Prabhas Tripathi FD Form
Prabhas Tripathi FD Form
Prabhas Tripathi FD Form
Deposit Details
Type of Deposit : Fixed Deposit Fixed Deposit with Credit Card (Offer valid in select cities. Terms and conditions apply)
Recurring Deposit Tax Saver Fixed Deposit Loan/ Overdraft against Term Deposit
Period of Deposit : 1 Years 3 Months 0 Days. Rate of Interest : 7.1 % per annum
Interest payout option : Cumulative (Interest will be paid on maturity) Quarterly Monthly (Rate of Interest will be discounted)
Deposit Amount : Rs. 150000 (Rupees ONE LAKH FIFTY THOUSAND RUPEES ONLY )
PAN number of First applicant : FQRPS9698C (Mandatory of Deposit amount of Rs 50,000/- & above and Tax Server FD.)
Mode of Operation : Singly Jointly Either or Survivor Former or Survivor Later or Survivor Other
Note : In case applicant proposes to open a Joint FD Account and failed to specify the mode of operation, the same should be as 'Jointly'
Payment Details
Pament Mode and Details of Deposit : Cheque Cash Standing or Debit Instruction
Cash Details Cheque Details
Deno X Pieces Rs. Bank Name: ___________________________________________
______X ______ ______________________________ Branch Name : ___________________________________________
______X ______ ______________________________ Cheque No. : ___________________________________________
Total_________ Rs. __________________________ Amount : ___________________________________________
Debit Instruction / Standing Instruction :
Fixed Deposit : I/We authorize ICICI Bank to debit Rs. 150000 from account no 253901501368 to open a fixed deposit
Recurring Deposit : I/We authorize ICICI Bank to debit monthly installment of Rs. ________________________________from account
No : _____________________________________on______________________day of every month towards Recurring Deposit installment
Interest Payout Option ( For monthly quaterly options only) Maturity Instructions of Fixed / Recurring Deposit
Credit to my ICICI Bank A/C No.______________________ Auto Renew my Fixed Deposit on date of maturity for same tenure
(At prevailing rate of interest) OR
Issue DD/PO in _________________________(Name)
Auto Close my Fixed Deposit on the date of maturity (Tick any one
and payable at _________________________(City) option below)
Transfer fund through NEFT to my account no._________________ Credit to my ICICI Bank account no : _______________
With ________________________________Bank OR
Having IFSC Code _____________________________ Issue DD/PO in __________________________(Name)
and payable at __________________________(City)
Tax to be deducted at Source. No Tax to be deducted at Source.
Please attach Form 15G/15H (for senior citizen) / Tax Exemption Certificate in case tax is not supposed to be deducted at source.
TDS shall be applicable on Fixed Deposits / Recurring deposits placed with the Bank.
Customer Copy
Date : 30/08/2023 Account No/Customer ID : 253901501368 / 531761583 Branch Name _________________________
Type of Deposit : Fixed Deposit Fixed Deposit with Credit Card (Offer valid in select cities. Terms and conditions apply)
Recurring Deposit Tax Saver Fixed Deposit Loan/ Overdraft against Term Deposit
Applicant Name : MRS.SARANYA P Joint Applicants : ____________________
Amount of deposit (In figures) : 150000 Period of Deposit : 1 Years 3 Months 0 Days. Rate of Interest 7.1 % pa
Interest Payout option : Cumulative Quarterly Monthly Maturity Instruction : Auto Renewal Auto Closure
Separate Form 15G/15H has to be submitted every Financial Year to claim exemption from TDS as exemption will be available from the date of
receipt of Form15G/H till the end of the Financial Year.
Bank Officer's Initials : __________________________________
OR For physical copy of receipt please select Issue me/us physical Fixed Deposit Receipt
Note: Enjoy higher returns at prevailing FD interest rate.
I/ We understand that nomination and its details as provided in my Saving/ Current Account with the Bank from which the FD/RD is created
shall also be applicable to such FD/RD