The Bro Split
The Bro Split
The Bro Split
It is crucial that you fully warm up before going into any working sets here. Warm Up &
Feeder Sets will not be listed in the program here, but I highly advise that you implement
these leading into your working sets. Feeder Sets are typically the rep range of 4-6 reps
while Warm Up Sets can be higher. The goal of utilizing these sets is to prime the muscle for
the working sets & heavier loads, not to fatigue yourself. How many Warm Up or Feeder
Sets you should implement will vary depending on the movement you are doing & how far
into the workout you are.
Example of what utilizing Warm Up & Feeder Sets may look like for - Squats / 1 top set of
8-10 reps, followed by 1 back off set to failure (reduce load by about 15%) :
135 lbs x 12-15 reps / 225 lbs x 4-6 reps / 315 lbs x 4-6 reps / 365 lbs x 4-6 reps /
405 lbs x 9 reps (1st working set) / 345 lbs x 11 reps (2nd working set)
When it comes to rest times between working sets, I want you to take as much time as you
need in order to be able to effectively execute your next set with full effort. Depending on
the movement, this can potentially be anywhere from one to ve minutes. Right around 3
minutes is usually the sweet spot for most movements, but can de nitely be on the higher
end for movements that produce more fatigue such as squat variations or RDL’s. You don’t
ever want to go into a set panting, out of breath, & not able to give full effort. So take the
time that you need between sets, but do not be excessive for no reason. At the end of the
day you are here to work. It’s not supposed to be easy.
All movements should always be controlled throughout the entire range of motion. I want
you to have a 2-3 second controlled eccentric on ALL MOVEMENTS (unless noted
otherwise) and then having an explosive all out effort concentric. On the concentric I want
you to have the intention of moving the weight as fast as you can in a CONTROLLED
manner, while understanding that this doesn’t necessarily mean that the weight is actually
going to move fast.
mastering execution & being able to maintain that same execution as we deal with heavier
loads. If you can not maintain the same tempo & execution once you increase weight, then
you are not ready to be using that weight for working sets. Remember, always EXECUTE
WITH INTENT. This is not about how much weight we can move from Point A to Point B. You
will always get more out of less weight with better control/execution, than you ever will with
more weight & worse execution.
The sets listed in this program are ALL TRUE WORKING SETS TO ABSOLUTE FAILURE.
Meaning that you do not stop a set short if failure isn’t reached. For example, if it says “Max
set of 10-12 reps” & you end up not reaching failure by rep 12, then you keep the set going
until you fail. The goal is to be using weight that you will be reaching failure with in that
given rep range goal, but it doesn’t mean the set stops there if you end up being able to do
more. You’ll just know to go heavier the next time around.
I want you to push your limits here. I want you to understand what true failure is. When the
set gets hard, is when the set starts. Do not be afraid to fail. This is more of a mental battle
than most people ever realize, especially when it comes to training legs.
Exercise selection is laid out in the program. For some movements there are multiple
options given, I want you to choose & stick with the exercises that best suit your needs &
that you get the best stimulus from. It is important to be consistent with a majority of the
movements that you do for a period of time so that you can continue to progressively
overload on them & improve, but it is also ne to alternate & switch between some
movement variations on weekly or biweekly basis as well if you wish to.
Calves are included on both Day 2 & Day 5 at the end of the workout. IF CALVES ARE A
WEAK POINT that you want to prioritize, then I suggest moving those exercises to the
beginning of your training session & starting your workout with calves, rather than doing
them at the end.
When training calves, it is CRUCIAL to make sure that you are truly going through the full
range of motion, as with any exercise. But with calves speci cally, people rarely do this, and
aren’t even aware of it. Typically because they tend to go much heavier than they really
should, as it is easy to load a ton of weight on a calf raise & just bounce the weight up.
You need to leave your ego at the door here. Start light, work your way up, EMPHASIZE
THE STRETCH. Do not bounce at all. Focus on getting a solid contraction & squeezing at
the top of every repetition.
AMRAP : As Many Reps As Possible
REST PAUSE SET : One total set consisting of 3 total attempts/rounds, with a 15
breath rest (approximately 30 seconds) in between each attempt. On a Rest Pause
Set, you are going to all out failure on the very rst attempt & every attempt
afterwards, while maintaining the same weight for all attempts.
Example :
135 lbs x 11 reps | 15 breath rest | 135 lbs x 5 reps | 15 breath rest | 135 lbs x 3 reps
FEEDER SET : Feeder sets can bridge the gap between your warm up & working
sets. They are typically anywhere from 4-6 reps. The purpose is to increase weight
on each feeder which primes your muscles to the load that will be placed on them
during your rst working set, without expending an excessive amount of energy.
They can also help prevent injury, & more often than not, utilizing feeders can also
help you realize that you may be able to do more weight than you initially thought.
PARTIAL REPS : Coming half way down or half way up, not full range of motion.
