WK 10 Lesson (Numeracy) KG Two
WK 10 Lesson (Numeracy) KG Two
WK 10 Lesson (Numeracy) KG Two
STRAND : Measurement
Content Standard Demonstrate the Indicator: Identify and write the Lesson
understanding of what length Length of given objects.
means. 5 of 5
Performance Indicator: Learners will be able to measure the length of Core Competencies and Subject Specific
lines using words like longer than , shorter than Practices: Personal Development and
Leadership. Communication and
Call two learners (a boy and a girl) to the front of the class. Let
them stand side by side and compare their length for the class
using words like longer than, taller than, shorter than . Different objects
Pair learners and let them describe their length to the class.
Activity 3.
Activity 4
Give learners sticks and other objects . Let them compare the
length of the objects.
10 minutes