Sarmila Paul

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Sarmila Paul

Assistant Professor - Department of English - Rani Birla Girls’
College (University of Calcutta)
Assistant Professor - Department of English - Kalimpong College
(North Bengal University)
Assistant Teacher - In English - Radharani Nari Siksha Mandir
(Govt. Aided School)
05.12.2009 – 05.08.2010

Part-time Lecturer – Department of English – Rishi Bankim

Chandra College (West Bengal State University)
Rani Birla Girls’ College
38 Shakespeare Sarani 22.11.2008 – 06.08.2010
Kolkata - 17
Part-time Lecturer – Department of English – Haringhata
+91-9432496030 Mahavidyalaya (University of Kalyani)

om  Ph.D in English (awarded in November, 2019)
By the Department of English, University of Kalyani titled
“Politics of Translation with Reference to Select Short
Stories of Mahasweta Devi”
 B.Ed from Netaji Subhash Open University in 2015 with
1st class
 UGC – National Eligibility Test for Junior Research
Fellowship and Eligibility for Lectureship in June, 2011
 M.A. in English (1st class) in 2008 from the Department of
English, University of Kalyani
 B.A. in English Honours (2nd class) in 2006 from Kalyani
Mahvidyalaya (University of Kalyani)
 H.S. (1st division) in 2003 from West Bengal Council of
Higher Secondary Education
 Madhyamik (1st division) in 2001 from West Bengal Board
of Secondary Education

