the firm & other firms in the industry.
Industry ratios are important standards in view of the fact that each industry
has its characteristics which influence the financial and operating relationships


Management is interested in evaluating every aspect of firm's performance. In

view of the requirement of the various users of ratios, we may classify them
into following four important categories:
1. Liquidity Ratio
2. Leverage Ratio
3. Activity Ratio
4. Profitability Ratio

 Liquidity Ratio

It is essential for a firm to be able to meet its obligations as they become due.
Liquidity Ratios help in establishing a relationship between cast and other
current assets to current obligations to provide a quick measure of liquidity. A
firm should ensure that it does not suffer from lack of liquidity and also that it
does not have excess liquidity. A very high degree of liquidity is also bad, idle
assets earn nothing. The firm's funds will be unnecessarily tied up in current
assets. Therefore it is necessary to strike a proper balance between high
liquidity. Liquidity ratios can be divided into three types:
 Current Ratio
 Quick Ratio
 Cash Ratio


Turnover ratios also referred to as activity ratio ora ratios, measure how
efficiently the assets are employed by a finns. These ratios are based on the
relationship between the level of activity represented by sales or cost of goods
sold and levels of sanoats The improvement turnover ratios are invermory
turmer, collection period, receivable turn over, fixed assets tomover and total
assets turnover. Activity ratios are employed to evaluate the efficiency with
which the firm manages and utilize its assets. These ratios are also called
turnover ratios because they indicate the speed with which acts are being
converted or turned over into sales. Activity ratios thus involve relationship
between sales and A proper balance between sales and assets generally
reflects that asset utilization.
Activity ratios are divided into four types:
 Total capital turnover ratio
 Working capital turnover ratio
 Fixed assets turnover ratio
 Stock turnover ratio


Financial leverage refers to the use of debt finance while debt capital is a
cheaper source of finance: it is also a riskier source of finance. It helps in
assessing the risk arising from the use of debt capital. Two types of ratios are
commonly used to analyse financial leverage.
1.Structural Ratios.
2. Coverage ratios.

• Activity ratios are divided into four types:

 Total capital turnover ratio
 Working capital turnover ratio
 Fixed assets turnover ratio
 Stock turnover ratio

Total capital turnover ratio:

This ratio expresses relationship between the amounts invested in this
assets and the resulting in terms of sales. This is calculated by dividing the net
sales by total sales. The higher ratio means better utilization and vice-versa.
Some analysts like to compute the total assets turnover in addition to or
instead of net assets turnover. This ratio shows the firm's ability in generating
sales from all financial resources committed to total assets.

Working capital turnover ratio:

This ratio measures the relationship between working capital and sales.
The ratio shows the number of times the working capital results in sales.
Working capital as usual is the excess of current assets over current liabilities.
The following formula is used to measure the ratio:

Fixed asset turnover ratio:

The firm may which to know its efficiency of utilizing fixed assets and
current assets separately. The use of depreciated value of fixed assets in
computing the fixed assets turnover may render comparison of firm's
performance over period or with other firms. The ratio is supposed to measure
the efficiency with which fixed assets employed a high ratio indicates a high
degree of efficiency in asset utilization and a low ratio reflects inefficient use of
assets. However, in interpreting this ratio, one caution should be borne in
mind, when the fixed assets of firm are old and substantially depreciated the
fixed assets turnover ratio tends to be high because the denominator of ratio is
very low.

Stock turnover ratio

Stock turnover ratio indicates the efficiency of firm in producing and
selling its product. It is calculated by dividing the cost of goods sold by the
average stock. It measures how fast the inventory is moving through the firm
and generating sales. The stock turnover ratio reflects the efficiency of
inventory management. The higher the ratio, the more efficient the
management of inventories and vice versa However, this may not always be
true. A high inventory turnover may be caused by a low level of inventory
which may result if frequent stock outs and loss of sales and customer

A company should earn profits to survive and grow over a long period
of time. Profits are essential but it would be wrong to assume that every action
initiated by management of a company should be aimed at maximizing profits.
Profit is the difference between revenues and expenses over a period Profit is
the ultimate 'output' of a company and Profitability Ratio can be divided into
six types:
o Gross profit ratio
o Operating profit ratio
o Net profit ratio
o Return on investment
o Earns per share
o Operating expenses ratio

