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1 February 2022
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29407/intensif.v6i1.16790

Implementation of Quality Function Deployment

(QFD) for Decision Making in Improving Integrated
Academic Information System
Received: Hawwin Mardhiana, 2Dina Rachmawati, 3Familia Dwi Winati,
25 October 2021 4
Achmad Zaki Yamani
Accepted: 1Sistem Informasi, Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya
26 January 2022
2,3,4Sistem Informasi, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto
11 February 2022 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] ,
[email protected], [email protected]

*Corresponding Author

Abstract— Academic Information System is a tool to support academic activities in implementing

education in institutions effectively and efficiently. Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya is an institution
that already has an integrated academic information system called I-Gracias. I-Gracias uses a single-user
system for all applications. Most users of I-Gracias are students, so student satisfaction with integrated
academic information system services can be used as benchmarks in determining I-Gracias improvement
plans. One method used for the I-Gracias improvement process is the Quality Function Deployment
(QFD) method. This method determines the student's desire for I-Gracias using the House of Quality
(HOQ) matrix. The result of this research is that the QFD method can prioritize technical responses to the
main obstacles for students in using I-Gracias by correlating Voice of Consumer (VOC) and technical
response. The highest priority for technical response is coordinating with other units with a technical
importance rating of 620.9 and a relative weight value of 21%. Next is to update the module regularly,
socialize i-Gracias, meet management targets, receive criticism and suggestions, carry out regular checks
and recruit HR if needed as a sequence of improvements to i-Gracias.
Keywords—Quality Function Deployment (QFD); Academic information System; I-Gracias

This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License.

Corresponding Author:
Hawwin Mardhiana,
Sistem Informasi,
Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya,
Email: [email protected]

92 INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi

INTENSIF, Vol.6 No.1 February 2022
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29407/intensif.v6i1.16790


An academic Information System is a means to support academic activities to provide

education in higher education effectively and efficiently. Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya is
an institution that already has an integrated academic information system called I-Gracias. I-
Gracias uses a single-user system for all applications. I-Gracias integrates academic and non-
academic activities and has features that the entire ITTelkom Surabaya academic community can
use. Academic Information System is an internet-based application designed to meet users'
academic needs [1], [2]. Universities must have an academic information system to support the
achievement of good graduate competencies and provide convenience for organizational users to
manage activities by integrating all aspects of activities. Service users in universities are students,
lecturers, academic professionals or employees, and parents of students. Students are the most
significant users of educational information systems. The value of student satisfaction with
academic services is used to assess the quality of education in higher education[2], [3]. This
study will focus on problems in the ITTelkom Surabaya integrated I-Gracias system. Problem-
based on a preliminary survey conducted by researchers through questionnaires distributed to
students regarding the ease of using i-Gracias, stability of the i-Gracias system, and obstacles
when using i-Gracias by students. The preliminary survey results for this research indicate that
most students believe that i-Gracias is easy to use. However, the stability and fluency of i-
Gracias are not entirely stable. In addition, there are problems related to the system that has no
integration with other units, too many menus, and several student problems with i-Gracias.
ITTelkom Surabaya is committed to providing quality services to students, one of which is
academic services. A questionnaire was distributed based on input from students related to I-
Gracias to find out problems associated with I-Gracias ITTelkom Surabaya. These problems will
be used as a reference for ITTelkom Surabaya in recommendations for improvement. In addition,
this research can also be used as one of the processes of modification, planning, and
improvement of academic services oriented to student satisfaction. Planning and developing
academic information systems are critical because they impact higher education services' quality.
One method used to determine the user's consumer needs is Quality Function Deployment
(QFD). QFD is a tool that researchers have widely used to design and improve services through
improvement recommendations. The QFD method has also been applied to several studies for
decision-making improvements in service entrepreneurship in education[4]. In this study, QFD
aims to translate customer requirements into product/service characteristics, components, and
processes. In addition, the QFD method is also used to improve health services by identifying
technical responses related to the fulfillment of desires by consumers to ensure that a company

INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi 93

INTENSIF, Vol.6 No.1 February 2022
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29407/intensif.v6i1.16790

focuses its attention on customer needs before each activity is carried out [5]. QFD is also used in
research to define the priority needs to design quality improvements for an application based on
the user's point of view [6]. House of Quality (HOQ) is one of the tools in QFD that can explain
the relationship between customer desires and target products. The results are technical
parameters related to technical factors in making services or products based on customer needs.
QDF is also used in improving the quality of academic services at Universitas Brawijaya
using 15 attributes based on discussions with students and the campus. The results of the
implementation of QFD are known to be five priorities for development and improvement to
improve academic services[7]. QFD is also implemented in research to analyze satisfaction in the
teaching and learning process at SMA Negeri 3 Mataram. In this study, researchers created an
information system for teaching and learning satisfaction to facilitate the school in evaluating
schools' teaching and learning process. The application of the QFD method on the system can
produce a priority order that can be improved by the school[8]. QFD is also applied in the
decision-making of large companies to determine critical characteristics based on customer needs
to increase customer satisfaction[9]. In this study using the QFD approach, the results explain
that the QFD approach can improve the group's accuracy analysis in making decisions. The QFD
method is also applied to find the best solution to add parameters in a transition problem and the
adoption of electric vehicles in increasing the attractiveness of electric vehicles in emerging
markets[10]. The QFD method is also used in research to determine the direction of DfRem
repair accurately based on the failure mode in the automotive field[11]. A study that aims to
develop the product life cycle in the Textile Industry also uses the QFD method to estimate the
order of priority. This study shows that QFD can provide recommendations for technical
activities for customer satisfaction[12][13].
From the problems that have been described, it can implement the QFD method to increase
student satisfaction with academic information system services by providing quality I-Gracias
according to the needs of students as the most significant users of i-Gracias. Based on the
research that has been described, the QFD method can solve problems in terms of decision-
making. The QFD method can provide technical priority in solving I-Gracias problems for
proposed improvements to the IT-Support division.

94 INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi

INTENSIF, Vol.6 No.1 February 2022
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29407/intensif.v6i1.16790


The stages of this research are arranged in a flow diagram to explain the stages carried out.
The flow diagram can be seen in Figure 1. The stages of this research will be used by researchers
as a reference so that this research can be carried out systematically and measurably.


A. Problem Analysis and Preliminary Survey
The analysis of the problem in this study is by conducting a preliminary survey by
distributing initial questionnaires to ITTelkom Surabaya students in seven study programs from
the 2018 to 2020 class. The questionnaire distributed to students is a prefix questionnaire used to
collect problems that are often felt by students related to I-Gracias. The distribution of this
preliminary questionnaire aims to identify the issues and student perceptions of the I-Gracias
integrated system in general. The initial survey results are described using a Pareto diagram with
the 20:80 principle, namely 20% of problems that will impact 80%, focusing on fixing minor
issues but having a high impact. Several studies have widely used Pareto diagrams to identify
failures or critical areas that require rapid treatment [14][15][12]. In addition, the Pareto chart can
also identify company priorities that must be resolved by management [16]. In this study, the
Pareto diagram provides information on students' main preferences for I-Gracias problems by
comparing all existing I-Gracias problems.
B. Questionary Preparation
The scaling technique used for this questionnaire is the Likert scale. The Likert scale was chosen
because it provides a clear and equal distance between intervals and neutral. The Likert scale used to give
importance and satisfaction by respondents has a scale of 1-5 starting from 1 for very important to 5 for
strongly agree. Next is data collection as primary data, namely questionnaires distributed to students
online. Before processing the data, the researcher pre-processed the data. The data obtained from the

INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi 95

INTENSIF, Vol.6 No.1 February 2022
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29407/intensif.v6i1.16790

questionnaire distribution would be cleaned of outliers before being processed using descriptive statistics
to increase the validity and reliability of the measuring instrument used.
C. Validity and Reliability test
Validity and reliability tests will be done after pre-processing the data. The validity and
reliability test of the measuring instrument aims so that the information obtained is following
research needs and can achieve research objectives. A validity test is used to test how accurately
the measuring instrument performs its function[17]. This questionnaire can be said to be valid if
the questionnaire can reveal something that the questionnaire will measure. The technique used
to determine the validity of the questionnaire questions is Pearson's product-moment correlation
with the following formula (1).


