New Advances in Type 1 Diabetes BMJ
New Advances in Type 1 Diabetes BMJ
New Advances in Type 1 Diabetes BMJ
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-075681 on 26 January 2024. Downloaded from on 25 June 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Savitha Subramanian, Farah Khan, Irl B Hirsch
University of Washington
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition resulting in insulin deficiency and
Diabetes Institute, Division of eventual loss of pancreatic β cell function requiring lifelong insulin therapy. Since
Metabolism, Endocrinology
and Nutrition, University of the discovery of insulin more than 100 years ago, vast advances in treatments have
Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Correspondence to: I B Hirsch
improved care for many people with type 1 diabetes. Ongoing research on the
[email protected] genetics and immunology of type 1 diabetes and on interventions to modify disease
Cite this as: BMJ 2024;384:e075681 course and preserve β cell function have expanded our broad understanding of this
bmj‑2023‑075681 condition. Biomarkers of type 1 diabetes are detectable months to years before
Series explanation: State of the
Art Reviews are commissioned
development of overt disease, and three stages of diabetes are now recognized.
on the basis of their relevance
to academics and specialists
The advent of continuous glucose monitoring and the newer automated insulin
in the US and internationally. delivery systems have changed the landscape of type 1 diabetes management and
For this reason they are written
predominantly by US authors. are associated with improved glycated hemoglobin and decreased hypoglycemia.
Adjunctive therapies such as sodium glucose cotransporter-1 inhibitors and glucagon-
like peptide 1 receptor agonists may find use in management in the future. Despite
these rapid advances in the field, people living in under-resourced parts of the world
struggle to obtain necessities such as insulin, syringes, and blood glucose monitoring
essential for managing this condition. This review covers recent developments in
diagnosis and treatment and future directions in the broad field of type 1 diabetes.
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-075681 on 26 January 2024. Downloaded from on 25 June 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Characteristic Insulin autoantibody Glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibody Islet antigen 2 autoantibody Zinc transporter 8 autoantibody
Age of appearance High risk in young children Associated with risk in older cohorts High risk for all ages Associated with risk in older cohorts
Titer High titer in all ages High titer early after seroconversion High titer, time constant No association found to date
systematic reviews and meta-analyses, consensus at 0.1%, and this is likely an underestimation as
statements, and high quality observational studies), diagnoses of type 1 diabetes in adults are often not
study size (we prioritized studies with at least 50 accounted for. The incidence of adult onset type 1
participants when available), and time of publication diabetes is higher in Europe, especially in Nordic
(we prioritized studies published since 2003 except countries, and lowest in Asian countries.3 Adult
for the landmark Diabetes Control and Complications onset type 1 diabetes is also more prevalent in men
Trial and a historical paper by Tuomi on diabetes than in women. An increase in prevalence in people
autoantibodies, both from 1993). For topics on which under 20 years of age has been observed in several
evidence from RCTs was unavailable, we included western cohorts including the US,4 5 Netherlands,6
other study types of the highest level of evidence Canada,7 Hungary,8 and Germany.9
available. To cover all important clinical aspects of
the broad array of topics covered in this review, we Diagnosis
included additional publications such as clinical Classically, type 1 diabetes presents over the course
reviewsas appropriate on the basis of clinical relevance of days or weeks in children and adolescents
to both patients and clinicians in our opinion. with polyuria, polydipsia, and weight loss due to
glycosuria. The diagnosis is usually straightforward,
Epidemiology with profound hyperglycemia (often >300 mg/dL)
The incidence of type 1 diabetes is rising worldwide, usually with ketonuria with or without ketoacidemia.
possibly owing to epigenetic and environmental Usually, more than one autoantibody is present
factors. Globally in 2020 an estimated 8.7 million at diagnosis (table 1).10 The number of islet
people were living with type 1 diabetes, of whom autoantibodies combined with parameters of glucose
approximately 1.5 million were under 20 years tolerance now forms the basis of risk prediction for
of age.2 This number is expected to rise to more type 1 diabetes, with stage 3 being clinical disease
than 17 million by 2040 ( (fig 1).11 The originally discovered autoantibody,
org/#global). The International Diabetes Federation islet cell antibody, is no longer used clinically owing
estimates the global prevalence of type 1 diabetes to variability of the assay despite standardisation.12
Fig 1 | Natural history of type 1 diabetes. Adapted with permission from Insel RA, et al. Diabetes Care 2015;38:1964-7411
Half of all new cases of type 1 diabetes are now LADA is acceptable owing to the practical effect
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-075681 on 26 January 2024. Downloaded from on 25 June 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
recognized as occurring in adults.13 Misclassification of heightening awareness of adults likely to have
due to misdiagnosis (commonly as type 2 diabetes) progressive autoimmune β cell destruction and
occurs in nearly 40% of people.14 As opposed to thereby accelerating insulin initiation by clinicians
typical childhood onset type 1 diabetes, progression to prevent diabetic ketoacidosis.
to severe insulin deficiency, and therefore its The investigation of adults with suspected
clinical presentation in adults, is variable. The type 1 diabetes is not always straightforward (fig
term latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA) 2).18 Islet cell autoantibodies such as glutamic
was introduced 30 years ago to identify adults acid decarboxylase antibody (GADA), tyrosine
who developed immune mediated diabetes.15 An phosphatase IA2 antibody, and zinc transporter
international consensus defined the diagnostic isoform 8 autoantibody act as markers of immune
criteria for LADA as age >30 years, lack of need for activity and can be detected in the blood with
insulin use for at least six months, and presence of standardized assays (table 1). The presence of one
islet cell autoantibodies.16 However, debate as to or more antibodies in adults with diabetes could
whether the term LADA should even be used as a mark the progression to severe insulin deficiency;
diagnostic term persists. The American Diabetes these individuals should be considered to have
Association (ADA) Standards of Care note that for type 1 diabetes.1 Autoantibodies, especially GADA,
the purpose of classification, all forms of diabetes should be measured only in people with clinically
mediated by autoimmune β cell destruction are suspected type 1 diabetes, as low concentrations
included in the classification of type 1 diabetes.17 of GADA can be seen in type 2 diabetes and thus
Nevertheless, they note that use of the term false positive measurements are a concern.19 That
Fig 2 | Flowchart for investigation of suspected type 1 diabetes in adults, based on data from white European
populations. No single clinical feature in isolation confirms type 1 diabetes. The most discriminative feature is
younger age at diagnosis (<35 years), with lower body mass index (<25), unintentional weight loss, ketoacidosis, and
glucose >360 mg/dL at presentation. Adapted with permission from Holt RIG, et al. Diabetes Care 2021;44:2589-6251
5-10% of cases of type 1 diabetes may occur without use significantly decreased glycated hemoglobin
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-075681 on 26 January 2024. Downloaded from on 25 June 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
diabetes autoantibodies is also now clear,20 and that (HbA1c) concentrations compared with BGM (mean
the diabetes autoantibodies disappear over time is difference −0.23%, 95% confidence interval −3.83
also well appreciated.21 to −1.08; P<0.001), with a greater benefit if baseline
Genetic risk scoring (GRS) for type 1 diabetes has HbA1c was >8% (mean difference −0.43%, −6.04 to
received attention to differentiate people whose −3.30; P<0.001).31 This newer technology has also
classification is unclear.22-24 Developed in 2019, the evolved into a critical component of automated
T1D-GRS2 uses 67 single nucleotide polymorphisms insulin delivery.32
from known autoimmune loci and can predict type CGM is the standard for glucose monitoring for most
1 diabetes in children of European and African adults with type 1 diabetes.1 This technology uses
ancestry. Although GRS is not available for routine interstitial fluid glucose concentrations to estimate
clinical use, it may allow prediction of future cases blood glucose. Two types of CGM are available.
