API 653 Day 3 Book

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API 653 – DAY 3

API 651

1 Above ground storage tank API651 3.1 >500 barrel

PH, conductivity,
2 Factors influence the severity corrosion API651 4.1.5 suspended solids,
dissolved gas
3 Soil resistivity <500 ohm-cu API651 Very corrosive
4 Soil resistivity > 10,000ohm-cu API651 Less corrosive
5 PH level <5.0 API651 g Very corrosive
6 Chlorides >1000ppm API651 Very corrosive
7 Sulphates >5000ppm API651 i Very corrosive
Table -2
8 Most active metal in galvanic service API651 Mg, zinc
9 Less active (noble) API651 Table 2 Mill scale on steel
Selenium rectifiers not recommended when
10 API651 6.3.4 130ºF
ambient temp exceed to
Graphite, steel,
11 Impressed current anodes API651 6.3.5 high silicon cast
High potential mg
12 Commonly used galvanic anodes are API651 alloy standard mg
alloy, zinc
Condition of
Factors influence the design of internal CP
13 API651 7.4.1 coating, water level
in tank
14 Potential difference cathodic current applied API651 -ve 850mv
15 Alternative reference electrodes API651 8.4 Saturated kcl, Zinc
16 Shallow ground installation of anodes API651 10 to 20 ft
Design, bonding
17 Control of interference currents API651 10.4.1
Tank to soil
18 Cathodic protection surveys API651 11.3 potential
19 Rectifiers inspection intervals API651 Two months
20 All impressed current protective facilities API651 Annually

21) Fe  Fe +2 + e , here electrons are released at the anode, so it is called
anodic reaction
- -
22) O2 + 2 H2O + 4 e  4 OH , Here electrons are used up at cathode. So it
is called cathodic reaction

Page 1
23) There are two types of corrosion:
1) General (Uniform) Corrosion,
2) Localized (Pitting) Corrosion

24) Code for internal Catthodic Protection is NACE RP 0575, & RP 0388

25) Pure hydrocarbon fluids are non corrosive,. But Oxygen, water steam, H2S,
SO2 are highly corrosive

26) External cathodic protection will have no effect on internal corrosion.

Similarly Thick film internal lining will not eliminate the need for
external cathodic protection of the tank bottom

27) Clean sand alone will not eliminate the need for corrosion protection

28) Corrosion more when pH is less than 5, Corrosion is constant for Ph values
between 5 & 8. Corrosion decreases for pH values greater than 8
pH less than 7 it is acidic , ph = 7 is neutral, pH greater than 7 is
alkaline .

29) More anodic materials are Mg and Zinc

30) Limitation of Cathodic protection by Galvanic system is

a) Low out put,
b) limited to small structure,
c) Limited to Low resistivity soil ( but soil should be of high resistance for
less corrosion) , because driving potential is low

31) Impressed Current. It uses external powerful AC source converted in to DC

by rectifiers. It is suitable for large structure. But it will fail when the current
failure occurs. So back up battery protection has to be given.
Rectifier can be silicon or selenium.
Silicon is very efficient & can be used at high temperature also But will be
damaged by power surges. So use Surge Protectors.
Selenium cannot be used for temperatures more than 55 Degree
Usually rectifier will be checked once in two months. Other remaining
systems will be checked annually
Anodes of the impressed current systems are Graphite, Steel, TiO2

32) Current density required for Cathodic Protection is

Page 2
1 ma / ft2 to 2 ma/ft2 – AT ambient temperature
2 ma / ft2 to 8 ma/ft2 – For elevated temperature
33) Commonly used reference electrodes are ( just as in Concrete Testing)
Saturated KCL ( Calomel) , Silver, Silver chloride ( Sea Water ) , Zinc

34) Anode – Oxidation- Oxide is formed- So Corrosion occurs-

Cathode - Reduction occurs, So cathode does not corrode
So Cathodic protection reduces corrosion by making the required surface
more cathodic

35) Deep impressed current anodes are filled with Carbonaceous Back Fill

36) Corrosion can occur during the breathing of the tank

37) Galvanic Protection:

Adv: No external current source required
Low initial cost
Less interference current and stray current problem

38) Deep anode: 50 feet below the earth

39) Impressed current: From external power source

40) Tank pad: Material immediately adjutant to the exterior of the tank

41) Water stay at the bottom of the tank due to difference in solubility and
specific gravity

42) Impressed current Disadv:

Interference or stray current problem
Failure of the power will result in the loss of protection
Higher initial cost & maintenance Cost
Safety aspect reg to Negative Lead connection and rectifier location

43) Effectiveness of CP can be measured by the soil potential measurement &

IR drop method

Page 3
API 652

Requirement for safe entry & cleaning of

1 API652 2.1 API 2015
petroleum tank
2 Thin film lining API652 3.33 ≤20 mils
3 One mil (0.001 inch) API652 3.25 25.4µm
4 Thick film lining API652 3.31 >20mils
A discontinuity in protective coat that exposes
5 API652 3.22 Holiday tester
un protected surface to environment
6 Common mechanism of corrosion API652 4.1
galvanic, SRB,
erosion corrosion
Coating is necessary of inspection shows 5.2, 2nd
7 API652 < 0.1”
minimum thickness of bottom plate is para
Low cost, easy to
8 Advantages of thin film lining API652 6.2.1 apply, good flexibility
9 White metal surface standard API652 6.3 SSPC – SP5
10 Near white metal standard good for adhesion API652 6.3 SSPC – SP10
For distillate service temp 160º - 220ºF – type
11 API652 6.2 Epoxy amine
of lining suitable is
Thick film lining for tank bottom crude &
12 API652 6.3 Epoxy
distillate 180ºF

14 Surface profile / Anchor pattern API652 7.5 1.5 to 4.0 mils

Pre cleaning of steel for soluble salt
15 API652 7.2 SSPC – SP12
Steel surface 5ºF
16 Conditions for blasting and painting API652 8.3 above dew point
17 Humidity condition for blasting and painting API652 8.3 Humidity shall <80%
18 Curing time and other coat applied API652 8.5 Manufacture record
Low voltage
19 Lining discontinuities for thin film API652 9.3.4 detecting, wet sponge
20 Thick film lining NACE RP – 0188 API652 9.3.4 High voltage detector
21 Minimum service life of bottom lining API652 10.1 20years (min)
22 Lining evaluate methods API652 10.2 Visual, adhesion, holiday
Paint material test
23 Lining material selection API652 11.1 data sheet
24 Tank entry guide line API652 12.2 API STD 2015/2016
25 Health hazards during lining/ API652 12.3 OSHA 29

Page 4
26) Lining is needed if minimum thickness of the tank bottom is less than 2.5 mm
or if it is suspected Corrosion may affect before the next inspection

27) Thin film means epoxy amine & thick film means epoxy

28) In thick film lining MFL of tank floor will be difficult

29) Tank bottom lining should cover the entire tank bottom and it should cover
18 to 24 inches in the shell ie Tank bottom lining should extend 18 to 24
inches up the shell of the tank
30) I mil = 25 Micro meter, or 1mm = 40 mil,
31) Breathing of tanks can produce corrosion
32) Corrosion of CS tank bottom can be as high as 2 mm/year
33) Excess flexing of tank bottom can create cracks, although some flexing can
always occur
34) Thickness of lining means dry film thickness only,
35) Thin film lining is for new tanks and tanks having minimal corrosion
Adv: Lower cost, Easier to apply, Easier to remove, MFL will be more accurate
Dis adv: It needs more thickness of bottom plate ie 0.1 inch,
More prone to mechanical damage,
Rough weld surface and weld spatter can produce Holiday
Solvent in thin film lining may go and settle at the bottom and delay the cure
Presence of moisture will cause amine blush,
Eg of thin film lining: Epoxi amine for tem 1660 Deg F to 220 Deg F

