MG Control
MG Control
MG Control
It can meet the requirement of power quality and reliability of power supply.
It provides both heat and power to the local areas (R.H. Lasserter 2007).
To the customer the MicroGrid can be designed to meet their special needs; such as,
enhance local reliability, reduce feeder losses, support local voltages, provide
increased efficiency through use waste heat, voltage sag correction or provide
uninterruptible power supply functions to name a few.
• The Connection Interface (CI) at the PCC can be
realized using electro-mechanical circuit
breakers, solid state switches or even back-to-
back converters.
• The connection of DC-type energy sources such as
PV panels, fuel cells and energy storage
technologies (batteries and ultracapacitors)
requires the use of a DC-to-AC power converter
• variable-speed generators such as wind turbines
using synchronous machines, and high-speed
microturbines require the use of AC-to-AC power
converters to match the constant frequency and
voltage of the microgrid.
• Wind turbines can also operate with low flexibility
using induction generators directly connected
to the system, or use the more flexible doubly-fed
induction generator.
• Loads within the microgrid can be controlled using
either a conventional circuit breaker or a more
sophisticated AC-to-AC power electronic
interface to allow more flexible control.
• Reactive power support can be provided by
capacitor banks, SVCs or STATCOMs
Basic MG components
Commonly utilized power generation technologies and applications
(e) Controller:
supervises the instantaneous operation of the system .
(f) Point of common coupling:
• Acts as the physical connection point between the MG and the main
• serves as the interface where electrical energy is exchanged between
the MG and the larger power system.
• The PCC incorporates various equipment and devices to facilitate the
connection, power exchange, control, and protection between the MG
and the main grid.
Price stability:
• Investment in the grid can reduce risk.
• acts as a safety net against the unforeseeable and potentially
exorbitant expenses of contingency/emergency energy.
• offers protection from fluctuating electricity bills.
Economic benefit:
• Depending on local market laws and initiatives, MGs can lower peak
load prices, engage in demand response (DR) markets, and provide
frequency management services to the larger grid.
• Make money by lowering peak load costs, engaging in DR markets,
and offering frequency regulation services to the rest of the grid.
Continuous supply:
Grid support:
• MGs reduce grid ‘‘congestion’’ and peak loads.
• Offer several grid services including: energy, capacity, and ancillary
• A typical MG system with an AC power supply and connected loads
driven by the AC power is defined as an AC MG.
• This MG can be operated independently or can be connected to the main
grid at the PCC.
• The AC bus connects the power producing sources, storage devices, and
other system components to satisfy the AC load demands.
• These MGs are straightforward to incorporate into present power systems
and require no extra control mechanisms.
AC MGs ( Contd.)
• The three varieties of AC MGs are
single-phase, grounded three-phase, and ungrounded three-phase.
Many new distributed energy resources are direct DC, e.g. photovoltaic
(PV) generation, stationary batteries, mobile batteries, and fuel cells.
Power Frequency AC
• All sources can either be connected to the PFAC bus directly or through their
respective power conditioning unit.
• This arrangement is more reliable as any malfunctioning energy sources can be
isolated from the rest of the system without impacting any of the other energy
Common AC bus Configuration
High Frequency AC
Energy sources can be connected either directly or through their respective power
conditioning unit.
Have higher overall efficiency.
Higher order harmonics can be easily filtered at higher frequencies.
Reduction in the physical size and weight of harmonic filters
Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid System
Classifying MGs on the basis of source
Renewable MGs
• MG powered by distributed renewable resources.
• Usually comprise of RESs and batteries .
• They provide electricity to end-users with lower carbon footprint.
• The uncertain and intermittent output of RESs increase the complexity of
effective operation of the MGs.
• Meeting the time-varying demand presents a pivotal challenge to an
isolated MG.
• ESS is one of the most appealing technologies for enabling maximum
utilization of renewable and is extensively used for balancing demand and
supply in MGs .
Classifying MGs on the basis of source
Renewable MGs ( Contd.)
Biomass MGs:
• An MG powered by biomass.
• Biomass gasifier systems produce syngas in this MG by incompletely
burning biomass, which is then burned in an engine to power a generator.
• Bioenergy MGs are gaining attraction in many locations, despite the fact
that solar and wind power is more typical MG generation alternatives.
• As they use biomass gasifiers, which are less expensive than solar PV,
their capital requirements are comparatively modest.
Biomass MG (Contd.)
• Biomass gasifiers, on the other hand, are confined to places with a
sufficient biomass source.
