Valency of First 20 Elements With Their Symbol

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1. Hydrogen H 1
2. Helium He 0
3. Lithium Li 1
4. Beryllium Be 2
5. Boron B 3
6. Carbon C 4
7. Nitrogen N 3
8. Oxygen O 2
9. Fluorine F 1
10. Neon Ne 0
11. Sodium Na 1
12. Magnesium Mg 2
13. Aluminium Al 3
14. Silicon Si 4
15. Phosphorus P 3
16. Sulphur S 2
17. Chlorine C 1
18. Argon Ar 0
19. Potassium K 1
20. Calcium Ca 2

Q2. Explain bohars atomic model

The Bohr model postulates that electrons orbit the nucleus at fixed energy levels. Orbits
further from the nucleus exist at higher energy levels. When electrons return to a lower
energy level, they emit energy in the form of light.

Q3-what are protons and electrons?

Protons Electrons Neutrons

They are positively They are negatively charged They are neutral
charged particles. particles. particles.
Charge on protons is Charge on electrons is -1. They have no charge.
+1. Mass of protons Mass of electrons Mass of neutrons
is 1.6727×10−27kg. is 9.1×10−31 kg. is 1.675×10−27 kg.
Protons are present Electrons are present outside Neutrons are present
inside the nucleus. the nucleus. They revolve inside the nucleus.
around the nucleus.

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