36) Thick Film Lining: Eg Epoxy at 180 deg F

Adv: Easier to apply,
Can bridge perforation & Gaps,
More resistant to mechanical damage,
Greater resistance to moisture,
Longer life
Dis adv: More time consuming,
more expensive,
MFL tends to be less accurate,
Page 5
More prone to cracking if tank bottom settlement occurs due to non uniform
soil support

37) Factors that affect coating: Temperature, Internals present, service changes
& Construction details

38) Low film thickness may not give full protection

High film thickness may compromise lining adhesion and film integrity

39) Inadequate surface preparation is the major cause of lining failure so

Abrasive blasting shall extend several inches beyond the area to b e
covered. This also ensures that unprepared areas are not coated

40) Lining Film Thickness Measurement WET ASTM D 4414

41) Lining safety OSHA 2254
Lining PPE 29 CFR

Page 6

1) Which of the following pertains to or establishes the “dew point”?

a. Difference (in ºF) between the relative humidity value and the internal tank
air temperature.
b. Difference (in ºF) between the internal tank air temperature and the
substrate (steel) temperature
c. The temperature at which moisture condenses from the atmosphere.
d. The moisture content value at which adhesion between the liner and the
substrate cannot be achieved.

2) Indicate the most correct definition for “a holiday”.

a. A lamination that develops between coating layers.

b. A discontinuity in a coating film that exposes the metal surface to the
c. Any thin liner area where an additional film “t” layer is required.

3) ———————,——————— and ———————, are common

examples of aromatic solvents.

4) A ——————— ——————— is an oxide layer formed on steel during

hot forming operations.

5) There are five (5) common mechanisms normally associated with

internal tank bottom corrosion. List any three (3) of the five (5) causes




Page 7
6) Match the following SSPC surface preparation to the metal finish
specification, as specified in Section 5. Draw Arrow to Connect.

White Metal Finish SSPC – SP5 NACE # 1

Near – White Metal Finish SSPC – SP10 NACE # 2

7) Select the general rule normally followed relative to liner application vs.
temperature and humidity restrictions.

a. 5º F (3º C) above dew point, with relative humidity below 80%

b. 10º F (5.5º C) above dew point, with relative humidity below 80%
c. Stop application when visually, adhesion and bonding is not being
d. Any substrate temperature when moisture is visible.

8) What is the typical range required on anchor pattern (i.e., depth profile)
prior to liner installation.

Answer: .

9) is a natural or synthetic substance that may be

used as a binder in coatings.

10)When considering the need for an internal lining, make selections from
below as some of the more important.

A. a. Where is corrosion occurring?

b. How fast is it proceeding.
c. Have there been significant corrosion rates changes.
d. What type of corrosion is occurring.
e. Have bottom perforations occurred.
B. Sub-items “b”, “c” and “d” only.
C. All of the above.
D. Primarily cost and out-of-service time frame involved.

Page 8

1) “c” (Temperature at which moisture condenses from atmosphere.

2) “b” (Discontinuity exposing surface to environment).
3) Benzene, Toluene and Xylene.
4) Mill Scale
5) Any of the following:
Chemical Corrosion
Concentration cell corrosion
Galvanic Cell Corrosion
Erosion Corrosion
Corrosion caused by sulfate – reducing bacteria.
6) White SP5 #1
Near-White SP10 #2
7) “a” (5º F above dew point with relative humidity below 80%).
8) 1.5 to 4 mils
9) Resin
10) A – All 5 considerations.

Page 9

Monitoring density limitation of Density meter,

1 Art 2 Sec V T- 282.1
radiography step wedge
2 Back scatter lead symbol size Art 2 Sec V T – 223 ½ “ x 1/16 “
Wire type/ hole
3 IQI types Art 2 Sec V T – 233
Densitometer calibration (interval)
4 Art 2 Sec V T – 262.1 Every 90 days
national standard
5 Densitometer calibration accuracy Art 2 Sec V T –262.1.d ±0.05
Verified prior to
6 Step wedge comparison films Art 2 Sec V T –262.2 use
Variation in density reading with step Accuracy ±0.1
7 Art 2 Sec V T –262.2
wedge comparison film density
8 Double wall viewing technique limit Art 2 Sec V T –271.2.b 3 ½ “ or less only
9 Geometric un sharpness Art 2 Sec V T – 274.2 Ug =Fd/D
10 Location markers placement (normally) Art 2 Sec V T –275.1 Source side
Alloy material +
11 IQI selection based on Art 2 Sec V T –276.1
Nominal single
wall+ estimated
12 The thickness of IQI based on Art 2 Sec V T –276.2-a
reinforcement (as
per code)
IQI selection (baking rings and root
13 Art 2 Sec V T –276.2-b Not considered
14 Placement of IQI (normally) Art 2 Sec V T –277.1-a Source side
Lead letter F to
15 Incase IQI placement film side Art 2 Sec V T –277.1-b
be placed
16 Number of IQI in radiography film Art 2 Sec V T –277.2 Min of one IQI
17 Panoramic exposure – IQI placed Art 2 Sec V T –277.2-b 120º apart
Placement of shims during radiography Between the part
18 Art 2 Sec V T –277.3
(same material) &IQI
chemical stains,
19 Evaluation of radiography – blemishes Art 2 Sec V T – 281
streaks, finger
marks etc
20 Density limitation of X ray Art 2 Sec V T –282.1 1.8 to 4
21 Density limitation for gamma ray Art 2 Sec V T –282.1 2.0 to 4
For composite viewing of multiple
22 Art 2 Sec V T –282.1 1.3 to 4
exposure minimum density

Page 10
Density variation in RT film through the
23 Art 2 Sec V T –282.2 -15% or +30%
area of interest
Back scatter – dark image of B in light
24 Art 2 Sec V T – 284 Acceptable
back ground
Selection of IQI based on thickness(hole
25 Art 2 Sec V - Table T – 276
type/wire type)
26 Establishment of written procedure for PT Art 6 Sec V T –621.1 Yes
Procedure qualification – if change
27 Art 6 Sec V T – 621.2 Yes
required in table T – 621
28 Equipment for PT Art 6 Sec V T – 630
Control of contamination sulphur shall not
29 Art 6 Sec V T – 641 1% of the residue
exceed by weight
Cleaning and dry and free min distance
30 Art 6 Sec V T – 642 1”
from the examination area
Water washable,
Technique for PT total 6 types (visible &
31 Art 6 Sec V T – 651 post emulsify and
solvent removal

32 Temperature range for PT Art 6 Sec V T – 652 50ºF to 125ºF

For other temperature procedure need to
33 Art 6 Sec V T – 653 Qualified
times (lower or higher) to be
Table T –
34 For weldment and material dwell time Art 6 Sec V 5/10 min
35 Light meters (black) calibration shall be Art 6 Sec V T – 660 Once in a year
Water washable penetrant – water
36 Art 6 Sec V T –673.1 < 50 psi, <110ºF
pressure shall not exceed and temp
Non aquenous developer shall be applied
37 Art 6 Sec V T –675.2 Dry surfaces
only to a
38 Final interpretation shall be made Art 6 Sec V T –676.1 10 to 60 min
The black light intensity shall be
39 Art 6 Sec V T –676.4 Black light meter
measured with a
The black light intensity shall be verified
40 Art 6 Sec V T –676.4 Every 8 hours
at least once in
41 All Indication shall be evaluated to Art 6 Sec V T – 680
Analysis shall
For PT material the sulphur residue in Appendix II
42 Art 6 Sec V be done
more than 0.0025grm –642
SD – 808

