Calculation of RCC Arch Girder Staging

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Designed by: Prodip Kumar Mondal Date 5/29/2024

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1 - General Arrangement of R.C.C. Arch Girder Bridge:

Length of girder, Lg = 60.0 m = 196.8 ft.
Width of bridge, Wb = 13.4 m = 44.0 ft.
Width of footpath, Wf = 0.95 m = 3.12 ft.
Number of girder, Ng = 2.0 nos.

C/L of bearing

C/L of bearing
19 ft. 158 ft. span of R.C.C. arch bridge

Pier cap Pier cap


Figure 1-1: Sectional Elevation of R.C.C. Arch Bridge

44.0 ft. total width

1.6 ft.
24.0 ft. roadway width 9.8 ft. 3.1
8.0 in. deck slab 2.0 in. WC

50 in.

41.3 ft.
32 in. X - girder
Figure 1-2: X - Section of R.C.C. Arch Bridge

1.1 - Height of R.C.C. long girder:

Minm height of fixed R.C.C. - girder including deck, h g with deck = 0.065Lg = 123.3 in.
Applied height of composite R.C.C. - girder, hg = 72.0 in.

72 in.


28 in.
Figure 1-3: X - Section of R.C.C. Arch Girder for Arch Bridge
102.0 in.

8.0 in.

6.0 in.
6 in.

50 in.

16 in.
Figure 1-3: X - Section of Composite R.C.C. X-Girder (Interior)

118.0 in.

8.0 in.

6.0 in.
6 in.

50 in.

22 in.
Figure 1-3: X - Section of Composite R.C.C. X-Girder (Support)

2 - Dead Load & Live Load of Superstructure:

Number of long girder, Ng-long = 2.0 nos.
Number of x-girder, nx-girder = 25.0 nos.
Concrete strength (28-days) of girder, f'cg = 4.4 ksi
Unit weight of concrete, γc (5.0 < f'cg < 15 ksi) = 0.14+0.001×f'cg = 0.15 kcf
(T 3.5.1-1, AASHTO-2017, Page; 3-19)
Unit weight of wearing course, γwc = 0.14 kcf
X-sectional area of arch rib, Ag-arch = 15.71 sft.
X-sectional area of non-composite long girder, Ag-long = 14.0 sft.
X-sectional area of non-composite x-girder at support, Ax-girder(support) = 7.6 sft.
X-sectional area of non-composite x-girder at interior, Ax-girder(interior) = 5.6 sft.
X-sectional area of deck slab, Adeckslab = 25.75 sft.
X-sectional area of wearing surface, Aws = 6.4 sft.
Spacing of props along the alignment (assumed) = 0.90 m = 3.0 ft.
Effective length of girder for staging, Lg-staging = 158.1 ft.
2.1 - Long girder weight:
Long girder weight, DCL-girder = Ag-long * γc = 2.0 k/ft./gir.
Total weight of long girder = 641.9 kip

2.2 - X-girder weight:

X-girder weight at support, DCX-girder(support) = Ag-x-girder(support) * γc = 1.11 k/ft./gir.
Weight of x-girder at support = 91.5 kip
X-girder weight at interior, DCX-girder(interior) = Ag-x-girder(interior) * γc = 0.81 k/ft./gir.
Weight of x-girder at interior = 764.9 kip
Total weight of x-girder = 856.4 kip

2.3 - Deck slab weight:

Deck slab weight, DCdeck = As-deck * γc = 3.7 k/ft.
Total deck slab weight = 590.2 kip

2.4 - Wearing surface weight:

Wearing surface weight, DWws = Aws * γwc = 0.9 k/ft.
Total wearing surface weight = 0.0 kip

2.5 - Arch rib weight:

Arch rib weight, DCarch = Ag-arch * γc = 2.3 k/ft./gir.
Total wearing surface weight = 864.2 kip

2.6 - Load on Individual Pipes:

Total load of superstructure on staging = 2953 kip
= 1339 ton
Formwork weight (assume 10% of dead load weight) = 133.9 ton
Construction live load (assume 5% of dead load weight) = 67.0 ton
Total load on staging = 1540 ton
Number of 5-6 in. φ pipe will be used at transverse direction (assumed) = 12.0 no's
Number of 5-6 in. φ pipe will be required at longitudinal direction (single row) = 53 no's
Total number of pipe will be required = 636 no's
Average applied load on individual pipes, P = 2421 kg
3 - Driving Capacity:
Weight of hammer (standard), W = 250 kg
Free fall height of hammer, H = 6 ft. = 1829 mm
Penetration constant, C (as SI units) = 25
Average penetration on last 10 blow, S = 10 mm

3.1 - Capacity of Post:

Capacity of post, P =1/6*(W*H)/(S+C) = 2178 kg
Factor of safety, f = applied load on pipes/capacity of post = 0.90
Increase the number of pipes
Assume block size (8 inch. Thick) = 2 ft. X 2 ft.
= 4.0 sft.
Assume hard bed capacity = 1.0 tsf.
Required capacity = 0.605 tsf.

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