Qualitative Research: Name: Mohd Amerul Akmal Bin Mohd Yunos: Syahidani Binti Mohamed: Nabilah Faiqah Binti Azman

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1.0 Introduction
In the new era of research development, the opportunity in conducting further research or new research is being analyzed within year by year. Moreover, there are not many higher learning institutions which emphasize in teaching the right way to conduct the research. In conducting the research methodology, there are many conditions that must be taken into the consideration in order to complete the research successfully. One of the various research methodologies which are become more popular is Qualitative Research. 1.1 Definition Qualitative research is a fieldwork which includes resources gathered, recorded, and compiled all through the study. Fieldwork requires the researcher to immerse himself in the setting over date and time. The researchers have to collect as much information as unremarkably as possible and analyze it to complete the research process correctly. According to the research that have been conducted by Gay, Mills, and Airasian (2009) claim that qualitative research is a sort of systematic research which consists of a study that seeks answers and data to a various question gather in the research objectives. It is also use systematic methods to get an answer or respond from the participants. Later, the data will be analyzed and recorded in the specific system or table to start the next process to complete the research methodology. Besides, qualitative research also may provide relevant findings that are beyond the limitation in the research or study. In addition, the researcher must completely prepare any external and internal information regarding the research that he or she will conduct. The researcher needs to understand the research problem and gather with all the information gain from the reading process since qualitative research cover all information that are concerning the opinions and behaviours from the public of a particular area or populations. Moreover, qualitative method is one of the best and efficient procedures or process in research methodology in obtaining the internal and external insubstantial factors. Some of the factors that can be found are social economics, gender roles and religions. Furthermore, the usages of qualitative research along with quantitative methods are capable in helping the researchers to better aware and interpret the implications of qualitative data as well as the complex reality of a certain condition.

2.0 Comparison of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

In the next paragraphs, there will be some comparison and explanations on the qualitative and quantitative research. There are several explanations that have been determined to be the differences of quantitative and qualitative research by the previous research but this review will only focus on the five major factors such as function, framework, types of data collection instruments, analytical objectives and degree of flexibility. Firstly, the major difference between these two methods is the function of each method in the research methodology. According to the Hammer, C.S. (August 2011), claims that qualitative methods can be used to understand the social actions and experiences are created by seek the answer to various questions that have been determined during the first process in the research procedures. He also reported that quantitative research methods are useful to test the hypothesis, effects, causes and others objectives that have been reviewed and determined earlier. Secondly, another major difference between quantitative and qualitative research is the framework. According to the research that have been conducted by Mack, N., Woodsong, C., Macqueen, K.M., Guest, G. and Namey, E. (2005), reported that the frameworks for the qualitative research are commonly search to investigate and discover the phenomena. The instruments method to respond to the questions is more iterative approach, flexible, and categorizing. Moreover, it uses focus groups, in-depth interviews, and participant observation as determined in the semi-structured methods. While the frameworks for the quantitative researches are basically look for confirmation on hypotheses about phenomena. Compare to the qualitative research, the instruments use are highly structured methods such as surveys, questionnaires, and structured observation as well as it more inflexible style of eliciting. Thirdly, the types of data collection instruments use in qualitative research is in form of textual which obtained from the interview session by audiotapes, videotapes, and field notes. While in quantitative research, the types of data collection instruments use in form of numerical which obtained from the questionnaires distribution by assigning numerical values to the responses.

Next, according to the research by Mack, N., Woodsong, C., Macqueen, K.M., Guest, G. and Namey, E. (2005), claim that the analytical objectives in qualitative research are to describe the variation and explain the relationships of the results, describe the individual experiences and the group norms as well as the types of questions pose in qualitative research used are closed-ended. While the analytical objectives in quantitative research are to quantify some deviation, explain the characteristics of a people and forecast fundamental interaction as well as the types of questions pose in quantitative research is an open-ended question. Last but not least, according to the research that have been conducted by Mack, N., Woodsong, C., Macqueen, K.M., Guest, G. and Namey, E. (2005), reported that The degree of flexibility built into study design for qualitative research is more flexible in which the participant responses influence how and which questions researchers will ask next. Moreover, the research questions are adjusted according to what is learned. While in quantitative research, the degree of flexibility built into study design are less flexible in which the study design is more stable from beginning to end. The participant responses do not influence or determine how and which questions researchers will ask next. In addition, the study design is subject to statistical assumptions and conditions. In conclusion, quantitative and qualitative research is completely differing from some elements which are function, framework, types of data collection instruments, analytical objectives and degree of flexibility.


