IQ5 IO Modules Data Sheet

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Data Sheet

I/O Module

IQ5-IO I/O Module

Description Features
▪ Universal input/output, digital input, digital output variants
The IQ®5-IO range of I/O modules are designed for ▪ Hand-off -auto option (on 8DO-HOA)
use with the IQ5 controller, to provide input and output channel ▪ Up to 300 I/O channels per controller (subject to licence)
connection points. ▪ T1L high-speed secure bus connection to controller
A comprehensive choice of I/O types is available including ▪ Side-by-side or remote connection options
universal inputs/outputs (UIO), digital inputs (DI), digital/relay ▪ Up to 300 metres (1000 ft) between cable connected
outputs (DO). A ‘hand-off -auto’ variant (8DO-HOA) is also modules
available, off ering manual override of module outputs. ▪ Powered from controller or external PSU
Integral I/O bus connectors allow easy and convenient ‘side- ▪ Two part I/O connectors for easy installation/commissioning
byside’ module installation or, by using wiring adapters, ▪ Surface or DIN rail mounting, DIN 19 size 2 standard
modules can be installed up to 300 meters apart. enclosur



The range of IQ5-IO Expansion Modules comprises the following variants:



Note: All modules shown with terminal covers removed.

Enclosure Auxiliary Terminal Block
Optional terminal blocks are available that can be clipped on to
Each IQ5-IO Module is housed in a polycarbonate enclosure an IO module to provide additional common terminals. These can
compatible with the DIN43880 and DIN 19 size 2 standard and be used (for example) to provide multiple 24 Vdc connections
with a complimentary styling to the IQ5 controller. from the single 24 Vdc terminal on the 16UIO or 8UIO module,
or to provide ground/earth connections for cable screens.
Integral clips on the back of the case enable the unit to be clipped
on to (and quickly released from) a standard TS35 DIN rail, or be
used to mount the unit directly to any suitable flat surface.

IQ5-IO Modules must be installed in a secondary enclosure with

a minimum protective rating of IP20 (or equivalent) or mounted
outside normal reach (e.g. in a plenum).

A module may be mounted horizontally or vertically but not

upside down or on its back:

The AUX-TRM-16 has 16 push-fit terminals, configured as two

common groups of 8 with a maximum load of 12 A.

If more terminals are needed the connectors can be

Input/Output Channels
The following types of input and output channel are supported:

▪ Universal Input/Output (UIO)

▪ Digital Inputs (DI)
Removable clip-on polycarbonate covers provide access to the
▪ Digital/Relay Output (DO)
various onboard terminal connections.
Cable Screening
The use of screened cable for input and/or output connections is
optional and not generally required unless the cable passes
through electrically noisy environments.

If screened cable is used the screen must be connected to the

local panel/enclosure ground and left unterminated at the far end.

Universal Input/Output (UIO)

These channels will function in one of the following modes:

▪ thermistor input,
▪ voltage input,
Spare covers are available (see ‘Order Codes’ on page 13)
▪ digital input,
Terminal Connectors ▪ current input,
Connections for the various I/O channels are via two-part
▪ analogue output.
plugable screw terminal connectors which are supplied as
standard with the modules and available in packs for spares.
The input/output mode of each channel is set by the strategy
Optional connectors with push-fit terminals are also available
configuration in the controller.
(see ‘Order Codes’ on page 13).
Thermistor input: Used for a thermistor (e.g. NTC (2K, 3K, 10K,
20K), PT100, PT1000) potentiometer (0 to 300 kΩ) or fan speed
control. The thermistor bridge resistor is 12 kΩ with a bridge
supply 3.3 V.

Example wiring
nn nn

Function Connector Type

Universal Input/Output (UIO) 2-way*
Digital Input (DI) 2-way
Digital/Relay Output (DO) 3-way
*On the 16UIO, input IO8 uses a 3-way connector with the extra Voltage input: Used with a 0 to 10 Vdc or 2 to 10 Vdc source.
terminal providing a connection to the 24 Vdc supply output.