Select Academic Presentation & Participation in

 Presented a paper titled “Politics of Language Involved in
Writing and Translating Indigenous Narratives: A Case Study
of Mahasweta Devi’s “Outcast: Four Stories”” in the
International Webinar titled “Narrating the Indigenous”
organised by the Department of English, Jyoti Nivas College
(Autonomous) held on 16th May, 2022.
 Presented a paper titled “Mahasweta Devi’s Aranyer Adhikar:
An Ecocritical Perspective” in the International Conference on
“The Mirror of Life: Representations of History, Culture and
Environment in Literature” organised by the Research
Department of English, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous),
Palayamkottai on 6th & 7th May, 2022.
 Presented a paper titled “Deconstructing the Problematics in
Translating Tribal Narratives with reference to Mahasweta
Devi’s “Douloti the Bountiful”” in One Day National Webinar
on “Tribal Literature: Production and Reception” organised by
the Department of English, Government Khawzawl College,
Khawzawl, Mizoram, India on 13th April, 2022.
 Presented a paper titled “Revisiting Gendered Identity
Construction Through Translation: A Comparative Study of
Ghare Baire and Ghare Baire Aaj” in the IACLALS Annual
International Conference 2022 (online) on “Circulations,
Mediations, Negotiations: New Perspectives on Translation
from South Asia” held on 2nd to 5th March, 2022 in collaboration
with Janki Devi Memorial College, University of Delhi.
 Presented a paper titled “Problematising the Power Dynamics
through Prison: A Critique of There’s Gunpowder in the Air” in
the XVIII Annual International Conference of RASE on
“Writing in Restricted Spaces: Writing for Freedom and
Freedom of Writing” held on 20th & 21st November, 2021
organised by the Rajasthan Association for Studies in English in
collaboration with Department of English, Janardan Rai Nagar
Rajasthan Vidyapith and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Govt. PG College.
 Presented a paper titled “Politicising Theatre in the Classroom:
Revisiting Mid-Victorian Bengal” in the two day UGC
sponsored national seminar on “This Green Plot Shall be Our
Stage: Theatre in Classroom, Campus and Beyond” held on 6th
& 7th March, 2019 organised by the Department of English,
University of Calcutta.
 Presented a paper titled “Too Old to Learn: Politics of Cultural
Gerontology in Othello” in the International Conference on
“”Ripeness is all”: Discoursing Shakespeare and the Politics of
Cultural Gerontology” held on 7th & 8th November, 2016
organised by the Department of English, School of Language,
Literature and Culture Studies, Bankura University in
collaboration with ICSSR, New Delhi and British Council,
 Presented a paper titled “Translation as an Agent of
Transculturation” in the UGC sponsored national seminar on
“Border, Globalization and Identity” held on 27th & 28th
November, 2015 organized by Department of English, P. D.
Women’s College.
 Presented a paper titled “Translation as the Transformative
Assimilation of Culture: A Case Study of Mahasweta Devi’s
Breast Stories” in the national seminar on “Translation and
Reception of Indian Literature: It’s Role in National Culture”
held on 26th & 27th February, 2015 organized by Assamese
Language Unit, Visva- Bharati in collaboration with Central
Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore.
 Presented a paper titled “The Advertisement of Culture: The
Culture of advertisement” in the UGC sponsored national
seminar on “Negotiating Tradition and (Post) Modernity:
Recent Trends in Culture Studies” held on 28th & 29th January,
2015 organized by Centre for Cultural Studies, University of
 Presented a paper titled “Celebrating Chocolates, Celebrating
Festivals: Representing India in the Visual Culture of
Globalization” in the UGC sponsored Film and Visual Culture
Workshop titled “The Moving Image” held on 7th to 10th
January, 2014 organized by the Department of English,
University of Kalyani.
 Presented a paper titled “Reversing the Role: Theatre, Gender
and Ideology in John Madden’s Shakespeare in Love” in the
International Conference on “Literature to Cinema:
Appropriation, Adaptation, Adulteration” held on 1st to 3rd
June, 2013 by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,
National Institute of Technology Durgapur, West Bengal, India.
 Presented a paper titled “Swami Vivekananda – Epitome of
National Life” in the UGC sponsored national seminar on
“Contribution of Swami Vivekananda to India’s National
Reawakening: Present Relevance” held on 13th & 14th February,
2013 organized by Departments of English & Political Science,
Panchakot Mahavidyalaya.
 Presented a paper titled “Various Aspects of the Folk Tradition
in the Naya Theatre of Habib Tanvir (1923-2009)” in the UGC
sponsored National Seminar on “Contemporary Trends in
Indian Drama: Theory, Practice and Criticism” held on 27 th &
28th March, 2012 organized by Department of English, Rishi
Bankim Chandra College in collaboration with Department of
English, West Bengal State University.
 Presented a paper titled “Importance & Dilemmas Regarding
the Role of English in the Education of 21st Century India” in
the UGC sponsored two days national seminar on “Education
in the 21st Century” held on 13th & 14th March, 2012 organized
by Shimurali Sachinandan College of Education in
collaboration with R.K.M. Sikshanamandira, Belurmath.