Page 11
LPI comparator block – Aluminum 3/8” ASTM B209
43 Art 6 Sec V III- 630
thick Type 2024
44 MPI written procedure is Art 7 Sec V T –721.1 Required
45 Temperature limitation Art 7 Sec V T – 731
Prod, yoke,
46 Technique in MPI Art 7 Sec V T – 751 longitudinal,
3’ to 8”,
Prod spacing and current , prod spacing
47 Art 7 Sec V T – 752 100amps/inch to
>3/4” thick
48 Yoke technique Art 7 Sec V T – 755
49 Calibration frequency of ammeter Art 7 Sec V T –761.1-a Once in year
50 Tolerance for ammeter Art 7 Sec V T –761.1-c ±10%
Once in year or
51 Black light meters shall be calibrated Art 7 Sec V T –761.2 meter has been
Permanent magnets (yokes) shall be
52 Art 7 Sec V T – 762-a Daily prior to use
53 AC electromagnetic yoke lifting power Art 7 Sec V T – 762-b 10 lbs
54 DC electromagnetic yoke lifting power Art 7 Sec V T – 762-c 40 lbs
Magnetizing field
55 Gauss meters used to verify Art 7 Sec V T – 763
Once in year or
56 Calibration of gauss meter interval Art 7 Sec V T – 763
major repair
Rectified current
57 When direct currents are used preferably Art 7 Sec V T – 775
to be used
Residual magnetism in the part could
58 Art 7 Sec V T – 778 Demagnetized
interfere – the part shall be
59 Evaluation & acceptance of indication to Art 7 Sec V T – 780 Reference code
Prior to use &
60 Black light verification ( intensity) Art 7 Sec V T – 777.2.e before and after
the exam

61) PT Dwell time for weld 5 mts, and Dwell time for base metal 10 mts
62) DEV time for High temp alloy is 7 mts
63) In MT pie guage has 8 pie sections
64) RT : Ir 192 : .25 inch to 3 inch, Co 60 1.5 Inch to 7 inch

Page 12
Wire Peni A .0032 inch to .010 inch , B = .010 to .032 inch, C= .032 to

.10 inch , D= 0.10 to .32 inch

65) UT Thickness gauge reading increases by 1% for every 100 Deg F

Wedge Length = 0.75 inch, with = 0.75 inch, and thickness four step
0.25,0.5,0.75 & 1 inch For 5 steps it is 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4 & 0.5 inch
UT Methods used : AUT – For volumetric weld inspection
Tip Diffraction – Used to size flaws which are open to the inner & outer dia
Bimodal – Very effective to find the depth of the flaw and ID connected
flaw in the mid wall region

66) In MT if the voltage is more than 25 volts , do not use copper tips, Use Al
or Steel or Lead tips, because deposit of copper over the objects will

67) In PT, Check for sulpher in the Ni based alloy

Check for Chlorine or fluorine in Aus SS, Duplex and Titanium

68) In VT it is 6 inch to 24 inch, greater than 30 degree & J1 test

Page 13
All Questions Are Closed Book

Note: Some questions in this section are true/false or essay type questions,
instead of multiple choice. Historically, it has been shown that test questions on
ASME V involves a good deal of theory that cannot adequately be explore
through multiple choice questions (although multiple choice question only will be
on the test)

1. A film side penetrameter can be used for:

a. Inaccessible welds (unable to hand place a source penetrameter)
b. All welds
c. All castings at any time
d. An alternative to a source-side wire penetrameter

2. A dark image of the “B”on a lighter background is

a. Acceptable
b. Rejectable
c. Sometimes rejectable
d. None of the above

3. One of the procedural requirements for conducting PT is to address the

processing details for:
a. Post – examination cleaning
b. Pre - examination cleaning
c. Apply the penetrant
d. All of the above

4. Non - aqueous developer may be applied to a wet surface

a. True
b. False

Page 14
5. The accuracy of a piece of magnetizing equipment that is equipped with
an ammeter shall be verified
a. Each year
b. Each two years
c. When possible
d. Every 6 months

Page 15
6. When using fluorescent penetrant the examiner shall be in a darkened
area for at least minutes prior to performing the examination
a. 7
b. 10
c. 9
d. 5

7. A wire IQI shall be placed adjacent to the weld, with the wires parallel to
the weld
a. True
b. False

8. A field indicator is composed of low carbon steel pie

sections, furnace brazed together
a. 2
b. 6
c. 10
d. 8

9. The type and amperage of magnetizing current must be identified on the

written MT procedure
a. True
b. False

10. Certification of contaminants shall be obtained for all PT materials used

a. Carbon steels
b. Ferritic stainless steels
c. Austenitic stainless steels
d. none of the above

11. Black light intensity shall be measured with a b. E

conducting fluorescent PT e
a. Dark room meter r
b. Photo - meter y
c. Black light meter
d. None of the above 9
12. When should a densitometer be calibrated as a minimum?
a. Annually d
Page 16
ays when
c. Wherever it is turned on

Page 17
d. As required by the Examiner

13. The location markers required by ASME V are required to appear as

radiographic images
a. True
b. False

Name, date Part No etc need not appear as the radiographic images. But they
should be permanently marked on the film

14. D.C. yokes may be used for detecting subsurface discontinuities, per
a. True
b. False
Yokes are only for surface defects whether DC or AC

15. When coatings are applied to enhance contrast, the procedure must be
demonstrated that indications can be detected through the coating
a. True
b. False

16. How many total liquid penetrant techniques are listed in ASME V?
a. 4
b. 6
c. 2
d. 1

17. Prior to examinations, each adjacent surface shall be cleaned within at

least ” of the area to be examined.
a. 1
b. 1.5
c. 2
d. 3

18. Water washable penetrant shall be removed with a water spray not
exceeding 60 psi and 100ºF
a. True
b. False

19. The maximum emulsification time shall be

a. 5 minutes
b. 10 minutes
Page 18
c. 15 minutes
d. None of the above

20. Densitometers shall be calibrated by verification with a

a. Densitometer
b. Step Wedge Comparison Strip
c. Light Meter
d. Transmission monitor

21. When using a hydrophilic emulsifier versus a lipophilic emulsifier and

intermediate step that must be taken is:
a. Pre-flooding with emulsifier
b. Pre-cleaning with solvent
c. Pre-rinsing with water
d. Pre-washing with detergent

22. A welded part is to be radiographed and is 1” thick, with 1/8”

reinforcement. What ASTM wire set IQI should be used on these
radiographs if a source side technique is used:
a. Set A
b. Set B
c. Set C
d. Set D
Wire Dia inch THK of Object inch
SET A 0 .0032- 0.01 0.25 – 0.375
SET B 0 .01 - 0.032 0.25 - 2
SET C 0.032 - 0.1 1.5 – 8
SET D 0.1 – 0.32 6- 20

23. When a PT test cannot be conducted between 50º - 125ºF, what must be
done, per ASME V?
a. The procedure must be qualified
b. The surface must be re-cleaned
c. The test cannot be conducted
d. None of the above

24. The sulphur content of a penetrant is measured to be less than 0.0025g.

This material is acceptable for use on:
a. Nickel-base alloys
b. Carbon steel
c. Ferritic steel
Page 19
d. All of the above

25. The scope of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel, Code, Section V
a. NDE acceptance criteria
b. How to perform NDE to achieve a desired result
c. Where to do NDE (i.e. what weld to examine)
d. Who can be the Authorized inspector