Data Sheet
Example wiring
C IOn nn nn
nn nn

control V / mA
S 0V
Digital Input (DI)
Digital input: Used for a volt free contact, logic circuit (e.g. TTL, These channels are compatible with the following input devices:
CMOS), open collector (transistor) or open drain (FET).
▪ volt free contact (e.g. switch or relay),
Example wiring ▪ logic circuit (e.g. TTL, CMOS), ▪ open
collector (transistor) or open drain (FET),or ▪ 24
nn nn
Vac circuit.

Example wiring
3.5 mA nn nn

0V 3.5 mA
volt open logic TTL /
free collector circuit CMOS

The volt free contact has a nominal wetting current of 3.5 mA. 0V
The input is ON when the contact is closed. volt open logic
free collector circuit
An open collector or open drain must be able to sink 3.5 mA. The
input is ON when the transistor or FET conducts. The volt free contact has a nominal wetting current of 3.5 mA.
The input is ON when the contact is closed.
A logic circuit must be able to sink 3.5 mA. The input will be ON
when the applied voltage is less than 2 Vdc (minimum 0 V). A An open collector or open drain must be able to sink 3.5 mA. The
voltage of greater than 4 Vdc (maximum 40 Vdc) will turn the input is ON when the transistor or FET conducts.
input OFF. Voltage levels between 2 and 4 Vdc may cause
indeterminate operation. A logic circuit must be able to sink 3.5 mA. The input will be ON
when the applied voltage is less than 2 Vdc (minimum 0 V). A
The input can be configured for pulse count operation (maximum voltage greater than 4 Vdc (maximum 40 Vdc) or open circuit will
100 Hz with 50% / 50% duty cycle, 5 ms ON /5 ms OFF). turn the input OFF. Voltage levels between 2 and 4 Vdc may
cause indeterminate operation.
Current input: Used for 0 or 4 to 20 mA sources. May be either
loop powered (from onboard 24VDC OUT terminal) or externally The input can be configured for pulse count operation (maximum
powered. 100 Hz with 50% / 50% duty cycle, 5 ms ON /5 ms OFF).

Example wiring - loop Example wiring - external Digital inputs can also be used to monitor the state of a 24 Vac
circuit (e.g. to determine if a relay or actuator is on or off).
nn nn nn nn Example wiring
nn nn nn nn

24 Vac 24 Vac
±20 % ±20 %

S S 1K6
External Load Load
Power >1.6kΩ <1.6kΩ

In the above example the input will be ON when the load is
Note: The 24VDC OUT terminal can source up to 75 mA. powered. If the load impedance is less than 1.6 kΩ (e.g. a
filament lamp or relay coil) then a 1.6 kΩ resistor must be fitted
Analogue output: Provides either a variable voltage output (0 to in series with the input.
11 Vdc, 0 to 10 Vdc, 1 to 10 Vdc or 2 to 10 Vdc) or variable Digital/Relay Output (DO)
current output (0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA). These channels provide a single pole dry contact changeover
Example wiring

Data Sheet IQ5- I/O MODULE
Example wiring


nn nn nn


Ensure that external circuits are suitably protected against fault

currents that would exceed the ratings for the switching circuits
provided in this product.

The relay contacts close (i.e. NO makes with IN) when the output
channel is ON.

Note: The relay on channel 5 on the 8DO and 8DO/HOA has a

higher contact rating than the other channels (see “Digital/Relay
Outputs (DO)” on page 11 for further details).

An optional 4-way plug-in jumper (IO-JUMPER-4) can be

inserted adjacent to the connectors which will link the IN
terminals. This enables a common supply to be used on channels
1 to 4 or 5 to 8:

Note: If required, pins can be removed from the 4-way jumper to

prevent a certain channel from being linked. For example,
remove the pin from channel 4 position to only have channels 1,
2 and 3 linked.

