Saposnik Et Al 2010 Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Using Wii Gaming Technology in Stroke Rehabilitation
Saposnik Et Al 2010 Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Using Wii Gaming Technology in Stroke Rehabilitation
Saposnik Et Al 2010 Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Using Wii Gaming Technology in Stroke Rehabilitation
Background and Purpose—Hemiparesis resulting in functional limitation of an upper extremity is common among stroke
survivors. Although existing evidence suggests that increasing intensity of stroke rehabilitation therapy results in better
motor recovery, limited evidence is available on the efficacy of virtual reality for stroke rehabilitation.
Methods—In this pilot, randomized, single-blinded clinical trial with 2 parallel groups involving stroke patients within 2
months, we compared the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of virtual reality using the Nintendo Wii gaming system
(VRWii) versus recreational therapy (playing cards, bingo, or “Jenga”) among those receiving standard rehabilitation to
evaluate arm motor improvement. The primary feasibility outcome was the total time receiving the intervention. The
primary safety outcome was the proportion of patients experiencing intervention-related adverse events during the study
period. Efficacy, a secondary outcome measure, was evaluated with the Wolf Motor Function Test, Box and Block Test,
and Stroke Impact Scale at 4 weeks after intervention.
Results—Overall, 22 of 110 (20%) of screened patients were randomized. The mean age (range) was 61.3 (41 to 83) years.
Two participants dropped out after a training session. The interventions were successfully delivered in 9 of 10
participants in the VRWii and 8 of 10 in the recreational therapy arm. The mean total session time was 388 minutes in
the recreational therapy group compared with 364 minutes in the VRWii group (P⫽0.75). There were no serious adverse
events in any group. Relative to the recreational therapy group, participants in the VRWii arm had a significant
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improvement in mean motor function of 7 seconds (Wolf Motor Function Test, 7.4 seconds; 95% CI, ⫺14.5, ⫺0.2) after
adjustment for age, baseline functional status (Wolf Motor Function Test), and stroke severity.
Conclusions—VRWii gaming technology represents a safe, feasible, and potentially effective alternative to facilitate
rehabilitation therapy and promote motor recovery after stroke. (Stroke. 2010;41:1477-1484.)
Key Words: stroke 䡲 virtual reality 䡲 rehabilitation 䡲 Wolf Motor Function Test 䡲 outcome research 䡲 safety
䡲 feasibility 䡲 randomized clinical trial 䡲 Wii gaming system
1478 Stroke July 2010
neous and secondary to intense rehabilitative treatments, is summary of inclusion and exclusion criteria, see Supplemental Table
sustained by plasticity and rewiring in the injured brain in I, available online at
adults.2,7,8 Neurons in the adult human brain increase their
firing rates when a subject observes movements performed by Baseline Measures
Baseline characteristics were collected, including demographics (age
other persons. Activation of this mirror–neuron system,
and gender), handedness, comorbid conditions, stroke characteristics
including areas of the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes, including location, type, and baseline disability based on the modi-
can induce cortical reorganization and possibly contribute to fied Rankin scale, and Barthel index for activities of daily living.
functional recovery because critical nodes in the system are Stroke severity was assessed using the Canadian Neurological Scale,
also active when subjects actually perform movements.9 –11 a simple, reliable, and validated scale (in which lower scores indicate
greater stroke severity) for estimating the neurological status, espe-
Virtual reality (VR) gaming systems are novel and poten-
cially when the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale is not
tially useful technologies that allow users to interact in 3 available.16,17 Baseline motor function was assessed using the Wolf
dimensions with a computer-generated scenario (a virtual Motor Function Test18 and the Box and Block Test.19 Baseline
world), engaging the mirror–neuron system. The gaming quality of life was assessed using the Stroke Impact Scale.20 The
industry has developed a variety of VR systems for home use, blinded assessor was trained in the use of these scales.