• They also require a great amount of feedstock, decent storage
procedures, and a fair number of manpower compared to other types of
• Tar build-up or wet husk can stymie operations on a daily basis.
• Spark plug failure, battery discharge, and bottle coil failure are all
common problems with these systems (an unintentional current to the
spark plug).
• Keeping the husk dry during the monsoon season is another challenge.
Micro hydro MGs:
• Micro-hydro-based MGs are mainly run-of-the-river projects in which
water is redirected from a river or streams through a pipe into a turbine to
generate electricity.
• The cost of energy generation per kWh is quite low.
• Micro-hydro systems, are confined to places with sufficient water supply.
Hybrid MGs:
• An MG with the capability to provide electricity to a remote site using
hybrid renewable sources such as PV, wind, biomass, and micro hydro .
Fossil fuels MGs
• MGs powered by fossil fuel (diesel/natural gas) based generator,
which can supply power to the remote areas.
• They can work in both islanded and grid-connected environments.
• Energy sources like steam/gas turbines and diesel generators have
been the standard for generating local power in an MG.
• These, however, have a negative influence on both the environment
and the economy.
• The fossil fuels required to power these MGs are expensive to
purchase and transport, not to mention that transportation has its
own carbon burden.
• Many communities that employ diesel generators face this problem
on a regular basis.
• MGs are exploring for cleaner options as a result of these impacts.
Hybrid MGs
• Combines RESs, fossil fuel generators (diesel/gas), and/or
batteries to operate in both isolated and grid-connected modes.
• Fuels-renewable energy hybrid MGs are replacing 100%
diesel/natural gas MGs as a more popular option.
• Hybrid cars sub-stantially lower fuel usage while also being less
expensive, more reliable, and less environmentally damaging over
their lifetime.
• However, hybrid systems require fuel-based generators, and hence
noise and pollution are inescapable.
Classifying MGs on the basis of scenario
• A typical residential MG consists of an advanced control system (or ‘‘controller’’)
that combines customers’ electrical demands, regulates distributed resources
such as solar PV and energy storage, and coordinates with the distribution
• A residential MG provides emergency power to key circuits during power
outages, reducing a customer’s dependency on a centralized electrical supply.
• The MG controller turns a residence into a flexible, dynamic, and fast-acting
network resource that can provide services to electricity distribution and
transmission network operators.
• This types of MGs is designed to serve household customers and will
consequently be multi-users, with the MGs being managed by a separate
company. It may be rural or urban in nature.
Classifying MGs on the basis of scenario
• The key reasons for implementing an industrial MG are the security
and reliability of the power supply.
• Power outages may disrupt many production processes, resulting in
considerable revenue losses and lengthy start-up times.
• Chip production, the chemical industry, and the paper and food
industries are just a few examples.
• Uninterruptible power supplies are now being installed at some
industrial sites if their use is economically justified.
• The MG architecture may offer additional benefits, such as the
ability to combine a reliable power supply with great energy
efficiency and the use of renewable energy.
Classifying MGs on the basis of scenario
• Commercial customers often deploy these MGs to serve single
users, such as airports, hospitals, data centers, and so on.
• This type of electricity systems is likewise self-contained and may
operate independently of the main grid.
• They may also be connected to the main grid at times.
• By diversifying their energy sources, taking advantage of time-of-day
electricity pricing, and having backup power on hand whenever it is
needed, facilities connected to public grids can minimize energy
costs and boost self-sufficiency.
Classifying MGs on the basis of location
Urban MGs:
• Urban MGs are MGs that have been established in urban areas near
utility systems.
• These MGs are capable of operating in both grid-connected and
islanded modes.
• They conform to all rules, control strategies, and synchronization
techniques to maintain the utility grid’s system stability and power
• Hospitals, universities, industries, communities, offices, and shopping
malls are among the commercial and residential sectors where urban
MGs are implemented.
Classifying MGs on the basis of location (Contd.)
Remote MGs:
• Remote MGs are MG systems that are located in remote regions where
utility power systems are unavailable due to geographic location.
• Military installations, hilltop areas, and islands are all instances of
remote MGs.
• Because the utilities are not there, these MGs operate in an isolated
• Because of the economic, political, and technological challenges, they
are rarely installed in comparison to urban MGs .
• Remote MGs provide access to energy outside of the grid.
• Remote MGs, like island MGs, have traditionally relied on diesel,
but are increasingly combining solar and storage.
Classifying MGs on the basis of application: