BULA - BSAAC-Code-of-Policies

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Pursuant to Sec. 28 of the Republic Act No. 7279 or the Urban and
Development Housing Act of 1992, eviction or demolition may be allowed under
the following situations: when persons or entities occupy danger areas such as
esteros, railroad tracks, garbage dumps, riverbanks, shorelines, waterways, and
other places such as sidewalks, roads, parks, and playgrounds; when government
infrastructure projects with available funding are to be implemented; or when there
is a court order for eviction or demolition.

Corollary to housing development and the conduct of orderly, peaceful and

humane relocation and resettlement operation, there is a need to establish a
Code of Policies that will prescribe the general guidelines on the identification and
selection of beneficiaries of government resettlement assistance. The Code of
Policies shall ensure a mechanism that is non-discriminative that provides access
to housing benefits equitable to all the affected population.


The Code of Policies shall govern the identification and selection of

beneficiaries qualified for resettlement assistance. This shall also apply in
the resolution of conflicts and appeals which may arise during project

The human rights-based approach to the selection of program beneficiaries

shall be applied to ensure a system that is non-discriminative that provides
access to housing benefits equitable to all the affected population.


For the purposes of this Code, the terms or words and phrases used herein
shall mean or be understood as follows:

1. Absentee Censused Household – a censused household who, at

the time of the relocation operations, is not presently residing in the
area identified for clearing.

Code of Policies on
Beneficiary Selection
PNR-SLH Project, LGU Bula

2. Absentee House Owner – any individual who owns a structure or

dwelling unit in the identified area for clearing who does not occupy
or has ceased to occupy said structure for a continuous period of at
least 6 months prior to the conduct of tagging and census activities.

3. Beneficiary – a household applicant who meets the basic eligibility

requirement for government resettlement assistance and other
criteria promulgated by BSAAC.

4. Beneficiary Selection, Arbitration and Awards Committee

(BSAAC) – a committee, inter-agency and multi-sectoral in nature
and composition, created to formulate and promulgate beneficiary
selection criteria and to arbitrate resolution of conflicts and appeals
which may arise during project implementation.

5. Blighted Land – refers to an area where the structures are

dilapidated, obsolete and unsanitary, tending to depreciate the value
of the land and prevent intended development and land use.

6. Census – the official registration of households, through the conduct

of house – to – house interview of household heads or spouses, or
next of kin (not below 18 years old), who are residing within the
subject area.

7. Censused Household – a household included in the tagging and

census operations conducted by NHA in coordination with other
project stakeholders.

8. Census Masterlist – the official registry of all households listed in

the tagging and census operations conducted by the
NHA/Proponent, in coordination with other stakeholders.

9. Census Validation – the process of establishing the accuracy or

validity of socio-economic data earlier obtained from household
heads or spouses who are residing within a specific area and
specified period. The process is undertaken prior to the actual
movement of affected families to the resettlement site.

10. Disqualification – the act of preventing a person or household from

participating and/or availing of government resettlement assistance
pursuant to established guidelines.

11. Dwelling unit – a separate and independent place of abode

intended for habitation, or one not intended for habitation but
occupied as living quarters by a household at the time of the census
or census verification. A dwelling unit may be a room, a number of
rooms, a barong-barong, a boat or a cave. Interchangeably, it also
refers to a house.

Code of Policies on
Beneficiary Selection
PNR-SLH Project, LGU Bula

12. House Co-Owner – a person who shares ownership of the dwelling

unit and can show proof of such.

13. Household – a group of persons living in one structure or dwelling

unit related by affinity to the first degree and by consanguinity to the
first and second degree, and having common arrangement for the
preparation and consumption of food.

14. Household Head – a person or persons who own two or more

houses or dwelling units.

15. Informal/Marginal Settlement – is an unplanned settlement of

improvised housing, called shanties or shacks, made of salvaged
materials such as plywood, corrugated metal, sheets of plastic, and
cardboard boxes. Such settlements are usually found on public
lands, or near railroad tracks, waterways, or dump sites. It typically
lacks basic infrastructures and utilities, proper sanitation, safe water
supply, and other basic amenities to support human habitation.

