KPDS DersNotlar09
KPDS DersNotlar09
KPDS DersNotlar09
TENSES (ZAMANLAR).......................................................................................................................................2 1. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE...........................................................................................................................2 2. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE..................................................................................................................3 3. SIMPLE PAST TENSE ................................................................................................................................4 4. PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE (Hikaye Zaman)................................................................................................4 5. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE.........................................................................................................................5 6. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE ....................................................................................................6 7. PAST PERFECT TENSE ..............................................................................................................................6 8. PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE ..........................................................................................................7 9. GOING TO / WILL / SOON (Future Tense)...................................................................................................7 10. FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE..................................................................................................................7 11. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE (Will + Have + V3) .............................................................................................8 12. FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE ....................................................................................................8 13. FUTURE IN THE PAST .............................................................................................................................8 14. ACTIVE / PASSIVE .................................................................................................................................9 TENSE UYUMU ................................................................................................................................................9 TENSELER HAKKINDA EK - ZET BLM ....................................................................................................... 10 MODALS .......................................................................................................................................................12 1. SIMPLE MODALS....................................................................................................................................12 2. CONTINUOUS MODALS...........................................................................................................................15 3. PAST MODALS (Perfect Modals) ...............................................................................................................16 DETERMINERS AND QUANTIFIERS (BELRTME SIFATLARI) .................................................................................17 DETERMINERS ..........................................................................................................................................17 PRONOUNS (ADIL - ZAMR) ............................................................................................................................20 REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS ..............................................................................................................................20 CONDITIONALS (IF CLAUSE)...........................................................................................................................21 0. ZERO CONDITIONAL (Pesent / Real) ........................................................................................................ 21 1. FIRST CONDITIONAL (Present / Future - Real) ..........................................................................................21 2. SECOND CONDITIONAL (Present / Future - Unreal) ................................................................................... 22 3. THIRD CONDITIONAL (Past / Unreal) .......................................................................................................23 MIXED TYPE (3 2) (Cmlelerde Time expression var ise geerlidir. Yoksa kullanlmaz)....................................23 CONDITIONALS INVERSION (IF CLAUSE'NIN DEVRK HAL) ................................................................................25 1. FIRST CONDITIONAL ( SHOULD ) ............................................................................................................ 25 2. SECOND CONDITIONAL ( WERE ) ............................................................................................................ 25 3. THIRD CONDITIONAL ( HAD ) ................................................................................................................. 25 WISH CLAUSE (KEKE...) ............................................................................................................................... 26 1 - PRESENT VE FUTURE ANLAM (second conditional yaps kullanr) ................................................................26 2 - PAST ANLAM (Third conditional yaps kullanr).........................................................................................26 ADJECTIVE (SIFAT ismi niteler) / ADVERB (ZARF fiili niteler) ......................................................................... 28 SO THAT / SUCH THAT ...................................................................................................................................29 COMPARATIVE (ki grubun karlatrlmas) / SUPERLATIVE (2 den fazla grubun karlatrlmas)...........................29 SUPERLATIVE (En.. leri verir)..........................................................................................................................30 ETLEME YAPMAK VEYA BOZMAK (as __ as / so __ as) ..................................................................................... 31 "THE ... , THE ..." YAPISI................................................................................................................................32 RELATIVE CLAUSE (Sfat Cmlecikleri) .............................................................................................................33 RELATIVE CLAUSE NDRGEMES (REDUCTION) ................................................................................................36 NOUN CLAUSE ..............................................................................................................................................38 1) Object (ZNE) konumunda noun clause ................................................................................................... 38 2) Subject konumunda noun clause .............................................................................................................39 NDRGEME - REDUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 40 URGENCY FLLER (SUBJUNCTIVE - ekimsiz fiil yaplar DLEK KP) ...............................................................41 1) Fiil ile Kullanm ..................................................................................................................................... 41 2) Sfat ile Kullanm .................................................................................................................................. 41 3) sim le Kullanm .................................................................................................................................. 41 ADVERBIAL CLAUSE (Zarf cmlecikleri bir eit bala) ....................................................................................41 AS/LIKE ...................................................................................................................................................44 IF ANLAMI VEREN ADVERBIALLER ...................................................................................................................45 QUESTION TAGS (, deil mi?) ......................................................................................................................... 45 SHORT REPLIES - Agreement "Ben de".............................................................................................................46 NO MATTER HOW (,)......................................................................................................................................47 SENTENCE CONNECTORS (Cmle balayclar) ..................................................................................................47 INFINITIVE / GERUND AYRIM KURALLARI .........................................................................................................50 PERFECT INFINITIVE (to + have + V3), PERFECT GERUND (having + V3) ............................................................51 CAUSATIVE (ETTRGEN) ................................................................................................................................. 53 PARTICIPLES (Adverbial Clauselerin indirgemesi)..............................................................................................53 INVERSION (DEVRK CMLE YAPISI) ...............................................................................................................55 JUST VE ALREADY FARKI ................................................................................................................................55 EVR, CMLE TAMAMLAMA, ANLAMI BOZAN CMLE, PARARAF SORULARI........................................................55 A) EVRLER: ..........................................................................................................................................55 B) CMLE TAMAMLAMALAR: ....................................................................................................................... 56 C) PARARAFTA ANLAMI BOZAN CMLE: .....................................................................................................56 D) PARARAF TAMAMLAMA: ....................................................................................................................... 57 E) DURUMA UYGUN DEN CMLEY BULMAK: .............................................................................................57 F) DYALOG TAMAMLAMA: .......................................................................................................................... 57 G) YAKIN ANLAMLI CMLEY BULMA:...........................................................................................................57
H) READING (PARARAF SORULARI): ..........................................................................................................57 I) CLOZE TESTLER.....................................................................................................................................57 GENEL BLGLER - YAPILAR - KALIPLAR............................................................................................................ 58
KPDSde Gramer sorusu zerken T.S.M Kuralna gre zmek gerekir. T: Tense (nce Tensee baklr. Time Expressionlar Zaman belirler ) S: Structure (Sonra Kalplara baklr. r: so that, such that M: Meaning (En son Anlama baklr) Bu maddelere uyarken her zaman Aktif-pasif olup olmadna dikkat edilmeli. Genelde Aktif-pasif ile ok tuzak sorusu kurulur. Gncel haberler, bilimsel veya sosyal ierikli makaleler vs okuyun. Her kaynaktan gramer almayn! ngilizce kaynak okurken That lerin ve prepositionlarn altn izin
1. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE A - Gnlk hayat, Alkanlk I smoke ten cigarettes a day. She smokes ten cigarettes every day I live in Ankara Sreklilik bildirir. They go to the cinema every Sunday. On Saturday (Sreklilik yok) She has a party on Saturday night On Saturdays (Sreklilik belirtir) She has a party on Saturday nights
Always (present cont.) Often (Past Tense) Already, usually, sometimes(=occasionally), Never ,rarely, scarcely, seldom, frequently Anymore, + simple present B - Doal gerekler (Natural facts)
Balang Biti
*Currently (imdi, Bu gn) Now Right now At the moment At present For the time being = Now This time Presently Just this time
Currently grnce hemen Present Continuous Konulacak Currently, genelde cmle banda kullanlr. Currently we are working on a project Bir Time Expression; arkasndan gelen cmleleri de etkiler. Yeni bir time expressionlu cmle gelene kadar cmleler nceki Timeda devam eder. zellikle Cloze Testlerde bu durum nemlidir. Simple Past Used to Past continuous (Az kullanlr)
Present Continuous Tense ile Future Anlam Normalde Future Tenseler Planlanm ve Planlanmam gelecek anlamlar verir. Present Continuous Tense ile Planlanm Gelecek Anlam verilir. (Time expression kullanlmas arttr) Were having a party on Saturday night Theyre coming home tomorrow [Going to + V1] kalb ile ayn manada kullanlr. Zihinsel eylemlerde Ving kullanlmaz (I have a car) Fiziksel eylemlerde Ving kullanlr. (I am having a breakfast)
Normalde Ving formda kullanlmayan baz fiiller (Mental Fiiller) Ving formda kullanld zaman "Fiziksel eylem" anlatr. Eylem anlatyor ise + ing alr, anlatmyor ise + ing almaz !
Understand, Know, Love, Believe, Hear, Think, See Mesela: Think; Dnmek anlatyor ise Im thinking kullanlr. Fikir-opinion anlatyor ise I think kullanlr.
3. SIMPLE PAST TENSE Gemite olan ve bitmi olaylar iin kullanlr. (Bir olayn olu zaman iin kullanlr) Last month, Last year (Tm zaman birimleri ) On Friday Ago Yesterday n time, date (in 1980)
What were you doing at 8 PM last night? I was watching TV at 8 PM last night. Gemite o noktada o ii yapmaya devam ediyor. While my wife was cooking dinner, I was reading my papers. (While my wife was time expression grevi grr) While I was studying, my friends came (kesien eylem) Past continuous tense genelde 2 li cmle kalb kullanr. (tense uyumuna dikkat: past continuous tense-simple past tense) When my wife come, we were working on the car
5. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Gemite balam etkisi halen devam eden bir olay anlatrken kullanlr. Olayn sonucu u an da grlmekte veya hissedilmektedir. (Gemiteki bir olay bu gne balar) Tecrbe- deneyim bildiren durumlarda kullanlr. Already, just kullanlabilir. Yet: olumsuz ve soruda kullanlr. I havent finished it yet. She worked hard. Yet, she failed again (Yet cmle banda ise bala grevindedir. Present Perfect tense bildirmeyebilir)
* Present perfect tensede zaman nemli deildir. nemli olan olayn gnmze balanmasdr. Indefinite time (belirsiz zaman) olarak da bilinir. * Simple past tense ve Present perfect tense arasnda pheye dlen durumlarda; cmlenin time expressionu yok ise Present perfect tense olma ihtimali olduka yksektir.
