Na Sept
Na Sept
Na Sept
Instructions: -
(B) 8
Q3. (a) What is free surface effect? How can be avoided or reduced.
(b) Give the components of ships resistance while vessel is
RF= fxSxVn N
(B) The bow flare is the outward curvature given to the
bows to ensure that the wake is symmetrically distributed
to both sides of the ship. This ensures directional stability
when moving ahead. It is important for all ships for the
reasons mentioned above. To some extent it reduces wave
making resistance.
Q6. A. Describe how the force on the ship’s bottom and the GM
vary when grounding takes place. B. A ship of 8,000 tonnes
displacement takes the ground on a sand bank on a falling tide at
an even keel draft of 5.2 metres. KG 4.0 metres. The predicted
depth of water over the sand bank at the following low water is 3.2
metres. Calculate the GM at this time assuming that the KM will
then be 5.0 metres and that mean TPC is 15 tonne. 2017/SR11
2018/SR03 2018/SR0
Answer:-Repeat Question
Answer:-Repeat question.
b. The shaft power of a ship is 3000 KW, the ship’s speed V is 13.2
knot. Propeller rps is 1.27. Propeller pitch is 5.5m and the speed of
advance is 11 Knots. Find:i. Real Slipii. Wake fractioniii. Propeller
thrust, when its efficiency, η = 70% 2018/SR09