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Lecture 4b - Solar Energy Fundamentals, Technology, and Systems

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Solar Energy Fundamentals, Technology,

and Systems

Prof S Iyuke,

-5-Day Adv Chem Eng Course–

July 2023
K. Jäger, O, Isabella, A.H.M. Smets, R.A.C.M.M. van Swaaij, M. Zeman. Solar Energy: Fundamentals,
Technology, and Systems. Delft University of Technology, 2014. 1
Solar Power
• Solar power is “the conversion of sunlight into electricity”.

• Sunlight can be converted directly into electricity by using photovoltaics (PV) or converted indirectly into
electricity by using concentrated solar power (CSP).

• In concentrated solar power systems mirrors or lenses and tracking systems are used to focus a large area of
sunlight into a small beam, while photovoltaics convert sunlight into electric current by the help of
the photovoltaic effect.

Types of Solar Energy

1. Passive solar energy- refers to the harnessing of the sun’s energy without using any mechanical devices.
Using south-facing windows in home to provide natural lighting and heat are examples of passive solar
2. Active solar energy- is that type of solar energy which uses different mechanical devices in the collecting,
storing, and distributing of solar energy.
3. Solar thermal energy- is that form of solar energy which is created by converting solar energy into heat.
4. Photovoltaic solar power- is that type of solar energy which is created by converting solar energy into
electricity by the help of photovoltaic solar cells.
5. Concentrating solar power or CSP- is solar thermal energy that is used to generate solar power electricity.
Nowadays scientist and researches are aimed to large-scale energy production by the help of CSP.
Advantages of Solar Power
• Solar energy is free source of power but cost will be incurred in the building of ‘collectors’ and other
required equipment to convert sunlight into electricity or hot water.
• Solar energy does not cause any pollution so this is considered environment friendly.
• Solar energy can be used in such remote areas where it is highly expensive to extend the electricity
power grid.
• Many everyday small items such as calculators and low power consuming electronic devices can
be powered by solar energy effectively.
• The world’s oil reserves may last for 30 to 40 years, but on the other hand, solar power is infinite

Disadvantages of Solar Power

• Solar energy cannot be harnessed in cloudy weather or during night, it can only be harnessed
during daytime and sunny.
• Solar collectors, equipment, panels and cells are expensive to manufacture although the prices of
all solar equipment are falling rapidly.
• Solar power stations are also very expensive. They can be built but the power output is less than
the similar sized conventional power stations.
• In countries like the UK, the unreliable climatic conditions means that solar energy is also unreliable
as a source of energy. Cloudy skies reduce effectiveness of solar power in such areas.
Solar Power, Fundamentals The Sun with its layer
structure depicted

(a) Illustrating a surface A irradiated by light from various

directions and (b) a surface element dA that receives
radiation from a solid angle element dW under an angle q with
respect to the surface normal

In 1905, Albert Einstein understood that this effect can be explained by assuming that the light consists
of well defined energy quanta, called photons. The energy of such a photon is given by
E = hn
where h is Planck’s constant and n is the frequency of the light.
Generation of charge carriers due to the absorption of photons in the materials
that form a junction
Absorption of a photon in a material means that its energy
is used to excite an electron from an initial energy
level Ei to a higher energy level Ef , as shown in Fig.(a).
Photons can only be absorbed if electron energy
levels Ei and Ef are present so that their difference
equals to the photon energy, hn = Ef - Ei.
The energy difference between EC & EV is
called the bandgap, Eg = EC - EV.

In a simple solar cell model, absorption of a photon leads

to the generation of an electron-hole pair. Usually, the
electrons and holes will combine. With semipermeable
membranes the electrons and the holes can be separated.
The separated electrons can be used to drive an electric
circuit. After the electrons passed through the circuit,
they will recombine with holes. 5
Production process of monocrystalline silicon wafers
• The lowest quality of silicon is the
metallurgical silicon, which is made
from quartzite, a rock consisting of
almost pure silicon dioxide (SiO2).

• To produce silicon the quartzite is

molten in a submerged-electrode
arc furnace by heating it up to
around 1900°C.

• The molten quartzite is mixed with

carbon, which could be a mixture of
coal, coke and wood chips.

