Transient Conduction
Transient Conduction
Transient Conduction
► Analysis
► Lumped Systems
► Transient heat conduction in infinite and semi-infinite solids
► Lumped Systems
When a body is very small or thermal conductivity of the material is large then temperature gradient can
be neglected, in such cases temperature of the body is only function of time and independent of the spacial
/ reference coordinates, such analysis is called as lumped analysis , also called lumped parameter analysis
Whole solid whose energy at any time is function of its temperature and the system or total heat capacity
is treated as 1 lump
The heat transfer in this process is controlled by convective resistance(1/hA) rather than conductive
Bodies behave like a “lump” whose interior temperature remains uniform at all time during the heat
transfer process. Example: A hot copper ball coming from an oven
Heat exchanger, boiler tubes, Cooling of I.C Engine cylinder heads, Heat treatment, freezing of foods
Fourier No: is a measure of heat conducted through a body relative to heat stored.
Thus, a large value of the Fourier number indicates faster propagation of heat
through a body.
1. A copper slab of 50 ×50cm with thickness of 6.25mm has a uniform temperature of 300°C, it is suddenly lowered to 36°C..Calculate the time
required for the Slab to reach 108°C.
Take: Density = 9000 kg/m3 , specific heat= 0.38 KJ / Kg °C , Thermal conductivity = 370 W/ m°C, Convective heat transfer coefficient = 90 W/m2 °C.
2. A Solid sphere of 10cm diameter, density 8954 kg/m3 specific heat 383 J / Kg °C , initially at uniform temperature of 250°C is suddenly
immersed in a fluid which is maintained at temperature of 50°C. The heat transfer coefficient between the sphere and fluid is 200W/m2 °C.
Determine the temperature of copper sphere at 5min after the immersion. Take Thermal conductivity as 386 W/ m°C
5. A steel ball of 50mm diameter at 900°C is taken out from a forging process and kept in still air atmosphere of 30°C.Calculate the
initial rate of cooling of the ball in °C/min. Take the following properties of steel 3 , C= 2 KJ / Kg °C, h= 30 W/m2 °C.
8. The heat transfer coefficients for the flow of air at 28°C over a 12.5mm diameter sphere are measured by observing the temperature- time history of
a copper ball of same dimensions. The temperature of copper ball(C= 0.4 KJ / Kg °C & 3 ) was measured by thermocouples, one located
in the centre and other near the surface. Both the thermocouples registered same temperature at given instant. In one test the initial temperature of
the ball was 65°C and after 1.15min the temperature is decreased by 11°C. Calculate the heat transfer coefficient for this case.
10. A thermocouple junction of spherical form is to be used to measure the temperature of the gas stream.
11. A large Steel plate of 60mm thickness (42.6 W/ m° C) with thermal diffusivity 0.043m2/hr is initially at 440°C is
suddenly exposed to both sides of environment with convective heat transfer coefficient 235 W/m2 °C
❖ Determine
Centre line temperature and temperature inside the plate 15mm from mid plane after 4.3mins if the
environment temperature is 50°C
Heat removed from the plate per m2 during this time (Take C= 460 J / Kg °C & 7850 kg/m3 )