of type 1 diabetes to allow prevention strategies with The first type, called “real time CGM”, provides a
immune intervention (see below). continuous stream of glucose data to a receiver,
A major change in the type 1 diabetes phenotype mobile application, smartwatch, or pump. The
has occurred over the past few decades, with an second type, “intermittently scanned CGM,” needs to
increase in obesity; the reasons for this are complex. be scanned by a reader device or smartphone. Both
In the general population, including people with of these technologies have shown improvements in
type 1 diabetes, an epidemic of sedentary lifestyles HbA1c and amount of time spent in the hypoglycemic
and the “westernized diet” consisting of increased range compared with home BGM when used in
processed foods, refined sugars, and saturated fat is conjunction with multiple daily injections or “open
occurring. In people with type 1 diabetes, the overall loop” insulin pump therapy.33 34 Real time CGM has
improvement in glycemic control since the report of also been shown to reduce hypoglycemic burden in
the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) older adults with type 1 diabetes (table 2).36 Alerts
in 1993 (when one or two insulin injections a day that predict or alarm with both hypoglycemia and
was standard therapy) has resulted in less glycosuria hyperglycemia can be customized for the patient’s
so that the typical patient with lower body weight situation (for example, a person with unawareness of
is uncommon in high income countries. In the US hypoglycemia would have an alert at a higher glucose
T1D Exchange, more than two thirds of the adult concentration). Family members can also remotely
population were overweight or obese.25 monitor glycemia and be alerted when appropriate.
Similarly, obesity in young people with type 1 The accuracy of these devices has improved since
diabetes has also increased over the decades.26 their introduction in 2006, so that currently available
The combination of autoimmune insulin deficiency sensors can be used without a confirmation glucose
with obesity and insulin resistance has received concentration to make a treatment decision with
several descriptive names over the years, with this insulin. However, some situations require home
phenotype being described as double diabetes and BGM, especially when concerns exist that the CGM
hybrid diabetes, among others,26 27 but no formal does not match symptoms of hypoglycemia.
nomenclature in the diabetes classification exists. Analysis of CGM reports retrospectively can assist
Many of these patients have family members with therapeutic decision making both for the provider and
type 2 diabetes, and some patients probably do have the patient. Importantly, assessing the retrospective
both types of diabetes. Clinically, minimal research reports and watching the CGM in real time together
has been done into how this specific population offer insight to the patient with regard to insulin
responds to certain antihyperglycemic oral agents, dosing, food choices, and exercise. Patients should
such as glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor be encouraged to assess their data on a regular basis
agonists, given the glycemic, weight loss, and to better understand their diabetes self-management.
cardiovascular benefits seen with these agents.28 Table 3 shows standard metrics and targets for CGM
These patients are common in most adult diabetes data.52 Figure 3 shows an ambulatory glucose profile.
practices, and weight management in the presence Improvements in technology and evidence for
of insulin resistance and insulin deficiency remains CGM resulting in international recommendations for
unclear. its widespread use have resulted in greater uptake by
people with type 1 diabetes across the globe where
Advances in monitoring available and accessible. Despite this, not everyone
The introduction of home blood glucose monitoring wishes to use it; some people find wearing any device
(BGM) more than 45 years ago was met with much too intrusive, and for many the cost is prohibitive.
skepticism until the report of the DCCT.29 Since then, These people need at the very least before meal and
home BGM has improved in accuracy, precision, bedtime home BGM.
and ease of use.30 Today, in many parts of the A next generation implantable CGM device
world, home BGM, a static measurement of blood (Sensionics), with an improved calibration algorithm
glucose, has been replaced by continuous glucose that lasts 180 days after insertion by a healthcare
monitoring (CGM), a dynamic view of glycemia. professional, is available in both the EU and US.
CGM is superior to home BGM for glycemic control, Although fingerstick glucose calibration is needed,
as confirmed in a meta-analysis of 21 studies and the accuracy is comparable to that of other available
2149 participants with type 1 diabetes in which CGM devices.53
4 doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-075681 | BMJ 2024;384:e075681 | the bmj
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-075681 on 26 January 2024. Downloaded from on 25 June 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Study; author, Type of study; Study endpoint/
year No of patients Treatment and duration primary outcome Results
Continuous glucose monitoring
DIAMOND; Beck RCT; n=158, adults Real time CGM v BGM with Change in HbA1c Mean HbA1c reduction from baseline was 1.0% at 24 weeks in CGM group and
RW et al, 201733 with T1D on multiple fingerstick testing; 24 from baseline 0.4%, in BGM group (P<0.001)
daily injections weeks
GOLD; Lind M Open label crossover Real time CGM v BGM; 26 Change in HbA1c Mean HbA1c was 7.9% during CGM use and 8.4% during BGM use (mean
et al, 201735 RCT; n=161 adults weeks, washout period of from baseline difference −0.43% (95% CI −0.57% to −0.29%; P<0.001)
with T1D on multiple 17 weeks
daily injections
WISDM; Pratley RCT; n=206, adults Real time CGM v BGM; 24 CGM measured Median time with glucose values <70 mg/dL decreased from 5.1% (73 min/d)
RE et al, 202036 aged >60 with T1D weeks percentage of time at baseline to 2.7% (39 min/d) during study in CGM group and from 4.7%
on multiple daily that sensor glucose (68 min/d) to 4.9% (70 min/d) in BGM group (adjusted treatment difference
injections or insulin values were <70 −1.9% (95% CI −2.8% to −1.1%) or −27 (−40 to −16) min/d); P<0.001)
pump mg/dL during study
FLASH-UK trial; RCT; n=156 adults Intermittent scanned CGM v Change in HbA1c Mean HbA1c at baseline was 8.7% (SD 0.9%) in CGM group and 8.5% (0.8%)
Leelarathna L et with T1D on multiple BGM; 24 weeks from baseline in BGM group. HbA1c decreased to 7.9% (0.8%) and 8.3% (0.9%), respectively
al, 2022 daily injections or (adjusted mean between group difference –0.5, 95% CI −0.7 to −0.3; P<0.001).
insulin pump Time spent in target glucose range (70-180 mg/dL) was 9.0% (95% CI 4.7% to
13.3%) points higher and 130 (95% CI 68 to 192) min/d longer in CGM group
than in BGM group; time spent in a hypoglycemic state (<70 mg/dL) was 3.0%
(1.4% to 4.5%) points lower and 43 (20 to 65) min shorter in CGM group
Automated insulin delivery systems
Tauschmann M RCT; n=86 patients Open label, closed loop Percentage of time Glucose time within target range was higher in closed loop group (65% (SD
et al, 201837 aged ≥6 with T1D pump system v sensor glucose value was 8%)) than in sensor augmented pump group (54% (9%)); mean difference
on multiple daily augmented pump; 12 within target range in change 10.8% (95% CI 8.2% to 13.5%) points; P<0.0001). In closed loop
injections or insulin weeks of 70-180 mg/dL group, HbA1c decreased from 8.3% (SD 0.6%) to 7.4% (0.6%) after 12 weeks.