T1L IO Bus
IQ5-IO modules interconnect with each other and the IQ5
controller via the T1L IO bus, which comprises the following
power and signal connections:

▪ 24 Vac (50/60Hz) or 24 Vdc

▪ 0V
▪ Ground
▪ Data Hi
▪ Data Lo
▪ Screen

Data Sheet
Modules can be slotted together, adjacent to the controller (or Maximum Number of Modules
other I/O modules) with inter-module connections being made via Up to 254 modules can be connected to the I/O bus. The
integral spring connectors. maxiumum number of IO channels is subject to the number of
points licenced on the controller.

Module Power Supply

I/O modules can typically be powered from the controller via the
I/O bus supply. This bus supply is derived from the controller’s
24 Vac/dc supply and, therefore, the maximum current available
to the I/O bus depends upon other current demands placed on
the controller.

The maximum current required by each type of I/O module is

listed in the table below – these values can be used to estimate
the total current required by the I/O bus:

Module Device Status Current Power (Max)


24 24 24 24
Vac Vdc Vac Vdc
(mA) (mA) (VA) (W)

16UIO All channels set 1083 500 26 12

to AO 20 mA
8UIO 708 333 17 8

16DI All inputs ON 375 146 9 3.5

8DO 8DO- All relays ON 333 125 8 3

Where the total current requirement of the I/O bus exceeds the
maximum available from the controller, one or more additional 24
Vac/dc power supplies may be installed. Additional supplies may
also be required in the following circumstances:

▪ at the end of a long I/O bus cable run, to prevent voltage drop
on the bus supply (minimum 19V supply required),
▪ where the current flow through the power line of any one module
would exceed the maximum of 1 A, thus requiring the I/O bus
power line to be split or segmented.

Note: The IQ5-IO-ADPT wiring adapter includes a self-resetting

fuse and transient voltage suppression that protects the I/O bus
from over-current and over-voltage conditions caused by
electrical transients or incorrect wiring. No protection is provided
against accidental connection of mains voltages.

Cabling between modules on the I/O bus may be wired from right
to left side, right to right or left to left, as long as correct bus
polarity is maintained. Spurs are not permitted.

A cover plate (IQ5-IO-END) must be fitted to the last module on

the bus, to protect the exposed bus connectors.
Additional Power Supplies
Note: A cover is supplied with each IQ5 controller which can be Important: Not permitted for UL compliant installations.
used for this purpose. A pack of spare covers is also available.
Where it is necessary to install an additional power supply along
Maximum I/O Bus Length the I/O bus, the supply output must be isolated from earth
Where cabled interconnections are used each wired segment (ground). The supply unit must also comply with the relevant
may be up to 300 metres (1000 feet) using high quality cable EMC and safety standards.
(recommended type Belden 3084A or 7895A).
Note: Trend offer a range of DIN rail mounted auxiliary power
Note: One or more additional power supplies may be required on supplies that are suitable for this purpose.
long cable runs to prevent excessive voltage drop on the power
line (see “Module Power Supply” on page 6). The I/O wiring adapter (IQ5-IO-ADPT) is used to make the
connection of external power supply units to the I/O bus as
shown below:

Data Sheet IQ5- I/O MODULE
Indicator Colour Function
Power Supply

– + 1 - 16 Green State of associated universal input/

(16UIO) output: unlit = OFF, fully lit = ON. Light
1-8 intensity varies with output voltage
(8UIO) when in analogue output mode.
24 V 24 V
0V 0V 1 - 16 Green State of associated digital input:
Ground Ground (16DI) unlit = OFF, lit = ON.

