Fer Goute Livre Recet Morisien - Edisyon Special Confinement 2020-1

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Table of Contents

I. Introduction………………………………………………………………….…………….………….
II. Team Presentation…………………………………………………………………………………….
III. Food Recipes………………………………………….........................................................................
1. Pizza sub………………………………………………………………………………………….…………...
2. Mine apollo saumon……………………………………………….………………………………………….
3. Poulet saute a la sauce sinoise………………………………………………………………..……………….
4. Kari poisson masala ek aloo farata…………………………………………………………...………………
5. Gato banan, croket veg, croket fromaz, croket poule, boulet thon, poule kroustiyan.……………………….
6. Dipin, gato dal………………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. Mine frai, mine frire …………………………………………………………………………………………
8. Pizza sardine, gato greo ……………………………………………………………………………………...
9. Kari soya masala, ti puri ……………………………………………………………………………………..
10. Poule Kentucky, baguet fromaz ……………………………………………………………..…………….…
11. Riz safrane, saucisses grille salad lentil ……………………………………………………………………..
12. Tandoori corn mutton, gato nankatay………………………………………………………………………...
13. Mine apollo renverse………………………………………………………………………………………....
14. Kari lefwa mutton, diriz persiye………………………………………………….…………………………..
15. Kari agneaux masala, dal puri, salad…………………………………………………..……………………..
16. Dal pita, satini pomme d’amour……………………………………………………………….……………..
17. Cateless poule………………………………………………………………………………………………..
18. Toufe brede sousou, rougaye dizef…………………………………………………………………………...
19. Riz frite sevret sec, rasgoulla……………………………………………………………………….………...
20. Halim, lezel poule frire (lollypop) …………………………………………………………………….……..
21. Macaroni beurre d’ail, sauce rouge thon……………………………………………….……………....
22. Gros pois masala, poule frire, roti………………………………………………………...……………
23. Mine bwi (frai), brede tompouce……………………………………………………….………………
24. Brownies nutella, crepe choco, dalgona………………………………………………………………..
25. Sizzling poulet, pomme de terre au beurre d’ail……………………………………..…………………
26. Pulao mutton……………………………………………………………………………..……………..
27. Boulet sousou, boulet sosis………………………………………………………..……………………
28. Mervey, compot tamarin, zi zoranz…………………………………….........…………………………
29. Salmi gros pois, poisson frire……………………………………………………..……………....……
30. Kebab…………………………………………………………………………………………………..
31. Chana puri, alouda………………………………………………………..……………………………
32. La daube dizef, riz persiye………………………………………………....…………………………..
33. Agneau saute, pain a l’ail……………………………………….…….........…………………………..
34. Curry bari, rougaye soya, ti puri………………………………………...................…………………..
35. Pasta Crevette au sauce blanche…………………………………………………………………….…
36. Chicken wrap………………………………………………………..…………………………………
37. Cheese chips, mug cake…………………………………………..……………………………………
38. Mine frire fri de mer…………………………………………………………………….………………
39. La soupe poulet…………………………………………………………………………………………
40. Salad gato pima…………………………………………………………………..……………………..
41. Burger poule…………………………………………………………………...………………………..
42. Vindaye poisson……………………………………………………………...…………………………
43. Donuts ek milkshake……………………………………………………………...…………………………
44. Curry crab masala ek panakon……………………………………………………………...……………….
45. Poule fer goute……..……………………………………………………………...………………………...
46. Bouillon bred sousou, satini pomme de terre ek rougaye ti pois……………………………………………
47. Saumon pane……………………………………………………………………...…………………………
48. Poule sauce ruz…….……………………………………………………………...…………………………
49. Sandwich revisite et pudding vermicelli……………………………………………………….……………
50. Kari sevret sec masala dan sousou ek roi……………………………………………………………...…….
51. Ourite safrane……...……………………………………………………………...…………………………
52. Gato ounde ek zemberik……………………………………………………………...……………………..
53. Moolooktani……….……………………………………………………………...…………………………
54. Pate poisson ek sagoo aplon……………………………………………………………...…………………
55. Beignets poisson sale ek finest cuisine kentucky…………………………………………………………...
56. Crevette beurre d’ail……………………………………………………………...…………………………
57. Kalia poule………………...……………………………………………………………...…………………
58. Salad boulet la case mama ek riz frite poisson sale…………………………………………………………
59. Briani……………………………………………………………………………………...…………………
II. Introduction

Ki pe dir fami!
What’s up guys! As you are all aware, Fer Goute TV Show exists since 2018. Appreciated by all, it has re-introduced to you the Mauritian
cuisine since then. Through two whole seasons, the concept was to bring you guys on a culinary adventure to stay connected and to discover
our local food in every nook and corners of the island.

Preparation of season three of the show was about to begin this summer, but unfortunately, a tragic event – COVID-19 stroked out globally. It
has forced each and every one of us to put a pause on our everyday life and targets, and thus cancelling our plans. The announcement of the
total lockdown and being confined for more than a month now has not been an easy thing for all of us.

However, this has not stopped the Fer Goute team to design a new and natural concept on how to keep you guys entertained and connected
with us. For over forty days now, some of you have been able to witness many live videos of Kevin in his kitchen sharing his recipes and
cooking knowledge.

For those who are new to our show or those who have missed the lives – Yes guys! You heard it well. Kevin who has always been eating and
tasting for us is now cooking for us too.

As many of you has been requesting Kevin to write the recipes or to re-do some dishes that you have missed during the lives, we have
decided to come up with the idea of doing a short local cooking book specially made for you guys. Therefore, through this magazine, you
shall re-discover all fully written detailed recipes of the savory and mouth watering dishes, prepared by Kevin.
Producer, Host Director of photography Artistic Director


1st Assistant Camera Project Coordinator

Produced by,
Day 1 (20/03/2020)

Pizza Sub

- 6 sliced stick bread

- Tomato sauce
- 6 sausages cut into pieces
- Mozzarella
- Green olives
- Parsley
- Pizza herbs
- Paprika


1. Pre heat oven on 200° for 5 minutes.

2. Start by applying the tomato sauce on the bread.
3. Add the pieces of sausages on top, followed by the mozzarella and the green olives.
4. Garnish with some parsley, pizza herbs, and paprika.
5. Put it to cook in the oven for 5 to 10 minutes.
6. Serve hot.

Day 2 (21/03/2020)

Mine Apollo Saumon


- 1 apollo noodles
- 1 canned salmon
- ½ canned green peas
- 1 chopped carrot
- 1 onion finely chopped
- 2 chopped fresh tomatoes/
canned tomatoes
- Green onions finely chopped
- 1 tsp. garlic and ginger paste
- 1 tsp. parsley Preparation:-
- 1 tsp. salt
- ½ tsp. sugar 1. Add 1 tsp. oil in a recipient and let heat.
- 1 tsp. oil 2. Add the chopped onions, ginger and garlic paste and cooked until it gets a brownish color.
3. Put the tomatoes, parsley, salt and sugar. Mix well and cook for 5 minutes.
4. Add the salmon, green peas and carrot and let cook for another 6 to 10 minutes.
5. In the meantime, boil your noodles.
6. In a plate, add the noodles (do not add the water). Put some salmon on top and garnish
with some green onions.