* Cmlenin time expressionu yok ise Present perfect tense tercih edilmelidir. Ever since since for 30 years since 1980 up to now up till now lately recently so far Past few night Through to history All years in over Past the for Last during
Ever since kesinlikle present perfecttir. Since iin anlamnda kullanlmyorsa kesinlikle present perfecttir.
Since + simple past, Present Perfect Kalb Since 1980, he has been Ankara Since industrial revolution, there have been a lot of invention Since I was born, I have been in Ankara
Fora Present Perfect Tensede gvenme. Tek bana baklarak karar verilmez.
rnek: He worked as a waiter for 3 years and then he moved to stanbul. (simple past)
* Cmlenin devam past iken ncesi Present Perfect olamaz. SMPLE PAST PRESENT PERFECT FARKI: Someone broke the window (simple past) (nemli olan olayn ne zaman olduudur. cam krlm fakat yenisi taklmtr) (yeni cam taklmam olsa zaten Present Perfect tense ile ifade ederdik) Someone has broken the window (Present perfect) (nemli olan camdr. cam halen krk, grnyor)
6. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Birok durumda Present perfect tense ile ayndr. Sre bildirirler. I have worked here for 2 years (Present Perfect) I have been working here for 2 Years (Present Perfect Continuous)
I have been reading that book for 2 weeks. I have read 150 pages so far * Just, Already, Yet hari tm time expressionlar alabilir. * Continuous tenseler ile Just, Already, Yet kullanlmaz. (nk bu time expressionlar sadece Bitmi olaylarda kullanlrlar) 7. PAST PERFECT TENSE
Early Past
. * I had gone there (Tek bana byle bir cmle kullanlmaz) Mutlaka bir past cmlesi ile beraber kullanlr ki bu genelde simple past tenseli bir cmledir.
Time Expression + simple past, past perfect kalb. (past perfect, Time Expression + simple past)
When we got there, the film had already started. Past perfect olmad zamanlarda simple past ayn ii grr. After I had finished... yerine After I finished... gibi
By the time I arrived at the hall, they had finished preparations. (By the time = by : nce, o an itibariyle...) By the time [simple past] [past perfect-(simple past)] By 1950, the government had started 3rd economic reform * By ile tarih kullanlr, by the time ile cmle kullanlr: * By ve by the time ile past perfect veya future perfect kullanlr. By + tarih By the time + cmle Past Perfect / Continuous Simple Past
Time expression sre belirtiyor ise bu past perfect continuousdur. When we arrived in izmir, we had been travelling for 8 hours
Planl gelecek zaman. (in iinde olunacak an syler) I will be lying on the beach this time (next week) Gelecek hafta bu zaman kumsalda gneleniyor olacam Do not call me tonight Ill be studying for my exam. (bu cmledeki for iin anlamnda KARITIRMA !)
11. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE (Will + Have + V3) Gelecekte bitecek olan bir eylem iin kullanlr. Gelecek zamanda belli bir noktadan nce bir ii bitirmi olmak (Deadline-Biti Tarihi belirtir.) Bitirmi olacam When you finish your Project, we will have already submitted ours.
When you get home, we will have finished decorating your room. By the time he comes home, we will have finished preparations When= By the time By 2012, they will have finished the tunnel. * by veya by the time (when) yoksa Future Perfect Tense kullanlmaz ! 12. FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Gelecek Ay itibariyle 2 sene olacak (Sre bildirir) I will have been working here for 2 years next month. Past
14. ACTIVE / PASSIVE * zne eylemi yapamyor ise bu cmle pasif bir cmledir. * Passive fiilden sonra bir isim geliyorsa bu isim ounlukla ii yapan kii konumundadr. Ve cmlede fiilden sonra bir preposition olur. Bu da ounlukla by dr. Ali invited her Ali was invited by her to the party
Ali _________ to the party. (Kimi? Aktif cmle olsa bu belli deil. Bu belirsizlii kabul etmiyoruz. O zaman pasif kullanmalyz) Ali was invited to the party. (doru cevap-pasif) Our house was built by my father. Be Am Is Are Was Were Been
To ...(be in USA)
Sorunun cevaplarnda ayn fiilin aktif-pasif hali var ise nce cevap aktif mi pasif mi bakmak gerekir. Do not involve me in your family matters He has involved in a bank robbery (in: involve fiilinin by gibidir)
NEML: * kili veya daha fazla cmle topluluunda birbirini izleyen cmlelerin Tense (Zaman belirten)leri uyumlu olmaldr. Present ise sonraki cmle present, past ise takip eden cmle de past olmaldr. * Balayan cmlenin time expressionu sonraki gelen cmlelerin zamann belirler. * Ne zaman yeni bir time expression gelir o zaman o time expression zaman bakmndan sonraki cmlelere hakim olur.
CMLE 1 Present Perfect / Continuous PRESENT TENSELER Simple present Present continuous Present Modal (Can, may,) FUTURE PAST TENSELER Simple past Past continuous Past perfect * Past perfect continuous Past Modal WOULD ve trevleri
BALA Continuous yap ile kulanlabilen balalar When While As Just as (while) *! Continuous yap ile kulanlamayan balalar After Before*! By the time By Once (=when) As soon as*! The moment (=when) Until
CMLE 2 Present Perfect Tense PRESENT TENSELER Simple present Present continuous Present Modal (Can, may,) FUTURE PAST TENSELER Simple past Past continuous Past perfect * Past perfect cont. (nadiren) Past Modal WOULD ve trevleri
* Time expressionun her iki taraf da ayn anda past perfect olamaz ! *! Before + Past Perfect genelde olmaz *! While + Past Perfect genelde olmaz.
* After ve Before den sonra Continuous tenseler kullanlmaz! Past few night Ever since: Ago Could Would have Present Perfect Simple past Past gsterir Past perfect
Realised Understood Discovered Found Whenever n case =ihtimaline kar Because
(that) Past Perfect Simple Present / Simple past Simple present Simple past Should Olaydan daha nceki zamanlar anlatr
By, By the time, (By l ifadelerde i bitmitir. Devam etmez.) Soon Earlier (Daha nce) It is the first time It was the first time This time next year This time last year The first time Whenever By then (-den nce) Past few night
Past Perfect Future Perfect Future Tense Past Perfect Present Perfect (It is the first time I have ever eaten chinese food) Past Perfect (It was the first time I had ever eaten chinese food) Perfect Continuous Past Continuous Simple Past Simple Present Simple Past Past Present Perfect tense Future Tense
In a few (days, years) As soon as So far By the time + Simple present Simple Past Simple past
*Ardk ve time expression iermeyen cmlelerde Simple past then Simple past yaps izlenir. (Eer Simple past ile balad ise) Gemie ait ak tarih verilen cmlelerde simple past kullanlr. *Because ile gelen cmleler sebep-sonu cmleleridir. Becausedan nce gelen cmle sonu, sonraki cmle ise sebeptir. (Sonu + Because + Sebep) *Yaayan kiilerin eserleri vb. hakknda konuurken Present perfect (Bugne balant kuruyor) *len kiilerin hakknda konuurken Past Tense kullanlr.