Gross profit ratio

First profitability ratio in relation to sales is the gross profit margin the gross profit
margin reflects. The efficiency with which management produces each unit of product. This
ratio indicates the average spread between the cost of goods sold and the sales revenue. A
high gross profit . margin is a sign of good management. A gross margin ratio may increase
due to any of following factors: higher sales prices cost of goods sold remaining constant,
lower cost of goods sold, sales prices remaining constant. A low gross profit margin may
reflect higher cost of goods sold due to firm's inability to purchase raw materials at favorable
terms, inefficient utilization of plant and machinery resulting in higher cost of production or
due to fall in prices in market. This ratio shows the margin left after meeting manufacturing
costs. It measures the efficiency of production as well as pricing. To analyze the factors
underlying the variation in gross profit margin, the proportion of various elements of cost
(Labor, materials and manufacturing overheads) to sale may studied in detail.

Operating profit ratio

This ratio expresses the relationship between operating profit and sales. It is worked
out by dividing operating profit by net sales. With the help of this ratio, one can judge the
managerial efficiency which may not be reflected in the net profit ratio.

Net profit ratio

Net profit is obtained when operating expenses, interest and taxes are subtracted
from the gross profit. Net profit margin ratio established a relationship between net profit
and sales and indicates management's efficiency in manufacturing, administering and selling
products. This ratio also indicates the firm's capacity to withstand adverse economic
conditions. A firm with a high net margin ratio would be in an advantageous position 10
survive in the face of falling selling prices, rising costs of production or declining demand for
product This ratio shows the earning left for share holders as a percentage of net sales. It
measures overall efficiency of production, administration, selling, financing. Pricing and tax
management. Jointly considered, the gross and net profit margin ratios provide a valuable
understanding of the cost and profit structure of the firm and enable the analyst to identify
the sources of business efficiency/inefficiency.
Return on investment:
This is one of the most important profitability ratios. It indicates the relation of net
profit with capital employed in business. Net profit for calculating return of investment will
mean the net profit before interest, tax, and dividend. Capital employed means long term

Earnings per share

This ratio is computed by earning available to equity share holders by the total
amount of equity share outstanding. It reveals the amount of period earnings after taxes
which occur to each equity share. This ratio is an important index because it indicates
whether the wealth of each share holder on a per share basis as changed over the period.

Operating expenses ratio

It explains the changes in the profit margin ratio. A higher operating expenses ratio
is unfavorable since it will leave a small amount of operating income to meet interest,
dividends. Operating expenses ratio is a yardstick of operating efficiency, but it should be
used cautiously. It is affected by a number of factors such as external uncontrollable factors,
internal factors. This ratio is computed by dividing operating expenses by sales. Operating
expenses equal cost of goods sold plus selling expenses and general administrative expenses
by sales.


The study enables us to have access to various facts of the organization. It
helps in understanding the needs for the importance and advantage of materials
in the organization, the study also helps to exposure our minds to the integrated
materials management the various procedures, methods and technique adopted
by the organization.
The study provides knowledge about how the theoretical aspects are put in the

o To analyse the profitability position of the company.
o To assess the return on investment.
o To analyse the asset turnover ratio.
o To determine the solvency position of company.
o To analyse the capital structure of the company through leverage ratio.


 The study was limited to only FIVE years Financial Data.

 The study is purely based on secondary data which were taken
primarily from Published annual reports of WIPRO.
 The ratio is calculated from past financial statements and these are
not indicators of future.
 The study is based on only on the past records.
 Non availability of required data to analysis the performance.
 The short span of the time provided also one of limitations.

Research Methodology:
Research is designed as a systematic, gathering recording and analysis of data
about problem relating to any particular field.
→ It determines strength reliability and accuracy of the project.

Research Design:
Research design pertains to the great research approach or strategy adopted
for a particular project. A research project has to be conducted making sure that
the data is collected adequately and economically.
The study used Descriptive research design for the purpose of getting an
insight over the issue. It is to provide an accurate picture of some aspects of
market environment. Descriptive research is used when the objective is to
provide systematic description that is as factual and accurate as possible.

 To know the financial status of the company.

 To know the credit worthiness of the company.

 To offer suggestions based on research finding.

