Main Valves Data Sheet
Main Valves Data Sheet
Main Valves Data Sheet
3. Data Sheet for Motorized Butterfly Valve (Φ1500 and Φ1800) ......................
The Contractor shall submit to the Client, the following items for review and approval before commencing Work:
A. Valves:
• Certificate of compliance stating that the Valves and all materials used in its construction conform to all
requirements according to the Specification.
• Certificate of testing including test data to show that all tests specified have been performed and all
requirements have been met.
• Manufacturer’s recommended specification and instructions for transporting, handling, loading, unloading
and storage of Valves.
• Catalog data showing illustrations and schedule of parts and the material of which they are made to
facilitate assembly and disassembly and ordering of replacement parts, as well as the net assembled
weight of the valves.
• Maintenance manual showing periodic maintenance including lubrication requirements and procedure,
and recommended spare parts list.
b. Clearances required for the actuator and clearances require to remove the actuator.
d. Assembled weight.
e. Valve-torque data.
f. Cavitation coefficients.
k. Clearance
B. Actuators:
The manufacturer shall submit the following:
• Storage- installation- and operation instruction as well as electric wiring diagram, dimensional drawings
and technical data sheet including motor data as per manufacturer standard.
• Specifications of the enclosure and the components of the equipment with relevant sheets of
manufacturer’s catalogues.
1. Valves shall have a clear waterway equal to the full nominal diameter of the
valve and shall be opened by turning counter-clockwise.
2. The operating nut or wheel shall have an arrow, cast in the metal, indicating the
direction of opening.
3. The vendor shall confirm the compatibility of the material with respect to the
fluid service.
Φ900, Φ1600
Description Specification Vendor's Confirmation
General Data
To be filled by
To be filled by
Model Number
To be filled by
Valve Tag Vendor/Contractor as per the
P&ID drawing
Dry, Indoor, at TSE main
pump suction and lift station
Butterfly valve
Valve Type - Resilient Seat, Short
Fluid Treated Sewage Effluent
Size(s) Φ 900 , Φ1600
Connecting Pipe material Carbon Steel
Pressure Rating (Bar) 10
Design/Manufacturing Standard BS EN 593 / AWWA C504
Face to Face Dimension standard EN 558
Flange Drilling Standard EN 1092-2
Type of connection Flanged, RF
Type of Disc Design Double Eccentric
Function/Operation Isolation (On/Off)
Electrical actuator with
manual override Gearbox
Valve Mode of Operation
with handwheel, square stem
Resilient seated
Seat Design (Replaceable)
Flow Direction Bi-Directional
Material of Construction
Body Ductile Iron ASTM A536
Disc Ductile Iron ASTM A536
Duplex Stainless steel
Shaft (1.4462)
Shaft bearing Bronze / PTFE composite
Seal Ring PTFE or equivalent
O Ring EPDM, ASTM D2000
Fasteners Stainless Steel, Gr 316L
Extension Spindle Stainless Steel, Gr 316L
Inside & Outside Fusion
Coating (Body) Internal/External bonded pure epoxy resin
with dry film, 300µm thick
1.The butterfly valves shall be equipped with disc drive actuators meeting AWWA C504 design
equivalent BS EN standards requirements. Disc drive actuators shall be self- locking, high
mechanical advantage to ensure low input efforts to reduce water hammer and could be directly
mounted on top of the butterfly valve.
2. The butterfly valves shall be rated for zero-leakage (drip-tight) closure. Valve seats shall be
designed to be leak-tight in both directions at differential pressures up to, and including, the rated
pressure of the valve class.
3. The vendor shall confirm the compatibility of the material with respect to the fluid service.
4. All valves that are operated by actuators are controlled by SCADA.
VALVE, Φ1500, Φ1800
Description Specification Vendor's Confirmation
General Data
Manufacturer To be filled by Vendor/Contractor
Model Number To be filled by Vendor/Contractor
To be filled by Vendor/Contractor as per
Valve Tag
the P&ID drawing.
Instillation Outdoor
Butterfly valve
Valve Type
- Resilient Seat, Short Pattern
Fluid Treated Sewage Effluent
Size(s) Φ1500 and Φ1800
Temp. (Deg C) Max.: 45 ° C Min.: 4° C
Normal NA
Flow Operation
Connecting Pipe
material Carbon Steel
Pressure Rating (Bar) 25
Standard BS EN 593 / AWWA C504
Face to Face
Dimension standard EN 558
Flange Drilling
Standard EN 1092-2
Type of connection Flanged, RF
Type of Disc Design Double Eccentric
Function/Operation Isolation (On/off)
Electrical actuator with manual override
Valve Mode of Gearbox with handwheel, square stem
Operation cap,
Seat Design Resilient seated (Replaceable)
Flow Direction Bi-Directional
Material of Construction
Body Ductile Iron ASTM A536
Disc Ductile Iron ASTM A536
Disc pins Stainless Steel, Gr 316L
Disc seating edge Stainless Steel, Gr 316L
Shaft Duplex Stainless steel (1.4462)
Shaft bearing Bronze / PTFE composite
Seal Ring PTFE or equivalent
O Ring EPDM, ASTM D2000
Fasteners Stainless Steel, Gr 316L
Gland Bronze
Extension Spindle Stainless Steel, Gr 316L
Handwheel Ductile Iron ASTM A536
Gear Box Cast Iron, ASTM A126
1.The butterfly valves shall be equipped with disc drive actuators meeting AWWA C504
design equivalent BS EN standards requirements. Disc drive actuators shall be self- locking,
high mechanical advantage to ensure low input efforts to reduce water hammer and could be
directly mounted on top of the butterfly valve.
2. The butterfly valves shall be rated for zero-leakage (drip-tight) closure. Valve seats shall be
designed to be leak-tight in both directions at differential pressures up to, and including, the
rated pressure of the valve class.
3. The vendor shall confirm the compatibility of the material with respect to the fluid service.
4. All valves that are operated by actuators are controlled by SCADA.
Description Specification Vendor's Confirmation
General Data
To be filled by
To be filled by
Model Number
To be filled by
Vendor/Contractor as per the
P&ID drawing
1. Each actuator shall have a hand wheel fitted on it for emergency operation. The hand wheel
shall be designed such that it is declutched automatically when the power supply to the motor is
restored. The hand wheel engaging lever shall give trouble free performance under repeated
operation and limit the force not to exceed 250 N.
2. Actuator shall be designed for mounting in any position without lubricant leakage or other
operational difficulty.
3. Each actuator shall have a local position indicator to indicate 0 to 100% of travel. Positional
unit measurement shall be done using absolute encoders.
4. Internal wiring and limit switch contact development diagram for the actuators ordered shall
be furnished.
5. Thermal overload relay shall be provided in addition to thermostats embedded in motor
winding. Overload relay and thermostats shall be connected in control circuit to trip actuator in
case of overload. OLR set value shall be mentioned in wiring diagram.
6. Manufacturer/Contractor shall be responsible for correctly sizing the actuators based on
process conditions. The manufacturer shall size actuator for maximum torque required to
operate the valve when subject to the conditions with full design pressure differential and the
worst-case design temperature.
7. The Given “closing time, i.e.; travel time of disc from 90° position to 0°” is as per
manufacturer. The preliminary assessment shows that the closing time Tc ˃ 2L/c i.e.; gradual
However, actual Lengthen or shortening of closure time in the field shall be studied in the surge
Description Specification Vendor's Confirmation
General Data
To be filled by
To be filled by
Model Number
To be filled by
Vendor/Contractor as per
Valve Tag
the P&ID drawing