*Still grldnde present zaman dnlmelidir. * kilemelerde Present tense kullanlr. (More and more, getting Bigger and bigger) * s.past + as if + past perfect * s.past + as if + s.past
Kendi anlam da olan Yardmc fiillere denir. (be fiilleri gibi fakat bunlarn kendi anlamlar da vardr) 1. Simple Modals 2. Continuous Modals 3. Past Modals (Perfect Modals) 1. SIMPLE MODALS 1. Ability (Yetenek) Can Could be able to (modal like)
Normalde bir modal baka bir modalla veya baka bir tense ile kullanlmaz. Baka bir tense ile kullanlaca zaman Modal Likeler kullanlr. I can play the guitar (imdi u anda gitar alyorum) (Sreklilik belirtir) I could write when I was 6. We were able to rescue 5 people after the accident We could rescue 5 people after the accident (Tek seferlik) (stesinden Gelmek) (Srekli bu i oluyormu gibi) (Normalde Kullanlmaz)
He was able to swim for 50 km when the boat sank You will be able to speak fluently when you finish this course 2. Obligation (Zorunluluk) Must Have to, Has to (Modal like) Have got to (Konuma dilinde) Had to (Past)
Baba Must Kullanr, Olu arkadana anlatrken ayn cmleyi Have to ile ifade eder. I dont have to be at home by 11 PM. Saat 11 de evde olmam gerekmiyor. I mustnt be at home by 11 PM Mustnt ise Saat 11 de evde olmamalym manas veriyor. * Have to: kanunlarda da kullanlr. PAST I had to get up early yesterday I didnt have to ... Past Olumsuz. ZORUNLULUK Have to Must PASTI Had to
FUTURE You will have to study hard when you start university CONTINUOUS TENSEde have to kullanm yoktur. PASSIVE This book had to be republished last year. 3. Possiblity (ihtimal-olaslk) %50 olaslk May Might Could Can (Az kullanlr)
Modal cmlesinden nceki ve sonraki cmleler bizim iin nemlidir. Modal tespit etmek iin bu cmlelere bakarz. Where is John? He is in his room (%100) *%100 olaslk ancak stteki cmledeki gibi is ile salanabilir. Hibir modal %100 olaslk vermez ! Im not sure, I dont know It is not definite.. gibi he may might could be in his room (%50)
It is not definite university might build a new swimming pool. * Grld zere Could: Past Ability veya Present Possibility gsterir. (Modals Madde 1 ve 3) 4. Deduction (kanta dayal karm-tahmin yapmak) Must %90 olaslk
Where is John? There is light in his room, he must be in his room (%90-95) Its rainy outside, he cant be outside (%90-95 orannda darda olmas imkansz) Alt izili cmleler kant cmleleridir. * Deduction kullanmnda must un olumsuzu cant dr. (Musn't Deil !) 5. Past Habit Used to would
nceden yapp imdi yapmadmz iler iin kullanlr. (Past tense bildirir) nceden yapardm imdi yapmyorum manas verir. I used to live in zmir (Daha nce izmirde yaadm. Artk yaamyor..) I didnt used to live in zmir. (Daha nce zmirde yaamyordum ama imdi yayorum. )
I am used to living in zmir. (zmirde yaamaya alknm)(Alkanlk bildirir) I used to live in zmir. (Daha nce izmirde yaadm. Artk yaamyor..) Shes getting used to driving her new car I have been used to living here Her tense ile kullanlabilir. I was used to + Ving I got used to + Ving ....... Used to . . . Today than, But today, Now, Present zaman I cant get used to + Ving I will get used to + Ving Simple past - Used to
You need to study hard when you go to Harvard If you want to be successfull, you need to study hard. She doesnt need to come here early. Olumsuzu dont need to dur. Neednt kullanld zaman Neednt to deildir. Flowers need To be watered watering regularly
fade pasif ise ve need var ise Ving kullanlabilir. * Simple modallar Verb den nce to almaz (can, must,could, should). Bunun yerine modal like lar to alr (Have to) 7. Expectation (Beklenti) Be supposed to Be to (ayn anlamda fakat daha kuvvetli)
You are supposed to do the tests (Testleri yapmanz bekleniyor). You are to do the tests (Testleri yapman bekleniyor - zorundasn) You are to stay here till I come 8. Advice (Tavsiye, -melisin) should ought to Should Ought to (az kullanlr) Had better stop smoking
We had better stay at home, otherwise we wil get frozen We had better not stay at home. (* not to stay at home deil !) I had beter leave now (imdi gitmeliyim, gitsem iyi olur) 9. Suggestions (neri) Shall we ...? Lets (let us) Why dont ...? What about...? How about ...? Dont we ?
Lets go out tonight? Shall we try the new restaurant tonight? Why dont we stay at home? What about How about Lets not Eating out tonight? Cevap niteliinde olumsuz (Gitmesek..?) Can Could May Will Would Be allowed to Would you mind Do you mind
I help you?
* Shall; I ve We ile kullanlr. Yukardan aaya kibarlk derecesi artar (informal to formal) Request: Can Could You help me? Will Would May (Kullanlmaz) Would you mind (do you mind) opening the window? Permission: Can I use your phone? Could may Would you mind if I opened the window? (Cam amamn bir sakncas var m?) I would (Id) like to have some more tea Sorarken offer, isterken request. (Ayn kalp kullanlyor) Would you like ? I would like Be allowed to: (mustnt gibi) You are not allowed to smoke in this building. Nobody can allow you to use this computer (aktif cmle) Would you let me go out? Let me know: (Bana haber ver) 2. CONTINUOUS MODALS 1. Possibility: Ving alr ve szkonusu eylemin "o anda" olma olasln verir. Present modallardan tek fark fiillerin Ving olmasdr. (Continuous tensenin modal halidir) Where is John? I dont know. Might Could be Studying He May
What are they doing? Im not sure, they might be watching TV. 2. Should (ought to): (Serzeni-kzgnlk, yapmasan iyi edersin!) You should be studying for your exam, instead of watcing TV here. (Tv izlemek yerine ders alman bekleniyor. Fakat o tv izliyor) You ought to be studying ... They should be typing those letters not chatting (instead of chatting) You shouldnt be solving puzzle when the boss comes. (yapmasan iyi edersin) 3. Deduction: (karm yapmak. Kanta dayal sonuca ulamak) Where is John?. There comes music from his room, he must be listening to music. (%90 olaslk) * must olumsuzu olarak cant kullanlr. Mustnt deil There is no snow, he cant be skiing at this time of the year. She must be studying, there is light in her room.
3. PAST MODALS (Perfect Modals) *Dier modalardan fark; Eylemin gemite olmasdr. Have + V3 yaps kullanlr. They May Might Could* Have Gone (V3) (PASTta %50 olaslk verir)
They might have gone out, there is no answer (Dar km olabilirler) (Past) They Might go out (Dar kabilirler) (Present) (Might Presenttir !) She may have left her book on the bus He could have started doing the experiment
*** mustnt + have + V3 kk grrsek direk eleyeceiz. Byle birey normalde kmaz. * Would + have + V3 : if condition tarz birey grmeden kullanlmaz.
Must have V3 n olumsuzu Cant have V3 dr. I cant have left my bag in the class, as I clearly remember taking it (%90) She cant have (couldnt have) gone to the library, because it is closed today. Cant have impossiblity (Yapm olamazsn)
Stay Stayed
I would rather you stayed at home tonight (Present) (You znesi gelince Keke anlam verdi) Id rather you had stayed at home last night (Past) Alternatif sunmak May As well Might
i Belirginle tirmek in kullanlr
None of
Belirsiz znelerdir. Belirli yapmak iin of kullanlr. (stteki tabloda en sol stundaki determinerlar, of lu yap ile kullanlamazlar!) All students are here All of my students are here I have a few friends in Ankara (Ankarada birka arkadam var) I have few friends in Ankara (Ankarada neredeyse hi arkadam yok) (Yetersizlik) Either (2 ey) Neither (2 ey) None (2 +) Each (2 +) Everyone Everyone of = Each The These Those My, Your, His ... oul isimTekil fiil Is Has
Neither of these teachers is from Adana. None of my students + Tekil Fiil None of these candidates has their cvs * None; arkasndan bir isim geliyor ise "of" suz kullanlmaz. * No off diye bir kullanm ekli olmaz ! Either (Herhangi bir -2 ey) Neither (Hibir -2 ey) Many a (=Many anlamnda) Each (Herbir -2den fazla ey) Tekil isim Saylabilen child - person Tekil Yardmc fiil Is - has Tekil Fiil here
Neither student wants higher wages. (Hibir renci) (cmleyi negatif yapar) Many person think Many a person thinks Either ... or= Ya o, ... ya bu Neither ... nor= Ne o, ... ne de bu Kendi yapsnda "of" olan yaplar: A lot of (birok) A number of Plenty of (bolca) A couple of (bir ift) Lots of oul isim Students oul Fiil Dont want to come here
The, these, those ile de kullanlabilirler. A lot of people have visited this museum so far. The number of accidents in this region is increasing (The number of (..says tekil fiil kullanr) A number of ile kartrma ! ) * The number of = Tekil * A number of = ouldur
* A lot: Adverb olarak kullanldnda of olmadan kullanlabilir. She studied a lot to get to scholarship. * Very + Adjective (Sfat) * Very + Adverb (Zarf) * Very + Noun (sim) olmaz. Bazen istisnai durumlarda olabilir. (This is the very book I choosed. tam olarak anlamnda) B. Saylamayanlar: All Little (-) A little (+) Much Most Of (Of kullanlmaya da bilir) The That this My His Her Saylamayan isim Tekil fiil
All information is unnecessary. A little of the money will be spent on furniture. A little money has been wasted. Much Money is needed All of this money belongs to my brother. No Any Some Every One Body Thing Where
Tekil isim
Nobody is here. A great deal of Large amount of A great quantity of A lot of (Plenty of ) Lots of Saylamayan isim Money Water waste Tekil fiil is needed for the project has been disposed here
* A great deal of: Soyut isimlerde sadece bu determiner kullanlr. Effort : Soyut saylamayan isim (Gayret) Rice : Somut saylamayan isim (Pirin) C. Some / Any Her ikisi de Saylabilen ve saylamayanlarla beraber kullanlabilirler. Some (baz) Any A lot of (Plenty of ) Lots of oul isim (students) Saylamayan isim (Money) oul fiil Tekil fiil
Some students have diet A lot of Money has been needed Some of these people Some people Any: olumsuz ve soru cmlelerinde kullanlr. I dont have any friends in Ankara Any olumlu cmle olumsuz soru cmlesi Tekil oul herhangi bir Hi Anlamndadr.
* Any hibirzaman cmleye olumsuz anlam vermez. You can take any box (tekil) you like. (Olumlu bir cmle) I dont have any book son history. *Some person olmaz (Someboy, somegirl istisnadr). ** Some / Any + (a , an, the) kullanlmaz !. "some a book" Yanltr.