Usually implemented at the end of a set as an intensi er once total failure has been
reached & you can no longer complete any more reps with full range of motion.
I have included Abs as a separate workout here, as it is not programmed in any of the days
in the split. I suggest that you train abs at least 1-2x per week. But you can most de nitely
train them more often if you wish, up to every day can be completely ne. You can
incorporate this Ab Workout to the end of any of your training sessions, fasted in the
morning before you eat your rst meal, which works out great if you’re someone who does
fasted cardio regularly, or really any other time of the day is ne.
If you can not do these hanging, you can use Ab Straps or order some online. You can
also use one of those leg raise machines where you support yourself with your forearms
Sets 1-4 : 15-20 reps or AMRAP if you can not do that many.
Kneeling Cable Crunches or Ab Crunch Machine
Again, you want to be fully expanding & contracting your core here. Keep your butt in a
xed position, do not move it back in effort to help you complete a rep, you want your
core to be doing the work here.
*You can also practice vacuums daily, which is another ab exercise in itself.
Brie y pause the bottom of each rep before exploding up. As always, CONTROL the
eccentric & maintain the same tempo on every rep.
Prioritize DEPTH here. Pull yourself down by holding onto the handles & keep your butt
down on the seat. You do not want your butt to start lifting up & start creating lumbar
exion here, putting pressure onto your spine.
Emphasize the stretch here, force yourself into a position that forces you into a stretch,
the weight should not be hitting the rack in the fully stretched position.
4 second eccentric / 1 second pause at full stretch / 1 second pause at peak contraction
on every rep
Whether you are doing lying leg curls or standing single leg curls, keep your hips pushed
into the padding & focus on moving the weight through your hamstrings, don’t let your
hips start shooting back excessively in effort to get the weight up. If this happens you
most likely need to go lighter.
Set 3 : Reduce load & do another set to failure aiming for 20 reps.
Barbell RDL’s or Dumbbell RDL’s
Focus on pushing your hips back on the eccentric, CONTROL it. 3-4 seconds on the way
down should suf ce. Fully pause for 1 second at the bottom of the movement in the fully
stretched position, emphasizing the stretch in your hamstrings here. Then drive up
through your glutes & fully contract them at the top.
Brief pause at the bottom of each rep. Focus on driving your biceps into your chest at
peak contraction.
Brief pause at the bottom of each rep. Focus on driving your biceps into your chest at
peak contraction.
Set 2 : Maintain load & do a Rest Pause Set of 3 total attempts to absolute failure.
Aim for around 8-11 reps on rst attempt, 3-6 reps on second attempt, 2-4
reps on nal attempt.
Seated Cable Fly / or Pec Deck Machine Fly
Feel free to place a half roller on the seat so that it is against your back, if you have
access to one. Wrap a band around it to keep it in place.
Focus on getting a full stretch in your chest, then as you contract & lengthen your arms,
drive your biceps into your chest. Imagine trying to get your forearms to touch each other
at peak contraction.
Set 3 : Max set of 6-10 reps, followed by a drop set. Reduce load by about 20-30%
then immediately go to absolute failure again while maintaining the same
tempo here.
Grab 2 moderately heavy dumbbells (40-60lbs) & using a at bench, lie down & hold the
dumbbells in the bottom stretched position for 60 seconds. Keep your chest up & back
arched, emphasize the stretch here. If you feel any pain or discomfort then immediately
Set 1 : Work up to a max set of 10-12 reps while maintaining this tempo
Set 2 : Maintain the same load & do another set to all out failure
Set 3 : Reduce load by 20% & do another set to all out failure. On this set, only hold
the stretch for 1 second on each rep.
When doing these, focus on driving your knees forward at peak contraction of every rep.
Think knees over toes.
Set 1 : Work up to a max set of 15-20 reps aiming for the top of the rep range.
Set 2 : Maintain the same load & go to failure again aiming to at least hit 15 reps.
Set 3 : Maintain the same load & do a Rest Pause Set of 3 total attempts to absolute
failure. On the nal attempt, once total failure is reached, I want you to
continue to do 10 partial reps from the bottom, CONTROLLED. Do not
When doing these, focus on driving your knees forward at peak contraction of every rep.
Think knees over toes.
Set 1 : Max set of 10-12 reps
Use a loaded Leg Press, Seated, or Standing Calf Raise, & hold the stretched position for
60 seconds.
Depending on which movement you choose will dictate your exact set up but regardless
of that, the primary focus here is lats. Therefore, you want to be driving your elbow down
to your hip, not shrugging up & letting your upper back takeover. Keep your arm close &
adducted to your torso. At peak contraction, you can slightly crunch in (not excessively)
to assist in shortening your lat more. I want you to hold & emphasize the peak contraction
of every rep for a brief second. Imagine you’re trying to “stab the oor” with your elbow at
peak contraction of every rep.
Perform unilaterally (one side at a time). Take a short rest between performing each side
then take a full rest once you’ve done both sides, before doing the next set.
