Titanium Castings: Standard Reference Radiographs For
Titanium Castings: Standard Reference Radiographs For
Titanium Castings: Standard Reference Radiographs For
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 1320 – 05
TABLE 1 VOLUME I—0 to 1 in.
Plate Applicable Casting
Discontinuity Casting Process Alloy
Thickness, in. Thickness, in.
Gas hole Centrifugal ram graphite Ti 6AL 4V N/A up to 1
Clustered holes Centrifugal precision Ti 6AL 4V ⁄
14 up to 3⁄8
Clustered holes Centrifugal precision Ti 6AL 4V 1⁄ 2 over 3⁄8 to ⁄
Scattered gas holes Top pour lost wax Ti 6AL 4V 3⁄ 4 over 5⁄8 to 1
Shrinkage cavity Centrifugal ram graphite Ti 6AL 4V 1⁄ 2 over 1⁄4 to ⁄
Scattered shrinkage cavity Top pour lost wax Ti 6AL 4V 3⁄ 4 over 5⁄8 to 1
Centerline shrinkage Centrifugal ram graphite Ti 6AL 4V 1⁄ 4 up to 3⁄8
Centerline shrinkage Centrifugal ram graphite Ti 6AL 4V 1⁄ 2 over 3⁄8 to ⁄
be taken during the process of identification. In extreme cases occur in titanium. Other factors which influence the formation
other methods of identification, either nondestructive or de- of shrinkage are wall thickness and thickness transition gradi-
structive, may need to be employed to obtain positive identi- ents, gate size and orientation, mold design, casting configu-
fication. ration, metal/mold temperature, and pouring rate and method.
5.1.1 Gas—Gas in its various forms is usually caused by the All the types of shrinkage described in through
reaction of molten titanium with the mold or residual material have a degree of overlap. However, each is most likely to occur
left in the mold. Gas tends to migrate to the upper portions of under a specific set of conditions primarily influenced by metal
the casting. The formation of clustered or scattered gas holes feed, section thickness and cooling rate.
results from the generation of larger amounts of gas than a Scattered shrinkage—Appears on a radiograph as
single gas hole. Whether the larger amount of gas spreads out dark fine lacy or filamentary voids of varying densities. These
or is confined to a small area is dependent upon a number of voids are usually uniformly spread throughout the area of the
factors including casting process, reaction area, solidification casting where shrinkage is occurring and are relatively shallow.
rate, wall thickness, and geometry. Scattered shrinkage cavities are most common in wall thick- Gas hole—A spherical void formed through the nesses ranging from 1⁄8 in. to 3⁄4 in. [3.175 mm to 19.05 mm]
release and subsequent entrapment of gas during solidification. being more prevalent in the thinner sections of the range.
A gas hole will appear as a dark round spot on the radiograph. Scattered shrinkage cavities are caused by varying cooling Clustered gas holes—A closely nested group of dark rates in the same area of a casting that can result from
round voids concentrated within a self-defined boundary area. differences in wall thickness or other factors. Scattered gas holes—Multiple voids appearing as Centerline shrinkage—Characterized by a more dis-
dark round spots on the radiograph. They are randomly spread crete dark indication than scattered shrinkage. The indication
throughout a part or area of a part to a lesser concentration than has definite borders consisting of a lacy network of varying
clustered gas holes but with the potential to degrade the casting density or a network of interconnected elongated voids. Cen-
through their interaction which precludes their evaluation on an terline shrinkage is located primarily in the center of the
individual basis. material cross section with a tendency to orient toward gates or
5.1.2 Shrinkage—While at times the appearance of shrink- risers. It is more common in thickness over 1⁄4 in. [6.35 mm].
age in titanium may be radiographically similar to shrinkage in Shrinkage cavity—Appears as a dark void with
steel, the faster solidification rate of titanium has a dramatic smooth sides taking an appearance very similar to a gas hole.
effect on the conditions under which each shrinkage type will A shrinkage cavity, particularly in thicker wall sections, is
E 1320 – 05
usually larger than a single gas hole would be. The cavity is 7. Basis for Application
formed during the cooling process due to a lack of feeding 7.1 The reference radiographs may be applied as acceptance
metal. The cavity compensates for the rapid solidification standards tailored to the end use of the product. Application of
taking place at the surface of the casting, thereby forming the these reference radiographs as acceptance standards should be
cavity in the center area of the wall. Shrinkage cavity has a based on the intended use of the product and the following
definite tendency to occur near hot spots where walls are 1⁄2 in. considerations:
[12.7 mm] thick or more. 7.1.1 An area of like size to that of the reference radiograph
5.1.3 Less dense inclusions—Appear as dark indications in shall be the unit area by which the production radiograph is
a variety of shapes and sizes on a radiograph. Inclusions may evaluated, and any such area shall meet the requirements as
be found in groups or appear singularly. Less dense inclusions defined for acceptability.