26. What finished surface is required of butt welds for PT examination?

a. Smooth surface prepared by grinding
b. Cosmetically clean acid etched surface
c. A near white blast surface
d. None of the above

27.A A penetramter is used on a DWE/DWV. The penetramter selection

is based on
a. The single wall thickness and weld reinforcement
b. Both wall thicknesses
c. The single wall thickness for Sch 80 pipe
d. None of the above

28.A A suitable means for applying penetrant

a. Dipping
b. Brushing
c. Spraying
d. Any or all of the above

29. What materials require the use of tested and certified liquid penetrants as
to the contaminants in the penetrant
a. Nickel alloys
b. Austenitic stainless steel alloys
c. Ferritic / martensific stainless steel
d. Both a and b above

30. Thickness readings may be displayed on?

a. SRT
b. PRT
c. CRT
d. Strip chart recorder
(Now a day’s CRTs are rarely Used)

Page 20
31. Which NDE methods are considered “surface” methods?
a. PT
b. RT
c. MT
d. Both A & C above

32. What designation is used to indicate the penetrameter is on the film side?
a. An “F”
b. An “E”
c. A “D”
d. An “FS”

33. What is a shim used for?

a. UT filed adequacy
b. RT field direction
c. MT field strength and direction
d. MT field current applications
Here ans is MT FIELD STRENGTH& DIRECION, Japanese use this. But
Shims are used in RT also for placing peni to compensate for excess
thickness or reinforcement

34. Why must the surface be closely observed during the application of the
PT developer?
a. To ensure proper coating application
b. To ensure excess penetrant removal
c. To allow proper characterization of discontinuities
d. To see the “groovy” lines form

35. One of the five magnetization techniques is?

a. Round
b. Circular
c. Shear wave
d. Hall-effect Tangential-field

36. Name one typical discontinuity detectable by the magnetic particle

a. Lack of penetration
b. Interpass lack of fusion
c. Slag inclusions
d. Toe cracks

Page 21
37. For a DWE/SWV RT Technique, a minimum of exposures
shall be made
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

38. When are location markers placed on the film side in SWV for curved
a. Concave side is toward the source
b. Source-to-material distance greater than IR
c. A cobalt source is used
d. Both a and b above

39. What is the difference between an inspection and an examination per

Section V of the ASME Code?
a. Inspection performed AI
b. Examination performed by manufacturer’s personnel
c. There is no difference between the two
d. Both a and b above

40. Geometric un-sharpness is determined by

a. UG = Fd/D
b. UG = PD/d
c. UG = fd/d
d. UG = ft/d

41. UT Thickness velocities are usually obtained from:

a. Tim’s Handy Velocity Book
b. Table X 3.1 from E 494
c. Nondestructive testing hand book
d. Both B & C, above

42. Name one typical discontinuity detectable by the liquid penetrant method
a. I.P. on an NPS 2 girth weld
b. I.F. at the root of an NPS 2 girth weld
c. HAZ surface cracks on a NPS 2 girth weld
d. Slag inclusions on a NPS 8 longitudinal weld

Page 22
43. What is to be done to excess penetrant remaining on the surface after the
specified penetration time as elapsed?
a. It must be removed
b. It can remain on the part
c. It must be developed
d. It must be removed with water only

44. A single film technique was used to make a radiograph using a Cobalt-60
source. The minimum permitted density in the area of interest is:
a. 4.0
b. 1.8
c. 2.0
d. 1.3
e. None of the above

45. A radiograph is made using an X-ray source and two films in each film
holder. If the film is to be viewed separately the minimum permitted
density would be.
a. 4.0
b. 1.8
c. 2.0
d. 1.3
e. None of the above

46.A A weld with a nominal thickness of 1.5 inch is to be radiographed using

a film side penetrameter. The penetrameter designation should be:
(Note: This is an open book question)
a. 25
b. 30
c. 35
d. Both a and b are acceptable

47. Personnel performing visual examinations to ASME V must have acuity to

which of the following standards, if any?
a. Jaeger Type – 2
b. Jaeger Type – 1
c. Equivalent to Jaeger Type – 1
d. Either b or c, above

Page 23
48. Visual examination must be conducted when the eye is within
” of the piece to be examined
a. 36
b. 30
c. 24
d. 12

49. For an object of 1 inch thk , for 2-2T, when peni is placed on the film side
what is essential hole dia as per T 276
a. 20 thou
b. 40 thou
c. 60 thou
d. 50 thou

50. If For the object of 1 inch thk , for the peni to be placed on the source side
what is wire type peni and what are the wire should be visible
a. Set B , 9th wire
b. Set B 10th wire
c. Set B 11th wire
d. All
e. None

51. Pipe Single wall thk is 20 mm. Backing ring thk is 5 mm. Actual
reinforcement is 4 mm. Allowed reinforcement is 2.5 mm. If we are using
Double wall technique, which thk should be used for the peni selection
a. 20 mm
b. 22mm
c. 44 mm
d. 47.5 mm

52. Object thk is 50 mm. SOD is 300 mm. Source size is 5 mm. What is ug and
is it ok?
a. 0.5 mm, ok
b. 0.75 mm, not ok
c. 0.833 mm , not ok
d. O.833 mm, ok

Page 24
53. Thk of the plate is 50 mm. SOD is 300 mm. Distance between the markers
on the film is 250 mm. What is minimum coverage required Fig
a. 10 mm
b. 5mm
c. 21mm
d. 25mm

54. The Following is the Test Meter Reading &Unit Meter Reading in the Amp-
meter of the Magnetizing equipment Is it Ok or Not?

Test Meter in Amp Unit Meter in amp

400 350
600 550
800 850

a. Not ok in the lower end reading

b. Not ok in the mid reading
c. Not ok in the high end reading
d. Not Ok in all the reading
e. Ok in all the readings

55. There was a IR 192 RT film Having the OD minimum 2 and Maximum 3.5
and OD near Peni is 2.5. What is your opinion
a. OD is not ok in the lower limit
b. OD is not ok in the higher limit
c. OD is not ok in both the cases
d. OD is OK completely

56. The scope of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel, Code, Section V
includes ( Art 1 T 110 &)
a. NDE acceptance criteria
b. How to perform NDE to achieve a desired result
c. Where to do NDE (i.e. what welds to examine)
d. All of above.

57. For Ammeter calibration for magnetizing equipment, the allowable

tolerance is ( MT –T 761.1 C)
a. ±5%
b. ±10%
c. ±15%
d. ±20%

Page 25
58. For MT examination by Prod technique the magnetizing current required
depends on ( Art 7- T 752.2)
a. Prod Spacing
b. Thickness of item under Inspection
c. a & b above
d. None of above

59. Which is/are advantage of magnetic particle testing over penetrant testing?
(Art 7 T 720)
a. It can detect surface discontinuities with foreign material imbedded in
b. It is faster on individual parts.
c. It can detect near-surface discontinuities.
d. All of the above

60. Double wall Double image technique is used for the radiography of (T 271.2
a. Plate welds
b. Tubular products with outer diameter less than 3.5 inch
c. Large pipes with outer diameter 200 mm and above
d. Heavy castings

61. For UT examination using Pulse- Echo Technique, thickness calibration

was performed at 80°F. An on-stream UT reading at a TML on a pressure
vessel (operating at 680°F) was indicated as 50 mm. Its actual thickness
will be approximately:
a. 44 mm
b. 47 mm
c. 48.5 mm
d. 50 mm

