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The Mathematics of the Sydney Opera House

The purity of geometry

Photograph by Francisco Anzola, CC BY-SA

Why is the Sydney Opera House tiled?

When Jorn Utzon designed the beautifully curved sails of the Sydney Opera House, he carefully
planned the geometry and materials of the sail surfaces to respond dynamically to the sunlight of
Sydney. Unlike the soft and muted shades of light in his native Denmark, Utzon recognised that this
part of Australia is characterised by strong and harsh light, especially in the peak of summer.

One of Utzon’s key insights was that if he were to give the Sydney Opera House sails a perfectly smooth
surface, either of bare concrete or painted in some solid colour, the spherical shape of the sails would
be invisible when cast in harsh light. He wanted sunlight to reflect at different angles from every point
on the sails, no matter what time of day it was or where the sun was shining from. This was a major
factor in his choice to cover the Sydney Opera House in tiles.

The mathematics of covering a flat surface (or “plane”) in geometric patterns is called tessellation. It
gets its name from the Latin word tessera, which literally means “four-sided stone block” - in other
words, a tile!
Regular tessellations
The simplest kind of tessellation is called a regular tessellation, in which we cover the plane entirely
with copies of a single shape that has equal sides. For instance, we can create a regular tessellation
using squares:

There are only two other kinds of regular tessellation possible: one using equilateral triangles and one
using regular hexagons. Use the isometric grids below to help you create these regular tessellations!

While there are an infinite number of other regular polygons (shapes with straight sides that are all
equal in length), only the ones above (squares, triangles and hexagons) can form a regular tessellation.

It’s impossible to tessellate with regular pentagons (5 sides), heptagons (7 sides), octagons (8 sides)
or any other number. Try to form a tessellation with one of these in the blank space below and see if
you can determine why it can’t be done!
Hint: if you’re stuck, have a think about the angles in a regular polygon. Remember that the sum of all
angles at a vertex (where the sides of different shapes meet) must add up to exactly 360°. You can find
more information about this later on in this worksheet!

Semi-regular tessellations
If you form a pattern with more than one kind of regular polygon, this is called a semi-regular tessellation.
You can use as many kinds of regular polygon as you like, but the pattern at each vertex must be the
same. Here’s an example:

This semi-regular tessellation is made up of triangles and hexagons. There is another semi-regular
tessellation that is also entirely made up of triangles and hexagons, but it looks quite different. To tell
them apart, tessellations are named in the following way:

1. Select a vertex somewhere in the pattern. (Remember that since every vertex is the same, it
doesn’t matter which one you select!)
2. Pick one of the polygons that connects to that vertex and write down the number of sides it has
(e.g. “3”). Then move clockwise and continue writing down the number of each successive
polygon until you come back to the start.
3. To communicate consistently, mathematicians usually start counting at the polygon with the
least number of sides – so the pattern above would be called “3-3-3-3-6”.

The other semi-regular tessellation that is composed of triangles and hexagons is called “3-6-3-6”. Can
you use this fact to draw it in the blank space below?
Including the two shown above, there are only eight semi-regular tessellations that can be formed. Can
you use the following clues to work out the remaining six?

 Two of the tessellations only use triangles and squares

 One uses triangles and dodecagons (those are polygons with 12 sides!)
 One uses squares and octagons
 One uses triangles, squares and hexagons
 One uses squares, hexagons and dodecagons

Angles of regular polygons

If you’re having trouble coming up with these simply by drawing shapes, you might find it useful to think
about this problem in a more systematic way by thinking about what the angles in a regular polygon are
equal to. As we increase the number of sides in a polygon, we also increase the size of each angle
inside the polygon. Fill in the blanks of the table below to help you calculate the size of the angles in
each shape.

Regular polygon How many sides in the What is the sum of all What is the size of
shape? the angles in the each individual angle
shape? in the shape?

Equilateral triangle 3 180° 180° ÷ 3 = 60°

Square 360° 90°

Regular pentagon 5 540°

Regular hexagon 6

Regular heptagon 7 900°

Regular octagon 1080°

Regular nonagon 9 140°

Regular decagon 1440° 144°

Regular undecagon 11

Regular dodecagon 1800° 150°

Here are the regular tessellations for triangles and hexagons:

Here is the second semi-regular tessellation made up of triangles and hexagons:

And here are the remaining six semi-regular tessellations:

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