Yield of Mango (Mangifera Indica L.) Cv. Alphonso As Affected by Post Flowering Nutrient Foliar Sprays
Yield of Mango (Mangifera Indica L.) Cv. Alphonso As Affected by Post Flowering Nutrient Foliar Sprays
Yield of Mango (Mangifera Indica L.) Cv. Alphonso As Affected by Post Flowering Nutrient Foliar Sprays
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P: ISSN No. 0976-8602 RNI No. UPENG/2012/42622 VOL.-III, ISSUE-III, JULY-2014
E: ISSN No. 2349-9443
Asian Resonance
was followed strictly in order to protectthe blossom by the method suggested by Panse and Sukhatme
from major pests like mango hopper, thrips, midge (1995).
fly and disease like anthracnose and powdery Results and Discussion
mildew. The water soluble fertilizers namely potassium The results of the experiment on effect of post
nitrate (13:00:46), urea (46:00:00), mono potassium flowering foliar nutrient sprays with respect to fruit
phosphate (00:52:34), potassium sulphate (00:00:50), retention are presented in Table.1 and depicted in fig. 1
Sujala (19:19:19) invarious treatment combinations and It was observed that the number of fruits per
Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) were applied as foliar panicle was decreased consistently from peanut up to
spray. The nine treatments were arranged in harvest in all treatments. at different stages up to the
Randomized Block Design with 3 replications. The harvest. However, there was significant difference in
study was carried out from June, 2010 to March, 2011. number of fruits per panicle at marble stage, egg
The experimental details are as follows. stage and at harvest except at pea stage.
At Peanut At Marble At pea stage, the highest number of fruits
Treatment At Egg Stage
Stage Stage (2.744) were recorded in the treatment T7 (Urea 2% at
T1 KNO3 (1%) KNO3 (1%) KNO3 (1%) pea stage, MPP 0.5% at marble stage and MPP 0.5%
at egg stage). At marble stage, the number of fruits
T2 KNO3 (1%) KNO3 (1%) MPP (0.5%) per panicle was highest in the T7 (Urea 2% at pea
stage, MPP 0.5% at marble stage and MPP 0.5% at
T3 KNO3 (1%) MPP (0.5%) MPP (0.5%) egg stage) which was significantly superior over all
the treatments except T4 and T6., At egg stage,
T4 Urea (2%) Urea (2%) Urea(2%) significantly the highest number of fruits (0.337) per
panicle was observed in the treatment T7 (Urea 2% at
T5 Urea (2%) KNO3 (1%) MPP (0.5%) pea stage, MPP 0.5% at marble stage and MPP 0.5%
at egg stage) and was at par with T1, T3, T4, T6 and
T6 Urea (2%) KNO3 (1%) KNO3 (1%) T5. Similarly, at harvest stage, significantly the highest
number of fruits (0.330) per panicle was recorded in
T7 Urea (2%) MPP (0.5%) MPP (0.5%) the treatment T7 (Urea 2% at pea stage, MPP 0.5% at
marble stage and MPP 0.5% at egg stage) and was at
T8 Urea (2%) Sujala (1%) Sujala (1%) par with T3, T4, T5 and T6.
The highest fruit drop was observed from
T9 KNO3 (1%) KNO3 (1%) Sujala (1%) pea to marble stage among all the treatments and on
average it was 82.84 per cent. Further, at harvest fruit
T10 KNO3 (1%) Sujala (1%) Sujala (1%) retention was only 8.82 per cent irrespective of
NAA 20 treatments.
T11 NAA20 ppm - The fruit drop in mango continued from fruit
K2SO4 (0.5 K2SO4 (0.5 K2SO4 set up to harvesting. Generally maximum fruit drop
%) %) (0.5 %) occurs at early stage i.e. peanut stage and later on
KNO3 K2SO4 (1.5 K2SO4 the drop was minimum at egg stage and at harvest
(1.5%) %) (1.5 %) stage in most of mango varieties (Desai, 1980). The
T14 Control (No foliar spray) present investigation also indicated similar trend.
The unit of three plants per treatment per replication was The data presented in the table 2 indicated
taken for experiment. that there was non-significant effect of different
Observations pertaining to fruit retention (%), treatments on number of days required for harvesting
total yield (t/ha), physical and chemical composition of of Alphonso mango fruits. However, it was in the
fruit and post- harvest behavior of Alphonso mango range of 100.00 to 105.33 with mean of 103.48 days.
fruits were recorded. Ten panicles per tree from all the The highest number of days (105.33) for
treatments were selected for recording observations. harvest were recorded in T9 (Urea 2% at pea stage,
The average of ten panicles was worked out as mean KNO3 1% at marble stage, MPP 0.5% at egg stage)
value. The number of fruits retained in each panicle followed by the treatments T4, T5 and control (104.67).
was counted at marble, egg and at harvest stage. Fruit The lowest number of days (100) were recorded in
yield was recorded on count basis and weight basis. T12 (K2SO4 0.5% each at pea stage, marble stage and
Physical parameters like fruit length (cm), breadth at egg stage).