62. The recommended minimum development time in minutes allowed for a

material made of high temperature alloy is:
a. 5 min
b. 15 min
c. 10 min
d. 6 min

63. A 1” thickness C.S. weld with 1/8” thk acceptable reinforcement was to be
radiographed. The applicable hole type penetrameter on (source side) and
essential hole shall be
a. ASME 30 - 2T
b. ASME 25 - 2T
c. ASME 20 - 2T
d. ASME 30 - 4T
API 653 – BOOK 3 Page 25
64. In liquid penetrant testing, a procedure is qualified to a temperature of 15
degree C. Pick up a correct statement.
a. The same procedure is qualified from 10°C to 52°C
b. The same procedure is restricted to maximum of 150°C only
c. The same procedure shall be applied to 5 °C to 100°C
d. The same procedure shall be applied to temperature more than 150°C

65. Choose the correct option

a. Pie gage has 6 pie sections
b. Pie gage should be place with it’s copper side towards the test
c. Pie gage measure the exact strength of the magnetic field
d. All
e. None

66. Chose the correct option reg the number of peni and the peni designation
if 25 mm thk and 1 meter dia vessel is undergone panoramic single
exposure with ten films
a. Minimum two numbers of 20 peni placed at 90 deg to each other
b. Minimum three numbers of 25 peni placed at 120 deg to each other
c. Minimum 10 numbers of 25 peni at 36 deg to each other
d. Minimum 6 nos of 30 peni at 60 deg to each other

67. It takes 8 Micro seconds to reach the back of the steel plate and return
back what is thk of the plate
a. 10 mm
b. 24 mm
c. 2 inch
d. UT cannot be used in the steel plate

68. What is Black light

a. It is Black colored light
b. It the visible portion of Electro magnetic spectrum
c. It is a kind of UV light
d. Any light coming through the dark black filter

69. Fluorescent penetrant uses

a. Wet developer
b. Dry developer
c. Sometimes No developer at all
d. a & b
e. a & b & c

Page 26
70. Choose correct option

a) Lifting power of DC yoke 4.5KG

b) Lifting power of the AC yoke is 18 Kg
c) PM yoke should be calibrated once in a year
d) All
e) none

Page 27


1 A T 277.1 b – RT
2 A T 284 RT
3 D Table T621 & Sec 621
4 FALSE T 675.2 b
5 A T 761.1 a
6 D T 676.4 b
7 False T 277.1 d
8 D T 764.1.1 Fig
9 True T 721.2 & the Table T 721
10 C T 641
11 C T 676.4e
12 B T 22.1
13 True T 275
14 False ( Not Given in SEC V For API 510 Portion)
15 True T 741.1 d
16 B T 651
17 A T 642 b
18 False T 673.1
19 D T 673.2 a
20 B T 262.1 a
21 C T 673.2 b
22 B T 223.2
23 A T 653
24 D H 641
25 B T110
26 D T 642
27 A T 276.2a
28 D T 671
29 C T 641
30 A 6.1
31 D GK
32 A T 277.1 b
33 C T 764.1.2
34 C T 676.2
35 B T 751

Page 28
36 D T 720
37 C T 271.2 b2
38 D T 275.1
39 D T 274.1
40 A T 274.1
41 D UT 4.3
42 C T 620
43 A T 673
44 E The correct answer is –15% from th
transmitted density through the body of th
45 B T 282.1
46 A TABLE T276
47 D T 923 For API J1
48 C T 952
49 B T 276
50 D T 233
51 B T 27.2 a & b
52 C T 274.1& T 274 . 2
53 C T 275
54 A T (761.1c)
55 C T 282.1 & T 282.2
56 B ASME V, Art. 1, Scope
57 B ASME V, Art. 7, T-761
58 C ASME V, Art. 7, T-752.2
59 D ASME V, Art. 7, Scope & Gen. Knowledge
60 B ASME V, Art. 2, T-271 (b)
61 A ASME V, SE 797, 8.5
62 C ASME V, Table T-672
63 A ASME V, Table T – 276
64 A ASME V, T-652
65 E T 764 1.1
66 B T 277.2
67 B SE 797- 4.1
68 C T 676.4
69 D T 675 Last Para
70 E T 762

Page 29
1. A film side penetrameter can be used for :
a. Inaccessible welds (unable to hand place a source penetrameter)
b. All welds
c. All castings at any time
d. An alternative to a source-side wire penetrameter

2. A dark image of the “B” on a lighter background is

a. Acceptable
b. Rejectable
c. Sometimes rejectable
d. None of the above

3. One of the procedural requirements for conducting PT is to address the

processing details for:
a. Post – examination cleaning
b. Pre - examination cleaning
c. Apply the penetrant
d. All of the above

4. Non - aqueous developer may be applied to a wet surface

a. True
b. False

5. The accuracy of a piece of magnetizing equipment that is equipped with

an ammeter shall be verified
a. Each year
b. Each two years
c. When possible
d. Every 6 months

6. When using fluorescent penetrant the examiner shall be in a darkened

area for at least minutes prior to performing the examination
a. 7
b. 10
c. 9
d. 5

7. A wire IQI shall be placed adjacent to the weld, with the wires parallel to
the weld
a. True
b. False
Page 30
8. A field indicator is composed of low carbon steel pie

sections, furnace brazed together

a. 2
b. 6
c. 10
d. 8

9. The type and amperage of magnetizing current must be identified on the

written MT procedure
a. True
b. False

10. Certification of contaminants shall be obtained for all PT materials used

a. Carbon steels
b. Ferritic stainless steels
c. Austenitic stainless steels
d. none of the above

11. Black light intensity shall be measured with a when

conducting fluorescent PT
a. Dark room meter
b. Photo - meter
c. Black light meter
d. None of the above

Page 31
12. When should a densitometer be calibrated as a minimum?
a. Annually
b. Every 90 days
c. Wherever it is turned on
d. As required by the Examiner

13. The location markers required by ASME V are required to appear as

radiographic images
a. True
b. False
Name date part no etc need not appear as the radiographic images. But they
should be permanently marked on the film

14.D.C. . yokes may be used for detecting subsurface discontinuities,

per ASME V?
a. True
b. False
Yokes are only for surface defects whether DC or AC

15. When coatings are applied to enhance contrast, the procedure must be
demonstrated that indications can be detected through the coating
a. True
b. False

16. How many total liquid penetrant techniques are listed in ASME V?
a. 4
b. 6
c. 2
d. 1

17. Prior to examinations, each adjacent surface shall be cleaned within at

least ” of the area to be examined.
a. 1
b. 1.5
c. 2
d. 3

Page 32
18. Water washable penetrant shall be removed with a water spray not
exceeding 60 psi and 100ºF
a. True
b. False

19. The maximum emulsification time shall be

a. 5 minutes
b. 10 minutes
c. 15 minutes
d. None of the above

20. Densitometers shall be calibrated by verification with a calibrated:

a. Densitometer
b. Step Wedge Comparison Strip
c. Light Meter
d. Transmission monitor

21. When using a hydrophilic emulsifier versus a lipophilic emulsifier and

intermediate step that must be taken is:
a. Pre-flooding with emulsifier
b. Pre-cleaning with solvent
c. Pre-rinsing with water
d. Pre-washing with detergent

22.A A welded part is to be radiographed and is 1” thick, with

1/8” reinforcement. What ASTM wire set IQI should be used on
these radiographs if a source side technique is used:
a. Set A
b. Set B
c. Set C
d. Set D