pump on CGM In control group, HbA1c values were 8.2% (0.5%) at screening and 7.7%
(0.5%) after intervention (mean difference in change 0.36% (95% CI 0.19%
to 0.53%); P<0.001)
Brown SA et al, RCT; n=168 Closed loop pump system Percentage of time At study end, percentage time that glucose was within target range increased
201932 adolescents and v sensor augmented pump; glucose value was from 61% (SD 17%) at baseline to 71% (12%) in closed loop group and did
adults with T1D 6 months within target range not change at 59% (14%) in control group (mean adjusted difference 11
on multiple daily of 70-180 mg/dL (95% CI 9 to 14) percentage points; P<0.001). Closed loop group had more
injections or insulin on CGM adverse events due to hyperglycemia with ketosis from pump infusion set
pump failure than control group
Bionic Pancreas RCT; n=326 patients Insulin only bionic Change in HbA1c HbA1c decreased from 7.9% to 7.3% in bionic pancreas group and did
Research Group, aged ≥6 with T1D on pancreas (n=219) v from baseline not change (7.7% at beginning and end of study) in standard care group
202238 any insulin delivery standard care (n=107); 13 (mean adjusted difference at 13 weeks −0.5% (95% CI −0.6% to −0.3%);
method with CGM use weeks P<0.001). No difference in rate of severe hypoglycemia between groups (17.7
events/100 participant years in bionic pancreas group v 10.8 events/100
participant years in standard care group; P=0.39)
Insulin therapy, multiple daily injections
SWITCH 1, Lane RCT; n=501 adults Open label, crossover, Rate of Rates of overall symptomatic hypoglycemia were 2200.9 episodes per 100
W et al, 201739 with T1D with ≥1 U100 glargine v degludec; hypoglycemia; person years’ exposure (PYE) in insulin degludec group v 2462.7 episodes
hypoglycemia risk 32 weeks + 32 weeks non-inferiority trial per 100 PYE in insulin glargine U100 group; rate ratio 0.89 (95% CI 0.85
factor to 0.94); P<0.001 for non-inferiority; P<0.001 for superiority). Lower severe
hypoglycemia rates in degludec arm
EDITION 4; Home RCT; n=549 adults Open label, U-100 glargine Change in HbA1c Baseline HbA1c was 8.1%. Change in HbA1c was equivalent in the two insulin
PD, 201540 with T1D on multiple or U-300 glargine; 6 from baseline, non- groups (difference 0.04%, 95% CI −0.10% to 0.19%), showing non-inferiority
daily injections months inferiority trial of Gla-300. Dose of Gla-300 required was higher but there was less severe
hypoglycemia (rate ratio 0.69, 95% CI 0.53 to 0.91)
PRONTO-T1D; RCT; n=1222 adults Mealtime ultra-rapid acting Change in HbA1c URLi was non-inferior to lispro for HbA1c reduction (−0.08%, 95% CI −0.16
Klaff L et al, with T1D on multiple lispro URLi (n=451), lispro from baseline; non- to 0.00). Mealtime URLi was superior to lispro in post-prandial glucose
202041 daily injections, (n=442), and post-meal inferiority trial excursions and showed 37% lower hypoglycemia in period >4 h after meals
URLi (n=329) (P=0.013)
ONSET 1; RCT; n=761 adults Mealtime faster aspart Change in HbA1c Change in HbA1c from baseline was −0.08% (faster aspart) and 0.01%
Mathieu C et al, with T1D on multiple (n=381) v conventional from baseline; non- (conventional aspart); estimated treatment difference significantly favored faster
201842 daily injections aspart (n=380); 52 weeks inferiority trial aspart (−0.10%, 95% CI −0.19 to 0.00; P=0.04). Faster aspart also improved
postprandial glucose. No difference in hypoglycemia between groups
Immune therapies
Herold KC et al, RCT; n=76 relatives Teplizumab 14 day course Time to Median time to diagnosis of T1D was 48.4 months in the teplizumab group and
201943 of patients with T1D (n=44) v placebo (n=32); development of 24.4 months in the placebo group (hazard ratio 0.41, 95% CI 0.22 to 0.78;
without diabetes 4 years T1D P=0.006); T1D was diagnosed in 19/44 (43%) participants who received
but at high risk for teplizumab and in 23/32 (72%) who received placebo. At the conclusion of the
development of trial, 57% of people in the teplizumab group and 28% in the placebo group were
clinical disease diabetes-free. Rash and transient lymphopenia occurred in the treatment group
Adjuvant therapies: metformin
Libman IM et al, RCT; n=140 Metformin 2 g daily (n=71) Change in HbA1c Mean HbA1c improved modestly at 13 weeks but was not sustained. At 26
201544 adolescents with T1D v placebo (n=69); 26 from baseline weeks, change in HbA1c from baseline was 0.2% in the metformin group and
weeks 0.2% in the placebo group (mean adjusted difference 0.0%, 95% CI −0.3%
to 0.3%; P=0.92). However, total daily insulin dose/kg was lower in the
metformin group (−0.1 U/kg per day) than in the placebo group (0.0 U/kg per
day; mean difference −0.1, 95% CI −0.2 to −0.0; P<0.001)
Table 2 | Continued
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-075681 on 26 January 2024. Downloaded from on 25 June 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Study; author, Type of study; Study endpoint/
year No of patients Treatment and duration primary outcome Results
Petrie JR et al, RCT; n=428 adults Metformin (n=219) v Change in carotid Mean cIMT did not change from baseline in the metformin group (−0.005
201745 with T1D placebo (n=209); 36 intima-media (95% CI −0.012 to 0.002) mm/year; P=0.17); body weight (−1.17 (95% CI
months thickness (cIMT) −1.66 to −0.69) kg; P<0.001) and LDL cholesterol (−0.13 (−0.24 to −0.03)
mmol/L; P=0.01) decreased with metformin over 3 years
Adjuvant therapies: SGLT inhibitors
DEPICT-1; RCT; n=833 adults Dapagliflozin 5 mg Change in HbA1c Both doses of dapagliflozin reduced HbA1c (difference v placebo −0.33%
Dandona P et al, with T1D on multiple (n=277), 10 mg (n=296) from baseline (95% CI −0.49% to −0.17%) and −0.36% (−0.53% to −0.20%)) and body
2018 daily injections v placebo (n=260); 52 weight (difference v placebo −2.95% (−3.83% to −2.06%) and −4.54%
weeks (−5.40 to −3.66)). DKA events were increased in dapagliflozin groups
EASE-2 and 3; RCT; n=1707 adults Empagliflozin 10 mg, 25 Change in HbA1c Mean HbA1c reduction after 26 weeks of empagliflozin was dose dependent
Rosenstock J with T1D mg or placebo in EASE-2 from baseline (up to−0.54%; P<0.001). Empagliflozin 2.5 mg reduced HbA1c (−0.28%;
et al, 201847 (n=723); 52 weeks. 2.5 P<0.001). In EASE-2, body weight reduction (up to −3.4 kg; P<0.001), systolic
mg, 10 mg or 25 mg blood pressure (up to−3.9 mm Hg; P<0.001), and diastolic blood pressure (up
or placebo in EASE-3 to −2.3 mm Hg; P<0.001). DKA rate in empagliflozin 2.5 mg group was similar
(n=961); 26 weeks to placebo (0.8% and 1.2%, respectively), but was higher in the empagliflozin
10 mg and 25 mg groups compared with placebo (4.3%, 3.3%, and 1.2%,
inTANDEM3; RCT; n=1402 adults Sotagliflozin 400 mg Decrease in HbA1c A larger proportion of patients on sotagliflozin (200/699; 28.6%) than
Garg SK et al, with T1D on multiple (n=699), placebo (n=703); from baseline to placebo (107/703; 15.2%) achieved the combined primary endpoint of
201748 daily injections or 24 weeks <7% HbA1c<7.0% and no severe hypoglycemia or DKA at week 24. More patients
insulin pump on sotagliflozin than placebo achieved HbA1c<7.0% (207 patients [29.6%] vs.