: the correlation coefficient between variable x and variable y

: the i data value for the variable group x
: the i data value for the variable group y
: a large amount of data

The reliability test is used to determine the consistency of the measuring instrument. In this
case, to determine whether the questionnaire is reliable and remains consistent if the
measurement is repeated. The instrument reliability coefficient was calculated using Cronbach
Alpha with formula 2.


: the instrument reliability coefficient (Cronbach Alpha)

: number of questions
: a total variant of question items
: total variant

D. Determination of the Number of Questionnaires

Determining the minimum number of samples is essential in a study because the sample is a
research unit. After all, it represents the population for research data collection, but it is enough
to take only part of the population to be used as research samples. The population of this study
was ITTelkom Surabaya students' classes in 2018, 2019, and 2020. In this study, the Slovin
formula was used to calculate the minimum number of respondents [18]. Determination of the
sample with the Slovin formula (3):

96 INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi

INTENSIF, Vol.6 No.1 February 2022
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29407/intensif.v6i1.16790


Formula description:
n = minimum number of samples
N = population
e = tolerance for inaccuracy due to errors in sampling

Before preparing the House of Quality (HOQ), Voice of Customer (VOC) was conducted to
determine customers' needs. In this study, students were I-Gracias users [19]. Assessment can be
done by direct discussion interviews with students to identify customer needs. House of Quality
(HOQ) is a term used to describe the structure of Quality Function Deployment[20]. QDF also
combines customer needs in the design process and is one of the tools to implement it in the
House of Quality [21][22][23][24].


Figure 2 is a House of Quality model consisting of 5 parts: customer needs and benefits,
planning matrix, technical response, relationship, or impact of technical response on customer
needs and benefits, technical correlation, and technical matrix. Consumer needs list customer
wants or needs for a particular product or service. The planning Matrix contains quantitative data
on consumer needs and performance goals to be achieved. Making a planning matrix can be

INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi 97

INTENSIF, Vol.6 No.1 February 2022
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29407/intensif.v6i1.16790

determined by finding how much service improvement must be made to meet customer desires or
the value of the Improvement Ratio with the equation (4):


Next, look for information about selling products or services based on how much each
customer's needs are fulfilled or sales points. The value is 1 for the less attractive point, 1.2 for
the point that provides average attractiveness, and 1.5 for the point that provides strong
attraction. Salespoint value is determined based on Importance to Customer, where the most
critical attribute by consumers has the highest sales point value. Then determine the weight of
attribute obtained from the multiplication of the vital factor, the ratio of improvement, and the
value of the sales point, which is called the raw weight, with the equation (5).

Raw Weight = Consumer Importance x IR x Sales Point (5)

Then the weight normalization of each service attribute is carried out with the following equation


The technical requirements in the house of quality (HOQ) are the requirements of the design
or the technical aspects of user requirements based on the company description. Next, determine
the relationship matrix that explains the relationship between customer needs and the technical
aspects specified by the QFD team. The relationship is in the form of firm, medium, weak, and
no relationship. Symbols of technical response to needs can be seen in Table 1.


Technical Response Relationship

Symbol Description Value
Strong Relationship 9
Medium Relationship 3
Weak Relationship 1

Then determine the correlation of technical requirements to describe the relationship between
technical requirements, which can be divided into robust positive correlation, strong positive
enough, firm negative, and strong enough negative, and there is no relationship between
technical responses as shown in Table 2.