Wire Dia inch THK of Object inch

SET A 0 .0032- 0.01 0.25 – 0.375
SET B 0 .01 - 0.032 0.25 - 2
SET C 0.032 - 0.1 1.5 – 8
SET D 0.1 – 0.32 6- 20

Page 33
23. When a PT test cannot be conducted between 50º - 125ºF, what must be
done, per ASME V?
a. The procedure must be qualified
b. The surface must be re-cleaned
c. The test cannot be conducted
d. None of the above

24. The sulphur content of a penetrant is measured to be less than 0.0025g.

This material is acceptable for use on:
a. Nickel-base alloys
b. Carbon steel
c. Ferritic steel
d. All of the above

25. All indications are to be evaluated in accordance with

c. The referencing Code section
d. The written procedure

26. The scope of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel, Code, Section V
a. NDE acceptance criteria
b. How to perform NDE to achieve a desired result
c. Where to do NDE (i.e. what weld to examine)
d. Who can be the Authorized inspector

27. UT equipment is calibrated?

a. Before heat-treatment
b. After completing the examination
c. Prior to visual examination
d. Prior to PT examination
UT Device calibration has to be checked before and after the examination. So here

28. What finished surface is required of butt welds for PT examination?

a. Smooth surface prepared by grinding
b. Cosmetically clean acid etched surface
c. A near white blast surface
d. None of the above

Page 34
29.A A penetramter is used on a DWDI. The penetramter selection is based on:
a. The single wall thickness and weld reinforcement
b. Both wall thicknesses
c. The single wall thickness for Sch 80 pipe
d. None of the above

30.A A suitable means for applying penetrant

a. Dipping
b. Brushing
c. Spraying
d. Any or all of the above

31. What materials require the use of tested and certified liquid penetrants as
to the contaminants in the penetrant
a. Nickel alloys
b. Austenitic stainless steel alloys
c. Ferritic / martensific stainless steel
d. Both a and b above

32. How shall indications be evaluated, i.e. acceptance standards for RT

a. To ASME V
c. To B31.3
d. To the referencing Code Section

33. Thickness readings may be displayed on?

a. SRT
b. PRT
c. CRT
d. Strip chart recorder

34. How many copies of a procedure must be available to the Manufactures

NDE Personnel?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
35. How shall Non-destructive Examination Personnel be qualified?
a. To SNT-TC 1A
b. To CP-189
c. To referencing code requirements
d. To ACCP rules
Page 35
Page 36
36. Which NDE methods are considered “surface” methods?
a. PT
b. RT
c. MT
d. Both A & C above

37. What designation is used to indicate the penetrameter is on the film side?
a. An “F”
b. An “E”
c. A “D”
d. An “FS”

38. What is a shim used for?

a. UT filed adequacy
b. RT field direction
c. MT field strength and direction
d. MT field current applications
Here ans is MT FIELD STRENGTH & DIRECION, Japanese use this. But
Shims are used in RT also for placing peni to compensate for excess
thickness or reinforcement

39. Why must the surface be closely observed during the application of the
PT developer?
a. To ensure proper coating application
b. To ensure excess penetrant removal
c. To allow proper characterization of discontinuties
d. To see the “groovy” lines form

40. One of the five magnetization techniques is?

a. Round
b. Circular
c. Shearwave
d. Hall-effect Tangential-field

41.A A true UT indication is one which exceeds

a. 20% of DAC
b. 20% of CAD
c. 20% of DEC
d. 10% of DAC

Page 37
42. Name one typical discontinuity detectable by the magnetic particle
a. Lack of penetration
b. Interpass lack of fusion
c. Slag inclusions
d. Toe cracks

43. For a DWSI, RT Technique, a minimum of exposures shall be

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

44. When are location markers placed on the film side in SWV for curved
a. Concave side is toward the source
b. Source-to-material distance greater than IR
c. A cobalt source is used
d. Both a and b above

45. What is the difference between an inspection and an examination per

Section V of the ASME Code?
a. Inspection performed AI
b. Examination performed by manufacturer’s personnel
c. There is no difference between the two
d. Both a and b above

46. Geometric sharpness is determined by

a. UG = Fd/D
b. UG = PD/d
c. UG = fd/d
d. UG = ft/d

47. UT Thickness velocities are usually obtained from:

a. Tim’s Handy Velocity Book
b. Similar materials
c. Similar product forms
d. Both B & C, above

Page 38
48. Name one typical discontinuity detectable by the liquid penetrant method
a. I.P. on an NPS 2 girth weld
b. I.F. at the root of an NPS 2 girth weld
c. HAZ surface cracks on a NPS 2 girth weld
d. Slag inclusions on a NPS 8 longitudinal weld

49. What is to be done to excess penetrant remaining on the surface after the
specified penetration time as elapsed?
a. It must be removed
b. It can remain on the part
c. It must be developed
d. It must be removed with water only

50. What must be done to ensure 100% coverage on any NDE method?

51. When surface irregularities may mask indications of unacceptable

discontinuities, what is required?

52. List the type of discontinuities magnetic particle examination is effective

in detecting

53. What are the six penetrant techniques to be used?

54. What are the approved methods of indicating UT thickness


55. How is the “quality” of a radiograph evaluated?

56. Where are RT location markers placed, on the part or on the radiograph?

57. The IQI may be of what two types?

58. What is the critical hole in a hole type IQI?

59. What identify must also be included in the UT calibration records?

60. The IQI is normally placed on which side of a part?

61. A 4T hole on a 20 IQI has a diameter of:

62. List 4 types of blemishes not permitted on film

Page 39
63. When is a written radiographic procedure required by ASME V?

64. When should the developer be applied?

65. What type of discontinuity is the magnetic particle method most sensitive

66. What is the examination medium when using MT? What is the probing
medium when using MT? Exa medium is iron powder and probing
medium is Mag Field
67. When must ultrasonic equipment be calibrated?

68. How many IQ is should appear on each radiograph, except for panoramic

69. Are intensifying screens permitted for radiography per ASME V?

70. What two radiographic techniques are noted as available for


71. How can compliance with a written radiographic procedure be


72. List the type of discontinuity liquid penetrant examination is effective in


73. What must be done when a penetrant is to be applied on parts beyond 50-

74. The lifting power of yokes must be checked when?

75. How should welded butt-joints be prepared for radiograph?

76. Steel greater than 1.5 inch as per code “thick should be radiographed
with a cobalt source.
a. True
b. False

77. In magnetic particle examination of a welded joint using yokes, is

alternating current or direct current allowed? BOTH

Page 40
78. What method of Ultrasonic examination of the welds is permitted by the

79. Name three different methods of conducting “Visual Examinations” (VT)

80. From what type of material should shims be fabricated when they are to
be used to radiograph welds in pressure retaining items?

81.A A is a device used to determine the

image quality of radiograph
a. A step wedge comparison film
b. A densitometer
c. An IQI
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

82. In accordance with Section V, wire – type penetrameters.

a. Can always be used
b. Can be used unless restricted by the referencing Code
c. Can never be used
d. Can be used only with Type 1 film

83. A. What is meant by “non-destructive examination” of welded joint?

B. Name four methods of non-destructive examination.

84. In a radiographic film of a weld, how are the following characteristics

measured or judged?
a. Film sensitivity or quality
b. Film density

85. What is radiography?

86. What is the minimum and maximum allowable density through the image
of the penetrameter for radiographs made with:

a. A 2000 kV tube?
b. Cobalt 60 (Co60)?

Page 41
87. A single film technique was used to make a radiograph using a Cobalt-60
source. The minimum permitted density in the area of interest is:
a. 4.0
b. 1.8
c. 2.0
d. 1.3
e. None of the above

88. Under ASME Code Section V, what upper and lower density limits are
acceptable for viewing if the density through the body of the
penetrameter is 2.7? Assume single film viewing.