Day 3 (22/03/2020)

Poulet saute a la sauce


- Chicken breast
- Cange powder
- 1 white egg
- 1 tsp. salt
- ½ tsp. black pepper Preparation:-
- 2 tsp. soy sauce
- 2 tsp. oyster sauce 1. Firstly marinate the chicken with the salt, white egg and cange powder. Then fry it until
- 2 tsp. hoisin sauce it gets a nice brownish color (deep fry).
- 1 tsp. sugar 2. In a wok, add oil, the garlic, onions and carrots. Stir and cook for a few minutes.
- 3 chopped garlic 3. Add the soy sauce, oyster sauce, hoisin sauce, half cup of water and the sugar.
- 2 carrot sliced 4. Cook for 5 minutes before adding the chicken, 2 to 3 tsp. cange water and the brede tom
- 1 onion sliced pouce.
- Brede tom pouce 5. Cook for another 5 minutes and garnish with the sesame seeds.
- 1 tsp. sesame seeds

Day 4 (23/03/2020) Preparation:-

Kari poisson masala ek 1. Heat around 2 tsp. oil in a
recipient. Add 1 chopped onion
aloo farata and 1 tsp. of fenugreek. Cook
until it gets a brownish color.
2. Add the fish masala. Stir and add
the tomato paste and ½ cup of
- Fish (fillet marlin)
- Fish masala
3. Cook for 5 to 10 minutes and add
- 2 finely chopped onions
the fish.
- Tomato paste
4. Mix well and add the tamarind,
- 1 tsp. tamarind
salt and another ½ cup of water.
- 2 tsp. fenugreek
5. Let cook for another 15 minutes.
- 1 tsp. salt
- Flour
Aloo farata:
- Boiled potatoes
1. In a bowl, add the flour, boiled
- Green onions
potatoes, green onions, 1 onions,
1 tsp. of fenugreek, 1 tsp. oil and
water. Mix well and make some
small dough. Roll with rolling
pin, creating a round shape. Cook
each for 1 minute.

Day 5 (24/03/2020) Croket veg, *croket fromaz, *croket
(Part I) poule

Gato banan Ingredients:-

- Self-raising
- Yeast
- Baking powder
- Banana
- Salt
- Flour
- Water
- Vanilla
- Green onions
- Sugar
- *Cheese
- Water
- *Chicken
Preparation:- Preparation:- Recipe from: Mr. Boojhowon
1. Put all ingredients in a 1. Put all ingredients in a bowl, add water gradually and mix all (Waka Waka Snak)
bowl, crush the banana together until it becomes a thick paste.
with your hands while 2. Leave to rest around 1 hour before deep frying. Serve hot.
mixing all together. Add
the water gradually as you *Croket fromaz:
are mixing all the 1. Prepare a thick paste same as for the ‘croket veg’ and simply just
ingredients until it add cheese in it.
becomes a thick paste. 2. Leave to rest around 1 hour before deep frying. Serve hot.
2. Leave to rest for 30
minutes before deep *Croket chicken:
frying. 1. Prepare a thick paste same as for the ‘croket veg’ and simply just
add chicken in it.
2. Leave to rest around 1 hour before deep frying. Serve hot.
Day 5 (24/03/2020)
(Part II)

Boulet thon Poule kroustiyan

Ingredients:- Ingredients:-

- 1 can of tuna - Chicken

- 2 boiled potatoes - Ginger and garlic paste
- 2 eggs - Salt
- Green onions - Pepper
- onions - Eggs
- Bread crumbs - breadcrumbs
- Black pepper Recipe from: Mr. Boojhowon
- Salt Preparation:- Ravin
- 2 tsp. flour (Waka Waka Snak)
1. Start by marinating the chicken with ginger
Preparation:- and garlic paste, salt and pepper.
2. Dip the chicken in eggs, then roll them in
1. Crush the potatoes until it becomes a paste. the breadcrumbs and at last, deep fry.
2. Add the tuna, green onions, onions, black pepper, salt
and flour into a bowl along with the potato paste and
mix well.
3. Start making some small balls, dip them in the eggs,
then roll in the breadcrumbs and finally deep fry them.


Day 6 1. Mix the flour, yeast, salt, sugar and warm water together until it becomes a soft
(25/03/2020) dough.
2. Let the dough rest for a minimum of 2 hours. After which you shall cut the
dough into 4 parts and roll them separately, forming a round shape.
Dipin, gato dal 3. Place the 4 little dough on an oven tray and let it rest for another 30 minutes.
4. Pre-heat the oven.
Ingredients:- 5. Place the tray in the oven and let it cook at 240 degree for 10 to 15 minutes.

- 400g flour Gato dal:

- 2 tsp. yeast 1. Crush the dholl and mix together with onions, green onions, salt and chilli.
- 1 tsp. salt 2. Make some small balls and deep fry.
- 1 tsp. sugar https://www.facebook.com/fergouteTVShow/videos/1498248023658445/
- 300ml warm water
- Dholl tipois
- Onions
- Green onions
- Salt
- Chilli
Day 7
Mine frai ek Mine Mine frai:
frir 1. Mix the flour, salt and water together making a
dough. Let rest for 30 minutes.
Ingredients:- 2. Roll the dough with a rollin pin until it becomes thin.
3. Cut thinly with a knives if you do not have a noodle
- Flour machine maker.
- Salt 4. Boil the noodle and stir to avoid them to stick
- Warm water together.
- Chicken
- Maize Mine frir:
- Lake l’ail 1. Add 2 tsp. of oil in a wok, fry the chicken with 1 tsp.
- Carrot of ginger and garlic paste and salt.
- Brede tom pouce 2. When its done, add the noodles, pepper, oyster, soy
- Sugar water sauce, carrot and maize. Stir fry.
- Oyster sauce 3. Add the sugar water if it is sticky. Then add the
- Dark soy sauce brede tom pouce and lake l’ail and keep frying until
- Oil its cooked.
- Pepper

Day 8 (27/03/2020)
(Part I)

Pizza sardine

- 350g flour
- 1 tsp. yeast
- 1 tsp. sugar
- 2 tsp. salt
- Warm water
- Tomato sauce
- Canned sardine
- Maize
- Peas
- Parsley
- Pizza herbs
- Mozzarella
Preparation:- - Achard

1. Mix flour, yeast, sugar, salt and warm water together. Make a dough and let rest for 1 hour.
2. After 1 hour, start flattening the dough with your hands by making it larger and giving it a round shape.
3. Pre-heat the oven at 180 degrees.
4. Place the pizza dough on an oven tray and start by adding the tomato sauce, followed by the maize, peas, sardine and the herbs on
top. Put some achard and add the cheese over it.
5. Cook at 180 degrees for about 20 to 30 minutes.

Day 8
(27/03/2020) 1. Add the ghee to melt in a
(Part II) 2. Once it has melt, add the
canel, elaiti, badam and cook
Gato greo it in the ghee.
3. Pour the milk in it and start
Ingredients:- adding the greo powder
- 125g greo 4. Stir and add sugar to taste.
- 2tsp. Ghee You can add more liquid milk
- Canel if it is too dry.
- Elaiti 5. Keep stirring until it you
- Badam obtain a nice paste.
- 1 cup of milk 6. You can also garnish with
- sugar coco powder, raisin and

Recipe from: Mama Kevin

Day 9 (28/03/2020)

Kari soya masala, ti puri


- Tomato
- Onions
- Fenugreek
- Water
- Masala curry
- Salt
- Soya
- Potato
- Flour
- Oil


Kari soya masala: Ti puri:

1. Fry the soya. 1. Prepare the dough with flour, salt, water and oil.
2. Add oil in a pan, put the tomato, onions, fenugreek and cook until you obtain 2. Roll some small dough and flatten them. Deep fry.
a nice paste.
3. Add 1 cup of water, 3 tsp. masala and 1 tsp. salt. Cook for a few minutes
4. Put the soya and the potato into the curry and add another half cup of water.
5. Cook for around 20 more minutes.