16. Informal Settler Family (ISF) – a family or household who settles

on public or private land without any legal authority to do so.

17. Multiple House Owner – a person who owns two (2) or more
houses or dwelling units.

18. Professional Squatter – refers to individuals or groups who occupy

lands without the expressed consent of the landowner and who have
sufficient income for legitimate housing. The term shall also apply to
persons who have been previously awarded homelots or housing
units by the government but who sold, leased, or transferred in favor
of another to settle illegally in the same place or in another urban
area, and non-bonafide occupants and intruders of lands reserved
for socialized housing. The term shall not apply to individual or
groups who simply rent land and housing from professional
squatters or squatting syndicates.

19. Renter – any household who pays the structure owner for occupying
or using the structure or a portion thereof.

20. Rent – Free Occupant/Sharer – any household other than the

owner occupying or using the structure or dwelling unit for free.

21. Residential – Commercial – a structure which, aside from being

used as dwelling purposes, is also used for commercial purposes.

22. Residential – Industrial – a structure which, aside from being used

as dwelling purposes, is also used for industrial purposes.

Code of Policies on
Beneficiary Selection
PNR-SLH Project, LGU Bula

23. Residential – Institutional – a structure which, aside from being

used for dwelling purposes, is also used for institutional purposes.

24. Residing House Owner/s – a person or persons who own/s and

reside in the dwelling unit or house.

25. Security of Tenure – refers to the degree of protection afforded to

qualified beneficiaries of government housing assistance program
against infringement or unjust, reasonable and arbitrary eviction or
disposition, by virtue of the right of ownership, lease agreement,
usufruct and other contractual arrangements.

26. Socialized Housing – refers to a housing program or project

covering houses and lots or homelots only undertaken by the
government or the private sector for the underprivileged and
homeless citizens which shall include sites and services
development, long-term financing, liberalized terms on interest
payments, and such other benefits in accordance with the law.

27. Squatting Syndicate – refers to a group of persons engaged in the

business of squatter housing for profit or gain.

28. Structure – a man-made facility built for the purpose of shelter or

enclosure for persons, chattels or property of any kind.

29. Structure Owner/s – any person or persons who own/s the


30. Tagging – the official registration through the issuance of tag cards
to structures within the area for clearing within a specified time

31. Uncensused Household – a household whose name of its head is

not included in the census masterlist of households.

32. Underprivileged and Homeless Citizens – refers to individuals or

families residing in urban and urbanizable areas whose combined
household incomes fall within the poverty threshold, as defined by
NEDA, and those that neither own any housing facilities nor enjoy
security of tenure.

33. Urban Area – refers to all cities regardless of population density and
to municipalities with a population density of at least five hundred
(500) persons per square kilometers.

34. Urbanizable Area – refers to all site and land which, considering
present characteristics and prevailing conditions, display marked

Code of Policies on
Beneficiary Selection
PNR-SLH Project, LGU Bula

and great potential of becoming urban area within the period of five
(5) years.

35. Underprivileged and Homeless Citizens – refers to individuals or

families residing in urban and urbanizable areas whose combined
household incomes fall within the poverty threshold, as defined by
NEDA, and those that neither own any housing facilities nor enjoy
security of tenure.


1. The Masterlist of Households generated through the official tagging

and census operation shall be the primary basis for determining
program beneficiaries.

2. The official tagging and census completion date shall be the cut-off
date of Census to prevent intrusion of new ISFs; (January 31, 2023)

3. The selection of beneficiary shall be in accordance with Article V.

Section 16 of the R. A. 7279 and its Implementing Rules and
Regulations (IRR), to wit:

To qualify for the socialized housing program, a beneficiary:

a. Must be a Filipino citizen;

b. Must be an underprivileged and homeless citizen. As

defined, it refers to individuals or families residing in urban
and urbanizable areas whose combined household incomes
fall within the poverty threshold, as defined by NEDA, and
who do not own any housing facilities. This shall include
those in makeshift dwelling units and do not enjoy security of

c. Must not own any real property whether in the urban or rural
areas; and

d. Must not be a professional squatter or a member of squatting


4. Inclusion in the census masterlist does not automatically qualify a


5. All households shall undergo a pre-qualification process such as

verification on previous awards of government resettlement program
including financial assistance and Balik Probinsya Program;