Herhangi biri Hi kimse (Soru anlam), kimse (Pozitif anlam) Biri Herkes Hi kimse
I have two hands. One is my right and the other is left I tried 4 pairs of shoes. One was red, another one was yellow, another was white and the other was black. I have 5 students, one is from Ankara, the others (the other students) are from Aydn. They have been writing to each other for 25 years 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. There is a bus to my hometown every other day. (gn ar anlamnda) Are there any other questions? (baka soru anlamnda). I dont want any other persons help. (Baka birinin yardm. another gibidir. ) This job will take another ten days. (bir 10 gn daha gerekecek) Im busy, Please come back some other time.(baka bir zaman) I will be busy tomorrow morning, can we meet at another time There is a bus every ten minutes. 2 years 2 years ...
Deal Amount Quantity Some (ve bunlarn trevleri) Number Few Couple Many (ve bunlarn trevleri)
I You We They He She It
+ Noun
+ Noun
Myself Yourself (sen) / yourselves (siz) Ourselves Themselves Himself Herself Itself
* Mine, Yours .... grubunun kullanlabilmesi iin nceki cmlede nesnenin belirtilmesi gerekir. My car is red. What color is yours ? gibi * Kendilerinden sonra bir nesne almazlar Yours car gibi bir cmle yanltr. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS ("I didn't it myself") * Reflexive prononuns da; Aktif cmlede ii yapan kii ile refleksivi ayn kiidir. I did it (by) myself = I myself did it. Pasif cmlede refleksivi objectin olandr. I was told by the manager himself I was invited by the landlady herself
I did it
-kendi bana
I did it on my own = myself A child himself England She (Bazen "it", bazen "She" olarak kullanlyor) Ship She
+ Simple present
Simple present
Present Modals Future Tense imperative (emir) can, could, may, might, must Will
If you can join us, we will be very happy. If you don't want to come with us, stay at home (Emir cmlesi) If you have to go now, can we meet tomorrow again? If you are studying now, we can come later. If anyone should call me, please take me a message. (if li tarafta kullanlan "Should" % 50 ihtimal) If anyone calls me, please take me a message (% 25 ihtimal) f he is not in Office, he might /could be in the lab. (might ve could present possibility kullanlabildii iin uygun)
2. SECOND CONDITIONAL (Present / Future - Unreal) Unreal=gerek olmayan anlam verir. Hayali durum olmas arttr ! If I were you, I wouldnt miss that chance yaps
2 ) kinci cmlede modal + V1 (would, could, might) kullanlabilir. If she were here yesterday, he could help us. Yesterday gibi Past Time Expressionlar kullanlamaz. nk Second conditional present anlam verir. Now gibi Present bir Time Expression kullanlmaldr. Were kullanmadan conditional yaps gstermek mmkn. Bunun iin past bir modal kullanlr. If I could play the piano very well, I would be a musician.
3 ) Veya past fiil kullanlr If you won the lottery, what would you do? If they were playing chess, they wouldn't join us If I had enough Money, I could buy a Ferrari. If he was in good condition, he would be playing now. * hayali durumlarda hep 1 Past kullanlr.
4) Time Expressionlar Second conditionalda; grn ile deil, anlam ile uyumlu olmaldr. She is in italy. f she were here now, she could help us. (cmlede grnt olarak her ne kadar now yerine yesterday uygun dursa da anlama bakldnda now uygundur)
3. THIRD CONDITIONAL (Past / Unreal) Olmu bitmi ilerde, Sulayc cmlelerde, yaplmayan eyi sonucu ile birlikte syleyen cmlelerde kullanlr.
+ V3
f she had told us the truth, we could have saved her. f I could have given the amount you asked for, I would have been very happy. If I hadn't known that you were ill, I wouldn't have come here. (Would + have + V3) Could have Would have Might have May have (Kullanlmaz !)
If they
Helped them
CONTINUOUS YAPISI: If they hadnt found equipment to finish the Project, they would have been working on it for more than a year. * If clause yok ise kesinlikle "would have" kullanlmaz. O kk eleyin.
+ Past Perfect
* If bulunmayan tarafta mutlaka bugne balayan bir Time expression (burada now) olmaldr.
If she hadnt spent all her Money on clothes, she wouldnt be asking for a loan now.
(3 3 durumu) If you hadn't drunk so much wine last night , you wouldn't have felt terrible (Her iki cmle de gemite, bugne balanan bir durum yok) (3 2 durumu) If you hadn't drunk so much, you wouldn't feel terrible now f bulunan ksma now eklenerek mixed type olmas saland
If she _____ (be) in her office now, ... (bu soru mixed type deil, nki now time expressionu if li ksmda yer almakta) * Zero ve First conditionalda: Unless = if not (-medike) Unless I tell you to go out, do not go out of the Office. * Zero ve First conditionalda: But I would have joined you, but I was busy = I would have joined you, if I hadnt been busy But olan ksm if olarak dnlr. Ve cevap bir zaman geriye ekilir. * Zero ve First conditionalda: Otherwise (aksi takdirde) Stop making that noise; otherwise, I will call the police. Butun aksine otherwise olmayan taraf if olarak dnlr.
ZET TABLO: "Zero conditional dndakilerin Continuous yaplar da (V-ing) kullanlabilir." Simple Present Zero Conditional Simple Present First Conditional Can May Will Should , Must Had better .. Could Might Second Conditional
Simple Present Present Continuous Present Perfect Can Should (ihtimali drr) Will (KULLANILMAZ)
+ V1
Past Modals + have Would have Could have Might have Mixed Type (3 - 2) Past Modals Could Would Might
+ V3
Past Perfect
+ V1 + (now, today,..)
3. THIRD CONDITIONAL ( HAD ) * Devrii HAD ile yaplr. If she had come (V3) early, she might / could not have had a quarrel with her boss Had she come (V3) early, . . . If they had gone to the party, they could have enjoyed Had they gone to the party, . . .
(If only, if gidibir. Fakat normalde if tarafnda would kullanlmaz. If only ile kullanlabilir)
WISH N BR TUZAK SORUSU She didn't accept their offer, but now she wishes she had accepted it (Burada Now yanltmak amacyla konulmu. but now a aldanp arkasndan present bir yap KULLANMAMALIYIZ) She wishes she were in a hotel now. * Tm bu conditionallarn Continuouslar iin be Ving gelir.
Present anlam vermek iin Past Yap, Past anlam vermek iin Past Perfect yap kullanlr.
Present ve future anlam iin: Simple past wish Past continuous Modals (could, would, might) Past anlam iin: Past Perfect wish Past modals + V3 Past modals + V3: Could have + V3 Would have + V3 Might have + v3
* If only ve Wish clause arkasndan (If only ve wish li ksmda) Hibir Present Yap kullanlamaz.
(Present Perfect tense dahil,May, can dahil) I can play the guitar She is here now Might Will Must Should Had beter Would Have V3 Might Have V3 Should Have V3 Must Have V3 Would KULLANILABLR
If only I wish
The exam was rather difficult. The questions were fairly (quite) easy I Quite Like Love Enjoy him (Beeni anlatan fiilerden nce quite gelir)
Adjective'lerin fiil ile kullanm: He looks angry. Aslnda "he is angry" dir. Look, seem, smell gibi baz fiillerde bu durum oluur. It smells delicious TOO / ENOUGH It is too hot to go out (too + Adjective + to + V1) (TOO TO KALIBI) She is too young to get married. (Negatif bir anlam veriliyor) He runs too slowly / Fast to catch the burglar
Too many (Too abartl anlam veriyor. O kadar ok ki..) Cmleyi negatif anlaml yapyor
* Enough un kendisi negatif bir anlam katmaz You are not old enough to walk here T.S.E Kural: (Too Sfat Enough) (Too sfattan nce, Enough ise sfattan sonra gelir) * Enough un kendisinin sfat yerine kullanm: I dont have enough time to read that book.
So + Sfat + That: She is so clever that her teachers admire her. t is so hot that you can't walk in the garden. Such + sim + That: She is such a clever girl that her teachers admire her. t is such nice weather that I want to go outside.
So'nun fiili niteleme durumu (Zarf): She played the piano so beautifully that everybody burst into tears. They finished the work so quickly that we all got shocked.
Ne ile neyi karlatrdmz ok nemli. Restaurants in stanbul are more expensive than Restaurants . . . (oul) Restaurant . . . (Tekil) Ankara Those of Ankara That of Ankara (YANLI) Bu cmlede istanbuldaki restoranlarla Ankarann (ehir olarak) kendisi karlatrlyor. (DORU) (DORU)
than : Karlatrdmz ikinci ey orada ise kullanrz. Yoksa kullanmayz. stanbul is more expensive (karlatrlan ikinci ey orada deil, than kullanmadk) Ksaltma; Zamanlar Ayn ise yaplr (Tense Uyumuna Uygun ise) you He runs faster than you do They worked harder than we had expected. Fiil ve Adverb ile Comparative Yaps: She can speak more fluently than a native speaker.
* Of all yaps ok sorulan bir superlative sorusudur. Of all cmle sonunda da gelebilir. * Superlative yaps Adverb ile (Fiili niteleyen) kullanlamaz.
He is by far the most clever scientist among them. ... far too difficult. I quite like him. (Grld gibi Quite, adverb (Zarf - Fiili niteler) ile de kullanlyor)
He is as old as your father. He can run as fast as you can. I cant speak as/so fluently as/so a native speaker.