Introduction of company

Wipro Limited (Wipro), together with its subsidiaries and associates

(collectively, the company or the group) is a leading India based provider of IT
Services and Products, including Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Services,
globally. Further, Wipro has other business such as India and Asia IT Services
and products and Consumer Care and Lighting. Wipro is headquartered in
Bangalore, India. Wipro Technologies is a global services provider delivering
technology-driven business solutions that meet the strategic objectives clients.
Wipro has 40+ Centers of Excellence' that create solutions around specific
needs of industries. Wipro delivers unmatched business value to customers
through a combination of process excellence, quality frame works and service
delivery innovation. Wipro is the World's first CMM Level 5 certified software
Services Company and the first outside USA to receive the IEEE Software
Process Award. Wipro is a $3.5 billion Global company in Information
Technology Services, R&D Services, Business process outsourcing. Team
Wipro is 75,000 Strong from 40nationalities and growing. Wipro is present across
29 countries, 36 Development centers, Investors across 24 countries.

 Largest third party R&D Service provider in the world.

 Largest Indian Technology Infrastructure management service provider.
 A vendor of choice in the middle east.

Group Companies

 Wipro Infrastructure Engineering Lid

 Wipro Inc.
 Wipro Japan KK
 Wipro Shanghai Ltd.
 Wipro Trademarks Holding Ltd.
 Wipro Travel Services Ltd.
 Wipro Cyprus Private Ltd.
 Wipro Consumer Care Ltd.
 Wipro Health Care Ltd.
 Wipro Chandrika Ltd.(a)
 Wipro Holdings (Mauritius) Ltd.
 Wipro Australia Ltd.
 Quantech Global Service Ltd.
 Planet PSG Pte Ltd.

Wipro started in 1945 with the setting up of an oil factory in Amalner
a small town in Maharashtra in Jalgaon District. The product Sunflower
Vanaspati and 787 laundry soap (largely made from a bi- product of Vanaspati
operations) was sold primarily in Maharashtra and MP. The company products
Ltd. was named western india The Birth of the name Wipro.
As the organization grew and diversified into operations of Hydraulic Cylinders
and InfoTech, the name of the organization did not adequately reflect its
operations. Azim Premji himself in 1979 selected the name "Wipro" largely an
acronym of Western India Products. Thus was born the Brand Wipro. The name
Wipro was unique and gave the feel of an 'International" company. So much so
that some dealers even sent their cheques favoring Wipro (India) Limited.
Fortunately, the banks accepted them!!By the carly 90s, Wipro had grown into
various products and services. The Wipro product basket had soaps called
Wipro Shikakai, Baby products under Wipro Baby Soft, Hydraulic Cylinders
branded Wipro, PCs under the brand name Wipro, a joint venture company with
GE named Wipro GE and software services branded Wipro. The Wipro logo
was a 'W", but it was not consistently used in the products. It was clearly felt
that the organization was not leveraging its brand name across the various
Company profile

Business Description
Wipro Limited is the first PCMM Level 5 and SEI CMM Level 5
certified IT Services Company globally. Wipro provides comprehensive IT
solutions and services, including systems integration, Information Systems
outsourcing. package implementation, software application development and
maintenance, and research and development services to corporations globally.
The Group's principal activity is to offer information technology services. The
services include integrated business, technology and process solutions including
systems integration, package implementation, software application development
and maintenance and transaction processing. These services also comprise of
information technology consulting. personal computing and enterprise products,
information technology infrastructure management and systems integration
services. The Group also offers products related to personal care, baby care and
wellness products. The operations of the Group are conducted in India, the
United States of America and Other countries. During fiscal 2007, the Group
acquired Wipro Cyprus Pvt Ltd, Retailbox By, Enabler Informatics SA, Enabler
France SAS, Enabler Uk Ltd, Enabler Brazil Ltd, Enabler and Retail Consult
GmbH, Cmango Inc, Cmango (India) Pvt Ltd, Saraware Oy, Quantech Global
Services and Hydroauto Group. Board of Directors


1. Azim H. Premji Chairman

2. Dr Ashok S Ganguly Former Chief Ex. Officer Nortel
3. B.C. Prabhakar Practitioner of Law
4. Dr . Sheth Professor Of Marketing-Emory Uni. Usa.
5. N.Vagual Chairman-ICICI Bank Ltd
6. Bill Owens Former Chief Ex. Officer, Nortel
7. P. M. Sinba Holdings Former Chairman Pepsico India

Winning is about making customers successful. Winning is about making all

stakeholders successful. In business, Winning is not about 'Winning against' but
its 'Winning With'.
Intensity to Win is the burning desire to stretch and challenge our limits. It is the
desire to realize and expand our potential. It's about continuous innovation and
striving to be better every time. Its about excelling in everything we do. It's
about multiplying forces as a team. No one wins 100% of the time, but those
who have the Intensity to Win, win more often than not.

