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Refers to a company or organization that has permanent internet

connection and offers internet services, to individuals or companies
usually at a cost.

It takes care of the technical aspect of connecting to the internet

Examples of ISPs in Uganda are;

MTN, Airtel, UTL, Lycamobile, Wave, K2 Telecom, Tangerine, SMART,

Smile, Safaricom, Vodacom, TIGO etc.

Factors to consider when choosing ISPs

1. Subscription fee weekly, daily, monthly or unlimited

2. Speed or network performance
3. How reliable the service provider is
4. Availability of the service provider in the area
5. Compatibility i.e. communication devices such as modem,
telephone lines should be compatible with the users, computer or
6. Level of customer service provider
7. Other services provided by the ISPs


– Computer processor speed

– Distance the data travels
– Band width size
– Size of traffic i.e. no of users on the network
– Quality of the ISP
– Nature conditions e.g. wind or rain
– Memory space available on the computer
– Positioning of wireless access points
Advantages of using internet
It facilitates resource sharing (data and program) from one
computer to another
It facilitates carrying out of research
It offers entertainment tools for leisure through online games,
multimedia (audio and video)
It offers online services such as e-banking, e-learning, e-payments,
Electronic Funds Transfer (E.F.T)
Information on the internet is easily accessible by use of search
engines e.g. Google, yahoo, Bing, MSN....
Internet supports telecommunicating i.e. a working arrangement
in which the employee does the work/ renders the service
without physically going to the work place but using the internet
This saves costs of transport, accommodation and meals
Internet offers storage space where computer users can safely
keep and access their data from any computer and any place i.e.
Google drive, the practice of storing data on the internet is
referred to as cloud storage.
It is easier to advertise the company’s products and services using
the internet.
Internet offers quick means of communication through emails,
social networks etc.
Explain any five advantages of using internet in a school setting
Explain any five positive implications of using the internet

It is relatively expensive to buy computer or phone and pay for regular

subscription of internet data bundles.

Internet provides access to unsuitable material (pornography), the

biggest threat to health metal life.

Internet facilitates cyber-crimes such as hacking, spamming, spying etc.

that may cause loss of data and money.

Some people get addicted to the internet and choose to isolate

themselves from other people.

Many people are computer illiterate and will hardly benefit from
internet usage

There is a lot of wrong information on the internet since any person can
post anything.

QN: explain any five negative implications of using the internet



It enables users to use the resources of a computer in another part of

the world

This is done by remotely logging to the distant computer which is called

the host.

It allows the transfer of messages, documents and pictures among
others, across the internet.

Mailing list

It is based on the email protocol. As an electronic mailing list.

It is very convenient when somebody wants to send a message a

newsletter, for example to many people in one ago

Internet Relay chart (IRC)

A lire interactive discussion in which parties on the network exchange

ideas and observations electronically charts are usually organized in
what we call chat rooms

File transfer

The standard method for transferring files, whether downloading or

unloading to and fro your computer with another computer on the


Worldwide discussion areas where notices can be posted for anyone to

view. They are equivalent to a discussion group or an electric bulletin
board. There are newsgroups for every conceivable topic and more e.g.
educational technology

Worldwide web

This refers to the global collection of websites consisting of linked

electronic documents called webpages stored on internet servers all
over the world. The WWW is the most exciting service to browse for
information revolution the internet, people use this service to browse
for information.

Instant messaging

A combination of real-time chat and email by which short text

messages are rapidly exchanged over the internet, with messages
appearing on receipts display screen immediately upon arrival


A system of worldwide discussion groups

Internet Telephony or Voice over IP (VOIP)

Real-time voice conversions transmitted between computers on the


Web Directory

A listing of websites and their URLs, categorized by topic

Electronic Commerce/ e-commerce

Conducting commercial activities on the internet

Social networking

A type of service where users can seek others who share their interests,
find out what’s going on in their areas of concern and share information
with one another e.g. Facebook, twitter

Cloud computing
A service in which computer software, hardware and data are used
remotely over the internet, instead of acquiring and using them on a
local computer.

