Chapter 1-Partnership Formation
Chapter 1-Partnership Formation
Chapter 1-Partnership Formation
Mutual Agency
A partner can enter into a contract in
behalf of the partnership, provided Verbal
that the contract is within the normal Partnership
scope of its business. Articles of
Advantages of Partnership
1. More likely to raise more capital than
sole proprietorship.
2. Pooling of resources – combined skills A partnership is better formed when there is a
and expertise of the partners. written agreement to avoid future conflicts
3. Easier and less expensive to put up than between the partnership. This written agreement
corporation is represented by the Articles of Partnership.
a. To register to SEC, you only
need a partnership capital of P The Article of Partnership contains:
3,000 in money or property. Name of the Partnership
Disadvantages of Partnership Purpose and location
Names and residents of the partners
1. Less effective in raising large amount of
Partners’ contributions and methods
capital than corporation.
of sharing profits or losses.
2. Unlimited Liability and mutual agency
may create personal obligations to Note: When the capital of the partnership is P
partners. 3,000 and above then it should be in written
- Create personal obligation to the form since there are certain requirements that are
partners needed to pass in SEC.
Common Types of Partners Accounting for Partnership Formation
1. Accdg. to Contribution Who may form a partnership?
a. Capitalist Partner
b. Industrial Partner 1. 2 or more individuals
2. Accdg. to Liability 2. An individual and a proprietor
a. General Partner 3. 2 or more proprietors
b. Limited Partner Note: Regardless of how the partnership is
Common Types of Partnership formed, a new set of books is needed to be
1. Accdg. to Liability
a. General Partnership - Separate Entity Principle –
b. Limited Partnership Transaction of the owners should not
2. Accdg. to Purpose be mixed with that of the business.
a. Commercial Partnership
The following are the major consideration in the “values agreed upon by the partners”
accounting for the equity of a partnership.
When measuring the contribution, the
a. Formation – accounting for initial following additional guidance of PFRSs shall
investments to the partnership. be observed:
b. Operations – division of profit or losses.
c. Dissolution – admission of a new partner Type of Measurement
and withdrawal, retirement or death of a
Cash and Cash Face Amount
d. Liquidation – winding up of affairs Inventory LCNRV
Art 1771 and 1772 of PCC the partnership must Illustration 1: On October 1, 2020, Audrey and
be in public instrument and recorded in SEC Eljane decided to form a partnership. Audrey
when: invested cash of Php 100,000 and merchandise
inventories with a cost of Php 35,000. Eljane
a. Immovable property or real rights are contributed cash worth Php 80,000 and an
contributed office equipment with a book value of Php
b. Partnership has P 3,000 or more capital 50,000 and a current market value of Php
Note: Inventory of any immovable property 60,000
must be signed by the parties and attached in Audrey’s Contribution:
public instrument, otherwise partnership is
deemed void. Contributio Book Curren Value of
n Valu t Contributio
Measurement of Contribution e Market n
Money – Cash (book value) Cash 100k 100k 100k
- We don’t consider fluctuating prices. Merchandis 35k 30k 30k
Property – Non-Cash Asset (current market e Inventory
Industry – difficult to measure the value of
such contribution. Not recognized in the
Eljane’s Contribution
“Assets and liabilities transferred are recorded
at the fair market values at the time of the Contributio Book Curren Value of
contribution.” n Valu t Contributio
e Market n
Liabilities (transferred) – “net asset” (A Value
Cash 80k 80k 80k
minus L) is the capital distribution of a
Office 50k 60k 60k
partner since obligation may be assumed by Equipment
the partnership, TOTAL 140K
What is Fair Market Value?
Fair Value is the price that would be received Journal Entries on the Partnership Books
to sell an asset, or paid to transfer a liability, in Cash 100k
an orderly transaction between market Merchandise Inv 30k
participants at the measurement date. Audrey, Capital 130k
Cash 80k
Office Equipment 60k
Eljane, Capital 140k
Each partner’s capital account (for the
FV of his net contribution) and Note: Separate capital and drawing accounts are
subsequent share in profits is credited. established for each partner.
Receivable from/Payable to a Partner
Permanent Drawings will be debited to
the partner’s capital account. While Receivable from the partner – loan
Temporary Drawing debited to the extended galing sa partnership patungo
partner’s drawing account. sa partner.