Code of Policies on
Beneficiary Selection
PNR-SLH Project, LGU Bula

6. A qualified household is entitled to only one (1) unit or lot or house

and lot allocation in the identified resettlement project;

7. The relocation and resettlement of households shall be in

accordance with existing rules and regulations as stipulated in
Section 28 of R.A. 7279; and

8. Multi-sectoral participation shall be encouraged.


1. Qualification

To qualify for the program, the household must be included in the

official census masterlist of households. The household head –

a. Must be of legal age (18 to 70 years old); household heads

who are above 70 years old shall waive their rights in favor to
his next of kin, preferably a censused household member;

b. Must not have been a beneficiary of any government housing

program, including financial assistance and Balik Probinsya
Program, except those in leasehold or rental arrangements;

c. Must meet the residence requirement of a minimum of six (6)

months prior to relocation.

2. Disqualification

Any of the following shall be the basis for disqualification:

a. Absentee house owner defined as an individual who owns a

house or dwelling unit who, at the time of tagging and census
operation, does not occupy nor any of his household
members or has ceased to occupy said structure for a
continuous period of at least six (6) months prior to the
tagging and census operation;

b. A person who constructed a structure or dwelling unit during

and after the official tagging and census operations;

c. An absentee censused household defined as a censused

household who, at the time of relocation, has not been
residing continuously in the area for at least six (6) months
prior to relocation;

d. A household residing in the area below six (6) months;

Code of Policies on
Beneficiary Selection
PNR-SLH Project, LGU Bula

d. Single individuals with no dependents or those who merely

reside in the area on account business. This does not apply
to single but owners of dwelling units;

e. Partners on “live-in” arrangement who have no children of

their own and dependent on their parents/s or siblings for
subsistence at the time of census;

f. A person who illegally disposed (land, transfer, sell or steal)

assigned tag cards in favor of another;

g. Recipient of previous government or non-government

housing assistance to include financial assistance and the
Balik-Probinsya Program;

h. A person who uses a dummy or allows himself to be used as

dummy for the purpose of acquiring government resettlement
assistance; the initiator of a dummy shall likewise be

i. Being a party or witness to a contract relating to the

unauthorized sale, lease, mortgage or disposition of
structures/dwelling units/homelots to any individual, whether
censused or uncensused;

j. A person who submits tampered or spurious documents;

k. A person who deliberately, maliciously and openly defies any

lawful order, decision or policy related to the housing

l. A person found to be professional squatter or member of

squatting syndicate; and

m. A person who misrepresents or provides wrong or misleading

information to qualify for the Program.

3. Prioritization Criteria

The following shall be the basis for selection of priority households.

a. First (1st) Priority: Listed and censused household owner/s;

b. Second (2nd) Priority: Listed and censused household non-

owners (renter/s & rent-free occupant/RFOs);

c. Third (3rd) Priority: Listed but not censused household


Code of Policies on
Beneficiary Selection
PNR-SLH Project, LGU Bula

d. Fourth (4th) Priority: Listed but not censused household non-

owners (renter/s & rent-free occupant/RFOs);


1. The Sub-Committee on Social Preparation and Relocation shall

hold a meeting with the residents of the affected community to
explain that it shall entertain petitions for census claims for fifteen
(15) working days. The mechanics for the resolution of census
claims shall be discussed, as well as the criteria for beneficiary
selection, resettlement options, and other entitlements due to the
affected families.

2. A Bulletin or “Pahayag” shall also be posted in conspicuous places

in the affected community. The period for filing census claims shall
be given the widest publicity in the area. After the expiration of the
period, no petition/appeal shall be entertained by the Beneficiary
Selection, Awards and Arbitration Committee (BSAAC), except
when failure to file is based on justifiable grounds and shall be
supported by affidavits of merit.