(cm), fruit weight (g), fruit volume (ml), specific gravity The data on the effect of foliar sprays on
were recorded. At ripe stage, fruit pulp, peel and stone yield of Alphonso mango presented in the Table 2
of ripe fruit were separated and their weight was indicated that there was significant effect of different
recorded. The percentage of Physiological Loss in foliar sprays on yield of Alphonso mango fruits.
weight (PLW), shelf life of fruits (days), chemical Among all the treatments, number of fruits was in the
parameters like TSS ( Brix), titratable acidity (%), range of 100.90 to 166.00 with mean of 124.66 per
ascorbic acid (mg/100g of fruit pulp), reducing Sugars tree. In control, the number of fruits per tree was 96.
(%), total sugars (%) and β- carotene (µg/100g of pulp) The highest number of fruits was obtained in
were also recorded. The ripe fruits were examined for the T7 (Urea 2% at pea stage, MPP 0.5% at marble
their sensory qualities with 9 point Hedonic scale score stage and MPP 0.5% at egg stage) i.e. 166.00
(Amerine et al., 1965) The statistical analysis was done fruits/tree and was significantly superior over all
P: ISSN No. 0976-8602 RNI No. UPENG/2012/42622 VOL.-III, ISSUE-III, JULY-2014
E: ISSN No. 2349-9443
Asian Resonance
except T3, T4, T5 and T6. The lowest number of fruits Dr.B.S.Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli
i.e. 100.899 fruits/tree was recorded in treatment T8 (M.S.)
(Urea 2% at pea stage, 19:19:19 1% at marble stage 5. Panse, V. G. and Sukhatme, P. V. (1995).
and 19:19:19 1% at egg stage). However, it was at Statistical methods for Agricultural Workers,
par with T1, T2, T5, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13 and T14. I.C.A.R., New Delhi pp. 347.
The highest fruit yield 41.963 kg was
obtained in the treatment T7 (Urea 2% at pea stage,
MPP 0.5% at marble stage and MPP 0.5% at egg
stage) and was at par with T3, T4, T5 and T6. The
lowest fruit yield 26.710 kg was recorded in control
(no foliar spray). Similar trend was observed, when
yield expressed in terms of weight (tones) per ha.
The present investigation clearly indicate that
the nutrient play a key role in increasing the fruit
weight. The spraying of 2% urea at pea stage, 0.5%
MPP each at marble and egg stage had beneficial
effect on yield. This might be due to the combination
effect of urea and monopotassium phosphate.
The effect of various treatments under study
on pulp; peel and stone weight was also studied and
the data are presented in Table 3. The difference due
to treatment on weigh of pulp, weight of peel and
weight of stone was non significant. However, the
weight of pulp, weight of peep and weight of stone
was in range of 103.33 to 170.00g, 29.67 to 51.33g
and 27.33 to 40.00 g respectively. The mean pulp to
peel ratio was 3.313 and was in range of 2.747 to
3.942. The highest pulp to peel ratio was recorded in
treatment T4 (3.942) and was at par with T6 (3.848),
T5 (3.659), T2 (3.528) and T9 (3.483).
The effect of post flowering nutrient foliar
sprays on various chemical parameters at ripe stage
was also studied during investigation and the data are
presented in Table 4. The various chemical
parameters like PH, moisture, B carotene, TSS,
titratable acidity ascorbic acid, reducing and non
reducing sugars recorded non significant differences
in various treatments.
Thus, the application of post flowering foliar
sprays during initial stages of fruit growth (pea, marble
and egg stage) increased per cent fruit retention and
there by yield. However, amongst the various
treatments tried, the application of 2% Urea at pea
stage, 1%KNO3 at marble stage and 0.5% MPP at
egg stage (T5) increased fruit retention and
application of 2% Urea at pea stage, 1% MPP each
at marble and egg stage (T7) increased fruit yield.
1. Anonymous (2013). Mango Production
Technology. A book published by Dr. B.S.
Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli (M S)
2. Amerine, M.A., R.M. Pangborn and E.B.
Rocssler (1965). Principles of sensory
evaluation of food. Academic Press, London.
3. Chadha, K.L. and Pareek (1993). Fruit drop in
mango. In: Fruit crops Eds., Chadha, K. L.
and Pareek, O. P. Malhotra Publishing House,
New Delhi, India, pp. 1133-1165.
4. Desai, A.G. (1980). Studies on floral biology
and fruit retention in Alphonso, Goa mankur
and Kesar varieties of mango (Mangifera
indica L.). A M.Sc.(Agri.) thesis submitted to