The TOEIC test in ● Test of everyday English: workplace, a nutshell! business, leisure, travel, health… ● 2 parts = Listening and Reading Comprehension ● Multiple choice = 200 questions (100/section) ● Results = 990 (max.) → ≃ 4.95 pts/q° ○ 120 (≃ 25 q°) to 225 points = A1 ○ 225 (≃ 46 q°) to 550 points = A2 ○ 550 (≃ 112 q°) to 785 points = B1 ○ 785 (≃ 159 q°) to 935 points = B2 ○ Over 935 points (≃ 189 q°) = C1 TIPS
1. Bring an HB pencil + eraser
2. All questions have the same value 3. No penalty for incorrect answers, so guess! 4. Work fast – don’t lose time on difficult questions TOEIC Listening Format 100 questions, 45 minutes Part I: Photographs (10 questions) Part II: Question-Response (30 questions) Listening and Part III: Short Conversations (30 questions) Part IV: Short Talks (30 questions) Reading Test Reading 100 questions, 75 minutes Part V: Incomplete Sentences (40 questions) Part VI: Text completion (12 questions) Part VII: Reading Comprehension - Single Passages (28 questions), Double Passages (20 questions) You will only hear the propositions once. The questions come and go quickly, the test is long and the types of questions are not very varied. So it is very easy to lose track. Besides, you will often have doubts between several answer choices and will not have enough time to answer. If a new question is announced and you have not yet answered the previous question, answer randomly and concentrate on the next question. Don't try to backtrack. LISTENING PART 1 - Picture identification (10 questions)
This part consists of a total of
10 pictures or 10 questions.
The picture appears and then the
soundtrack gives you 4 choices of answers. You must select the one that best matches the A) The pedestrians are in the forest. picture. B) The people are going camping. C) The cyclist are on a path. D) The cyclists are about to stop. How much time will you need to get here? LISTENING A) It shouldn't take me more than half an hour. B) It's at 5 o'clock. PART 2 - Question/Response C) I've already been there 4 or 5 times. (30 questions) Have you seen Vanessa this morning? A) No, she hasn't chosen it yet. B) Vanessa was with Elise on Sunday. C) Well her car's in the lot, so she must be here.
He likes sport, doesn't he?
You will listen to short A) He plays rugby and tennis. sentences. Each statement is B) No, they don't. associated with 3 propositions C) Yes, he does indeed. from which you must choose the one that best corresponds to the It's a beautiful day today. question. A) I was there yesterday. B) The blue boxes. C) Yes, I hope it continues. LISTENING LISTENING PART 3: Short conversations PART 4: Short talks (30 questions) (30 questions)
You will listen to 10 monologues
this time. One person speaks about a given subject: a You will listen to 10 personal experience, a problem conversations of 40 seconds at work... each, for example, between two employees discussing the email For each monologue you will be sent by the management. For each asked 3 questions with 4 conversation, there will be 3 possible answers. You will have questions. to choose the right answer. 1. When you need supplies,..........a request with the office manager. READING A. filling PART 5: Incomplete sentences B. fell C. fallen (40 questions) D. file
2. The last train to 10:30.
A. depart B. departs C. to depart This section of the TOEIC D. departing Reading test consists of 40 independent sentences in which 3. The vice-president will be seated .......... the one word (or group of words) is chairman at the banquet. missing. You must complete the A. as sentence with one of the four B. by suggested answers. C. to D. from Dear Mr Samson,
READING Further to your letter dated 16th May, I ________
you a report of machinery failure at the plant which PART 6: Text completion (12 occurred on the 14th May. questions) (A) send (B) have been sending (C) am sending (D) might send I have consulted the shift manager and his team who were present at the time of the breakdown and consulted the files submitted in relation to this Part 6 is quite short: 12 incident. questions spread over 4 texts, The packing machine in hall 2, which is situated typically letters, emails or just after the main conveyor belt ceased to memos. Generally speaking, the function at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Despite the tone of the texts is formal and rapid arrival of the maintenance crew on ________ typical of the workplace or production stopped for close to an hour while everyday life. equipment was being checked. (A) the locals, (B) the premises, (C) the invoices, (D) the counterparts, Dear Mr Samson,
READING Further to your letter dated 16th May, I ________
you a report of machinery failure at the plant which PART 7: Reading comprehension occurred on the 14th May. (A) send (B) have been sending (C) am sending (D) might send I have consulted the shift manager and his team who were present at the time of the breakdown and consulted the files submitted in relation to this Part 6 is quite short: 12 incident. questions spread over 4 texts, The packing machine in hall 2, which is situated typically letters, e-mails or just after the main conveyor belt ceased to memos. Generally speaking, the function at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Despite the tone of the texts is formal and rapid arrival of the maintenance crew on ________ typical of the workplace or production stopped for close to an hour while everyday life. equipment was being checked. (A) the locals, (B) the premises, (C) the invoices, (D) the counterparts, TOEIC ENTRY TEST Remember to upload a screenshot of your results on Moodle
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