• The carbon reacts with the SiO2 as;

SiO2 + 2C → Si + 2CO

• In the process, the metallurgical silicon is brought into a reactor and exposed to hydrogen
chloride (HCl) at elevated temperatures in presence of a catalyst. The silicon reacts with the
hydrogen chloride to produce trichlorosilane (HSiCl3).
Si + 3HCl → H2 + HSiCl3.
Solar Radiation
In the centre of the Sun the pressure-temperature conditions are such that nuclear fusion can take
place. Thus, in a major nuclear reaction, the proton-proton reaction involves number of steps
including four protons reacting into:

• a helium core (two protons and two neutrons),

• 2 positrons (the anti-particles of electrons),
• 2 neutrinos,
• electromagnetic radiation.

The positrons annihilate with electrons leading to additional radiation.

The mass of the helium core is 0.635% less than that of four protons, the energy difference is
converted into energy according to Einstein’s equation
E = mc2
Every second, approx, 4 million tons of mass are converted into energy. However, the power
density at the centre of the Sun is estimated by theoretical assumptions only to be about 275
W/m3. Solar science defines power as the amount of energy per unit time as:
𝑑𝑡 7
Types of PV systems
• Depending on the system
configuration, three main types
of PV systems can be
1) stand-alone,
2) grid-connected, and
3) hybrid.

• Systems are adapted to meet

particular requirements by
varying the type and quantity
of the basic elements.
• A modular system design
allows easy expansion, when
power demands change.

Stand-alone representation of Figure (a) a simple DC PV system to power a water pump with no
energy storage and (b) a complex PV system including batteries, power conditioners, and both DC
and AC loads.
Grid-connected systems
• Grid-connected PV systems have become increasingly
popular for building integrated applications.
• They are connected to the grid via inverters, which convert the
DC power into AC electricity.
• In small systems as they are installed in residential homes,
the inverter is connected to the distribution board, from where
the PV-generated power is transferred into the electricity grid
or to AC appliances in the house.
• These systems do not require batteries, since they are
connected to the grid, which acts as a buffer into that an
oversupply of PV electricity is transported while the grid also
supplies the house with electricity in times of insufficient PV
power generation.
• Large PV fields act as power stations from that all the
generated PV electricity is directly transported to the
electricity grid.
• They can reach peak powers of up to several hundreds of
MWp. The example shows a 25.7 MWp system installed in
Germany. 9
Hybrid systems
• Hybrid systems consist of combination of PV
modules and a complementary method of
electricity generation, such as a diesel, gas or
wind generator.
• In order to optimise the different methods of
electricity generation, hybrid systems typically
require more sophisticated controls than stand-
alone or grid-connected PV systems.
• For example, in the case of an PV/diesel
system, the diesel engine must be started
when the battery reaches a given discharge
level and stopped again when battery reaches
an adequate state of charge.
• The back-up generator can be used to
recharge batteries only or to supply the load as
well. 10
Components of a PV system
• A number of solar cells have to be connected together
to form a solar panel, also called a PV module.

• For large-scale generation of solar electricity, solar

panels are connected together into a solar array.

• Together, these components are called the Balance of

System (BOS). Components required depends on
whether the system is connected to the electricity grid
or whether it is designed as a stand-alone system.
• A mounting structure is used to fix the modules and to direct them towards the sun.

• Energy storage is a vital part of stand-alone systems because it assures that the system can
deliver electricity during the night and in periods of bad weather. Usually, batteries are used as
energy storage units.

• DC-DC converters are used to convert the module output, which will have a variable voltage
depending on the time of the day and the weather conditions, to a fixed voltage output that e. g.
can be used to charge a battery or that is used as input for an inverter in a grid-connected
Components of a PV system, Cont.
• Inverters or DC-AC converters are used in grid connected systems to convert the DC
electricity originating from the PV modules into AC electricity that can be fed into the electricity

• Cables are used to connect the different components of the PV system with each other and to
the electrical load. It is important to choose cables of sufficient thickness in order to minimise
resistive losses.

• Even though not a part of the PV system itself, the electric load, i.e. all the electric appliances
that are connected to it have to be taken into account during the planning phase. Further, it
has to be considered whether the loads are AC or DC loads.