111 [15.8%]. There was no increase in hypoglycemia or DKA
Adjuvant therapies: GLP-1 receptor agonists
ADJUNCT ONE; RCT; n=1398 adults Liraglutide v placebo Change in HbA1c Reduction in HbA1c from baseline (8.1%) with liraglutide 1.8 mg and 1.2
Mathieu C et al, with T1D added to multiple daily from baseline mg v placebo (estimated treatment differences: 1.8 mg liraglutide −0.20%,
201649 injections or insulin pump 95% CI −0.32% to −0.07%; 1.2 mg liraglutide −0.15%, −0.27% to −0.03%).
therapy; 52 weeks Mean body weight decreased in all liraglutide groups compared with placebo
(estimated treatment differences 1.8 mg liraglutide −4.9 (95% CI −5.7 to
−4.2) kg; 1.2 mg liraglutide −3.6 kg (−4.3 to −2.8) kg; 0.6 mg liraglutide −2.2
(−2.9 to −1.5) kg)
ADJUNCT TWO; RCT; n=835 adults Liraglutide v placebo Change in HbA1c Liraglutide decreased HbA1cv placebo (1.8 mg –0.33%; 1.2 mg –0.22%; 0.6
Ahren B et al, with T1D added to multiple daily from baseline mg –0.23%; placebo 0.01%). Liraglutide reduced mean body weight (–5.1,
201650 injections or insulin pump –4.0, and –2.5 kg for 1.8, 1.2, and 0.6 mg, respectively) v placebo (–0.2 kg).
therapy; 26 weeks Reduction in daily insulin dose and increases in quality of life with liraglutide;
higher rates of symptomatic hypoglycemia (21.3 v 16.6 events/patient/year;
P=0.03) and of hyperglycemia with ketosis >1.5 mmol/L with liraglutide 1.8
mg v placebo (0.5 v 0.1 events/patient/year; P=0.01)
Herold KC et al, RCT; n=79 adults with Exenatide long acting v Change in HbA1c Exenatide LAR treatment resulted in HbA1c reduction to 7.76% (95% CI
202051 T1D placebo added to multiple from baseline 7.42% to 8.10%) v placebo 8% (7.64% to 8.35%; P=0.08)
daily injections or insulin
pump therapy; 24 weeks
BGM=blood glucose monitoring; CGM=continuous glucose monitoring; CI=confidence interval; DKA=diabetic ketoacidosis; GLP-1=glucagon-like peptide 1; LDL=low density lipoprotein;
RCT=randomized controlled trial; SGLT=sodium-glucose cotransporter; T1D=type 1 diabetes.
Advances in treatments state means that the profile is generally flat without
Insulins significant day-to-day variability, resulting in less
The discovery of insulin in 1921, resulting in a hypoglycemia compared with U-100 glargine.39 55
Nobel Prize, was considered one of the greatest When U-100 insulin glargine is concentrated
scientific achievements of the 20th century. The threefold, its action is prolonged.56 U-300 glargine
development of purified animal insulins in the has a different kinetic profile and is delivered in one
late 1970s, followed by human insulin in the early third of the volume of U-100 glargine, with longer and
1980s, resulted in dramatic reductions in allergic flatter effects. The smaller volume of U-300 glargine
reactions and lipoatrophy. Introduction of the first results in slower and more gradual release of insulin
generation of insulin analogs, insulin lispro in the monomers owing to reduced surface area in the
mid-1990s followed by insulin glargine in the early subcutaneous space.57 U-300 glargine also results in
2000s, was an important advance for the treatment lesser hypoglycemia compared with U-100 glargine.58
of type 1 diabetes.54 We review the next generation
of insulin analogs here. Table 4 provides details on Ultra-rapid acting prandial insulins
available insulins. Rapid acting insulin analogs include insulin lispro,
aspart, and glulisine. With availability of insulin
Ultra-long acting basal insulins lispro, the hope was for a prandial insulin that better
Insulin degludec was developed with the intention matched food absorption. However, these newer
of improving the duration of action and achieving insulins are too slow to control the glucose spike seen
a flatter profile compared with the original long with ingestion of a high carbohydrate load, leading
acting insulin analogs, insulin glargine and insulin to the development of insulins with even faster onset
detemir. Its duration of action of 42 hours at steady of action.
Table 3 | Standardized continuous glucose monitoring metrics for adults with diabetes52
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Metric Target: most adults with type 1 diabetes Target: older “high risk” individuals with type 1 diabetes
No of days sensor is worn ≥14 days ≥14 days
Glucose management indicator <7% Individualized
Time in range >70% >50%
Time below range <70 mg/dL (level 1 and level 2 hypoglycemia) <4% <1%
Time below range <54 mg/dL <1% <1%
Time above range >180 mg/dL <25% -
Time above range >250 mg/dL <5% <10%
Coefficient of variation <36%* <36%*
*No consensus on this value; lower number indicates lower risk of hypoglycemia.
The first available ultra-rapid prandial insulin aspart, and post-meal faster aspart arms, respectively
was fast acting insulin aspart. This insulin has an (P<0.001 for non-inferiority).
onset of appearance approximately twice as fast Insulin lispro-aabc is the second ultra-rapid
(~5 min earlier) as insulin aspart, whereas dose- prandial insulin. In early kinetic studies, insulin
concentration and dose-response relations are lispro-aabc appeared in the serum five minutes
comparable between the two insulins (table 4).59 In faster with 6.4-fold greater exposure in the first
adults with type 1 diabetes, mealtime and post-meal 15 minutes compared with insulin lispro.61 The
fast acting aspart led to non-inferior glycemic control duration of exposure of the insulin concentrations
compared with mealtime aspart, in combination in this study was 51 minutes faster with lispro-aabc.
with basal insulin.60 Mean HbA1c was 7.3%, 7.3%, Overall insulin exposure was similar between the
and 7.4% in the mealtime faster aspart, mealtime two groups. Clinically, lispro-aabc is non-inferior
*RDO *0,
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Half life* Effective peak Duration of action†2 Notes
Basal insulin type
NPH 4.4 h 2-8 h 14-24 h -
Insulin glargine U-100 12 h No pronounced peak 20->24 h -
Insulin glargine U-300 19 h No pronounced peak 30-34 h Higher doses by 10-20% compared with U-100 glargine will be needed
Detemir 5-7 h 3-9 h 8-24 h -
Degludec 25 h No pronounced peak 42 h -
Prandial insulin type
Human regular 30 min 2-4 h 5-8 h Times vary depending on site of injection
Insulin lispro and aspart 15-30 min 1-3 h 4-7 h -
Fast acting aspart 16-20 min 1-1.5 h 4-5 h -
Lispro-aabc 15-17 min 1-1.5 h 4-5 h More infusion site skin reactions than lispro
Inhaled insulin 12 min 0.5-0.9 h 1.5-3 h Often requires postprandial dosing
NPH=neutral protamine Hagedorn.
*In general, four half lives are needed to reach steady state.
†In general, the larger the dose, the longer the duration of action.
to insulin lispro, but postprandial hyperglycemia is not account for high glucose concentrations. More
lower with the faster acting analog.62 Lispro-aabc complex algorithms adjusting insulin delivery up and
given at mealtime resulted in greater improvement down automatically in response to real time sensor
in post-prandial glucose (two hour post-prandial glucose concentrations now allow close replication
glucose −31.1 mg/dL, 95% confidence interval −41.0 of normal endocrine pancreatic physiology.
to −21.2; P<0.001). AID systems (also called closed loop or artificial
Both ultra-rapid acting insulins can be used in pancreas systems) include three components—an
insulin pumps. Lispro-aabc tends to have more insulin pump that continuously delivers rapid acting
insertion site reactions than insulin lispro.63 A insulin, a continuous glucose sensor that measures
meta-analysis including nine studies and 1156 interstitial fluid glucose at frequent intervals, and a
participants reported increased infusion set changes control algorithm that continuously adjusts insulin
on rapid acting insulin analogs (odds ratio 1.60, delivery that resides in the insulin pump or a
95% confidence interval 1.26 to 2.03).64 smartphone application or handheld device (fig 4).