3.1 Advantages As being focused in the previous paragraph, qualitative research is a scientific research that enables the researchers to collect evidences that relevant based on their research questions. In simpler words, qualitative research provides information on specific area of study and not focusing only for the what, where and when questions but stress on the why and how questions. As we all know, as it comes to qualitative method we will be dealing with open-ended questions and interviews. It is more convenient to choose this research method as it is gives flexibility for both participant and researcher. As for participants, it will give them wider space in answering the particular question. This a bit vice verse with quantitative research method where participants are enclosed with the answer prepared. In fact, researcher can record the actual situation for the research area based on the participants answers. Moreover, it can actually help researchers recognizing all the possible factors affecting the study area such as gender roles, social norms, cost of living, believe etc. Besides that, although qualitative research does give a wider space for participants to answer but when answering the listing questions, this method actually provide the range of provided answers and statement that one have to follow. By then, participants can see the flow of the research and being guided towards answering the objective of the research rather than in corrected from the questions asked. Furthermore, the desire of having the listing question in qualitative research is to enhance the skill of making hypothesis for the study area. Other than that, it is not easy to transform information into numbers, or in simple words it is not easy to quantified responds from participants. It is benefits for qualitative research, as the area of research are mostly about abstract and complex aspects such as ones experience, opinions, emotions etc.

3.2 Disadvantages It is nature that every thing has its drawbacks, and it goes the same thing for qualitative research. When discussing about qualitative it will be referring to subjective answers based on ones experience. Although it does help participants to view the research at the bigger picture, but actually it is quite complicated for researchers to verify the reliability and validity of linguistic data. This happens as there is no specific answer when answering complex questions. Moreover it sometimes can blur up the points that influence the area of study. Upon facing with the result obtained from qualitative research, the data sometimes are overloaded. Thus, this requires plenty of time to analyse the abound amount of data. In fact, there is also problems arise as researchers start collecting data. Firstly, when dealing with participants that act as interviewees in the research. It is hard as the researchers have to pick suitable time in order to date the interviewees. Besides, time and money consumed when making the transcription of recorded interviews is plenty. Although the drawbacks show the weakness of qualitative research, but this actually does not mean that this method is less reliable for research study. It is highly recommended to test data validity by using the quantitative method.


Qualitative research is something more difficult to explain about ethics than research by qualitative method. The uses of ethics are to protect some self-respect, human right, safety and well being of any actual potential research participants. There are three main ethical considerations that require to be addressed for all research connecting to the person research participants. According to Duff, A (2007), in any interview which recorded or not, there are compulsory to have agreement with interview and participant in term of verbal or written presentation. It is based on mostly well-known ethical procedure. In addition, parents and also guardians mostly are unwilling to give permission to their person under their custody to have some research interview to avoid any risk happen to their child. Refugees or worldwide who are fraught with incomplete L2 proficiency is one of the example in that case (Duff, 2002a). It is actually more difficult to discuss and get permission for some institution. This complication are clearly when the explanations though audio and video recorded are not agree by most parents, teachers and also students themselves (Duff, 2007). I term of the process of data compilation, recounting event from the participants point of view from side to side interviews and surveillance is one of the points of qualitative research. Pay attention to the right to be heard of participants or examine them in their ordinary surroundings are the purpose of the investigator. Usually, by describing an emit perception is researchers explanation of the experiences (Field & Morse, 1992). Examiner recognizes that participants are independent people who are willingly allocate their input and this is the receiving of the declaration mentioned previously. Support revelation, faith, and consciousness of possible moral issues are the affiliation of the study. Influence by the dialogue, and that the information gained through the conference affects our accepting of the individual knowledge are think to be ethical Endeavour, claiming that the participants reaction (Kvale, 1996). The significant stuff in collection of the data is the interface among canvasser and candidates in term of collecting in the focusing reminiscence and obviously knowing the responsibility of the researchers. Personality and features of the interaction is the perception situation in specific field of their studies. (Punch, 1994).