Alt izili yap ne comparative ne de superlative olmamaldr. (as older as veya as oldest as gibi birey olamaz)
Our Team played as well as the other team. She is not As So Beautiful As As Her sister
*Pozitif cmlelerde as... as yaps kullanlr *Negatif cmlelerde (not) ise hem as... as, hem de so... as yaps kullanlabilir. *Fiil var ise so ... as yaps kullanlr. "Nothing so scared him as being left alone in the dark
Rakamsal ifadelerde karlatrma: More than As much as As many as 100 people was killed Half of our budget was
I do.
Adjective genelde "to be" fiilleri ile kullanlr. Helen types more accurately than her. Helen is typing quickly Little / Less / The least (Little'n Comparative ve superlative hali) So much noise that (O kadar ok grlt ki) Look much stronger than (Daha gl grnyor) (Look: Durum bildiren bir fiildir. Adjective ile nitelendirilir-Adverb ile deil) Strongly kullanmadk. Olumlu anlaml cmlelerde kullanlr Olumsuz anlaml cmlelerde kullanlr Quite a lot of. Quite what= Tam, pek de It was not quite what I wanted (Pek de istediim gibi deildi) (Genelde olumsuz cmlelerde kullanlr) Comparative Fairly Rather Superlative =Quite
+ cmle
Kii Kii Deil
My friend is coming to visit us, He lives in zmir. My friend who lives in zmir is coming to visit us. My friend who lives in zmir. My friend lives in zmir. * simden sonra gelirler (My friend who ...) * kinci fiile kadar olan ksm relative clausedir. (... lives in zmir is coming to visit us) I bought a book last week, it was very expensive. I bought a book last week which was very expensive. (ekline dnr) (Relative Prononun neyi tanmlyor ise onun arkasndan gelir - "book" ve "which" ayn eyi gsteriyor) (Cmlede en az 2 adet fiil olmal. 1- bought, 2- was) Who That
Whom Who I stayed with when I was in Bursa is going to abroad That * Relative Pronoun arkasndan zne geliyor ise Whom olur. (Whom=Who) My friend Sadece arkasndan zne geldii zamanlarda Whom kullanlr. "Whom I stayed with..." My friend with whom I stayed is going to abroad. (Beraber kaldm arkadam darya gidiyor) * ki cmle arasnda virgl yok ise that dahil tm relative pronounlar kullanlabilir. Fakat virgl varsa that kullanlamaz ! * Virglden sonra "That" gelmez. * Relative clauseden nce gelen ismi relative clause yerine koyabiliyor isek doru seimi yapmz demektir With Whom With who With that For that Kullanlr Kullanlamaz
The car Which That (virgl yoksa) My brother mended belongs to our boss
Kardeimin tamir ettii araba patronumuza aittir. (nce relative cmlesi > sonra >"patronumuza aittir") The office Which That He is responsible for is very clean He is responsible is very clean
Which That
yelik sahiplik vermek iin kullanlr. Do you know that man? His wife is our teacher Do you know that man whose wife is our teacher
Whose wife
of which = whose
Do you know the man whose Wife Brother Sister Nobody has seen before?
WHEN = PREPOSITION + WHICH t was friday ZNE On which I last saw him When Tarih time expressionu - Friday My uncle gave me his car , I was invited by the manager , Which Which Made me very happy Surprised me a lot
Which yerine who gelecek zannedilir. my uncle veya manager dnlr. Oysa which, burada nndeki tm olaya gnderme yapar. this anlamndadr. (bu olay beni artt)
The town is very beautiful. I was born in it.
The town
is very beautiful
Where= Preposition + Which = (in which, on which, at which) * There is, there are var ise where=in which kullanlr. The hotel was wonderful. We had our honeymoon at this hotel The hotel which we had our honeymoon at was wonderful. The hotel at which (=where) we had our honeymoon was wonderful
ZNE yoksa dorudan WHICH (which zne ile de kullanlabilir) ORADA anlam VAR iseWHERE The hotel where we had honeymoon ORADA anlam YOK iseWHICH The hotel which you have bought is very big
Process Procedure Place * Situation Condition Position Case Stage Athmosphere Circumstance Region Occasion Durum Reason
by which
("Place + That" olabilir Bazen) + where (Mekanlar iin) + Prep. + which (in,on,at + which)
+ ZNE + ZNE + FL
Kii ise Whom, Kii deil ise Which STSNALAR Normal kullanm aadaki gibidir:
Determiners Noun Of
Whom which
+ ZNE + FL
Of lu yap gelince:
Some of which Either of whom Neither of whom Each of which Many of whom Two of which A theory of which
Whomdan sonra zne gelir kural burada ilemiyor ! Two men neither of whom I had meet before came to Two men neither of whom was from our town came to
I was given three books. I had seen two of them before. I was given three books two of which I had seen before (Relative Clause den sonra zne "I" kullanldna dikkat et) Three man came to my office. None of them was from USA. Three man none of whom was from USA come to my office. (Relative Clause nin kendisi cmlede zne grevi ald iin arkasndan zne kullanma gerei kalkt) All of them All of which (ekline dnr)
My brother who is a doctor lives in zmir (Defining) "Doktor olan kardeim izmirde yayor" My brother, who is a doctor, lives in zmir (Non defining) Kardeim zmirde yayor, (ve ki) o doktordur. That it Him Kullanlamaz.
* which ile that arasnda pheye derseniz that i tercih edin. (Eer preposition ve That den nce virgl yok ise)
The girl who is singing there (Defining) The girl singing there Those people, who were talking about you at the meeting, are coming here. (Non Defining) Those people(,) talking about you at the meeting(,) are coming here.
ndirgeme genelde simple present, present continuous, simple past ve past continuous tenselerde yaplr. That boy, working in our office, is very hard working. a) that working (YANLI) b) that is working (YANLI) c)is working (YANLI) d) working (DORU) * burada D kk daha fazla indirgendii iin (that da kaldrlm) A kkna tercih edilir. Ayrca virgl var. Normalde that zne yerine geecei ve zne ile nesne arasnda normal bir cmlede virgl olmayaca iin A kk yanltr. The bridge that was built in 1900 is still in use
Cmlede, znesi olmayan bir fiil kald ise orada mutlaka indirgeme vardr !
Sfat + to yaps kullanlr The next election to be held in january is very important. eklinde indirgenir. He was the first man to land on the moon. (Aya ayak basan ilk adamdr)
The first The second The last The only The next The third The fourth The best The worst The biggest The latest
TO + V1 TO + BE + V3
He is the first man to do this The next elections to be held in April is very important
RNEK SORU: who is Prof. Brown, indirgenir
a) is an outstanding (YANLI) b) who an outstanding (YANLI) c) an outstanding (DORU) Prof. Brown, an outstanding scientist, is coming to give lecture.
Noun clause cmlenin znesi veya nesnesi gibi kullanlan bir isimdir. Subject + Verb + Object (zne + Fiil + Nesne) * Dz cmle yapsnda kullanlr. Devrik veya soru cmlesi eklinde deil. 1) Object (ZNE) konumunda noun clause Who Whom What When Reason + why Which Whose How Long Far Many Much Where Whether That The fact that Whoever (herkim) Whomever Whatever (her ne) Whenever(her nezaman) Whichever(herhangi) However (her ne kadar, her naslsa)
that, the fact that = that (Yapmas, etmesi) OBJECT (zne) Where she lives When they will arrive Who she is Her address Why she is crying How she escaped Whether he will join us (or not) f he will join us (or not)
I dont know
Noun clause ncesine virgl (,) girmeyecek. Virgl var ise orada noun clause yoktur.
S+ S+ V + O Who (Kimin) +O S+ V + O Who (Kim) Noun Clause cmleleri yanda gsterilen ekillerden birisinde olduu iin; cmlenin znesi ve fiili arasna, yada fiili ile nesnesi arasna virgl giremez rnek: I, am going to stanbul cmlesi gibi; I ile am arasna (,) virgl giremez
That, Aktif cmlede tam cmle (s + v + o) alr. Object eksik ise That deildir.
He S
Studies V
English O
That my son finished the project on time is of great significance What my son achieved is of great importance
Whether; pheli, ikilemli, sorgulanabilir eylerle kullanlr. Doubt Doubtful Hesitant Questionable Question Yukardakiler cmle iinde geiyor ise whether dnlr. Whether yok ise if dnlr. Preposition var ise if kullanlmaz
Doubt about Whether if
lk ksmda Conditional haricinde if Kullanlmaz Whether ( if ) I will join you depends on many factors 2) Subject konumunda noun clause SUBJECT (NESNE) What he is doing outside Who(m) he invited to the party When they will come What you are saying Whether he will come with us If (subject ksmnda if kullanlmaz)
is none of your business was not known is not definite is what Im saying doesnt concern you
That the studies english is very important That He S Studies V S English O s very important V
The fact that women earn less money is not fair. KURALLAR
3) Daha yukarda anlatlan Aktif cmlelerde that var ise cmlenin tam olmas (s + v + o) That they accomplished the task is important. (task objesini alm)
Trouble Strange thing is KALIBI The that Was Reason Problem The trouble is that you are always late. ("Sknt, senin daima ge gelmendir !")