Position of PV system with respect to the sun in the sky
• When a module is mounted on a horizontal plane, it is easy to
determine its normal nM.
• However, when a module is to be mounted on an arbitrarily tilted roof
things become more complicated.
• The module normal has to be transformed from the roof coordinate
system to the horizontal coordinate system.
• As illustrated in Fig. (a), the orientation of the roof in horizontal
coordinates is characterised by the azimuth AR and the altitude aR of
its normal nR.
• The module is installed on the roof, and its orientation with respect to
the roof is best described in the roof coordinate system, where the
fundamental plane is parallel to the roof and the principal direction is
along the gradient of the roof, as illustrated in Fig. (b).
• In this system, the module normal is given by the azimuth fM and the
altitude is given by dM. The coordinate transform itself by combining two
1) rotate with the angle 900 - aR around the axis that is perpendicular to
both nR and the gradient direction of the roof. 2) we rotate with the
angle AR + 1800 along the zenith. 13
Components of PV Systems

Figure (a) shows a crystalline

solar cell, while a PV module is
a larger device in which many
solar cells are connected.
(b). the names PV module and
solar module are often used
interchangeably, which
(c) consists several PV
modules that are electrically
connected and mounted on a
supporting, panel structure.
(d) A PV array consists of
several solar panels, containing
two strings of two solar panels
each, where string means that
these panels are connected in
Series and parallel connections in PV modules

Series connections:

• (a) In a series connection the voltages add up. For example, if the open circuit voltage of one cell
is equal to 0.6 V, a string of three cells will deliver an open circuit voltage of 1.8 V. For solar cells
with a classical front metal grid, a series connection can be established by connecting the bus
bars at the front side with the back contact of the neighbouring cell, as in Fig. (b).

• For series connected cells, the current does not add up but is determined by the photocurrent in
each solar cell. Hence, the total current in a string of solar cells is equal to the current generated
by one single solar cell. Fig. (d) shows the I-V curve of solar cells connected in series and
Series connections, Cont.
• If we connect two solar cells in series, the voltages add up while the current stays the same. The
resulting open circuit voltage (VOC) is two times that of the single cell. If we connect three solar
cells in series, the open circuit voltage becomes three times as large, whereas the current still is
that of one single solar cell

• Secondly, we can connect solar cells in parallel Fig. (c), which shows three solar cells connected
in parallel.

• If cells are connected in parallel, the voltage is the same over all solar cells, while the currents of
the solar cells add up. If we connect e.g. three cells in parallel, the current becomes three times
as large, while the voltage is the same as for a single cell, as illustrated in Fig. (d).

Series and Parallel Connections
In a module, the voltage and current output can be partially
tuned via the arrangements of the solar cell connections.
• Figure (a) shows a typical PV module that contains 36 solar
cells connected in series.
• If a single junction solar cell would have a short circuit
current of 5 A, and an open circuit voltage of 0.6 V, the total
module would have an output of Voc = 36 x 0.6V = 21.6V
and Isc = 5 A.
• However, if two strings of 18 series-connected cells are
connected in parallel, as in Fig. (b), the output of the module
will be Voc = 18 x 0.6V = 10.8V and Isc = 2 x 5A = 10 A
• In general, for the I-V characteristics of a module consisting
of m identical cells in series and n identical cells in parallel
the voltage multiplies by a factor m while the current
multiplies by a factor n.
• Modern PV modules often contain 60 (10 x 6), 72 (9 x 8) or
96 (12 x 8) solar cells that are usually all connected in series
in order to minimise resistive losses.
Partial shading and bypass diodes
Figure, illustrating (a)
string of six solar cells
of which one is
partially shaded, which
(b) has dramatic
effects on the I-V
curve of this string. (c)
Bypass diodes can
solve the problem of
partial shading