Representative Academic Publications

 Sexuality. Co-edited volume with Rishiraj Pal. Upanayan
Publishers (ISBN 978-93-91467-77-7) (to be published in 2022).
 “Yeats, Tagore and Internationalism: An Evaluation”.
(Accepted for publication).
 “Celebrating Chocolates, Celebrating Festivals: Representing
India in the Visual Culture of Globalization”. The Moving Image.
(Accepted for publication).
 “Translocating the Politics of Translation in the Discursive
Interface of World Literature across Continents”. International
Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities. 6.8
(August, 2018). Web. (ISSN 2321-7065).
 “Translation as an Agent of Transculturation and Identity
Transformation in an Increasingly Borderless World”. Border,
Globalization and Identity. Ed. Sukanta Das et all. Cambridge
Scholars Publishing. UK, 2018. 211-216. Print. (ISBN 987-1-
 Translation of short story “Quit India” by Bibhutibhusan
Mukhopadhyahy. Missing Links: An Anthology of Short Stories
from Bengal and Beyond. Ed. Sharmistha C. Sriwastav.
Authorspress, 2015. 205 – 218. Print. (ISBN 978-93-5207-133-3).
 “Recreating Subaltern Historiography in Mahasweta Devi’s
Aranyer Adhikar”. MS Academic 3.1 (January, 2013). Print.
(ISSN 2229-6484).
 “Mahasweta Devi’s Aranyer Adhikar: An Ecocritical
Perspective”. Edulight. Special Issue (January, 2013). Print.
(ISSN 2278-9545).
 “Importance & Dilemmas Regarding the Role of English in the
Education of 21st Century India”. Proceedings on UGC
Sponsored National Seminar on Education in the 21st Century.
Published by Debi Prasad Nag Chowdhury. SSCE Publication
No.03, 2012. Print. (ISBN 978-81-922902-2-5).
 “A Critical Review of Mahasweta Devi’ Bayen”. Edulight 1.2
(November, 2012). Print. (ISSN 2278-9545).
Participation in Workshops/FDPs/Webinars
 Participated in Three Day International Webinar on
“Leadership and Management in Education – An Ongoing
Global Crisis: Challenges and Possibilities” organized by the
Department of Education, West Bengal State University from
27th to 29th May, 2020.
 Participated in the one day special national seminar titled
“Filming Narrative” held on 20th January, 2016 organized by
the Department of English, University of Kalyani.
 Participated in the ICPR Workshop on “Dialogic Encounter
between Contemporary Western Episteme and Indian
Philosophy” held during 8th to 12th February, 2016 organized by
the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT
Kharagpur, India.
 Participated in internal workshop on “Annual Self-Assessment
and CAS Requirements” organized by the IQAC, Rani Birla
Girls’ College on 14th January, 2021.
 Participated in A Seven Day International Online Faculty
Development Programme on “Literary Studies in the New
Millennium” organized by the Department of English,
Pondicherry University from 18th to 24th October, 2021.
 Participated in Two Day National webinar on “Literature &
Pandemics” organized by the Department of English, Maharaja
Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University, Gujarat on 16th &
17th March, 2020.
 Participated in Three day Online Workshop on “Online Course
Design, Development and Delivery” organized by the UGC
Human Resource Development Centre, University of
Hyderabad during 11th to 13th May, 2020.
 Participated in the International Webinar Series on “Epidemics,
Body and Medicines: Inquiries through Literary Cultural Texts”
organized by the Department of English, Gokhale Memorial
Girls’ College from 13th to 15th June, 2020.
 Participated in the One day National Webinar on “Enhancing
Quality and Visibility of Research Output of Faculty and
Researchers” organized by Gargi College, University of Delhi
on 16th May, 2020.
 Participated in Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme
on “Managing Online Classes and Co-Creating MOOCS:2.0”
organized by the Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan
College, University of Delhi sponsored by the Ministry of
Human Resource Development Pandit Madan Mohan
Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching from 18th
May to 3rd June, 2020.
 Participated in Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme
on “Comprehensive e-Learning to e-Training Guide for
Administrative Work” organized by the Teaching Learning
Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi sponsored by
the Ministry of Human Resource Development Pandit Madan
Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching
from 25th May to 5th June, 2020.
 Participated in Four Week Induction/Orientation Programme
for “Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher
Education” organized by the Teaching Learning Centre,
Ramanujan College, University of Delhi sponsored by the
Ministry of Human Resource Development Pandit Madan
Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching
from 4th June to 1st July, 2020.