Search engines

Software programs that look through the Web to located sites matching
a keyword entered by the use of keyword. A string of letters or words
that indicates the subject to be searched.

Using email to communicate

Email communications refers to the transmission of messages via

computer networks such as; a local area network, WANs or internet.

The email can be simple text, or include an attachment such as a word

processing document, PDF or graphic.

Email software (commonly known as email client) is a computer

program used to access and manage a user’s account. It may be Web
based or not

Popular locally installed email clients include Microsoft outlook,

Pegasus mail, Kmail, Evolution and Apple mail.

Popular web-based email clients/ webmail include; Gmail, Yahoo, Lycos

mail and Hot mail.

Advantages of using email as a means of communication

Easy to use. Emails applications have user friendly tools that help
during composing messages

Email supports sending of attachments like documents, zipped files etc.

It is very fast in terms of speed. The email is delivered instantly,
anywhere across the global.

Easy to prioritize since the mails have subject lines it is easy to prioritize
them and ignore unwanted mails

Emails messages can be sent to many recipients at the same time.

Emails can also carry hyperlinks that lead to other webpages with just a

One can subscribe to news and other online services through email

Email software has management features that help users to organize

their messages in folders like inbox, sent, draft etc.

Easier for reference when one needs to reply to a mail, there is a

provision in the mailing system to attach the previous mails as
references. This refreshes the recipient’s knowledge, on what he is

Environment friendly, compared to postal mails which use paper and

fuel to transport letters, electronic mail saves a lot of trees from being
axed. It also saves fuel needed in transportation.

Email software has address book features that may be stored in

alphabetical order

Email software has good degree of security features such as username

and password before sign in

Email applications have inbuilt English dictionary which safeguards the

sender from incorrect spelling and grammar
Email is a relatively cheap means of communication since there are no
printings or postage expenses involved.

24/7 anytime access at any time of the day or night one can
communicate with friends, relatives, professors and business

Messages remain permanent for future access from anywhere

Use of graphics such as colorful greeting cards and interesting pictures

can be set through emails

Advertising tool many individuals and companies are using emails to

advertise their products, services etc.


Emails can spread viruses, the recipient’s needs to scan the emails, as
viruses are transmitted through them and have the potential to harm
computer system

Spam and junk emails when used to send unsolicited messages and
unwanted advertisements create nuisance called spam checking and
deleting these unwanted mails can unnecessarily consume a lot of time,
and it has become necessary to block or filter the unwanted emails by
means of spam filters.

Email spoofing is another common practice. Spoofing involves

disguising as different sender by altering the email headers or the
addresses from which the mail is sent.

Hacking and email interception, the act of unauthorized attempts to

bypass the security mechanisms of information system a network is
termed as hacking. After the email is sent and before it is received by
the desired recipient it “bounces” between servers located in different
parts of the world, hence the email can be intercepted by a
professional hacker

Misinterpretation-one has to be careful while posting any kind of

content through an email. Its typed in a hurry, the matter could be

Since the content posted via mails is considered informal, there is a

chance of business documents going untouched, thus vital
communications and those that carry requiring signatures are not
managed through emails

Crowded inbox- over a period of time, the email inbox may get
crowded with mails and it becomes difficult for the user to manage a
huge chunk of mails.

Need to check the inbox regularly which may be expensive in a long


Emails cannot be used without computers and internet connection

especially in remote areas without electricity

In case one forgets the password, it becomes hard to sign in this can
lead to loss of information.