98 INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi

INTENSIF, Vol.6 No.1 February 2022
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29407/intensif.v6i1.16790


Technical Response Relationship

Symbol Description Value
++ positive, strong Relationship +9
+ Medium relationship +3
Empty No relationship 0
- negative Relationship -3
-Z Negative strong relationship -9


A. Preparation of Questionnaires, Validity and Reliability Test

The results of a preliminary survey conducted on ITTelkom Surabaya students to identify
problems and student perceptions of the integrated academic information system (I-Gracias) are
features that have not been integrated with other divisions. Sometimes the server is down when
taking study plan cards; many menus are cannot be used yet. There are bugs, so I-Gracias cannot
run properly.
The Pareto diagram in Figure 3 illustrates the problems obtained by distributing
questionnaires to ITTelkom Surabaya students. In the questionnaire results, seven issues are
often experienced by students about I-Gracias. The issues are (1) students who feel that the
features in gracias are not integrated, totaling 41 respondents, (2) the server is often down by 26
respondents, (3) the system cannot be accessed when taking a study plan as many as 21
respondents, (4) many menus in I-Gracias that cannot be used are 19 respondents, (5) System
bug, (6) 17 respondents are less user friendly, and (7) there are too many menus in I-Gracias as
many as 11 respondents. The highest frequency of occurrence then sorts the results of these
problems to calculate the cumulative frequency and the total percentage achieved. The problem
definition is used as the basis for taking attributes. After defining the problem, the next step is to
determine the minimum number of respondents using the Slovin formula. The minimum number
of respondents obtained is 98 respondents. A Pareto diagram describes the analysis of the
problem with the principle of 20 - 80 with the following results can be seen in Figure 3.

INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi 99

INTENSIF, Vol.6 No.1 February 2022
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29407/intensif.v6i1.16790


Table 3 and Table 4 show that the measuring instrument for assessing student interest and
satisfaction is valid. The questionnaire can be valid because the calculated correlation value
(count) is more significant than the r table. Where r table with a significance level of 0.05 and the
number of items 30 is 0.361.


Validity Test of Consumer Need

Item Sig. Status Item Correlat Sig. Status
P1 .678 .000 Valid P16 .727 .000 Valid
P2 .754 .000 Valid P17 .833 .000 Valid
P3 .695 .000 Valid P18 .765 .000 Valid
P4 .777 .000 Valid P19 .706 .000 Valid
P5 .849 .000 Valid P20 .834 .000 Valid
P6 .451 .000 Valid P21 .785 .000 Valid
P7 .693 .000 Valid P22 .882 .000 Valid
P8 .850 .000 Valid P23 .868 .000 Valid
P9 .681 .000 Valid P24 .854 .000 Valid
P10 .846 .000 Valid P25 .750 .000 Valid
P11 .885 .000 Valid P26 .567 .000 Valid
P12 .918 .000 Valid P27 .850 .000 Valid
P13 .776 .000 Valid P28 .534 .000 Valid
P14 .790 .000 Valid P29 .858 .000 Valid
P15 .905 .000 Valid P30 .762 .000 Valid

100 INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi
INTENSIF, Vol.6 No.1 February 2022
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29407/intensif.v6i1.16790


Validity Test of Consumer Satisfaction
Item Sig. Status Item Correlat Sig. Status
Q1 .495 .000 Valid Q16 .761 .000 Valid
Q2 .583 .000 Valid Q17 .698 .000 Valid
Q3 .690 .000 Valid Q18 .664 .000 Valid
Q4 .897 .000 Valid Q19 .819 .000 Valid
Q5 .911 .000 Valid Q20 .884 .000 Valid
Q6 .568 .000 Valid Q21 .919 .000 Valid
Q7 .845 .000 Valid Q22 .879 .000 Valid
Q8 .896 .000 Valid Q23 .887 .000 Valid
Q9 .846 .000 Valid Q24 .873 .000 Valid
Q10 .846 .000 Valid Q25 .820 .000 Valid
Q11 .942 .000 Valid Q26 .827 .000 Valid
Q12 .797 .000 Valid Q27 .759 .000 Valid
Q13 .894 .000 Valid Q28 .811 .000 Valid
Q14 .928 .000 Valid Q29 .839 .000 Valid
Q15 .760 .000 Valid Q30 .787 .000 Valid
Table 5 is the result of testing the reliability of measuring instruments or questionnaires in this
study. The limit value of the reliability coefficient of the measuring instrument that can be
accepted is 0.60 [25]. All items meet the reliability requirements, namely having Cronbach's
alpha value above 0.60, and can be said reliably.
Reliability test
Indicator Cronbach’s Alpha Status
P 0.974 Reliable
Q 0.981 Reliable