1-8 Green State of associated digital output:

(8DO) unlit = OFF (IN connected to NC),
lit = ON (IN connected to NO).
Service Button
from controller This is a multi-function button located on the front of the module
and can be used to:

Important: The 24 Vdc connection from the previous module ▪ assign an unaddressed module to a strategy module (or next
must not be made. The 0 V connection must be made when an available bus address if a strategy module does not exist),
external supply is used and the 0 V line must be continuous for ▪ display the module’s address by flashing the I/O bus indicator,
the entire length of the I/O bus. or
▪ perform a module reset (in conjunction with a power cycle).
Earthing/Grounding Arrangements Hand-Off-Auto (HOA) Control
It is important that correct earthing/grounding is provided for the
controller and modules on the I/O bus. The 8DO-HOA module has a rotary/push-button control which
allows the normal output operation (Auto Mode) to be manually
The I/O bus ground is connected to earth/ground via the overridden on each output. A back-lit LCD screen shows the
controller. Modules located within the same secondary enclosure current state of each output.
are earthed/grounded via the I/O bus ground connection.
DO 1 DO 2 DO 3 DO 4
Where modules are located in different secondary enclosures or
where I/O bus cables exceed 1 m (39”), a local earth/ground OFF OFF OFF
connection must be provided. For further details refer to the IQ5- DO 5 DO 6 DO 7 DO 8
IO Expansion Modules Installation Instructions - Mounting ON
(TG201484). OFF OFF OFF

All DIN rails must be earthed/grounded.

I/O Module Addressing

Note: The language used for display text can changed.
Each module on the I/O bus must be assigned a unique address
(XXXXXXX). While in Manual Mode, the rotary control can be used to select a
particular output channel and change/override its current state.
The controller will automatically attempt to match each physical
I/O module with its corresponding strategy I/O module and set its Pressing the Auto button returns all outputs to Auto Mode where
address accordingly. the outputs behave as follows:

Module addresses can be configured within the controller Connected to Strategy 8DO-HOA
strategy, or manually changed using IQ®SET or the controller’s Controller? Defined? Output
web page interface. Refer to the IQ5 Configuration Manual
(TE201486) for further details on addressing. Yes Yes set by strategy
Indicators Yes No OFF
Various indicators are provided giving feedback on the
operational status of the module and its inputs/outputs. No – OFF
Important: All outputs on a new (factory-set) module will power
General Indicators (all variants): up in Auto Mode. The outputs of a previously used module will
power up in whichever mode was selected when the module was
Indicator Colour Function powered down.
Green Device status. Green indicates normal
Amber operation. Amber or Red indicates a Warning: Manual operation of the HOA module does not provide
Red XXXXXXX. a safe environment for working on electrical equipment, and must
not be used as a substitute for appropriate lockouttagout
Green Service status. procedures during maintenance operations.
Green Status of the T1L I/O bus connected to
the left (L) or right (R) side of the Labelling
Input/Output Indicators (depending on module type):
The firmware in each IQ5-IO Modules controls its basic

Data Sheet
New versions of firmware may be made available from time to
time to change or add functionality or to provide support for new

New firmware will be installed as part of an upgrade to the IQ5

controller. Once the controller has been upgraded it will
automatically update the firmware of any attached I/O modules
using the T1L IO bus.

The IQ5-IO Expansion Modules require no routine maintenance.

! WARNING: Contains no serviceable parts. Do not

attempt to open the unit. Failure to comply may
cause damage to the unit.

COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health - UK
Government Regulations 2002) ASSESSMENT FOR DISPOSAL OF WEEE Directive:
IQ5-IO Expansion Modules.
At the end of their useful life the packaging,
RECYCLING . and product , and battery (if fitted) should be
All plastic and metal parts are recyclable. The printed circuit board disposed of by a suitable recycling centre.
may be sent to any PCB recovery contractor to recover some of the
components for any metals such as gold and silver. Do not dispose of with normal household waste.
Do not burn.

Controllers: IQ5.