Emails may violate privacy in case someone else gets to know you
password and may check your emails

Components of an email

The header contains information concerning the sender and
The may also contain;
Subject- the theme/ what the message is about
Sender (form) - this contains the email address of the sender/ the
sender who creates the message
Recipient (To): the mail address of the intended recipient is typed
During the process of sending emails to multiple recipients, they
may be notified/ acknowledged about who else has received the
CC: (carbon copy) – this feature allows sending an email to
multiple recipients without acknowledging them about who else
has received the email
Attachment – a feature that allows the sender to include a text
document, audio clip, video clip or graphics within the same email
and send it as a unit
This contains the actual content or message to be conveyed or
communicated to the intended recipients. This part may also
include signature and auto generated text that is inserted by the
senders email system.
To create a message, the sender clicks on the option compose /
appears on the same list of folders in an email system
Open any web- browser and type in a group of words describing what
your search is about

The keywords typed should be enough to lead you to websites that

have the content you need

Keep a detailed record of websites you visit and use


Netiquette refers to acceptable social behavior when using the


Netiquette refers to internet etiquette. This simply means the use of

good behavior in online communication such as emails, discussion
boards, social networking sites etc.

Netiquette guidelines

 Be clear i.e. make sure the subject line (email) or title (webpages)
reflects your content
 Use appropriate language i.e. avoid offensive and emotional
 Avoid using all capital letters while typing a message or article
 Make the message as brief as possible
 Make a good impression i.e. your words and content represent
you therefore, edit your words and images before clicking on send
 Avoid forwarding email messages you have received without
permission of the original sender
 Obey copyright laws i.e. avoid use of images or website content
without permission from the authors.
 Avoid creating and sending spam messages i.e. posting unsolicited
email or advertising messages to a wide audience
 Avoid responding to personal attacks
 Always keep messages brief and use proper grammar and spelling
 Make yourself look good online
 Respect other people’s privacy
 Post only acceptable information that has no harm to the public
 Avoid downloading attachments from unknown sources
Terminologies used:

Www is the system of internet servers that support especially

formatted document in HTML linked together for easy navigation

Webpage is a single page of HTML formatted documents found on the

World Wide Web. A unique URL identifies every webpage

Website is collection of webpages linked together to ease navigation

URL (uniform resource location) refers to the address used to find and
access a particular website. It is written the form

Http: hypertext transfer protocol

Newvision: website name (domain name)

Co. Company

Ug. A country Uganda

Hyperlink is a group of text or image on a webpage that is linked to
another webpage either on the same website or different websites to
ease navigation

Homepage (index page) is the first page on a website that serves as the
primary point of entry to related pages within the website and is
usually linked to other websites

Web browser is a program designed to enable users access and view

documents and other resources on the internet e.g. Mozilla, opera,
Google chrome, UC browser, phoenix browser etc.

Search engine a program that looks for and locates documents on the
world wide web for specified keywords and returns a list of documents/
websites where the keywords were found e.g. google, Yahoo, YouTube,
MSN, Bing, Ask Jeeves


Personal website

Is a type of website that is created managed and owned

by an individual. This may contain family photos, online daily for family
members to stay in touch with each other e.g. www.nkazaward.com

News website

A type of website that gives access to online news over the

web e.g. the website may offer online breaking news and updates to its
subscriber’s e.g. www.monitor.co.UG, www.newvision.co.ug,

Information and website

This enables sharing of information over the web; the
major informational websites is Wikipedia the online encyclopedia.

It allows visitors to contribute and edit articles

E-commerce website

Facilitate carrying out online businesses and financial

transactions e.g. www.amazon.com

Education website

Contains all forms of electronically supported learning

and teaching they are owned by schools/ education institutions

Online social networks

These facilitates a collection of many different

people with common interests for online sharing e.g.
www.facebook.com, YouTube, twitter, WhatsApp, campuser.net,
MySpace, viber, Instagram

Blogging website (blog)

A website that contains time stamped articles or

posts in a daily journal format usually lists in reverse chronological
order. Blog reflect the interests opinions and personalities of the author
or visitors


A website which allows users to add, modify or delete its content

via a web browser, it is highly opinion based.
Wiki is usually collect recite edits on a webpage so that someone can
review them for accuracy

The difference between a wiki and a blog is that users cannot modify
original posts made by the blogger


Is a website that offers a variety of internet services from a single

convenient location e.g. search engines, email, chat rooms, news etc.

Popular portals include yahoo, MSN, exit, hot bot etc.