All baseline, post-treatment, and 4-week follow-up assessments
making this technology both affordable and accessible with
were performed by a trained outcome assessor, blinded to patient
potential application in community settings (ie, patients’ randomization, who was not involved in administration of study
homes). In particular, these technologies allow for interactive interventions.
observation of avatar movements captured on the screen and
combine features of increasing rehabilitation intensity re- Study Interventions
quired for induction of neuroplasticity.9,11,12
Description of Wii Gaming Technology
However, there has been limited research involving the Nintendo introduced a new style of VR (2006) by using a wireless
incorporation of VR gaming systems into neurorehabilitation controller that interacts with the player through a motion detection
programs, particularly in the subacute period after stroke. system and avatar (computer user’s representation of himself or
There is an identified need for rigorous randomized con- herself or alter ego) technology. The controllers use embedded
trolled trials to establish the safety, feasibility, and efficacy of acceleration sensors responsive to changes in direction, speed, and
acceleration that enable participants to interact with the games while
VR systems as therapeutic options in stroke rehabilita- performing wrist, arm, and hand movements. A 2-point infrared light
tion.13,14 The objectives of this study were to examine the sensor, mounted on top of a television, captures and reproduces on
feasibility and safety of the VR Nintendo Wii gaming system the screen the movement from the controller as performed by
(VRWii) compared with recreational therapy (RT) in facili- participants. Because Wii is computer assisted, big sweeping move-
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ments in the games are not necessary. The feedback provided by the
tating motor function of the upper extremity required for
TV screen as well as the opportunity to observe their own move-
activities of daily living among patients with subacute stroke ments in real time, generates positive reinforcement, thus facilitating
receiving standard rehabilitation. training and task improvement. (Additional details are described
online at
Methods As described, several distinctive features favored the selection
VRWii over other VR systems, including novel and widely available
Study Design 3D technology using gaming simulations, affordability, clinical
The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Exercises in Stroke Rehabilita- applicability using simple graphics with real-time feedback with the
tion (EVREST) is a pilot, randomized, single-blind, parallel group possibility to reduce speed, making it usable for patients with
trial to systematically compare the feasibility and safety of VRWii to cognitive impairments after stroke, and provision of direct multimo-
RT in patients with a first stroke within 6 months before enrollment dal sensory feedback (vision, touch, and auditory) with the avatar,
to determine whether VRWii enhances motor recovery after stroke. thus allowing adjustments while performing and self-observing the
execution of diverse tasks.
Participants The software used in EVREST was the publicly available sports
Participants 18 to 85 years of age having a first-time ischemic or (ie, Wii Sports) and Cooking Mamma packages, accounting for 30
hemorrhagic stroke were eligible for the study. Although the proto- minutes each in the VRWii group.
col allowed the inclusion of patients up to 6 months after stroke,
early recruitment was favored. This time window was chosen to Description of RT
maximize the opportunity for enhancing motor recovery. All partic- RT sessions included leisure activities such as playing cards,
ipants had a clinically defined acute stroke confirmed by neuroim- stamping a seal while playing bingo, or playing Jenga. Adherence to
aging (CT or MRI) and neurological assessment and met a level of standard rehabilitation and to the study tasks were monitored with a
function of the upper extremity derived from the Chedoke–McMas- timer. RT was used as a control group to allow a fair comparison
ter scale15 ⬎3 either in the arm or hand (ie, shrug their shoulders, between the time spent in rehabilitation activities between groups
touch chin with the affected arm) at time of enrollment. and a lack of evidence that Wii gaming system is standard rehabil-
Potential participants were excluded if they were unable to follow itation therapy. Additional details of the protocol have been pub-
instructions, had a prestroke modified Rankin score of ⱖ2, were lished previously.21
medically unstable or had uncontrolled hypertension according to the
treating physician, were experiencing a severe illness with a life Study Procedures
expectancy ⬍3 months, experienced unstable angina, or had recent
myocardial infarction (within 3 months), had a history of seizures or Randomization
epilepsy (except for febrile seizures of childhood), were participating Participants admitted to the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute were
in another clinical trial involving an investigational drug or physical randomly allocated in a 1:1 ratio to the 2 study groups. The
therapy, or had any condition that might put the patient at risk (ie, randomization schedule was computer generated using a basic
known shoulder subluxation or fracture) at study entry. (For a random number generator.
Saposnik et al Virtual Reality Using Wii Technology in Stroke Rehab 1479
10 Refused Consent
22 Randomized
1 Patient Who
Discontinued Prior to 4-
Week Follow-Up
Table 1. Study Participant Characteristics within the VRWii and RT groups. Participants in the VRWii
Characteristics RT (n⫽11) VRWii (n⫽11)
group had a significant improvement in WMFT (represented
as a shorter time in completing the tasks) and grip strength
Mean age (range), y 67.3 (46 – 83) 55.3 (41–72)
from baseline, whereas both groups had an improvement in
Sex, male 7 (64) 7 (64) Box and Block Test (Table 3).
