Open Channel Flow
Open Channel Flow
Open Channel Flow
Open-channel flow must have a free surface , whereas pipe flow has none. A
free surface is subject to atmospheric pressure. In Pipe flow there exist no direct
atmospheric flow but hydraulic pressure only.
The two kinds of flow are compared in the figure above. On the top is
pipe flow. Two piezometers are placed in the pipe at sections 1 and 2. The water
levels in the pipes are maintained by the pressure in the pipe at elevations
represented by the hydraulics grade line or hydraulic gradient .
The pressure exerted by the water in each section of the pipe is shown in
the tube by the height y of a column of water above the centre line of the pipe.
The total energy of the flow of the section (with reference to a datum) is the
sum of the elevation z of the pipe centre line, the piezometric head y and the
velocity head V2 /2g , where V is the mean velocity. The energy is represented
in the figure by what is known as the energy grade line or the energy gradient .
The loss of energy that results when water flows from section 1 to section 2 is
represented by hf.
A similar diagram for open channel flow is shown at the bottom. This is
simplified by assuming parallel flow with a uniform velocity distribution and
that the slope of the channel is small. In this case the hydraulic gradient is the
water surface as the depth of water corresponds to the piezometric height.
Despite the similarity between the two kinds of flow, it is much more difficult
to solve problems of flow in open channels than in pipes. Flow conditions in
open channels are complicated by the position of the free surface which will
change with time and space. And also by the fact that depth of flow, the
discharge, and the slopes of the channel bottom and of the free surface are all
inter dependent.
Physical conditions in open-channels vary much more than in pipes -
the cross-section of pipes is usually round - but for open channel it can be any
Open channel flow is driven by gravity rather than by pressure work as in pipes.
Applied Hydraulic Engineering: Uniform Types of
Types of flow
Flow is said to be steady if the depth of flow at a particular point does not
change or can be Considered constant for the time interval under consideration.
The flow is unsteady if depth changes with time.
Open Channel flow is said to be uniform if the depth and velocity of flow
are the same at every section of the channel. Hence it follows that uniform flow
can only occur in prismatic channels.
For steady uniform flow, depth and velocity is constant with both time
and distance. This constitutes the fundamental type of flow in an open channel.
It occurs when gravity forces are in equilibrium with resistance forces.
Depth varies with distance but not with time. This type of flow may be
either (a) gradually varied or (b) rapidly varied. Type (a) requires the
application of the energy and frictional resistance equations while type (b)
requires the energy and momentum equations.
Unsteady flow
The depth varies with both time and space. This is the most common type
of flow and requires the solution of the energy momentum and friction
equations with time. In many practical cases the flow is sufficiently close to
steady flow therefore it can be analysed as gradually varied steady flow.
Artificial channels
In the field they are commonly constructed of concrete, steel or earth and
have the surface roughness' reasonably well defined (although this may change
with age - particularly grass lined channels.) Analysis of flow in such well
defined channels will give reasonably accurate results.
Natural channels
Natural channels can be very different. They are not regular nor prismatic
and their materials of construction can vary widely (although they are mainly of
earth this can possess many different properties.) The surface roughness will
often change with time distance and even elevation.
Depth(y)-the vertical distance from the lowest point of the channel section to
the free surface.
Stage (z) - the vertical distance from the free surface to an arbitrary datum
Area (A) - the cross-sectional area of flow, normal to the direction of flow
Wetted perimeter (P) - the length of the wetted surface measured normal to the
direction of flow.
Surface width (B) - width of the channel section at the free surface
Hydraulic radius (R) - the ratio of area to wetted perimeter ( A/P )
Hydraulic mean depth (Dm) - the ratio of area to surface width ( A/B )
Uniform Flow - Fundamental equations
Steady Uniform flow: The Chezy and Manning Equation
When uniform flow occurs gravitational forces exactly balance the frictional resistance forces
which apply as a shear force along the boundary (channel bed and walls).
= f V2 , where f is a non dimensional factor whose value depends on the
material and nature of flow surface.
Therefore, Eqn 1 becomes,
f V2 PL = 𝜔 AL sin
V2 = AL sin f PL
𝑤 𝐴𝐿 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃
𝑉2 =
𝑤 𝐴
𝑉 = √ 𝑋 𝑆𝑖𝑛 𝜃
𝑓 𝑃
𝑉 = 𝐶 √𝑅𝑆
Where , C = √ 𝑓 is a variable based on the roughness of the channel surface and
Also, 𝑄 = 𝐴 𝐶 √𝑅𝑆
𝑄 = 𝐾 √𝑆, where K = 𝐴 𝐶 √𝑅 is called the conveyance of the channel, and it’s the
measure of carrying capacity of the channel.
A very many studies have been made of the evaluation of C for different natural
and manmade channels. These have resulted in today most practising engineers
use some form of this relationship to give C:
1 1/6
𝐶= 𝑅
This is known as Manning's formula, and the n as Manning's n .
Substituting C in Chezy’s equation,gives velocity of uniform flow:
𝑉 = 𝑅2/3 𝑆1/2
Or in terms of discharge
1 𝐴5/3 1/2
𝑄= 𝑆
𝑛 𝑃2/3
Several other names have been associated with the derivation of this
formula - or ones similar and consequently in some countries the same equation
is named after one of these people. Some of these names are; Strickler,
Gauckler, Kutter, Gauguillet and Hagen.
The Manning equation has the great benefits that it is simple, accurate
and now due to it long extensive practical use, there exists a wealth of publicly
available values of n for a very wide range of channels.
Which is the Most Economical Section of a Channel in Fluid Mechanics? Discussion about
most economical section in rectangular channel, trapezoidal channel, triangular channel is
given below. A channel is said to be most economical if
o It gives maximum discharge for a given cross -sectional area and bed shape,
o It has minimum wetted perimeter, and
o It involves lesser excavation for the designed amount of discharge.
The following points are worth noting :
1. The most economical section of a rectangular channel is one which has hydraulic
radius equal to half the depth of flow.
2. The most economical section of a trapezoidal channel is one which has hydraulic
mean depth equal to half the depth of flow.
3. The most economical section of a triangular channel is one which has its sloping
sides at an angle of 45 degree with the vertical.
4. The discharge through a channel of rectangular section is maximum when its
breadth is twice the depth.
5. The discharge through a channel of trapezoidal section is maximum when the sloping
side is equal to half the width at the top.
6. The discharge through a channel of circular section is maximum when the depth of
water is equal to 0.95 times the diameter of the circular channel.
7. The velocity through a channel of circular section is maximum when the depth of
water is equal to 0.81 times the diameter of circular channel.
1) The most economical section of a rectangular channel is one which has hydraulic
radius equal to half the depth of flow.
i.e R= y/2
2) The most economical section of a trapezoidal channel is one which has hydraulic
mean depth equal to half the depth of flow.
3) The most economical section of a triangular channel is one which has its sloping
sides an angle of 45 degree with the vertical.
4) The discharge through a channel of rectangular section is maximum when its breadth
is twice the depth.
5) The discharge through a channel of trapezoidal section is maximum when the sloping
side is equal to half the width at the top.
6) The discharge through a channel of circular section is maximum when the depth of
water is equal to 0.95 times the diameter of circular channel.
7) The velocity through a channel of circular section is maximum when the depth of
water is equal to 0.81 time the diameter of circular channel.
9) If the depth of water in ans open channel is less than the critical depth, then the flow
is known as torrential flow.
10) If the depth of water in an open channel is greater than the critical depth then the
flow is called tranquil flow.