Chapter 2 FLC
Chapter 2 FLC
Chapter 2 FLC
Is attributed to Flavell
Is the ability to think about and regulate one’s own thoughts. Teaching metacognitive strategies
can improve learners’ performance at school. This makes it a good, evidence-based target for
A simplified definition metacognition is “thinking about thinking,” but metacognition also
encompasses the regulation of these thoughts – the ability to change them.
Metacognitive Knowledge
Metacognitive Regulation
Also called as knowledge of cognition
Refers to “what individuals know about their cognition or cognition in general” (Schraw, 2002)
It involves three kinds of metacognitive awareness namely: declarative knowledge, procedural
knowledge, and conditional knowledge.
Also called personal knowledge.
Learner’s knowledge about things.
Learner’s understanding of own abilities.
Knowledge about oneself as a learner.
Also called task knowledge.
It involves the knowledge of how to do things and how skills or competencies are executed.
The assessment on the learner’s task knowledge includes what knowledge is needed (content)
and the space available to communicate what is known (length).
Also called strategy knowledge.
Refers to the ability to know when and why various cognitive acts such should be applied.
It involves using strategies to learn information (knowing how to know) as well as adapting them
to novel contexts (knowing when a strategy is appropriate).
Identify if the following thoughts are more declarative, procedural, or conditional knowledge.
1. I know that the context of this problem is not suited to the theory. (Declarative)
2. There are three ways to solve this problem. (Conditional)
3. This fact is essential to recall for the situation presented. (Procedural)
4. ROYGBIV makes it easy for me to remember the colors of the rainbow. (Conditional)
5. This is an irregular verb, thus adding –ed to the word to make it past tense does not apply.
LESSON 2: Metacognitive Regulation and Control
Metacognitive regulation is the second component of metacognition.
While metacognitive knowledge refers to the learners’ knowledge or beliefs about the factors that
affect cognitive skills.
Metacognitive regulation pertains to the ability of the learners to track of (monitor) and assess
their knowledge or learning.
It includes their ability to find out what, when, and how to use a particular skill for a given task.
Self-regulation is essential in metacognition.
Involves the selection of appropriate strategies and the allocation of resources that affect
performance (Schraw, 2002).
Together with setting goals, planning is considered a central part of students’ ability to control
their learning processes and to learn outcomes through deliberate self-regulatory decisions and
Goals are dichotomized as master goals and performance goals (Paulson & Bauer, 2011)
Mastery goals are related to process, learning, and development.
Performance goals are usually associated with product orientations and demonstrating
competence or social comparisons to the peer group.
A student who desires to get high grade (performance goal) in a Science class portfolio
determines how best to make all entries in the portfolio exemplary in all criteria as described in
the scoring rubric (mastery goal).
Refers to one’s ongoing awareness of comprehension and task performance (Schraw, 2002).
Given a task, it involves the awareness of the person that the prerequisite knowledge and process
to manage the task is sufficient to succeed.
It also involves the ability to consider the accuracy of the knowledge and procedure to solve the
Assessing knowledge or learning
Refers to appraising the products and efficiency of one’s learning.
It involves the person’s ability to evaluate how well the strategies are used to lead to the
solution of the problem or completion of the task.
It tells whether or not the procedure resulted to the correct answer or a different answer.
Classify the following questions/statements if the learner is engaged in planning, monitoring, or
evaluating phases is metacognitive regulation.
1. Is this strategy leading me to the correct answer? (Evaluating)
2. My answer does not match the standards in the scoring rubric. (Monitoring)
3. What strategy is best for this type of problem? (Procedural)
4. What does this task expect me to produce? (Procedural)
5. The teacher is nodding as I speak, I am right in organizing my answer. (Evaluating)
LESSON 3: Metacognitive Instruction
Are visual illustrations displaying the relationships between facts, information, ideas, or concepts.
Through visual displays, learners are guided in their thinking as they fill in the needed
One good example is the KWHLAQ chart, a variant of the KWL chart. It is useful during the
planning, monitoring, and evaluating phases of metacognition.
Helps learners to think aloud about their thinking as they undertake a task.
The learners report their thoughts while they do it.
With the help of a more knowledgeable learner, the errors in thinking and the inadequacy of
declarative, procedural, and conditional knowledge can be pointed out, giving the learner
increased self-awareness during learning.
Can be used together with think aloud.
In a journal, learners write what was in their mind when they selected an answer and the reasons
for their choice. Later, they will write about their realizations where they were wrong and what
should have been considered in answering. Finally, they resolve on what to do the next time a
similar situation/problem arises.
Is a “systematic approach for using feedback metacognitively to improve one’s future
performance” (Hopeman, 2002).
Asking the learners where they are correct and wrong provides avenues for them to evaluate their
It results in a learner’s metacognitive knowledge of own mistakes and making use of them to
improve future performance.
Is an activity that fosters learners’ metacognition before, during, and after a class.
In a reading class, before the selection is read, the teacher asks about the theme of the selection
based on the story title. While reading the selection, learners are asked if their assumptions were
true. After reading, the learners are asked what made them comprehend or not comprehend the
Is a proven metacognitive strategy as many learners learn best when studying with peers who are
more informed and skilled than them.
Novice learners, by observing their more skilled peers, can learn from the metacognitive
strategies of their peer mentors.
The use of cooperative learning strategies is helpful towards this goal.