Day 10 (29/03/2020)
(Part I)

Poule Kentucky


- Du lait cailler
- Chicken
- Salt
- Black pepper
- Ginger garlic paste
- Flour
- Paprika
- Onions powder
- Garlic powder
- Herb de provence


1. Marinate the chicken in salt, pepper, garlic and ginger paste and lait cailler.
2. Put to rest for 2 hours.
3. In another bowl, mix the flour, salt, pepper, paprika, onions powder, garlic powder and herb de provence.
4. Dip then the chicken into the flour mixture and deep fry.

Day 10 (29/03/2020)
(Part II)

Baguet Fromaz


- Flour
- Salt
- Cheese
- Water


1. Mix all ingredients together and make a dough.

2. Flatten the dough.
3. Cut into shapes.
4. Deep fry.

Recipe from:
Boojhowon Aneesha

Day 11 (30/03/2020)

Riz safrane Saucisses grille, salade lentil Salade lentil

Ingredients:- Ingredients:- Ingredients:-

- Cooked rice - Sausages - Cannes lentils

- Onions - Oil - Olive oil
- Garlic - Salt - Salt
- Peas - Oyster - Pepper
- Peanuts - Soy sauce - Cheese
- Tumeric - Ginger and garlic paste - Maize
- Butter - Hoisin sauce (Optional) - Onions

Preparation:- Preparation:- Preparation:-

1. Melt 2 tsp. butter in a wok. Add 1. Marinate the sausages with all the 1. Mix all ingredients and serve.
onions, garlic, turmeric, peas and ingredients and stir fry in a pan.
cook until it gets a nice yellowish
2. Add the rice, peanuts, and some more
turmeric. Cook for a few more
minutes until the rice becomes

Day 12 (31/03/2020)

Tandoori corn mutton

Ingredients:- Preparation:-

- Onions 1. Add the onions, fenugreek, 2 tsp. masala, ginger and

- Fenugreek garlic paste and water to cook together.
- Masala curry 2. Add the corn mutton, salt, 2 tsp. tandoori and lait
- Ginger and garlic paste cailler.
- Water
- Corn mutton
- Salt
- Tandoori powder
- Lait cailler
Gato nankatay

Ingredients:- Preparation:-

- 500g flour 1. Mix the flour, sugar, and

- 250g sugar powder elaiti in a bowl.
- 1 tsp. elaiti powder 2. In another recipient, melt
- 200g ghee 200g of ghee. Pour the
flour mixture in it and
mix well.
3. Start making some small
rolls and flatten them on
a tray.
4. Cook in oven.
Day 13 (01/04/2020)

Mine apollo renverse


- Mine Apollo
- Chicken
- Brede tompouce
- Carrot
- Egg
- Cange water
- Soy sauce
- Oyster sauce


1. Fry the egg and put aside.

2. In a pan, fry the chicken, adding salt, pepper, ginger and garlic paste into it.
3. Add the carrots, the oyster and soy sauce to fry together in the pan with the chicken once it has completely fried.
4. Leave to cook. At the same time, put the noodles to boil in another recipient.
5. Now add the brede tompouce, some cange water and the noodle spices in the chicken. Cook for 2 more minutes and its done.
6. Put the egg in a bowl, add some chicken on it, and finally put the boiled noodles on top. Cover the bowl. After 1 or 2 minutes, turn
the bowl on a plate and remove it.

Day 14 (02/04/2020)

Kari lefwa mouton, diriz persiye


- Mutton liver
- Salt
- Pepper
- Soy sauce
- Garlic and ginger paste
- Tomatoes
- Onions
- Butter
- Rice
- Parsley
- Green onions


Kari lefwa:
1. Marinate the liver in salt, pepper and soy sauce. And put it to fry. Add the garlic and ginger paste
and stir.
2. When the liver starts to dry, add the tomatoes, onions and water. Let it cook for 3 more minutes.

Diriz persiye
1. Add 1 tsp. butter in a pan. Once it has melt, add the rice, parsley, and green onions. Cook for 3 to 5
Day 15 (03/04/2020)

Kari agneaux masala, dal puri


- 1 kg agneaux
- Tomatoes
- Onions
- Potatoes
- Masala curry powder
- Ginger and garlic paste
- Tamarind
- Fenugreek
- Ready made dal puri (from ‘La Case Mama’)


Kari agneaux:
1. Start by adding 2 tsp. of oil in a pan, then put the agneaux to fry along with 2 tsp. of ginger and garlic paste, and 1 tsp. of salt.
2. In another pan, add oil, onions and the fenugreek. Once it gets a nice brownish color, add the masala and a cup of water. Cook for
5 to 10 minutes.
3. Then pour the masala in the other pan with the meat. Mix well and add the tomatoes, tamarind, a cup of water and the potatoes.
4. Cover the pan and let it cook for about 20 to 30 minutes more.
Dal puri:
1. Take the frozen dal puri out of its packet, place it on a plate and heat it in the microwave for 20 seconds.
2. Then cook them one by one on a pan till it gets soft.
Day 16 (04/04/2020)
Satini pomme d’amour:

Dal pita, satini pomme d’amour 1. Cut the tomatoes and put it in a mortar along with some coriander, mint
leafs, salt, and crush it with a pestle.

- Dholl petit pois

- Onions
- Tomatoes
- Thym
- 1 tsp. turmeric
- 1 tsp. fenugreek
- Ginger and garlic paste
- Flour dough


Dal pita:
1. Add 1 tsp. of oil in a pressure cooker, add the onions to fry, followed with
the fenugreek, 1 tsp. ginger and garlic paste, and the tomatoes.
2. Add the turmeric and the thyme once the tomatoes becomes a paste.
3. After 5 minutes of cooking, add the dholl, salt, and water.
4. Close the pressure cooker and let cook for 15 minutes more.
5. Flatten the dough thinly, cut into small shapes, and put aside.
6. Once the dholl is cooked, add the shapes into it let it boil for about 10
minutes more.
Recipe from: Mama
Day 17 (05/04/2020)

Cateless poule, chips, dipin


- 1 kg chicken
- Onions
- Coriander
- Mint
- 1 tsp. ginger and garlic paste
- Salt
- Pepper
- Breadcrumbs


1. Crush the chicken in a blender.

2. Put it in a bowl, add the onions, coriander, mint leafs, 1 tsp. ginger and garlic paste, salt, pepper and paprika(optional). Mix all well.
3. Add 3 tsp. of breadcrumbs. Mix and let it rest for 1 hour.
4. Take 1 spoon of the mixture in your hands, roll it and flatten a bit.
5. Mix in breadcrumbs and brush on top with eggs.
6. Fry in a pan.