 Participated in a Seven Day Faculty Development Programme
on “Critical Theories and their Modern Pedagogical Adequacy
in the Humanities” organized by Manipal University, Jaipur
from 26th July to 1st August, 2021.
 Participated in the Centenary Webinar on “Ray and His Films”
organized by Malda College Film Society (Affiliated to FFSI) &
Department of English, Malda College on 30th June, 2021.
 Participated in the Fourth JNU Workshop for Empowering
Teaching through Online Mode (JNU – WETOM IV) on the
theme “Going Online: Classroom, Field Work & Research” held
on July 11-12, 2020.
 Participated in the International Webinar entitled “Apocalypse
Narratives: Literature and Popular Culture” organized by the
Department of English, Prafulla Chandra College on 4th & 5th
July, 2020.
 Participated in Online Subject Refresher Course in English
organized by the UGC Human Resource Development Centre,
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh from 23rd September to 8th
October, 2021.
 Participated in VBLN Webinar organised by Visva-Bharati
Library Network, Visva-Bharati, Shantiniketan during 02-12
May, 2020.
 Participated in One Day International Seminar on “Pandemic,
Literature and Life Crisis” organized by Department of English,
S.A.Jain (PG) College, Ambala City on June 04, 2020.
 Participated in A Seven-day Faculty Development Programme
(FDP) on “Critical Theories and their Modern Pedagogical
Adequacy in the Humanities” organized by Department of
Languages, Manipal University Jaipur in collaboration with
Indian Society for the Promotion of English Language &
Literature (iSPELL), from 26 July - 01 August, 2021.
 Participated in the five day online Faculty Development
Programme on “Evolution from Offline to Online Teaching”
organized by Satish Pradhan Dnyanasadhana College, Thane in
collaboration with Department of Information Technology,
University of Mumbai from 30th May to 3rd June, 2020.
 Participated in National Webinar on “NAAC RAF & UGC
CAS” organized by Netaji Subhash Mahavidyalaya,
Coochbehar on 11th July, 2020.
 Participated in a webinar on “Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (UDHR): Indian Women in Perspective” organised by
organised by the Seminar Committee in collaboration with the
IQAC, Rani Birla Girls’ College on 10th December, 2021.
 Participated in “A Response to Crises: Literature, Film and
Culture of the 21st Century”, a Two Day Webinar organized by
the Department of English & IQAC, Deshabandhu
Mahavidyalaya, Chittaranjan June 24-25, 2021.
 Participated in One Day National Webinar on “Career
Advancement Scheme (CAS): Rules and Process as per 7th Pay
Recommendations” jointly organized by IQAC, Library and
English Department of Maharana Pratapsinh Shikshan
Sanstha’s Anandibai Raorane Arts, Commerce and Science
College, Vaibhavwadi, on 28th May, 2020.
 Participated in Two Day International E-conference on “21st
Century Cinematic Adaptation of Literature in Indian Cinema-
A Reflection on Socio Cultural Aspects” organised by the
Department of English, Sarojini Naidu Vanita Maha Vidyalaya
on 28th and 29th September, 2021.
 Participated in the International Webinar on “Challenges in
Higher Education in the Post Pandemic Era” organized by
Burdwan Raj College from 25th to 28th June, 2020.
 Participated in the UGC Sponsored Short Term Course on
“MOOCs, e-content development and Open Educational
Resources” organized by UGC HRDC, Jadavpur University
from 11th to 17th February, 2020.
 Participated in the UGC Sponsored Short Term Course on
“Gender Sensitization” organized by UGC HRDC, Jadavpur
University from 12th to 18th March, 2020.
 Participated in the UGC Sponsored On-line Subject Refresher
Course on “Women’s Studies” organized by the UGC HRDC,
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh from 3rd to 18th September,
Invited Lectures
 “Revisiting Feminism: From Sonnets to Tribal Saga”,
delivered at the Department of English, Srikrishna
College affiliated to the University of Kalyani on
 “Questioning the Importance of ‘borders’ in an
Increasingly Borderless World through Amitav Ghosh’s
The Shadow Lines” delivered at the Department of English,
Chakdaha College affiliated to the University of Kalyani
on 12.03.2022.
 Best paper presenter of the session awarded in the
International Conference on “Literature to Cinema:
Appropriation, Adaptation, Adulteration” held on 1st to 3rd
June, 2013 by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,
National Institute of Technology Durgapur, West Bengal, India
for the paper titled Conference “Reversing the Role: Theatre,
Gender and Ideology in John Madden’s Shakespeare in Love”.

Areas of Research Interest

Feminist and Gender Studies, Cultural Theory,
Postcolonial Studies, Partition Literature, Film
Other Interests
Cinema, popular culture, culinary arts, gardening etc.

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