Full pause at the stretch / 1 second hold at peak contraction of every rep
Set 3 : Reduce load by 15-20% & do another set to all out failure.
Keep chest down, pressed against the pad. Do not lift yourself up & start involving your
lower back on the concentric in effort to get the weight up. You want to be driving the
weight through your upper back. Imagine squeezing a pencil between your shoulder
blades at peak contraction. If you haven’t mastered this movement yet then start lighter
here, make sure you have execution down here & can thoroughly feel your upper back
working throughout this movement rst & foremost before going heavier.
Hold the peak contraction & squeeze as hard as you can on every rep for 1 second.
Set 2 : Reduce load by 15-20% & do a Rest Pause Set of 3 total attempts to absolute
Example :
Set 1 : 70 lbs x AMRAP | Set 2 : 80 lbs x AMRAP | Set 3 : 90 lbs x AMRAP.
Brief pause in the fully stretched position & brief hold at peak contraction on every rep.
Make sure you are getting a full contraction on every rep, there’s a reason why we are
utilizing the assisted machine here. Remember, execute with intent. 3 sets total.
Emphasize squeezing your lats & hold the peak contraction on every rep for a brief
Set 2 : Maintain load & do a Rest Pause Set of 3 total attempts to absolute failure.
Use a loaded weighted belt & dead hang from a pull up bar. Use a wide grip & sink into the
stretch. Make sure you continue to breathe & use a wide grip, if grip is too narrow, your
shoulders can come in & cut off airway.
Seated Smith Machine Press or Any Shoulder Press Machine
Set 1 : Work up to weight you can get 10-12 reps with & do a Rest Pause Set of 3
total attempts to absolute failure.
When doing these, allow your arms to come all the way down & stretch the delt at the
Start lighter & increase weight on each set if you can. If you can’t hit 20-25 reps with the
lowest weight on the stack then just stay there & do AMRAP for all 3 sets.
Fully stretch out at the end of the movement & focus on moving the weight with your rear
delts on the concentric. Don’t let your traps take over on this movement, start light.
Sets 1-3 : 3 max sets of 15 reps (if you can get more then keep going until absolute
failure is reached), followed by 15 heavy partial reps.
When doing these, focus on driving your knees forward at peak contraction of every rep.
Think knees over toes.
Here you’re going to do 30 total reps with a 10 second hold on the peak contraction every
10 reps, so - 10 reps, 10 sec hold, 10 reps, 10 sec hold, 10 reps, 10 sec hold.
Focus on squeezing as hard as you can on each hold. This will get extremely hard so
make sure that you start light.
Sets 1-3 : 30 reps with 10 second hold at peak contraction every 10 reps.
Sets 1-2 | 5 second hold at the fully stretched position on every rep.
Sets 3-4 | 1 second hold at the fully stretched position on every rep.
Set 4 : Max set of 15-20 reps, followed by a drop set aiming for another 10-15 reps.
When doing these, focus on driving your knees forward at peak contraction of every rep.
Think knees over toes.
Use a loaded Leg Press, Seated, or Standing Calf Raise, & hold the stretched position for
60 seconds.
Brie y Hold & Squeeze the contraction as hard as you can on every rep
Set 2 : Maintain load & do an Alternating Rest Pause Set of 3 total attempts to
absolute failure.
Smith Machine JM Press / Close Grip Smith Machine Press / Dumbbell Skullcrushers
Fully lock triceps out & squeeze at the top of every rep. You should feel your triceps
driving the weight here.
Unilateral Seated Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension / Unilateral Seated Overhead
Cable Tricep Extension / or Bilateral Katana Extensions
Use a Dip Machine here / if you don’t have access to a Dip Machine then you can do
regular bodyweight dips (as long as you are reaching failure within the goal rep range) /
dips on the assisted machine / or weighted dips if you are strong enough.
Sets 1-3 : 3 max sets of 8-12 reps
Preacher Curl Machine or Cable Preacher Curls
When doing these, position your body so that your chest is facing outwards away from the
arm you are working. Make sure that your arm is fully pressed down into the pad & you
aren’t lifting your shoulder up. As you reach peak contraction at the top, try to slightly lift
your elbow up off of the pad while keeping your upper arm still pressed down, this will
allow you to shorten your bicep more & result in a greater peak contraction. Fully extend
your arm on the eccentric, allowing your bicep to get a full stretch.
Brie y pause in the fully stretched position / 2 second hold at peak contraction of every
Set 2 : Maintain load & do an Alternating Rest Pause Set of 3 total attempts to
absolute failure.
2 second hold in the fully stretched position / 2 second hold on peak contraction
Set 2 : Maintain load & do as many Rest Pause Attempt’s as it takes to get to a total
of 25 reps
1 second hold in the fully stretched position / 1 second hold at peak contraction
1 second hold in the fully stretched position / 1 second hold at peak contraction