Day 18 (06/04/2020)
Toufe Bred Sousou, rougaye dizef, dal ek so

- Garlics
- Onions
- Bred sousou
- Salt
- Eggs
- Tomatoes
- Thyme
- Coriander


Brede sousou:
1. Add 1 tsp. of oil in a recipient, followed with some sliced of garlics and onions.
2. Add the ‘bred’ once the onions get a nice brownish color. Mix and add 1 tsp. of salt.

Rougaye dizef:
1. Fry the eggs and put aside.
2. Add 1 tsp. of oil, onions, tomatoes, thyme, and salt.
3. After letting the tomatoes to cook for 5 to 10 minutes, cut the eggs into pieces and put it in the pan to cook along.
4. Add some coriander at the end to garnish.

Day 19 (07/04/2020)
Riz frite sevret sec Preparation:-
Riz frite sevret sec, rusgullah
1. Fry the ‘sevret sec’ with some ginger and
Rusgullah - Sevret sec garlic paste.
Ingredients:- - Ginger and garlic paste 2. Add the rice, peas, carrot, maize, brede, soy
- Rice sauce and oyster sauce. Stir fry together.
- Ghee - Peas
- Liquid milk - Carrots
- 1 cup of milk powder - Maize
- 1 cup of sugar - Brede
- 1 cup of flour - Soy sauce
- Water - Oyster sauce
- Baking powder
- Elaiti powder


1. Heat your pan, and add 1 spoon of ghee. Once it has melted, add ½ cup of milk
and stir.
2. Add 1 cup of milk powder and stir until it becomes thick.
3. Pour the mixture on a plate, add ¼ cup of flour and 1 tsp. of baking powder. Mix
all together making a dough.
4. Start making some small balls and put aside.
5. In another recipient, add 1 cup of water to heat. Put 1 cup of sugar in it. Keep
stirring until the sugar has melted.
6. Deep fry the small balls of rusgullah in another recipient on low heat to avoid
burning them.
7. After frying them, put the rusgullah and elaiti powder in the recipient of sugar
water, and boil them on low heat.

Lezel poule frire

Day 20 (08/04/2020) -
Chicken (Wings)
Salt Preparation:-
- Pepper
Halim, lezel - Ginger and garlic paste Lezel
- Eggs 1. Marinate the chicken with 1 tsp. of ginger and garlic paste, 1
poule frire (lollypop)
- Breadcrumbs tsp. of salt, pepper and 1 tsp. of soy sauce.
- Soy sauce 2. Mix in breadcrumbs, the dip one by one in eggs and put to fry.
- Dholl, lentil/ (Dholl halim mix)
- Halim spices Halim
- Fresh onions 1. Start by heating your pressure cooker, add 2 tsp. of oil, 2 piece of
- Fried onions cinnamon, 4 cardamom, 4 cloves and the dholl mix. Let it cook
- turmeric for 3 minutes, then add water(covering the dholl with water) and
- Mint close the pressure cooker.
- Coriander 2. In a pan, add 1 tsp. of ghee, once it has melt, add the fresh onions
- Cinnamon to fry and add the meat, 1 tsp. of ginger and garlic paste, ½ tsp. of
- Cardamom turmeric and 2 tsp. of halim spices.
- Cloves 3. Stir and add 2 cup of water.
- Ghee 4. After the dholl is cooked, put the meat in the pressure cooker, add
- Meat(Pre-cooked) salt to taste and close the cooker. Leave it to cook for 10 minutes
- Ginger and garlic paste more.
5. Garnish with the fried onions, coriander and mint leafs on top.

Day 21 (9/04/2020)
Macaroni beurre d'ail ek sauce rouge

- Macaroni
- Tuna
- Butter
- Garlic
- Onions
- Tomatoes
- Salt
- Sugar
- Herb de provence
Recipe from: Boojhowon
Preparation:- Aneesha

1. Boil the macaroni

2. Melt 2 tsp. of butter and add some chopped garlics and onions into it. Cook until it gets brownish.
3. Add the tomatoes, salt, sugar, and herb de provence. Cook for 10 minutes and add the tuna. Let it cook for another 10 minutes.
4. In another recipient, add 2 tsp. of butter, let it melt and add some chopped garlics. Then put the boiled macaroni into the recipient. Stir well
to let the butter garlic mix into the macaroni. You can also add some parsley on top.

Day 22 (10/04/2020) Preparation:-

Gros pois:
Gros pois Masala, Poule frir ek Roti 1. Add 1 tsp. of oil, onions, 1 tsp. of ginger and garlic paste in your pressure
cooker. Fry them and add 1 tomato.
Ingredients:- 2. After getting a paste, add 2 tsp. masala curry. Mix well and add the ‘gros
pois’ and water.
- Gros pois 3. Add potatoes(optional), salt to taste and close the pressure cooker. Let cook
- Onions for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Ginger and garlic paste
- Tomato Poule frire:
- Masala curry 1. Fry the chicken by adding 1 tsp. of ginger and garlic paste, salt, and soy
- Potatoes (optional) sauce.
- Chicken 2. When its almost cooked, add the onions and oyster sauce.
- Soy sauce 3. Stir fry for another 5 minutes and its done.
Day 23 (11/04/2020)
Mine Bwi (fre), bred tompouce saute a l'ail

- Flour
- Water
- Salt
- Bred tompouce
- Garlic
- Fish soy sauce
- Oyster sauce


Mine bwi (fre):

1. Mix the flour, salt and water together making a dough. Let rest for 30 minutes.
2. Roll the dough with a rollin pin until it becomes thin.
3. Cut thinly with a knives if you do not have a noodle machine maker.
4. Boil the noodle for 30 to 40 seconds and stir to avoid them to stick together.
5. Rinse the noodles under cold water, and add oil.
6. Before serving the noodles, boil it again in another recipient for 15 seconds.
7. In a plate, add some pepper, soy sauce, hoisin sauce to seasoned the boiled noodles. Mix the noodles into it.

Bred tompouce saute a l’ail:

1. Add 2 tsp. of oil in a pan and put the ‘bred’ to fry.
2. Once the color start changing, add the fresh garlics to cook together.
3. Then add 1 tsp. of fish soy sauce and oyster sauce. Stir fry for a few minute.

Day 24 (12/04/2020) Crepe chocolat Dalgona coffee
Ingredients:- Ingredients:-
Brownies nutella
- Flour - Coffee
Ingredients:- - Vanilla - Hot water
- Cocoa powder - Sugar
- Nutella - Sugar - Liquid milk
- Eggs - water - Ice
- Flour
Preparation:- Preparation:-
1. Add 2 cup of flour, vanilla, cocoa powder, 1. Add 1 tsp. of coffee, 2 tsp. of sugar and 2
1. Add 2 big spoons of nutella in a bowl. Break sugar to taste and water. Mix well. tsp. of water in a bowl. Mix until it becomes
two eggs into it. Add 2 big spoons of flour. Mix 2. Cook in a flat pan. thick and creamy.
well. 2. Put some ices in a glass, and pour the liquid
2. Pre-heat oven at 180 dregrees. milk in it. Then on top, add the cream coffee.
3. Grease your recipient and pour the mixture into
it. Bake around 10 minutes.