The IQ5-IO Expansion Modules are designed to be clipped on to a standard TS35 DIN rail or be screwed directly to a flat surface. They
must be installed inside an enclosure rated to at least IP20 (or equivalent) or mounted outside normal reach (e.g. in a plenum). The
modules are UL rated as ‘UL60730 listed open energy management equipment’. The installation procedure involves:
Mounting the I/O module(s) in position Isolating all I/O connections
Connecting the I/O bus to remote modules (if required) Downloading strategy to controller
Connecting additional PSUs (if required) Reconnecting all inputs and checking operation
Connecting universal inputs/outputs (UIO modules only) Reconnecting all outputs and checking operation
Connecting digital inputs (DI modules only)
Connecting relay outputs (DO modules only)

IQ5-IO Data Sheet
A full description of installing the IQ5-IO modules is given in the IQ5-IO Modules Installation Instructions - Mounting (TG201484) and IQ5-
IO Expansion Modules Installation Instructions - Configuring (TG201485).
IQ5-IO-16UIO IQ5 I/O Module with 16 universal input/output channels
IQ5-IO-8UIO-105 IQ5 I/O Module with 8 universal input/output channels (105mm wide enclosure)
IQ5-IO-16DI IQ5 I/O Module with 16 digital input channels
IQ5-IO-8DO IQ5 I/O Module with 8 digital/relay output channels
IQ5-IO-8DO-HOA IQ5 I/O Module with 8 digital/relay output channels with LCD and hand-off-auto controls
IQ5-IO-16UIO-B IQ5 I/O Module with 16 universal input/output channels with BLE for local commissioning
IQ5-IO-16DI-B IQ5 I/O Module with 16 digital input channels with BLE for local commissioning
IQ5-IO-8DO-B IQ5 I/O Module with 8 digital/relay output channels with BLE for local commissioning
IQ5-IO-8DO-HOA-B IQ5 I/O Module with 8 digital/relay output channels with LCD with hand-off-auto controls and
BLE for local commissioning

IQ5-IO-ADPT-2 Pack of 2 IQ5-IO-ADPT bus wiring adapters (for IQ5 controller and IQ5/IO modules)
IQ5-IO-END-10 Pack of 10 spare end covers (for IQ5 controller and IQ5/IO modules)
IQ5-TCVR-105-10 Pack of 10 spare 105mm terminal covers (for 105 mm IQ5/IO modules)
DIN-CLIP-10 Spare DIN Clip (pack of 10)
AUX-TRM-16-10 Auxiliary Terminal Block AUX-TRM-16 (pack of 10)
IO-JUMPER-4-10 4 Pin Relay Output Jumper (pack of 10)
SCRW-TB-2-PUR-50 Spare 2-way Screw Terminal Plug Purple (pack of 50)
SCRW-TB-2-YEL-50 Spare 2-way Screw Terminal Plug Yellow (pack of 50)
SCRW-TB-3-ORN-50 Spare 3-way Screw Terminal Plug Orange (pack of 50
PUSH-TB-2-PUR-50 Spare 2-way Push-fit Terminal Plug Purple (pack of 50)
PUSH-TB-2-YEL-50 Spare 2-way Push-fit Terminal Plug Yellow (pack of 50)
PUSH-TB-3-ORN-50 Spare 3-way Push-fit Terminal Plug Orange (pack of 50


Frequency Band Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
BLE 2400 MHz - 2483.5MHz (1) this device may not cause harmful interference,
Maximum RF Power (in above range) and (2) this device must accept any interference
CE BLE 10dBm (E.I.R.P) received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
▪ This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.