B. Preparation of the Planning matrix in the House of Quality

The planning matrix is divided into the level of interest of the respondents to determine the
extent to which they value expectations, the level of student satisfaction, the value of the target
(goal), the increase ratio, sales point, raw weight. And the normalized raw weight. The weight of
each aspect can be seen in table 6.

INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi 101
INTENSIF, Vol.6 No.1 February 2022
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29407/intensif.v6i1.16790


Requirement Sales Raw Normalizes

No Satisfaction IR
Weight Point Weight Raw Weight
V1 4.47 1.50 7.86 0.04 4.27 1.17
V2 4.52 1.20 6.37 0.81 4.25 1.18
V3 4.39 1.00 5.12 0.80 4.29 1.16
V4 4.27 1.00 4.99 0.98 4.27 1.17
V5 4.37 1.00 5.09 1.02 4.29 1.16
V6 3.91 1.00 4.91 0.96 3.99 1.25
V7 4.61 1.50 7.69 1.57 4.49 1.11
V8 4.52 1.50 7.83 1.02 4.33 1.16
V9 4.60 1.50 7.92 1.01 4.35 1.15
V10 4.57 1.50 7.75 0.98 4.42 1.13
V11 4.59 1.50 7.78 1.00 4.42 1.13
V12 4.54 1.00 5.12 0.66 4.44 1.13
V13 4.43 1.00 5.10 1.00 4.34 1.15
V14 4.48 1.50 7.70 1.51 4.36 1.15
V15 4.68 1.50 7.85 1.02 4.47 1.12
V16 4.71 1.00 5.24 0.67 4.50 1.11
V17 4.56 1.50 7.65 1.46 4.47 1.12
V18 4.63 1.50 7.76 1.01 4.48 1.12
V19 4.69 1.50 7.82 1.01 4.50 1.11
V20 4.56 1.50 7.63 0.98 4.48 1.12
V21 4.63 1.50 7.79 1.02 4.46 1.12
V22 4.44 1.00 5.03 0.65 4.41 1.13
V23 4.41 1.00 5.07 1.01 4.35 1.15
V24 4.36 1.00 5.02 0.99 4.34 1.15
V25 4.22 1.00 4.94 0.98 4.27 1.17
V26 4.06 1.20 5.88 1.19 4.14 1.21
V27 4.50 1.50 7.62 1.29 4.43 1.13
V28 4.41 1.50 7.52 0.99 4.39 1.14
V29 4.61 1.50 7.79 1.04 4.44 1.13
V30 4.36 1.50 7.35 0.94 4.45 1.12

C. Determination of technical response

The technical response in this study refers to the Information System section of ITtelkom
Surabaya to meet the needs of students. The researcher conducted a Focus Group Discussion
(FGD) with the Information Systems ITTelkom Surabaya. The technical response used is based
on the documents of the ITTelkom Surabaya information system division regarding management
contracts. This document is used as a reference in developing I-Gracias to suit the needs of
consumers, especially students. The technical responses obtained from the information system
manager are as follows:

102 INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi
INTENSIF, Vol.6 No.1 February 2022
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29407/intensif.v6i1.16790


No Technical Response
1 There is a management target every year.
2 Modules will be updated or added as needed.
3 Perform periodic checks I-Gracias
4 Coordinate with other units
5 In the process of adding a student achievement module
6 In the process of adding a counseling module
7 Receive criticism and suggestions regarding the I-Gracias system
8 Recruiting employees as needed
9 Socialization related to the use of the I-Gracias feature