Day 25 (13/04/2020)
Sizzling poulet Pomme De Terre au
- Chicken
- Carrot - Boiled potatoes
- Onions - Butter
- Garlics - Salt
- Red beans paste - Coriander

Preparation:- Preparation:-

1. Marinate chicken with 1 tsp. of sugar, salt, 1. Cut the boiled potatoes
soy sauce, pepper, ginger and garlic paste. into half.
Deep fry. 2. In another pan, add 1
2. Start heating a pan* aside for later. tsp. of butter, the
3. In another pan, add 2 tsp. of oil, onions, potatoes, salt.
carrots, and garlics. Stir fry. After it starts 3. Cook for a few
changing color, add the chicken and red minutes and garnish
bean paste into it. with coriander.
4. When its almost cooked, add the oyster
sauce. Cook for a few minutes and put
5. Once the pan* is completely heated, put
the chicken into it and serve.

Day 26 (14/04/2020)
Pulao mouton

- Canned peas, carrots

- Fresh onions
- Garlic
- Coriander
- Fried onions
- Meat
- Pulao spices
- Rice


1. Start by adding 2 tsp. of oil and 1 tsp. of ghee in your pan. Add the onions
and garlic to fry.
2. After getting a nice color, add the meat and salt. Cook for a few minutes.
Then add 2 tsp. of pulao spices and the vegetables to cook together.
3. After its cooked. Start adding a layer of the meat and a layer of rice. Keep
repeating. On top, add the fried onions, coriander and a cup of water. Cook
for 10 to 15 minutes.

Day 27

Boulet sousou,
boulet sosis

- Chayote (sousou)
- Sausages
- Green onions
- Sevret dec
- Salt
- Ginger and garlic paste
- Cange powder
- Bred tompouce


1. Grate the chayote, and remove all the water.

2. Crush the ‘sevret sec’ and add it in the bowl with the chayote, followed with salt, 1 tsp. of ginger and garlic paste, and cange powder. Mix all well and
start making some balls.
3. Do the same steps for the sausages.
4. In another big recipient, add water and a ‘passe puree’ on top. Then cover and let it boil.
5. After a few minutes, add the balls on the ‘passe puree’ and cover it. Let cook for 20 minutes.
6. To prepare the ‘bouillon’ add water to boil in a recipient, put 1 tsp. of ginger and garlic paste, 1 tsp. of salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce and the chicken
stock. Mix well, add the ‘bred tompouce’ and let boil for a few minutes.

Day 28 (16/04/2020)
Mervey, compote tamarin Zi zoranz
Ingredients:- Ingredients:-

- Tamarind - Orange
- Sugar
- Water
- Dried red chilly 1. Blend the
- Fennel seeds fruits in a
- Pineapples juicer/mixer.
- Flour Serve cold.
- Oil
- Water
- Salt


1. Heat a recipient, add the tamarind in it,

sugar add to taste, and water. Mix all
2. After a few minutes, the dried chilly,
fennel seeds and pineapples. Let it
cook for 15 to 20 minutes more.
3. In a bowl, add flour, salt, 4 tsp. of oil
https://www.facebook.com/fergouteTVShow/videos/2098107197002161/ and water. Mix well and prepare a
4. Flatten very thinly with a rollin pin and
deep fry
Day 29 (17/04/2020) Preparation:-

1. Marinate the marlin with salt, pepper, ginger and garlic paste, and paprika. Put aside.
Salmi Gro Pwa, Poisson 2. In the meantime heat a recipient, add oil, onions, cinnamon, cloves, dry red chilly and the curry poulet leaves
Frire to fry.
3. After it has the brownish color, add the big peas (gros pois), the tomatoes, 1 tsp. of ginger and garlic paste, and
Ingredients:- 1 ½ tsp. of salmi spices. Mix well and add water and 1 tsp. of salt.
4. Cover and let cook for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Gros pois (Pre-cooked) 5. Heat oil in another pan, and stir fry the marlin until its cooked.
- Tomatoes 6. Add 1 tsp. of oil in another recipient, put onions to fry and add the marlin into it. Cook for 2 – 3 minutes and its
- Onions done.
- Coriander
- Curry poulet leaves https://www.facebook.com/fergouteTVShow/videos/230617751491268/
- Dry red chilly
- Cinnamon
- Cloves
- Salmi spices
- Fillet marlin

Recipe from: Mungur

Day 30 (18/04/2020)

- Chicken
- Salt
- Herb de provence
- Ketchup tomato
- Pepper
- Paprika
- Ginger and garlic paste
- Onions powder
- Cloves powder
- Coriander
- Lettuce
- Fried onions

1. Marinate the chicken with cloves, herb de provence, onions powder, coriander, salt, pepper, ginger and garlic
paste, paprika and tomato ketchup. Mix well and add sour milk.
2. Put to rest for 12 hours.
3. You will need a knife, a can cut into half and with a hole on the top to enable the knife to pass through. Take
aluminum foil and cover the can. Also cover the end of the knife, just over the handler with a piece of foil as
4. Pierce the chicken with your knife. Cook as shown in the picture.
5. Cut the chicken and add the lettuce, and fried onions together. Ready to serve.

Day 31
1. Add 1 cup of milk to heat, pour the
Chana puri, alouda condensed milk into it and let it boil.
After its done, let it cool down.
Ingredients:- 2. In the meantime, to prepare the mixture
for the chana puri, add flour, yeast,
- Liquid milk baking powder and salt in a bowl. Then
- Condensed milk add water, mix and let it rest for 2 -3
- Chia seeds hours.
- Grated agar agar 3. To prepare the curry inside, boil the dholl
- 400g flour ti pois and potato in a pressure cooker.
- 2 tsp. yeast After its cooked, crush it to create a
- 1 tsp. baking pwder paste.
- 1 tsp. salt 4. In a pan, heat 1 tsp. of oil, add the onions
- Dholl ti pois and curry poulet leafs to fry. After
- Potato obtaining a brownish color, add the dholl
- Onions paste, masala spices, safran and 2 tsp. of
- Turmeric water. Stir well and let cook for about 5
- Masala spices to 10 minutes.
- Coriander 5. Add the coriander and green onions, mix
- Curry poulet leafs well and the dholl paste is ready.
6. Start making some small balls with the
paste, dip it in the flour mixture, then
deep fry. Serve hot with some chutney.
7. In a glass, add 2 tsp. of grated agar agar,
2 tsp of chia seeds, and pour the milk in
the glass. You can add a spoon of ice
cream to taste. Serve cold.
Day 32

La Daube Dizef,
Riz Persiye

- Boiled eggs
- Fried potatoes
- Tomatoes
- Onions
- Coriander
- Curry poulet leafs
- Thyme
- Mint
- Ginger and garlic Preparation:-
- Cumin 1. Heat 2 tsp. of oil, add the onions, curry poulet leafs, thyme, cumin, 1 tsp. of ginger and garlic paste. Fry until the color
- Curry powder change to brownish.
- Butter 2. Add the tomatoes, a cup of water and 2 tsp. of curry powder and let cook for a few minutes.
- Cooked rice 3. Add the fried potatoes. Mix well and add water. Cover the recipient and let it cook for 15 minutes.
- Parsley 4. In a pan, add 1 tsp. of butter and let it melt. Add the rice and some parsley. Cook for 5 to 10 minutes and its done.
- Peas 5. Add the boiled eggs, peas and 1 tsp. of salt to cook with the potatoes.
6. Cook for another 10 minutes and garnish with coriander and mint.