That The fact that Why (why yok ise) What How When
Reason Explain
NDRGEME - REDUCTION I dont know which car (Noun) I should buy. What Where How When Whether Why f That The fact that Ever-words (everl kelimeler whoever, whenever..) indigemede kullanlamaz. I should do (normal) To do (indirgenmi) To go To use To start To join (or not) To go
I dont know
Urgency fiilleri alan cmlenin 2.cmleciinde (that den sonra), He den sonraki fiil gizli bir should ierdiinden "goes" deil de "go" olarak kullanld. It is important that she should be here by 8:30 AM (Active) t is important that she be here by 8:30 AM. (Reduction) This book should be finished by Monday (Passive) This book be finished by Monday. (Reduction) 2) Sfat ile Kullanm Sfat mportant Neccessary Essential Crucial Vital
This box should be sent today That This box be sent today (be + V3) (genellikle)
t is
rnek olarak; yukarda Simple pastl bir cmle, Adverbial clause ile dier cmleye balandnda bir nceki veya bir sonraki tense'li bir cmle alabilir. Bir zorlama ile (Kesikli izgi ile gsterilen - - ) 2 sonraki Tense'li bir cmle de alsn. (Ki bu durum Time Expression yoksa normalde olamaz). Fakat daha fazla Tense fark olamaz.
Time (Zaman) Contrast (ztlk) Cause effect (Sebep sonu) Purpose (maksat) 1-TIME (Zaman)
Until / till, after, before, as long as, as, no sooner...than, as soon as once, by the time, the moment, whenever while when since hardly... when, scarcely... when
* Once l cmle Past continuous olamaz. 2- PLACE (Yer - Mekan) Where Wherever Everywhere, anywhere 3- REASON + CMLE (Sebep) Because, since, as, for (For Her zaman 2. cmlededir) Now that (madem-ki) Seeing that (madem) Hepsi "Because" Anlamnda Because of the fact that Due to the fact that Owing to the fact that On account of the fact that In view of the fact that Inasmuch as On the grounds that, in that Because of in view of due to on account of owing to * thanks to ("sayesinde") *olumlu anlaml cmlelerde kullanlr. cmlenin banda olur
+ Noun (,)
* "Of" lu biten yaplar arkasndan isim alrlar. Because + cmle Because of + noun // 'cos=because (konuma dilinde) REASON YAPISI + (Because of in view of due to on account of owing to ...) SM The rain, we couldn't go on picnic His lack of experience, he wasn't offered that job His effort, we were able to reach the town (thanks to iin)
4- DIRECT CONTRAST (Direk ztlk) (2 ayr ey karlatrlr. zneleri farkl olmaldr) 5- CONCESSIVE CONTRAST/OPPOSITION (Beklentinin tersi bir durum) e ramen (Despite) the fact that + cmle (Despite) + noun (isim)
While Whereas Although, even though, though Despite the fact that In spite of the fact that Even if, while
* "The fact that" gelirse, arkasndan cmle yaps gelir. * Although, even though + cmle * In spite of the fact that, despite the fact that + cmle * Despite, in spite of + noun *"the fact that" eki; normalde noun alan yapy, arkasndan cmle alr hale getirmek iin kullanlyor. Despite In spite of Everything, they managed to finish the report "Hereye ramen raporu bitirebildiler"
zetleyecek olursak; -of lu kullanmlar ve despite 6- RESULT (Sonu) So + adj + that So + adv + that Such + a(n) + adj + N + that "Such a careful student that" Such + adj + N (saylamayan) + that So + adj + a(n) + noun + that "so good a story that" So many ... that So few... that So much... that So little... that He is so careful that he rarely makes mistakes He writes so carefully that he rarely makes mistakes 7- PURPOSE (Maksat, ama) (-mesi ihtimaline kar) (-mesin diye) So that In order that In case In case of + cmle (Could, would, may...) + cmle + noun (isim) - durumunda (olay oluyor) ihtimaline kar (tedbir var, olay daha olmam) So that, in order that In case Lest For fear that Noun alr. Bunlarn dndakiler cmle alr.
In case of emergency (Acil durumda) In case; simple present, simple past ve should ile kullanlr. In the event of his father's death, he will inherit 100.000 $ 8- MANNER (Tavr, davran) As (Mmkn) As if (as though) (Mmkn deil)
AS/LIKE She works like a nurse (Gerekte hemire deil Hemire gibi) She works as a nurse (Gerekte Hemiredir.) * Like + noun=Gibi * As + noun = "Olarak" As + cmle="Gibi" anlam verir. rnek: she speaks as her mother does (Annesi gibi) * As if ; hem mmkn hem de mmkn olmayan durumlar bildirebilir. You looks as if (as though) you are tired. ("Yorgun gibi grnyorsun") (Mmkn) He treats us as if (as though) we were his own slaves. ("Kleleri gibi muamele ediyor") (Mmkn deil) Fiil + As if (eklinde kullanlr) As if= as though (Formal-resmi) Gerek durumlarda her iki cmlede de Tense Uyumu olur. Hayali durumlarda genelde tense uyumu olmaz. 9- DEGREE (PROPORTION) (Derece - Oran) The... er, the ... er The more ..., the more... To the extent that To the degree that in so far as As, so To what extent are you satisfied with your job? To what extent= "hangi oranda, ne lde" soru cmlesi kalbdr. He contributed to our project to such an extent that we won the competition. * mtihanda byle bir soruda (Such) kelimesini sorarlar. /* Relative Clause, Noun Clause ve Adverbial clause 'nin farklar : 1) The town where he was born is a small one (RELATIVE) Where; ismi nitelendiren sfat cmlecii yapyor. simden sonra geliyor 2) I don't know where she's going (NOUN CLAUSE) Where fiilden sonra geliyor, dolaysyla isim cmlecii oluturuyor. 3) where there a lot of people (,) crime rates will be high (ADVERBIAL) ki cmle arasnda virgl var ve cmlelerin ikisi de S + V + Obj yapsnda */ We went to the cinema early To In order to So as to Buy our ticket Oranda, lde, derecede, oranda
Provided that there is no objection, we can postpone the meeting. "itiraz olmamas artyla toplanty erteyebiliriz" In the event that you fail in the final exam, you can take proficiency in september 1-2 conditional 2-3 conditional Assume (that) Assuming (that) Suppose (that) Supposing (that) "varsayalm" "varsayalm"
Assume that you win the election, what will you do? Suppose that you won the lottery, would you go to hawaii?
*OLUMSUZ YAPAN YAPILARA dikkat edilmelidir. He has never been abroad, has he? (burada never bizi yanltabilir) (Has never = hasn't gsterdiinden dolay...) They liked none of the books, did they? (They didn't like anlamndadr) Olumsuz yaplar None of Neither Hardly Rarely Scarcely Never no
He liked
No less aa deil (olumsuzun olumsuzu = olumlu yapt) * ZEL DURUMLAR * lk cmle olumlu veya olumsuz olsun farketmez. Yine de ikinci cmle deimez sabit kalan durumlardr. I'm right, aren't I ?
Emir cmleleri iin: Fetch me a glass of water, will, would, could you ?(Emir cmlesi "Bana bi bardak su kap getir !") *Would ve could daha az kullanlr. * Emir ve suggestionlarn pozitif negatif olmas fark etmez. Question ksm hep pozitif alnr. Tekil Somebody Anybody Everybody Someone Noone Anyone oul kullanlr called me is here , didn't they aren't they
There is nobody, is there? (nobody=olumsuz bir yapdr. Olumsuz Everything is OK, isn't it? They aren't coming, are they? That book was written in 1960, wasn't it?
Ayn Fikirde
But I have
A: Did you see the film last night? B: yes I did A: I did not admire B: I didn't, either * en son B: cevabndan "did" ve "either" ksmlar bize A:'nn cevabn verir. (didn't didn't zamann s.past-, either ise beenip beenmediini verir). *Short repliesde de Tense Uyumuna dikkat etmek gerekir. * That clause cmlelerinde short replies; that clause gre deil, ana cmleye gre yaplr. RNEK: A: Did you watch the film last night? B: Yes, I did. __________________ A: Neither, did I. a) I wasnt b) d) c) I liked it very much e) I didnt like the end
No matter
* Sadece "No matter how" veya "however" hemen arkasndan Adjective ve Adverb alabilir. Dierleri Normal cmle alr. No matter how hard you study, you cannot win the scholarship.(hard: adjective) No matter what she did, she couldnt persuade him to join club. (she cmle) How + Sfat However Little free time he has No matter how Cmleden sonra (,) varsa "how" kullanlmaz.
b. Denial of expectation /concessive contrast However Yet Still Nonetheless Nevertheless Even so In spite of this
Although (event though) he tried hard, (but) nevertheless, he wasn't able to persuade him. Genelde (;) nevertheless(,) olarak kullanlyor. zne + (,) on the other hand (,) + Fiil zne + (,) however (,) + Fiil 2. RESULT As a consequence Accordingly For this reason Therefore As a result Consequently Hence Thus Sonu olarak
Bylece Bu yzden
3. ADDITION /LISTING (Ekleme ve Listeleme) ADDITION Also Besides -de da, Furthermore Buna ilaveten, ek olarak In addition What's more LISTING Firstly (first, first of all, to begin with, in the first place, for one thing) secondly (second, in the second place, lk olarak, son olarak, ... for another thing) thirdly.. finally (lastly, last of all) * The former ve the latter: Bahsedilen 2 ey var ise, birincisi former, ikincisi latter ile tarif edilir. "cars and bicycles have their own advantages. The former is convenient for you if you travel long distances. The latter is suitable for short distances" 4- TIME At first Afterwards Later Then In the meantime, Meanwhile,
Balangta, nceleri Daha sonra Bu esnada, bu srada, o zaman gelene kadar (2. cmlenin banda kullanlrlar)
After I finished reading the morning paper, I had my breakfast Afterwards I finished reading the morning paper Later (,) I had my breakfast Then 5- EXEMPLIFICATION For instance For example To illustrate 6- PARTICULARIZATION In particular Particularly Specifically Especially 7- EXPLANATION That is Namely In other words That is to say e.g 8- SIMILARITY Likewise Similarly Correspondingly In the same way 9- EMPHASIS In fact Indeed As a matter of fact Actually RNEKLEME rnein; "zellikle..." zellikle
*Bu Connectorler ile balanan cmleden nce de yine ayn konudan bahsediliyordur. (Okuma Paralarnda nemli)
Gzle grnen durumun tersi, reddetmek Tam aksine (2 cmlenin zneleri ayndr) DORULAMA Daha dorusu
Rather: "daha dorusu" (Dorulama) Rather than: "daha ziyade" (Tercih) 12- TRANSITION As for As to With regard to With respect to As regards Regarding As far as .. is concerned GE -e gelince...
gz nne alndnda..