Handedness, right 10 (91) 10 (91) Multivariable analyses using linear regression 4 weeks
Comorbidities after intervention were performed using baseline measures as
Hypertension 5 (45) 9 (82) covariates to evaluate the efficacy of VRWii versus RT. After
Dyslipidemia 2 (18) 1 (9) adjustment for age, baseline functional status (WMFT), and
Diabetes mellitus 4 (36) 2 (18) stroke severity, participants in the VRWii arm performed, on
average, significantly better on the WMFT than the RT group
Atrial fibrillation 0 (0) 1 (9)
(⫺7.4 seconds; 95% CI, ⫺14.5, ⫺0.2). Similarly, participants
Stroke type, hemorrhagic 2 (18) 2 (18)
randomized to VRWii achieved a nonsignificant improve-
Affected side, right 6 (55) 6 (55)
ment in grip strengths when compared with RT after adjust-
Baseline functional status at ing for age, baseline grip strength, and stroke severity (1.9 kg;
time of randomization
95% CI, ⫺2.5, 6.2). No significant differences were observed
Chedocke–McMaster, 4.5 关4.0–5.0兴 4.0 关3.5–4.0兴 in the adjusted analysis for the Stroke Impact Scale (hand or
median 关IQR兴
composite) and Box and Block Test.
Stroke severity, median 10.0 关8.1–10.4兴 9.0 关7.8–9.5兴
Barthel index, median 关IQR兴 65 关60–88兴 65 关55–72.5兴 The field of poststroke rehabilitation is evolving. The current
Modified Rankin scale paradigm of stroke rehabilitation strategies to improve motor
1 1 (9) 0 (0) function is focused on high-intensity, repetitive, and task-
2 3 (27) 2 (18) specific practice.2,26 Long-term potentiation, implicated in the
3 5 (45) 5 (45) acquisition of new and retrieval of learned motor patterns,
4 2 (18) 4 (36) develops from repeated stimulation or tasks. VR gaming is a
technology that allows a user to interact with a computer-
Mean 关SD兴 days from onset to 22.7 关8.6兴 26.7 关16.4兴
randomization simulated environment and receive near real-time feedback
on performance. As reported in recent studies,2,14 the extent to
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Table 3. Effect of Interventions on Secondary Outcomes at Baseline Through 4-Week Follow-Up and Change From Baseline Within
Wii and RT Groups
Virtual Reality using Wii (VRWii) Recreational Therapy (RT)
within 2 months before enrollment. The effect of the VRWii Most of the reported studies focused on lower extremities,
gaming technology was compared with RT among patients especially in gait training, including the use of a treadmill.13
receiving usual/standard rehabilitation. We found that VRWii Only 3 studies addressed upper limb rehabilitation, and none
use was feasible and safe when performed under the prespeci- of them were randomized trials. None of the studies reported
fied criteria. For the efficacy outcomes (secondary clinical any significant adverse effects. Moreover, several studies
end points), this feasibility study showed a significant im- compared an intervention plus conventional physical therapy
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provement in motor function (WMFT) in the unadjusted versus conventional physical therapy alone, which, by neces-
(Table 3) and adjusted analysis for the VRWii group. When sity allowed for more rehabilitation time in the experimental
reporting outcomes, it is worth knowing whether an observed group.33 This creates a bias in favor of the new intervention
difference indicates a clinically significant effect.27 The because the intensity and frequency of rehabilitation per se is
observed 7-second benefit for the VRWii group in the known to directly and beneficially affect functional out-
adjusted analysis appears clinically meaningful given the 1.5- comes. A more recent systematic review on VR gaming and
to 2-second change reported as a the minimal clinically arm motor function found only 2 randomized clinical trials,
important difference in previous studies.28 with just one including patients in the acute phase of stroke.14
The stroke rehabilitation research landscape has been No significant differences were observed between virtual-
evolving.2 The results of the EXCITE (Extremity Constraint environment training and conventional therapy groups in
Induced Therapy Evaluation) trial provided new insight in motor strength and functional scores. Finally, the authors of
stroke rehabilitation by showing that constraint-induced mo- this systematic review highlighted the potential value and
tor therapy can produce a clinically relevant improvement in safety of VR gaming as a tool for stroke rehabilitation but
arm function for patients within 6 months of a stroke.4 A concluded that VR gaming in stroke rehabilitation is an
study using functional MRI showed that repetitive bimanual unproven treatment, and much more evidence is needed from
stimulation produced bilateral activation of the motor corti- well-designed randomized trials.13,14 Considering the paucity
ces, one marker of brain plasticity.8 Interestingly, the com- of well-designed randomized studies, the scarce funding for
parison of Bobath, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, stroke rehabilitation research, and the limitations of conven-
or motor relearning conventional techniques has shown that no tional rehabilitation, VRWii technology is accessible for all
one approach improves functional outcomes over another.29 –32 segments of the population at a relatively low cost, without
According to a recent systematic review, constraint-induced requiring special resources, assistance, or transportation to a
motor therapy represents, thus far, the most promising interven- specific facility.