Data Sheet IQ5-IO
▪ Important: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly at input power supply frequency.
approved by the party responsible for compliance could void Analogue Resolution
the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Input modes 16 bit (65,536 steps)
▪ Output modes 13 bit (5019 steps)
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply Voltage Input
with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 Input range 0 to 10 Vdc, 2 to 10 Vdc.
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide Input resistance 9.4 kΩ.
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a Accuracy Current ±0.5% of span (50 mV).
residential installation. Input
Input range 0 to 10 mA, 4 to 10 mA, 0 to 20 mA, 4 to
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio 20 mA.
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance Current source onboard 24Vdc or external PSU.
with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio Input resistance 120 Ω.
communications. However, there is no guarantee that Accuracy ±0.5% of span (100 μA).
interference will not occur in a particular installation. Thermistor Input
Temperature (NTC 10 kΩ @ 25°C (77°F))
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television Input range -40 to 110°C (-40°F to 230°F)
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, Accuracy ±0.3°C (-20°C to 90°C (-4°F to 194°F));
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more
±0.4°C (<-20°C (-4°F) or >90°C (194°F))
of the following measures: Resistance
Input range 0 to 300 kΩ
▪ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna;
Accuracy 1% of measured value or 10 Ω,
▪ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver; whichever is the greater
▪ Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
Bridge resistor 12.2 kΩ.
which the receiver is connected;
Bridge supply 3.3 V.
▪ Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Digital Input
Input voltage 0 to 10 Vdc (40 Vdc maximum).
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS
ON state <2 Vdc @ 3.5 mA (sink).
OFF state >4 Vdc (or open circuit).
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may Pulse rate 100 Hz max. (min. duty cycle 50% / 50%
not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, Analogue Output = 5 ms ON / 5 ms OFF).
including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Voltage range 0 to 11 Vdc, 0 to 10 Vdc, 1 to 10 Vdc, 2
Le present appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada to 10 Vdc.
applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est Current 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA.
autorisee aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas Accuracy ±0.5% of span (50 mV).
produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout Digital Inputs (DI)
brouillage radioelectrique subi, meme si le brouillage est susceptible Function On/off state (or pulse count) to strategy
d’en compromettre le fonctionnement. from volt free contact, logic circuit (e.g.
TTL, CMOS), open collector (transistor)
or open drain (FET), or 24 Vac input.
SPECIFICATION Input Voltage 0 to 10 Vdc (40 Vdc maximum).
ELECTRICAL ON state <2 V @ 3.5 mA (sink).
OFF state >4 V (or open circuit).
Supply Voltage 24 Vac/dc ±20%, derived from T1L bus on IQ5 Pulse rate 100 Hz max. (min. duty cycle 50% / 50%
controller or optional external isolated output = 5 ms ON / 5 ms OFF).
power source.
Supply Current dependant on module type Digital/Relay Outputs (DO)
and input/output usage (see page 6). Function Single pole changeover control from
Maximum current flow through module on I/O strategy for general purpose use.
bus = 1 A. Contact Ratings (per channel):
I/O Bus
Voltage Channels 1-4, 6-9 Channel 5
Max. cable length 300 m (1000 ft) between modules. Max. modules
254. Resistive Inductive Resistive Inductive

Inputs/Outputs 19 to 250 Vac 5A 3A 10 A 6A

Universal Input/Output (UIO) 12 to 29 Vdc* 5A 3A 10 A* 6 A*
Function Measuring voltage, current, thermistor or digital input,
or provide analogue control output (function set by strategy). * for UL60730-1 compliance channel 5 must be derated to
Input Noise Rejection Minimum 60 dB series mode rejection maximum 24 Vdc @ 5 A for NC switching.

