WK 10 Lesson (Numeracy) KG Two

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Date: Monday 1st Period: 1 Subject : Numeracy

July to Friday 5th

July 2024

STRAND : Measurement

Class: KG two Class size: 45 Sub-strand: Length

Content Standard Demonstrate the Indicator: Identify and write the Lesson
understanding of what length Length of given objects.
means. 5 of 5

Performance Indicator: Learners will be able to measure the length of Core Competencies and Subject Specific
lines using words like longer than , shorter than Practices: Personal Development and
Leadership. Communication and

Key words: Measure, measurement, length, centimetre

Phase/Duration Learner activities Resources

Phase1: Starter (preparing Brainstorm on last week’s lesson.

the brain for learning)
Learners say what a fraction is and identify some fractions on
10 minutes the board.

Phase 2: Main (new learning Activity 1 Measuring tapes

including assessment)
Display some measuring materials on a table in front of the
40 minutes class. Learners identify them and say what each is used for.
Explain the word length to learners ( how long or short an
object is).
Activity 2 Learners

Call two learners (a boy and a girl) to the front of the class. Let
them stand side by side and compare their length for the class
using words like longer than, taller than, shorter than . Different objects

Pair learners and let them describe their length to the class.

Let every learner participate in this activity. Tables

Activity 3.

Demonstrate how to measure the length of learners table

using the spam of the hand✋.

Learners take turns to measure the length of their table with

the hand of their hand✋

Activity 4

Give learners measuring tapes. Guide them to measure the

length of his or her friend in centimetres (cm).

Give learners sticks and other objects . Let them compare the
length of the objects.


Learners perform an activity into their exercise book.

Phase 3: Plenary/ Reflections Learners discuss the lesson among themselves

(Learner and teacher)

10 minutes

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