URL consists of four parts i.e.

i. Protocol
ii. Server (domain)
iii. File path
iv. File name

e.g. http:/www.mtn.co.Ug/mobile/services/zone.html

 http:/ refers to the protocol

 www.mtn.co.Ug refers to the website location (domain name)
whereby.co is low level domain while. Ug is TLD
 Mobile/services refer to folder and sub folder
 Zone.html refers to html document whose file name is zone
Advantages/functions of a website:
Facilitates easy means of sharing knowledge or information
Presentation of information of interest is done faster and cheaply
They enhance communication and collaboration among different
They facilitate e-trade purposes
They provide pride of ownership/improved image
They promote research
They provide entertainment and leisure easily and quickly
They are expensive to set up and maintain in terms of regular
subscription fee
Information keeps on changing which requires the web
master/website administrator to frequently update information
Sometimes a website may require to publish information from the
copyrighted sources yet they lack permission from the original
Why should a school have a website?
Qualities of a good website
Considerations by the web masters
This refers to the process of planning, creating, saving and
uploading hyper linked html documents to a computer network so
that they can be viewed via web browsers
Domain name;
Refers to a unique name that identifies a website
e.g.com, .co, .Go, .UK, .mil
IP address is a numerical label that is assigned to any device
participating in a computer network that uses the internet
protocol for communication between its nodes.
Examples of syntax/codes used in web designing (html)
Angle brackets< >are used to write codes e.g. <p> means
<u> means underline </u>
<b> means bold </b>
<p> <1> <b> <front=”32”> <footer=”blue”>-----</font> </b><1
These codes can be typed in a program note pad and saved with a
file extension HTML. This allows the file (website) to open with
any web browser
Examples of web designing software include;
Dream weaver
Microsoft publisher etc.
This refers to the practice of protecting data, computer or
network against unauthorized access and natural calamities such
as floods, fire, lighting etc.
These practices include;
 Construction of computer labs in areas that are free from floods,
dust etc.
 Putting lightning arrestors on top of the computer lab
 Putting an alarm system to alert in case of theft and fire outbreak
 Putting surveillance cameras (CCTV) in the computer lab
 Use of strong bulgur proof
 Employing security guards
 Use of biometric security e.g. fingerprint recognition systems, iris
 Use of strong padlocks at the computer lab doors
 Ensuring proper electric wiring for the computer lab
 Ensuring proper use of the electric stabilizers to eliminate
fluctuations in voltage received by computers
 Use of parental controls i.e. user accounts with different privileges
 Through use of passwords on files and folders
 Through data masking i.e. making file names different from
content such that it becomes inactive for users/ intrudes to use
 Regular scanning of computer system using the latest antivirus
 Regular updating and upgrading of software to the latest violet
 Using installation of operating system that are more resistant to
virus (malware) attack e.g. Linux
 Logging off/ signing out of emails, social media accounts and
computer systems after use
 Installation of strong firewalls to block, deny/ filter out unwanted
 Installation of anti-soy software
Computer security is categorized into three namely;
Physical security
Network security
Data security
1. Physical security

Refers to the measure put in place to protect computer systems from

physical damage, alteration and deletion

2. Data security
Refers to protective measure that are applied to ensure integrity,
availability, confidential data or information

Integrity means prevention of unauthorized modification of data and

data collision

Data corruption refers to errors in data that may occur during witting
processing storage and transmission of data hence causing unwanted
changes to be original data

Availability means prevention of unauthorized users with holding of

data access, only intent users can access data whenever they need it

Confidential prevention of unauthorized disclosure to third parties


What is a security threat?