89. As a radiographer is removing cassettes (film holders) from a weld seam

that has just been radiographed, you notice that there is nothing attached
to the back of the cassettes. Would these radiographs be acceptable?
Explain your answer.
B should be placed on the back of the cassette . It should not be paced on
the part or on the film
90. What is the minimum number of IQI required for the following:
a. A complete girth seam containing 30 radiographs shot with a single
b. Twelve radiographs on a longitudinal seam shot from the outside with a
single exposure?

91. A radiograph is made using an X-ray source and two films in each film
holder. If the film is to be viewed separately the minimum permitted
density would be.
a. 4.0
b. 1.8
c. 2.0
d. 1.3
e. None of the above

92.A A weld with a nominal thickness of 1.5 inch is to be radiographed using

a film side penetrameter. The penetrameter designation should be:
(Note: This is an open book question)
a. 25
b. 30
c. 35
d. Both a and b are acceptable

Page 42
93. A. What are hole – type penetrameters and what are they used for

B. What are wire penetrameters and what are they used for?

94. In radiographing a butt welded joint of 1” thickness, on what side of the

weld is the penetrameter normally placed?

95. What type of flaws may be detect ed by:

a. Liquid Penetrant Testing?
b. Magnetic Particle Testing?
c. Radiographic examination?
d. Ultrasonic examination?

96. What is a densitometer used to determine?

97. A. What is the purpose of shims when performing radiography?

B. Where are they placed?

C. What kind of material may they be made from?

The radiographic density throughout the area of interest is no more than
Minus 15% from (lighter than) the radiographic density through the penetrameter.

98. Describe how the following surfaces should be prepared for Ultrasonic
a. Contact surfaces
b. Weld surfaces
c. Base material

99. Why are lead intensifying screens used in the X-ray examination

100. Name two radiation sources permitted for radiographic examination in

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.

101. When reviewing a radiograph, a dark image of the letter B can be seen
on the film. Does this indicate an unacceptable radiograph?

102. Describe how liquid penetrant examination should be performed in

order to detect discontinuities that are open to the surface, per Article 6
of ASME Code Section V
Page 43
Page 44
103. A. If IQIs are not placed on the source side, what rules apply?
B. for materials being radiographed other than welds, where are the
IQIs placed?

104. If the density through the IQI is 2.50, what would the maximum
allowable density and minimum allowable density be through the weld
represented by this un-shimmed IQI?

105. On a set of cassettes containing film for a seam just radiographed you
notice the lead location markers (i.e. 1-2, 2-3 etc) are taped to the
cassettes. Would these radiographs be acceptable? NO Location
markers should be placed on the part . it can be on the film side of the
part or the source side of the part

106. What length of indication is required to demonstrate that a visual

examination procedure is adequate per ASME V?
a. 1/32”
b. 1/16”
c. 3/32”
d. None of the above

107. Personnel performing visual examinations to ASME V must have

acuity to which of the following standards, if any?
a. Jaeger Type – 2
b. Jaeger Type – 1
c. Equivalent to Jaeger Type – 1
d. Either b or c, above

For API J1 only but for ASNT –SNT-TC-1A , it is J1 or J2 or Orthorater

108. Visual examination must be conducted when the eye is within

” of the piece to be examined
a. a)36
b. b)30
c. c)24
d. d)12

Page 45
109. An item is designed for 625 psig. The item will be tested at 1.5 x
Design pressure. What should the absolute minimum gauge range be on
a test of this pressure, per AXME V Appendix 10?
a. 0-1012 psig
b. 0-1518 psig
c. 0-2025 psig
d. 0-4050 psig

Test Pressure = 1.5 Design Pressure

Gauge Lower Range set Pressure : 1.5 x 1.5 x test pressure
Gauge higher range set pressure: 4x 1.5 x test pressure

110. The standard test temperature of a part to be bubble tested shall be

a. 40ºC – 120ºC
b. 4ºC – 52ºC
c. 40ºC – 125ºC
d. 4ºC – 125ºF

Pie gauge has 8 numbers of LOW CS Pie section of thk 1/32 inch . pie gauge
is best for dry method. It should be placed so that the copper side is away
from the inspected surface

Page 46

1. a
2. a
3. d
4. false
5. a
6. d
7. false
8. d
9. true
10. c
11. c
12. b
13. True
14. False
15. True
16. b
17. a
18. False
19. d
20. b
21. c
22. b
23. a
24. d
25. c
26. b
27. b
28. d
29. a
30. d
31. d
32. d
33. c
34. a
35. c
36. d
37. a
38. c
39. c
40. b
Page 47
41. a

Page 48
42. d
43. c
44. d
45. d
46. a
47. d
48. c
49. a
50. All examinations must overlap to ensure 100% coverage of the part
51. Grinding, machine, or other methods
52. Surface and slight subsurface indications
53. Color contrast or Fluorescent penetrant
a. Water washable
b. Post – emulsifying
c. Solvent removable

54. CRT, Digital, or meter

55. Ability to see the prescribed hole or wire on the designated penetrameter and
compliance with density requirements
56. On the part
57. Hole or wire types
58. 2T
59. Calibration block identity
60. Source side
61. 0.08”
62. a) Fogging
b) Processing defects
c) Scratches, finger marks, etc.
d) False indications due to defective screens
63. Article 2 requires the use of a written procedure for RT in all cases, but T-150
overrides, which states procedures are only required when specified by the
referencing code section (same as for UT, MT, PT and other NDE methods)
64. As soon as possible after penetrant removal. Not to exceed time in written
65. Surface discontinuities aligned perpendicular to the magnetic field.
66. Ferro-magnetic particles, magnetic fields
67. a) Beginning and end of each examination, every 4 hours
b) When personnel are changed
c) Anytime malfunction is suspected
68. At least one on each radiograph
69. Yes, except when restricted by the referencing code
70. Single wall and double wall
Page 49
71. By compliance with density and penetrameter image on the production or
technique radiographs
72. Surface discontinuities only
73. The procedure must be qualified using a quench – cracked aluminium block.
74. Prior to use within the last year or if the yoke has been damaged. Permanent
magnet yokes checked daily.
75. The weld ripples or surface irregularities on both the inside (if accessible) and
outside shall be removed by any suitable method.
76. 1.5” thick
77. Alternative current is used? Both are ok
78. Pulse–Echo Shear Wave Ultrasonics
79. a) Direct
b) Indirect or (remote visual examination)
c) Translucent
80. A shim shall be fabricated of radiographically similar material to the object to be
81. c
82. a
83. a) An examination of a welded joint that will disclose surface and sub-surface
discontinuities without physical harm to the welded joint. Such examinations
can be conducted by radiography ultrasonics, liquid penetrant or magnetic
particle testing.
b) - Radiographic Examination
- Ultrasonic Examination
- Magnetic Particle Examination
- Liquid Penetrant Examination

84. a) IQI
b) Densitometers or step-wedge comparison films.

85. A radiograph is a shadow picture produced by the passage of X-rays or gamma

– rays through an object onto a film. When the rays pass through the object,
part of the radiation penetrates the material and part is absorbed. The amount
of radiation absorbed and the amount that penetrates are a function of the
thickness of the material. Where a void or discontinuity exists, there is
essentially less material to absorb the radiation. Therefore, more radiation will
pass through this section and a dark spot corresponding to the projected
position of the void will appear on the film

86. a) 1.8 – 4.0 (for any X-ray source)

b) 2.0 – 4.0 (for any gamma source)

Page 50
87. e-The correct answer is –15% from the transmitted density through the body of
the penetrameter

88. -15% = 2.295

+30% = 3.510
89. No, as a check on backscattered radiation, a lead symbol “B” with minimum
dimensions of ½” height and 1/16” thickness shall be attached to the back of
each film holder. If a light image of the “B” appears on a darker background of
the radiograph, protection from backscatter is insufficient and the radiograph
shall be considered unacceptable. A dark image on a lighter background is not
cause for rejection.
90. a) Requires at least 3 IQIs spaced 120º apart.
b) Requires at least 12 IQI, one on each film.