After knowing the value classification, the next step is to analyze the relationship between
consumer needs and technical responses, as shown in Figure 4. After determining the relationship
between consumer needs and technical characteristics, the next step in compiling a correlation
matrix is identifying the correlation between technical characteristics. The following are symbols
and the degree of relationship between technical characteristics. Based on Figure 4 can be seen
that there are no contradictory or negative technical characteristics, so there is no need for
elimination. The picture combines all the technical characteristics and attributes. Figure 4
explains two types of data in making the HOQ: the level of importance to the technical response
and the target for the technical response.
D. Correlating Voice of Consumer (VOC) and technical response Matrix
The correlation between Voice of Customer and technical response is carried out through
Focus Group Discussions between Researchers and IT Support. The 30 attributes used are
mapped with technical responses following the rules in Quality Function Deployment by
determining the relationship between the two. If there is a strong relationship, it can be given a
score of 9 by mark "●. " If the relationship between the attribute and technical response is of
moderate value. A score of 3 is given. It is equal by giving a "○" mark, and if the relationship
between the two is weak, a score of 1 or a "▽" mark can be given. ". This score is obtained based
on the rules on the QFD model used.

INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi 103
INTENSIF, Vol.6 No.1 February 2022
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29407/intensif.v6i1.16790


104 INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi
INTENSIF, Vol.6 No.1 February 2022
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29407/intensif.v6i1.16790

Based on the matrix of the relationship between technical response and consumer
needs in Figure 4, the highest priority for technical response is shown in table 8.


No Technical Response Technical Relaive Priority

Importance Weight
1 There is a management target every year. 366.2 13% 4
2 Modules will be updated or added as needed. 479.7 16% 2
3 Perform periodic checks I-Gracias 320.5 11% 6
4 Coordinate with other units 620.9 21% 1
5 In the process of adding a student achievement 71.38 2% 8
6 In the process of adding a counseling module 68.5 2% 9
7 Receive criticism and suggestions regarding the 359.2 12% 5
I-Gracias system
8 Recruiting employees as needed 203.6 7% 7
9 Socialization related to the use of the I-Gracias 402.3 14% 3


The research concludes that the goal value for each attribute of interest is given 5 points so
that the service is given optimally. The sales point value is given a maximum value of 1.5 for
providing top service to students. Based on the weighting and normalization of attributes, the
priority for repairs can be sorted sequentially, namely coordinate with other units, which means
that each section head must coordinate to make I-Gracias improvements with a relative weight
value of 21%. The second is that modules will be updated or added as needed. These modules are
adapted to academic and student activities with a relative weight value of 16%. The third order is
the socialization related to using the I-Gracias feature for students and users to make it easier to
understand when I-Gracias undergoes changes or updates with a relative weight value of 14%.
The fourth-order meets the management target, which means that each unit has a better target for
I-Gracias improvement with a relative weight value of 13%. The fifth order accepts criticism and
suggestions from students and users with a relative weight value of 12%. The sixth is that IT
Support development should periodically test or check I-Gracias to find shortcomings and
problems with a relative weight value of 11%. The seventh order is to recruit employees.
Suppose the IT Division needs experts in specific fields in IT Support development with a
relative weight value of 7%. In that case, the eighth order is to add student achievement features
to facilitate student academic transcripts by 2%. The last is to add a counseling module between

INTENSIF: Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Penerapan Teknologi Sistem Informasi 105
INTENSIF, Vol.6 No.1 February 2022
ISSN: 2580-409X (Print) / 2549-6824 (Online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29407/intensif.v6i1.16790

students and student psychologists by 2%. At the same time, the highest satisfaction value for
Consumer needs attributes relates to information on the value of all courses quickly at 4.50,
displaying and printing test schedules of 4.50, payment information every semester, and features
related to the final project 4.80. All attributes have an average level of satisfaction of 4.37.


The author would like to thank the LPPM Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya and Institut
Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto for their financial support in completing this research.


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