• Fig (a), a shade can be from an object nearby, like a tree, a chimney or a neighbouring building. It
also can be caused by a leaf that has fallen from a tree. Partial shading can have significant
consequences on the output of the solar module.
• To understand this, let’s consider the situation in which a large part of one solar cell in the module
is shaded.
• For simplicity, let’s assume that all six cells are connected in series. This means that the current
generated in the shaded cell is significantly reduced, which then limits the current supplied by the
cell that generates the lowest current and thus dictates the maximum current flowing through the
Partial shading and bypass diodes, Cont.
• If the cells In Fig. (b) are connected to a constant load R, the voltage across the module is
dropping due to the lower current generated.
• However, since the five unshaded solar cells are forced to produce high voltages, they act like a
reverse bias source on the shaded solar cell. The dashed line in Fig. (b) represents the reverse
bias load put on the shaded cell, which is the I-V curve of the five cells, reflected across the
vertical axis equal to 0 V.
• Hence, the shaded solar cell does not generate energy, but starts to dissipate energy and heats
up. The temperature can increase to such a critical level, that the encapsulation material cracks,
or other materials wear out. Further, high temperatures generally lead to a decrease of the PV
output as well.
• To handle these problems occurring from partial shading a diode blocks the current when it is
under negative voltage, but conducts a current when it is under positive voltage. If no cell is
shaded, no current is flowing through the bypass diodes.
• For cells that are connected in parallel, partial shading is less of a problem, because the currents
generated in the others cells do not need to travel through the shaded cell. However, a module
consisting of 36 cells in parallel have very high currents (above 100 A) combined with a very low
voltage (approx. 0.6 V).
• Combining the cells in series and using bypass diodes is much better an option to do. 19
Fabrication of PV modules
• Soda-lime glass with a thickness of several millimetres,
which provides mechanical stability while being
transparent for the incident light.
• It is important the glass has a low iron content because
iron leads to absorption of light in the glass which can
lead to losses. Further, the glass must be tempered in
order to increase its resistance to impacts.
• The solar cells are sandwiched in between two layers
of encapsulants.
• The most common material is ethylene-vinyl-acetate (EVA), which is a thermoplastic polymer
(plastic). This means that it goes into shape when it is heated but that these changes are
• The back layer acts as a barrier against humidity and other stresses. Depending on the
manufacturer, it can be another glass plate or a composite polymer sheet. A material combination
that is often used is PVF-polyester-PVF, where PVF stands for polyvinyl fluoride, which is often
known by its brand name Tedlar®. PVF has a low permeability for vapours and is very resistive
against weathering.
• A typical polyester is polyethylene terephthalate (PET) 20
Fabrication of PV modules, Cont.
• A frame usually made from aluminium is put around the whole module in order to enhance the
mechanical stability.

• A junction box usually is placed at the back of the module. In it the electrical connections to the
solar cell are connected with the wires that are used to connect the module to the other
components of the PV system.

• For lamination, the whole stack consisting of front glass, the encapsulants, the interconnected
solar cells, and the back layer are brought together in a laminator, which is heated above the
melting point of EVA, which is around 120°C.

Maximum power point tracking in photovoltaics
• The concept of Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is very
unique to the field of PV Systems, and hence brings a very
special application of power electronics to the field of
photovoltaics (PV), which are equally valid for cells, modules,
and arrays, although MPPT usually is employed at PV
module/array level.
• The I-V curve is dependent on the module temperature and the
irradiance, e.g. an increasing irradiance leads to an increased
current and slightly increased voltage, as shown.
• An increasing temperature has a detrimental effect on the
• Interconnecting several solar cells in series or in parallel merely
increases the overall voltage and/or current, but does not
change the shape of the I-V curve.

Operating point- is the particular voltage and current where the PV module operates at any given
point in time. For a given irradiance and temperature, the operating point corresponds to a unique
(I, V) pair which lies onto the I-V curve. The power output at this operating point is given by
P = I x V. 22
Maximum power point tracker
Two categories of MPP tracker are:

• Indirect MPP tracking, for example performed with the Fractional Open Circuit Voltage method.
• Direct MPP tracking, for example performed with the Perturb and Observe method or the
Incremental Conductance method.

Fractional open circuit voltage method

Is one of the most common indirect MPPT techniques exploits the fact that – in a very good
approximation – the Vmpp is given by

Vmpp = k x Voc
where k is a constant. For crystalline silicon, k usually takes values in between 0.7 and 0.8. In
general, k of course is dependent on the type of solar cells.

As changes in the open circuit voltage can be easily tracked, changes in the Vmpp can be easily
estimated just by multiplying with k.

Photovoltaic Converters
• A core technology associated with PV systems is the power electronic converter. An ideal PV
converter should draw the maximum power from the PV panel and supply it to the load side.
• In case of grid connected systems, this should be done with the minimum harmonic content in the
current and at a power factor close to unity.
• For stand-alone systems the output voltage should also be regulated to the desired value.
• In an inverter, DC power is transformed into AC power.
• The DC input voltage of the inverter often is constant while the output voltage of the modules at
MPP is not. Therefore a DC-DC converter is used to transform the variable voltage from the
panels into stable voltage used by the DC-AC inverter.