91. b
92. a
93. A. An IQI is a small strip of material, fabricated of radiographically similar
material to the object being inspected, and having a thickness of
approximately 2% of the object being radiographed. The IQI has three
holes in it. The sizes of these holes are 1T, 2T and 4T where “T” is the
thickness of the IQI. The 2T is designated as the essential hole, i.e. the
hole whose image must appear on the radiograph. IQI thickness and
essential hole size requirements are listed in tables in Section V of the
ASME Code.

The IQI is identified with a number made of lead that is attached to the IQI.
This number indicates the thickness of the IQI in thousandths of an inch.

An IQI is used for evaluating radiographic technique in that it serves as an

image quality indicator, proper technique should display the IQI image and
the specified hole.

B Wire type IQI use thin wires to ascertain sensitivity instead of holes. The
ability to see the wire required by the code indicates a quality radiograph.

94. The IQI should be placed the source side of the material being radiographed.
However, where inaccessibility prevents this, the IQI may be placed on the film
side of the material being radiographed provided a lead letter “F” at least as
high as the identification number is placed adjacent to the IQI.

Page 51
95. a) Surface discontinuities
b) Surface and slight sub-surface discontinuities
c) Surface and sub-surface discontinuities
d) Surface and sub-surface discontinuities

96. A densitometer (or step wedge comparison film) shall be used for judging film
density requirements. Film density is a measure of overall darkening of the
radiograph, which is directly related to the sensitivity, definition, and overall
quality of the technique.

97. a) Shims may be used when necessary to produce a radiograph in which the
radiographic density throughout the area of interest is no more than minus 15%
from (lighter than) the radiographic density through the IQI.

98. a) The finished contact surface shall be free from weld splatter and any
roughness that would interfere with free movement of this search unit or impair
the transmission of ultrasonic vibrations.
b) The weld surfaces shall be finished so they cannot mask or be confused with
reflections from defects, and should merge smoothly into the surfaces of the
adjacent base materials.
c) The volume of base material through which the sound will travel in angle
beam examination shall be completely scanned with a straight beam search
unit to detect reflectors which might affect interpretation of angle beam results.

99. Lead foil intensifying screens used in the X-ray examination may be placed
directly in front of the film. The screen provides an intensifying action and in
addition, the back one acts as filter bay preferentially absorbing backscattered
radiation from the specimen thus improving image quality.

100. The two common radiographic sources in industrial use today are X-ray
machines and artificially produced radioactive isotopes of certain metallic

101. No.

102. The part is first thoroughly cleaned of oil, dirt, etc, then a liquid penetrant is
applied to the surface to be examined and allowed to enter the discontinuities.
All excess penetrant is then removed, the part is dried, and a developer is
applied. The developer functions both as a blotter to absorb penetrant that has
been trapped in discontinuities and as a contrasting background to entance the

Page 52
visibility of penetrant indications. The dyes in penetrants are either color
contrast (visible under white light) or fluorescent (visible under ultraviolet light).

103. a) The penetrameter should be placed on the source side of the material
being radiographed. However, where inaccessibility prevents this, the
penetrameter may be placed on the film side of the material being radiographed
provided a lead letter “F” at least as high as the identification number is placed
adjacent to the penetrameter.
b) For material other than weld a source side penetrameter shall be placed
in the area of interest.

104. Minus 15% to plus 30% allowed

2.5 + 30% = 2.5 + 0.75 = 3.25
2.5 – 15% = 2.5 – 0.4 = 2.125

105. No Location markers that are to appear on the radiographic film should be
placed on the part being examined and not on the cassettes.
106. d
107. d
108. c
109. b
110. b

Page 53
1. A film side penetrameter can be used for :
a. Inaccessible welds (unable to hand place a source penetrameter)
b. All welds
c. All castings at any time
d. An alternative to a source-side wire penetrameter

2. A dark image of the “B”on a lighter background is

a. Acceptable
b. Rejectable
c. Sometimes rejectable
d. None of the above

3. The accuracy of a piece of magnetizing equipment that is equipped with

an ammeter shall be verified
a. Each year
b. Each two years
c. When possible
d. Every 6 months

4. When using fluorescent penetrant the examiner shall be in a darkened

area for at least minutes prior to performing the examination
a. 7
b. 10
c. 9
d. 5

5. A field indicator is composed of low carbon steel pie

sections, furnace brazed together
a. 2
b. 6
c. 10
d. 8

6. When should a densitometer be calibrated as a minimum?

a. Annually
b. Every 90 days
c. Wherever it is turned on
d. As required by the Examiner

Page 54
7. A welded part is to be radiographed and is 1” thick, with 1/8”
reinforcement. What ASTM wire set IQI should be used on these
radiographs if a source side technique is used:
a. Set A
b. Set B
c. Set C
d. Set D

8. The sulphur content of a penetrant is measured to be less than 0.0025g.

This material is acceptable for use on:
a. Nickel-base alloys
b. Carbon steel
c. Ferritic steel
d. All of the above

9. A penetramter is used on a DWE/DWV. The penetrameter selection is

based on:
a. The single wall thickness Actual Weld reinforcement
b. Both wall thicknesses
c. The single wall thickness + Estimated weld reinforcement
d. None of the above

10. What designation is used to indicate the penetrameter is on the film side?
a. An “F”
b. An “E”
c. A “D”
d. An “FS”

11. What is a shim used for?

a. UT filed adequacy
b. RT along with peni
c. MT field strength and direction
d. MT field current applications

12. Name one typical discontinuity detectable by the magnetic particle

a. Lack of penetration
b. Interpass lack of fusion
c. Slag inclusions
Page 55
d. Toe cracks

13. When are location markers placed on the film side in SWV for curved
a. Concave side is toward the source
b. Source-to-material distance greater than IR
c. A cobalt source is used
d. Both a and b above

14. What is the difference between an inspection and an examination per

Section V of the ASME Code?
a. Inspection performed AI
b. Examination performed by manufacturer’s personnel
c. There is no difference between the two
d. Both a and b above

15. Geometric un-sharpness is determined by

a. UG = Fd/D
b. UG = PD/d
c. UG = fd/d
d. UG = ft/d

16. Name one typical discontinuity detectable by the liquid penetrant method
a. I.P. on an NPS 2 girth weld
b. I.F. at the root of an NPS 2 girth weld
c. HAZ surface cracks on a NPS 2 girth weld
d. Slag inclusions on a NPS 8 longitudinal weld

17. A single film technique was used to make a radiograph using a Cobalt-60
source. The minimum permitted density in the area of interest is:
a. 4.0
b. 1.8
c. 2.0
d. 1.3
e. None of the above

18.A A weld with a nominal thickness of 1.5 inch is to be radiographed using

a film side penetrameter. The penetrameter designation should be:
(Note: This is an open book question)
a. 25
b. 30
c. 35
Page 56
d. Both a and b are acceptable


1 a
2 b
3 a
4 d
5 d
6 b
7 b
8 a
9 c
10 a
11 b
12 d
13 d
14 d
15 d
16 c
17 c
18 a

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