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Mock Test I(MAT/IQ) 11. Which of the following is not a leap year?

a) 700 b) 800 c) 1200 d) 2000

1. If COURSE is code as FRXUVH, How is RACE coded in that code? 12. BEGK: ADFJ:: PSVY : ?
2. If in a certain code ROPE is coded as 6821, CHAIR IS CODED AS 13. 4 : 18 :: 6 : ?
73456, what will be the code for CRAPE ? a) 32 b) 38 c) 11 d) 37
a) 73456 b) 76421 c) 77246 d) 77123 14. O, T, T, F, F, S, S, ?
3. D = 4 and COVER = 63 then BASIS = ? a) O b) S c) N d) E
a) 49 b) 50 c) 54 d) 55 15. The total of the ages of Amar, Akbar and Anthony is 80 years.
4. If AT = 20, BAT = 40, then CAT will be equal to What was the total of their ages three years ago?
a) 30 b) 50 c) 60 d) 7 a) 71 years b) 72 years c) 74 years d) 77 years
5. Which one will replace the question mark? 16. Shyam walks 5 km towards East and then turns left and walks 6
km. Again he turns right and walks 9 km. Finally, he turns to his
right and walks 6 km. How far is he from the starting point?
a) 26 km b) 21 km c) 14 km d) 9 km
17. Two cars start from the opposite places of a main road, 150 km
apart. First car runs for 25 km and takes a right turn and then runs
15 km. It then turns left and then runs for another 25 km and then
a) 15 b) 19 c) 20 d) 18 takes the direction back to reach the main road. In the mean time,
6. Which one will replace the question mark? due to minor break down the other car has run only 35 km along
the main road. What would be the distance between two cars at
this point?
a) 65 km b) 75 km c)80 km d) 85 km
18. In a row Muna ranks 17 from the front side. If in the row there
are 50 persons then what is her position from the backside.
a) B b) J c) I d) D a) 37 b) 34 c) 35 d) 36
7. Pointing to a photograph of a boy Suresh said, "He is the son of 19. In a row of 54 persons, A is 15 from the left side of the row and B
the only son of my mother." How is Suresh related to that boy? is 20th from the right side of the row. Find the no. of persons
a) Father b) Brother c) Cousin d) Cousin sitting between A and B?
8. The angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock a)20 b)19 c)18 d)21
when the time is 4.20, is: 20. 120, 99, 80, 63, 48, ?
a) 00 b) 100 c) 150 d) 200 a) 35 b)38 c)39 d)40
9. How many times in a day, are the hands of a clock in straight line 21. In a family there are several brothers and sisters. Every 2 boys
but opposite in direction? have brothers as many as sisters and each girl has 2 brothers less
a.20 b.22 c.24 d.48 than twice as many brothers as sisters. Now find the number of
10. How many days are there in x weeks x days? boys and girls.
a) 7x2 b) 8x c) 14x d) 7 a) 6, 8 b)6 , 4 c)6 , 8 d)12 , 10
22. If a sum of money is divided equally n children, each child will 27. Select a suitable figure from the Answer Figures that would replace
receive Rs. 60. If another child is added to the group, then when the question mark (?).
the sum is divided equally among all children, each child will receive Problem Figures: Answer Figures:
a Rs. 50 share. What is the sum of money?
a. Rs. 100 b. Rs. 120 c. Rs. 300 d. Rs. 400
23. If 6 March, 2005 is Monday, what was the day of the week on
6th March, 2004?
(A) (B) (C) (D) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
a) Sunday b) Monday c) Tuesday d) Wednesday
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
24. Find the number of triangles in the given figure.
Given question consists of two words that have a certain relationship
to each other, followed by four pairs. Select the pair that has the
same relationship as the original pair of words.
28. Chaff : Wheat
a) Bone : Flesh b) Blood : Vein
a) 18 b) 20 c) 24 d) 27
c) Dregs : Wine d) Rubbish : House
25. Select a suitable figure from the four alternatives that would
29. Find the odd one out.
complete the figure matrix.
a) Assassinate b) Kill c) Kidnap d) Stab
30. Find the odd one out.
a) Rat b) Squirrel c) Mongoose d) Mole
31. Which one of the words cannot be made from ABUNDANCE?
32. Ram is taller than Ramesh who is shorter than Ratan. Rohan is taller
than Rajan but shorter than Ramesh. Ratan is shorter than Ram. Who
is the tallest?
a) Ram b) Ramesh c) Ratan d) Rohan
33. A player is related to team in the same way a ship is related to
a) water b) sea c) sailor d) fleet