Fuelled by culture and values
Wipro is built on a foundation of Values. The values form the essence of their
culture. The values are a guide to their behavior. With 75,000 people across 29
countries, its the values that ties them together that is what makes Wipro, Wipro.
They call their values the Spirit of Wipro
The spirit of Wipro is deeply rooted in their history and in what they are, and at
the same time is soaring with their aspirations. Each Wiproite is expected to live
the Spirit of Wipro-manifest it in thought and action.

Spirit Of Wipro
 Intensity to win
 Make customers successful
 Team, Innovate, Excel
 Act with Sensitivity
 Respect for the individual
 Thoughtful and responsible
 Unyielding Integrity
 Delivering on commitments
 Honesty and fairness in action
The spirit of wipro is an invisible synthesis of all three statements. It means
manifesting intensity to win, acting with sensitivity and being unyielding on
integrity all the time.


Quality has always been a strong part of Wipro's proposition. Wipro boasts of
many pioneering achievements in quality journey. Quality is focused on not
only in the product or service that touches its customers, but also on internal
processes and as an enabler facilitating on going business transformation to
meet dynamic market challenges.


Wipro Headquarter At Sarjapur Road , Bangalore.


CEO OF WIPRO executive chairman

Srini Pallia. Rashid Premji.

Who they are:
Helping clients create successful and adaptive businesses
Wipro Limited (NYSE: WIT, BSE: 507685, NSE: Wipro) is a leading global
information technology, consulting and business process services company. We harness
the power of cognitive computing, hyper-automation, robotics, cloud, analytics, and
emerging technologies to help our clients adapt to the digital world and make them
successful. A company recognized globally for its comprehensive portfolio of services,
strong commitment to sustainability, and good corporate citizenship, we have over
190,000 dedicated employees serving clients across six continents. Together, we discover
ideas and connect the dots to build a better and a bold new future.

Sustainability at Wipro is all about good citizenship

A corporation’s progress is a function of three key vectors that shape what we

call ‘Good Citizenship’ – the corporation itself, the society in which it operates,
and the environment that envelops all of these. These are also the vectors that form
the crux of our corporate citizenship philosophy, and the base of all our
sustainability initiatives carried out by our very own employees.

Explore opportunities beyond boundaries

A career at Wipro means a life-long opportunity to explore your full potential,
grow continuously, and work on the latest technologies alongside the finest minds in the
industry. An inspiring combination of growth prospects, continuous innovation, fair play,
and a great work culture makes Wipro an exhilarating workplace. All Wipro it can
expect a bouquet of benefits as they walk in to discover a career for life.

Making sure that every dream has a place to bloom

At Wipro, applicants are considered for employment solely on the basis of
qualifications and competencies. As an employee, you will enjoy equal opportunity in all
aspects of employment, including recruitment, training conditions of service, and career
progression. Furthermore, we are committed to maintaining a workplace where each
employee's privacy and personal dignity are respected and protected from offensive or
threatening behaviour, including violence and sexual harassment.
Wipro share price

Indian Household Business
The Indian household business is led by our flagship brand Santoor, one
of the leading toilet soap brands in India. Our other key brands include Yardley,
Enchanteur, Hygienix, Chandrika (Ayurvedic bathing products), Glucovita
(Energy drink and Tablet), Safewash (Liquid detergent), Softouch (Fabric
conditioner), Giffy (Dish wash liquid), Maxkleen (Floor Cleaners and Surface
Sanitizers) ,Wipro Garnet (LED Lights) and Aramusk (Male Grooming).
Liquidity Ratio
It measures the ability of the firm to meet its short-term obligations, that is capacity of
the firm to pay its current liabilities as and when they fall due. Thus these ratios reflect the
short-term financial solvency of a firm. A firm should ensure that it does not suffer from lack
of liquidity. The failure to meet obligations on due time may result in bad credit image, loss
of creditors confidence, and even in legal proceedings against the firm on the other hand very
high degree of liquidity is also not desirable since it would imply that funds are idle and earn
nothing. So therefore it is necessary to strike a proper balance between liquidity and lack of
The various ratios that explains about the liquidity of the firm are
1. Current Ratio
2. Acid Test Ratio/quick ratio.
3. Absolute liquid ration/cash ratio.
 Current ratio is always 2:1 it means the current assets two time of current liability.
 After observing the figure the current ratio is fluctuating.
 In the year 2008 ratio is showing good shine.
 Here ratio is increase as a increasing rate from 2004 to 2008.
 Company is nowhere near the ideal ratio in every year but every company cannot
achieve this ratio.
 Current ratio is increased in 2007-08 as compared to 2003-04 because of increase in
Inventories 100.96% and 123.77% increased in Cash and Bank balance.
 Current ratio is decreased in 2005-06 as compared to the last year because of increase
in liabilities by 45.39% and 93.19% in increasing in Provision.