All AID systems that are available today are referred
Pulmonary inhaled insulin to as “hybrid” closed loop (HCL) systems, as users
The quickest acting insulin is pulmonary inhaled are required to manually enter prandial insulin
insulin, with an onset of action of 12 minutes boluses and signal exercise, but insulin delivery is
and a duration of 1.5-3 hours.65 When used with automated at night time and between meals. AID
postprandial supplemental dosing, glucose control systems, regardless of the type used, have shown
is improved without an increase in hypoglycemia.66 benefit in glycemic control and cost effectiveness,
improve quality of life by improving sleep quality,
Insulin delivery systems and decrease anxiety and diabetes burden in
Approved automated insulin delivery systems adults and children.72-74 Limitations to today’s HCL
CGM systems and insulin pumps have shown systems are primarily related to pharmacokinetics
improvement in glycemic control and decreased and pharmacodynamics of available analog insulins
risk of severe hypoglycemia compared with use of and accuracy of CGM in extremes of blood glucose
self-monitoring of blood glucose and multiple daily values. The iLet bionic pancreas, cleared by the US
insulin injections in type 1 diabetes.67-69 Using CGM Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in May 2023,
and insulin pump together (referred to as sensor is an AID system that determines all therapeutic
augmented pump therapy) only modestly improves insulin doses for an individual on the basis of body
HbA1c in patients who have high sensor wear time,70 weight, eliminating the need for calculation of basal
but the management burden of diabetes does rates, insulin to carbohydrate ratios, blood glucose
not decrease as frequent user input is necessary. corrections, and bolus dose. The control algorithms
Thus emerged the concept of glucose responsive adapt continuously and autonomously to the
automated insulin delivery (AID), in which data from individual’s insulin needs.38 Table 5 lists available
CGM can inform and allow adjustment of insulin AID systems.
In the past decade, exponential improvements Unapproved systems
in CGM technologies and refined insulin dosing Do-it-yourself (DIY) closed loop systems—DIY open
pump algorithms have led to the development of artificial pancreas systems—have been developed
AID systems that allow for minimization of insulin by people with type 1 diabetes with the goal of self-
delivery burden. The early AID systems reduced adjusting insulin by modifying their individually
hypoglycemia risk by automatically suspending owned devices.76 These systems are built by the
insulin delivery when glucose concentrations individual using an open source code widely
dropped to below a pre-specified threshold but did available to anyone with compatible medical devices
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-075681 on 26 January 2024. Downloaded from on 25 June 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Fig 4 | Schematic of closed loop insulin pump technology. The continuous glucose monitor senses interstitial
glucose concentrations and sends the information via Bluetooth to a control algorithm hosted on an insulin pump
(or smartphone). The algorithm calculates the amount of insulin required, and the insulin pump delivers rapid acting
insulin subcutaneously
who is willing and able to build their own system. In January 2023, the US FDA cleared the Tidepool
DIY systems are used by several thousand people Loop app, a DIY AID system. This software will
across the globe but are not approved by regulatory connect the CGM, insulin pump, and Loop algorithm,
bodies; they are patient-driven and considered “off- but no RCTs using this method are available.
label” use of technology with the patient assuming
full responsibility for their use. Clinicians caring for β cell replacement therapies
these patients should ensure basic diabetes skills, For patients with type 1 diabetes who meet specific
including pump site maintenance, a knowledge of clinical criteria, β cell replacement therapy using
how the chosen system works, and knowing when whole pancreas or pancreatic islet transplantation
to switch to “manual mode” for patients using an can be considered. Benefits of transplantation
artificial pancreas system of any kind.76 The small include immediate cessation of insulin therapy,
body of studies on DIY looping suggests improvement attainment of euglycemia, and avoidance of
in HbA1c, increased time in range, decreased hypoglycemia. Additional benefits include improved
hypoglycemia and glucose variability, improvement quality of life and stabilization of complications.80
in night time blood glucose concentrations, and Chronic immunosuppression is needed to prevent
reduced mental burden of diabetes management.77-79 graft rejection after transplantation.
Although actively prescribing or initiating these
options is not recommended, these patients Pancreas transplantation
should be supported by clinical teams; insulin Whole pancreas transplantation, first performed
prescription should not be withheld, and, if initiated in 1966, involves complex abdominal surgery
by the patient, unregulated DIY options should be and lifelong immunosuppressive therapy and is
openly discussed to ensure open and transparent limited by organ donor availability. Today, pancreas
relationships.78 transplants are usually performed simultaneously
using two organs from the same donor (simultaneous these results, teplizumab received approval in the US
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-075681 on 26 January 2024. Downloaded from on 25 June 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
pancreas-kidney transplant (SPKT)), sequentially for people at high risk of type 1 diabetes in November
if the candidate has a living donor for renal 2022.88 A phase III trial (PROTECT; NCT03875729)
transplantation (pancreas after kidney transplant to evaluate the efficacy and safety of teplizumab
(PAKT)) or on its own (pancreas transplantation versus placebo in children and adolescents with new
alone). Most whole pancreas transplants are diagnosis of type 1 diabetes (within six weeks) is
performed with kidney transplantation for end stage ongoing.89
diabetic kidney disease. Pancreas graft survival at Thus far, targeting various components of the
five years after SPKT is 80% and is superior to that immune response has been attempted in early type 1
with pancreas transplants alone (62%) or PAKT diabetes without any long term beneficial effects on C
(67%).81 Studies from large centers where SPKT is peptide preservation. Co-stimulation blockade using
performed show that recipients can expect metabolic CTLA4-Ig abatacept, a fusion protein that interferes
improvements including amelioration of problematic with co-stimulation needed in the early phases of T
hypoglycemia for at least five years.81 The number of cell activation that occurs in type 1 diabetes, is being
pancreas transplantations has steadily decreased in tested for efficacy in prevention of type 1 diabetes
the past two decades. (NCT01773707).90 Similarly, several cytokine
directed anti-inflammatory targets (interleukin 6
Islet transplantation receptor, interleukin 1β, tumor necrosis factor α)
Islet transplantation can be pursued in have not shown any benefit.
selected patients with type 1 diabetes marked
by unawareness of hypoglycemia and severe Non-immunomodulatory adjunctive therapies
hypoglycemic episodes, to help restore the α cell Adjunctive therapies for type 1 diabetes have been
response critical for responding to hypoglycemia.82 83 long entertained owing to problems surrounding
Islet transplantation involves donor pancreas insulin delivery, adequacy of glycemic management,
procurement with subsequent steps to isolate, purify, and side effects associated with insulin, especially
culture, and infuse the islets. Multiple donors are weight gain and hypoglycemia. At least 50% of
needed to provide enough islet cells to overcome adults with type 1 diabetes are overweight or obese,
islet cell loss during transplantation. Survival of presenting an unmet need for weight management
the islet grafts, limited donor supply, and lifelong in these people. Increased cardiovascular risk in
need for immunosuppressant therapy remain some these people despite good glycemic management
of the biggest challenges.84 Islet transplantation presents additional challenges. Thus, use of adjuvant
remains experimental in the US and is offered in a therapies may tackle these problems.