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 34. Teaching is related to learning, in the same way treatment is related to
26. Select a suitable figure from the four alternatives that would a) cure b) doctor c) medicine d) disease
complete the figure matrix. 35.Select the logically best answer
Nepal will not manufacturer Nuclear Bomb because it is peace-loving
a) Some peace-loving countries do not manufacture Nuclear Bomb.
b) No peace-loving country will manufacture Nuclear Bomb.
c) All peace-loving countries manufacture Nuclear Bomb.
d) Nuclear Bomb is manufactured for peaceful purposes.
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
36. The total number of digits used in numbering the pages of a book 15th August, 2010 = (2009 years + Period 1.1.2010 to 15.8.2010)
having 366 page is? Odd days in 1600 years = 0
a) 732 b) 990 c) 1098 d) 1305 Odd days in 400 years = 0
37. Mathematics is related to numbers, in the same way History is related 9 years = (2 leap years + 7 ordinary years) = (2 x 2 + 7 x 1) = 11 odd
to days 4 odd days.
a) dates b) wars c) events d) people Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug.
38. p is the Sum of all the integers from 1 to 150 inclusive, q is the Sum of (31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 15) = 227 days
all the integers from 1 to 148 inclusive. What is the value of p -q? 227 days = (32 weeks + 3 days) 3 odd days.
a) 30 b) 299 c) 298 d) 297 Total number of odd days = (0 + 0 + 4 + 3) = 7 0 odd days.
39. If n is the smallest of three consecutive positive integers, which of the Given day is Sunday.
following must be true? 44. The sum of series 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ⋯ + 998 + 999 + 1000 is
a) n is divisible by 3 b) n is even a. 5050 b. 500500 c. 550000 d. 55000
c) n is odd d) n (n+1) (n+2) is divisible by 3 45. On a rainy day, 60cm of rain is recorded in a region. What is the volume
40. A monkey climbs a pole 34 m long. In first minute, he climbs 6m and in of water collected in an open and empty rectangular water tank that
second minute he slips down 2m. In third minute he again climbs 6m measures 12 m (length) ×10 m (width) and 50 cm (depth)?
and in fourth minute he slips down 2m. If he continue to do like this a.120 m3 b. 72 m3 c. 60 m3 d. 48 m3
then find the time taken by him to reach the top. 46. If the perimeter of a square and a rectangle are the same, then the
a) 15 min b) 17 min c) 18 min d) 19 min area P and Q enclosed by them would satisfy the condition
41. Group the given figures into three classes using each figure only once. a. P < Q b. P ≤ Q c. P > Q d. P = Q
47. A tap can fill an empty tank in 12 hours and another tap can empty half
the tank in 10 hours. It both the taps are opened simultaneously; how
long would it take for the empty tank to be filled to half its capacity?
a. 30 hours b. 20 hours c. 15 hours d. 12 hours
48. The batting average for 40 innings of a cricket player is 50 runs. His
highest score exceeds his lowest score by 172 runs. If these two innings
are excluded, the aver- age of the remaining 38 innings is 48 runs. The
(A) 1,4 ; 2,3 ; 5,6 (B) 1,5 ; 2,6 ; 4,3 highest score of the player is
(C) 1,6 ; 2,3 ; 4,5 (D) 1,2 ; 3,6 ; 4,5 a. 165 b. 170 c. 172 d. 174
42. Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between Hints: The total runs at batting average of 50 runs for 40 innings of
Travelers, Train and Bus ? the cricket player=50*40=2000
The total runs at batting average of 48 runs for 38 innings of the
cricket player=48*38=1824
(A) (B) The total runs of his highest score and his lowest score=2000–
(C) (D) Let the lowest score be x, then highest score=x+172
43. What will be the day of the week 15th August, 2010? x+x+172=176
(A) Sunday (B) Monday (C) Tuesday (D) Friday x=(176–172)2=2 runs=lowest score
Explanation: The highest score of the player=176–2=174 runs
49. At the end of a business conference the ten people present all shake
hands with each other once. How many handshakes will there be
a) 20 b) 45 c)55 d) 90
50. A monkey climbs 30 feet at the beginning of each hour and rest for a
while when he slips back 20 feet before he again starts climbing in the
beginning of the next hour. If he begins his ascent at 8:00 a.m. at what
time will he first touch a flag at 120 feet from the ground?
a) 4:00 p.m. b) 5:00 p.m. c) 6:00 p.m. d) 8:00 pm

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