Day 33 (21/04/2020)

Agneaux saute, pain a l’ail 4. Heat 3 tsp. of oil in your wok, add the ginger
and onions to fry. After a few minutes, pour
Ingredients:- the sauce in the wok and the meat.

- Mutton meat
- Carrots 5. Take out the vegetables from the other
- Bred tompouce recipient, remove the water, and put it to cook
- Onions with the meat.
- Ginger 6. Add some cange water and some oyster sauce.
- Hoisin sauce Cook for a few more minutes.
- Oyster sauce 7. Take some slices of bread, apply butter and
- Soy sauce garlic on it. Garnish with parsley. Bake for 5
- Pepper minutes in an oven at 180 degree.


1. Marinate the meat with 1 tsp. of salt, pepper,

ginger and garlic paste, and soy sauce. Deep
fry the meat.
2. Add 2 tsp. of hoisin sauce, oyster sauce, soy
sauce, 1 tsp. of pepper, and 2 tsp. of water in a
bowl. Mix it and put aside the sauce aside.
3. Put water to boil in another recipient. Add the
carrots and bred tompouce into the water to

Day 34
Curry bari, rougay
1. Fry the ‘gato pima’ and put aside.
soya, ti puri 2. In a recipient, add oil, ¼ tsp. of fenugreek, onions, curry poulet leafs, 1 tsp. ginger and garlic paste. Fry them and add the
tomatoes, thyme and mix well.
3. Add the masala and 1 cup of water. After stirring for a few minutes, add the ‘gato pima’, 1 tsp. turmeric, 2 cup of water, and
salt. Cover and let cook for 10 to 15 15 minutes.
- ‘Gato pima’ ready
4. In another pan, fry the soya. Add a tsp. of ginger and garlic paste in it.
made (La Case
5. Once it gets brownish, add the onions, tomatoes, and salt.
6. In the meantime, add the potato in the other recipient with the ‘gato pima’. Cook for 10 minutes more and its done.
- Curry poulet leafs
7. Now add the peas in the soya and let cook for another 10 minutes.
- Coriander
8. Fry the ti puri.
- Onions
- Green onions
- Tomatoes https://www.facebook.com/fergouteTVShow/videos/854581041727819/
- Thyme
- Boiled potatoes
- Soya
- Peas
- Fenugreek
- Ginger and garlic
- Ti puri ready made
(La Case Mama)
Day 35 (23/04/2020)
Pasta crevette au sauce blanche

- Pasta
- Liquid milk
- Shrimps
- Butter
- Flour
- Herb de provence
- Pizza herbs
- Salt
- Grated cheese


1. To prepare the white sauce, add 2 tsp. of butter in a pan. Let it melt and add some chopped garlic. Stir for 1 minute and add 2 cup of liquid milk
and 2 tsp. of flour. Keep stirring to avoid the sauce to stick and forms some bubbles.
2. Add some herb de provence, pizza herbs, salt and grated cheese. Keep mixing until the sauce becomes thick. Put aside.
3. In another pan, add 2 tsp. of oil to heat and fry the shrimps. Add 1 tsp. of ginger and garlic paste, chopped onions, tandoori powder, and salt. Cook
for 15 minutes.
4. On an oven tray, add 1 lays of white sauce, grated cheese, tomato ketchup, shrimps and pasta. Repeat until finished. Garnish with some herbs.
5. Bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees.
6. In a glass, add some apple syrup, and ice cubes. Shake well and put it into another glass with more ice cube. Pour sprite or seven up on top. Serve

Day 36 (24/04/2020)
Chicken wrap

- Flour dough (same as for pizza)

- Eggs
- Chicken
- Carrots
- Lettuce
- Cucumber


1. Marinate the chicken with salt, pepper, ginger and garlic paste,
fennel powder, parsley, paprika and white eggs. Dip into cange
powder and deep fry.
2. On the other side, flatten the dough very thinly and cook in a
3. Slice the fried chicken and place it on the wrap, with the
lettuce, carrots and cucumber. Add some tomato sauce, and
mustard sauce. Then wrap it. Serve hot.

Chicken recipe from:

Mr Boojhowon Ravin
(Waka Waka Snak) https://www.facebook.com/fergouteTVShow/videos/2646822578928455/
Day 37
(25/04/2020) Mug cake
Cheese chips
- Flour
Ingredients:- - Baking soda
Preparation:- - Liquid milk
- Smashed potato - Cocoa powder
- Cange powder - Sugar
- Salt 1. Mix all ingredients - Oil
- Cheese in a bowl.
- Herb de provender 2. Flatten the smashed Preparation:-
- Paprika potato and cut into
pieces. Deep fry. 1. Add 2 tsp. of flour, 1 tsp. of
sugar, 1 tsp. of cocoa
powder, and ½ tsp. of
baking powder
2. Mix well, add 1 tsp of oil,
and 3 tsp. of liquid milk.
Stir and add 1 tsp. of nutella
in the middle.
3. Put in the microwave for 1

Day 38 (26/04/2020)
Mine frir fri de mer

- Seafood
- Noodles
- Ginger and garlic paste
- Salt
- Carrot
- Bred
- Soy sauce
- Oyster sauce
- Hoisin sauce


1. In your wok, add 2 tsp. of oil to heat,

then add the seafood to fry with salt,
ginger and garlic paste.
2. Add the carrot, noodles, soy sauce,
oyster sauce, hoisin sauce, and sugar
water to avoid the sticky effects. Stir
fry and add the bred and pepper. Keep
stirring until its cooked.

Day 39 (27/04/2020)
(Part I)

La soupe poule

- Chicken (boiled)
- Egg
- Bred
- Frozen vegetables (Carrot, peas, green beans)
- Ginger and garlic paste
- Chopped onions


1. Add 1 tsp. of oil, 1 tsp. of ginger and garlic paste, chicken, and
chopped onions. Stir fry
2. Pour the water in which you boil your chicken in your recipient,
add 1 chicken stock and more water.
3. Add soy sauce, oyster sauce, and 1 white egg while stirring. Then
add the bred, and frozen vegetables, salt and cange water.
4. Cover and let cook for 10 minutes.

Day 39 (27/04/2020)
(Part II)

Zi citronelle

- Citronella stem
- Ginger
- Sugar


1. Cut citronella stem, and ginger into pieces.

2. Put the to boil together in a recipient, add water and sugar add to taste.
3. Put some ice cubes in a glass, then pour the liquid in it.

Day 40 (28/04/2020)

Salade gato pima


- ‘Gato pima’ ready made (La Case Mama)

- Onion
- Broccoli
- Carrot
- Peas
- Maize
- Green beans


1. Fry the gato pima.

2. Add the vegetables to boil with 1 tsp. of salt.
3. After it has boiled, remove all water.
4. Cut the gato pima into pieces and put into a bowl long with some chopped
onions, vegetables, cheese, 2 tsp. olive oil, salt pepper, tamarind sauce,
and 2 tsp. of lime juice.
5. Mix all well and serve with bread.