3. The petition shall be filed with the BSAAC Secretariat whose

members will be stationed at the Barangay Hall for the duration of
the filing period.

4. The petitioner/appellant shall file his/her appeal in writing. A pro-

forma petition instrument shall be provided by the BSAAC for fill up
and signature of the petitioner. Each petition shall be supported by
original and photocopies of at least three (3) of the following

a. Duly notarized (SAPL/HU) - original

b. Proof of Identity
 Any government-issued ID* - photocopy

c. Proof of Civil Status

For single applicants
 Birth Certificate (Civil Registry - certified copy
or PSA) and photocopy

For married applicants

 Marriage Contract (Civil Registry - certified copy
or PSA) and photocopy

d. Family Picture (3R size) - original

Code of Policies on
Beneficiary Selection
PNR-SLH Project, LGU Bula

*List of Acceptable Government-Issued ID (original and photocopy)

 Philippine National ID
 Driver’s License
 Postal ID
 Voter’s ID
 GSIS/SSS/Philhealth/Pag-IBIG Card
 NBI/Police Clearance
 Company ID
 Senior Citizen ID
 Solo Parent ID
 Philippine Passport
 DSWD Certification
 Brgy. ID

5. The BSAAC Secretariat shall initiate the review of documents and

conduct of investigation, if warranted, for ten (10) working days from
the receipt of a petition. It may enlist the participation of the
Barangay or Peoples’ Organization in gathering facts for

a. The BSAAC, upon receipt of the complete results of the

investigation, shall deliberate on a case/petition. It may summon the
petitioner for interview/clarification or for submission of additional
documents/evidences in support of the petition. Deliberations shall
be completed within five (5) working days.

6. The BSAAC Chairman shall preside over case deliberations. A

simple majority of the Committee members shall constitute a
quorum. The Chairman shall conduct a consensus of opinions and
decision of the majority of the members shall be sufficient to adopt
any action.

7. When all the petitions shall have been heard and evaluated, the
BSAAC shall prepare a summary of the cases deliberated and
resolved and all the members of the Secretariat shall affix their
signatures on the document. Thereafter, a resolution is passed by
the BSAAC.

8. The BSAAC shall submit to the Local Inter-Agency Committee

(LIAC) the approved resolutions for endorsement to the NHA

9. All parties concerned in the case shall be formally notified of the final
BSAAC decision.

Code of Policies on
Beneficiary Selection
PNR-SLH Project, LGU Bula

10. All decisions and resolutions passed by the BSAAC, as affirmed by

the LIAC, shall be final and executory.


1. For the purpose of implementing this Code of Policies, a project-

based BSAAC shall be created to undertake the following:

a. Prepare and endorse to the approving authority (NHA) the

final list of qualified beneficiaries; and

b. Arbitrate and resolve census-related appeals and disputes

such as but not limited to the following:

i. Appeals for inclusion in the census

masterlist/registry of households;

ii. Appeals for reconsideration of status such as

absentee house owners, out during census, and
those who refused to be interviewed;

iii. Petitions for revocation of qualified status due to

misrepresentation or guidelines violations; and

iv. Rectification of household’s basic information.

c. Prepare the appropriate resolution on all petitions, appeals

and census claims for endorsement to the approving authority

2. The BSAAC shall be composed of the duly designated

representatives of the following:

Chairman : National Housing Authority (NHA)

Members :
a. Local Government Unit (LGU)
b. Presidential Commission for the Urban
Poor (PCUP)
c. Commission on Human Rights (CHR)
d. Barangay
e. People’s Consultative Council

3. A Secretariat shall be organized by the BSAAC to provide technical

assistance and administrative support to the Committee.

4. The creation of the BSAAC and its Secretariat shall be covered by

a Resolution or Office Order passed by the Local Inter-Agency

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Code of Policies on
Beneficiary Selection
PNR-SLH Project, LGU Bula


This Code of Policies shall take effect this March 14, 2024, Bula,
Camarines Sur


Mayor/LIAC Chairperson
Date March 14, 2024

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