tion to date for improving upper limb function.2 The limitations of our study deserve comment. First,
Limited evidence exists regarding the use of VR gaming EVREST was a pilot study with a small sample size, limiting
systems in stroke rehabilitation. Two recent systematic re- any definitive conclusions about the efficacy of VRWii.
views have summarized the available studies on VR in stroke EVREST was designed as a feasibility study and therefore
rehabilitation.13 Among 11 identified studies, there were only not powered to detect a difference between groups. However,
3 randomized clinical trials with diverse outcomes measures these results will allow for an informed estimate of the sample
(memory retraining, walking, gait, and postural stability). size required for an adequately powered large-scale random-
Saposnik et al Virtual Reality Using Wii Technology in Stroke Rehab 1483
ized clinical trial. Second, because this study was single- the trial. We especially thank Jacqueline Willems, manager of the
blinded, it was possibly subject to bias in that patients using South East Toronto Stroke Network, and Dr Neville Bayer (de-
ceased), former director of the Stroke Program at St. Michael’s
the “new” technology may have been more motivated by the
Hospital, for their invaluable support. We also appreciate the
use of this treatment and also may have inadvertently dis- support, comments, and suggestions from Drs Vladimir Hachinski
closed their treatment allocation to the examiner. Neverthe- and Sandra Black during conception of the study.
less, this is a common issue in the design and implementation The EVREST Research Study Group comprised G.S. (principal
of randomized clinical trials in stroke rehabilitation, and not investigator), M.B., M.M., J.H., D.C., W.M., K.E.T., Jacqueline
Willems, Alexis Dishaw (Toronto, Canada), R.T., and L.G.C.
unique to EVREST. However, we had made an effort to The EVREST team at Toronto Rehabilitation Institute was com-
determine whether concealed allocation was preserved by posed of M.B. (site principal investigator), Laura Langer, Jennifer
asking the blinded assessor to guess the allocation group for Shaw, Hannah Cheung, and W.M.
each participant. No difference was found. Third, because The EVREST Steering Committee included G.S. (principal inves-
tigator of EVREST), M.B. (principal investigator at Toronto Reha-
safety and feasibility were the primary outcome measures in bilitation), J.H. (research manager), and M.M. (M.M.) at the Applied
EVREST, we have no information on the potential effects of Health Research Centre, who made all decisions concerning the
bimanual training in this population. Fourth, the VRWii implementation and conduction of the study.
group was significantly younger than the RT group. Older
subjects typically have slower reaction times, with an appar- Sources of Funding
ent poorer performance in the RT group. However, the results This study was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Health and
Long Term Care (MoHLTC) through the Ontario Stroke System
remained consistent after adjusting for age and other baseline
(OSS), administered by Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario
differences. Finally, the short duration of the intervention (8 (HSFO). We are most grateful for the initial funding provided by
sessions within 2 weeks) may underestimate the effect of South East Toronto Stroke Network, which helped with the early
VRWii gaming technology. In addition, the Wii system only organization of the study design and coordination.
provides feedback on the movement itself such that persons
might adopt a variety of movement strategies to successfully Disclosures
play the game. Some of these strategies (eg, significant The authors declare no financial conflicts of interest. Specifically, we
have not received support from Nintendo or other software devel-
shoulder/trunk motions) are not necessarily ideal adaptive opment companies.
strategies to reinforce.34 As a result, patient supervision may The sponsors were not involved in the design, execution, analysis,
be an important component of subsequent trials, as might be interpretation, or reporting of the results.
the addition of additional sensors to better represent feedback We declare that we have participated in the conception, design,
analysis, interpretation of the results, drafting the manuscript, and
of limb/arm position.
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