An action that causes loss or damage to a computer system

The security threats include;

i. System threat
ii. Information theft
iii. Hardware theft
iv. Software theft
v. Internet and network attacks
vi. Malicious programs e.g. virus
vii. Unauthorized alteration, malicious destruction of hard ware and
software network
What are the causes of system failure?
Security threats for hardware and software
Hardware theft and vandalism
Hardware theft is the act of stealing computer equipment
Hardware vandalism is the act of destroying computer equipment
Software theft is the act of stealing or illegally software erasing
Software piracy is illegally duplication of copyright software
To guard against software theft and piracy products activation is
Product activation allows the user to input product
Identification number online or by phone and receive unique
installation and identification number
A license agreement gives the right to use software for a given
period of time.
Internet and network attacks
Information transmitted over networks has a higher degree of
security risks than information kept on an organization premises
An unauthorized access and use
An unauthorized access is the use of computer or network
without permission
Unauthorized use increase the variety of activities e.g. an
employee using an organization computer to send personal email
messages or someone gaining access to a computer and
performing unauthorized transfer
Computer virus is malicious software that affects general
performance of a computer. It may infect the computer by
occupying its memory, corrupting data and software as well as
slowing down the computer speed
Other examples of malicious software include;
Root kit
Trojan horses
Effects of computer viruses on a computer system
 Operating system runs much slower than usual
 Available memory is less than expected
 Files become corrupted
 Screen displays unusual message or image
 Unknown programs or files mysteriously appear
 Music or unusual sound plays randomly
 Existing programs and files disappear
 Programs or files do not work properly
 System properties change
 Operating system does not start up
 Operating system shuts down unexpectedly
An antivirus is a program used to detect and remove viruses
from the computer
Examples of antivirus software include;
 Avira
 Avast
 Avg
 360 total security
 Smadav
 Kaspersky
 Norton
Control measures against viruses
To protect an information against viruses
Install the latest versions of antivirus software on the computer

Always scan removable storage media for viruses before using them

Scan mail attachments for viruses before opening or downloading


Always keep a recovery disk: a removable disk that contains uninfected

copy of key operating system commands that enable computer to
restart. Also called rescue disk.

The concept of hacking

The term hacker refers to someone who accesses a computer or

network illegally. Originally it was a complimentary word for a
computer enthusiast

A cracker also is someone who accesses a computer or network illegally

but has the intent of destroying data, stealing information or other
malicious action

Both hackers and crackers have advanced computer and network skills

Some hackers claim the intent of their security breaches to improve

security maybe hired by software companies to test the security of new
software systems

A script kiddie has the same intent as a cracker but does not have the
technical skills and knowledge. Script kiddie often use prewritten
hacking and cracking programs to break into computers

A cyber extortionist is someone who uses e-mail as a vehicle for

A cyber terrorist is someone who uses the internet or network to
destroy or damage computers for political reasons. The cyber terrorist
might target the nation’s air traffic control system, electricity-
generating companies and telecommunication infrastructure.

A denial of service attack or DOS attack is an assault whose purpose is

to disrupt computer access to internet service

The attacks may use an unsuspecting computer to send an influx of

confusing data messages or useless traffic to a computer network. The
victim computer network slows down considerably and eventually
becomes unresponsive or unavailable, blocking legitimate visitors from
accessing the network

Perpetrators have a variety of motives for carrying out DOS attack

Back doors

Is a program or set of instruments in a program that allows users to

bypass security control when accessing a program, computer or

Spoofing is a technique intrudes use to make their network or internet

transmission appear legitimate to a victim computer or network.

IP spoofing occurs when an intruder computer fools a network into

believing its IP address is associated with a trusted source

Perpetrators of IP spoofing trick their victims into interacting with a

deceptive website.

Ways of protecting data in a computer system

Data encryption- process of converting plain text (readable text) into
codes/ unreadable characters that are understood by only the sender
and intend recipient

Making data back up

Use of strong firewalls

Using intrusion detection software i.e. software that is automatically

analyses all network traffic, identifies unauthorized access and notifies
network administrators about suspicious behavior patterns

Emerging technologies

Are those that currently be developed or will be developed in the next

5 to 10years, and which will after the business and social media

ICT is always improving and charging and new technologies are being
developed all of the time. Developments in technology will by nature,
impact on our everyday lives and these include;