Day 41 (29/04/2020)

Burger poulet

- Chicken
- Ginger and garlic paste
- Pepper
- Red chilly powder
- Fennel powder
- Herb de provence
- Salt

1. Flatten the chicken.
2. Marinate with 1 tsp. of ginger and garlic paste, pepper, red chilly powder, fennel powder, herb de provence and salt. Let rest for 15 t 20 minutes.
3. In another plate, add flour, cange powder, salt, red chilly powder and mix. And in another one, add 2 tsp. of liquid milk, 1 milk. Whisk well.
4. Dip the chicken in the eggs, then the flour and at last deep fry.
5. Fry your chips.
6. To prepare the sauce for the bread, mix tomato ketchup, mustard sauce and mayonnaise in a bowl.

Day 42 (30/04/2020)

Vindaye poisson

- Fish
- Ginger and garlic paste
- Pepper
- Salt
- Onions
- Mustard seeds
- Turmeric
- Vinegar


1. Marinate the fish with ginger and garlic paste, salt and pepper.
Mix and fry the fish.
2. In a pan, add 2 tsp. of ginger and garlic paste, ½ tsp. of mustard
seeds, the fish, 1 tsp. turmeric, salt and 1 tsp. of vinegar. Cook
for a few minutes and add the onions and green chillies.
3. Cook for another 5 to 10 minutes and its ready.
4. Serve hot with dholl puri.

Day 43 (1/05/2020)

Donuts, Milkshake

- 200g Flour
- 40g sugar
- 1 tsp. salt
- Butter
- Yeast
- Egg
- Liquid milk


1. Add the flour, sugar and salt in a bowl.

2. In a jug, whisk ½ cup of liquid milk, 40g melted butter, 1 egg and
2 tsp. of yeast. Pour it in the bowl of flour and make a dough. Let
rest for 2 – 3 hours.
3. Flatten the dough with a rolling pin (not too thin), take a glass cut
some round shape and make a hole in the middle. Put aside to rest
for 1 more hour.
4. Deep fry.
5. Add melted chocolate on top and garnish with coconut powder.
6. In a mixer, add ice cubes, 1 cup of milk, fresh raspberry and
strawberry, and condensed milk. Blend and pour in a glass.

Day 44 Preparation:-

(2/05/2020) 1. Fry the eggplants and put aside.

2. Marinate the crabs with salt, chopped garlics and pepper. Stir fry and add 1 tsp. of butter.
3. Add chopped garlics, curry poulet leafs, and fenugreek to fry in a pan. Then add the onions, the masala spices and
Curry crab water.
masala, panakon 4. Mix well and cook for a few minutes, then add the crabs, the eggplants, salt, sugar and tomato paste. Cover the pan
and let it cook for another 5 minutes.
Ingredients:- 5. In the meantime, crush 1 orange and ½ lime. Add the tamarind water into it with ¼ tsp. of ginger powder and
cardamom, fresh apples, sugar and mix well.
- Crabs
- Eggplants Recipe from: Nada Padayatchy
- Chopped garlics https://www.facebook.com/fergouteTVShow/videos/327981411502871/
- Salt
- Pepper
- Masala spices
- Curry poulet leaf
- Fenugreek
- Onions
- Tomato paste
- Sugar
- Orange
- Ginger powder
- Tamarind water
- Cardamom
- Fresh apples
Day 45

Poule fer

- Chicken
- Shrimps
- Turmeric
- Dry red chilly
- Lime
- Coriander
- Black beans
(pre cooked)
- Chopped
- Dark soy Preparation:-
- Ginger and 1. Blend the shrimps, dry red chilly, coriander, turmeric, chopped garlic, water, salt and lime juice together to make a paste.
garlic paste 2. Marinate chicken with salt, pepper, ginger and garlic paste, and dark soy sauce. Stir fry. Put aside.
- Pepper 3. In a pan, add 1 tsp. of butter, oil and the shrimps paste. Cook for a few minutes and add the beans into the paste.
- Salt 4. Mix well and add the chicken to cook together for about 5 to 10 minutes.
Day 46 (4/05/2020)

Bouillon bred sousou, satini pomme de terre

Rougaye ti pois

- Bred sousou
- Boiled potatoes
- Tomatoes
- Peas
- Onions
- Salt
- Dry red chilly
- Curry poulet leafs
- Vegetable stock
- Ginger and garlic paste

1. Add 1 tsp. of ginger and garlic paste, onions, dry red chilly and curry poulet leafs to fry in a pan. Once the onions are a bit grilled
with the chilly, add the boiled potato and for 5 minutes more.
2. In another recipient, add 1 tsp. of oil, chopped onions and chopped garlics to fry. Add water, bicarbonate, salt, vegetable stock and the
bred. Cover the recipient and let cook for 10 minutes.
3. In a pan, add oil, onions, ginger and garlic paste, tomatoes and the peas to cook together.
4. Add 1 tsp. of salt and sugar. Cover the pan and let cook for another 5 minutes.

Day 47 (5/05/2020)

Saumon pane

- Canned salmon
- Onions
- Ginger and garlic paste
- Flour
- Breadcrumbs
- Eggs
- Cheese


1. Open the salmon gently and clean the inside.

2. Add chopped onions, 1 tsp. of ginger and garlic paste to fry. Put the
salmon to fry gently with the onions and add the sauce. Be careful to not
smash the salmon while cooking it.
3. After it is ready, put the salmon on a plate and put the sauce away for later
4. Mix the flour with paprika, parsley, fennel powder and salt.
5. Gently, put the salmon in the flour first, then dip in the eggs and apply the
breadcrumbs. Deep fry.
6. On a slice of bread, add the sauce, cheese, salmon pane

Day 48 (6/05/2020)

Poule sauce ruz


- Chicken
- Tomato paste
- Carrot
- Parsley
- Garlic
- Onions
- Pepper


1. Fry the chicken in a pan, add ginger and garlic

paste, pepper and salt into it.
2. In another pan, add 1 tsp. of oil, butter, onions,
pepper, carrot, tomato paste, 2 tsp. ketchup and
sugar. Cook for 10 minutes and add the chicken
into it.
3. Add some water, cover the pan and let cook for
another 5 to 10 minutes.

Day 49 (7/05/2020) Sandwich revisite
Pudding vermicelli
- Eggs
Ingredients:- - Salt
- Pepper
- Vermicelli - Pizza herbs
- Cardamom - Cheese
- Cinnamon - Ham
- Badam - Sandwich
- Ghee
- Raisin Preparation:-
- Liquid milk
1. Whisk 2 eggs with ½ tsp. of
Preparation:- salt, pepper and pizza herbs.
2. Apply butter on the
1. Grill the dry vermicelli until it gets brown. sandwich.
2. In a recipient add 1 tsp. of ghee, cinnamon, 3. Add 1 tsp. of butter in your
cardamom and badam. After stirring for 3 pan, and pour the egg in it
minutes, add 1 cup of milk, 3 tsp. of sugar, to fry. Put the sandwich on
raisin and the vermicelli. Mix well until the the egg and lay the ham and
vermicelli absorbs the milk. cheese on the sandwich.
3. Pour it in a tray and add some coconut powder Garnish with some parsley.
on top. Let it cool down.

Day 50 (8/05/2020)
Kari sevret sec masala dan sousou, roti
- Sevret sec
- Chayote (sousou)
- Soya
- Crushed soya
- Ginger and garlic paste
- Onions
- Tomato
- Masala spices


1. Start by frying the onions, ginger and garlic paste together. Add the masala
paste and water.
2. Mix and add the tomato. Cook until it becomes a paste.
3. Add the ‘sevret sec, crushed soya and more water. (The soya is used to bring
a thick texture to the curry).
4. Add the chayote, cover the pan and let cook 10 to 15 minutes.
Day 51 (9/05/2020) 2. Fry the octopus.
3. When its almost cooked, add onions and
chilly. Garnish with some green onions
Ourite safrane and lime juice.