As far as comfort is concerned. Konfor gz nne alndnda Comfort is Quality As far as Cost concerned. SOMETHING I know Bana gre I understand -kadaryla As far as Im concerned I think I remember As far as I know. Bildiim kadaryla As far as I remember. Hatrladm kadaryla 13- ALTERNATIVE Altervatively ALTERNATF Alternatif olarak... AKS ART, DURUM Aksi takdirde ZET / SONU Ksaca zet olarak
15- SUMMATION /CONCLUSION In summary In brief In short To be brief In conclusion To sum up All in all
Sonu olarak
After all= Ne de olsa... Above all= Her eyden te... At all= hi At all costs= ne pahasna olursa olsun Incidentally, by the way= bu arada, aklma gelmiken All the same=Nevertheless=Buna ramen, yine de Anyway, anyhow, in any case= zaten, her neyse, Bover! Instead, instead of= bunun yerine... Mary did not answer. Instead, she looked out of the taxi window Instead of answering, mary looked out of the taxi window. Regardless= -e aldrmakszn Regardless of the time, he smokes two cigarettes successively Now that= Madem Never mind=Aldrma ! As a matter of fact = Aslnda As yet= henz LIKE ALIKE FARKI. Alike= benzer (Cmle sonunda kullanlr) My father an my mother are alike in that they both like music.
Aadaki fiillerden sonra gelen fiiler Gerund (Ving) Formda Kullanlr. Acknowledge Admit Advise Appreciate Avoid Consider Delay Deny Detest Dislike Enjoy Escape Favor nclude nvolve Keep Mention Miss Neccessitate Postpone Recommend Resent Resist Risk Suggest
Environmental strategies involve changing times, places, or situations The government continued to resist making concession *stekilerden baka, geriye kalan fiilerin infinitive formda kullanldn unutma !
Aktif: I hate laughing at peoples mistakes. Pasif:I hate being laughed at peoples mistakes
TO + V1 / TO BE V3
Adjective var ise kesinlikle cmle infinitivedir. ts difficult to learn French He is the first man to land on the moon (istisna: busy + Ving alr)
Look forward to hearing
Ving / being V3
Prepositiondan sonra her zaman ing (istisna: About + Ving de olabilir, to about to)
He asked me to help him
TO +V1
* Her tense ile, Aktif ve pasif ile kullanlabilir. (istisna:) Asked Me to help Have Make + SOMEONE + V1 (To almazlar) Let Help To + SOMEONE + V1 Get I wil help you to do your homework. Hes having His brother Clean his car have someone V1 Hes getting his brother to clean his car.
They made us work at weekends *(Have ve Get; ayn zamanda Ettirgendir causative (bkz. Causative)) My father doesn't Let Have me Drive V1 His car
(istisna:) SEE / HEAR See Hear Find Catch Do (olayn tamam izlenmi) Doing (olayn bir ksm grlm- Anlk Eylem) Doing (Anlk Eylem) We saw her dance I heard him singing We caught him using our computer
To + V1 / to be + Ving / to be + V3
He is said to be staying at a hotel
Is said Be rich 2) He was said to be rich (E zamanl Past)
was said Be rich
Is said
Was said
Aslnda stteki cmlenin ak hali: People said that he had been rich earlier GERUND LE :
Ving / being + V3
1) I like listening to music (I hate being laughed at - PASF) 2) I liked listening to music when ... 3) He denies having taken the money ( last year) 4) He denied having taken the money (he denied having been beaten by his wife - PASF) Agree on something, Agree with someone Need to be V3 (Aktif), need Ving (pasif) What ve Who dndakiler (Whom, Which, Whose, ) + to infinitive Prefer Ving Would Prefer to V1 Would rather V1 GERUND MU / NFNTVE M ? SORUSU: He is believed ____________ in the sea when they were in the middle of ocean a) to kill b) to be killed c) having killed d) having been killed e) to have been killed (DORU) SORUYU ZME ADIMLARI: 1 ) Pasif yap var. Kurallardan: Pasif + to infinitive olur ( to inf. Olduuna karar verdik) 2 ) to infinitive yapmz aktif mi pasif mi? ldrlm pasif bir yapdr. 3 ) Zaman farkna bak. when ile tense uyumu olmal (Past gstergesi) DORU CEVAP e kk kalr.
"Yaptrmak" mtihanda Causative ile ilgili soru kmyor. Fakat cmleleri ve pararaflar anlamak iin gereklidir. * Her tense ile, Aktif ve pasif ile kullanlabilir. 1) Have Get
Done (V3)
(by somebody)
I got the room cleaned (by the maid) "Oday hizmetiye temizlettirdim" She had (got) her house painted. Theyre having (getting) their car serviced. I will Have Get My house Painted. "Evimi boyatacam"
* Her tense ile kullanlabilirler. She is getting (Having) her hair cut (O san kestirtecek)(Bakasna san kestirtiyor) 2) Have Do (V1) Someone To do (V1) Get I'm having my brother clean my car. (Kardeime arabam ykatyorum) She got her husband to wash the dishes (Kocasna bulaklar ykatyor) Make ve Let "Have + someone + do (V1) " yapsndadr.
My father always makes me study. (Zorlama anlam ierir)(Babam daima beni almaya zorlar-altrr) Passive yapda to infinitive kullanlr. I'm always made me to study. (Daima almaya zorlanyorum) My mother doesn't let me go (zin verme anlam ierir)
eklinde de kullanlabilir.
When he opened the drawer, he came across the gun. On (upon) opening the drawer, he ....
2 ) PASF CMLELERN NDRGEMES When the house was painted white, it looked as if it had been new. When painted white, the house looked as if it had been new. * the house was (pasif zne) atlr. * it yerine zne (the house) gelir. When the car was serviced, it started the run smoothly When serviced, the car started ... 3 ) K CMLES FARKLI TENSELERDE SE KULLANIM EKL: After he had finished his homework, he went out. A) Aktif 1. having finished his homework, he went out. (Having + V3) kullanlr. 2. After finishing his homework, he went out (bu yap kullanlrsa; bata Preposition After- kullanm zorunludur) After she had completed the task, she... 1. Having completed the task, she... 2. After completing the task, she... B) Passive After the book had been written, it was sent to the editor. 1. Having been written, the book ... 2. After being written, the book... (After being... yaps daha az kullanlr) After the bridge was constructed, it was opened to the public use 1. Having been constructed, ... 2. After being constructed, ... Because I had seen the film earlier, I didnt go to the movie with my friends. Having seen the film earlier, ... 4 ) OLAY E ZAMANLI SE: As was ill, I didnt go to work. Being ill, I ... 5 ) CMLELERN ZNELER FARKLI SE: As the teacher was ill, the lesson was cancelled. The teacher being ill, the lesson was cancelled. * Burada "The teacher" kullanm zorunludur. Yoksa "Dersler hasta olunca" manas kyor !
I have never seen such a terrible film. Never have I seen such a terrible film. Adverb cmle bana geldi. Yardmc fiil ile zne yer deitirdi. She can hardly walk. Hardly can she walk. We had hardly gone out when the bomb exploded. Hardly had we gone out when the bomb exploded. No sooner had we gone out then the bomb exploded. Tam evden kmtk ki bomba patlad Not only did he break his leg, but also he broke his arm. * When, until vb. Time clause kullanlan cmle ksm inversiyon devrik yaplmaz. Not until we arrived at the airport, did we realise that we had forgotten our passport * 2. cmle inversiyon yapld. nk 1. cmlede until time expressionu var. * Not until ..., yapsnda; Not until taraf deil de dier cmle devrik yaplr. PUCU: Yardmc Fiil + zne yaps; ya devrik cmlelerde yada soru cmlelerinde kullanlr. (Did we ...) Cmle sonunda soru iareti yok ise bunun devrik cmle olduuna karar veririz.
1. "Truva'nn yeri" Bu tamlamay cevaplarda bulmamz lazm. 2. "Was discovered" Pasiftir. eviride de pasif halde bulunmaldr. "Kefedildi" n shakespares age . Kendinden sonra baka bir Time Expression yok ise tm cmleyi etkiler ve past yapdadr. B) CMLE TAMAMLAMALAR: 1. ki cmle karlatrlr. kisinin de Tense'i olur. Tense uyumuna baklr. (>%80 Tense uyumu olur) zellikle time clause'li bir bala varsa %100 tense uyumu vardr. 2. Balalara baklr. "Because, After vb. " * Because ztlk vermez. * Although sebep vermez. 3. If clause- Wish clause yaplarna dikkat edilir. 4. Relative clause'ler aranr. That is the man (where, that, who...) 5. Aklama cmlesi + That This Those These Such Problem; ... Issue ...