 Artificial intelligence
 Digital forensics
 Biometrics
 Robotics
 Quantum cryptography
 Computer Assisted Translation
 3D painting and holographic imaging (holograms)
 Virtual reality
 Internet of things
 Cloud computing
Artificial intelligence (AI)
This is a computer science that is focused on creating computer
systems that stimulate human intelligence. The term was first
used by a computer scientist at the Massachusetts institute of
technology (MIT) who was focused on trying to make computers
behave like humans
AI is being developed in the following applications areas
Expert systems- these are computers that have been
programmed to make decisions based on information they are
given. For example medical expert systems can diagnose patient’s
illness based on symptoms entered
Languages- this type of AI involves computers that can
understand different human languages as they are spoken to
Robotics- robotics artificial intelligence is where machines are
programmed to imitate a human.
Game playing- computer developed to play games against human
players. In 1977 a computer named ‘deep-blue’ defeated a word
champion in game of chess.
An expert system is a computer program that uses AI.
Technologies to stimulate the judgment and behavior of the
human or an organization that expertise and experience in a
particular field.
Expert systems are usually intended to complement not to
replace human experts
Expert systems have played a big role in many industries including
the following;
– Financial services where they make decision about markets
of various markets and other financial indicators
– Telecommunication- used to make decision about network
technologies used and maintenance of existing networks.
– Health care- assist with medical diagnosis
– Agriculture- assist within/with forecast crop damage
– Custom service- helps to give orders, route custom requests
and solve problems
– Mechanical engineering, where they trouble shoot complex
electromechanical problem
– Transportation-where they contribute in a range of areas
including highway design traffic highway and train
scheduling and maintenance aviation highway pattern
– Law-where automation is starting to be used by deliver legal
service to make civil case evaluation and access product

Advantages of expert systems (over human experts)


Experts systems are not proven to human error or emotional

influence. They make decisions based on defined rules and facts


Human experts eventually leave their role and a lot of specific

knowledge may go with them (in case of retirement or change of job)

Control cost

Expert systems are relatively cheap to manage as compared to the

coast of employing human experts

Multiple experts

They can programmed to hold a variety of tasks

Logical deduction

Expert systems draw conclusions from existing facts using various types
of roles such as if-then
Challenges of expert system

Linear thinking

Expert systems lack true problem solving ability

Expert systems are more specific to a particular task. It may require

making another expert system for a different task hence becoming

In some cases e.g. medical diagnosis human emotion is very useful. The
disclosure of sensitive medical information to a patient requires
emotional intelligence that an expert system may be lacking

Expert systems largely depend on input data/ instructions and the

programming. If wrong data is entered, wrong decision may be taken
by the expert system.

Impacts of AI on everyday life

Accurate predication on whether- AI software will soon be used to sift

through whether data more accurately that humans can and will be
used to predict approaching storms and automatically issue warnings.

Increased leisure time- robotic vacuum cleaners are becoming more

and popular. These can detect walls and other objects in order to
vacuum around them. People can leave them running whilst they enjoy
extra spare time.

Safer transport- self driving cars already exist will drastically reduce
road accidents. Driverless trains too already exist in some countries.

Increased personal safety modern home alarm systems use artificial

intelligence software that can tell the difference between the home
owners and intrudes. The software automatically alerts the police when
intrudes are detected

Improved medical care- robotic surgery assistants are being used to

quickly and accurately pass the correct surgical tools to doctors

The few seconds saved in getting the correct tool to the doctor can save
patients’ lives

Digital forensics

Digital forensics, also called computer forensics, network forensics,

cyber forensics is the discovery, collection and analysis of evidence
found on the computer media, programs, data and log files on
computers, servers and networks

Many areas use digital forensics including;

Law enforcement

Criminal prosecutors

Military intelligence

Insurance agencies

Tax investigators and information security departments in the private


Impact of digital forensics in everyday life

Forensics has led to increased legal use of digital evidence

Digital evidence is information found on a wide range of electronic

device that is useful in court because of its probative value
Technology changes evidence. There is still a vigorous debate in the
legal world over the usage and reliability of DNA evidence for example
this is now being mirrored in more recent court challenge over the use
of digital evidence

Digital evidence tendered on court often fails to meet the same high
standards expected more established forensics practices particularly in
ensuring the evidence is what it supposed to be. It is increasingly
common for criminal trials to rely on digital evidence. And regrettably,
it is common for innocents and guilty people acquitted of digital


Biometrics is where parts of a person’s body are used for identification

purposes. Examples include;

Fingerprints, eye recognition, face recognition, voice recognition.