Other than that, in term of ethical principles, by using some awareness and use of well-established ethical principal will reduces the difficulties inherent in qualitative research. Public, beneficence, and fairness are the code of esteem that be supposed to be guided at any kinds of study (Capron, 1989).Besides that, equivalents allocate and equality is the rule of integrity. Avoiding mistreatment and violence participants is one of the vital and distinguishing features (Dianne, 2000) Recognizing susceptibility of the participants and their charity to learn is the fairness in qualitative research study established. For example, if the researcher uses concept or title contributed by participants, they need to have permission to use any concept or at least discuss about the issues with participants. With this way, any involvement of the participants will be identified by read of the declaration of whichever investigation (Dianne, 2000).


The niche or application of qualitative research is to present complicated contextual descriptions on how one faced particular issue. In fact, qualitative research is used mostly in helping researchers to interpret complex aspects on the focused issue. Based on the readings on article about Qualitative Research focused on application and principles, the writer explained that one of the applications or niche of qualitative method in a research is to provide understanding towards the behaviour pattern and elaborate on the relationship between it. In fact, there are a few approaches and methods of qualitative research that can be used in social science. Participant observation is one of the easiest ways for collecting data. As researcher observe and participate in the culture and adapt with the practices of the studied group, researcher tend to be one of their members. In order to enhance the effectiveness in gathering data, focus groups method is highly recommended. This is because it can help researchers generate wider overviews on the cultural norms and related issues of the studied group. Besides that, one of the most frequent methods used is Ethnographic Research. It functionalizes as to collect and explain about the data of the studied group in order to develop a theory. This method is also known as ethno methodology or "methodology of the people". Moreover, in a more optimal way of collecting data is an In-depth interview. By this, a face-to-face conversation between researcher and studied group ease the process of research as more complex and sensitive issues are discussed and explored.

In conclusion, by knowing and applying qualitative research, these methods actually help researchers generate a better focus in research study.

As conclusion, it is not effortless to get any qualitative report accepted and to publish it as well. With this assignment, we are approaching to understand closely about qualitative research. We are considering that we will handle in other to have important responsibility in the future. Those who are involve in research of qualitative and quantitative research will come out with a quality research report and attract to communicate with anyone else. Qualitative research also is not easy to define any theory without doing an interview and make some record of sound and also some videos. By keeping detailed of the participants from publics will maintain the dignity of a particular individual. Thus, all individuals will help in the future if the next task is given which involves research in the qualitative researches also have their own advantages and weakness as well as quantitative research. Any research whether qualitative or quantitative done will base on the type or what we want to study about. Overall, we are already study about some features in qualitative research even its application itself and ready for the next task given for us.

7.0 References
Angelica. O, Laurel. E & etc (2000), Ethics in Qualitative Research, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 33:1, 93-96

C. M. Allwood (2011), the Distinction between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods Is Problematic, Springer Science and Business Media,

Draper A. K. (2004). The principles and application of qualitative research, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (2004), 63, 641646

Gay, Mills, & Airasian (2009). Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application, 9th edition. Pearson Education, Inc. Mack, N., Woodsong, C., Macqueen, K.M., Guest, G. & Namey, E. (2005). Qualitative Research Methods: A Data Collectors Field Guide. Family Health International Hammer, C.S. (August 2011). Expanding Our Knowledge Base through Qualitative Research Methods. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 20, 161162. Patricia A. Duff (2007), Qualitative Approaches to Classroom Research With English Language Learners, the University of British Columbia, Canada

Patton, M. Q. (2003). Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

http://generallythinking.com/answers/research-methods/what-are-the-advantages-ofqualitative-research/ http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Qualitative_research http://generallythinking.com/answers/research-methods/what-are-the-disadvantages-ofqualitative-research/ http://www.fhi.org/nr/rdonlyres/etl7vogszehu5s4stpzb3tyqlpp7rojv4waq37elpbyei3tgmc4ty6 dunbccfzxtaj2rvbaubzmz4f/overview1.pdf

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