few specialized centers in North America, some parts
of Europe, and Australia.85 Metformin
Metformin, by decreasing hepatic glucose
Disease modifying treatments for β cell production, could potentially decrease fasting
preservation glucose concentrations.91 It has shown benefit in
Therapies targeting T cells, B cells, and cytokines that reducing insulin doses and possibly improving
find use in a variety of autoimmune diseases have metabolic control in obese/overweight people
also been applied to type 1 diabetes. The overarching with type 1 diabetes. A meta-analysis of 19 RCTs
goal of immune therapies in type 1 diabetes is to suggests short term improvement in HbA1c that is not
prevent or delay the loss of functional β cell mass. sustained after three months and is associated with
Studies thus far in early type 1 diabetes have not higher incidence of gastrointestinal side effects.92
yet successfully shown reversal of loss of C peptide No evidence shows that metformin decreases
or maintenance of concentrations after diagnosis, cardiovascular morbidity in type 1 diabetes.
although some have shown preservation or slowing Therefore, owing to lack of conclusive benefit,
of loss of β cells. This suggests that a critical time addition of metformin to treatment regimens is not
window of opportunity exists for starting treatment recommended in consensus guidelines.
depending on the stage of type 1 diabetes (fig 1).
Teplizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody Glucagon-like peptide receptor agonists
against the CD3 molecule on T cells; it is thought to Endogenous GLP-1 is an incretin hormone secreted
modify CD8 positive T lymphocytes, key effector cells from intestinal L cells in response to nutrient
that mediate β cell death and preserves regulatory T ingestion and enhances glucose induced insulin
cells.86 Teplizumab, when administered to patients secretion, suppresses glucagon secretion, delays
with new onset of type 1 diabetes, was unable to gastric emptying, and induces satiety.93 GLP-1
restore glycemia despite C peptide preservation.87 promotes β cell proliferation and inhibits apoptosis,
However, in its phase II prevention study of early leading to expansion of β cell mass. GLP-1 secretion
intervention in susceptible individuals (at least in patients with type 1 diabetes is similar to that seen
two positive autoantibodies and an abnormal oral in people without diabetes. Early RCTs of liraglutide
glucose tolerance test at trial entry), a single course in type 1 diabetes resulted in weight loss and modest
of teplizumab delayed progression to clinical type 1 lowering of HbA1c (table 2).49 50 Liraglutide 1.8 mg
diabetes by about two years (table 2).43 On the basis of in people with type 1 diabetes and higher body
mass index decreased HbA1c, weight, and insulin shown sustained HbA1c reduction, weight loss, lower
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-075681 on 26 January 2024. Downloaded from on 25 June 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
requirements with no increased hypoglycemia risk.94 insulin requirements, lesser hypoglycemia, and more
However, on the basis of results from a study of diabetic ketoacidosis relative to placebo.102-104 The
weekly exenatide that showed similar results, these drug received authorization in the EU for use in type
effects may not be sustained.51 A meta-analysis of 24 1 diabetes, but it is not marketed there. Although
studies including 3377 participants showed that the SGLT inhibitors are efficacious in type 1 diabetes
average HbA1c decrease from GLP-1 receptor agonists management, the risk of diabetic ketoacidosis is a
compared with placebo was highest for liraglutide major limitation to widespread use of these agents.
1.8 mg daily (−0.28%, 95% confidence interval
−0.38% to−0.19%) and exenatide (−0.17%, −0.28% Updates in acute complications of type 1 diabetes
to 0.02%). The estimated weight loss from GLP-1 Diabetic ketoacidosis
receptor agonists compared with placebo was −4.89 Diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious and potentially
(−5.33 to−4.45) kg for liraglutide 1.8 mg and −4.06 fatal hyperglycemic emergency accompanied by
(−5.33 to−2.79) kg for exenatide.95 No increase in significant rates of mortality and morbidity as well
severe hypoglycemia was seen (odds ratio 0.67, as high financial burden for healthcare systems and
0.43 to 1.04) but therapy was associated with higher societies. In the past decade, increasing rates of
levels of nausea. GLP-1 receptor agonist use may diabetic ketoacidosis in adults have been observed
be beneficial for weight loss and reducing insulin in the US and Europe.105 106 This may be related to
doses in a subset of patients with type 1 diabetes. changes in the definition of diabetic ketoacidosis,
GLP-1 receptor agonists are not a recommended use of medications associated with higher risk, and
treatment option in type 1 diabetes. Semaglutide is admission of patients at lower risk.107 In a US report
being studied in type 1 diabetes in two clinical trials of hospital admissions with diabetic ketoacidosis,
(NCT05819138; NCT05822609). 53% of those admitted were between the ages
of 18 and 44, with higher rates in men than in
Sodium-glucose cotransporter inhibitors women.108 Overall, although mortality from diabetic
Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT-2), a protein ketoacidosis in developed countries remains low,
expressed in the proximal convoluted tubule of the rates have risen in people aged >60 and in those with
kidney, reabsorbs filtered glucose; its inhibition coexisting life threatening illnesses.109 110 Recurrent
prevents glucose reabsorption in the tubule and diabetic ketoacidosis is associated with a substantial
increases glucose excretion by the kidney. Notably, mortality rate.111 Frequency of diabetic ketoacidosis
the action of these agents is independent of insulin, increases with higher HbA1c concentrations and
so this class of drugs has potential as adjunctive with lower socioeconomic status.112 Common
therapy for type 1 diabetes. Clinical trials have precipitating factors include newly diagnosed type
shown significant benefit in cardiovascular and renal 1 diabetes, infection, poor adherence to insulin, and
outcomes in type 2 diabetes; therefore, significant an acute cardiovascular event.109
interest exists for use in type 1 diabetes. Several Euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis refers to the
available SGLT-2 inhibitors have been studied in type clinical picture of an increased anion gap metabolic
1 diabetes and have shown promising results with acidosis, ketonemia, or significant ketonuria in a
evidence of decreased total daily insulin dosage, person with diabetes without significant glucose
improvement in HbA1c, lower rates of hypoglycemia, elevation. This can be seen with concomitant use
and decrease in body weight; however, these effects of SGLT-2 inhibitors (currently not indicated in
do not seem to be sustained at one year in clinical type 1 diabetes), heavy alcohol use, cocaine use,
trials and seem to wane with time. Despite beneficial pancreatitis, sepsis, and chronic liver disease and
effects, increased incidence of diabetic ketoacidosis in pregnancy 113 Treatment is similar to that for
has been observed in all trials, is a major concern, hyperglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis but can require
and is persistent despite educational efforts.96-98 Low earlier use and greater concentrations of a dextrose
dose empagliflozin (2.5 mg) has shown lower rates containing fluid for the insulin infusion in addition
of diabetic ketoacidosis in clinical trials (table 2).47 to 0.9% normal saline resuscitation fluid.114
Favorable risk profiles have been noted in Japan, the The diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis has evolved
only market where SGLT-2 inhibitors are approved for from a gluco-centric diagnosis to one requiring
adjunctive use in type 1 diabetes.99 In the US, SGLT-2 hyperketonemia. By definition, independent of
inhibitors are approved for use in type 2 diabetes only. blood glucose, a β-hydroxybutyrate concentration
In Europe, although dapagliflozin was approved for >3 mmol/L is required for diagnosis.115 However,
use as adjunct therapy to insulin in adults with type 1 the use of this ketone for assessment of the severity
diabetes, the manufacturer voluntarily withdrew the of the diabetic ketoacidosis is controversial.116
indication for the drug in 2021.100 Sotagliflozin is a Bedside β-hydroxybutyrate testing during treatment
dual SGLT-1 and SGLT-2 inhibitor that decreases renal is standard of care in many parts of the world
glucose reabsorption through systemic inhibition (such as the UK) but not others (such as the US).