can be caused by contaminants in the molten titanium, residual
7.1.2 Any combination or portion of these reference radio-
materials left on the surface of the mold, or broken pieces of
graphs may be used as is relevant to the particular application.
the mold becoming entrapped during solidification.
Different grades or acceptance limits may be specified for each
5.1.4 More dense inclusions—Appear as light indications in
discontinuity type. Further, different grades may be specified
a variety of shapes and sizes on a radiograph. More dense
for various regions or zones of the component.
inclusions can be caused by contaminants introduced in the
same manner as less dense inclusions, or tungsten introduced 7.1.3 Special consideration may be required where more
during weld repairs. than one discontinuity type is present in the same area. Any
modification of the acceptance criteria required on the basis of
6. Method of Preparation multiple discontinuity types must be specified.
6.1 The original radiographs used to prepare the adjunct 7.1.4 Production radiographs containing porosity, gas or
reference radiographs were produced on high contrast, fine inclusions may be rated by the overall condition with regard to
grained film. The radiographs were made with a penetrameter size, number, and distribution. These factors should be consid-
sensitivity as determined by ASTM penetrameters (see Guide ered in balance.
E 94) of 2-2T. The reproductions of the original radiographs 7.1.5 As a minimum, the acceptance criteria should contain
have been made with a density within the range of 2.0 to 2.25. information addressing: zoning of the part (if applicable),
They have retained substantially the contrast of the original acceptance severity level for each discontinuity type, and the
radiographs. specific area to which the reference radiographs are to be
6.2 In selecting the individual reference radiographs, the applied.
aim was to obtain a graduated series for each type of
NOTE 2—Caution should be exercised in specifying the acceptance
discontinuity. It is not intended that like numbered levels or criteria to be met in the casting. Casting design coupled with foundry
classes on the different reference radiograph pages be consid- practice should be considered. It is advisable to consult with the
ered to cause equal degradation in the ultimate performance, or manufacturer or foundry before establishing the acceptance criteria to
serviceability, or both, of any particular casting. ensure the desired quality level can be achieved.
6.2.1 The criteria used to select the individual radiographs
representing each severity level were based on the size, shape, 8. Procedure for Evaluation
spacing, alignment, and radiographic density of the disconti- 8.1 Compare the production radiographs of the casting
nuities present. submitted for evaluation with the reference radiographs appli-
6.3 In some cases, plates other than the thickness indicated cable to designated wall thickness in accordance with the
on the reference radiographs were utilized to complete indi- written acceptance criteria.
vidual severity levels. 8.2 When the severity level of discontinuities per unit area
6.4 For the discontinuity classifications of gas hole, less in the production radiograph being evaluated is equal to or
dense inclusions, and more dense inclusions, only one series of better than the severity level in the specified reference radio-
eight gradations is displayed for each. These gradations are graph, that part of the casting represented by the production
intended to be used over the entire thickness range applicable radiograph shall be acceptable. If the production radiograph
to the volume. Therefore, careful consideration should be taken shows discontinuities per unit area of greater severity than the
when specifying allowable severity levels for the thicker wall reference radiograph, that part of the casting shall not be
sizes. accepted.
6.5 Film Deterioration—Radiographic films are subject to
wear and tear from handling and use. The extent to which the 9. Application to Weld Repair Castings
image deteriorates over time is a function of storage condi-
tions, care in handling and amount of use. Reference radio- 9.1 When castings subject to this standard are repaired by
graph films are no exception and may exhibit a loss in image welding, the reference radiographs to be used in the evaluation
quality over time. The radiographs should therefore be peri- of the repaired sections must be specifically agreed upon
odically examined for signs of wear and tear, including between the purchaser and the supplier.
scratches, abrasions, stains, and so forth. Any reference radio-
graphs which show signs of excessive wear and tear which 10. Keywords
could influence the interpretation and use of the radiographs 10.1 castings; discontinuities; reference radiographs; tita-
should be replaced. nium; X-ray
E 1320 – 05
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