All of these parts of the human body are unique from person to person
and can be used authenticate identity. Even identical twins have slightly
different fingerprints

Impacts of biometrics on everyday life

Better airport security- used in some airports, travellers have their eyes
and iris scanned into a system and this data is later matched up when
the person is performing airport checks

Increased building security- fingerprint access to buildings have been

replacing older methods of locks and keys

Reduced car theft

Move secure mobile phones

Advantages of using biometric security

It offers quicker authentication i.e. no time delays as in manual security

It improves the security system by protecting sensitive data such that

only legitimate people can access

Biometric system is highly convenient in providing employee authentic

sign in and sign out data. It is a good method of tracking each
employing organization by recording time the employee actually signs
in or out.


In case of physical disability such as a burnt or damaged figure retina

transplant, tattooed hands, personal traits may not be recognized for
better authentication. In such situations the authentication method
needs to be changed to grant authorized user access

Relatively expensive to set up and maintain

Relatively hard to change the physical traits hence denying access to


In case the scanner or sensors have issues biometric security may be


In case the software fails to function well biometric security will fail to

It doesn’t support remote access i.e. accessing computer resources or

premises in our place from a distance
In case of a security breach, the hackers tend to steal all data to access
unauthorized parts of business later


Robots are increasingly being used in manufacturing due to their

proven increasing productivity. Think about it! Robots can work 24/7
and never need to take a break.

Dangerous jobs e.g. disposing of bombs, spraying painting or cleaning

up nuclear waste.

Note: these are all jobs harm or kill a human. Exploring extreme
environments e.g. inside volcanoes, planets or the depths of the ocean.

Humans cannot visit these environments due to lack of oxygen and high
pressure/heat levels

Repetitive manufacturing jobs e.g. production lines, packing and

welding etc. these jobs can also be performed by humans but robots
can do them much faster and more efficiently

Moving heavy objects e.g. installing large engines, moving pallets or

items etc.

Impacts of robotics on everyday life

 Increase personal time
If robotics can carry out domestic chores, this frees up more
time for us to spend as we wish
 More efficient manufacturing
Robots can manufacture products such as cars much faster
than humans
Loss of jobs due to higher and cheaper productivity
 Safer working environments- robots can safely carry out tasks that
are too dangerous for humans for example defusing bombs
Computer Aided Translation (CAT)
This where human translator uses computer software to help in
translation process. They include;
Spell checkers
Language search engine software that translates words entered
while on the internet.
Virtual reality
This is where computers are used to create an artificial
environment that users can interact with as it were real
Virtual reality is not really meant for gaming purposes. It is used
for more serious purposes
Allowing architects to walk around a virtual version of their
designs (this gives a better idea of what the finished building will
look like)
Training soldiers in combat (fight simulation, battle field
Training surgeons (virtual patients can be operated on to provide
experience to train surgeons)
Equipment needed
Eye goggles- produce 3D images that make up the artificial world
Special gloves- they direct your hands and finger movements
Powerful computers
ICT INDUSTRY (careers in ICT)
Outline any five related professions learners of sub-ict can opt for
Outline any five careers a sub-ict student will opt for after A level
System analyst
A person who is responsible for analyzing a company’s needs or
They work with programmers to construct and test the system.
Coordinating training for users of the new system
Computer engineer
Design and develop computer components such as storage
Determine the electrical power requirements of each component
Re-engineer computer engineering and manufacturing computer
controlled devices such as robots.
Computer programmer
They work with system analyst to;
Develop programs/software
Install, test, debug and maintain programs developed.

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