 Standard Ratio is 1:1
 Company's Quick Assets is more than Quick Liabilities for all these 5 years.
 In 2007-08 the ratio is increasing because of increase in bank and cash balance.
 So all the years has quick ratio exceeding 1, the firm is in position to meet its
immediate obligation in all the years.
 In 2005-06 quick ratio is decreased because the increase in quick assets is less
proportionate to the increased quick liabilities.
 The Quick ratio was at its peak in 2007-08, while was lowest in the 2004-05.

The profitability ratio of the firm can be measured by calculating various profitability ratios.
General two groups of profitability ratios are calculated.
a. Profitability in relation to sales.
b. Profitability in relation to investments.
A company should earn profits to survive and grow over a long period of time. It
would be wrong to assume that every action initiated by management of company should be
aimed at maximizing profits, irrespective of social as well as economical consequences. It is a
fact that sufficient must be earned to sustain the operation of the business to be able to obtain
funds from investors for expansion and growth and to contribute towards the responsibility
for the welfare of the society in business environment and globalization. The profitability
ratios are calculated to measure the operating efficiency of the company.
The following Profitability Ratios are calculated for the company.
 Gross Profit Ratio.
 Operating Profit Ratio.
 Net Profit Ratio.
 Rate Of Return On Investment.
 Rate Of Return On Equity.
 After observing the figure the ratio is fluctuating.
 Company has rise in its net profit in 2006-07 as compared to the previous
year because the company has increased its sales 41.45%.
 Though the company's sale is continuously rising but the net profit is not
so much increased so management should take some steps to decrease its
 Sales is decrease in 2008 compare to 2007
 The overall ratio is showing good position of the company.
 From the above observation it can be seen that ratio is fluctuating.
 In the year 2005-06 Rate of Return on Investment is slightly increase as
compared to previous year
 Ratio is decreasing after 2005 at a decreasing rate because of assets
increase compare to sales.
 The company's Total Assets is increased to 86.51%, so ROI is decreased
so conclusion made that company is not utilizing its assets and
investment efficiently.
As a result the share holders are getting higher return every year and investment portfolio
scheme selection was a judicious decision taken by the company. This happens because Profit
and Share Capital both increasing same way.


The relationship between assets and sales is known as assets turnover ratio.
Several assets turnover ratios can be calculated depending upon the groups of
assets, which are related to sales.
 Total asset turnover.
 Net asset turnover
 Fixed asset turnover
 Current asset turnover
 Net working capital turnover ratio
Net Fixed Assets Turnover:
To ascertain the efficiency & profitability of business the total fixed assets
are compared to sales. The more the sales in relation to the amount invested in
fixed assets, the more efficient is the use of fixed assets. It indicates higher
efficiency. If the sales are less as compared to investment in fixed assets it
means that fixed assets are not adequately utilized in business. Of course
excessive sale is an indication of over trading and is dangerous.
 The company's future plans for expansion seem clear due to increased
investment in Fixed Assets .Efficient use of these Assets has enabled the
company to observe an increased profit.
 Though the company's sale is continuously rising but the net profit is not
so much increased so management should take some steps to decrease its
 Company should try its best to increase sales and profit.
 The profit margin ratio shows decline in current year so that company
should try to increase profit after tax
 Current ratio is very good it is 2.13:1 so company has fully utilize cash
liquidity for business development.
According to this Research we find that The company's overall
position is at a good position. The company achieves sufficient profits
in past four years. Fixed assets are efficiently utilized by the company
due to which the profit of the company is increasing every year.

The long term solvency of the company is good. The company

maintains low liquidity to achieve high profitability. The company
distributes dividend every year to its shareholders. Inventory turnover
ratio is increased as compared to after that all year SO management
should take care about good efficiency of stock management.Net
Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio is increasing year by year because of
Sale is increasing continuously and Though the company's sale is
continuously rising but the net profit is not so much increased so
management should take some steps to decrease its expenses.

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