of SGLT-2 and decreases glucose absorption in the Concerns have been raised about accuracy of
proximal intestine by SGLT-1 inhibition, blunting bedside β-hydroxybutyrate meters, but this is related
and delaying postprandial hyperglycemia.101 to concentrations above the threshold for diabetic
Studies of sotagliflozin in type 1 diabetes have ketoacidosis.116
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-075681 on 26 January 2024. Downloaded from on 25 June 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
include restoration of circulatory volume, correction impaired cognitive function, temporary focal
of electrolyte imbalances, and treatment of deficits including stroke-like symptoms, and
hyperglycemia. Intravenous regular insulin infusion memory deficits.126 Cardiovascular effects including
is the standard of care for treatment worldwide owing tachycardia, arrhythmias, QT prolongation, and
to rapidity of onset of action and rapid resolution of bradycardia can occur.127 Hypoglycemia can impair
ketonemia and hyperglycemia. As hypoglycemia and many activities of daily living, including motor
hypokalemia are more common during treatment, vehicle safety.128 In a survey of adults with type 1
insulin doses are now recommended to be reduced diabetes who drive a vehicle at least once a week,
from 0.1 u/kg/h to 0.05 u/kg/h when glucose 72% of respondents reported having hypoglycemia
concentrations drop below 250 mg/dL or 14 mM.115 while driving, with around 5% reporting a motor
Subcutaneous rapid acting insulin protocols have vehicle accident due to hypoglycemia in the previous
emerged as alternative treatments for mild to two years.129 This contributes to the stress and fear
moderate diabetic ketoacidosis.117 Such regimens that many patients face while grappling with the
seem to be safe and have the advantages of not difficulties of ongoing hypoglycemia.130
requiring admission to intensive care, having lower Glucagon is highly efficacious for the primary
rates of complications related to intravenous therapy, treatment of severe hypoglycemia when a patient
and requiring fewer resources.117 118 Ketonemia and is unable to ingest carbohydrate safely, but it is
acidosis resolve within 24 hours in most people.115 To unfortunately under-prescribed and underused.131
prevent rebound hyperglycemia, the transition off an Availability of nasal, ready to inject, and shelf-
intravenous insulin drip must overlap subcutaneous stable liquid glucagon formulations have superseded
insulin by at least two to four hours.115 the need for reconstituting older injectable glucagon
preparations before administration and are now
Hypoglycemia preferred.133 134 Real time CGM studies have shown
Hypoglycemia, a common occurrence in people with a decreased hypoglycemic exposure in people with
type 1 diabetes, is a well appreciated effect of insulin impaired awareness without a change in HbA1c.34
treatment and occurs when blood glucose falls CGM has shown benefit in decreasing
below the normal range. Increased susceptibility to hypoglycemia across the lifespan, including in teens,
hypoglycemia from exogenous insulin use in people young adults, and older people.36 139 Although CGM
with type 1 diabetes results from multiple factors, reduces the burden of hypoglycemia including severe
including imperfect subcutaneous insulin delivery hypoglycemia, it does not eliminate it; overall, such
tools, loss of glucagon within a few years of diagnosis, severe level 3 hypoglycemia rates in clinical trials
progressive impairment of the sympatho-adrenal are very low and hard to decipher in the real world.
response with repeated hypoglycemic episodes, and HCL insulin delivery systems integrated with CGM
eventual development of impaired awareness. In have been shown to decrease hypoglycemia. Among
2017 the International Hypoglycemia Study Group available rapid acting insulins, ultra-rapid acting
developed guidance for definitions of hypoglycemia; lispro (lispro-aabc) seems to be associated with less
on the basis of this, a glucose concentration of 3.0- frequent hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes.140 141
3.9 mmol/L (54-70 mg/dL) was designated as level As prevention of hypoglycemia is a crucial aspect
1 hypoglycemia, signifying impending development of diabetes management, formal training programs
of level 2 hypoglycemia—a glucose concentration to increase awareness and education on avoidance of
<3 mmol/L (54 mg/dL).119 120 At approximately 54 hypoglycemia, such as the UK’s Dose Adjustment for
mg/dL, neuroglycopenic hypoglycemia symptoms, Normal Eating (DAFNE), have been developed.142 143
including vision and behavior changes, seizures, This program has shown fewer severe hypoglycemia
and loss of consciousness, begin to occur as a result (mean 1.7 (standard deviation 8.5) episodes
of glucose deprivation of neurons in the central per person per year before training to 0.6 (3.7)
nervous system. This can eventually lead to cerebral episodes one year after training) and restoration
dysfunction at concentrations <50 mg/dL.121 Severe of recognition of hypoglycemia in 43% of people
hypoglycemia (level 3), denoting severe cognitive reporting unawareness. Clinically relevant anxiety
and/or physical impairment and needing external and depression fell from 24.4% to 18.0% and from
assistance for recovery, is a common reason for 20.9% to 15.5%, respectively. A structured education
emergency department visits and is more likely to program with cognitive and psychotherapeutic
occur in people with lower socioeconomic status and aspects for changing hypoglycemia related behaviors,
with the longest duration of diabetes.112 Prevalence called the Hypoglycemia Awareness Restoration
of self-reported severe hypoglycemia is very high Program despite optimized self-care (HARPdoc),
according to a global population study that included showed a positive effect on changing unhelpful
more than 8000 people with type 1 diabetes.122 beliefs around hypoglycemia and improved diabetes
Severe hypoglycemia occurred commonly in younger related and general distress and anxiety scores.144
people with suboptimal glycemia according to a large
electronic health record database study in the US.123 Management in under-resourced settings
Self- reported severe hypoglycemia is associated with According to a recent estimate from the International
a 3.4-fold increase in mortality.124 125 Diabetes Federation, 1.8 million people with type
1 diabetes live in low and middle income countries type 1 diabetes care in LMICs.161 Despite awareness
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-075681 on 26 January 2024. Downloaded from on 25 June 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
(LMICs).2 In many LMICs, the actual burden of type of limitations and barriers, a clear understanding of
1 diabetes remains unknown and material resources how to implement management strategies in these
needed to manage type 1 diabetes are lacking.145 146 settings is still lacking. The Global Diabetes Compact
Health systems in these settings are underequipped was launched in 2021 with the goal of increasing
to tackle the complex chronic disease that is type 1 access to treatment and improving outcomes for
diabetes. Few diabetes and endocrinology specialist people with diabetes across the globe.162
physicians are available owing to lack of specific
postgraduate training programs in many LMICs; Emerging technologies and treatments
general practitioners with little to no clinical Monitoring systems
experience in managing type 1 diabetes care for The ability to measure urinary or more recently
these patients.146 This, along with poor availability blood ketone concentrations is an integral part
and affordability of insulin and lack of access to of self-management of type 1 diabetes, especially
technology, results in high mortality rates.147-149 during acute illness, intermittent fasting, and
In developed nations, low socioeconomic status religious fasts to prevent diabetic ketoacidosis.163
is associated with higher levels of mortality and Many people with type 1 diabetes do not adhere to
morbidity for adults with type 1 diabetes despite urine or blood ketone testing, which likely results
access to a universal healthcare system.150 Although in unnecessary episodes of diabetic ketoacidosis.164
global governments have committed to universal Noting that blood and urine ketone testing is not
health coverage and therefore widespread availability widely available in all countries and settings is
of insulin, it remains very far from realization in most important.1 Regular assessment of patients’ access
LMICs.151 to ketone testing (blood or urine) is critical for all
Access to technology is patchy and varies clinicians. Euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis in type
globally. In the UST1DX, CGM use was least in the 1 diabetes is a particular problem with concomitant
lowest fifth of socioeconomic status.152 Even where use of SGLT-2 inhibitors; for this reason, these agents
technology is available, successful engagement does are not approved for use in these patients. For sick
not always occur.153 In a US cohort, lower CGM use day management (and possibly for the future use of
was seen in non-Hispanic Black children owing to SGLT-2 inhibitors in people with type 1 diabetes), it is
lower rates of device initiation and higher rates of hoped that continuous ketone monitoring (CKM) can
discontinuation.154 In many LMICs, blood glucose mitigate the risks of diabetic ketoacidosis.165 Like
testing strips are not readily available and cost more CGM, the initial CKM device measures interstitial
than insulin.151 In resource limited settings, where fluid β-hydroxybutyrate instead of glucose. CKM use
even diagnosis, basic treatments including insulin, becomes important in conjunction with a hybrid
syringes, and diabetes education are limited, use of closed loop insulin pump system and added SGLT-
CGM adds additional burden to patients. Need for 2 inhibitor therapy, where insulin interruptions are
support services and the time/resources needed to common and hyperketonemia is frequent.166
download and interpret data are limiting factors from Perhaps the greatest technological challenge to
a clinician’s perspective. Current rates of CGM use in date has been the development of non-invasive
many LMICs are unknown. glucose monitoring. Numerous attempts have been
Inequities in the availability of and access to made using strategies including optics, microwave,
certain insulin formulations continue to plague and electrochemistry.167 Lack of success to date has
diabetes care.155 In developed countries such as resulted in healthy skepticism from the medical
the US, rising costs have led to insulin rationing by community.168 However, active interest in the
around 25% of people with type 1 diabetes.156 LMICs development of non-invasive technology with either
have similar trends while also remaining burdened interstitial or blood glucose remains.