Step-Down (Buck) Converter

Figure (a) below illustrates the simplest version of a buck DC-DC converter. The unfiltered output
voltage waveform of such a converter operated with pulse width- modulation (PWM) is shown in Fig.
(b). If the switch is on, the input voltage Vd is applied to the load. When the switch is off, the voltage
across the load is zero. From the figure we see that the average DC output voltage is denoted as Vo.
From the unfiltered voltage, the average output voltage is given as;

Photovoltaic Converters, Cont.

The duty cycle D, as and hence,

Vo = D x Vd.

In steady-state operation the time integral of the

voltage across the inductor uL taken during one
switching cycle is equal to zero. If this is not the case,
the circuit is not in steady state. Thus, in steady state,
we obtain the following inductor volt-second balance:

Solving this equation leads to;

Vo = DVd, Figure: (a) A basic buck converter without
any filters and (b) the unfiltered switched
waveform generated by this converter. 25
Step-Up (Boost) Converter
In a boost converter, Fig. (b) illustrates an input
DC voltage Vd is boosted to a higher DC voltage
Vo. By applying the inductor volt-second balance across
the inductor as;

Vdton + (Vd -V0)toff = 0

Using the definition for the duty cycle we find;

The above relation is valid in the continuous conduction

mode. The principle of operation is that energy
stored in the inductor (during the switch is on) is later
released against higher voltage Vo. In this way the
energy is transferred from lower voltage (solar cell
Figure: (a) A buck converter with filters
voltage) to the higher voltage (load voltage).
and (b) a boost converter.
Buck-Boost Converter
In a buck-boost converter the output voltage can be both higher
or lower than the input voltage. The simplified schematic of a
buck-boost converter is depicted in the Fig.

Example 1
Assume a PV module has its MPP at VPV = 17V and IPV = 6 A at a given level of solar irradiance. The
module has to power a load with a resistance RL = 10W. Calculate the duty cycle of the DC-DC
converter, if a buck-boost converter is used.

The maximum power from the module is PMPP = VMPP. IMPP = 102 W. If this power should be
dissipated at the resistor, we have to use the relation
PR = UR2/R
and hence find for the voltage at the resistor 𝑉𝑅 = 𝑃𝑀𝑃𝑃 𝑅𝐿 = 31.94𝑉 Using Eq.,
𝑉0 𝐷
𝑉𝑑 1−𝐷
with Vo = VR and Vd = VPV we find D = 0.65.
Determine the total load current and operational time
Example 2
A 12 V PV system has two DC appliances A and B requiring 15 and 20W, respectively. The average
operational time per day is 6 hours for device A and 3 hours for device B.

The daily energy requirements of the devices expressed in Ah are calculated as follows:
Device A: 15W x 6 h = 90Wh; Device B: 20W x 3 h = 60Wh
Total: 90Wh + 60Wh = 150Wh; 150Wh/12V = 12.5Ah

Example 3
An AC computer (device C) and TV set (device D) are connected to the PV system. The computer,
which has rated power 40W, runs 2 hours per day and the TV set with rated power 60W is 3 hours
per day in operation. Worksheet for designing a simple off-grid PV system based on rough
assumptions gave /0.85 = DC energy requirement

The daily energy requirements of the devices expressed in DC Ah are calculated as follows:

Device C: 40W x 2 h = 80Wh; Device D: 60W x 3 h = 180Wh

Total: 80Wh + 180Wh = 260Wh; DC requirement: 260Wh/0.85 = 306Wh; 306Wh/12V = 25.5Ah
Solar Energy & Storage
• The biggest obstacle towards an economy that is
driven by renewable energy is not the generation of
sustainable energy sources but the storage of the
renewable energy.

• Storing electricity with batteries is very difficult, while

day-night storage that makes solar electricity
generated during daytime available in the night is
easily done.

• Seasonal storage that allows

to store electricity generated in
the summer until winter would
require very large battery
systems that usually are not

Solar Fuels
Figure shows a typical lab-scale setup for the hydrolysis of water
with power from solar.
Water splitting is a reduction-oxidation reaction, which is
commonly abbreviated as redox reaction. In such redox reactions,
the reaction happens due to the exchange of electrons between
atoms or molecules. They can be divided in two half reactions, the
oxidation and the reduction.

During the oxidation, which happens at the anode, water is split

into oxygen and protons to the solutions and electrons to the
H2O → ½ O2 + 2H+ + 2e-

In the reduction, electrons originating 25

from the cathode react with the 25
protons to hydrogen,
2H+ + 2e- → H2
The total reaction therefore can be
written as;
H2O → ½ O2 +H2. 30

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