Bu kelimelerden nce bir aklama cmlesi mutlaka vardr. (He, she, it) iin de durum ayndr. C) PARARAFTA ANLAMI BOZAN CMLE: Pararaf yaps: Topic Sentence Major Supportive Sentence Concluding Sentence Giri cmlesi Gelime Sonu Her pararafta Giri ve Gelime cmleleri bulunur. Genelde Sonu cmlesi en son pararafta-cmlede olur. Pararafta yazlm cmlelerin bir nceki ve bir sonraki ve Giri cmlesi ile balantl olmas gerekir. * Giri cmlesi avantajlarndan bahsetti ise tm cmleler de avantajlarndan bahsetmek zorundadr. * Pozitif anlaml ise Pozitif anlaml devam etmeleri gerekmektedir. * This, that, these, those, such, he, she it var ise kendinden nceki cmlelerde de bu terimlerin karl olmaldr. Problemden Bahsediyor (,) Problemden Bahsetmiyor (Anlam bozan cmle budur. ) This Problem ...
They had some problems. (Problemden bahsediyor) They managed to increase their exports (Problemden bahsetmiyor) These problems prevented them to plan. * Her iki cmlede de problemden bahsetmiyor ise; kendisi anlam bozan cmledir. Ayn durum balalar iin de geerlidir. For example, Also vb... tm sentence connectors (cmle balayclar) iin geerlidir bu kural. * Cmle balayclar ile pararaf balamaz ! * "ilk cmle de anlam bozan cmle olamaz" diye bir kural YOKTUR.
Kitap yazm
Bay X
Actually Also In fact In deed Moreover
D) PARARAF TAMAMLAMA: Pararafta anlam bozan cmleyle ayn ekildedir. Boluk cmlesi (istenen cmle) kendinden nce ve sonraki cmleyle balantldr. Bu balant; Balalarla Such, these, those, that... vb. le olabilir. Tense uyumuna dikkat edilir. E) DURUMA UYGUN DEN CMLEY BULMAK: Bu durumda sen ne dersin? * Kim, Kime neyi, nasl sylyor. Arkada m resmi biri mi? Kzgn m deil mi? Teekkr ifadesi mi deil mi?, gibi artlara dikkat edilir. F) DYALOG TAMAMLAMA: Bolua yerletirilecek ifade ile altndaki cmle zdeletirilmelidir. Bolua nasl bir cmle koyarsam alttaki ifadeyi kullanr? So do I, either, neither gibi yaplar olumlu mu olumsuz mu cevap olduunu tespit ederek bize yardmc olur. G) YAKIN ANLAMLI CMLEY BULMA: En zor ksm bu ksmdr. Bire bir ayns olmayabilir. Soruya en yakn anlaml kk bulmak gerekir. 1) Bize verilen cmle hangi Tense'de If - wish clause hari kalmak zere ayn anlamdaki bir tensi kullanmalyz. 2) Pozitif anlaml m negatif anlaml m? 3) Balalar Ayn balac veya yakn anlaml balalar kullanr. 4) E anlaml kelimeleri bulun. Obviously Evidently Frankly To be Honest, honestly. Gibi, ste kullandnn e anlamlsn altta kullanabilir. H) READING (PARARAF SORULARI): Pararafn ilk cmlesini ok dikkatli okumak gerekiyor. Doru olduunu dndmz cevap kk pasajda geiyor mu, grebiliyor muyuz? Pasajda grebiliyorsak doru ktr. Gremiyorsak yanl ktr. Kendi yorumlarnzdan uzak durun. Pararafta ne yazyorsa o dur. Mesela pasajda "kmr beyazdr" geiyor. Biz siyah olduunu bilsek bile pasajda geen dorudur ! Bir kii, isim, tarih geiyor, onunla ilgili soru soruluyor ise, cevab o cmle ierisindedir. Baka yerde aramaya gerek yok. E anlaml kelimeler iimize yarayacaktr. Pasajdaki kelimenin e anlamls cevap kknda da olacaktr. Pasajn ana fikri genelde 1. cmlenin ierisindedir.
I) CLOZE TESTLER Pararaf ierisinde Prepositionlarn, kalplarn, Phrasal verblerin eklerinin vs sorulduu boluk doldurma testleridir. * Cloze testlerde nce bir sefer pararaf okuyup sonra sorulara gemek faydal olacaktr. , 10 soruda hedef 6 dorudur. 8 doru iyidir. * Tekil-oul, aktif-pasif, Tense-Uyumuna burada da dikkat edilmelidir.
responsible for the safety responsible to the office manager There is no point in quarreling ... (..hakknda tartmann bir anlam yok !) At which time=at which=when So far away that , but he now + Past Perfect Tense (Wish clause yaps) As far as __(be)__ concerned . "As far as I'm concerned" Make someone + do Insure against Formerly = "nceden" That is, = "Yani" For many, = "ou iin, bi oklar iin" Disdain=Look down on = "Hor grmek, kmsemek" Little / less / the least Search for = "Aramak" Research on = "Aratrmak" Study into what children know Study at home Beyond recognition= "Tannmayacak oranda" KPDS soru klarnda ift boluk bulunduran boluk doldurma sorularnda; ilk veya son boluk ksmlar ayn olan 2 seenek verilmez. a) by / by ise b) by / which olmaz. By hem a da hem b kknda kullanlmaz ! It It Would be Will be is A mistake "Hata Olurdu..." A mistake "Hata olacaktr" "Hatadr" Hayali bir durum verir. Kesinlik verir.
* .. at that moment = "O anda" Simple Past Tense Zaman ifadesidir. (Time expression) * Previously=Earlier Past Perfect tense Zaman ifadesidir. * Simple past / Past Perfect yaps ok kullanlan bir cmle yapsdr. * Recently= Present Perfect Tense gsterir. * Never before= Perfect Tense gsterir. ** iki noun'u birletirmek iin "of" kullanlr. The Fastest rates of economic growth * a(n) belirteci ilk harfin sesli sessiz olmasna gre deil, okunuunun sesli - sessiz olmasna gre konulur. An apple, an hour ("en aur"), an honest ("en onst"), a university ("e yuniversity"). Okunur. Every + hope (Tekil) Any + hopes (oul) (=All hopes manasndadr) E anlaml kelimelerin prepositionlar da genelde ayndr. To- ForCarry out Survey Experiment research Aratrma, Deney yapmak (SRDRMEK)
In which case = in this case n ek Son ek en Make manasnda -en Sfat Large Geni White Beyaz Fiil Enlarge geniletmek Whiten Beyazlatmak
UnnimOlumsuz yapar ve irTersine evirir Disilde// Regard: gz nne almak // Regard as: ...gzyle bakmak Hardly anyone else: Negatif anlam verir. But : bir sonraki cmlenin zddn grr. Ever again= "Bir daha" Another ve Every; time expressionlarla ok kullanlr. Virtually every= Neredeyse hepsi Virtually all = Hemen hemen hepsi Unlikely (olumsuz anlam verir) var ise cmlede olumlu yap kullan. To be Unlike Like Unlikely Likely To do
Every three weeks = 3 haftada bir Negatif Yapl cmlelerde normalde "Both" kullanlmaz. No one = Hi kimse Anything Nothing Herhangi bir ey (+)(Hepsi veya herhangi birisi) Hibirey (-)
(,) if any (,)= "Eer varsa" // Earlier: Past Perfect bildirir. // For a while="bi dnem..." // for three years now Present Perfect Tense Time Expressionudur. Whatsoever = hi mi hi. (Negatif cmleyi pekitirir) Answer Reply Respond Hereye Yazl bir eye (mektup vs) Szl bir eye veya Etkiye Tepki eklinde Cevap vermek Cevap Vermek Cevap vermek He responded well to the treatment (Tedaviye iyi cevap verdi) * Not only _____ but also ______ Her iki cmle yaps benzerlik gstermelidir. /* I regret to tell that your application has not been accepted. unu sylemekten znt duyuyorum ki bavurunuz kabul edilmedi * Bu cmle to + have + V3 eklinde kesinlikle kullanlamaz. To have told kesinlikle olmaz. Past tense ile kullanm ekli: Margaret regretted telling him that.. Syledii iin pimand Can Could Cant Couldnt Afford Mali gc yetmek Stand (Birine, bireye) katlanmak Bear (ounlukla negatiflerle kullanlrlar) Help
Wonder + how (Kullanlr) Wonder + that (Kullanlamaz) Am s Are Was Were Been Said Thought Believed Reported
Vulnerable + to = incinebilir, hassas. Present Perfect (Continuous) + Eversince + Simple Past For doing= Bir aygtn kullanm To do= ama belirliyor. " to do some shopping" To have an Research Study nvestigation mpact nfluence Effect into On Something someone
Under (kanun ile kullanlrsa) .. kanun uyarnca Add to Provide / Supply: They provided us with the neccessary equipment Neccessary equipment was provided to us Damage to: - e zarar vermek Damage from: - den zarar grmek Role of ______ in _______ To play Role in