- Octopus
- Onions
- Turmeric
- Coriander
- Lime
- Ginger and garlic paste
- Salt
- Sugar
- Pepper
- Chilly


1. Start by creating a paste with coriander,

onions, lime, ginger and garlic paste,
water and salt. Blend in a mixer and
marinate the octopus with it.
Additionally add 1 tsp. of turmeric,
pepper and 1 tsp. of sugar.

1. Grill the ground rice until it
becomes brown enough. 1. Grill the ‘zemberik’ and
2. Add water in another recipient boil them.
and 3 big spoon of sugar. 2. Cush in a blender. Add
Keep stirring for a few sugar and coconut
minutes, add cardamom and powder.
vanilla. 3. In a bowl, mix flour, 1
3. Mix and add the grilled tsp. of baking powder, 1 Recipe from:
ground rice in the water. Stir tsp. of bicarbonate and Mama Kevin
well and put it in a plate. Start cardamom. Add water
making some small balls and and mix to obtain a paste.
add coconut powder in it 4. Take some roll of the

Day 52 (10/05/2020)
zemberirik paste in your
hands and dip in the
flour. Deep fry.
Gato ounde
- Zemberik
- Ground rice - Sugar
- Sugar - Coconut powder
- Water - Cardamom
- Cardamom - Bicarbonate
- Vanilla - Flour
- Water

Day 53 (11/05/2020)


- Moolooktani spices (Finest cuisine)

- Onions
- Green onions
- Coriander
- Ginger and garlic paste
- Chicken


1. Fry the onions, ginger and garlic paste

and the chicken.
2. After it has fried, add the first spices.
Cook and set aside.
3. Boil water in another recipient, and add
the second spices.
4. Mix well and add the chicken and salt in
it. Cover and let cook for 15 minutes


Day 54 (12/05/2020)

Pate poisson, sago aplon


- Pastry (pate) – ‘La Case Mama’

- Sagoo
- Zemberik
- Sugar
- Cardamom
- Coconut powder
- Aplon


1. Deep fry the pastries and serve hot.

2. Boil the sagoo,
3. In a pan, add ghee, crushed zemberik and cardamom.
Cook it for a few minutes and put it in the sagoo with
sugar and coconut powder. Cook for 15 minutes.
4. Fry the aplon.
Day 55 (13/05/2020)
Beignets Poisson Sale, Finest Cuisine Kentucky

- Poisson sale (Seskel)

- Kentucky spices (Finest cuisine)
- Onions
- Egg
- Chicken
- Garlic
- Parsley
- Green onions
- Boiled potatoes


1. Marinate the chicken in the Kentucky spices and deep fry on full heat in your
pressure. After 1 minute, close the pressure cooker and cook for 14 minutes
2. To prepare the ‘beignets’, start by frying the onions and garlics.
3. Put the onions and garlic in a bowl, add the potatoes, fish, parsley, green onions,
paprika, pepper, egg and 1 ½ tsp. of milk. Mix all together and crush the
4. Make some small balls and deep fry.

Day 56 Preparation:-

(14/05/2020) 1. Add 2 tsp. of olive oil, 1 tsp. of butter, 1 tsp. of

garlic and onions to fry together.
Crevette beurre 2. Put the shrimps, pepper, salt, paprika, red chilly
powder and 1 tsp. of butter. Mix and cook for
d’ail around 2 – 3 minutes until the shrimps become red.
Add some water.
3. When its almost done, add some lime juice and
- Shrimps
- Butter
- Onions https://www.facebook.com/fergouteTVShow/videos/677226806407252/
- Peppers
- Salt
- Paprika
- Red chilly powder
- Lime juice
- Parsley
Day 57 (15/05/2020)
Kalia poule

- Chicken
- Potato
- Onions, coriander and mint paste
- Fried onions
- Coriander
- Mint
- Tomato
- Lait caille
- Kaila spices (Finest cuisine)


1. Cut and fry the potatoes.

2. Marinate the chicken with ginger and garlic paste, salt and 1 tsp. of kalia
spices. Let rest and fry.
3. In a recipient add 1 tsp. of ghee to melt, then add the onion, coriander and mint
paste. Cook for a few minutes. Add the chicken into the paste, with the tomato,
2 tsp. of kalia spices, the lait caille, salt and the potatoes.
4. After a few minutes add water and fried onions.
5. Let cook for 15 minutes and serve.

Day 58 (16/05/2020)
Salad boulet (La Case
Mama), riz frite poisson sale

- Poisson sale (Seskel)

- Mixed vegetables
- Dumplings (La Case Mama)


1. Put the dumplings to steam.

2. In the meantime, add oil in your
wok. Start frying the ginger and
garlic paste, onions, mixed
vegetables, rice, poisson sale,
oyster sauce, hoisin sauce, pepper,
and green onions together. Keep
stir frying until well mixed and
cooked. Serve hot.
3. When the dumplings are ready,
place them on a plate and garnish
with some green onions.

Day 59 Preparation:-

(17/05/2020) 1. Add a banana leaf at the bottom of your recipient..

2. Add the onions, coriander and mint paste, ginger and garlic paste, marinated meat, fresh mint, fresh coriander, fried
Briani onions 2 cup of water, salt, 1 layer of rice, the fried potatoes, 1 light layer of fried onions, mint, coriander, and food
color. Cover all with the remaining rice, add some fried onions on top, along with some fresh mint and coriander
Ingredients:- and 2 tsp. of ghee.
3. Cover the recipient and let cook for around 20 minutes more.
- Fried potatoes
- Rice
- Fresh onions https://www.facebook.com/fergouteTVShow/videos/248687246246321/
- Fried onions
- Coriander
- Briani spices
- Meat
Merci Fami!
“Kontin Propaz Lamour”

Kevin Gutty
Archimage Production Ltd is a professional one stop and  Product Advertising
standard film, video and photography production company  Corporate & Events
that is equipped with the latest technology in the film  Concerts
industry.  TV Shows
 Documentaries
 Music Videos
Our office is located on Royal Road, Mangalkhan, Floreal,
 Big Fat Weddings, Celebrities Weddings &
Mauritius and we are positioned to work for a wide range of
Destination Weddings
client ranging from individual clients to corporate
 Line Producing
organizations, national clients to international clients
 Artist Management
and players in the cinematography industry et al. The
 Others (Birthdays, Media Coverage, etc...)
company has already covered more than a hundred of events.

Archimage Production Ltd engages in all aspect of business

services synonymous to standard organization operating in
the film and video production industry. Our business aim is
to work towards becoming one of the leading film and video
production brand in the country and in the nearest future
to compete with the leaders in the industry not only in the
Mauritius but also in the global stage.


https://www.facebook.com/ShoeCityMauritius/videos/493239281315056/ https://www.facebook.com/Optissimo.Mu/videos/811175592417165/






MISS ECO 2017-2018 MBC





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Royal Road, Mangalkhan, Floreal,
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +230 5430 1616
Mob:+230 5250 9008

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