IQ5-IO Data Sheet
Maximum Total Load 12 A (across all channels)
Maximum Inrush 7. 5 A (channels 1-4, 6-9); ▪ CAN/CSA-E60730-2-9;
15 A (channel 5).
▪ CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B)
Minimum Load 10 mA (all channels). ▪ Complementary listing for UL916, CSA C22.2 No. 205;
Minimum Cable Size 1.5mm2 (16 AWG). ▪ BTL-listed, BACnet AAC profile;
▪ SASO-approved;
Note: To meet safety requirements, the relays in block 1 (ch.14) and ▪ CE-approved;
block 2 (ch.5-8) must all be switching either low voltage or mains and ▪ FCC part 15B and 15C
not a mixture of voltages. If switching mains, they must all switch the ▪ RSS-247 Issue 2
same phase and polarity. Arc suppression circuit (RC) recommended ▪ RSS-Gen Issue 5
for inductive loads (see TG200208). UL rating applies up to 240 Vac .
(120 VA) maximum. Classification According to EN60730-1 and UL60730-1
Environmental conditions Equipment intended for use in
CONTROLS industrial environments.
Construction Independently mounted electronic
All variants control unit with fixed wiring;
Service Button Momentary action push-release. panelmounted on DIN rail.
HOA variants Action type 1.B.
Control Rotary/push-button. Rated impulse voltage 24 V circuits: 500 V;
Display Backlit monchrome LCD panel. Relay outputs (DO): 2500 Vac.
SPECIFICATION (continued) Pollution degree 2.
Protection against shock Class 0 (without terminal covers);
MECHANICAL Class II (with terminal covers).
Software class A.
Dimensions (overall WxHxD)
105 mm modules 109.5 x 131 x 60 mm (4.31 x 5.16 x 2.36”). Energy Performance of Buildings
HOA modules 109.5 x 131 x 67.5 mm (4.31 x 5.16 x EN ISO 52120-1 This controller, when used as part of a
2.66”). complete Trend Controls system AND
Material (enclosure) Flame Retardant Polycarbonate. when programmed with an appropriate
Weight application/strategy can support
16UIO 0.344 kg (0.76 lb); compliance with EN ISO 52120-1. This
8UIO 0.306 kg (0.68 lb); enables buildings to achieve up to 30%
16DI 0.336 kg (0.74 lb); energy cost savings (Energy
8DO 0.363 kg (0.80 lb); classification “A”) alongside maximizing
8DO-HOA 0.382 kg (0.84 lb). comfort and well being.
Mounting Options EN12098-1 This control equipment complies with
DIN Rail IEC/EN 60715 TH35x7.5 or TH35x15 the performance specification defined
(1.5 mm maximum thickness). in EN12098-1. With an appropriate
application/strategy it can make use
Surface mount Two screw fixing. of operation modes, scheduling,
optimum start/stop, outside air
Connectors temperature and frost protection to
I/O Bus Integral spring contacts for inter-module enhance the energy performance of
connection. IQ5-IO-ADPT wiring buildings.
adapter required for cable connection. Ambient Environmental Limits
Inputs/Outputs 2 part connectors (5 mm pitch) with rising Humidity 5 to 90%RH non-condensing.
cage clamp screw terminals. Temperature
Cable size 0.14 to 2.5 mm2 (22 to 12 AWG). For UL Storage -40 to +70°C (-40 to +158°F).
compliance the input power connections must Operating
be made using 18 AWG or larger wire rated at
HOA modules -20 to +65.5°C (-4 to +150°F).
least 90°C (194°F).
All other items -40 to +65.5°C (-40 to +150°F).
Note: For temperatures below 0°C (32°F) special care
This device is suitable for indoor use only.
must be taken that there is no condensation on or within
the unit.
Approvals and Certifications
▪ UL 60730-1, Standard for Automatic Electric Controls for
Altitude <4000 m (13124 ft).
Household and Similar Use, Part 1: General Requirements;
Pollution Degree 2 (only non-conducting pollution occurs).
▪ UL 60730-2-9;
▪ CAN/CSA-E60730-1:13, Standard for Automatic Electrical
Controls for Household and Similar Use, Part 1: General

Data Sheet IQ5-IO
Protection IP20 if mounted in an enclosure rated at IP20 or equivalent.
Please send any comments about this or any other Trend technical
publication to [email protected]

© 2022 Honeywell Products and Solutions SARL, Connected Building Division. All rights reserved. Manufactured for and on behalf of the Connected
Building Division of Honeywell Products and Solutions SARL, Z.A. La Pièce, 16, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland by its Authorized Representative, Trend Control
Systems Limited.

Trend Control Systems Limited reserves the right to revise this publication from time to time and make changes to the content hereof without obligation
to notify any person of such revisions or changes.

Trend Control Systems Limited

St. Mark’s Court, North Street, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1BW, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1403 211888,


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