by disproportionate mortality and complications
from type 1 diabetes.155 157 With the inclusion of Insulin and delivery systems
long acting insulin analogs in the World Health In the immediate future, two weekly basal insulins,
Organization’s Model List of Essential Medicines in insulin icodec and basal insulin Fc, may become
2021, hope has arisen that these will be included as available.169 Studies of insulin icodec in type 1
standard of care across the world.158 In the past, the diabetes are ongoing (ONWARDS 6; NCT04848480).
pricing of long acting analogs has limited their use How these insulins will be incorporated in
in resource poor settings159; however, their inclusion management of type 1 diabetes is not yet clear.
in WHO’s list was a major step in improving their Currently available AID systems use only a single
affordability.158 With the introduction of lower cost hormone, insulin. Dual hormone AID systems
long acting insulin biosimilars, improved access to incorporating glucagon are in development.170 171
these worldwide in the future can be anticipated.160 Barriers to the use of dual hormone systems include
Making insulin available is not enough on its own the need for a second chamber in the pump, a lack of
to improve the prognosis for patients with diabetes stable glucagon formulations approved for long term
in resource poor settings.161 Improved healthcare subcutaneous delivery, lack of demonstrated long
infrastructure, better availability of diabetes supplies, term safety, and gastrointestinal side effects from
and trained personnel are all critical to improving glucagon use.74 Similarly, co-formulations of insulin
BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2023-075681 on 26 January 2024. Downloaded from on 25 June 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Area of interest in T1D Available guidelines or consensus statements Year
Diagnosis Classification and Diagnosis of Diabetes: Standards of Care in Diabetes-2023, American Diabetes Association17 2023
Management of Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults: A Consensus Statement From an International Expert Panel177 2020
Management of T1D The management of type 1 diabetes in adults. A consensus report by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European 2021
Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)1
Diabetes Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines Expert Committee: Glycemic Management in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes178 2018
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (UK). Type 1 diabetes in adults: diagnosis and management ( 2015
Technology International Consensus on Use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring96 2017
Insulin pump therapy Insulin pump risks and benefits: a clinical appraisal of pump safety standards, adverse event reporting and research needs. A Joint 2015
Statement of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes and the American Diabetes Association Diabetes Technology Working
Automated insulin delivery Automated insulin delivery: benefits, challenges, and recommendations. A Consensus Report of the Joint Diabetes Technology Working 2022
Group of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes and the American Diabetes Association180
Consensus Recommendations for the Use of Automated Insulin Delivery Technologies in Clinical Practice181 2023
Diabetic ketoacidosis Position statement: The management of diabetic ketoacidosis in adults—An updated guideline from the Joint British Diabetes Society for 2022
Inpatient Care115
Hypoglycemia Management of Individuals With Diabetes at High Risk for Hypoglycemia: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline182 2023
T1D=type 1 diabetes.
and amylin (a hormone co-secreted with insulin in adults by the ADA and European Association for
and deficient in people with type 1 diabetes) are in the Study of Diabetes became available in 2021; it
development.172 covers several topics of diagnosis and management
of type 1 diabetes, including glucose monitoring,
Immunotherapy for type 1 diabetes insulin therapy, and acute complications. Similarly,
As our understanding of the immunology of type the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
1 diabetes expands, development of the next also offers guidance on management of various
generation of immunotherapies is under active aspects of type 1 diabetes. Consensus statements for
pursuit. Antigen specific therapies, peptide use of CGM, insulin pump, and AID systems are also
immunotherapy, immune tolerance using DNA available.
vaccination, and regulatory T cell based adoptive
transfer targeting β cell senescence are all future Conclusions
opportunities for drug development. Combining Type 1 diabetes is a complex chronic condition with
immunotherapies with metabolic therapies such increasing worldwide prevalence affecting several
as GLP-1 receptor agonists to help to improve β cell million people. Several successes in management
mass is being actively investigated. of type 1 diabetes have occurred over the years
from the serendipitous discovery of insulin in
β cell replacement therapies 1921 to blood glucose monitoring, insulin pumps,
The quest for β cell replacement methods is ongoing. transplantation, and immunomodulation. The past
Transplantation of stem cell derived islets offers two decades have seen advancements in diagnosis,
promise for personalized regenerative therapies as a
potentially curative method that does away with the
need for donor tissue. Since the first in vivo model GLOSSARY OF ABBREVIATIONS
of glucose responsive β cells derived from human
• ADA—American Diabetes Association
embryonic stem cells,173 different approaches
• AID—automated insulin delivery
have been attempted. Mesenchymal stromal cell
• BGM—blood glucose monitoring
treatment and autologous hematopoietic stem cells
• CGM—continuous glucose monitoring
in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes may preserve β
• CKM—continuous ketone monitoring
cell function without any safety signals.174-176 Stem
• DCCT—Diabetes Control and Complications Trial
cell transplantation for type 1 diabetes remains
• DIY—do-it-yourself
investigational. Encapsulation, in which β cells are
• FDA—Food and Drug Administration
protected using a physical barrier to prevent immune
• GADA—glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody
attack and avoid lifelong immunosuppression, and
• GLP-1—glucagon-like peptide 1
gene therapy techniques using CRISPR technology
• GRS—genetic risk scoring
also remain in early stages of investigation.
• HbA1c—glycated hemoglobin
• HCL—hybrid closed loop
• LADA—latent autoimmune diabetes of adults
Until recently, no specific guidelines for management
• LMIC—low and middle income country
of type 1 diabetes existed and management guidance
• PAKT—pancreas after kidney transplant
was combined with consensus statements developed
• RCT—randomized controlled trial
for type 2 diabetes. Table 6 summarizes available
• SGLT-2—sodium-glucose cotransporter 2
guidance and statements from various societies. A
• SPKT—simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplant
consensus report for management of type 1 diabetes
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